BMW L. N. WOODS, M. 1). SHE COULDN’T SAY IT Physician and Surgeon, r. y. D h II«*. Oregon. [Original.] 3 M 33 ££, Uniford wns but forty, nnd yet be bad made u fortune on the stage. It bad been a bard struggle for the brat ten years, but very easy during the second. ' -wertholess be bad so often looked forward to a clay of rest that now he was Indepeudi ut be resolved to relire. To his surprise bis wife did not share in his enthusiasm over bis prospect of rest. “ Y.'oat does this menu. Ida?” b* »¿•Id. *"or yrnrs you have been fear- in 1 would break d*.. *vn from over­ work. a ad now that 1 propose to retire you are dissatisfied. How e'er, youi- p 1 st i'ii: oumgemeut and ; dvice have be n itx» much to me to warrant my s i;*! 1 ting your opinion. Give me yout reasons and if they are convincing i will remain in harness." Hut the poor woman could not give her reasons. They were only in bei feelings, intuitions, the germs of rea­ ls ms. So she made no .reply, and tin D ALLAS, M D - a B iit f O N Ulfi « over batik D i . E . J . H 3 N A ;*D Physician and Surgeon D A L L A S . O rtE C O N Offl ••• in l ' , •«*' building. J K HthLKT, »* '• r *k,,‘ S IB L B Y A B A K IN , A I t o r n e . y s - « i t - I * ¿1 * •V.) 1 n’4 H im only set of *»>4tru. t t»*oks in Folk >UII< v (uiiahk* AiHtlrMiU furn.»l»cd. and umiiuy 11 . N Union charged on 1-1 3 W 1 Ison’» block. Dalian Room* i J. L. COLLINS, great actor, after a dozen or more'fare­ wells, gave up libs profession. Lone Island is a favorite place for actors country houses, to which they go foi rest in tlie summer, when most of the theaters are closed, and the pair boughl a choice spot there overlooking tlie veean and built an artistic residence Here they lived happily from May tii November, then went to the city foi the winter. For two or three yean Halford enjoyed ids rest thoroughly He did absolutely nothing. Thou he began to read. There were thousands of books of which he hud never seen the and it Manned to 1dm that he had found paradise. H alf a doze*- yeurs were spent In this pastime, with occasional trips to tlie south in winter Then, haring exhausted those subjec-s In which lie naturally took an interest he concluded to make a tour of tin world. His travels kept him amused for several years longer; then, return­ ing to his country scat, he settled down once more to a quiet life. It was then that ids wife first began to see signs of dissatisfai ion. lie had resolutely kept away from the theater, fearing that its ip flue 11 everyb od y in BUTLEB A ( ’OAD every w ay. B L A C K BOOT A tto r n e y s -a t-L a w couiib . O Ilice, A tto rn e y -a t-L a w D ALLAS • OKEUON M r MOTOR TIME TABLE. i 4 » __ a a O R. E. w i l l i a m s . PreH hlent. 1 a sh ler. w . C . V A S S A L L , a s s is t a n t C a s h ie r C IT Y *>A.\h ORKOON, ITansacts a general banking otisi ucss in all its branches; buy« ami sells exchange on principal points in the United States; makes collections on all points in the Pacific Northwest; loans money and discounts paper at the best rates; allow interest on time deposits. v is it D R . J O R D A N ’ S a n i»T l' t T M W t ir r e e ---- c o a / lu ft I- known os the place where tl»«> best, good* are money. Up to dale shop keep ng is our aim. *»•» i»py # go lucky, win or lose m« tbods do not go here. There is loo 1 much at stake. W e are building husims* oat of mate; ial that w ill last R. C. CRAVEN DALLAS. l d SALESVTS ♦ BEST STO R E ©Î * i 1C JÌ.