¥ a f * A Store that Satisfies 4 4 4 4 finest I'olliutiou in Iho val­ 4 ¥ ley. Tbs We li ive ull the newest weav- 50c ¥ e. at any price you want to pay. The kind Vital Are 00 hard to 4 for »ample« Bend for our 4 ¥ Heml bandy catalogue of slimlurd pat- j tìnti, yi*t easy to tind In re. The ^ ¥ Dress Coods ¥ W o rk Shirts H?r«»ngeai material» and neat pat- * ¥ teriNj. It is free. tern». ^ ¥ 4 ¥ Cloaks and Suits Clothing Yon cannot do better than to vis­ 4 ¥ department. We want you .4 ¥ it to this wonderful value« at $5.50, $7.50, l come and try on as many styles ¥ ¥ as you like. You will not be lore $10 and $13 50. Underwear, »ox, f t ed to buy. Jackets from $5 to $10, »wen ter», hat», in ckwtar, etc. at ^ the lowest price». ^ suits from $5 to $35. ¥ £ SALES'- D C L R Y M P L E S osseo»* T There is a new son at the home of Jas. Wilson. Dr. F. 8. Locke, of Gantou, ha« been | I among his Dallas friend». THE0LD RELIABLE Who will furnish us a Thanksgiv­ ing turkey on subscription account. Mi»« Helen Kowclitie is back from a year » visit to her old Canadian home The Albert M« ier house at the sou­ thern edge of towu, has been newly painted. f. L. Condron, of Pedee, is to be re­ warded for killing a monster cougar in that region. Mens’ heavy duck coats, special grade covert cloth, at now $2.—The Bee-Hive store. Prosecuting Attorney Hart has gone on a 10 days trip to the Tilla mook circuit court. D ALLAS B U SIN ES S HO USES. They «ay that Gaynor's shoe (tore never before had a mort attractive assortment of footwear. Every want of every member of every family lias been provided for. THERE 15 NO SUBSTITUTE A .cd Ai/J* A .ad £.M £ Vk* • ?»;«-• £/» • *• £ .<* Glittering Cut Glass You will make uo mistake in going to the Wilson drugstore for every thing in that liue. You will find the goods of high grade and cheap enough. They have a new disinfectant that beats anything of previous make and their rat biscuit will stretch out the pests every time. V Mr. Kerslake bought a bankrupt stuck of framed pictures and picture frames very low and is selling them cheaper than anything bought in the regular way.. About sixty from which to select. We have a magnificent display of richly cut glass. The de­ signs are most artistic, and it is cut by the clevere.t experts in llie United States. Nm hing odds more brilliancy to a well set table than The Sal m >t ige connects with the 11 o'clock sontli hound passenger train. Corner State and Liberty Streets, Salem. A b s o lu te ly M ir e Have you seen those handsome me­ dallions at Meises’s? They are beaut­ ies and the prices very low. M • , - * * * * _ • C L ITT E R IN C C U T CLASS Scintillating in the light like hundreds of brilliant diamonds Hashing forth their splendid rays. It gives tone aud style to the table. Not an assortment to compare with this outside of r metropolitan city. We are justly proud of this selection and feel sure you will eudorse our opinion oil a viait. Extremely moderate prices Barr’s Jewelry Store Mrs J. C. Adams, who has been se­ riously afflicted in a Portland »auitar ium, is getting much better. £ . m £ . sja & .M £ Lading come from M »nmouth to Jolin Lady, near Willamin», had buy millinery of Mr». Cbace because her stock ha» the reputation of giving lii« leg broken by a fulling horse. Mens’ flannelette night shirts, full Vky Vkc V*y 'b it _¥*■£. -#■£ ! ! »uch general satisfaction. Taste and ( I regular make, heavy quality at 75 G. L. Shields end Miss Mattie Wil­ »kill account for it. cent» each — The Bee-Hive ¿tore. cox, of McCoy, were married this ! 'T î-ïk 1 a f . Closing Out Salo of week. t ► Special reduction« on men«’ hose, Mr. Fault, the hurtlwareman, can < * vUsv- Rev. T, A. Green^of California, will < ’ heavy merino, clean stock, three paii tell in an instant whi ther he ha« a de­ preach at the B«|(tist church next sired article. He ha» a place for ev­ < > ^ fur 50 cents.—The Bee-Hive store. Sunday morning and evening, erything and everything in their place i > Hereafter we can for $2 furnish this E. S. Longacre and wife, formerly A peep at his stove» will convince you paper and the Homestead, one of the best agricultural papers in the state of Dalian, will make a long visit to that he is fully piepared for a big : : É - trade and will send away many pleas­ California, Missouri and Texas. Watch this space next week Furniture of all kinds can be had ed customer«. His tinsmith i» always I /'TS for attractive ad o f Patton New sidings an-.l small depots have busy making things in that line. His at Kerlake’a cheaper than almost any- other place in the county. Go and been put in at Teats, Gilliam and axes can be made a» sharp as a razor. t e Pros., Salem ’s leading book ­ Beginning Tuesday, November 10th, we will close out the Bridgeport between here and Falls »ee. sellers. *** stock of piano» and organs now at City. J. M. Lynn h a« «old to David t » / TS If inlending to mark the resting Naeht.ngal 160 acre« of the James John MeBee and family have been place of snme loved one with a mar Fawk donation claim on Salt Creek on a visit among kindred in the Alsea hie »haft consult with Marble Cutter country and Win. Shewey is on a vis­ Hawkins in Dallas. for $1 000. v Putnam Fadeless dye« are as easy it east. to use a« soap. No muss or failures J. R. Moyer and wife, of Falls City, Juuua,y lr t- " # Flour made at the Dallas mill is iu i ; # - 'Pen cents a package. Sold by Wiison are visiting their son-in-law, Isaac as good a« any made anywhere else in Smith, who is lighthouse keeper at the state and Polk county people Drug company. 