SOALP HUMOURS It ' Scaly and Crusted With Loss of Hair Seedily Cured by Cuticura Soap and Ointment Whsn Every Other Remedy and Physicians Fail. Warm shampoos with Cuticura Soap ami light dressings of Cuticura, the great skiu cure, at once stop falling hair, remove crusts, scales aud w 't'llj league at fi ‘ * Piavi r meet ing Thursday evening.— 11. N. Rounds, pastor, BAPTISE CIHTHCH. Prenehiur' Sunilas morning and ev euiiiu. Sunday acho'd al 10 i* 5 P U .a t (i:3 () Prayer meeting W e d ­ nesday evening.— .1 R. U. Kust»ell, pastor 1’JI EH BYTE RIAN CHURCH Preucniiig Sunday morning and ev­ ening. Sunday school at 10. Chris­ tian Endeavor at 0:30. Prayer meet­ ing Thursday evening.*— W . T. War- die, pastor. CHRISTIAN CHIMICI!. Pleaching Sunday morning and ev­ ening Riiile sebo >1 At 10. Senior Christian En-lesvur at 0:30. Bibb class ami prayer me- ting Thursday even in g—rL. Green, pastor. KVANUEI.IOAI. CHURCH. Preaching Sunday morning and ev­ ening at the Pa'ia.- college chapel Sunday t-cl ool at 10. Cliriatinn En de vor at 6:30. Prayer meeting Thurs­ day evening.— A. A. Winter, pastor, M s 0i *i i “Cloanlines* can do you no harm,” j said the housewife. “I don’t know aliout dot. ma’am,” replied the dusty wayfarer. “ Did you ever lose any tiling by it?” “ Yes. muni. I was 'tattooed linin' In a circus one time, mi* when dey made me take a batli all do flgures cniue off, an’ I lost my job.”—Chicago News. --------»•■ «- — — For O v e r S i x t y Y e a r s . An old and well tried remedy. Mrs. W inslow ’s Soothing Syrup Inis bten used for over s xty years by millions of mothers for their children while teclli- ing, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all piiin. cures wind colic and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. Is phasnnt to the taste. Hold by druggists in every part of the world. 26 cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Be Mire and ask for Mrs. W inslow’s Soothing Sy rup and iaku no other kind. agree with a similar package originat­ ing In Michigan or New York or New England. Investigation relative to the present attitude of horticultural so­ cieties and the fruit trude now being made by Orange Judd Farmer points in an unquestioned manner to the In creased Interest noted. But It also shows a lack of agreement as to size T H E BOX FO R A l’P L E S . aud shape of package, generbus sup­ Mow It 1 b RaifMi-Jea by II or lc* • li Ul- port of the proposition west of the Ists «Mil the F rail Trade. Missouri river and here aud there luke­ The so called bushel box for packing warmness or hesitancy on the part of Does a Wondrous W oik for a Lady find handling apples is receiving in- growers aud dealers farther east. Hor­ Who W as Almost Crazed with ureaS' d attention each season. While ticultural societies are taking up the however, and, Pain and Suffering. It is by no mean* In gen *ral favor and mutter c* vet/where, while their discussions the prevent while strong Inter fs oppose It, this It is well known that terrible rheumatism, winter and in recent months have not package has come to stay unless all i always led to definite action, the tend­ sciatica, and neuralgia cause more helpless­ signs fail. The west lias been more I ency is that w a y .— Orange Judgv* ness, acute suffering, and agony, than any of the other diseases that afllid humanity. The r. ady to «dept the bushel or fifty Farmer. great medicinal virtues of l ’aine’ s Celery Com­ pound box than the orchard sections of pound make it the only trustworthy specific the Middle and eastern states, in fact,! T R E L L I S F O R S W E E T P E A S . for the cure of all forms of rheumatism and tli" Pacific northwest knows practical­ neuralgia. Thousands o f strong testimonial P l a n t » W ill N«-*< “ B u r a " u u I t a » o u letters from the most prominent people of the ly nothing of barrel d apples aud for a W ir e \ c ttiiiK . land, prove that Paine’ s Celery Compound number of years has handled its mer-j The diagram shows the construction