Ì8 ’ C ty g r e i^ Leaven Independence for Monmouth and \irlio - j ‘ , :30 a in 8:80 p m Leaves Indepsndnoe for Monmouth and L»alU»- 11:10 a m 6 16 p in Leav« s Monmouth for Airlle .SO a m 3:50 P m Leave« Monmouth for Dallas— I t : 20 a tn 7:30 p m Leaves \irlio for Monmouth and Independence— 9:Oo a m 3 P ,n Leaves Dallas for Monmoui Ii an 1 endonce—• 1:00 p m 7.30 p m . OF CURES A COLD IN ONE DAY CURES GRiP IN TWO SAYS W - ll Kuom 2 Osfielil building. u ALLAS # ♦ HONEST GOODS H O N E S T P R IC E S H O N E S T S E R V IC E i €' S a t is f a c t io n ill every irintancc « r mo iev refunded. 8 ti~f?»ction ^ in celling . hat you Want. W o fill the truth about our good a will iM-fund your money. If your pnrchai-e at Saleu,'» b o a th to ic i^ doe» not p’ ove eut-ir« ly «ati^fnotory, a cluince to make ii ri» lit is eurnestlv rtqueafed Nothing is any botlior to us if it rcsultM in S A T IS F A C T IO N . £;• j Mail Orders Will Recbive Prompt Attention f ; * # % % * # % % $ * * MUSEUM OF ANATOMY ' iN in u n n .,u in iic M i,c iL . i The Anatomical M u n u m In the i ) W o r(4 . V lc jltn e* «•» *'>y c .ntracttrt ’ tfiteave a a e H l r e l y r a r * l t>jr the o ld e n i Specialist on the Cease Eat jA years. ( B IC Y C L E S R E P A IR IN G A N D S U N D R IE S OR. JORDAN —DISEASES OF MEN ■ V H H I I . I « * thoroughly eradicated from system without th e U-* o f M e r e e r y T r a n « « fitted h y an F tp e rt. •>, I r « r s for R e y l e r c . A <|«ick and dical cure for ■ »lle-n . P l e e m r * and f a t a l * * . : y Dr Jordan's special pein- less ■»clliod*. I I ^C on eu 'ration i r r « and rtriM lypH eata _____ or b y letter A in eeerv case i e a d «r i*> e n . W r ite for B "o e l , * * l * . 0 * t f f H * * l f a f 1 A t A t l H I A U K . M A U ttD F K k S . ( A value)-’ » book * t men 1 Call nr S sa joro » n » A ’ S p a u ld in g ’s A th le tic C o o d s < . | ' a - Lee Smith's Cyclery \ | CO . 10»! M.rSnSt.» *. Get your old bicycle enameled and cleaned up— Enamel b ked on bike at factory. SOUTHERN PACIFIC T IM E T A B L E r/lf CORVALLIS MAIL— D AILY 7.80 a tn L » ................Poitknt!................Ar 5:60 p tn 10 4 5 a m L v .................Derry.................. Lv 2;18 p m 11:45pm A r ........ C"rv%UiH Lv 1:20pm At AlKanv and C<*rvalll9 connect with trains of Oregon Central and Eastern railroad. L I: DALLAS FAOBEIfOER-DAILY, EX SUNDAY .. Portia m l... ArlO 20 am ! .L r 7 .-U 0 ... Dallas :00 p m Lv : 2 U p m A r YAM HILL DIVISION: PasMnirer depot foot of J iTemon atreet A IR:.IK K R K lG lfT -T R I WEEKLY Leave 7:40 a m Portland...........A rriv e 8:82 p m Lea c 8^0 pm Dai'as.......... Arrive 8:20 a m A rrive 6:06 p m Airlia ............I*ea»a 7 0 0 a m J* Van Orsdel, Hayes £k Co.,$ i ft t * REAL E S TA TE D EALERS FAR M S A N D C IT Y L O T S J ri f — A LL KIND S OF— IRON WORK TO ORDER Repairing Promptly Done. ED. BIDDLE, - L IV E R P IL L S . The 5 cent package is enough for usual occasion». The family bottle, «50 cents, contains a supply for a year. All druggists sell them. W e L lk . It. “ We t im 'Foroe’ at home and like It exceedingly. “ II. R. S aüwdms ." J. H. T O W N S E N D PROP.; ?) Purchasing agent for W C. McClure, of Saginaw. Jj F Michigan, and other eastern timber dealers. Ho<>m 2 5 1, up stairs, Wilson building. t DALLAS - fit ^ 4 4 '4 '4 - 4 » '4 '4 - 4 4 4 » - OREGON » » » » » » » » » A ♦ r9 QUININE THIS SIGNATURE SWA m in t fj Sick stock or poultry u eat cheap stock f«x)«i any m oio t B sick persons should expect ii 1! cored b v food. W hen your si 1 and poultry are nick givefthem r | icine. Pon t stuff: them with worth- |g less ptock foods. Unload the bowels p and btir up the torpid Ii • r and ial will bo cured, if i ble to cure it. Black-Draught Stock and Poultry Medicine unloads the i bowels and stirs up the torpid liver. 