LOCAL AND (1ENEKAL- W H A T W E HA VE LE A R N E D U U H IIK T H E W E E K F R O M A L L AVAIL** A b le S o u rc e s D is h e d u p for O u N u m e ro u s F a m ily of R eaders In A b re v la te d P a r a g r a p h s . For groceries go 1° Oufleld’fi. Miss Fugate, of Monmouth, is to The Independence public school teach at Elkins \ will open September 28th. Mrs. Dr. Doty has moved from Dal­ Mrs Joe Tetherow, of Luokiamiffe, has t»een visiting Miss Bertha Collins. las back to Monmouth. T R A D E IN D A L L A S . O f X A son of Al. Herren is running tin Many families will camp at the hop yards throughout the county during Buena Visa warehouse. mo t of September. Homer Link and Morris Fgwle have J. L. Guttry and family, of Har­ gone to Klamath county. mony, have neeu attending a camp- Judge Boise held a special term of meeting at Newherg. court here lust Wednesday. Mrs. T. D. Phillips and daughter. W. V Fuller lias beta over on the Etta, an* cooking for a threshing crew sound with an eye to business. Spectacles nnd glsHse* ul 1’te u n ig ’: over on French Prairie. Arthur Moore and wife are clerking Sunday school and preaching servic­ Get your glasswure sud fancy ofttiun es will he ie-umed at the Presbyter­ in the Dotiiy store at Independence. at Meiaei’s. ian church uVXUSunday. An infunl of Joe Brown and wife, of Handsome |>utterns in queeilaWnr Win. Slants, who was raised near McTimmond’s valley died last week. at Meiser A Meiser’d. Monmouth . is running a store over at J. VV. Crider and wife will start Lee Crider is arranging for an •fliee litschutes near Prineville. back to their California home tomor just sou lb of the Iced store. C. N. McArthur is to run the farm row. Fred West, the electrician, is visit just east of Derry where J J. Burch Mrs. H. C Kakin has b“ *»n visiting iug his former ! acorn it home. has lived for several years. her aunt. Mrs. W. E Goodell, at Rick Dr. ( ’ary and his hrotherinlaw and Have Dr Lowe cure vour head and reall. * wi e have arrived from the ea«*t. ye ache by removing the ctuse with George Wiiitehorn and J. C. Van p i i r o f l'is superior glasses. The fi.mi’y of H. V. Gate.«, of the skike have skipped out to their timber w tier works, are camping at Canyon Aunt Jane Morrison is up from Eu- claims. Creek. ne. Her grandson. Dillard Elkins, Chesley Craven, wife and baby hav* J. H Vernon, who was raised near is up in the Walla Walla country. been down ftom Corvallis visiting hi» Derry, is clerking in an Oiegon City A beautiful cabinet sewing machine parents. drugstore. will oe given away bv Guv Bros. Ev- Miss Bertha Collins is getting her Right now is the best time to place erp 50 cent purchase gets a chance. store in order for a nice, new stock o <*> <♦> $ | <♦> :$> <♦> <♦> • # :* # <♦> < «* Mrs J. C large invoice wear und is want in Dial the goods. ' i> 4 THE Have leased rhe Derry Warehouse And will »tore oats, tuy and hop, and pay the highest market price for them. For reference »nd terms, apply to N. M . M c D A N I E L , Rlckreall, Oregon. •A: . \*y>c.v >%>. s -J r \*y ‘A : a " ’ . D A L LA S N A T IO N A L B A N K . m .V . a .. - a , Kxlama where his daughter, Mollie, “ I know no congressman.” Lou Murcott and Bert Stiles an if it fails to cure. E. \V Grove’s sig­ mer. lives. “ And you expected to get a govern­ over on the Siletz among the multi nature is on each box. 25c. 8we.it or fruit acids will not diseol.n ment position without qualification for tnde of little fishes. _____________ - _____________ Lots and lots of folks from around goods colored with PutnXm’s Fadeles the position and without indorsement ere went t » Ringlings circus in Sa­ Miss Oilie Smith goes to Portland C olu m biaR iver Excursion S te a m e r or backing of any character?” Dyes. Sold by Wilson Drug Co. a lem Wednesday and pronounce it the Roue-of the finest scenery in tlie every two weeks to take music lesson» 10 ceius a package. “ I think I could leani office work greatest thing of the kind that evet from a noted teacher. world is on the Columbia river, which here, and* the salury would be a great The fanners around R -ckpoint, in mile along. is justly culled the Rhine of America. help to me in my literary career.” Marion county, offered tor sale la.