\ THE POLK COUNTY ITEMIZER OUR STAFF OF RUSTLERS- PALLAS, FR ID A Y, SEP. 2 5 . 1903. V K U N iB E v ir y F riday Moan in » A t 7:80. W . A . W suitor amu A S H W H A T T H E Y HAVE T O SAY A BO UT T H E D O I N G S IN T H E C O U N T Y . A n U n e q i . a l ' e d a n d C o m p l e t e Re s u m s of w n a t Y o u r F r i e n d s are a n d Hava Been Lately D o i n g . , m o ra m o s. , Y ou K n o w W h a t You Are Ta k in g . Farm Machinery O ver-W ork Weakens Your Kidneys. Vehicles Unhealthy Kidneys Hake Impure Blood« Bicycles All the blood In your body passes through your kidneys once «very three minutes. Sewing Machines The kidneys are your blood purifiers, they fib ter out the waste or Impurities in the blood. If they are sick or out cf order, they fall to do their work. Pains, aches snd rheu­ matism come from ex­ cess of uric acid in the blood, due to neglected When you take Grove’s Tasteless Chill Tonic, because the formula is plainly printed on every bottle, show­ SU BSC RIPTIO N K A T E S : ing that it is simply Iron and Quinine And every other thing that «1 5 0 ............................................ Per year in a ta-teless form. No cure, no pi y. is usually carried in a first | 7 5 ......... ..................Per six months Price, 50 cents. 4') .......................... Per three inontha class implement h o u s e . kidney trouble. Ailvei tiding ratea made known on We have the Studebaker Kidney trouble causes quick or unsteady BUELL. application. Correapoiuleuce iaaolicit- beats,.and makes ore feel as though vehicles, the Tribune bi­ heart a j. Mrs. Klein and family will return they had heart trouble, because the heart 1s Fine Jo b Printing done at reaaonable to Portland Monday. cycles, the Sharpies tubu­ over-working In pumping thick, kidney- blood through veins and arteriea. orioea. lar cream separators, the poisoned Hoppickers are returning home. It used to be conaidered that only urinary Mr. Smith had 1,150 boxes. McCormick harvesting ma troubles were to be traced to the kidney«, but now modern science proves that nearly l'reaident Polings brother, Rev. L>. chinery, and wo can sell | all Mr. and Mrs, Miller are ta k ng of constitutional diseases have their begin­ V. Poling, has been down from The going to the hot springs next week. you machinery that we re­ ning In kidney trouble. Dal lea on a visit. If you aru sick you can make no mistake commend and stand by. Mr Koub is dangerously ill. He by first doctoring your kidneys. The mild Lark Halls daughter, Opal, is teach­ was overcome with sulphur fumes and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer’s ing in Portland and Paul belt is while drying hops. Sw am p-Root, the great kidney remedy is atudying free hand drawing there. soon realized. It stands the highest for its Several from this part of the county 255 259 Liberty street, Salem, Or. wonderful cures of the most distressing cases The Dallas camp of Woodmen is 9 will attend school in Salem this wint and is sold on its merits years old, has over 200 members and er— Rev. Thompson, bert Clanfield, by all druggists in fifty- lias had but one death, that of W. J . cent and one-dollar «iz-| Ella Oviatt and George Payne. mother is dangerously ill. Starr. es. You may have a Mr. BVgeway with his hounds and A great many Indians have b» en sample bottle by mall of Swamp-Root, Remember the big auction sale of a pi rty of men went to Mr. Olmsteds free, also pamphlet telling you how to find passing through here on their way stock, farming implements anti house- out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. place last Sunday to limit a hear and home from the hop yards. nold goods at C. D. Purviuea south of Mention this paper when writing Dr. Kilmer came back with nothing hut a coon. Rickreall tomorrow. The annual conference of the M. E. 6t Co., Binghamton, N. Y. church will be held at Salem Septem­ A R e m a r k a b le R e co rd . Do not make any mistake, but re­ T . W. Britnk of Eola now owns per­ Chamberlain’» Cough remedy has a ber 30th, Mrs. Frank Butler has haps the finest Poland China sow in remarkable record. I t has been in been chosen as lay delegute from the member the name, Swamp*Root, Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root, and the ad­ the state He