has banished these terribly fatal troubles when c! untable stock almost exclusively iu of the best and cheapest trellis we all other treatment has failed. Mrs. Mar­ the square package, and It Is in great have ever used for sweet peas. The garet Bethel, of lirainerd, Minn., after thirty favor not only for the nearby markets, posts are of 2 by 4 Inch stuff, each years o f agonizing tortures had a desire to end her life, if it was the will of Heaven; she al­ but for shipment abroad and to the eight feet long, sot two feet In the most prayed lor the time to lay it down, i east. In fact, the appearance of these ground and sixteen feet apart. Narrow Heaven-directed, she made use o f Paine’ s I boards, 1 by 2 Im-hes, are nailed to the Celery Compound, aud is enjoying true life attractive packages in Chicago, in New j York and hi other eastern sections lias lop and bottom of the posts after set­ once more. She says: — “ For thirty years 1 have been a great suf­ In u way for<. d orckarulsts tills side of ting. Small wire nails are driven part the Pocky mountains to recognize and way in six Inches apart the entire ferer from neuralgia in the head, and also length of tlie boards. Tlie work Is with rheumatism in the whole body. I l>egan discuss Its merits. taking Paine’ s Celery Compound and soon The bushel box Is largely In disfavor easier done if the nails are driven In found I was much lx tier. Before taking the among the commission merchants. before nailing the boards to the posts. Compound, my*life was such a burden that I Where the package is popular and Let the nails in the top strip slant up­ almost prayed to lay it down. I was bedfast most In use it U of course planned for ward and those in the bottom one slant every two weeks with horrible pain in the the choice table grades rather than for downward, to prevent the slipping of head, back, and neck, until I was almost ordinary fruit, which is bound to sell the netting from the nails. Nail the crazed. I am able to do harder work and it low prices in any event While top strip on first, measure down on more of it today than fo r twenty-five years. I emmission merchants of New York the post, driving in nails every six am really enjoying life again, thanks to Paine’ s Celery Compound. I am satisfied i! d Boston, for example, frown upou Inches, and then nail on the bottom that my life has been prolonged many years ! e proposition. It Is worthy of note strip. Have a ball of gardener’s bunch- by its use.” at in many Instances they buy rrelcd apples of choice to fancy va- loties and repack them in bu-'hei *XCrt,, \vhi<•h a|¡>;>cnl at once to tin; funi f t .V'.. it Is « 4 « rtt? lucking and i-> iu:nines 1 is a i .*«!..r*l >•!:St*, so •nnl-!y n» 1 nr fitly j !»li as it i'.!*.•* !•' ; * ’ » or ' !-ftHi u*r.y at a■ut Marvelous Escape from Death ! P A IN E S C E L E R Y CO M PO UND The Leading Paper of the Pacific Coast. Chronicle The Weekly Chronicle The very best weekly News­ paper published in the entire West. $1.50 a Year. Irx'hidlnf pottage to any part o f the U tilled Stati-aR Canada and Mexico. It is best because, besides printing all the news of the world each week in .an inter­ esting way and fully illustrat­ ing many articles, it has spe­ cial departments devoted to— Agriculture— Horticulture— S E N D FOR A S A M P L E C O P Y . It will be sent free. Do you want the Chronicle Reversibe Map ? Showing the United States, Dominion of Canada and Northern Mexico O N O N E SIDE, Map of the World O N T H E O T H E R SID E . Send $2 and get the Map and “Weekly Chronicle” for one year, postage prepaid on Map*and Paper. The Daily, By M »ll. Toata«* Paid, Address M H de ■— ■■ - — W hen you foe’ blue M> d that o%erv thing g>*es wrong, take a d«»a»» it, Chsinlwr ain’s Hfomaeli and L ivi » Tablet# They will eb anse and invig­ orate your »tnoioeh, regulate your bowels, giv« you s relish your food *«id make you feel in this old Wt*rld is a good place to ||v*. For f t } * b/ W ilson Drug Co. a Year. YOUNG, Proprietor "San Pra 'rattoL tictac* ace Chronic < I* ." San Francisco. Cal. DKPABTM KNT. BO YE A R S' EX PER IEN CE (■ o lden Tnaoe M anas D e s ig n s C o p y r ig h t s A c . Anvono »enritntf n »ketch and description may quickly ascertain our Opinion free whether nn invention ia probably patentable, ('onuuunlca- tioini»trlctly confidential. HANDBOOK on Patente aent free, oldest naency fur ••curing patents. »•¡»tent» taken through Munn A Co. receive n>rcUil notice, without charge. In the Scientific A m e ric a n . A handaoiuely Illustrated weeklv. I.ereest cir­ culation of aity »denude Journal. Term». |:i a rear : four m<>utha, $1. Sold by all newsdealer». MUNN «C o 361 Broadway, sw eet peas . U ir t i». New York Branch Offlco, (TO F Bt„ Washington, D. C. W e d til it k m . "But. papa, things have changed since you were young.” "Yes. they have. Folks used to wait fifty years for a golden wedding, and now they demand it at the start.” Then She U ot M ud. She (having nothing else to say)—It’s funny how we eve: came to think so much of each other. H e -F u n n y ? It's positively ridicu­ lous! The noblest characters are those who have steered the life saving vessel through storm tossed sens. A bed of dowu never nurtured a great soldier yet A F r e e T r n n »U tlo n . Willie Kmerson-Smith (reading)—And they gathered from the dollar of tlie earth— Teacher (In astonishment) From the wha-a-t? Willie Emerson^ Smith— From the dol­ lar of the earth. Teacher—'The text says “from the four quarters of the earth. Willie Ktners«>n-Smith— Well, aren’t four quarters a dollar? — Baltimore A m e r i c a u. E czem a, P so riasis, Salt R h e u m ,T etter and A c n e Belong to that class of inflammatory ami disfiguring skin eruptions that cause more genuine bodily discomfort and worry than all other known diseases. The impurities or sediments which collect iu the system because of poor digestion, inactive K idneys and other organs of elimination are taken up by the blood, saturating the system with acid poisons and fluids that OOie oat through the glands and pores of the skin.-producing an inde­ scribable itching and burning, and 441 can cheerfully endorse your S. S. S. the yellow, w ale-v discharge forms as a cure for Eczoma. 1 was troubled with it for 26 years and tried many into crusts and sores or little brown remedies with no good effects, but after and white scabs that dropoff, leaving using a few bottles of S. S S. was entire­ ly relieved. Wm. Campbell, the skin tender and raw. The effect 813 W . Central St., Wichita, Kan. of tlie poison may cause the skin to cnifk and bleed, or give it a scaly, fishy appearance; again the eruptions may consist of innumerable blackheads and pimples or hard, red bumps upon the face. Purification of the blood is the only remedy for these vicious skin W ashes and powders can only hide for a time the glarin g diseases. blemishes. S. S. S. eradicates all poisonous accninn- / C ' S lations. antidotes the U r i c and other acids, and ^ — * **- restores the blood to its wonted purity, and stimulates ami revitalizes the slu ggish organs, and the im puri­ ties pass off through t h e natural channels and relieve the skin. S. S. S. is the only guarantees! purely ve eta hie blood purifier It contains no Arsenic. Potash or other harmful mineral. • •W r ite ns al»>ut your case and our physicians w '1 advise without charge. W e have a handsomely illustrates! book on skin diseases, which w ill be sent free to ail who wish it. T H K S W I F T S F L C 1 I 1 C C O ., A t la n t a . G > . ft f a y s t o S e u tl t o M a r k e t In G o o d C o n d i t i o n I-'lra t C la s s Hi Is . Lut few have any conception of the cumber of fow l» conaumcd iu u large v u string through their pierced noses ai d tied one to the other, each’ carry lug two baks of coal strung across their backs between the humps, are to lie seen winding their way from the coal mines to the larger cities iu uorihcru China and covering with their swinging steps about twenty