-t P S. Greenwood will Thursday set Henry Hill, of Independence, has 40 pickers to gathering the 16 acres The famous scenery of Switzerland “Oh, you are a writer, are you? night a pool of 15,000 bushels of wheal lues not excel it. Every w* stern What’s your line? Poetry, perhaps?” an early variety of hops which lie will j of hops on the Crider place. and 70,000 bushels of oats. tourist shoti'd make the steamboat login picking this week. Many oth- “ I try to write poetry,” conlessed the H .C . Eakin and wife, and Master trip between Portland a d The Dalles visitor. rs expert to begin about the middle Mrs. Chace, the milliner, has spent or at least to Cascade Locks and re­ I Jack, have gone back to his old Illin- f next week. ten days iu Portland learning all pos “ Got any of it with you?” asked the turn The Regulator Line palatial comptroller, now considerably amused. j ois home for six weeks vi»it. Bible about the new fashions and lay­ Remember the public sale of C. D excursion steamer Baily Gatzert leaves! ing in an attractive fall stock. The Johnson Lumber company Portland every morning except Mon­ “ I f so, let’s see It.” tirvine, south of Rickreall, Septem­ The poet-naturalist produced a song Remember that nearly everybndv ber 26th. All kinds of stock, farming have just received a new engine, boil day at 8 30 for Cascade Locks it the redolent of early spring. It treated of looks in this paper for notices of lost mplements and household goods will er and other mill machinery. very heart of the Cascade mountains the chewlnk, the oven bird and the or found articles. All such articles go to the highest bidder. nd gets back to Portland about 7 in Carolina wren, with q dainty reference Mrs Sarah Irvine ami Mrs. W. W should be promptly advertise!, Dunn’s grocery has been very ponu- Con key, t,f Independence, have been tlie evening, round trip $1.50. Fine to forest violets and hepatlca. neals served on ull four boats of that “ This Is great,” commented the comp­ »r among the cook wagons, many of back in the Cascade mountains. Shrewd merchants make attractive line. Fare to or from The Dalles $1 50 troller; “ It’s right out of the woods.” ho crews having ordered their grocer- offerings and lei the putilic know Henry Muscott has come from car­ round trip $2 50. Any passenger may “ Which is more than can be said of 6 from them. Cooks for the thresh about it. No other medium is so pentering on the Southern Pacific to either go or return by rail. the author,” observed Mr. Burroughs, rmen know where to gel good things cheap or so effective as a good news s e tiiat hopeful grandson, Master thinking of the world of finance which to eat. paper. COUNTY-COURT. Chapin. he was seeking to invade. W. E. Martin has shipped from his i Sam and Jabez Thurston have sold The Evans machine threshed mofct The comptroller laughed. “ And Is PROBATE. of the grain around Parker, getting Salt ( ’ reek saw mill to California 13 | their 223 acre farm just north of the this all you have in the way of cre­ ijjibley, J. dentials?” out from 2 000 to 2,500 bushels per ar loads of lumber and expects to j Enns prune orchard, to David Peter» nd as much more before winter. His for |8,000. Petition to sell personal property of j “ I have some more poems at home,” day. An average yield was over 22 shipping point is Ballston, nine miles John Ellis estate was granted. was the bland and sincere reply. bushel to the acre. Mr/. McQuerry, Mrs. W . S. Bricker from the mill. In much merriment the comptroller Petition to sell real property of L. Near Bethel T. J. Graves has 16, and Mrs. J. H. Collins, of Indepeu summoned an assistant. “ Here’s the Rev. S. A. Starr, who is a clerk at deuce, attended the funeral of Mrs R and Katherine Willis, miuors, was most astonishing instance of Ingenu­ S. W . Fletcher 20, and on the Fra approved. zor place there are 24 acres of hops, Suitor’s sawmill, below Portland, says J. K. Sears ousness I have ever encountered in all in good condition, and pickiug will that MX) tong of concrete were used in Report of »«1« of real property of G. pllbllc llfe>.. gftld he. -That man over Mrs J C. Gayner and Mis. F. H I , Gwfn was continue,!. he foundations for machinery and begin next Wednesday. there oppile» applies for a governmei government position hat the mill will have a capacity of j Morrison went to Salem Wednesday Administrators bond in ‘ matter of nnd the only backers that he can name Hardware