à L. .V. W O O D S , M. D. DallrtH, O regon. D ll. E . J . H O W A R D Physician and Surgeon D A LLA S . OREGON C» lì »»III Utflo* bnii liil«'. K . S lB L S Y , H S IB L E Y ° » K a a iw . & h 'A K I N , A tt o r iie y M -u t* L iU W . Wo have the only set of abstract book* in Polk ounty. Reliable abstracts furnished, ami money to mn. No commission charged on loans. Rooms x •id 4 Wilson’s block, Dallas ____________ _____ I*. J. C O L L IN S . Utorney and Counselor at Law, S o lic it o r in C h an cery. i n practice of his profession in this placs hirty years, and to all business about thirty »••<» will «... attend — ----------- - rusted to care. 0 Office, corner Main and court lo his cars. Is Dallas, Polk Co, Or J. N. I I A UT A T T O R N E Y -A T -L A W Room 1, Oiffield building'. O B K a on E ..A .X .X ..A J B , OSCAR H A Y T E R . A tto r n e y a t -L a w . O ffice u p sta ir s iu Cam pbell* s build ing. DALLAS - OREGON. V L. HUTI.BR even evil w anderers from below would cute to st( ’ there long. BABIES IN SIAM. Physician and Surgeon, J K F. c AD T’h ey A ll R e c e iv e th e (Inme Nr. iub , ••DuwR," ut iiir d i. All bal ok 1:; 81am rcec.vo th«* s n m ' nnuio at birth. fciiys Ernest Vo*. * /. tin* author o f ••Tin* K ingdom uf the Velu»\v B obo.” T l.U name is Dang, w hich tiui.im m l, aixl It I k the only i I cms luna­ tion voui li ;:’ ft il the new com er fo r a :n<» months. F or several years they wear no clothing, though perhaps a siring of heads or bracoli wA or au klels as orna* M nt. A t a ch ild ’s birth a cord that has been hles&ixl by the priests is ti.*d around the outside o f the lions.*, and throe halls o f rice are thrown in “ lucky directions* by three old wom en, who are alw ays present ut such a time and w hose business it is to solicit for the little one the patronage and protection o f sundry guardian annals. T he cord and the scattering about the premi es o f a certain kind o f native fruit are supposed to be efficacious in preventi.ig . the entrance o f evil spirits. A s a mat­ ter o f fuel, what w ith the heat o f the clim ate and the “ cleansing: fires” kin­ dled in portable earthenw are r £> v m and tlie presence o f m any people in the small, low cel linked rooms, the atm ?s- phere I k s o stlfflngly hot and unco:: f Lv­ Gilliam» ar 4:31 P iii D:3rt am :ia p 1,17 45 a ni iv Uridl'upoi t ar 4:45 P 111 U:30 am ¡ It is the only w ay to get at the truth. a .*. * U s u a l ' T h i n g . 1: -p rn|; 55 a Ml a. Kali-. City lv 1:33 I’ in C 20 mu “ I w ou ld like to know ,” asked the Daily except auiiday. *ir*itis stop on »igual* only. parent w ho had a son In need o f some L O U IS G E R L IN G E R , JR ., further education, “ w hat Is the course General Mana;, at y ou r college V’ “T h e usual h a lf mile course o f cin­ ders and all that sort o f thing, you know .” a h -v u m indrdly replied the president o f the great institution.—E x ­ .r»4 State ftr e e l, Salem , change. T h o n e 2,071 M ain .111, FULLS CITY & W EoTEBH R A IL W A Y J. BR 0 WN 3 TEIN * SON B U T L E R Si C O A D Attorneys-at-Law D ALLAS, OREGON. W ill p ra ctice iu all co u rts . o v er bank. O ffice, W .J. STOW, TR UC K M AN . D a lla s : O r e g o n A fair share o f p atron age solicited and all o -d e r s p ro m p tly filled. ire paying the Highest Oash Prices lor Hides, Peits, Wool. Tallow, Furs, Old Iror, Rubber and Metals. N ovel lit* F o r F ire Alnrxu. Tlie autom atic fire alarm has been put to m edical use by a French