Ilia moans nave o u t. lie solicited ou t­ THE POLK COUNTY ITEMIZER side capital and a com pany was in Farm Machinery corpornu*l with » c a p it a l stock in IU LLA 8 ,F R ID A Y , JULY. 24. 1903. UBbisHiD K vbry F k iuat I I oiuuku A t 7:30. w . A . W A H U , KDITOB AND PHOPMUCToH. S U B S C R IP T IO N RATES: shares c f ♦1,000,000. o f which ♦250,000 was placed on the m a rket for ilev«tlo|e m ent purposes. T h e y were made u ii assessable, and a goodly block is ow n ­ ed here. T h e ju d ge inform s me that the ore taken out by tiis tw o men now w orking exceeded Ida most siD guine exp ectation * and lie thinks there is a big fhiiiK in it fnr all. A much larger force will )>e put on in the fall and lots of ore gotten out to he ground up n ext year. 4 1 50 ..................................... P er y “ Mr ............................P er six m ontl 8 4 0 ......................... P « r th ree month* A d v e it ilin g rate* made known on application. Correspondence issolicit- ed. F in e Job P rin tin g done at reasonable prices. | 75 WOODMAN HALL. A hall large enough to accom odate all the people who desire to attend, and a stage and Jreaaing rooms up to the demands of decent dram atic com ­ panies, has long been one o f the ur­ gen t needs of Dallas, and is becom ­ in g a greater necessity with every year that passes over our heads. W ith th eir customary foresight lookin g to ward the betterm ent of the town and the energy with which to put the ball in motion and keep it so until any de sired end is gained, the W oodmen o f Dallas camp are now taking this mat­ ter up, and it is pretty evident that the scheme will soon develop from its now em b iyotic state into a full-fledg­ ed enterprise in which m any of our most worthy citizens will be financi­ ally interested. T h e W oodm en have for a lon g tim e been desirous of own­ in g their own hall, but have never succeeded in accum ulating enough in their general fund to allow them of taking the in itial step, although they have always managed to keep on hand a neat surplus. The funds gained by the recent carnival lifte d them o v ­ er the ragged edge so to speak, and they are now in a fair way to c o m ­ mence the acquirem ent o f the long desired place o f m eeting. T h e scheme is to erect a two story building of suf­ ficient dimensions to furnish down stairs two large halls for m eeting and banquetting, and a neat social recep­ tion room, the upper story to contAir an up to date theatre, audience room and dance hall. The estim ated cott of the building is from $8,000 to $10,* 000. and it is expected that the stock will all he held by W oodm en on the same plan ns that so successfully op crated by Bnllston camp, and which has paid the stockholders an annual per cent ranging from 20 to 37. That such a building as is proposed would be a financial success here is beyond qutslion, and no difficulty whatever, is anticipated in securing I f the camp concludes the stock to fake the matter in hand they certainly will have the well wishes of every citizen of Dal­ las, ns all fully realize that we must soon have som ething of the kind or take a back seat as a show town. W ith such a hall we would soon begin to a t­ tract firstclass dramatic talent, and our people be furnished the amuse­ ment they crave without having to take a trip to the metropolis. com m ittee consisting A o f Judge Sib- ley, W . G. Vassall and Frank Mus cott, have been appointed by the camp to get prices on a desirable loca lion, and they will make a report next Thursday night. Several lots are un­ der consideration. E n d e a v o r R e ce p tio n. T h e members os the Christian E n ­ deavor held a reception Tuesday even­ in g at Mrs. W . W . U llre y ’s in honor of Andrew H olm an and wife, who have been in California for several months, and of Mrs. Cook, who has been in M exico for the past eigh t years. M u­ sic and games were the amusements of the evening, and a lunch of ice­ cream, cake and lemonade were sen- on the lawn, to which all did justice. Those p re»en t w ere: Rev. Green, wife and sons, Andrew H olm an and wife, W alter N ich ols and wife Im z and 8- - na L yn ch, V iola Shuhz. Bertha