1 It cures every malady of stock if taken in time. Secure a 25-cent con of Black-Draught Stock and Poultry Medicine and it will pay for itself ten time 80 ver. Horses work better. Cows give more milk. Hogs gain flesh. And hens lay more eggs. Jt solves the problem of making as much blood, flesh and energy as possible out of j the smallest amount of food con- 1 sumed. Buy a can from your dealer. t p&y R-I-PA-N-S Tubules Doctors find A good prescription For mankind. DALLAS, OKEUON. W ill practice in all over bank. £ u re t> o o < j n ° OKEGON. V. L. B I 1 TI.KR to M a k e P e a c h C o b b le r . Peach cobbler may be made with canned peaches, especially those made at home in rather heavy sirup. Line a deep dish with pastry half an Inch thick and slice into the dish the peaches, sweetened, and flavor to taste. . . . 5 0 C ? n t s ... Cover with a crust of puff paste half an inch thick and bake in a moderate oven. Before serving break the top crusts with a fork and mix slightly Enclosed with every bottlo is a 10 with the fruit. Serve hot or cold with cent package of Grove's whipped cream or hard sauce. No Otliee up st.'tirH in Cam|>bi 11’ * built! ing. DALLAS S Q R O V E ’S TASTELESS CHILL IGNIS im Dumps and wife invariably lad " F o r c e ” for Sunday evening tea, When cook went out that afternoon. 11 'T is but a saucer and a spoon T o wash—a task not grim— And all are pleased," “ Sunny Jim.” (1i. baeu n practice of hie profession in this place ' aiiout thirty years, and will attend to all husiress ntriuted to his . are. Office, corner Main and Court , a Dallas, Polk Co, Or which Lester WalhicU had been so pop­ ular. While Raii’ord was dressing the manager dime to him to say that there / . P T / ' /-'■?¿ ¿ 7 f [I would not be a very full house owing to half a cl o', tii Incidents which would " Ì./ afreet any perform:iuce. A slight siiock e H - je * o s s a . m . t r - passed over the actor. Had he been forgotten? Never mind; he would show those who were there wlmt be could do. “ A b o u ty : When tho curtain went up. the seat» were blit half filled. It nerved the star to action. Into the style to which lie d r. -rr?d : ■ • had boon accustomed he threw an in­ n l: .ir grow vi y tensity which rendered it more marked •J 1 45 Inc There’s another hunger even than before, uv.n» old fashioned. fj Eoyilstou, th a n i!i .£ •»' **-'• s t o m a c h . The audience sat silent as the t-rave- stones o f a Cemetery, and before t!v [ lair hunger,foil a stahee. play was half finished Halford wished I lungry hnirnecds food, they were gravestones. In one scene needs hair vige r— A y e r’s. where the hero is awakened by u vil­ lain ready to murder him be hoped to This i-j why we say that retrieve himself by a splendid coolness. j Ayer’s Hair Vigor always He succeeded, but as be would have j restores color, and makes succeeded fifteen or twenty years l fore. 8 the hair grow long and “ Hats!” cried a voice from the gal­ heavy. $i.w ■ tone, ah lery. “ You*!* actin’. Give us the real thing.” i f your ti irrtrist cannot p apply you, sem i‘u s otto c. d!:;r an d v.e w ill express This was too much. Halford got up | you a bottle, ilo sure and g iv e tho name and strode into the wings, the curtain j o f your nearest express otnee. A d dress, J . C. A V id It CO., L ow ell, Mass. was rung down and it was announced i nOCBtUI I i ? " i n M M l i T f P W M i that the play would not proceed. The | audience would receive their money at j the box office. Tills Rniford took upon j himself rather than “ go on” again. “ Sweetheart,” said the fallen artist to Ills wife, “ why didn’t you tell me vrt len I left the stage I would lose the pace of the times and whim I returned Has stood the test of'25 years. A n ­ to it I would be old fashioned?