J / V / -C e tion. be It railroad or trust, bus a legal department, and most o f the political work is accomplished and the ex- Physician and Surgeon. pern s charged up to it. Nearly all the annual passes and the trip passes are IUU««, Or*iron. An Era of Corruption In Amer­ Issued by orders o f this department, and when it is necessary to buy elec­ tions or legislatures the money expend­ ican Politics. D.4. E. J. HO .VftSO ed is charged up as legul expenses. W hat may be called the legitim ate out­ Physician and Surgeon G3BP0BATI0N8 THE C H IE F B iN N E B S lays o f the legul department o f all the DALLAS. OK ¿CON gr at railroads Includes an attorney at all the principal towns through which Office in Utflow building, R a ilr o a d P o l i t i c a l M a c h in e I n it ia t e s the railroad runs, and these usually M o s t o f I h e D e v i l t r y —> T r v s ts u m l eos'er nil tho county seats. These at­ j K. 8 »b«», H V. P r o t e c t e d I m l u a t r f e s Add t o C o r ­ torneys. the most competent in the r u p t i o n F u n d —D u t y o f D e m o c r a t s county, are under the control o f the S I B L E Y <* B A K I N , great legal light at the headquarters o f to F o r c e R e fo r m . the corporations. There Is often an­ A U o r n e y M -u t - L a w , W here the Republicans gain complete other official known as the general control In county, stale or nation they »Vo I n e Ilia .inly out ol aljotr»> t b.ioke lu Polk agent who “ fixes” legislatures and city i U ii ' v Itelialilo :»t*atruetn furnisi ed. and m*mey to sot up a boss or bosses and lamely sub­ councils to pass laws in the interest o f »an. No commission charged *>n 1 ou .. h . Rooms 2 mit to his or their discrimination. If 'id J Wilson's block, I/alia* the railroads or to defeat those which one glances aroimd the United States, would make them pay their fair share tins condition o f affairs is at once seen o f taxation. When these corporation to prevail. It will also be developed if J. L. COLLIN »S, officials are combined with the political examination is made o f the political machine that is in power, the people conditions under the control o f the have no chance o f holding their own. Republicans that an alliance exists be­ in some states rival railroad com­ solicitor in tb a iu e r j. tween the boss and the corporations, bines struggle for supremacy. This is : • men ii practice of his profession in this place lu most cases the railroad corporations the case iu Iowa and Nebraska, but It ah mt thirty years, and will attend to all business ii riHfcnd to iiis - arc. Oltiee, corner Main and Court are the dominating factor and supply matters not which one succeeds in the necessary ‘ ’aid” to keep the boss or » Dallas, Polk Co, Or foisting Its selections go the Repub- ring in^power. 10very .large corpora­ L. tf. WOODK. M. I). Coughing BRIBERY IS RAMPANT. - 1 was given up to die with ouick consumption. I then begun to use A y er’ s Cherry Pectoral. I improved at once, artJ ai.i i.ow in perfect health.” — Chas. E. art- man, Gibbstown, N . Y. It’s too risky, playing with your cough. The first thing you know it will be down deep in your lungs and t h e play will be over. Be­ gin early with Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral and stop the cough. Three l i s t : 25c., 50c., »1. All drufiUt*. .tnrney and Counselor at Law, J. N . H A R T WRIGHT’S WRONG STATISTICS. A T T O R N E Y -A T -L A W . “ - OKEGON. QT^OVES wages I 860 - t l 2 -0° P « WEEK 4896 -JM 8 o P r i c e s 6 % lo w er ifo 1901 THAN IN I860' OREGON. Consult your doctor. I f he »ay» take it, then do as ho says. I f he tells you not to take it, then don’t take it. lie knows. L . . „ .. with W - ^ W . a g Maas. jXRmLL R oom 1, Os tie id b u ild in g . C, ...50 E F. CO A I) L. B U TLE K BUTLER & GOAD o < | N o P a j? £ ? rv ts ... Atto r n ey s-at- La w D ALLAS, OREGON. W i l l practice over bank. in all c o u ils . Enclosed with every bottle is a 10 cent package of Drove’s Office, BLACK J. H OHEGON R oom 2 O.