Kill , Nola Coad, Ethel Gwinu, (»ilia Doty. Mi**s Fickle, Mrs. Doty, Nrs. Snyder. Mrs. Cook, Mrs Hughes And daugh­ ter, Mrs. Mark Ellis, T o m m ie Btncl- well, Claud Lyn ch, Floyd D aly, Curt Teuuis, Chester Gales, H arry Guv­ nor, E verett Owinn, Mrs. L zsie Fu­ qua, of Forest Grove, And Mrs. W es'- fall, of Los Angeles - ■ ■■ ■ N E W Y O R K ’ S N IG H T H A W K E R T h e O w l Cab m en W h o H a u n t Its T e a - d e r lo lu Di str ict. Just where Broadway crosses Sixth avenue at Thirty third street U to be found a dingy triangular little park plot In which a few gas stunted, smoke stained trees make a brave attempt to keep alive. On tw o sides o f the trian­ gle surface cars whirl restlessly, while overhead the elevated trains rattle and Shriek. This part o f the metropolis knows little difference between (luy and ulght, for the cars never cease, the arc lights blaze from dusk until dawn, and the puvements are never wholly »mpty. I.ooally the section Is sometimes tailed "th e Cabman's Graveyard.” I Hiring any hour o f the twenty -four you may find waiting along the curb a line o f public carriages. By day yon will sometimes see smartly kept han­ soms, well groomed horses und drivers In neat livery. But at night the character o f the line changes. The carriages are mostly one horse closed cabs, rickety as to wheels, with torn and faded cushions, license numbers obscured by various devices and rate cards alw ays missing. The horses are dilapidated, too, and the drivers, whom you w ill generally find nodding on the box or sound asleep Inside their cabs, harmonize with their rigs. These nre the night lmwkers o f the Tenderloin. T h e name Is not an assur­ ing one, but it Is suspected that It has been aptly given.—S ew ell Ford In "H orses Niue.” Vehicles Bicycles Sewing Machines Cream Separators And every other thing that is usually carried in a first class implement h o u s e . We have the Studebaker vehicles, the Tribune bi­ cycles, the Sharpies tubu­ lar cream separators, the McCormick harvesting ma chinery, and we can sell you machinery that we re­ commend and stand by. F. A, W IGGINS 255 259 Lil>erty street, Salem , Or. OCR STAFF OF RUSTLERS- W H A T TH E Y HAVE TO SA Y A B O U T T H E O O I N C S IN T H E C O U N T Y . Wow T o Find Oat. Fill a bottle or common glu t with your water and let It stand twemy-fiur hours; a ■ _r-s . . sedlnrent or set- J /Tvn tltng ir.dtcatsa an O unhealthy condi­ tion of the kid­ neys if It stains your Unen It Is evldaics of kid­ ney trouble: loo frequent desire to pass t or pstn in the tack Is also convincing proof that the kldnejs and blad­ der are out of order. What to Do. There Is comfort In the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp- Root, tne great kidney remedy fulfills every wish In curing rheumatism, pain In tho back, kidneys, liver, bladder sad every part of the urinary passage. It corrects Inability to hold water and scalding pais In psssin* It. or bad effects following \ue of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often during the day. and to get up many times during the night. The mild and the extra­ ordinary effect of Swamp. R oot Is soon realized. It stands the highest for Its won­ derful cures of tho most distressing esses. If you need s medicine you should have the best. Sold by druggists In 50c. and j l . sizes. You may have a sample bottle of this wonderful discovery and a book tkal tells more about It. both sent absolutely free by mall, address Dr. Kilmer & HOOM a t _________ Co., Binghamton, N. Y . When writing men­ tion reading this generous offer In this paper. A n U n e q u a l l e d a n d C o m p l e t e Re a u m e of W h a t Y o u r F r ie n d s are a n d Have B een Lately D o in g . Jack Barker fell o ff a load of ha M onday and broke h i. arm . H ardy Crawford and fam ily sorely afflicted w ith mcasels. ar H b erriff H. H. A ld erm an , o f T illa ­ mook, wife and d s n x lit.r visited re la ­ tives here last week. Grain is ripen in g very rapid ly and Mr. Shepard and O. E. Price will each start their thresher soon. J. R. Shepard has bought the 17 sore field o f peas from O. E Price and has turned 45 hu|ja uu it tu be fattened for market. m ins, have been here. visitin g his brother N igh t W as H c rTe rro r. “ I would Collgh neatly .ill night bm g,” writes M is. C l as. A pplegate, i f Alexandria, In d , "a n d could hardly get any sleep. I had consum ption so had that if I walked a b’.ock 1 Would cough fright fully and spit blood, but when all oth er remedies failed, three $1 bottles of Dr. K in g ’ New Discovery wholly cured in «, and l gained 58 pound.