invent­ or. T he apparatus Is placed under the arm o f a fev er patient and tings a bell, sum m oning nurse or physician. If the body tem perature rend ios the dan­ ger heat. Leaves Independence for Monmouth and Airlie— .:80 am 3:30 p in Leuvus Independnce for Monmouth and Dallas— 11:10 am 6:15 p m Leaves Monmouth for Airlie — .90 a m 3:50 p m Leaves Monmouth for Dallas— 11:20 am 7:30 pm Lsaves Airlie for Monmouth anil Independence— 9:00 am 5pm Leaves Dallas for Monmouth and Imie »endence— 1:00 pm 7.30 pm. J . L . S T O C K T O N &. C O ., \ N A T IO N SALES A T Or DALLAS, OREGON, _ _ DR. JO R D A N 'S T O BE ABLE T O COMBINE TH E T W O BIG STORES IN ONE. On Ladies Jackets, Suits, Mackintoshes, Shirts, MUSEHH OF M IT C S Y t D ry G o o d s, C lothin g , S h o e s, H a ts , F u rn ish in g G o o d s, E tc. INI lltK TIT.,llim iCIM ».CU . I 1 I . JORDAN—DISEASES OF MEN ■ Y P B I L 1 V tb o r* u (M y «ra d ica te d Doni s y i t « » without the u .e o f ■ • r e a r y ' T r a u m fitted b y an H ap«rt. B a i l - , • a l a n r a for ■ a y t a r * . a stu ck and u d io a i cura fo r F l l a a . N l u n r . and r i s t a t a » , b y D » J o rd a n 's >p a u s i p ila \ leaa aatkodt. mt •» SOUTHERN PACIFIC TIME TA BLE YAMHILL DIVISION: Passenger depot foot of Jefferson street AIRLIE FREIGHT—Till-WEEKLY I nave 7:40 a m....... Portland.........Arrive 3:32 pm I Save 3:60 pm...........Dallas........ Arrive 8:20 a m Arrive 5:05 p m ....... Airlie ......... Leave 7:00am ry! IRON WORK TO ORDER. * Promptly Done. •0. BIDDLE, A . .1 . - PROP. M A R T IN , P A IN T E R , H o u se , lig n an d o r n a m e n ta l, grain ng, kalaoming and paper h a n g in g . D a l l a s , • - D A LLA S , ORECON . B e a u tifu l an d H e a lth fu l L o c a t i o n . C o e d u ca tion a l, C lassical, S cie n tific, L iterary, Business, E x ­ pression and ora tory , m usical and art courses offered. .S|K*cial attention given to individual need*. Goad moral influence thrown around the student. Dormitory and gymnasium privileges. Ex en*m reduced to the mini­ mum, For further information addretm TH E P R E S ID E N T , hox 241, Dalla«, Or. ura W H AT? O u r fine new display room s— n o n e finer in the slate. -A L L KI1VD8 O F - Repairing DALLAS COLLEGE W E A R E IN IT . O aaoot 2 6 9 Lib e rty S tre e t J o S .M Dm R S ° 4 S O N S Y o n d o not have to buy a n y th in g or pay a cen t for en ou g h o f the fin«at fu rn itu re polich to reju ven ate y o u r en tire h ou se. , The House Furnishing Co., Next door to-Jos. Meyer & / your.;, « xYith its com forts, sunshine and happiness.o>E\ cry- thing people eat, vPear and use is to be considered, bought, sold and delivered to someone that needs it, leading the p ro fits w?i th the merchant and tf,e pur­ chaser, share and share alike.frThink o f the untir­ ing energy required o f the buyer, the things he must know? and remember, and the sellers, the clerks, vOhat exactions vdhat criticism s, and patience cour­ tesy, untiring labor.