LO CA L AND G E N E R A L W H A T W E H A V E L E A R N E D D U R IN G T H E W E E K F R O M A L L AV AIL- A b le S o u r c e s D ish e d u p for O u r N u m e r o u s F a m ily of R e a d e rs In A h re v ia te d P a r a g r a p h s . Fur grocerirs go to OsAeld't. M. H iyter, dentist, Wilson building Obi papers fur house cleaning, 25 cilits tt 100 h ( tins office Strength and vigir come of good focal, duly d ig e s t ! Force, a re«*.d> to »erve wheat and hurley food, udds no burden, but sustain», nourishes mid in vigorutes. Spectacles and glasses at Pfennig's W e call your attention to the fact that we are selling shirtwaists at less tki n y o iica n pm chase the material for, and ex«ra good styles a» well— The Bee Hive store. Frank Blesving and Miss Kilby Sta­ ter, ol Newt»erg, :«r« spending a lew dtyswith bis pareius. The new baker of T. A. Higgs fully understands bis business, his output being as good as your mother or your graudinother ever made. It will make your mouth watei to look ;»t the bak­ ery goods in bis show case. New arrivals infancy neckwear, band shields, band Teek, bows ami four-in-hand, special values at 25 and 35 centa.—The Bee Hive store.. If you want your wood sawed even ami promptly, try Weldon Black’s steam saw in Dallas. D E E P R IC H P A IN T IN G . The Sail Creek telephaiie has been finished from Clanth Id's to Dulla»-. A rt W ork o f A H igh O rder Being By that means Dallas will soon be in C arrie d O u t m A Style T h a t Ap- penis to AH. telephone connection with Bhcridau, Ball-ton, IVrrydale, McCoy, Ainit) There «re beauty spots all over na­ and McMinnville. A big per cent ol ture and there are about as many with the him» houses along the way will be which nature never had anything to connected with the line. «lo. These ate the creation of man Judge Sibley made a legal splice nure and simple. About the most for George Colby and Miss Lillian l*eautiful creation we have noticed lately, and in a line to which your Shirley last Mon Jay. thoughts of the beautiful are seldom George Mi ler and ack Morrison inclined t«» run, are these handsome came ir fro n Hock Cieek tins week vehicles on exhibition at the repocito for mowing machines There are ry of Wagner Br«»s on Main street, enough cattle in that region to cun Dallas. Tlu*se deep rich colors in suine all the hay raised there. the painting, the piano like finish. Hardware and implements, buggie* Hie soft and elegant trimmings, and and wagons, sh ves and kitchen vare the beautiful hn«*s in the designing of carpeuter* tool*», builders supplies and the goods all speak of their unsurpans d q lulitv. I* is a well k«-«»wu fac t harvesting machinery for sale b> Man lining those vers« d in this class of nitig A Fegusi n in Salem. goods that the make of the vehicle- the family of Dr. Eumree will movt we carry are the best in the world. to East Portland next 1 uesday, but he Vnd we are told that the prices aie will rem ii.i tor sev* ral weeks to can very low*, even lower than would be f.»r the practice of Dr. Cary, who has • sked for the same gooks in a New gone ea»t to see a very sick aunt. Yurk Repository. Licenses have been issued for the marriage of \ A. Peudru to Miss Lu- E x c u r s io n R a te s to Y a q n ln a Bay. cretia Robertson, of Independence On June 1st »lie Southern Pacific Jusiin Hunter to Miss Daisy Abler- man, ol Falls Cilv, and J. B. Nether company will resume the sale of ex­ cursion tickets to Newport and Ya- i»n to Mi-s Lillie Ensign. tpiina bay. This resort is becoming Milo Woods had a Salem oculist re­ more popular every year, and hotel move a cataract from Ins eye tin iccnmmodations are belter than ever before, and at reasonable rates. Sea week. on 'icketa from Derry to Newport, While gra ling to make a fill at th* 1*4.50; t«x Yaquina, $4 Saturday-to- Holmes place this side of Salem Coun­ Monday tickets to Newport, $2.65. ty Roailmaster Huntley plowed up n glass jar contiiuing silver coins. It •v.is broken and the money scattered JIN G LES AND JE ST S. ii the dirt but twenty-one half dollar? weie recovered. S o S a y W e A l l o f L'ft. The DaMas 20 year water