-.” I t ’s absolutely guaranteed to core coughs, colds, la g r ip p e , bron­ chitis and all throat and lung «roubles. Price 50 cents and $1. T ria l to llie s frt e at all druggists. — ■— ------------------ H e rm a n H a w k in s ' B irth d a y. On 1 h **» F rid ay afternoon 20 invited guests assembled at the home of Hon. G. L. H aw kins and wife to cole b ra e the eighth birthday of heir s »n, H e r­ man. Games of all Winds were the especial feature, am i tho little ones were afterward «uniptuously regaled on ice cream and cuke. M m y pres­ ents were made Master H aw ,.ins as a | rem inder o f his arriving a’, hi« eighth m ilestone in life, perhaps th.* most f cherished being a tine m agic lantern | from his parents. So elated was he j that all the children were invim d hack j that even ing to sc** how success- ! fu lly it, would work. T h e y all return­ ed at dusk and it proved a grand eu- | tertainer. Those in vited w e re : H at­ tie Sm ith, V era W agn er, Dolli. Burke, Leone W illiam s, Buena, R oxnnna and ! G e o rg ia n » Fiske, Maud W ea ver, Lu- j eile D alton, Pearl T a lb o tt, H .illie j Hart, Opal M eD evitt, Ruth M orrison, Beanie R eid , H arry Madison, Harold H art, Jack E ak in , Em erson G roves, Laird W oods, F ia u k Cam pbell, Carl W illiam s. Maurice D alton, Uda Burke, Clark VanO rsdel Otis H ayes, Jim M itchell dug up some baried treasure on the Hnves place T u etday Rev. Geo. A . M c K in le y and son. — half d ollar» o f IcSfiO. Prof. A . P. M c K in le y , have joined F. H . Buchanan, who m arried Miss Misses A lic e and M u riel and expect to Ona Porter, of H arm ony, i oinigsters who ju m p ..t an yth in g C u r e for many more such happy birthdays. having fun in it. helped Mr*. Fuqua >" ♦ • ♦ ----------- at Parker, puil wool for a bed. s&kafiRcoufl CROW LEY. CATARRH CATARRH Volu n teer correspondence always welcom e from all o ver the cou n ty. If your neighborhood has been n eglect­ ed, you are in vited to send the news from there, I f you or any ot your neighbors have an yth in g extra fiuo in the way of stock or pou ltry, or if you know o f an yth in g else that m ight interest the public, please tell us about it. Ely’ s Cream COLD'N HEAD Heals and protects the membrane. Restores the Senses o( Taste and Smell. Larue size, 54» cents at druggists or by mail; Trial size, 10 cents* by mail. ELY BROTIIKU8, 56 Warren St. New York. AGRICULTURAL IM PLEM ENTS PLOWS HARROWS * WAGONS CULTIVATORS Wc have a Carload of Buggies, Wagons and Spring Wagons Coming. ; Never before did we have so much or so great a“variety of things for the farmers. All kinds of machine oil. DALLAS WAGNER BROS., Ü T h e P e r fe c t ULEI W E A R E IN I T . W HAT? Our fine new display room s— none finer in the state. 269 Liberty Street Catarrh l*ena Blair has been very ill but is im p io vin g, Striking resemblance ha* been point­ ed out between the remarkable ancient rulus at Zlipbabwe, In Rhodesia, and ! Fred Coad Monday. returned to Portland Lottie Hie wart, o f Sheridan, spent Saturday with friend« here. Mrs. Coad has gone to the coast to the coast to spend the summer. Mr. Stewart is hauling lum ber from M arch’s null t > build a new house in Sheridan. The House Furnishing Co., Next door to Jos. Meyer & Sons. S to re s : S a le m and A ib a ro J ; mm THE G RE A T S A LE OF Is now on at the S A lL id WOOLEN M ILL STORE! 