((¡Success hoped for to ci o Jn it a ll.frW e incite you tocome in, be partners,and share the p ro fits vdifp usfrW hateder your vOants may be, if they can be supplied by a fir s t cla ss, vOell equipped store, come to us and your requirements shall be met for less money than anyvPhere else&AboOe all remember the partnershipceThe store is yours as much as ourscffYou help pay the rents, the clerks, and all tpe expenses, gi'Jing of your labor and ener­ gy the same as w>e do that it all may be a Success, our store in factfrW hen come feel a t home.ccOur clerks are men and vOomen of years of experience, ¡uick and obliging, and alw ays speak ff>e truthcvYou vOill find it a pleasure to be Waited on by them. Respectfully submitted for your consideration, , you ELLIS & KEYT D ALLAS, OREC. .truy? T he A utom obile Olub o f A m erica bus $4,000 a m ile uml that this enarae.er or* Inaugurated a m ovem ent w hich is cal­ road is as practicable for country us culated to effect a revolution in Inland city use and that the cost w ould be no EXPERIMENTING WITH THEM IN NEW transportation if It meets with the sup­ more than for ordinary stone roads. port it deserves. A few mouths ago YORK CITY. General R oy Stone, w ho has made a P e tr o le u m F o r H o a d P r o te c tio n . 0) special study o f roadmaking, in an ad­ R ost T hen? H l^luvnys o f Steel A r* T h e vast ampunt of dam age that has ¿S dress before the A utom obile Club o f IO Iluilt untl W lm t T h ey Cost—T he Im - A m erica strongly advocated the use o f been done to roads in the east and cen­ • c 12 m cn «e Suving In ilu u lu g e on T ill» steel plates for m aking highways. His tral states by the heavy rains last sum ­ Style o f lio a d w u y . mer calls attention rather forcibly to argum ents were so convincing that T he rural, com m ercial and industrial Mr. Charles M. Schw ab, president o f the great effect that petroleum has had Interests o f this country have been so the United States Steel corporation, o f ­ on the C alifornia roads in preventing ü much accustom ed to depend upon ca­ fered to provide at his ow n expense the washing o f gullies across the roads. U Ï L- ? 3 O nals and ruilrouds to transport their steel sufficient to lay a mile o f the The m atter Is worthy o f Investigation. « 3 M Q. products to market that they have ha­ roadw ay recom m ended by General T lic Go v e r nme nt nnd G ood R oad s. bitually neglected the arteries over Stone. One block o f that steel has As long as the government is com ­ which nearly all truffle originates—viz, been laid in Murray street, New York, the com m on highway. Farm ers and a street noted for Its heavy traffic, and mitted to Internal Improvement it could spend Its m oney In no way more lieru- other people Using iu the country are tests o f the road w ere recently m ade more interested than other citizens in T he results w ere a rem arkable d em on­ flolnl to the greatest number than la the construction uud m aintenance of stration o f the value o f the system. giving us good roads.—E xtract From a good highways, yet until a few years It was found by uctual experim ent Speech by lio n . C. A. Henna n. ago they displayed obstinate antipathy that a tractive force fit) per cent great­ to help any m ovem ent In fa vor o f iiu er w as required to draw a load upon proving the coun try’s highways. the rough stone pavem ent than upon A i;ro»H In th e H eaven ». T he first system atic mo\em ent made the track or that, taking the pow er nec­ On Oct. 28, A. D. 312, Constantine to im prove the country’s highw ays was essary to draw the load upon the pave­ the Orej)t Is said to have “ heard u great originated by bicyclists when that ment as the standard, exactly 37Va per and m ighty noise above and to the form o f am usem ent was an active liv­ cent o f It w as saved by using the rails. east o f M m’’ and ii|>oii turning bis eyes ing force, says a writer in the A utom o­ I 11 starting the load the advantage in In that