** nual sale over 1,500,000 bottles. “ I couldn’t say It; I only felt it.” Does this record of mer­ PEUCIVAL SCOTT DREW. it appeal to you? A m u ON EVERY BOX OF THE GENUINE |J 1 B 9 9 9 9 B 9 B £ 9 S U ■ » NEW ENGLAND THRIFT. T H E H A L L O F FAM E. Count von Bulow is now known In Germany ns “ the happy phrase making chancellor.” Walter A. Wyckoff, erstwhile tramp nnd now a professor at Princeton, is at present lu Paris. Count Speck von Sternburg, the Ger­ man envoy, and bis w ife will spend the summer ut Dublin, N. II. The portrait of Secretary Shaw, by the French painter Chartran, was fin­ ished in precisely eleven hours. A. J. Cassatt, president of the Penn­ sylvania railroad, likes a horse better than anything else In the world. Lord Kitchener Is learning Urdu, a composite tongue which makes one fa­ miliar with the sentiments of sepoys. Hon. Thomas W. Palmer, the ex- s n a tor, of Detroit, Mich., has just ccle- brated his seventy-third birthday, lie is still hale and hearty. Frank D. Underwood, president of the K:la Ilailroad company, began his career as a deck inTiuTon n ferryboat on tlte Potomac river, where he re­ ceived a salary of $J0 a month. Major William Hancock Clark, eldest son of the eldest son of Captain W il­ liam Clark of the Lewis nnd Clark ex­ pedition, will have an important part in opening the exposition in Portland, Ore., In 1905. Mr. II. T. Newcomb, for tlie last two years editor of the Railway World of Philadelphia, has resigned, and will resume the practice of law a» a mem­ ber of the firm of Ralston & Siddona of Washington. General and Mrs. Laurence I*. Gra­ ham of the United States army cele­ brated the sixty-second anniversary ot their marriage in Washington the other day. They were married at St. Augustine, Fla., during tho Seminole war. The proportion of men ar»d tomen who retire on small com­ petencies is doubtless greater in H o w t o W a rn li D e c o r a t e d C h i n a . Massachusetts than in any other China that has borders and decora­ ¿tate in the Union, unless it be tions of gold should be wash« <1 in hot Water without soap. The mildest soaps Pennsylvania, which is the other will In time dull the gilt and wear it state of Dr. Benjamin Franklin’s residence. But a man who has even away. the most robust respect for the H o w to C le o n O il P a l a t l n i r » . thrift of the people of Massachu­ To clean oil paintings take a peeled setts must be surprised to learn raw potato and nib It. with the addi­ from the report of the state’s bu tion of a very little water, over the reau o f labor statistics that there painting until it begins to lather are more than 45,000 such persons Wipe this off with a soft, wet sponge CoiVImie this until the painting look1- — 28,000 men nnd 17,000 women. Two-thirds of them are native born clean. Change the potato if necessary .hen wash with tepid water nnd wip too. perfectly dry with a soft silk rag. These persons who have retired on competencies are apparently not. H o w t o R e m o v e M .n 'lii i c O r e « » « * . as a rule, the owners of large for­ Cold rain water and soap will re tunes. Indeed, most men of large m *u‘ machine grease from wusliuh. fortunes, it is safe to say, do not fuialca. retire till physical infirmities com­ pel them. In the list are nil amaz­ The B o s j Janitor. A janitor in a New York apart­ ing number who were fanners- ment house must he a mechanical nidrc than 3,500— whereas less than Proteus. The first class janitor not 3,300 were merchants. Even the only gets his rent free and a good retired blacksmiths number 351), salary, but he has an assistant to and there are 1,07(I “ laborers” ou take care of the hail, the stairs, the this list.