woik bonds for |15,000 have been sold to A O. Coudil, of Salem. ¡«1 4 per cent in icrest and 1£ per cent premium. I'n«\ comHt i f ti.teeu $1000 bonds and tin interest is payable semi-annually The Crider store lias been turned There were six bids, two of them from over to Ellis A Keyt, who will at one« lie east, ranging as high ns 6 p« » have it thoroughly renovate * mid be­ cent. fore the first of August will have in Eugene Cattmn, who was raiaei stalled there one of the most comph*t< and desirable stock of goods ever seen at Monmouth has been elected mayo, of Wasco for the third term. in Dallas. Joe Craven and family have beei The nicest lot of wlii e and gra> blankets for campers ever shown hers taking an outing in the mountain», are now on displav and sale at Ellis A such a trip makes everything tas'e Keyt'-», and may be bad at from $1 2n better. to $1 50 per pair. There is more catarrh in this sec­ tion of the country than all other dis Glen Butler and wife and Mrs. Jane cases put together, and un il the last Brown are arranging to move to N. L few years was supposed to be incura­ Butler’s glace at the edge of Grand ble. For a great many years doctors Konde reservation. pronounced it a local disease and pre­ County Treasurer Dalton has paid scribed local remedies, and by con out during April, May and Jum stantly failing to cure by local treat merit-, pronounced it incurable. Science 149,697. has proven catarrh to be a constilu Perry Gilliam, who was raised here, Lional disease, and therefor require died recently down in Louisiana. constitutional treatment. Hall’s Ca- Miss Fleda ja t^ s o n left yesterday tarih Cure, manufactured by F. J fo- her far off home in Canada and Cheney ers. of Dallas, weie married at Van Anne II,o f Dallas, was tki re wiHi her couver last week. royal court, composed of Frank Kers- R. Suitor, his two sons and D. J lake. Mrs. Anne ta Hooper, Miss Hal- lie Morrison, Fred West, Harold Hart Riley, of Dallas, have begun the « red and Harold Madison. The many ion of a big sawmill at Linton, dowi attractions have drawn a large at­ the river from Portland. tendance. The coming state fair will he th Beginning July 6th Ellis A Keyt will sell all summer goods at c«»*i Now is the time to tind out what big profits they have been making. Ira Philips brought a btide from biggest one yet, the premium li- Eastern Gr- gon and on Tuesday even­ amounting to $12,000 in cavil. Priii-. ing they were given a nice wedding ire offered fur tin- tienl of everythin dinner at the home of his parents Mr raieed, made nr |iroduceil on the f-irm. and Mrs.T. D Phillips. All the kin­ «ml every bully in invited to takevoine- dred and some others met to cougratu- thing It will last the whole week Isle. A f t e r a short sojourn under the I beginning September 14ih. Premi paternal roof they will return to Mor- ; urn lists are now being distributed I throughout the state. If you wan> row county. one »rile to the secretary, M. L). Wis Oscar Hiett, of Monmouth and doni, Portland. Clarence Thompson, of Bneua Vista, each 14 years old, were sent tb the On account of the high water at pre reform school this week. sent ill the Columbia river tile Cas New Galatia Cloth, especially adapt rade looks are closed for a few days ed for ladies summer sun. ... beaJ.i- nere,.Mating a transfer in the patron- ful stripes, also plain w bite-T h e Bee “ >e steamer line, but Instead of th. r fo , n ie r t r a i) f * t » - r n n g Off fr* l g b l *n «l Hive store. pihsengerf* armiti«! the old portage Special line of mens golf shirts, also i rott,| over sand and rocks, the Regni* ip igligee styles on sale ai 50 cents. jor ijne |,av e chartered a special train negligee Bte Hive store to run over the O K. A N track !