2 5 4 - 2 5 6 C o m m e r c i a l Street, S a le m , O r e g o n . - Over 200 Suits to be Sacra- ficed, all New Spring Pat­ terns Included. Kodaks Cameras - Free use of dark room. Vis it i ng Kodak ere always wel­ come. ..1.1 one. T h . e « l t i , . t i o n U about W h ite at the coaat Fred Cowl k illed | je foetton. Mr. W t.rdover say. that tho largest deer known to h aw been , | U he bad o n . like It he would n o t , killed uu tin . p a n of the coa .L •sm tm SUITS CET A KODAK NOW ! Chas. M iller and Fred Olinstead Dr. H a y io r '» p r im , orchard is a have gone to work with Jas. O lm | pretty eigh t, e.p vcially the two year dead's hay baler. li JO S.1M E r t R S 0& S O N S Y o u do not have to buy an yth in g or pay a cent for enough of the finest furniture polish to rejuvenate your » ntire house. Are paying the Highest 17282335 " ' Hides, Pelts, Wool. Tallow, Furs, Old Iror, Rubber and M etals. A V A C A T I O N W IT H O U T A K O D A K IS A V A C A ­ T I O N W A S T E D j« vm LAUNDRY Leave orders in Dallas with J. .T. Fidler or at the Muscolt confectionery store. J. BROWNSTEIN S SON BUELL. Man Has yet to Le bom, hut immaculate 1 in en gees a long w ay toward n «iking j er- fcction in one’s apparel. N o matter 1 .tv fine your outer clothing, it your s'.drts and underwear are not well hum dere i, vi,u will not feel comfortable. Y u will not go far wrong in sending your work to the j Y o u assume no risk when you buy Cham berlain’s C olic, Cholera and Di­ arrhoea Rem edy. W ilson Drug Co. will refund your m oney if you are not satisfied after using it. I t is e ve ry ­ where admitted to be th e most suc­ cessful rem edy in use for bowel c o m ­ plaints and tlie on ly one that never | fails. I t is pleasant, safe and reliable. Balm K ivj . y amt pleasant to us Contains no injuriou. drug. It is quickly absorbed. (Jives relief at once. It opens ami Cleanses the Nasal PassagM- Allays Inflammation. J tQ B H Assignees Sale. John Shaw is building a woodshed An Ocranlun . and Jas. Buydston is en la rgin g his In the early housekeeping days o f a house and barn. lady now prominent In social circles a Jas Boydston’s brother and fam ily, guest o f some distinction arrived, and the modest dinner was hastily sup­ from Oregon City, are here and wants plemented by a neighboring caterer. to rent or buy a farm. Three-year-old Mary sat quietly John Brown expects to plant about through the opening acts, but when the 25 acres to prune trees, opposite Dr. climax o f faney cakes and Ices was H ayter’» oidh srd next fall. reached her eyes widened with delight as she called out In a clear tone, T h e basket willows planted from "W hose birthday is tills, mother?” — cuttings in John Rem pie’s osier b«d Judge. are doing well, and are grow in g witli the little care they receive. Snre to W i n . “ You have had some experience with T h e 8alt Creek telephone line cost the fa ir sex,” said the inexperienced members about $10 each and about youth who had been jilted. “ H o w is $15 for the instruments. T h e farmers the Inwt way to get around a girl?” are pleased with it. The H.uiihtieltl "W ith your arms,” tersely replied line is hum m ing a m erry tuue. Is a constitutional disease. It originates i n a acmfulous condition cf the old tim er.—Chicago News. T h e infant son of M ike M cNulty tire blood and depends on that condition. was severely stung by a swarm of An Rxceptin n. It often causes headache and dizziness. Impairs the taste, si ».-II and In iring, af­ FacM Ing—I thought you didn’t object bees last Friday, there being twenty fects the vocal organs, disturbs the stomach. to a man who talked shop? slings on one cheek Abe Kcmpel It is always radically and permanently Q u lg g l e r - -But that fellow is an un­ got some stings g e ttin g the child gored by the blood-purifying, alterative a a ay. dertaker Brooklyn IJfe. and tonic action of Hood's Sarsaparilla J R. Shepard is baling hay for Ham Phillips. Do not m ake any mistake, but re­ R alph AIleD has mumps. member the name, H w am p R oot, Dr. Relatives from Astoria are visi'in g K ilm er's Swam p-Runt, and the ad­ Y o u K n o w W h a t Y o u A r e T a k i n g . dress, B in gh am ptou , N . Y . o n every G. A . Larsen. YVheu you take G rove's Tasteless bottle. H om er W h ite , w ife and brother Seth C hill T on ic, because the form ula is are at the coast. plainly printed on every b ottle, show­ M rs. Ruble was taken to a Salem in g th at it is «im p ly Iron and Quinine take ♦300 an acre for it. H tn ry Rose hospital last