'T ' < > <»7T^ Fort Can by. \U* I » «hould use it. < kl,y a piftno or organ without paying agents commission. Take a look at our Ideal wool shirts « I Call and leave your order November 10th. Mrs Lind.ay Delaslmiutt, of Sheri­ that we are selling at $1 each. Best *% Win. Ellis ha» opened a meat mar value ever shown in Dalla«.— The dan, died in Portland last week agod Umbrella» and cuttlery are among 7»t More and better work has been all formerly of Dalian. In Abrevla ted P a r a g r a p h s . dairy outfit to H Maiti»on. have an excellent stasons run and done on the roads of this county this After fifteen years service an an many are still buying there. season than ever before, but many a Mr. Dunsmore has bough*, the will atteud teacher« institute at Dalla. Miss Mildred Doherty, of Sheridan, For groceries go to Osfield's. graded stretch is in urgent need of Evangelical minister, Rev. B. J. Kel­ Charley Patterson pfaco for $200. next week. *** was murried to Claud Stott. ly lias given up the ministry anil will gravel. It is generally admitted that Dunn’» M. Hayter, dentist, Wilson building L iiiii Ytaler ia back from a hunt­ Our school is getting along nicely, Mis« Letlie Abrams is teaching enter a repair machine shop witli his Mr». C. S. Fiske and daughter, M i- brother in Portland. Impaired health grocery store i» a firstclass one. Fhev near McMinnville and Hattie Higgin« there being 38 scholars at preseut. ing trip in the AUea country. Spectacles and glasses at Pfennig’s consider tlie best none too good for at MeTimmond. Valley. bel Grace, who have Henry liow e, A tricky undertaker always imposes will begin service as book keeper in The one-tenth of a mill tax levied brings the strength and flesh the Dallas City hank. Tracy Htaat» bv the county court for the library on those so unfortunate as to trade T H ÌE I .7 W h / T C C O R N E R turn on or before tile (ollowiug Mon­ of their own. ed, 22; tardy,0 ; visitor«, 4 such a irmnd assortment in the I the secretary of present conditions H. McDaniel, near Kick reali, has V '»"i bal.il Mrs. Chas. Campbell, sixth grade— day. Call on the Southern Pacific He stands for Scott’s Emul­ W I wheat T racy H t a a t s , secratary. hay for sale. n*w thing« for full anti winter Wear. When in town we will he plann­ company’« «genu for particular«. Enrolled, 39; tardy, 1; visitor«, 3. sion of pure cod liver oil— a We want you to «ee them. We ed to have you look the line over. Remember the teacher»’ institute Edith Houck, fifth grade— Enrolled, have them in any length to «nit delightful f& it and a natural t JlRKHtl m ilch cow s fo r e t by D, L. Keyt at Per- | next Wednesday, Thursday and Fri 29; tardy, 1; visitors, 5 ; visited par­ SP R IN C VA LLEY . rydale. your taste from the short topcoat ■ lay. and that there will be a lecture ent«, 2. tonic for children, for old folks to the full length Cmvenette. Service» Sunday by Iter. G. A. Mc­ each evening, the general public being Mr« F. H. Morrison, fourth grade and for ail who need flesh and [ T HAVE MONEY TO LOAN AT ALL TIMES AT welcome to all the meetings. On Sat­ — Enrolled, 42: tardy, 1; visitors, 3; Kinley, l the very best rates ob tainable.—H. G. Cam pbell. strength. urday the school director» and clerk» visited parent», 3. Mae Smith ia a primary teacher in I from throughout the coumy have S C O T T A B O W N E , C h e m is t» , Ella Carpenter, third grade— Enroll the Buena Vi«ta «cbool. OHKY TO LOAN OH TMPROVBD FARM P R O 409-415 P e a rl S t r e e t , N ew Y ork » j been invited to assemble to discus» **d, 28; tardy, 0 ; visitors, 4; visited M ptrt> at usual rates by Oscar Hayter, Dalla*, OOo. and 9 1 . 0 0 1 all druggist*. TO Trncy and Alvin Walling are going matter» of mutual interest. Not only j parents, 3. TO j 'he subjects on the program but ¥ny Eloise Phillips, second grade— En­ to Portland to attend hu«ine«« college. •HIT TO LOAH AT S PER CENT ON P A I « » I questions of interest will be discussed. rolled. 37 ; tardy, 2; visitors, 5 ; visits security. J . L. CO LLIN », Dai.** Worth Henry ha« been visiting at p is o s c u r e v o n h I The attendance should be large and j to parents, 1. Corvalli« with old «clioolrnate. and 3 the meeting snirited. 8uch gather­ Ednelle Collins, first grade— Enroll­ friend«. _ t r i H A V I MONEY TO LOAH OH IM P R m O Rrl m »!••. by 1riflfua ings may do a world of good all ed. 46; tardy, 3 ; vi-itors, 6; visits to ¿ j *V fa. m property. S1BL M « EAR IN m - r i iT T r n ì W Miue« Edith Roy and Alma Polite around. i parents, 28. #, * Pianos and Organs. ;: Here is Your Chance LOCAL AN D GENERAL- Eiler’s Piano House S' T 40! New Suits Mens’ Overcoats Jackets $ 15.00 $ 10.00 $ 22.50 $ 22-50 M I