«• («-en Bonneville and Cascade locks. Are you g«»ing camping? Then you The train i. stationed at these points will want a leut and camp stove and and on the arrival ol a sterner, pas­ we have them, Guy Brus., dealers m sengers and freight are transferred to hardware at Dallas. the train and promptly tlrspalched to D. J Riley has sold to M. J. Clark, the np or dowrt Iroat, as the case may an eastern man, his residence proper be. The resident* along the river a:.d ty near the .South Methodist Church, tributary country can congratulate the consideration being »3,000, aud themselves upon having a steamer R J K in n e y has sold to N. H. Smith line anxious to adopt mrth-ais to over- for 13,535, the 100 acre old Reul>eri Come ouch difficulties, rather than re- O L m place just b e y o n d the cemeter vert to the wag >n and old time oxen practice. it*. W h e n I w a s J u st a l i t t l e b o y M y g r a n ’ th e r u sed to say, “ J u s t k e e p o n g r o w i n g , s o n n y , an d Y o u 'l l b e a m a n s o m e d a y .'* A h , w o u l d m y g r a n 't h e r c o u l d d e e r « « A n o t h e r k in d o f J oy . A n d I c o u ld g r o w th e o t h e r w ay U n til I w a s a b o y ! —B a lt im o r e N ewa. The D is tin c tio n . “ I don’t see what right you have to turn up your antenna? at me,” sa^ the clam. “ I am as good aa you are.” “ I deny it,” said the lobster. “Any­ body can lie a clam, but in order to be a lobster one has to be born a lob­ ster.”—Chicago Tribune. H o w H e D id I t . H e a ta iT im e rs p a i n f u l l y , a n d y e t H e 's w o n t h e h e a r t o f M a r y , T h e f a i r e s t o f t h e f o r t y m a id s T h a t g r a c e th e s e m in a r y . B u t M a d g e , d e m u r e s t o f t h e lo t O f f o r t y w in s o m e m is s e s . S u g g e s t s u ca u s e 1— “ P e r h a p s , ’ ’ s h e s a y a , “ H e s t u t t e r s w h e n h e k ls s e a .“ — B r o o k l y n E a g le . Then He L e ft. “ Yes, I’m disappointed in these •hoes,” said Borem. “ It’s funny now­ adays how one’s things wear out before one knows it.” “ Yes,” replied Miss Tyre, suppressing a yawn, "especially one’s welcome.”— Catholic Standard and Tuples. S w ed e« o r R u ta b a g a . Professor Itane of the New Hamp­ shire station recommends the American purple top rutabaga for the following reasons: It is a fine market sort often selling In the markets for double the price of the early white turnip. It is also a splendid keeper and is usually free from all sponginess. While it can­ not be planted as late as the early tur­ nips, it can be used as a follow crop after early peas, provided the seed is sown not later than July 10. New Cure fo r Deafness E L E C T R I C I T Y , T H E M I C H E 8 T SCI­ E N C E E V E R A P P L I E D TO 1 HE HUM AN SYSTEM M a n y R e s p o n s ib le P e o p le C u re d In th la C o u n ty a n d S t a ta a n d C a n V o u c h for th a A b ov e S t a te m e n t. All rentiers of thin paper are by this time familiar will* the name of Dr Darrin, and they have no doubt read with interest accounts of many re markable cures this e« lebrated physi ciau lias performed. W« iuspect that some have rend the testimonials of grateful patients will» suspicions as t« their authenticity, therefore w e art gratified to In* able to present t- stimo- nials that must put al rest every pos­ sible doubt. There is probably aui * ettei known men in Linn count) than Mr. Parrish aud Mr. Oxford They have »pent a liftt time among llo people of this state and their reputa- t on* are such that none will questioi their truthfulness. They have re­ ceived relief at Ih > hands of the great hem factor, Dr. Darrin, at the Rever* hotel, aud desire to inform all th« afflicted that they may have the sanii opportunity. Their testimonials given below: T o th e Public« For the pe#J five years I feave l»ee» troubled with (toafiiessin one ear. Am happy to say Dr. Darrin etired nn with electricity and a »light opcratioi in 20 minutes, so I ’ an hear as well as ever in my life. I resident Hialaville Linn county, Oregon, and formerl) lived in Albany for 18 years. Reft r to me by letter or in person.— William VV. Parrish. He C a n H a r a W h is p e r N ow . To the editor of the Herald : A1 m » u « •hree years ago I commenced being deaf in one ear ami in a few weeks 1 could not hear with it. Not long ag< T began to lose llie bearing in mv oth ci ear. 1 was almost «listrat ted will- the inconvenience of not being able to hear. I heard of Dr. Darrin an«1 applied to him for relief. He has cur ed one ear and the other is well. 1 can hear a whisper across a room am) a watch tick. Refer to me st Brown- ville, Oregon.