-tielil bu ild in g. W righ t: “ M y dear man, your real wages are 80 per cent higher now than tb *y w ere in I860. You were never so prosperous before.” Carpenter: “ W ell, I ’ ll be darned! Won’t this be a surprise for my w ife ?” ^ 1 f K. K. W ILLIA M S . A T p r s s itle n l. C a ilile r . W . C . V A S S A L L , a s s is t a n t C a s h ie r ; DALLAS C IT I ' o ld ~ T ~ M K ------ W w rr e & S A L E M ’S BEST S TO R E WASk I OF DALLAS, OREGON, DR. JORDAN S Is known money. go lucky, at slake. I T ransacts a gen eral ban k in g nusi- ucss in all its b ra n c h e s ; buys ami sells exch an ge on p rin cip a l points in tlie U nited S ta te s; m akes collections on all points in the Pacific N o rt h w e s t; loans money and discou nts paper at the best rates; allo w interest on time deposits. GREAT ê j j ( IM I I I U I T I T . I l l rniKISCI, c u I T h e Law rrst Anatom ical Museum in the W orkt. W ei*kne»>e» cr any contracted I tease p o i l l l * * l y r « s r « < ( !»jr th e oldest fjecialtct on the Coett. Est. jfi yeert. < Satisfaction ill every instance < r m oiev refunded. Satisfaction is vetting hat you want. W e n il the truth about our gotKls or will refund your money. If your purchase at Sab in’s best stoie does not pro fe entirtly satisf:** tory, a chance to make it rieht is earnesilv nqiies'cd Nothing is any botln r to us if it results in S A T IS F A C T IO N . , h as llie place whi r-* the best goo is are sold for the lea*t * Up to dale chop keeping is our aim. Slap dn>h, happy « win o» lose no tlo-ds do not go here. There is too much We are building business Out of material that will lasc, i HONEST GOODS H O N E S T P R IC E S H O N E S T S E R V IC E j | • j I MUSEUM OF ANATOMY : D R . J O R D A N — DISEASES OF MEN S < ( ~ # v r v ir v W W W%>WWWWyrWWW™WWWWWWWWWWWW^ j BICYCLES REPAIRINC AND SUNDRIES DR. JORDAN * CO . 1051 Market St . » F. Spaulding’s Athletic Coods SOUTHERN PACIFIC Lee SmitSi's Cyclery T IM E T A B L E 6;50 p m 2;18 p m ItM p a trains of DALLAS PASSENGER—DAILY, EX SUNDAY :00 p m L v ..............Portland.............. Arl0 20 am !(0 p m A r.............. iKllai* ..............Lv 7:(*0 YA M H ILL DIVI8IOH: Pwentrer depot foot <>f Jtfferxon street AIRi.IE FR E IG H T-T IN WEEKLY Leave 7:40 a m Portland......... Arrive 3:32pm Leave 3:50 pm ......... Dallas......... Arrive 8:20 a m Arrive 5:05 p m ....... Airlie ......... Leave 7:00 a m t Van Orsdel, — A L L KINDS OF— IRON WORK TO ORDER- Repairing Promptly Done. ED. BIDDLE. .J , - F A IN T E R , in g , k aU om in g and paper h an gin g. - Hayes & Co., 2 i R EAL E S TA TE D EALER S FA R M S AN D C IT Y L O TS ¥ ¥ PROP. ¥ H ouse, sign and o rn a m e n ta l, gra in • ¥ ¥ ¥ M A R T I N , O ksoom B E E F C O M B IN E . There is a great difference between Republican and De».i • ratio trust bus: ing. President Roosevelt and his attor­ ney geuerul have been for over n year trying to bring the beef trust to time, blit so fa r all that has been accomplish­ ed Is tlu» granting o f a temporary in­ junction to restrain the members o f the i combine from organizing to control , prices. It Is neodltsa tu say this pro- | feedin g lias had no effect In curbing the rapacity o f the beef trust and the members continue to bid their own price for stock. The Democratic trust busters have been more expeditious, for the attorney general o f the state o f Missouri has forced the tight ugainst the beef combine and obtained ju d g­ ment against it in the highest court of the state. The dispatch which contains the infor­ mal; m says: “ T h e principal members ; o f the beef combine, the Armour, the I Cudahy, the Sw ift, the Elauimond and : the Schwarzschikl & Sulzberger pack- j ing companies, were fined $5,000 each | in the Missouri supreme court ou March 20 aud ordered to pay the costs o f the cases, which