miles a day. lug twine (cost 5 cents), tie the end of the twine to the nail at the left up­ per corner, cross diagonally to B, wind 1 the twine once around the nail and go to C, then U> I). etc. Draw the twiue | snug, and always wind once around each nail. Fill the entire frame, end­ ing at E. Tie the twine very securely There are many ways in which Diamond and break off. This is the warp. Dyes will help you. Dresses, cloaks, suits, For the filling, tie the end of the ribbons, coats, feathers, stockings,— every­ twine to the nail marked F, cross to G, thing wearable, Diamond Dyes make to j to II, then to I, etc. Weave the filling Into the warp by passing the look like new. Diamond Dyes are the ball alternately over and under the perfect home dyes; they are S IM P L E , threads of the warp. Peas do better on STRONG, SURE. a trellis of this kind than on brush or Wo have a »pectnl department of advice, and will uuHwer free any questions about dyeing. wire netting. W e have no difficulty iu Beud sample of goods when possible. coaxing them to climb to the top or be­ Directiou book aud 45 dyed samples free. yond. The vines never burn on this trellis as they will on a wire one dur- | ing the heated term. When the frost puts them out of business, cut the A .. .1 . M A R T I X , strings loose at the four corners of the frame, pull the vines, and the entire G r o w t h In P o u l t r y In d u s t r y . mass of vines and twine van be slipped It U gratifying to note that the pros­ off the frame in two minutes and car­ House, «i¡<» and ornam ent»!, yrain j perity which the poultry industry lias ried away to lit* burned on the rubbish enjoyed the past two years is leading j heap. Any one who has tried to clear ing, kuUoming and paper hanging. to a very general disposition to im­ the old vines from wire netting will Orn?no* I prove the (locks. Breeders of pure bred appreciate this easier way of disposing D a l l a s , poultry who let tlie people know what of them.—Rural New Yorker. ______ \ they have are getting plenty of orders, M o o n W d i ' h I i I p A m o n g M a n y P e o p l e « . and tlie stock is going to those who T l i e D u t c h m a i l '» P ip e . Figures of the moon its religious em­ The vine known as Dutchman’s pipe blems can be traced 10 a very high an­ produce the bulk of our poultry—the plain farmers of the laud. There is ■ Is easily distinguished by Its large tiquity. The ancient Egyptians had leaves. It Is hardy and vigorous, a tia- two moon gods- IvI 1011 s or Khonsu and more of a demand today for utility : live of the southern states and one 0 » Tel or Thoth. The latter wore the ! poultry than ever before, anti the fan­ the best climbers where heavy foliage moon on his head, either as a full cier who broods for the highest utility Of Is desired. It belongs to the same fam­ moon or as a crescent. The divine is the one the farmer is after. course fancy points can be added to “the ily as the trumpet creeper. honors paid to the cat on the banks of useful qualities of poultry, and breed the Nile were probably due to its sup­ characteristics should be preserved, posed connection with the moon, as but the average producer wants eggs S it f l l l l t C H I l t . shown by the changeable pupil of the 1 In a well known thoroughfare in 1- oia and meat and the breeds that will fur­ feline eyes. I 11 Greece l>oth Phoebus nish them most economically. These don outside of a noted restaurant there and Phoebe were inotf» gods, and by essentials should never be sacrificed might be seen the ft Mowing notice: Isis the Greeks uudert%ood the same to any more fancy. -Stockman and “This is the best restaurant in Lon­ planet. The Romans had many gods. Farmer. ✓ don! Our fish cannot be approached!” With them Luna was the moon, the —London King. daughter of Hyperion and sister of the He K n e w C h ick e n ». sun. According to Livy, the temple of Mr. Suburb— What 011 earth are you Today. Luna stood on the Avertine. trying to do, neighbor? Today Is a