bought her a month use for over 30 years, during which church here. dress, Binghampton, N. Y . on every ago in Ohio at $825, and witliiu -an fiine many million bottles have been HiS LIF E SA V ED hour refused $1,000 lor his bargain. sold and used. It has long been the bottle. He handies fine swine, fine sheep and standard and main reliance in Lite | By C h a m b e r l a i n ’ s Coll o, C h o l e r a fine goats. treatment of croup in thousands of and D ia rrho e a Remedy. homes, yet during all this time no that time has won hundreds of prizes. “ B L. Byer, a well known cooper of Five year» ago she won first premium case has ever been reported to the manufacturers in which it failed to this town, says he believes Chamber­ with a dibtrict exhibit representing effect a cure. When given as soon as lain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Polk and parts of Yamhill and Mat- To health and happiness is 8crofula— the child becomes hoarse or even as remedy saved his life last summer. ion counties, and has four times rep­ He had been sick for a month with resented the county with displays, as ugly as ever since time immemorial. soon as the croupy cough appears, it what the doctors call bilious dysentry It causes bunches in the neck, dis­ will prevent the attack. It is pleas­ and could get nothing to do him any each time winning a premium. She ant to take— many children like it. It was helped this time hy .in appropri­ figures the skin, inflames the mucous contuins no opium or other harmful good until he tried this remedy. Il membrane, wastes the muscles, weak- substance, and may be given as conli gave him immediate relief,” says B. ation oi $100 from the county court, and spent about $200 in making the enf tbe bones, reduces the power of deutially to a baby as to an adult. T. Little, a met chant of Hancock, collection. The next exhibit which is resistance to disease and the capacity For sale by the Wilson Drug com pa* Maryland. For sale by the Wilson ittra iting the most attention .is the Drug Company. for recovery, and develops into con­ ny. Washington county display, which is sumption. marvelous and complete. SUNN Y8LOPE. **A bunch appeared on the left aide of ROCKCREEK. m y neck. I t caused great pain , was lanced, pede T. Numerous hop pickers are passing and becam e a running sore. I went Into a J i n Harris is hauling st~aw from through on their way home. general decline. I was persuaded to try Mrs. Ronco has been very sick. the valley. Hood's S a rsap arilla, and when I bad taken •lx b o ttles my neck was healed, and I have C. C. Fishback, returned home Miss A rna Ritner has been quite Miss M. L Hampton is home from from Yamhill county Monday. never bad any trou b le of the kind sin ce." sick. her school near Kernville. M b s . K . T. S k t d e r , T ro y , Ohio. Forest Barnes is kept quite busy Hops yielded well and had but lit Hoppickers are coming home and hauling wood and posts to Monmouth. tie mold. report the road in a very bad condi­ a n d Pills tion. Our school will begin the 5th of Mr. Miller gave his hop pickers an rid you of it, radically and per- October with A. J . Shipley as teacher. oyster »upper. J . L. Morrison went to Norton’s YLAiuiut’v, as they have rid thousands. mountain last week to help grade the Paul Ronco and his three children Will Herron and wife are home road there. again from Black brothers threshing made over $100 picking hops. Guardian’s Sale of Real Property. The road over Chandler mountain, machine. Mr». Sarah Price and Mrs. Troy south of Sugarlnaf, is a disgrace to C. Brooks and wile, of Troutdale, Turner attended the state fair. Polk county and ought to be repaired NOTICE I S H E R E B Y G IV E N T H A T are visiting at the home of his mother, Bear and panthers seem numerous purxuant to an order of the county court of before some accident occurs. Mrs. J . Bath. Folk county, Oregon, duly made and entered and are killing goats and sheep. of record in and by said court on the 22nd Alice McDougal, of Dallas has been O reg o n ian and Ite m lze r for 92. day of Auguet, 1903, I, an guardian of the Old Mr. Arnold and wife avcrHged employed to teach the Antioch school persons and estate of L. K. Willis and Kath­ The one gives the news of all the west of this place. eight