— World’s Work. W O R L D ’S FAIR N O T E S . front steps, the cellar and the side­ How Russia Expands. walk. The boss janitor merely su­ Tito Affrieultural building will cover Tho jirnoross of Russia is like the pervises these details and devotes twenty-three acres. most of his working time to fixing spreading o f ink over blotting pa­ The grand stand for the athletic locks, putting in broken windows, per. There is no natural barrier in arena will seat 2.J.000 people. Persia to throw her buck or head looking after the steam heating ap­ H alf a million electric lights will paratus and the electric dynamo, her oiT, such as the mountainous hardly suffice for the illumination of making general repairs and saving frontier of India. Hut the prospect the exposition. The Transportation building, covering the landlord many a dollar by avoid­ of Russian absorption of Persia is ing the employment of the plumber, not praetieal politics today. Neither fifteen acres, will contain four miles of the glazier and the carpenter, who is it praetieal politics nor healthy tracks for the display of railway ex­ charge by the job and charge high. patriotism to hound on (¡rent lirit- hibits. Thirty foreign governments have al­ ain to occupy, finance, protect or — Pittsburg Disputch. claim ri;:hts in every country which ready accepted the Invitation of the United States government to partici­ lies upon her road to India or A fr i­ pate lu the exposition. ca or America or the south sens.. \ A J1 J ¡r ■ \ J J Such n policy is merely suicidal. | Tlie department of art will occupy Wo can barely govern efficiently our; three great fireproof buildings, having a total frontage of S3fl feet nnd contain­ present po-" -sions. Fresh large ing more than fifty galleries. i x , . y * A responsibilities in Per in, in China The United States government Is and ultimately in Turkey would spending Jt<1,308,000 on tlie exposition, t. • -S simply weigh us down to the gun­ exclusive of the exhibits from tlie wale and finally sink us.— London Philippines, I ’orto Rico, Alaska, Ha­ Outlook. — waii, Tutulla nnd Guam. ( woifid be like that of r glass of liquor to a drunkard. Now. after reading in the newspapers of the stars of the day, some of whom during his prime had been cast in the lowest parts (one or two were supers), he begun to get fidg­ ety. “ To think.” lie exclaimed one morn­ ing to Ids wife, “ that Bradburn should be considered a fine actor! In my time he was tried in an absurd play be wrote himself and made an absurd failure.” “ Perhaps lie was ahead of bis time,” said the wife demurely. “ Nonsense! He was not born to act and never can act. The stage has de­ generated. In those days we had real plays—‘Isondon Assurance,* ‘She Scoops Li<;ht From Microbes. The burnished rdnm- to Conquer*—and the newer ones were j # ' a^e of the peacock Professor Ilan Moliseh of Prague still plays, such as T h e Colleen Hawn’ j [fi .•v owes its brilliancy ar.d has reported to the \ ienna Academy and ‘ Hosedale.* Now performers are j 1 * A splendor to a health­ simply shows to attract the crowd.” ful condition. Let the of Sciences the discovery of a lamp Be fretted and fumed till one day a bird be sickly, and the l lighted by means of bacteria, which > New York manager, one who was es- i plumage droops aiwl he claims will give a powerful light peclally given to getting up “ shows to j grow.1» dull. There is and he free from danger, thus being ; . <-v<- pti rn in na- attract the crowd," l»et bought himself | that he might turn an honest penny by tnre to the tule that beauty depends on valuable for work in mines uml pow­ der magazines. The lump consists, bringing the famous Halford back to: health. the stage. He visited the retired actor, | W »men who see their beauty waning of a glass jar, in which a lining of r:ir :v a iale the external chair;« now fifteen years older than when lie of tile womanly health, saltpeter and gelatin, inoculaled with fa:i’.i had last