— J. L. Oxf rd. Dr. D a r r in ’s P la c e of B u s in e s s . Dr. Darrin can be consulted free at theRevere Albany from 10 to 5 o ’clocl* daily; evenings 7 to 8; Sundays 10 (« 3. The doctor makes a specialty of ali diseases of the eye, ear, nose am' throat, catarrh, deafness, bronchitis. In grippe, heart, liver, bladder, kitlnev diseases, or those who suffer from ap­ athy or indifference: also cotisump tion, genito urinary and skin di-eases in either sex, such as blood taints seminal weakness and lost vigor, vari­ cocele and stricture. All curable chronic diseases treated at $5 a week or in that proportion o: time as the case may require. Tin poor tn a ted free, except medicines from 10 to 11 daily. No case publish • d except l»y permission of the pa •ient. All luisin* ss relations with Dr Darrin strictly confidential. Electri t al appliances furnished. One visit i* desirable, alt hough many cases can he tieated by home t.eatrnent by writing symptoms. Eyes tested and glasse.* fitted. This is the first visit of i*di*'g house at. Independence was t victim «>f the Heppmr flood Orlando Lup r a ml his sister, May. of Amity have gone to Eastern Ore ,on. J. W. Lees brother Thomas ha. come from the Snake River country i t » spend the summer around his old Bridgeport- home. Ho»». N L. Butler of Dalla«* was or • tor of the day when nearly l people assembled at the B illston pic­ nic ground to have a good time. Claud Knrre of Independence h is gone to locate? in the Big Bend county in Eastern Washington. R E D U C E D EXCU R SIO N R a te s to th e S e a s id e a n d M o u n ­ ta in R e s o rts fo r th e S u m m e r . The Southern Pacific company ha? placet« on sale at very low rates r*>un< trip tick« t« to the various rt sors along its lines, and also, in connec­ tion with the Corvallis A Eastern rail­ road, to Detroit and t!le seaside at Ya quina hay. The latter tickets are good foi return until October 10 h. Three day tickets to Yaquina hay good coing «Saturdays and returning «Mondays, are on sale at greatly redne ed rates from all points, Eugene an« north, on both eastand west side lines • nabling people to spend Sunday a lie seaside. Very low round trip rates are als«> made between Portlan* and the s «me points on the Souther» Pacific, good going Katurdnvs. return ing Sunday or Monday, allowing For land people to spend Sunday in th country and tin* out nf town people t. h«ve the day in Portland Tickets in m Portland to Yaquin hay, good for return via Aibany an- ea-t side, or Corvallis and w* st side at option o| passenger. Baggag • becked through to Newport. A m v feature >it N< wport this year will b mi uptodate kindergarten in charge n an exp« rienced Chicago tekeher. A he iutiftilly illus'rated h«>okletdf scribing the seaside reports on Ya quina b«y has been published by th« Southern Pacific and Oorvidli« and Eastern railr«»ads ami can be s«*?ured from any of their agent« or by ad­ dressing W. E. Coman. grand paaccn ger agent Southern Pacific company, Portland, or Edwin Stone, manage» Corvallis and Eastern railroad, Alba ny, Oregon. ---- ------------ b o Yo u W a n t to M a k e ternoon. -------------- • * ♦ ■ ■ — ■ D A L L A S IN V IT A T IO N S . COUNTY COURT. P O L L O C K ’S CA8H STO R E It is said all around that Gayuor»« In the Uglow block, Dull«., Oregon, »hoe store has no superior short of offers the following prices: 30 pound« of rolled nntn. $1. »ne metropolis. They have a bi 12 bars Royal soup. 25 cents. rade aud must keep a large and var- 25 cent roasted coffee, 20 cent., ed stock of footwear. 