boxes of hops for fourteen d a » . erine W illis, minors, will on the world and the other of the whole of 2 6 t h Day of S e p t e m b e r , W ill Miller’s fatherinlaw Mr. Me Foriest Barnes captured a large Polk county. No Polk countian can 1903, a t the hour of 1 o’clock, p. m., of sai l get a more newsy combination. Collon has come from the eust to porcupine while on his way to Mon­ Phe day, sell at public auction to the highest bid­ spend the winter. der for cash, the following described real price of either paper alone is $1.50, mouth the other evening. property, to-wit: Beginning at a point on but you can ge» both for $2 in ad­ While Paul Hunter and Carl Fen­ Mrs. A B. Ohms is hauling her the south boundary line of the donation land vance. The time has come when all claim of Robert W . and Rebecca Hamilton who would he up will) the times in prunes to Independence having sold ton were pouring some melted metal in 1 7 », r 3 w of the Willamette meridian, into an old machine near Falls City, it them for 50 cents a bushel. 10.10 chains east of the southwest corner of general knowledge must read news­ exploded, »cu e going into Paul's face said claim and running thence east 8.88 papers Now is the time to arrange W ith Lite th e re is Hope. and some over the clothes oi Carl. chains, thence north 23.875 chains, thence for winter reading. We can also fur­ I was afflicted with catarrh; could west 8.38 chains, thence south 23.875 chains to the place of beginning, containing 20 acres nish the Portland Semi weekly Jo u r­ neither taste nor «smell and could hear R ICK R EA LL. of land iu in Polk county. county, Oregon, sale said sale to nal with this paper for $2. but little. Elys cream Balm cured it. he at the front door o of f the ‘ court house at l)al Miss Eva McDuniel has returned to — Marcus G. Hhautz, Rahway, N. J. lax, Polk county, Oregon. FALLS C ITY . Cream Balm reached me safely and Portland. Dated at Dallas, Oregon, thin 25th day of August, 1903. Mark Burch had tonsilitis, but Dr. Gilbert Tyson is out again after his the effect is surprising. My son sav» L. MAY WILLIS, the first application gave decided re­ B u lltr cured him. . Guardian of the pernonn and estate of naid severe illness. lief. Rcspectufll.v, Mrs. Franklin minors. Miss Aurelia Burch has returned to Mrs Elsie P r y fs visiting h* r Freeman. Dover, N. H. The Balm ; fuihei and mother. «Ions not irritate or ca ’se sneezing. the state unuersity, Mr and Mrs Grant and family are Hold Lv druggists at 50 cents or m til W illis Simontoii and wife have been o ’ bv Elv Brothers, 56 War on St.. among kindred here. ' going 'o Rock creek. N w Yoik. Mrs. N. S. Burch and Linn Nes­ Si'vei d new houses are being built O E r tlA N D S C O N S I D E R A T I O N . mith are in Portland. POLK AT S*TATEFAIR. and w» are to have a bank. Tnere aie two kinds, practical and C. A Miller says there is talk of e s ­ Last Thursday’s Statesman »avs: Mrs Kunsman, of Southern Oreg- ornamental. Th« former should be •e nred by everyone, because it may on, is visiting her mother Mrs. Thorne. Gr at inh rest is being centered on tablishing a First N ilional bank here t e excellent county exhibits. The be put to use quickly. The latter is Hop men are feeling tine over hsv F a dn’,ph Butler and Henry Pfund- i magnificent, prizes aggregating $1300. désirable, but tho former is essential. I hoefer have returned to Dallas college. which was offered by the board for ing secured their crops so nicely and O I courses are arranged with a view the prospects of good prices. to usefulness. We do not dabble in a Harold Hart, of Dallas has been ' countg exhibits, have brought forth Mrs. Dr. Connoway and G. A. little of everything, but devote our en­ visi'ing Randolph Butler for a few the beat products which can be pro­ duced in the fertile soil of the great Washburn and a nily, have b<*eu via- ergies to conducting a firstclass busi­ days. est agricullual state in the union, and itiug at the home of W. E . Clark. n e s s school. Living expenses low. Rev. B. A Bristol and wife have to the ordinary observer there does Send for catalogue. left to visit with her parents at Eu- j not seem to be much chance for a de­ Carey Howe has been up from Port­ C A P ITA L B U S IN ES S C O LLEG E gene. cision as