direction “ w as astonished be­ bile Magazine. T he bicycle fantasy fa vor o f the rails w as even greater, as yond measure at w hat he there beheld.” has passed, but It has been succeeded but one-half or one-third o f the usual Clearly outlined upon the blue sky by o*en a stronger m ovem ent—that o f force was required. w as a cross o f pure white, and in the autom obillng—and the people lib crest­ T h e steel rails used in building these halo w l-lcb surrounded the top was the ed in horseless carriages are agitating highw ays are forty feet In length and Latin phrase. “ In hoc signo” (“ B y this H as stood th e test o f)2 6 y e a r s . A n ­ strenuously iu fa vor o f im proved h ig h -; a foot In width. T he upper surface Is sign "). In letters o f deep scarlet. M ack­ n u al sale ov er 1,300,000 b ottles. ways, and the Influence they exercise | not polished. It Is a rough ffnlsb, but ey, the e.ront historian, says that then* D oes tliis record of m er­ us u class promises to produce im - ; not corrugated nor especially rough­ w as a second inscription in Greek, the it appeal to y o u ? ports nt results. All they need Is the; ened in any wuy. The* section o f the letters *jf w h ich in English w ould l»e co-operation o f farm ers and others in­ rails is like that o f an ordinary chan­ “ En to nika.” terested in having good rouds to hnti! nel bar, the turned dow n portions at either side being about one and a half Inches in depth. Coarse broken stone laid In u trench about fifteen inches deep and o f the sam e width constitutes the bed upon w hich the rails rest. A T in t the voung girl has of womanhood drain tile at the outer edge o f the bot­ is not seldom a pMtifal one She learns tom o f each trench Insures sufficient to know what headache r. «cans, and back­ drainage. ache, an«l sometimes is sadly borne down On top o f the broken stone a layer - by this new experience of life. E n closed w ith every b o ttle is a 10 “ I And T h«-dfr,rd , B Illsck -D rm a gh t All the pain and misery which young o f gravel or very fine stone and stone 1 2 S g o o d in * n lc ln « f o r li « r d ’ r o a » «. c e n t p a ck a g e o f G rov e’s lt c r o d inv on aft?-ho had «p nt girls com m only ex peri* nee at such a dust Is laid. In w hich the rails Imbed \r ft floO with doctor». It l»slltl'* m«d- time, may in almost every instance be them selves flrinly. Joints, consisting 11 L A C K R O O T L I V E R P IL L S . Ictur* I t i K ” -MKH TA OLINI e n t i r e l y pre- o f Out plates o f steel riveted to each M a r t i n , Farkonburg, W. Va. . vented or cured rail under the wide tread and heavy If your liver does not act reg­ ’’ by the use of fish plates, Isiltid to the turned down ularly go to your Iruggint and R-I-PA-N-S Tabules ^ Dr. Pierce’s Fa­ secure a package of Thedford’s portions o f the fa ils on each side, a f ­ vorite Prescrip Doctors find Black-Draught and take a dose Lion. It cstab- ford a continuous and sm ooth surface. tonight. This great family A good prescription lUhcs regular­ T o prevent spreading o f the rails there medicine frees the constipated ity. It times up are Inserted in the roadbed ut Intervals For mankind. bowel», stirs up the torpid liver th e g e n e r a l steel ties bent so as to clasp the rails Th« 5 cent iMckage i« enoufh for usual occMionB and cause» a nealthy secretion health, and The family bottle, «0 cent», contain» a supply for a and hold them securely In place. of bile. cure» headache, year. All H