15 cent roasted coffee, 12^ cents. Arm Hammer aoda, limited to The feed store at the north end of two packages to each customer, 5 Main street does a thriving busi.nes»- cents. $3 «hoes at $2 to $2.15. because it keeps so much (hat the peo $2 «hoes at $1 40 to $1.55. pie want. Go there for everything $1 50 ahoea at 75 cenla to $1.10. needed for your stock and poultry. Childrens ahoea, aame rates, G. L. Hawkins at the marble work? is kept constantly busy doing ceme­ tery work for people in all parts of th«- amnty. Are (he graves of your loved ones neglected. Seo here, farmers. Have you not «ome surplus produce and do you not tieed some groceries. At Dunns store • hey will be glad to make a fair ex -liauge. A trial would please you. Mu sco Its confectionery is head quarters for the Salem stage, Leave »rilers there. Most people want the best they can get provided it can he had at a fair price. Wilsons drug store is noted r< r keeping high grade articles ami hose who have tra«le«l the longest have most confidence in being fa5rly treated »here every time. All kind* >f books and stationery may be bad there. — n— A ton of ice lias just been received at the Farrington A Haiti-man meat markets and will be sold in any qtian- ity wanted. Their meats are kept ice •old iti warm weather 0 . H M« rria, the dealer in jewelry *nd similar goods, ha*« so large a tra«le hat lie is continually adtliug new 'hingf. His slock is always kept complet e in all lines. — o— IJmbr- lias and cutlery are carried at Risi*«?rs gunslore. Some people call it the hospital for broken things he •ause S 11 many «*f them are tnere made good again. All old residents know where to g« for the best ol everything in the tiaril ware line. This is to remind new comers ai.d those who seldom visit Dallas that Wm. Fanil has what recognized as one <»f the most com* ulete hardware stores in this county. (Jive it s trial and suggest that your neighbor do likewise. Location near the bank. ---- ---- THE OLD RELIABLE Absolutely Pure THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE L U N D A T S C H O O L C O R V EN TIO N In the grove at Montgomery Suntlay July 12th, the |)rogiaiii being as fol­ lows : The i »rent as a character build- i — Rev. E. C. Wiguuue. Report of state Sumlay school con­ vention— Mrs. Wigmore. Up to date Sunday school pa-tor- as learned at state convention— Rev. T. P. Havnes. Is it worth while for the superin- tendt i.t to review the days lesson e » :h Sabbath and what review is beM.— Win. Lee How to get efficieut teachers for ;u- tur«1 w*»rk — Scott Leavitt. What makes a really good Suntliy scho«»l— Pr«»f R ?ynol«Js. Should the school have library, at what cost and what books.— Prof. Dunkelberger. Tin lessons will be taught by local teachers, and there will be a bask««* dinner. Each school in the district it expected to furnish some part of the program The exercises will begiu at 10 o’clock. Hattie Evans, secretary IN D EPEND ENCE. Andy Wilson is housed with in- fiamatory rheumatism. F. A. Patterson has sold his fine Al- tamout mare to Portland parties, Archie Parker has begun service as rural mail carrier ou the route run­ ning mirth from Independence. Father Meeker and wife are visiting at the home of Wallace Huntley. 01«! Mr. Weis died this week. J. W. Kirkland has bought the F. A. Douty grocery building and rented it to J. M. Stark, who bought the Douty slock and has employed E W. Cooper as manager. W. C. Brown, J. J. Wiseman, T. J. Cherrington and Fiank Kersey will leave Mouday for a mouths sojourn around Kitson Springs. M A R KET REPO RT. (Corrected weekly b y G ooch tiros. | Wheat, per bushel. 70 eta. Bran, per ton $22 Shorts, per ton, $25. Oats, per bushel, 30 eta. »'lour, per 10 barrels,$3 80. Flour, per sack, $1. Buckwheat Hour, $2.50 per cwt. Corn meal, $2 60 per cwt. NEWTO-DAY. A dvertising under this hoading will eost 10 cents for anytning under 1ft words for one insertion o r 26 cents for thr«»e insertions. ^TSWOLD buck and 36 Cotsw o'd ewes, from oris to 4 years old wanted by J. L. Purvine, route C 1. Salem . D elias for sale at Sift a second hand Deering binder in good epairanu with new drapers. [Corrected weekly by Dunn's G rocery. Potatoes, per bushel, 50cts. Butter, per pound 20cts. Lard, per pound, 13(d)15 eta. Bacon,sides, per pound, 14@15 cts Hams, per pound, I5<»17 cts. Shoulders, per pound,9@11 cts. Eggs, per dozen, 18 cts. Chickens, per dozen $3@$5 Dried fruits, per pound, 3<£10 c t s . Beets, per pound, 1 cents Turnips, per pound, 1 cts. Cabbage, per pound, 2 cts. Onions, per