amounted to $5,000. Unless the fines and costs are paid within thirty days the defendants w ill be ousted from the state.” T h e members o f the combine can now take the choice o f paying $25,000 or ceasing to do business in Missouri. I f they continue their operations iu that state, they w ill lay themselves lia­ ble to be fined for each offense o f the same nature. I f the administration was as anxious to bust the meat com­ bine as they pretend to be, Attorney General K nox could have had the members o f the combine behind the bars by tills time by prosecuting them uuder the criminal section o f the a n ti-' trust law. The Republican congress has now, however, repealed this crim­ inal section, and the chance o f proceed­ ing against the beef combine or any other trust uuder this section has gone by. W ith a Democratic congress and a Democratic president the energy o f the Missouri Democrats would be dupli­ cated in federal affairs, and, in addi­ tion to prosecuting those trusts that are robbing the people, further relief would be had by repealing those sched­ ules o f the tariff law that allow so many combines to sell their products cheaper to foreigners than to our own people. ; ii a Purchasing agent for W C. McClure, of Saginaw, J i n t u i i , and u other n ic i c u ^ ir i ii u timber im / c i u dealers. c a ic in . i v Room u ' m ii * - M ichigon, eastern Ç 1, upstairs, up stairs, Wilson building. ji in n ( DALLAS 1 - - O R EG O N 2 Western railroad lines have decided not to issue any more passes or re­ duced rate tickets, except to railroad men, clergymen and objects o f charity and have called in all passes issued to members o f legislatures and politicians. I f tills reform is really carried out and tho pass system abolished, it w ill great­ ly help to clear the political atmos­ phere and lead to other reforms, such as equal taxation o f railroad property. The eastern railroads should follow suit, hut the Pennsylvania and other lines must also abolish the givin g o f the fifty trip books, which is a mere evasion o f the pass system. I f the vot­ ers will now do their duty by electing to the legislature only those who are known to be proof against the teiuptn tlon o f the railroad lobby, in a few years w e may expect to see the eorpo rations bearing their fair share o f tax ation and individual taxes reduced in proportion. ! Y s V -' g? MILS. L. S. ADAMS. O f ta n lve n io n , T e x a * . . 3 •i n jj ,i lj o f Cardui is iutieed a blessing t j tired women. Having ¿uifered ter scvc\ years with weakness and bear- i ‘3 <»wn pains, and having tried sev- cral doctors and different remedies ' k'l-h no s jceess, your W i n « of C irdiil was the only tiling v/h-ch helped in«, and eventually cured me It seemed to b ji. up the weak parts, streayjr.cu the system and correct irregularities. * By “ tired women” Mrs. Adams means nervous women who have disordered menses, falling of the womb, ovarian troubles or any of these ailments that women have. You can cure yourself at home with this great women’s remedy, W in e of Cardui. W ine of Cardui has oured thousands of cases which doctors have failed to benefit. W hv not begin to get well today? All druggists have $1.00 bottles. For any stomach, liver or bowel disor­ der T b e d f o r d ’s Black-Draught should be used. For advice an-1 literatim» andrewt. pi Ting symptom». The lAtiku' Advisory I>«.part- meiit. The ChattAnooga Medicine Co,, Chattanooga, Tenn. OF the full benefit o f the ihllk. N ew milk should be fed exclusively the first fourteen to twenty days. The calf should have part new. part skim, ndlk from about the twentieth to the fiftieth day. Feed skim milk or other similar liquid food till at least three months old and after that as long as can be afforded. (liv e the milk at blood h eat but this should, new as wrell as skim, be first heated to 170 degrees. The calf should have oatmeal gruel nml good fine