king in disguise. Today The undent Goths, Germans and Mr. Xextdoor- Merely taking down always looks mean to the thoughtless, Finns were all moon worshipers, and a little of this fence so that 1 can move in the face of a uniform experience In ancient Britain the moon occupied my chicken house over into your yard. that all good and great and happy ac­ a high position in the celestial hier -1 “Eh? My yard?” tions are made up precisely of these archy of the Druids, who were always “Yes. I like to I k * neighborly and blank todays. represented as bearing crescents in considerate of other people's feelings, their hands. It is possible, too, that you know.” A H i i r l i T « * » l I 111011 I 11 I. Andraste, the goddess to whom Boadi- “But—cr”— Lady (engaging a maid)— W as your eeu appealed with outstretched hands, “Yes. You shan’t have any more last mistress satisfied with you? was the moon. cause to complain about my chickens Me id Well. mum. she said she was scratching up your yard.” very pleased when I left. .fo k itiK : F r t e iH lN In O ld I I i i m . “Bat you are moving your whole lit a romantic aud picturesque old house over on to my property.” Women’s hearts arc like yale lock*— 'tall In Derbyshire. England, is one o f' "That’s the idea. As soon as the no two alike, and but one man carri«« tho -•1 curious relics of bygone times chickens find their house in your yard the key to fit. which carry the mind back to the hab­ they’ll conclude that you own them its and customs of our great-great­ aud will spend the rest of their natural lit * \ e i* « l« *1 tli«* M o n e y . grandfathers. A handcuff looks a! lives scratching In my yard, you Bookkeeper I would like a little strange thing to be fixed to the screen know.”—Pearson’s Weekly. more salary, sir. You see. I’m married of the banqueting hall of a baronial | now. sir A n A K r e » a l » I e C 'han ise. mansion, but one is there. When the Employer—And need the Increase for H ow huody it will lie for tne good banquet had advanced toward its ze- your family? tilth, if any gentleman among the j housewife to be able to change tne Bookkeeper No. sir; for myself. You guests refused to drink the full quan-| monotony of salt meats for fresh see, my wife knows just what I’m get­ tity that was deemed the proper thing chicken and how easily this is accom­ ting now! at that tint«* L* was merrily carried to plished!— Farmers' Journal. Diamond Dyes Color Anything Any Color The San Francisco Tli** Self f’lT:»(• I n it \«*t. Mjrer—in olden tin." it is said that it was possible for u man to render Inin self Invisible (iyer Pshaw! That’s not at al) re­ markable. Men in this country are do­ ing it every day. Myer — You don’t tell me! How do they manage it? Oyer -Hy marrying famous women. Chicago News. Clean In s’ibHinr K iu*. It Is not mm »; ssary to wash eggs ho fore ptr,.):»i? th m Into tie* Incubator unless Hoy have considerable dirt ad hcrlng to tli m. In which ease It Is bet­ ter to riot u*.» them at all. Ordinarily, however. It Mill n. t Inline eggs to wash them gently with clear lukewarm wa ler TREJ>T j T8 R A IS E G O O D T U R K E Y S . T o o P leb e l:»»» n L)i»h. The pains of being u dignitary in an ancient country with a truditlou of splendor Is Illustrated by this anecdote from India. It is related that the vice­ roy's eye lighted one day upon a dish ut which he gazed for a moment with incredulity. “W hat is this?’