week. in a tasteless form. N o cure, no pi y. is w orkin g it. , I’ rice, 50 cents. Enoch W ills , o f Gaston, has beeu Mrs. E on s is nearly diiconraged visitin g J. E. A lie n . -------------------------- with the m ole pests, which are k illin g S M ITH FIE LD . the youngest and thriftiest of her It a l­ W ard Stevens and wife, o f W illa - John Becker and fa m ily have gone ian prune trees. T h e y tu iin .l around to the coast. the trees and eat the votaig roots which causes them to dry up and die. T h e farmers are busy h ayin g, but a She would welcom e any information few have finished. or method that cheaply and effective­ N O T IC E IS H E R E B Y G I V E N T H A T r o * t ly n o o k *. the undersigned, assignee <>f the estate of l). V id a M ver, of K ick re a ll, was visit­ ly k ills or gets rid o ' them. W hen Colonel Robert G. Ingersoll M. Guthrie, an insol vent debtor, w ill on Gerhard R em pel. at hie home near was livin g in Peoria he was called ing Mrs. F. B. Hastings last week. S aturd ay, A u g u s t the 2 2n d, upon one day by General John A. Lo­ Bert Hastings started his binder K ickreall had a three inch well drilled 1903, at the hour of 1 o’clock p. m, at the gan. says the N ew York Times. The Monday and Floyd M yer is shocking 9S£ feet deep, by Mr. Robinsen of Salt front door of the county court house in D al­ Creek at a cost of $1 per foot, near las, Polk county, Oregon, offer for sale and colonel was upstairs at the time, and for him. his other well which is 36 feet and has will sell the hereinafter described real prem­ General Logan was ushered into the Mrs. A rch 'e M y er’s father and fan) but little water In the new one tile ises at public auction for cash in hand on day library, where on a table were three of sale, subject to confirmation of the circuit volumes o f Voltaire’s works, an edition ily are here. H e is lookin g lor a water is 11 feet from tho surface. T i n court of said Polk county, Oregon, to-wit: A place to rent. probability is, had it not been on a part o f sections 17, 18, 19 and 20 in township de luxe representing all that was best hill, an artesian well m igh t have been 8 south, range 5 west of the Willam ette mer­ In the bookbinder’s art. General L o ­ G. W . M yer and fam ily started for idian, in Polk county, Oregon, beginning at the result. H e can connect the two a point 5 chains east from the corner to said gan picked them up one at a time, ab- „ , , ! the coast last F iid a y to be gone for 10 wells by a em ail tunnel and use the sections 17, 18, 19 und 20, thence south 20 smlied in Ids admiration o f their beau- or tw ow etk3 large oue as a reservoir. H e iu tends chains, thence west 5 chains to section line tics. W h ile so engaged Colonel Inger- ________ t Ê t _________ between sections 19 and 20. thence south with to put up a windm ill. soil entered the room. A S u s t a i n in g Diet. section line 8.27 chains, thence west 39 75 ‘Colonel," said the general, holding chains, thence north 27 degrees 45 minutes, These are the enervating days, when T o C u r e a C o l d i n o n e D a y. one o f the volumes In his hands, “ this | east 25 chains to a point which is west 17.54 I as somebody has said, men drop by chains from the southeast corner of the dona 'l ake L a x a tiv e tlrom o Quinine T a b ­ Is the most magnificent volume 1 have the sunstroke as if the day of tire had le 's A ll dru ggists refund the m oney tion land claim of 8. P. Thornton, and in the over seen. 1 do not want to seem Im- I county road from Dallas to Bridgeport, dawned T h e y are (rou gh t with dan ­ if it fails to cure, E. W . G rove’s sig­ pertinent, but would you mind telling thence north 44 degrees, 30 minutes, east 28 ger to people whose systems are p oor­ nature is on each box. 25c. chains, thence east 4.02 chains to the south­ me what these hooks cost you?” ly sustained ; and this leads us to say, east corner of the district school lot fence, “ Those hooks,” began the colonel, the \ in the interest of the less robust of thence north two chains, thence east 3.21 N O R T H D A L L A S . twinkle in his eye grow ing brighter at chains to a rock and stake on section line be­ lo u r