P IE S ÖN FIRE t ir ili .idling, Burning, Scaly Humours Find Instant Relief and Speedy Cure Ir. Mm Soap and Cuticura Ointment When All Other Remedies and the Best Physicians Fail. Instant relief and refreshing sleep for skin-tortured babies and rest for tired mothers in warm baths with Cnticnra Soap and gentle anointings with Cuticura Olutment, the great skin cure, and purest of emollients, to lie followed In severe cases by mild doses of Cuticura Kesolvent Pills. This is the purest, sweetest, most speedy, per­ manent and economical treatment for torturing, disfiguring, Itching, burning, bleeding, scaly, crusted and pimply skin and scalp humours, eczemas, rashes and Irritations, with loss of hair, of infants and children, as well ns adults, and is e..re to succeed when all other remedies aud physicians fail. Milhous of the world's best people now use Cuticura Soap, assisted by Cuticura Ohumeut, for preserving, purifying aud beautifying the skin, for cleansing the scalp of crusts, scales and dandruff, and the stopping of fall­ ing hair, for softening, whitening and soothing red, rough and sore hands, as well as for all the purposes of the toilet, bath and nursery. Thousands of women unhesitatingly recommend Cuticura Soap, In the form of baths for annoying Irritations, iullaminations and chaffngs, or too free or offensive perspiration, in the form of washes for ulcerative weaknesses, and for many sanative, antiseptic purposes which readily suggest themselves. The sale of Cuticura Soup, Ointment and Pills ts greater than the combined sale of the world's product o f other skin remedies. Sold In every part of the world. Preselling hours at 11 and 7 M K. CMUItCHU Preaching Sunday morning and ev cuing. Sunday school at 9:45. Ep- worth leagitb at 6 Praver meet ing Thursday evening.— II N. Rounds, pastor, BA IT IS t CHURCH. Preaching Sunday morning ami ev piling. Sunday seine>1 at ID. H Y P U. at 0:30 Prayer meeting W ed ­ nesday ever ing.— .1. R. G. Russell, pastor. ntKSHYTKKIAN CHURCH. Preaching »uuday morning and ev­ ening. Sunday school at ID. Chris lian Endeavor at ti off). Prayer meet­ ing Thursday evening.— VV, T. War- dIn, pastor. CHRISTIAN CHURCH. Pip telling Sunday morning and ev­ ening. 1 Bible echo d at ID. Senior Christian Endeavor at 6:30. Bibb class and prayer meeting Thursday evening — L. Green, pastor. KVA N U K LIC A I. CHURCH. Preaching Sunday morning and ev­ ening at the Da las college chapel Sunday school at 10. Christian En dea vor at 6:3»*. Prayer meeting Thurs­ day evening.— A. A. W inter, paalor, t W is e R u le . The Mi-ruse commissioners of niouceater, Mass, have made It a rule that when a drunkard lina been brought before the eourts and con­ victed of tin- folly tin- saloon keepers are notltied not to sell him liquor for six months. For Over Slaty Y ea rs. An old and well tried remedy. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup lias been used lor over sixty years by millions mothers for their children while teeth ing, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens (lie gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic and is the best remedy (or diarrhoea. Is pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of the world 25 cents a bottl Its value is incalculable. He sure and ask for Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Sy rui and lake no oilier kind. C o n o e r t ilit K Iv l I C a r t e r . H o w tiuit i.iv n g l o . c cu n w ip e o ff t lio b r ig h t v a rn is h th a t b la z o n s th e f r o m o f a tig h t e r ICUI C a r t e r * Uavl m neat, v e n te r, r o w A . in th e p u g ilis tic a re n a a lit t le w h ile a g o lu m m y K.van ttiid .la ck H oot anug h im u iu l.a b y th a t so u n d e d \er\ m u ch lik e * U o W a y B a ck a u d S it I »ow n . A n d |>oor C a r t e r h as fo u n d h im « e l f o f th e m i m i n g A nd th e re yot or. r a t h e r he D out • re. The aera*cli of a pin may ra'**e tin In»» of a limb or even dead) wbei blond poi»*tiling reunite I'r mi the in jury. Ail da o«(er of this may hi av«»i led. Iiowev» r. hv pr >mpr 1 v apply in if f liaiiihcrlsin’ - I* in Balm. 1 i- • n m to e p iic ami quick lualiuu 1 in iuo ut f -r etitf, hr liKM and burn*. For sale hy W ffaon l)rt)| ! Pa. T lie P tm F r. flri'H i *c1i»atl*tii expound th eir v ie w * In I* r n.4 H listnrre and mn*v. Aae!