* he de­ manded nt last. A trembling retainer gasped that it was rice pudding. No less a personage than the viceroy’s con­ sort had ordered the humble pudding which eminent statesmen may lie seen eating at their clubs with undisguised enjoyment any day of the parliamen­ tary session. But the viceroy frowned. “Take it away,” he said. “Never let me see such a thing again.” This is how the orient differs from the Occi­ dent. Bice pudding might have ruined the dignity of the vice regal table iu native opinion. E i t i 'l y C IR C U L A T IO N The sera'eh of a pin may ca,,so tin loss of a limb or even death when blood poisoning results fr.un the in jury. All danger of this mitf be avoided. Itowev r. by promptly apply ing Chamlterliitn’s P in Balm. 1 i hp iinti-tptic and quick healing lin- imt nt f**r i-ntf. t*r iircs and burns. For • *lc by Wilson Drug Co. lae oak screen aud pmccd wild uis arm up mined and secured ami locked in tli* 1 po-itieu by the Iron ring. Ills b 1 « *\ *, then vide opcu, offered u tempt­ in'. tece a< .e I’ m r lhe »vl e which be hud refused to drink, and the contents of the goblet, with uo much more us the roisterers thought lit, were poured down tin* unlucky victim’s anu, and woe be to him if lie did uot take the J*»;;e In the spirit In which It w u i giv­ en.—Philadelphia Telegraph. losed the transaction. The proceed ngs of the investigating committee md the clinical reports of the test •ases were published and will be nmil- •1 free on application. Address John I F< lt'iu Company, 420 Montgomery street. Han Fraocisco. California,. Thu D r e e d liitf S e iu o n . At this time of the year everybody who Ts anybody at all with chickens U planning for the breeding season. This is the first and most important step in breeding poultry, and the more serious­ ly you look it in the face the easier will the problem he solved. It is uot a time for too much speculation; neither is it a time when unn-'cessary risks should be T IM E C A R D N O . courted. The safest and best plan Is to select the cream of breeders at your N o 2 fo r Y a q u i n a : 12:45 p ni disposal and condition them in the best L e a v e s A B tany . 2 :(H) p m possible manner. Spare nothing 1n nt- Leaves Corvallis a id watch carefully after A ir iv c s Y a q u in a ............. 0 :2 5 p n them, for it is first the breeders and No 1 re trim ing: f i l 5 a m then the chicks. Good, active and ener­ leave.- Y quina getic breeding birds are what you Leaves C orvallis.............11:30 a ir should «elect and avoid tho overcrowd­ A rrive» A lb a n y ......... . . .12:15 p ing of the breeding pens. It is an un­ N 3 for I). ’ if : 7:00 p n. disputed fact that fewer birds will Leaves Ai V o y . produce in the long run more and better Ai lives 1 > unit ............. 12 :06 p m birds than If twice the number were No. 4 from De toit : kept In the same pens. Look well Into ........... 12 :45 a rr Le.'iVts Detroit the conditions and plan everything ac­ ......... 5:35 h m A r r iv e » A lb a n y cordingly. The mistakes you made last Tr .ins 1 and 4 arrive in U'-any i» year should be avoided this, and to do 1 io connect wi • h i he S. P this you must ever be on the alert.— ‘Itili-,j-l »rain, as Wl ■11 as giving Feather. h rci- b on re in All any In-fore 1 j t\ < f S. P no : 1 ih 1 mut.ti train. A G n iu e - G n ln e u C r o n ». Train No. 2 ioniiente wi h the H P T. H. Skidmore, living near Bairds- a'jna at mation U| ply to a chicken’s, and one of them lias a E D W I N S T O N E , manager. comb. They arc speckled like a guinea, .1. T U R N E R , n/nit. Albany. but their color Is brown instead of blue. II II. C H O N IS K. agent, Gorvaili«. We have seen three birds of this kind of a cross. T w o of these were at Me- chnnicsburg. O.. and the other was ut Columbus, O. These hybrid fowls will not breed, it Is said. The birds were N O T IC E TH H K K K R Y G I V E N T H A T shaped somewhat like a guinea fowl, iiy virtue of an execution issued out of the but the color was more like that of the 'circuit court of the state of Oregon for the county -of Folk, bearing date the 14th day of sire. This proves Mr. Felch's claim that March, 11)03, upon a judgment rendered, en­ fowls get shape and size from the dam tered and docketed in said court on the 5th and color from the sire.