to which is best. The grand land on a visit to tbe old (oik, at home. SALEM , OREGON. Mrs Louisa Murphy has received a paviliou has many times been filled Miss Jessie Bryant is to teach at W . I. S T A L E Y , P R I N C I P A L . telegram from California that her j to overflowing with exhibits in the Kails City in place of Mr. C. L. Hop contest tor the premiums offered, but never before presented such a splen­ kins, who is in poor health. did appearance as at present. Poor Ous Martin and Dick Daniel have specimens have aiT been eliminated, been at Buena Vista painting tbe and the apace fill with the choicest new public school building. The f t f tf t f tf t f tf t f tf t f tf t f tf t f tf tf t which it ia possible to produce or Odd Fellows hall there is being ma­ f t THE f t make. Yesterday George Coate. pro­ terially improved. fessor of horticulture of the Oregon Agricultural College, who was chosen by the board to award the prizes in the county exhibits, spent a busy day inspecting vegetables, fruits and grains ft ami after great deliberation, awardee! W h represent »11 lluit ia strictly new uml uptndate. Onr the cash piize» as follows: Polk nierelmmlisr this season l as been selected with the ut­ ft county, first. $300; L in n ,$250; Wash­ most care. You will be convinced by a call of these Iscts ington, $200; Marion, 150; Lane, $100, " Douglas $100, Yamhill $100. Union ft ion county was not given a place be cam e the exhibit did not Arrive until F or Your clothing th is fait. W» handle Yon will fimi all Itati aeaaon'a m wllest «ar- after the awards were made. The At’ter * famous tin» beat in »t>le, At and ni«nts repreMiitml in Zi beline, K ers»ys, finish. c rner occupied by "Old Polk” coun­ ¿folto ix, e tc ., for latito«, minte» ami ehi Ut rcn tmule up in thè inont atyliah dentina a t Suit» from 9 9 .50 to 917.60. ty immediately became the center of to renreaent everv pur»«, OverouM»lrv>m 96-50 to 920. Or A prie»» a t rAction, and the expression was t 94.50, $6, 98. 9IO, 912 SO, Kvery fnrm en i w >r ran ted to fiv » satlsfac general that. Prof. Coate had render­ tton. 915 to 925. ed a wi-e derision, aa the wonderful display really deserved first place. Mrs F. A. Wolfe, of Falls City, gath- eied tbe display from Polk’s choicest produc-a, ami her success is partly Cotnpri«« all th » new weaves in fane' mix Press trimmintf» arrived this week. Nov tu r»« Zebilines, suiting*, e tc . A lt'kinds elties «*f everv deerriptkm . New Y ork ’* ilue to her extraordinary taste in ar­ 0 1 black drew good» nsw ready fur your latest fads ahown bere. Not onljr uptu t T r ranging the display. In thia she w * n in«p»rti*n. Price» are tower titan else- date, but a d a t e a h e a d . “ where. a »via ted hy her charming daughter, m f t Mi.-» Bella, who now presides over the New hlanket* blue ribbon corner. In the exhibit New shoes Csrcfnlly «xstnin« Ihs »hove It New under wear. Ntw silk and wool w aists. O are twenty six specimens of dried rnprrnmts the R-d 8t«r brand of fin« New hosiery. New u n derskirts. fruits, over 21K) specimens of canned family shoes. There is something ex New cotton fabrics. New sr dking sk irts. New table linens, etc. Nsw ribbons, etc. O fruit», 50 varieties of >*t», 70 of wheat, tra nice for every irem ber of tbs fam ­ 80 different kinds of choice potatoes, ily and at pricee lower than yon would betides innumerable fresh fruits and expect. Be sure to carefully examine f t vegetables. A ladder 20 feet high is l and price them before buying your O built entirely of twelve kin U of wheat | fall f.iotwear A better line of goods An immense Liberty bell in the cor­ | for lira money wae never brought to ner, suspendt d from the ceiling, at­ I Dallas. f t sim.dy ask for Red Star AUKNT* FOR BtTTTRU R S PAT tracts »he most attention. ! l ia com­ »ho«» and the clerks will know what I T hK N » Zt'IM L'K lPTIO N » TAKKN posed of oats with a wheat cUppsr, | yon want. Again look at the cut and i FOR T H Z PIXIN KA TO R DALLAS, ORCCON. and the crack in one side has not been show it to your neighbor* and most omitted. Mrs Wolfe is an old hand likely you will at least come and rce at the business, having !>een a con I goals. 