|.Rlnn m o tiv e p o w »r s ami laws, W h ich »ountl a trifle e r a » N o w whut m akes m y «m a ll w o rld gt round In not the least hit h a *y ; It ju st r**valv«s «l*o u t—abou t— ‘ O h . w e ll — R h e r n a m e Is D a ia y ! I. S tin e In N e w Y o rk N e w ». —- \\ lie n y o u le e ' b lu e a u d th a t e ve r v l i d .g u s ?. w r o n g , t a k e a d o s e o r C l i a i i i l i e r d.iV S t o m a c h and L iv e r T .M e t • T i . e v w ill c le a n »* » m u l i n v i g CORES RHEUMATISM. Diamond Dyes i $1.50 a Year. Reversibe Map ? P atents OA N CERO Corvallis & Eastern Railroad. U L CE R S Scientific American. MUNN 4 New York Seeds kiL s a iiw or F y o u r » t o r n ft c li, r e g u la t e y o n r b o w e ls , g i v e y o u a r e lis h f«»r y o u r fo o d # i> 0 m a k t y o u fe e t t h a t in t h is o ld w o r ld in • g o o d p la c e t o l i v e . For f S * by Wtlson Drug Co. Sarjrent. Chronicle CHURCH D IRE C TO R/. Paine’s Celery Compound whom It would be better that they should know that the trouble la with­ When John 8 . Sargeut. the famous in themselves and so seek a capable portrait painter, si tidied in the atelier doctor than continue to be haunted, as of Carolua-Dural» in 1 'n f if Ida teacher they believe, by the supernatural.” A Chain sl’.ow'Hl his fomiucsH for him by paint­ is no stronger than its ing In his head in the great cellli g of T h e l i u c L I i i t c o f L »W e K r l f . ""weakest link. A fertilizer t the Luxembourg palace. 1Cveu after The 250 mile trough of Luke Erie He* deficient la he branched out for himself his mas­ approximately in the direction of the A GOOD GARDEN FLO W ER . POTASH ter often stmt for him to come over to west to southwest wiuds which prevail t h e (n a tlla r d la a H u u dnoasc, H a r d y 1 Is »1 mlio aud po.-»e, his hands having in thut part of the country. Thus the A d d udJ, F i n e F o r C u t t ln jf . especially won the admiration of Caro- lake offers uu excellent opportunity . . „ for Rheumatism, which does its terrible work Though the gaillardiu is one of the lus-Dunui. The time came, however, studying the effects of the wind upon in the muscles, joints, and tissues, L* caused by when Sargent could no longer answer a large body of Inclosed water, and uric acid which gathers in tK olood. T ° get Jhowlest of flowers and sure to attract is just as dangerous as a the beck and call of his teacher, for lie very Interesting these effects some- ° ( this poisonous acid w u Pr •'ices , ,t. Louis 27 veurs, and all this time with the flower in June and continuing until se- of helpfulne«*, alight »e lf denials 31 , u*3 of / three ’ years, 1 , have Vl. „ . served in in tne th#. bourg. I went aud I got a ladder, and ict* for the yrape root worm In vineyards. , 1 , . ixception l painted out liis heud!” tliat bar ngabiKt «■li.vlin.-aa, .aiimc-leii- EnJ fKcn, D«p.rtmem as Inspector. Last I vere frosts. The 1st of November last The Cornell authorities say many iu- j tioUH attention to trilling details of dll- winter I contracted rheumatism and was laid ! year soma blossoms still lingered. It tected vineyards need to be fed, aud I ty. standing firm to the right in spite 1 ip. I tried all remedies and doctors, but all I will grow in almost any soil and posi­ they suggest a “ balanced ration” for A CliO K t T «* »t. When you think you see a ghost, of banter and contempt (really the most ailed until I struck Paine’ s Celery Compound, tion, but responds freely to liberal fer- that purpose. Jllzing and endures the hot, dry stim- how can you tell whether it really is d iffic u lt t h in g f o r y o u n g o r o ld to w ith - yhich has made a permanent cure in my case livery kind of fruit and, in fact, a ghost or not? A recent writer give* stand), ittlherenee to scrupulous hones- I 1 have recommended