hay at the time when feeding skim milk commences. Use clean pails. Uneleanllness may cause deathly sickness. The calf should be made to drink the milk slowly in order not to disturb the digestion. An Irish Cham pion. who camfot stand tue pacb ana w uu fall by the wayside, often by their ow n hands. W hile the number o f suicides is prob­ ably on the increase In other cities as W’ell as in the country at large, yet w e have figures only for Chicago. The Record-Herald o f March 13 says that there w ere 23G suicides there In 1900, 390 in 1901 and 430 in 1902. That this rapid increase is now being kept up is evident from the fact that there were seventy-five suicides In January aud February and that on the first Sunday In March nine persons took this route to eternity. 0 b ï> m |~ATTL£ Shorthorn bull Pearl K ing (79,531). winner o f the Cbuloner Challenge plute at the royal Dublin spring show, pho­ tographed In the show yard for the Breeder’s Gazette. A m erican M e a t« In G e rm a n y . American meat exporters are hard In pursuance o f a firmly fixed policy hit by the new’ German law’s, w’ hich to strengthen the position o f the breed for pork products require three inspec­ in the International fat stock show, tions with expensive microscopic ex­ the directors o f the American Short­ amination. This practically kills the horn Breeders’ association determined trade and is also a hardship on the German working classes, which have to muke liberal offers o f special prizes been accustomed to using American for steers at that show, and the execu­ shoulder pieces and hams, says Am er­ tive committee set aside $2,500 for that ican Cultivator. Gerrnau legislators. purpose. The distribution o f this fund, In their zeal to protect home Interests, as recently allotted, w ill be as follows, seem to have overdone the matter, and says Breeder’s Gazette: the discontent o f the meat eating pub­ For pure bred Shorthorn steers, class lic is likely to force some relaxation o f It Is thought es for two-year-olds, senior yearlings, the new regulations. T H IS S IG N A T U R ! junior yearlings, senior calves, junior that tiie beef trade with Germany, al­ though greatly hampered, will he able calves and a championship. Five to continue. prizes will be given in each ring, ap­ T e x a n C a t tl e F o r Sout h A f r i c a . portioned as follows: $ 15, $35, $25, $15 An experimental shipment o f Texas and $10. The championship w ill carry cattle to South Africa Is about to bo M IS T A P P E A R with it a prize of $50. This makes a made and w ill consist o f 5.000 or 0,000 cid e« and Pro s p erity . EVERY BOX OF THE GENUINE. One o S f u i the total o f $700. A like amount, similarly head. I f these cattle are able to sur­ many peculiar and inex plicable features o f our present unpar­ apportioned in nil respects, w ill be v ive the long sea voyage and stand tho alleled prosperity, which Is enriching given for grade Shorthorn steers. The African climate many thousands more ilcan party as state officers or for tho thousands and impoverishing millions, will be wanted. This w ill please south legislature and congress—the effect is is the great increase in the number of herd prizes are four In number—$60, Texas cattle men, as there was no $40, $30 and $20 and the group In­ to have laws passed to protect the cor­ suicides under It. Apparently the fa r­ quarantine line and no Infection be­ porations from paying their just share ther w e get into this trust monopoly cludes a tw’o-year-old, yearling and yond the shores o f the gu lf.