0 0 •taut exhibitor at the state fair for the E LL IS A K K Y T past thirty-three year», aud during Cream Separators F. A, WIGGINS An A ncient Foe H o o d ’s Sarsaparilla 0 o Bee-Hive Store! o 0 q o In Bur Cloak Department Gome Here 0 0 0 m ® Our New Dress Boods a 0 in Elegant Line of 0 0 OUR FAMILY K . m 0 o % WHEN rou SEE IT t l THE BEE HIVE, IT IS HI6HT. T IE BEE-HIKE Store 0 O H O W IS T H I S . We offer $100 reward fur any case of catarrh that cannot l*i cured by H.dl’s Catarrh Cure.— F J . Cheney i Co., Toledo, Ohio. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the List 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in nil business transactions and financially able to carryout any obligations made by their firm.— West A Trims, whole- sole druggists, Toledo. Ohio; Walding, Kinoun A Marvin, wholesale drug gists, Toledo. Ohio. Hall’» Catarrh cure is taken inter­ nally, acting directly up, n the blood and mucous surfaces of the »ysfct m Testimonials sent fr\e. P rice75 cents a bottle. Hold by all druggists. Hall’s Family pills are the best. Come to this office for trespass- notices to keep hunters off your land I Sheriff For i and wife and Mr. K. Cad well’have been to the metropolis, II iss Emma Ludwig will go to Cor­ If your plow dont run to suit you vallis to work iu the tailor simp of take it to Blacksmith Smith who Inis Chesley Craven. had thirty years of experience right T W. Brunk, of this county, took here. He will give your »hare a hard *ught premiums of Poland China hogs » ven temper making it last better. ^ at the state fair. In 1889 the hop market opened at After next Wednesday it will be lawful to shoot china pheasants aud Scent», in 1900 at 13, in 1901 at 10, last year at 21 and now at 23. Nearly other similar birds. ah the Oregon crop this season is Whisky make» such brute* of many good and growers are apt to come out mon that they abuse and neglect away ahead. their families and ignore their obli J . B. Stump of Monmouth, T. W. gations. Brunk of Eola and Hawley it son of Fine new millinery of all kinds may McCoy t»w>U a good share of the sheep be had at the store of Mrs. Chace. premiums at the state fair and Wm. Mi»» Jennie Muscoil is as&isting in Riddell of Monmouth, was awarded the trimming department. Opening • even prizes on goats of different class­ Day mude a fine impression. 's . Mrs. M E. Weaver of Dallas put The South Methodist annual co n ­ five pictures on exhibition and brought ference was held at R jsebnrg last home four premiums. The birds ex­ hibited by Mrs. L. L. Whiteaker of week and ministers known here were Independence were thought worthy of stationed as follows: Presiding Elder Fitch goes to the Koseburg district, several prizes. being succeeded by Rev. Henry Spies», of Corvallis, Rev. T . P. Haynes re turns to Lewisville and Independency Rev. J . W. Craig to Oregon City, Rev. D. C. McFarland to Lebanon and It* v R. A. Reagan to Coquille, leaving Dal­ las to be an pplied Nasal c a all t a f i n a S t r a in . Ralph Butler has h*en spending the bumimr with a sister at Lnkeview. Misses Ola Grant and Ethel Gwinn have been among Portland friends Bert Aldeman. of the Bethel hills, married Miss Anna VV heeler, of Salem, and they »pent the hop picking season on the Lucien Frazer place in charge of G. E. Davis. Many of tho Grand Ronde Indians who picked hops here were from 7o to 80 years old and were well acquaint­ ed with the pioneers of this country, having been on the reservation since 1856. Many children in this country have earned enough within the last month to pay for all their school books unu all their clothing and their mothers have made enough to add many a home comfort. STOP THAT COUGH n w ith In its stag»« there should b« cleanliness. L ' E I j’s Cream Ralm Th o Renewal Vacation is over. Again tin» school hell rings at morning ami at imon. G L. Zumault west of Monmouth j Again with tens of thousand» the is thinking of putting out live acres li-mleM kind of work has begun, the | of fctrawberries. renewal of which is m mental and Meiser A Meiaer have a handsome j physical ►train to all except the m- at line of new stationery and there is the rugged. 1 he little girl that a few days a.,o had roses in her cheeks, and the place to buy pchdol supplies. lit tie hoy wh* se lips were then ho red Mrs. 8. W. B esc-ing has gone to !