re.ulera, that the fu ll effect of each word, “ cost mo—the governorship tween sections 17 and 18, thence south 4.3-1« 0 j H ood’s Sarsaparrilla is such as to sug- Mr. W est has his house nearly done. chains, thence east 5 chains, thence south 15 of Illinois." | gi st the propriety of callin g this inedi- chains to the place o f beginning, containing Miss V io let D igby is working for 127.37 acres more or less. Also beginning n M o r a l l r C e r t a i n o f It. | cine som ething besides a blood pnri- Mrs. Rowel iff. a point which is north 15 chains from the cor­ T lie prosecuting witness, who had a tier arid a tonic,— say a sustainingdiet, ner to section« 17, 18,19 and 20, said town­ lump over one eye, a black and blue H makes it much easier to bear die Jas. M itch ell’s children have all ship and rang#, thence north 19.75 chains to spot under the other, n nose that point- *>e*L assures refreshing sleep, and will got the meascls. the southwest corner of Arraand Guthrie’s land, thence east 27.25 chains, th#nce south ed decidedly aw ry and various strips I without any doubt avert much sick- John Boyer has been c u ttin g hay 10 chains, thence west 22.25 chains, thence o f courtplaster on bis face evidently ; ness at this tim e o f year. south 9.75 chains, thence west 5 chains to the for M r. C u tiler. arranged without any regard to their place of beginning and containing 32.12 acres P IO N E E R . more or less. artistic effect, testified that the de­ Joe R em m ington has given his M . M. E L L IS , fendant hail knocked him senseless E veryb ody is busy m akin g hay. house a new coat of paiut. Assignee of the estate of D. M. Guthrie, in­ and then kicked him In the head and solvent debtor. Rev M oore preached hero last Sun­ face for several minutes. A youn g lady from P ark er has been Sibley k Eakin attorneys for assignee. “ I f he knocked yon senseless,” asked day. engaged to teach our school. the police Justice, "h ow do you know Isaac Robertson has been visiting G eorge Coulee and C h arley Schroe- he kicked you after you were down?” Citation. here. der have been w ork in g on Mr. L y n c h ’s The witness scratched his Jaw and w in dm ill. Our school closed here on the first, reflected. In the county court of the state of Oregon " I know It, Jedge,” he replied, of July. M r. C ritch low and son, W alter, arc for the county of Polk. “ ’ cause that’s w liat I ’d ’ a' done tc him able to be about, but G randm a C ritch ­ In the matter of the guardianship of the es­ Mr. Loot* ami wife, of Illin o is, have tf I'd got him down. You can bet on tate of It. L. W illis and Katherine Willis, been visitiug H i R ich m on d, she being low is failin g fast. minors. that I"—Chicago Record-Herald. a second cousin of bis. A n n a M itch ell has gone to help T o R . L. W illis and Katherine W illis and to their next of kin and all persons interested, Mrs. W r ig h t cook for those go in g and F o p Hotly an d Soul. Mrs. W oodward and Reuben cele­ greeting: com ing from the coast on th e Rock Flore Is a curious advertisement, re­ brated the Fourth with measles, and IN T H E N A M E OF T H E S T A T E OF Creek road. Oregon, you are hereby cited and required to published in the Com hlll Magazine W ill Middleton has been sick with the appear in the county court of the state of Or­ from an eighteenth century paper: same disease. W ill M artin has gone to work at the egon for the county o f Polk, at the couit “ W anted—F o r n fam ily who have bad oak saw m ill w h ile W ill H ayes and room thereof at Dallas, in the county of health, a sober, steady person, in the C h o le ra I n f a n tu m . M alter E asier have gone to work at Polk on capacity o f a doctor, surgeon and Saturday, A u g u s t 22nd, T h is has long been regarded as one the Johnson loggin g camp. apothecary. li e must occasionally act o f the most dangerous and fatal dis­ 1903. at 10 o’clock in the forenoon of that day then and there to show cause, if any exist, in the capacity o f butler and dress hair eases to which infants are subject. It N o P it y S h o w n . why an order of this court should not issue and wtgs. H e will be required to read can be cured, however, when