them. E very p rson fam iliar with teaming Thedford’s Black - Draught backache, nerv* will cleanse the bowels of im­ Is u w are o f the great reduction o f wheel o .1 j n e a s a n d purities and strengthen the kid­ resistance tlmt results from the wheels other conse­ neys. A torpid liver invites o f n w agon 1 icing run on the plates at­ quences of colds, biliousness, chills and tached to street cur rails. If the day womanly weakness or diac&at. fever and all manner of sick­ "I received > our letter home lime a^o, with ever com es that the country roads are ness and contagion. Weak kid­ advit a.oh:u, av.ccc *d d Geor/re Bernard Shaw as dram atic crit­ ic o f the L m d on Saturday R eview , he was told by the m anager that Shaw w as getting such and such play. “ O f course, he n . com paratively in xpe-l- enceil,” the m anager add' d. “ You can scarcely expect so m uch.” “ Oh. yes. I shall.“ rejoined Mr. Beer- bohm decisively. “ Indeed. I shall ex­ pect more. You see,” he explained, “ as Shaw Knows the dram a thoroughly it w as p erfectly easy fo r him to w rite about it W hereas I know nothing about it, and it w ill be shockingly hard w ork .” o<||Slo P a y BN. JORDAN a CO., 1051 Mart.! S t , « . A CORVALLIS MAIL—DAILY T:90 a m Lv.............. Portland...............Ar 5;50 p m |0 46 a in Lv............... Derrv.................Lv 2;18 pm 11;46 p m Ar....... Corvallis . Lv 1:20 p m At Albany and Corvallis connect with trains of Oregon Central and Eastern railroad. ' you a botti«», of your nearest f J .( • W hat a field for the actide vOorkcr— the man or «Ionian that vVants to help the vi>orld cicn |Slo (u r e | > o It will pay the people of Polk and Yamhill county to drive over to Sa­ lem to Stockton’s great sales of these two big stores. ■Itatign fa «« and strictly priant«. T ras tu r u t p«r b y l«ttar. A in r r e r y c a s . ik on , w r it « for B -o k r B I L O N O M i r M U S I , m a i l s u i > k e b . ( A v a lu n b 't b u L ) C all writ« If your druggist cannot sun BBBld u s O M C MONEY M A K E R O F T H E $G E. qROVE’s TASTELESS CHILL TONIC Great Price Reductions « m a t !1 SI.GO a bottle. All tfrogzlsts. (fi OUR GOODS IN NINETY DAYS SO AS _ P—itn * Our» BO TH STORES. W E AIM T O CLOSE O U T ENOUGH OF T ra n sa cts a g en eral b a n k in g ousi- urss iii all its b r a n ch e s; bu ys an d sells ex ch an ge o n p rin cip a l p oin ts in the U nited S ta te s; m akes c o lle ctio n s on all points in the P acific N o r th w e st; loans m oney and d isco u n ts paper at th e best ra te s; allow interest on tim e deposits. We mean all that rich, dark color your hair used to have. If it;s> gray now, no matter; for Ayer’s Hair Vigor always re­ stores color to gray hair. Sometimes it makes the hair grow very heavy and long; and it stops falling of the hair, too. M ERCH AN D ISIN G IS T H E ¿ M A M M O T H CLOSING O U T AND COMBI­ C a s h ie r . W . C. VASSALL, a s s is ta n t C a s h ie r “ 1 have used A yer’ s Hair V igor j for a great m any years, »r.d al- ! though I am past t ig h t / years o f f sg e, yet I have not a gray hair in my h ea d .” Geo. Yeliott, T ow son , Md. Oí S A L E M , ORECON . DALLAS CITY DAiNK V v is it S u ccessors to T . H o lverson & C o ., R . E . W IL L IA M S . P r e s id e n t. Dark H air d A 0 n n 3 MOTOR TIME TABLE. R. C. C R AVEN NO. 47. DALLAS OREGON NOVEMBER 6, 19)3 VOL. X X IX . CURES A COLD IN ONE DAT CURES GRIP IN TWO DAYS THEDFORD’S SW A ON EVERY BOX OF THE GENUINE. BUCK- DRAUGHT 4