*♦• y o u would have iusUteff that they had with her sick daughter. Bertha iu I been “ kissed hy strawberries,” have al­ Portland and Mrs. ileury M'iscntt j ready lost some thing u! the appear­ went there Tue&day. ance of health. Now is the time when Clerk Loughary, Postmaster Coad j many children should be given a ton­ and Blacksmith Rowell have been ic, which may avert much serious trouble, and we know of no other so squandering time, bait and amm uni­ tion over in the Salmon River count­ highly recommended as Homi’s Sarsa­ parilla, which strengthens the nerves, ry* perfects digestion and assimilat.on, Mrs. Wolfe has sold her Polk conn and aid» mental development hy build ty state fair exhibit for $200, and it ing up the wffole system. will he the principal Oregon agricul­ Mis» Nellie Proctor, of Yellowstone, tural cxiiibit at tlfe worlds fair in St Park is among us. Louis next yi ar. j • JAYNE’S EXPECTORANT cleanse«, «onth««and heals the dissar.ed membrane. It euros catarrh and drive« aw \y a cold ia tho head quickly. C r e a m B a l m is placed Into tho nostrils, spreads over th» membrane and is absorbed. Relief is Im- mediata and a cure follows. It i& not drying—doe« not produce «neezing. Large Size, 50 eent« at Drug- glits or by m all; Trial Size, 10 cent« by mail. E L Y B R O T H E R S, 56 Warren S treet, New York A n almost infallible remedy for diseases o f the Throat and Lungs, known and used the world ov er for almost a century. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS! T O H O P IY 1 E N : PLOW S Get prices on hop wire, first car to arrive about November l»t. Lowest price guaranteed. W rite at once t< W alter Morley at, Salem Fence works. HARROW S ^ CU LTIV A TO RS WAGONS j » Wc have a Carload of Buggies, Wagons and Spring Wagons Coming. Never before did we have so much or so great a"variety of tilings for the farmers. % All kinds of machine oil. MISS O L L I E S M I T H T e a ch e r of Piano and Organ Studio room 2, upstuirs, Wilson building, Dallas, Oregon. W A G N E R BROS., a» j * DALLAS FRANK K E R S LA K E T h e Hom e Furnisher HONE - MAIN 6S !t Takes the Cake Id the n»m»l favorable comment on the Kiiperh laundry work turned out it the Salem »team laundry. The best of linen and o»hcr materials are easi­ ly ruined hy e:ire!e»» and indifferent laundering. We cannot and do not hope to ret;.in your patronage by slip­ shod work, and the best is none too good here. Every thing to make the home pleas ant and comfortable, from a piano to a sewing machine needle. Twenty different makes of pianos, ten of or­ gans, ami four of sewing machines. The finest line ofeouenes and lounges ever brought to Dallas. Parlor furni lure, dining room furniture, bedroom furniture, kitchen furniture. N oth­ ing too expensive, nothing too cheap for us. We accommodate the poor as well aa the rich. No order too large nor none too small to command our careful attention. Drop iu aud set the change iu the last year. I .M. For Hop ’ Pickings SOME SPECIALS: KEHSUKE'S FURNITURE STORE J J M S T E I N i SON 54 State street, Salem, ’Phone 2,071 Main 1. —Mens socks, four pairs for 25 cents. 2. —Straw hats, half price. 3. —Crash hats, half price. 4. —Boys’ wash suits, all reduced to $1. $1.25 andj $1.50 values. Golf shirts, soft bosoms, cuffs to match, 75 cent! values now 05 cents; $1 values now 85 cents; $1.50| values now $1.15. 0.— Hoys’ waists, 50 cent values reduced to 45c; 75 cent values reduced to 05 cents. Are paying the Highest 17219337 " Hides, Pelts, Wool. Tallow, Furs, Old Iroi, Rubber ajid Metals. Watches for men, women and children For camping in the hop yards, p»n would enjoy a pair o ' on- wool­ en mill blankets. No one can touch onr prices, for we gel t ... oi at first hand right from onr Salem factorv— no wholesale house to com. iD lor a profit. We have still A FE W L E F T O V E R SU IT S TO B E SOLD FO R A SONG. A good chance to buy a good .utt for a little money. AT P R IC E S TH A T ARE RIGHT Kodaks and photo supplies. P F E N N IG , SILE 3 IS 1 EIS LIMEY Leave orders in Dallas w ith J . J . FidJec or at the Muscott confectionery store. SALEM WOOLEN MILL STORE 254*256 Com m ercial Street, Salem, Oregon. ^ T H E LA RG EST STOCK OF MEN AND BO Y S’ Jeweler and Optician. §5 CLOTHING IN T H E W ILLA M E TT E VALLEY W ILSON BLO CK.