it to many, and the> ner hotter than most plants. There nearly everj variety of the same kind I lave used it with the same result-^’ ire both double and single varieties, the following scientific method: “ We ly in word and deed even in what oth- i i The former are showy and Interesting, needs a different method of pruning. assume that a person sees an appari­ era consider of no import, sticking to i Graft ou favorable days. Cherries FOB HOME USE A N D E00N0M Y »»lit the latter are generally the most tion. It may he objective—I. e., having principle though one may be called and plums should be grafted early. existence outside the observer's mind— “old fashioned,” “ unprogressive” or idmireiL Plant musk melon seed ou sods in tbe For massing or planting In groups in or merely a creature of a disordered "puritanical” — these are the golden he hardy border the gailiardia is un- hotbed. brain, subjective. The seer, while look- strands which, woven into the fabric Give good cultivation between tne »urpaHvod for decorative effect. I f one big at the vision with both his eyes, of dally living, make men and women j uoes not wish to wait for seeds to rbws of strawberries, then remove the g'*ntly depress, s one eyeball with his invincible.—Success. Make Old Clothjs Look îLw -.row. plants can be obtained of deirl* mulch from the plants, placing it in the ' tv finger from outside the top eyelid, j Direction hook und 45 a rs. If protected in the winter with row?. M lK l u k t * I n t h e L o o n l l t y . > causing a squint. I f objective,! dyed »ample* free. Young plants of blackberries should light litter, clumps wii! last for several D I A C O N I » D Y Ed, .v■ hotkey bo-i:a or not. two outlines «of I That keen rivalry which western I Burlington, V t. be dug before the buds start. years. 'u* 'ghp.-it' will i e ko » i :. but on«*, of towns feel 1 » probably responsible for I f you have never cultivated the uirse, If ii bo subjective, (»no may i the story about Seattle, which may well G reen F o o d F o r P ou ltry. gailiardia. be sure to try it the com­ rove this by trial any time wit!» any have been said of some other place at labor emproyoa tne quicker tiffs action One-third of my winter feed consists ing season. It is truly worthy of high .iject. n« e; or far. i incut!«» this bo­ some other time. It concerns a Seattle will follow. I speak from the view­ o f vegetables. Onions and cabbage are praise and sure to please you.—Vick’s. use of tl. many i.;'r us : ad brain | man who died and went to the here­ point of a dairy farm not deficient in the most valuable. Turnips, carrots i .'.iiid i. .’«* v. • c y... »ks and to j after. vegetable matter. Upon soils where and beets come next. Cabbages l hang “ I don’t see,” he remarked, after a M U S K M E L O N VARIETIES. successive crop growing is followed the up. Beets and squashes 1 split open. casual survey of his new quarters, I Carrots I usually cook, as my hens will “ that heaven is so much better than principle would not apply. Then it is N orthern uud Southern K in d » That question of getting more humus and ! eat them better cooked. Onions are Seattle.” A re W e ll Liked. chopped, because they roll arouud so “ But this Isn’t heaven.” explained u plant food into the soil. These varying While the introduction of the now fa- conditions of soils call for a clean cue The Leading Paper of I badly, and potatoes are cooked. Pota­ bystander.—New York Tribune. •*nous Rocky Ford melon put the in­ home study of our own farms. toes are the only vegetable which need the Pacific Coast. dustry of cantaloupe growing on a cooking, as some docks of hens will eat flaw the A uclrnl« fleiffnrrled Iron. commercial basis In Georgia, this re­ carrots without being boiled. The raw The San Francisco The ancient Egyptians believed that P O P U L A R PEAS. gion, like nearly every other, has also potato has a poison in Its skin which I iron was the bone o f Typlion, the ene- a number of favorite varieties for local my of Osiris, and for this reason it was S o m e G o o d V a r l c t K * » F o