pound, 2 cts. Beans, per pound, o(«i7 cents. Corn meal, per pound,3 j cts Hay, per ton, $7(«i$12 J. Curtis Robinson and wile, of Portland, have been up on a visit to his lather, U. U. Robinson ami bis lister, Mrs. Mary Card. He has been Now is the time to get trimme«! with the O R. i . N. for five years but nits at the store of Mrs Cliace, fo» will suor, go to S|Hikane to become a hey are being 8«»Id at greatly reduced railway claim agent. ¡»rices. Her entire stock of embroid- J. A. Hayes is to serve in the place liesand lace are going at cost. of City Marshal Grant whenever III latter is out ol town. Tile Dallas mill makes as good flour Sam Buell has rstu'ned from Wash ts any other mill in the valley. It ingtou to Sheridan. V«»u doubt it try it and be convinced Piul Bell has been very ill at Home made products should alw»»>> hospital in Portland. he given the preference. M oney? And believe you have enough busi­ Htean\lsalt» can no longer run on ness ability to iuccemfully represent a the upper Willamette. reliable firm in Dallas and vicinity; if A. M. Fanning has bought the Keyt | so s«nd name and address, with ten fruit dryer at Sheridan and will erect cents to c«»v»*r cost of mailing, etc , f<> full particulars to White's Sayings another. Seattle, Wash. The paper puts yon John Himpaon, wife and children ! in touch wi:h manufacturers win are down from Trontdftle visiting : want agents and dealers, teaches you their kirdred around Sheridan. j how to writ«* advertisements and tells Holt McDaniel has moved his fani | you of many ways to make money. ily from Dallas to the farm during the I Bern! your 10 cents today. *u miner. The indications at the wool sab Newton McDaniel h is been np I here last week were that there was an from Portland looking after his inter­ | agreement among mo«t of tl e l»id- ests around here. He is running a | «lers whereby they and not tlie gr«»w- •fairy with twenty cows. ♦-r« would profit. By sticking togelh- J. G Van Orsdel has » I d the sold ei and insisting on a fair price the the old Suitor lumh-r shed to Leonard farmers received nearly a cent mere Livermore, who will rebuild it at his on the pound than »¡til bidders claim* <*o small one of the biggest celebrations for profits, hut they have prospered under years. The parade will font al9:30 the simill profit system. and will couiaiu many unique aud handsomely contrived floats. A pas Many country people never think senger automobile will run to and from the grove, and after the fore­ of taking dinner auywhere else but at noon exercises there will be a great Strong’s restaurant. barbecue Sports will begin on M »in *** street at 1 30 and will consist of a The trade of the Salem soap work»- dozen exciting and laughable events. is branching out into adjoining coun- A motor will leave Corvallis at 8 in ies becaiihe the goods have proved so (lie morning and start back at 7 in -atisf.ictorv wherever introduced. A l­ the evening. A steamb«»at will make vars ask for Salem made soap. four round trips from Salem. Motors will lea>e Airlie at 8 30 and Dallas at *** 9 :30 for Independence, returning at Extra large fruit dishes for sfraw- 4 :30 and 6 15. fie riesand all other kinds of fruit may he had at the Yokohoma Tea A R e m a r o a b le C u r e of D ia rr h o e a . «tore The prices range from 15 cents “ About six years ago for the first to $1 per a« t. Ei^Iit inch glass fruit time in my life I had a sudden and howls at from 15 to 25 cents. severe attack cf diarrhoea,” says Mrs. Alice Miller, of Morgan, Texas. “ J *** Carnival visitora say that the eating got temporary relief, hut it came back at George’s lunch counter is good again and again, and for six long years I have sufl'ered more misery anil enough for them. agony than I can tell. It was worse than death. My husband spent bun- You'can never do better than to g«> lre«ls of dollars for physician’s pre­ lirect to the J«>hnson clothing house scriptions and treatment without for your summer suit. They keep the avail. Finally we moved to Bosque •e» t clothing made, all the new ideas county, our present home, and one being in their stock