—Commercial day of December, 8S7, in favor of H. Kirsch Poultry. Corvallis & Eastern Railroad Sheriffs Sale. berg, pluintiif, and against J. O. Smith, de­ fendant, for the sum of $282.75, with interest thereon from said date at the rate of 10 per cent ¡ er annum, and the further sum of &30 as attorney's fee, and the sum of $3!).90 as costs an ! disbursements, commanding me that out of the property of the said defend­ ant in this county I satisfy the said sums, with accruing eosts, 1 have duly levied upon aud will, on S-tffurday, A p ril 25, F o w l« M ust H ave E x e r c is e . A man confined in jail with but lit­ tle exercise soon loses the rosy hue of health, loses appetite, becomes pale and before long the sheriff telephones the county physician, for something must be done or the man will die. Fowls confined in tt little Jail of a yurd, hard tramped and impervious to In­ sects, will for lack of needed exercise lose appetite, fail iu flesh, suffer from Indigestion and become generally of “no account” for eggs or anything else. Exercise is necessary to the well beiirg of nil locomotive Animals. Clams aud oysters can do very 'w ell without It, but fowls cannot. 1903, at the hour o f 1 o’clock p. in., of said day at the front door -f the court house in Dallas, in said county, sell the above describ­ ed property at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand on day of sale, sub­ ject to redemption in the manner provided by law. all the right, title and interest that the said defendant had on the 5th day o f ‘De­ cern her, 1887. or has since acquired, or now has, of, in and to the following descril ed real estate, to-wit: That tract or parcel of land being a part of the donation laud claim of John H. Smith and wife, notification No. 2.- F e e d i n g D u c k li n u i. 695, claim No. 50. in township 9 smith, range Pollard say«: “Many breeder« feed 5 west of the Willam ette meridian, in the county of Polk and state of Qregon. and only at stated time« from the begin­ bounded and described as follows, to-wit: Be­ ning, but we have found that it save« ginning a ta (mint which is thus located: time and trouble and the ducklings do South 1 ♦ 5)0 chains and thence south 5Jde- grees east 9 1.40 chains from the northwest quite as well when we leave the feed corner of said donation land claim, running ; before them. After the third day they thence east 10 09 chains t<» the division line are fed four times a day. rather more of said claim, thence south to the south boun dary of said claim, thence north 85 » decrees ¡ than they will clean up at once. From 14 minutes west 10.12 chains, and thence the first they have water at night as north 38 27 chains to h * place o f beginning, | well as during the day. It is one of the containing 58.79 acres, more or less, t«*gether prettiest sights of the whole business with the tenements, hereditaments .-md ap- j pnrten.iuces thereunto belonging, or in an> | to see a string of the downy little yel­ low chaps travel to and from the water wise appertaining. Dated this 27th Ja\ of March. 1903, fountain I 11 a moonlit brooder building. J. T FO RD , They glide like quaint little shadow« Sheriff of Polk county. Oregon. and converse In quiet little peeps of contentment.” Final Settlement. otice is mkuepy otvk * that the t n - rterotgirott h »« I M hi» Huai *.*» ount a» *d- niinifttrator of the t*tatc o f A very P . B a k iv k derrowst, «n-i Mundny, M »v ■»th. IhOS. at 1 o'clock, i* m.. of **!ti dav, at t'w com t> c »urt houae, of P-»lk county, t t n r in . ha» ;>eeii l \ o l by Hon. J. E SiM cy. judge »4 the conn«y .-ourt for m 'ul county, a* the time »nil •,>!*■ *• for the hcartv»« o f the same ■ A ll peciorui mlerefttcU in «ai-i matter Are hereby no- tif.ed to appear at «aid time amt <*how cau*e. if any th e c a l'«, why »aid acVKHM ihpftid not ba approved «m l the ace«>unt settled ,* ih I >-!«*•«!. (tall**. Or«r>n. Mcb ¿4. IWM C. W . RABiAN K. Adm inistrator of thaeetaU of A r «r y D Babcock, , N M l a a n a r l 'a B lar E k k C rop , Whut do you think of a state whose hens laid in 1903 so many eitua that it »old 51.217.7SS dozena for $.">.377.815 K ii This la the reeord of Missouri. Ureene county laid more eejes on the world's table than any other eounty. Its sur­ plus product was 4.U50.t