and implement«1, buggies 75,000 feet per day. to visit A. W. Fowler, who is in very Henri Grosse estate was filed and ap­ are the muses. Yet this department Is and wagons, sl< ves and kitchen vare, poor health. proved. not political, and somehow I ’m Inclined Dr Lowe, the well known oculo-op carpenters tools, builders supplies and J. W. Pulliam, of Bu'lcr, sold somt Clerk was ordered to pay Clyde to put the fellow to work. I am cap­ harvesting machinery for sale by Man­ tician will be in Dallas at Hotel G.iil tivated by the man’s honest sim­ hursday and to noon Friday Sept 3d cattle to Dan Savage, of Willaminu, Phillips, trustee, $714 80 for J. H ning A Fegtiscn in Salem. nd 4th. I f you value your eye«* do and to Mr. Graves, of Dallas, three Wheeler, minor, son of Jus. Wheeler, plicity.” When you want a physic that is not fail to have him test them for horses for $500. 8o John Burroughs was set to work tecoMsed. mild and gentle, easy to take and cer­ glasses. Consultation free. as a treasury clerk. No appointment The sale of real property of the E Lute Chapin ard wife started ye»- tain to act, always use Chamberlaiu’g ever before had been secured on such M. L. Chamberlain, a well known terday for their Washington lionu W. Thompson estate was confirmed Stomach and Liver tablets. For sale a basis and no one since has had the so that lie could get ready for his citizen of Salem died this week. His by the Wilson Drug company. temerity in asking for a government H m ve you tried velvet chocolate. Job to cite song birds and wild flowers lather. Rev. Joseph Chamberlain had school-room duties. Dont Buy your cloaks and wraps much to do with getting the Indians ] See Brown A Shaw about it. ns his only references. About forty met at the home of until you have seen our line. We settled onthe Grand Roude reservation Some of Mr. Burroughs' old col­ B. B. Branson, on Mill Creek, to hel| Chester Gut brie is* building a new are opening up some very swell styles l i 56 and hie family lived there Melvin Burgess and Bertha Howard home close to the railroad half way leagues are still In the treasury service. and then you know that when yon some eight years. In telling this story of his appointment to Falls City. celebrate tlieir birthdvys. get it at the Bee Hive it«»re its right. they dwell with emphasis upon the ex­ A t assignees sale last Saturday 127 The cement foundation of the Evan­ Albert Teal and his brother Otto are cellent work he did In the department, Hop yards are daily closely inspect­ res of the I). M. Guthrie farm lay- gelical church is finished, it requir. >n a hunting expedition out tiea*- earning rapid promotions and finally ing their yards. There is no material ng along the road west of the school ing 30 barrels of cement. Lumber is Three Sisters. securing the responsible position of re­ damage yet. They hope to let the house was sold to J. T. Guthrie for ceiver for a failed national bank In vines alone until the hops are fully $605. He was also tne purchaser of arriving for the superstructure. Frank Muscott has moved into th Now York, the affairs of which he set­ ripe, but if mold sets in they will at 32 acres of fine bottom land this side C. F. Belt, and wife and I. N. Wood» house just west of the home of Mr tled satisfactorily both to the creditors once begin picking. and family have returned from tie and Mrs. L’ llr»y. f tin school at $946 nnd the government.—Saturday Even­ seaside and report masters leavinw Williams A Kirkpatrick, are inter­ Dick Turner and family have mov­ ing Tost. The Rail Creek postotfice is to be ested in 171 acres of hops in this liscon inued next Monday. The rur­ Newport at the rate of 200 a day. ed from Perrydale to Corvallis for bet­ H I n I,o n ir S e r m o n . county. They will begin picking in al mail ~oute from Dallas through Every lady that knows a nice thing ter school priviliges. A Philadelphia clergyman used to re­ the Yeater and Proctor yards Monday that section will begin operation next when she .sees it should at once g* Both Dallas wart houses are in late the following on himself: “ 1 and in all the others Tuesday or Wed Tuesday. The Dallas-Bu' ll mail car and see the decant new street hai nesday. Picking will become gener tier will »*rv lh*»»e beyond there near just placed on dismay by Mrs Chace charge of T. A. Riggs