for the present day I happened to see an udvertise season. They can fit you out at any ment cf Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera h sired price, but would always recom­ and Diarrhoea Remedy with a testi­ mend buying things of superior qual- monial from a man who had been ty. Their nice suits ranging in price «•ured by it. The case was so similar Tom $10 to $20 will please you. to my own that I concluded to try the remedy. The result was wonder­ V Clough, the undertaker, has a re- ful. 1 could hardly realize that I was narkuble faculty of pleasing those in well again, or belie»e it could he so distress. '1 hey realize that he is in after having suff« red so long, but that genuine sympathy with them and one bottle of medicine, costing bu*. a never inclined to take advantage of f w cents, cured me.” For sale by Wilson Drug Co. their bereaved condition. Mr Grim mins, of Portland has bought the mercantile business of 0. B. Lufolh tt, at Sheridan. G OOD driving h«>rse for sale cheap by O. L. Haw kins at the Dallas marble works. Y w ife, Carrie Hoffman, having left my lied and board, I will not tie responsible for bills im u - tra d ed by her. DAN HUFFMAN. Dallas, June 26. 1903, M cow and calf forsa lu at. a r e u o n a lle price by W. W. Stockton, near Ballston. A FRESH AN TE D —to rent a good farm Dallas. W by K. T. Hvaus, )R sale or trade—a Deering m ow er and a McCor­ m ick binder. Both in gixxl repair. Samuel Orr, Kickreall. F P*KESII m ilch cow s for sale by ry dale. D, L. Keyt at Per­ UNCH o f k e ,* with chain found in North Dallas. The cw ner will please call, pav for this notice and get them . B Q O M K thrifty 2-m onth-old pigs for sale by A. Ilurk- halter, south O halt« •* <-f * llallas * “ Q T R A Y A « ark gray pon y, from two to three k» years old came to D. D. N achtingal’s near Halt Creek poulotflce last week. l i * INCH g ru b oak wood for wile at 7ft cent«« a 1 1 / tier ii the ground. Apply to J . H anson, two miles north of Dallas. A T H IR T Y TWO INCH AD VAN CE SEPARA TO R A an«i bundle racks for nule or trade by Cass Oibaon at Ri- kreall. A 8 TOUT UI L WANTED TO DO GENERAL A better grocery story than that housew ork. Call on Thom as Jennings, near conducted by Dunn Bros, in Dallas Zeiia or atldress him R. F. D. No. I. Salem. •vnuid h«* hard to find. They deal in OOD eight horse power for sale cheap at 130 the best quality of good things and G Court street in Salem. sell ¿it fair prices. Mia*«e Fanuie and Jessie Dempsey am up from P«>rtlaud. Fifteen teams were haulin/ gravel on the streets of Sheridan last week.^ G OOD fresh Jersey cow wantnd. this office. Lea e w >rd at R Lavel -M-paiat’ -rs for sale on easy installment terms. See sample at D row ns cream ery iu I »alias. D Chet Ellis and W«*s. Craven have been to their claims over in the Sal­ mon River country. 0 LD P A P E R « IN PACKAGES O F 60 FOR SALK at this office for 15 i-ents, also blank notes and n v i tg ag ts and ail kinds o f le*ai blank* George Reuf lias sold his soap creek farm to Mr Loy of Buena Vista. w 7 HEN YOU WISH TO BU Y OK SELL A N Y K IN D o f stœ k or poultry here is the »»est place to J. M. Prather will ere« t a large lot you» want«b« know ■DOW n. stock barn in the south east corner of | _______________ the county. H A VE MONEY T o LOAN AT A L L TIM ES AT the very best rates o l» U in a b le .-H . O. Cam pbell. LE TT E R L IS T . These letters remain uncalled for in j the Dallas postofftce for the week end­ ing June 29 h, and parties calling! for them will please state that they i have been advertised: Charley Conley, Nick Carter, Miss Berttie Calton, Chappell, Mr M Mr John Galinger, Mr Robert Miller. Mrs. Emma Perrin ne, Mr. I). Hkeim , Miss Lulu Van R« ice. C. G. Co a d , p ostm a ster. TO LOAN ON !MPROVED FARM PRO Í ONKY p t r t , at usual rates by Oscar I I » )ter, Gallas, I ONE Y TO LOAN security. AT 0 PER CENT ON FARM J . L. COLLINS, Dallas. 7E HAVE MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED • IBI.KY A EAR IN Soda Fountain for Sale. AlfFR Tufft's 10 syrup Three l.n «*>pfwr< Tufft's gruerwt'*. cost #iWJ order. Prk* f*6o. C V J