trod the boards, and in lion- They do ti im Wrstand the close rela­ with bacteria, is placed. Two days oyed words informed him of what Hal­ ti >n *>t’ the gen* r d ]> after inoculation the jar becomes ford had Informed his w ife—that the the he the delicate womanly or- illuminated with a wonderful bluish after being cured of worn- stage was running down nnd the pub­ g.misin, hv the use of Dr. Pierce’s green light, caused by the innumer­ lic longed for a return to better things. a*ilv dijea able bacteria which have developed Halford was captured and signed a con­ Favorite Prescription they find the color in the time. The light will burn returning to the cheek and the flesh to tract for one night. ' brilliantly for from two to three I'or a month before the performance the " Ixxly Favorite Prescription ” establishes weeks afterward, diminishing in he talked to bis wife about how lie regularity. drie:i weakening drains, heals would show the people the great gap inflammation and ulceration and cures brightness. It renders faces recog- ’ niznble at a distance of two yards, through which tlsy bad gradually female weakness. passed from the old to the new. Ida Several y eirs nsr> I w-t* vr ry poorly.” write* and large type is easily legible by it. I ■■ - • w. I listened t<> him. hut said nothing. Then Mr». May K 11 T 9 could hnriily w tilc «cross the fl«x»r. and at time« I took two bottle« o f I>r. r j f t r c d »even :) y Pi.?rcr a Favori t-- Pre«cnpti*»n and got well nnd hardy -«.U n ed • v Ive po’Mid* in two ra nth» Your tnedfi mea and vr«» thr pi - t ire of health A i mo*t everybody I meet aavs, have cured ine mu h better I b in y«»u have for 1 You 1* ___ it year» ; you look well iKiW.’ "" he scoldtd her for lw»r want of sympa­ thy and finally drew tears. Having suee d»*d in tills, lie embraced her, gently chhJng her f o r at on** time wish­ ing him to remain on the stage and at another opposing his return to it. 8ln< e she was no better able to give her sons than before, she still mai.itained silence. The night of the great performance came. Uaiford bad chosen the play of I “ ItnMedalc.” An the .prindt^l part of Marked Down. Mrs. Sti^jin*— Well, you are the greatest dunderhead I ever did :*<•« yet. The idea of buying an excel­ sior matt re ¡8 for goose feathers! Mr. Ntiggin*— It isn’t my fault, it it, that the dealer is a cheat? The bed was marked down, you know.— Boftou Tranter] pi- . . . . " Favorite Prescription - makes w**sk women strong, sick women well. _ Ac­ cept no substitute for the medicine wilieh work* wonders for weak women. Dr. Piece's 1-nssnt Pellets sre • lsd/'s Uvstivs. Nothing t h e « for gentleness and thoroughn« i i G E R M A N G L E A N IN G S . Desiccated, shredded nnd sliced po­ tatoes are staple foods In Germany Alsace-Lorraine is one of the best recruiting grounds for tlie German army. Tlie hospitals for consumptives near Berlin charge seventy to eighty cents ii day. Most of the places are pre­ empted by the companies which insure consumptives. There Is great rivalry between the capitals of north and south Germany. Berlin would like to bo for Germany what Paris Is for France, but Munich docs not believe in such centra illation of intellectual nnd artistic activity. Since November, 1807, when the first German sailors were landed and pos­ session was taken of Khtochau. north China, which covers nn area o f 2'>8.1 square miles and counts 80,000 Inhabit­ ants, the German % government hns »|»ent $11,000,0*10 on It. nnd tlie new appropriation calls for $2,950,198. O RCHARD AND GARDEN. When transplanting tdackberry or raspberry plants cut back to on-* foot lu length. An ounce of nitrate of soda dis­ solved In four gallons of water Is an excellent stimulant fur bulbs.