who can receive preached a funeral sermon at one time oil storage about 1200 bales of hops. t nnd spoke on the resurrection. I am al around Independence at the same the Grand Ronde road. W e have ordered the Oregonian fi r sure I spoke longer than was my cus time. Paul Runco was in from Pcede«* i tom. About twenty years ago John Teal Mrs. M *ry C. Wilson, at H.ilem and I. L. Patterson, who is interested built a saw mill beyond Bridgeport C W. Dancer at Amity. Both it mid yes trday, »aid tin- Imps out that wa> “ The undertaker was a man of nerv were all ligh t and that picking could 1 oils temperament, and as the afternoon in several hop yards about Eola and ml lias sawed an immense am unit of the Ilem izer can he had a year for $2 •egin next Monday ai 50 cents a box Lincoln made a close personal itispec lumber there, lie li is told out to was going he began to be anxious to be Silk undtrwear, wool under*?«« tion of them Tuesday and found no Bryan it Lue is for $8,(XX). They I) L. K eyt will prdbably imoii sell 1 on tin* way to the cemetery. He finally and cotton underwear of every * 1 sign of mold. His hops had be n thor­ whispered to one of my members. eded the water and considered the scrip'ion now hern. Riz •* an weigh1 • is store at Sheridan and then hi oughly sprayed. All yards that have whole thing a good buy. mumger there, Mr. Morris, would ‘Does your minister always preach as !o suit everybody at the Bee Hiv< been well sprayed show a better con ome here in the employ of Ellis A long as that at a funeral?’ The Newport paper says that Ralph store. di«ion than those that have not. “ ‘Well/ said the brother, ‘that Is a Keyt. Williams had h regular kissing bee good sermon.’ Onr new dress goods are h»n Mrs. Mollie Allen, of 8o ith Fork. mong the lasses along the (»each Mrs. Martha Burns has been visit­ “ ‘Yes,’ said the undertaker, ‘the ser­ Kentucky, says she has prevented at­ when he started home last week. Tis Some very fine materials this seaso ing her brother Samuel Tetherow at mon Is nil right and I believe In tbe tacks of cholera morbus by taking said that e.ich one claimed a goodbye You must come and take a look a resurrection, but I am afraid if he does them. No trouble to show goods a Falla Citv, and Mrs. Chas McDon Chamberlain*« Stomach and Liver mack and that the }ad proved equal i the Bee Hive store. aid has hern sojourning with Mis. E not stop pretty soon I will not get this tablets when she felt an attack com ­ to the emergency Possibly he cat. K. Butler near there. man buried in time/ Philadelphia ing on. Such attacks are usually Ring A Wong who are running th* xplain matters to the satisfaction of A Burns paper notes the arrival Ledger. caused by indigestion and these lab Kahler Hop-yard near town also th > he Dallas girls. .ere of E. V. Dalton fr m Dallas w ’ d lets are just what is needed to cleanse of Dr. Farley und his brother Chari » Sh« Pecked. the stomach and wa d off the ap­ The threshing machine of George will begin picking in the l ist mme-i W. G. Hliar nan of Independene . A gentleman tells a good story on proaching attack. Attacks of bilious Sellers has been running south of In tomorrow with 35 hands, they paying They went by the Rauti un route and his betrothed sister. Visiting his home colic may be prevented in the same ependence and making an average 56 cents and hauling their picker» arc having a fine time. after a long absence, he was sitting by way. For sale by th* Wilson Drug in of 1,500 bushels a day, wheat y:o back and forth. By the middle of Hop picker» from a distance «re *1- the side of his sister, with his arm ng about 22 and oats 30 bushels to next week they will be picking in th* company. r ady flocking to many yards «nd around her waist. Her head drooped Among thos3 threshed for other yards and will there pay th on his shoulder in the old. old way. Nasal catarrh quickly yields to treat­ the sere going into camp. Work will com we:e Jasper Rhodes, Peter Kurre, C. going price. An aunt in the name room enjoyed the ment by E ly ’s Cream Balm, which i» nence in nearly all yards eonie tim P. ¿Vella, Miles Porterfield. John agreeably aromatic. It is received text w* ek. Fear of mold wi‘l hasten affectionate display and remarked. The little valley around Lihertv through the nostrils, «leans*»» and Coinpton and W . L Wells. lie