r E a r l y . M a l a market. Foremost among these, as’ 11 - some flocks cannot stand. If people j live in a village and keep hens, such u u d l.nte* C r o p « . j considered impure. No one could make i herbs as spearmint, dock, catnip, horse- Among the newer extra early varie­ I use of it even for tlie most ordinary I radish, etc., are valuable. Tlie hens | requirements of life without polluting ties Gradus has become extremely pop­ : will not eat such pungent things alone, The W eekly Chronicle | his soul in a way that would cause ular. The pods are very large anti but if you chop them up and mix them him harm both on earth and in the filled with large wrinkled deep green The very best weekly News­ in the uiash your birds will think you peas of the fiuest quality. Alaska, ! other world. paper published in the entire are giving them a regular French sal­ Mott's Excelsior, America A Wonder, West. ad.—Mrs. Ida E. Tilsou in American R ead in g. Agriculturist. Were I to pray for a taste which ! should stand me in stead under every [Deluding puatagr t« any part o f the (Julted State«, Canada and Mexico. B i d d y 1« Mot a G r o w l e r . ! variety of circumstance and be a source Biddy does not complain if she Is un­ | of happiness and cheerfulness to me It is best because, besides comfortable; she simply stops doing j during lift» and a shield against liis, printing all the news of the business. I f she has lost a toe. a comb | however things might go amiss and world each week in an inter­ or wattle, site does not utter a murmur, Jhe world frown upon me. it would be esting way and fully illustrat but her system sets about “ restoriftg ing many articles, it has spe ! a taste for reading.—Sir John Uerschel. the waste places,” and she cannot di­ cial departments devoted to— D E S IR A B L E V A R IE T IE S O F MUSK.MELONS. 11. A u gu sta M a rk e t; 2. A n n e A ru n d el; 3, gest a sufficient surplus for egg produc­ Agriculture— lf e Hud. N ew South; 4. D elm onico; 5. Chicago tion until all sores are healed and she Horticulture— “ Have you ever written anything,” M a rk e t; 6, L o n g Islan d B e a u ty .] Poultry— Is again comfortable. said his cynical friend, “ to make the i lustrated by the state experiment sta­ * Live Stock— world happier or better?” tion, are the following, which include Mining— W h y T h e y S c ra tc h . “ Rather,” quoth the insurance agent Literature- some of the best northern varieties: Chaff and straw nt.d hay suggest who sometimes dabbled in verse. “ I i Fashions— Augusta Market. — Fruit roundish leaves and seeds to the hens, and the have written $400.000 worth of life in­ and Sports. oval, evenly netted and slightly ribbed; fact that tre; find little to reward surance within the last year.” These are presided over by flesh green, tinged with yellow next to them does not [»revent them from go­ editors having a thorough cavity; quality best. ing on scratchier until the litter Is W h a t D id H e M e a n t knowledge of their specialties Anne Arundel.—Fruit medium in size, worn to a tine dti t. They cannot find He—What lovely flowers! Do you The pages devoted to A g ri­ oblong, shallow ribbed, netted; flesh culture. Horticulture, Poultry room In their small brain apartments know, they remind me of you. green; quality good. and Live Stock are well illus­ for the understanding of the fact that She—Why. they are artificial. New South.—Fruit large, shallow litter is sealless. trated and filled with matter He—Yes. I know, blit it requires close ribbed, netted; flesh green; quality of the greatest interest to examination to detect it. all engagtd in these indus­ good. T o l*I%*k (»tit n l. i y r r . W tries. every line being written Chicago Market.—Fruit medium to Talking your enthusiasm to some Wh in she sheds her fee.thers ^ we by those who are in close large, deep ribbed, coarsely netted: THE JUNO I’EA people Is like holding it under the kill off the nonlnyors. it is we!; to be touch with conditions prevail­ flesh yellow; quality good; particular­ pump.