properly " F o r years fate was after me con ­ authorizing L. M ay W illis, guardian of said prayers occasionally and to preach a treated. A ll that is necessary is to tin u ou sly” writes F. A. Gulledge, V e r ­ minors, to sell all the real property of said sermon every Sunday. The reason o f give Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and bena, Ala. ‘ *1 had a terrible ease of minors in Polk county, Oregon, to-wit: Be­ this advertisement is that the fam ily Diarrhoea R em edy and castor oil, as piles causing tw enty four tumors, ginning at a point on the south boundary cannot any longer afford the expense directed with each bottle, and a cure W h en all failed B rc k le n ’s Arnica line of the donation land claim of Robert W . and Rebecca Hamilton in township 7 south, o f the physical tribe and wish to be at is certain. F o r salt bv W ilson Drug Halve cured me. E qually good for range 3 west of the Willamette meridian. a certain expense for their bodies and Co. burns and all aches and pains. O n ly 16.10 chains east of the southwest corner of said claim and running the nee east 8.38 chains, souls. A good salary w ill be given.” 25 cents at all druggists’ . thence north 23.875 chains, thence west 8.38 PO LK. chains, thence south 23.875 chains to the T e e t h of n Sh ark. place o f beginning, containing 20 acres of OAKDALE. Geo. (Juirring was the first to cut In respect to its dentition the shark land. W IT N E S S , th# honorable J. E. Sibley is n very remarkable creature. The sum m erfallow, John Robinson and fam ily visited judge of the county court of white shark has seven rows o f teeth, G. J. Rem pel has bought a new at Independence Sunday. the state of Oregon for the while other species vary in the num­ Deering binder. [seal] county of Polk, with the ie*l Chas Farley and fam ily have m ov­ ber o f rows they possess. It must be of said court affixed, this 20th day of July, A. D., 1903. H en ry Rose will start his wood saw­ ed out here for the summer. understood, however, that the shark Attest: IT. 8. I>ughary, clerk only uses one row at a time. The ing machine n ext week. B y W . F . Nichols, deputy. A. Murph v and wife celebrated th eir other rows lie down Inside the mouth Isaac Dyck is progressing nicely golden wedding last Saturday. behind the edge o f the Jaw, erecting with his 12-lunnel prune dryer. themselves when it is time for them Mrs. O. Dennis is seriously ill and to take, successively the place o f the A G. and G. J. R em pel were the the Hcifarth girls have the mcasels. first row. W hen one observes how tired to cut barley two weeks ago. 54 State street, Salem, VV. G. Vassal Hnd wife, of Dallas, keen edged these incisors are it seems A lot o f good s ir e fen cin g is being have been visiting Oakdale relatives. ’ Phone 2,071 .Main no wonder that they can bite off a big rope as readily as if it were pack put u p o n the K irkp atrick and W u i, Brown places. thread. W i l l B u y It B a c k . Struck A Cood Th in g . Judge Sibley, R. C. Craven and Chas. M eD evitt returned Monday from an inspection of the Freeland copper mines h eated on the north fork of the Santiam T h ere are souie fifty stockholders of the com pany re­ siding ir. our city, ami these gen tle­ men concluded to take a little outing and satisfy a natural curiosity as to the developem ent work being done, ami the way returns were coining in. Hugh Freeland was the discoverer of this ledge, and after working it until T h l . great naetflrli.c h u wrought th . mo*t wu.ul.rful cure, o i .11 diseases depend!,* on » r o f u l a or the scrofulous habit. ’ | l H i f « u i art Us Nrt SPRING V A L L E Y . Thousands H a t * Kidney Ttosbla and Don’t Know t. P F E N N IG , Jeweler and Optician. W IL S O N B L O C K . S u it s n o w $ 7 w e r e S IO , $11, $12 an d $12.50. S u its n o w $12 w e r e $14, $15, $16, $16.50, $18, $ 2 0 . | T (-es « s re n n lv two »»m p 'p s P R IC K S M A1>K W I T H O U T «¡lie incltioes Ore newer! cuts wig house. C om e and see for o f t’ ,o w iv vtr nrr* r , i r » i „ e prices S A L E i K F G A H D T O C O S T. R em en i!.er tlii«| an,! m 'lein s front S slrm 's leading rlo ih you -ell.