beginning. Lice have already “ Why, that looks as If It might be school house with its numerous fim W ill” —the name of the young lady’s The Salem. Falls City and Western heals the whole surface over which it hop-yards, interspersed with golden d me much damage in many yards. sweetheart. “ Indeed,” the sister re­ diffuses itself. A remedy for nasal railway will begin running on its regti grain field* now presents a very attrac»- Never In'fore was so much hay ) al ! plied, “you never saw Will In this catarrh which is drying or exciting to lar schedule September 1-t. Sea time ive appearance. I t mav justly h* 1 in the W illam ette valley and never ! position.” “ Maybe I have,” said the hie elsewhere They have put iu the diseased membrane should not be railed the McBee settlement for G. «•fore was there so much demand f* : | auntie. “ Well, If you did you peeked,” used. Cream B«lm is recogniied as a 400 feet at T eal’• Siding, and will h tv« W. McBee and his sons Garl, John it at good pi ices Nearly all farmer» j was the parting shot, which was a specific. Price 50 cents at druggists I 550 feet at Gilliam ’s. L ite r on there I^eonard and Tude all having snug are feeding more stock of various kinds practical admission of the soft Im­ or by mail. A cold in the head im ­ will be a siding at Bridgeport. They ; homes there. There is no better hop ihan ever in the past and before the peachment mediately diss ppeare when Cream are ready to ship cord wood to Port and vegetable L ml in the county. spring there is sure to he a shortage of* Balm is used. Ely Bros, 56 W irre»» land, the rate being $1.35 for fir and A D e n « « r o » a Ite m . nay at advanced prices G**>d haled ! $1.60 f. roak i>er cord. That will be a The McBee A Hughes thresher Its street, New Pork. “ I see that choice Bengal tigers have hay ha* he* n reiiiug in the field a* gm»d thing for farmers along «he line threshed an average of 2 200 hu* General Passenger Agent Coman, who want to clear more of their laud, hels of grain been marked down to $1,000 each.” a day, wheat going 23 from «7 to «8 a ton. “ For goodness' sake, don’t let my wife his assistant, M r.' Jones, and M;- The Johnson sawmill at Dallas was 1 The Vnth A Nachtingnl threshing and oat* 44 bushels to the acre. F*»r Loonsbury,of the freight department, r*ad that paragraph! Here’s my knife. Warren Frink they threshed About originally built bv Robert Suitor in outfit have been doing well in the Cot It out. I f those tigers are on the of the Southern Pacific, spent last 500 bushels, D. Hhepard 818. W. A. 1896. Three years ago be sold it to bargain counter she’d want st least Friday night here in tlieir special car. Sah Cr-ek region. For Fink A Han­ Brown 1.250, Anan Myer 1.000, II Thurston Br»*. and last year they let sen they threshed 850 bushels, Bert two.” —Cleveland Plain Dealer. 1 hey were making a regular tour of Gage 800, Elias Robertson 600, J. B Hie Johnsons h a v r it. The original all their lines in Oregon, and gaining Hastings 1500, Jacob Neachel 800, Smith 982. Gardner Bros. 1,200, Sila» capacity was 30,000 feet a day, but T li# I r e a k l a s B a d . all possible information concerning Frank Friesen, 3.200 C. 8cmidt, 2,500. Hart 1 500. Wm Yeater 1,000, Jobn added machinery has increased it to! rumon—Did your friend Tanker suc­ prospective traffic and travel. Mr L*N>p A Jones UW0. C H F »r iner, Grounds 1,600. Several had consider­ 40,000. Much more labor saving ma- I Coman said it was the tint trip lie 1,100, C. G. Corns 800, Mr. L.*op 1000, able more than they anticipated. chinery is to he added in the near fu -1 ceed in breaking his terrible drink had ever made over the road without Glen Zumwalt 2,550. Henry Byerley Rome had to get more tacks and in ture and then the output will be at 11 habit? Bangs—No; the habit succeeded In 1 « eiug some long faces. 'I hie time 2.050, L Connery 950. Jacob Reinttr, otner cases the grain was stored in a greater. Many improvement* have breaking him.