—Farm calf. This herd money is given for o f taxation. prosuofity the more people there are and Ranch. T h e whole theory o f democratic gov­ grades as well ns pure breds. ernment has been turned upside down. The balance o f the $2,500 appropria­ Artificial Lim bs. The participation o f railroads and oth­ tion, umounting to $800, w ill be offered . Artificial legs and arms are made so er corporations in politics has led to in the car lot show. The classification perfectly these days that It Is absolute­ the enactment o f laws, state and fed H A L fim i Is fo r car lot two-year-olds, ear lot ly impossible to tell that some people eral, that relieve the favored few and yearlings and ear lot calves, and three are wearing them. Artificial legs are Generally the expres­ their allies, the corporations and com prizes are given for each—$100, $75 made so that the lower part has all sion is, ” 1 don’t feel half r * bines, o f paying what the ordinary w ell,” though sometimes fejM and $50. The champion car lot will the action o f the human foot and are citizen pays in proportion to the prop­ f>eoplc sav, w I feel half capture $125. made to wear the same size shoe as erty owned. Congress ilxes the tariff Mck.” But there is no v _ the opposite foot. The shoe on the real A rife u tln * rattle. so that a poor man pays a much great­ : iich thing as being half When the cable brought the news foot will wear out in h alf the time the er percentage o f tax than a millionaire sick. The man who feels that the United Kingdom hud removed one on the artifiriul one, which is said in proportion to his Income. The state h alf bick is all sick. As a the embargo from cattle and sheep to be due to the heat from the roa! legislatures enact laws that allow the i n e. the cause o f the weak, tired, half sick feel- from the Argentine, most folks In this member. Artificial bunds are made so corporations and combines to escape iii" is disease of the stom- fl/ji country affected to believe that It that the ow ner can pick up a pin. paying on their lands and other prop­ aru, resulting in loss o f ’ ‘ would make very little If any differ­ Hard to believe, Isn’ t It? But there is erty anything like the proportion o f j nutrition ana contqueiitly taxes that the merchant, the farm er j ence to the American shippers for the a magnet in the end o f the artificial in physical weakness. and the small householder pay. These | reason that the Argentine cattle are hand. Doctor Fierce’s Golden exemptions o f the corporations and j not nearly so well bred as ours and , Medical Discovery V e r y M i ld Tew. the wealthy amount to millions and hence w ill not sell In the market with cures diseases of the The late Augustus Hare was fond o f are a constant Inducement for them to ; them. The quality o f the Argentine stomach and other or- relating an amusing Incident which gans of digestion and exj>end vast sums iu polities to main­ cattle is best described by the prices Illustrated the abzentmlmledness o f nutrition. It restores tain their advantage. The expenditure they bring In international trude, says his cousin, Dean Htanley. and Dr. Jow- strength by enabling the o f this money leads to the debauching Breeder's Gazette. In the first lot that perfect digestion and as­ ett. Both w’ere quite devoid of either o f those voters who are not proof reached the Ixmdon lairs there were similation of food. It taste or smell, and for some reason against the arts o f the briber and 133 head. These had not all been In­ makes half sick people both w’ere inordinately fond o f tea. breeds callousness and indifference tended for foreign shipment, but at all well. One morning they had each drunk and shameful apathy among those who that they sold as cargo for 12% cents " I suffered for four years eight cups, w hen suddenly, as Jow’ett with p'lin in my stomach are high in church and state. This per pound on the hoof, while represent­ so that at times I couldn't rose from his table, he exclaimed: aw ful political condition is rampant In ative American cargoes sold for 13% work nor eat.” writes Mr “ Good gracious! I forgot to put the teo Frank Smith, of some states and quiescent iu others, cents. A ll the Argentine steers In this In!” Neither had noticed the omlssloA but unfortunately the germ exists ev cargo not having been Intended for e x ­ ^ \ Colo " I wrote to you | as he tipped his favorite beverage. ^ al*out my •■ickness I ____ port and the Americans being the reg- , erywhere. and was told to use No real reform s are possible until four medicine-*, which I did with good result» ular export sorts It seems that the Ar- | C o ns id erate Johnnie. bribery and corruption are frown ni I only used lour bottle* o f your Golden Medieal gen tine steers may average ns good as ! D is c o v e r y a n d must say that I am entirely “ Johnnie,” said his mother threaten­ upon liy at least the great m ajority o f aired and feel like a new man, and I can highly ours and that their competition Is ingly to the Incorrigible. “ I am going the people, and this should be the first recommend your medicine to any sufferer.” hound to have Its Influence when the «G olden Medical Discovery ” contain* Booth American trade assumes its full to have your father whip you when he business o f all Democrats. Attend comes home tonight.” caucaoses and conventions and vote no alcohol and is entirely free from scope. “ Please don’t, mamma,” replied John­ only for clean men. Follow that up by >pium, cocaine and all other narcotic* Good C alf f a r e . It is strictly a temperance medicine. The calf should be cleaned at once nie iM'iiitently “ Pa Is alw ays so tired aiding In every manner possible to con­ Accept no substitute for “ Golden Med­ vict and punish vote buyers and vote ical Discovery.” There is nothing “ just after the birth by careful nibbing with when he comet home.” —Stray Stories. sellers. irr»*spectlve o f party or social M good ” for diseases of the stomach. dry clot!) or dry straw, as the calf re- i T h e Beat Sort. standing. A few convictions would The “ Common Sense Medical Advia- spires only through the skin. W illie—Pa, what Is a “ preferred soon make It so dangerous to carry on rT,” one thousand and eight large pages, The calf should be protected against the nefarious work that It would 1># in paper covers, is sent fre e on receipt of dampness and draft. It is very tender creditor” any way? twenty-one one-cent stamps, to pay n - while young. It should have the milk ( P a —A preferr**d creditor, my son. It too unprofitable to attempt It. penae of mailing only. Address Dr. In small portions and as often as the one who doesn’ t bother us much with Buffalo, N. Y. fe. V. Pierce, Buni cow s, art* milked, as only then wc set h it bill.—Philadelphia Treat. ON " i m a V P I t U « thoroughly eradicated from lyvteni without th e u>e o f M u r r a r jr T r a s i s t fitted b y an Eepert. M a d i ­ a s I r a r e (or M a y i s r * . a quick end radical cure for P i l e » * . F l a i a r a end F U t a l a , l»y Dr. Jordan ’s special pam- lees methods. tation free and »tr k tly prieate T ra a tm en tp er *r b y letter. A rotitivt Curt in e ve ry case •n. w r i t * for B »ok P H l I . O S l I P n y mt M G K , M AILE D M K R *. ( A veluah1 • book ter men ) C e ll or write CURES A COLD IN ONE DAY CURES GRIP IN TWO DAYS 1 SW A Wail Orders Will Receive Prompt Attention ’ i COKVALLI8 M AIL—D AILY 7 30 a m L v .............. Portland............... Ar 10:46 a ni L v ............... Derry..................Lv 11 ;45 p in A r ....... Onm H Lv At Albany and Corvallis connect with Oregon Central and Eastern railroad. O U S T IN G D i f f e r e n c e U e t w ^ e u Ile ttu b lte a n M a n « l D e iu t»e ru tu lu F i g h t l u t f T r u itts . R a i l r o a d FaflMeM A b o l lu lle d . Leaves Inde|Kjndence for Monmouth and Virile — . :30 a in 3:30 p in Leaves Independnce for Monmouth and Dallas— 11:10 am 6 15pm Leavra Monmouth for Airlie - .50 a in 3:50 p m Leaves Monmouth for Dallas— 1:20 i in 7:30 pm Leaves Airlie for Monmoutu ami independence— 4:00 a in 6 p III Leaves Dallas for Monmoui li an • Imie oudenee— 1:00 p m 7 30 p in. D a l la s , P IL L S . The 5 cent |».i :ka?e is en