—Baltimore American. everybody was jubilant over the pres­ 10U0. Oats aveiaged 30 and wheat . (ting filled eecks in e been made in getting logs fr :m the ent coodition of things and the out­ n I mmi I 23 bushels Their seasons work ' bui made by mouotaii • to the mill pood. will run into u ’i t week. i c,rc‘#* look. A ll animals are subject to sickness now und then need some tonic. Mr. Ullery, the feed store man, has gradually added to his remedies until now he hau specialties for nearly all the diseases of animals and fowls. POWDER Absolutely Pure Fiddler’s stage brings a big load of freight frotil Salem every day. THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE The trade of Dunn’s grocery is con tinually increasing in amount, and A finer line of home made candy people are coming from farther and was never on exhibition than cau iww farther away to trade there. Merit is be seen at Brown A Kliaw’s. A few the cause of both facts. of the n< w kinds are walnut spm.ge, maple fudge, pignolia, brittle hom y Faull’s hardware store has proved a creams and fi^ creams. blessing to many a farmer and ma­ chine man who suddenly and unex­ NKWTO-DAY. pected came in great need of some thing that be could supply in connec­ tion with the harvest. By years of A ilvrrtio iiif uuder this hand ing will coot 10 te tta experience he has learned to know in for .uiyiniiitf under 16 worde for one insertion or ¿6 advance about what is mo»t likely to cent« for throe iiuertion». be needed and stocks up accordingly. No wonder Fau)l’s store is a^ popular SHO \T8 and »ix pig» for ale by Lee Humphrey place. of Pioneer. The Dallas mill has pleuty of flour and feed for everybody. They are prepared to take grain on storage. Many are taking there enough wheat for a year’s breadstuff. Kisser's gunstore on Mill street is ready to supply all the wants of sports­ men. At sharpening tools or repair­ ing muchines Mr. Risser is hard to beat. People like to trade at Morris’s jew­ elry store because the proprietor is so gonial, so reliable und has so many nice things in stock. Time pieces to please everybody. G. L. Hawkins devotes his whole lime to the tombstone business. He has placed monuments in almost ev­ ery cemetery in the county aud al­ ways gives satisfaction. OOMS to rent for housekeeping by 1fr». T. 0. Oar wood in Dalla». A CHESTER White boar, a Poland China boar, ■everal Cotewold buck» and 60 stock sheep for eale by W. F. Simon near Independence, ROM 10 to 26 acre» of hop land for real near Dal­ las. The flr»t two years free for fencing gnmnd and planting crop. Call at this office for particulars. F H E AD o f hog» for sale 50 Bridgeport. b> Silos Hart, of near HESE »troy cattle have been taken up by me at my place near the Quthrie school bouse: Two red hesfers, a white steer branded Y on right hip, and a black heifer with white stripe on back. Own­ er can get them by paying damages and for this no­ tice.—L. I. Bursell. T O ILE R and engine on same base. Just the thing for pruue drying, for sale by Wagner Bros, in Dallas. B A K IL N of 260,000 brick woe recently burned at Independence by John R. Cooper, who is offer­ ing them for eale. H IN T L E T S FOR S A L E M . A. M. Clough, who is coroner of Marion county, is the best undertaker in Ralem. H e has a stock from which the wants of allcan be satisfied. Many Polk county families have .patronized him. As a veterinary surgeon Dr. Keeler h ts no superior in the valley. He has cured hundreds of animals arouud 8a- lem. Inquire at tbe steel bridge feed yard for him. LACK horse weighing 1.000 pounds, perfectly true and free fr o m all __ ____________ blemishes, for sale at *90 by O. J. Bagley at Simpson’s station. B new complete 8-inch Studehaker G OODas for sale at 876 by W. H. Kraber, Dallas K 'R S A L E - A 136 acre dairy ranch, sir miles north of Dallas on the main r ad. Apply to H. Campbell, the Dallas real estate agent. EAD of extra good stock sheep to 300 H shares by Ed. Clark, Rickreall. D. Gilliam has for sale 60 head of high arade • Cotewold ewes and a flue | Shorthorn bull. Penotia, chocolate creams and pep­ permint chews are among the delici­ ous candies at Zinu’s. Try his ice cream sodas with finest flavors. Best water melons in the market, Many men in search of a suit first go to all the clothing stores then go hack to the place that makes the beet impression on them. The Johnson Clothing house always profits by that course because so many go hack there after making such rounds. Next w ek you cau se there many of the new styles. You would be surprised at seeing the number of promideut business men that daily take lunch at George Bros. Tom Cronise loads the band when it comes to making pretty pictures. He beats them all in making cute photographs of little folks. 8ee hi» samples And you will want some like them. Since the soap work* changed bauds (lure has been a continual improve­ m e n t in the quality of the output. Now all the ladies say it is the best soap they ever used. Straw hats, hammocks and other summer goods are now being sold at the New York Racket without one c nt of profit. Their new drygoods for the fall season must please the la­ dies judging from the stream of them constantly going there. ■ ■ ■■ Poitland’s best, the Botiboniere ice cream at Brown A Hhaws confection* ery. II. G. Campbell has sold Farley two Dallas lots for FL Gilman sold Albert Teal of laud for $11 00 and W . let J. G Van Or »del have £ 160 acre» for $400 to J. M. $100. 1) 120 acres P. Fisher interest in SUPPORT JCOTTS EMULSION ssrns ss a to carry ths weakened end starved tytUm along witil it can find fim» support in ordinary fend. SCO TT a BOW NE, i «J?*. le tó n W — o— Strong's restaurant has for many years enjoyed a reputation for good TOCK cooking and cleanliness. S' ' ton. -------- wagon .. . foe and f*-o o ; all dn r York. hogs wanted by C. D. Nairn, near Balls- HOICE fruits for sale by J. B. Nunn on the Lone- oak fruit iann. Send your orders by mail or telephone for blackberries, Bartlett pears and fall «pules. C HOGS weighing from 100 to 126 pounds wanted by J. B. Nunn, of Dallas. yyr tl. McDaniel, near Rlckreall, has good baled •wheat hay for sale. ^ O O D Shorthorn Jersey bull Holman's in Dallaa. for service at Frank RESH milch cows for sale bv rydale. F D, L. Keyt at P e r ­ I f * INCH grub oak wood for sale at 76 ceuts a I D ” tier n the ground. A pply to J. Hanson, two miles north of Dallas. LD P A P E R » IN P A C K A G E » O F 60 FOR SALE at this ottico for 16 conte, also blank notes and luuitgagts and all kindsof levai bluuka O H AVE MONEY TO LO A N A T A L L TIM KB A T ths very beet rate« obtainable.—M. G. Campbell. O NEY TO LOAN ON IM PROVED FARM PRO p trtj at usual ratee by Oecar Hay ter, Dallas, ONEY TO LOAN ¿urity. w A T 6 PER CENT ON FARM J. L. COLLINS, Dalles. ■ H A V E MONEY TO LO AN ON IMPROVED farm property. BIBLE Y A K A K IN Final Settlem ent. o t ic e is h e r e b y g i v e n th at the un - dersigned ha-* tiled her Anal accoiiut in the matter of the estate of James L. Uwiu. deceaaed. and Saturday, Sept 12, 1003, at the hour nf 10 o ’clock a. m., has been appointed by the county court of the etate of Oregon, for Polk county, as the time for the hearing of objections to said Anal account and the settlement thereof. All persons are there­ fore notified to ap|»ear at aald time and show cause, if any exist, why the mid account should not be ap­ proved and the administratrix of said estate and her bondsmen discharged. Dated this Stli day of Aug., 1903 M a KY e o w in . Administratrix of the estate of James L. Gw.nn, de­ cease?!. N Notice to Bridge Builders. V 'O T I C I 18 H EREBY G IV E N T H A I TH E coun- J ty court of Polk county. Oregon, will on Thurs­ day, Mept<-tulier 3, 1903, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. in. n rn bids for the construction of a 10# foot spau hridgs across tbe Luckismute river near the Ander­ son Taylor place on what ie known as the Hooker county road. The usual deposit will he required with each bid. Plano aud specifics lions at county clerk’s elllce. The court reserves the right to re Ject any or all bids, Done t v order ,,f the county court. U 8. u O LO H A R Y , Clerk Hqualization Board Meeting. (JTICE 18 H EREBY G IV E N T H A T ON MON- day, the Mtn day of September Hoard of Kipialiialion will attend st the oflee of the county clerk o f P* Ik county, Oregon, publicly examine the assessment roll and -o reel all errors in valuation, description, or qualities id lands, lots or other property, and It shall he the dutiee of persons interested to appear at the tin e and pi ice appoint ed, and If it shall appear to such txiard ..f equ Illa ­ tion that there are any lands, low or ether property aeecneod twice or in ike name of a person or persona not the owner thereof, or sen sees d under er beyoad its actual value, or any lande, lots or other pr*>perty i*>t a>seined, said board shall make the proper our- , recti* me Dated at Dallas, Oregon, this fis t dav Angus!, N If«. ....... ¡if polk Vkll|g