—Atchison Globe. sure and not '-iay a fowl full of eggs. ing on this Coast. Little Gem and Premium Gem are oth­ ly desirable for local market. When tlie rear bones are wide a’ art at er varieties of merit, and Surprise is a. Delmonico.—Fruit large, shallow rib­ the points below the tail feathers you A S T A N D OF GRASS. SEND FOR A S A M P LE fine early wrinkled variety. bed: flesh salmon color; quality very CO PY. It will be sent free. have caught u layer. When they are Standard early and medium varieties good. V a r y i n g S oi l C o n d i t i o n « C a l l F o r a ct vse together, biddy is taking a vaca­ Include Advance, Abundance, Heroine C l e a n C u t S tu dy . Do you w.int the Long Island Beauty.—Fruit roundish, tion. We sow grass and clover seed upon and llorsford Market Garden. irregular, deeply ribbed, coarsely net­ Chronicle Of late soi’ts Queen, Stratagem aud ted; flesh yellow; quality very good. wheat In the spring, which necessitates B rig h t's D isease. sowing with some of the hand operated Champion of England are favorites. The last named is on the order of the The Urgest *«um ever paid for a pre Juno is a dwarf, wrinkled, narrow pea popular Hackensack melon and is one machines or from the hand, says a -cri^uoti, changed hands in San F ’ an- for main and late crops. It stands New York correspondent in National about two feet high and needs little of the earliest, finest In quality and e co Aiigu*ff JOrh. 1901 The v Stockman. W e use a hand seeder and brushing. The vines are very produc­ most beautiful of muskmelous. f r involvediti coin and stock $112,500 Showing the United States, the work has been fairly well done. tive, the pods long and straight and and was paid by a party of husiue«p M u n t i r i n i ? llo n c n . Dominion of Canada and But when one compares the even stand packed with seven or eight peas of m en for n specific for Bright’s disease Northern Mexico Plants growing in well prepared and diabetes, hitherto incurable dis­ of the drill seeding there Is, after all, a flue flavor and very tender. ON O N E SIDE, quarters do uot require the roots dis­ eases. They commenced the serious vast difference. Another spring I shall turbed annually by digging in large Map of the World On«* T i l l i i k a n d A n o t h e r . investigation of the specific Novem see to It that the fields are sowed over quantities of manure among them, but ON THE OTHER SIDE. her 15th, 1900. They interviewed Wheat takes up the greatest portion each way, using half of the seed at a judiciously applied top dressings are of Send $2 and get the Map of its food in the early stages of ! the utmost advantage. Bone manure is '(•ores of tlie cured and tried it out on time. and "Weekly Chronicle” for its merits hy putting over three dozen growth, stores it up and draws upon Upon fertile land every small space It later for the development of the applied by taking a little of the sur- cases on the treatment and watching one year, postage prepaid on : face soil from around the stem and Map and Paper. without clover or only partly covered grain. | shaking a handful or two over the hem. They also got physicians to means a prolific growth of weeds. A There Is no feed that puts the gloss roots and then returning the soil? Very nan»«' chronic, incurable cases, and The Daily, fertile soil, like civilization, has its at­ and the fine touch on tlie hair that outs By MaM, B o a t»«« P»I4. j tine rose growths and blooms may be administered it with the physicians for tendant evils. The thick seeding of all do, says a cattle feeder. | produced in this way. Many perso.ia judge». Up to August 25th, eighty Only I7.80 a Year. slow maturing plants and a thin seed­ “ Up to date I know of no disease that i think their roses will degenerate if the sevi n per cent of ‘ he test cases were ing of those cultivated or rapid grow­ It; s had the nerve to tackle tbe bllly- Addre»» i whole of the surface near them is not either well or progressing favorably. ing may l»‘e laid down as a safe rule. I 1 .» at or the Angora," remarks President deeply forked or dug and much nat­ There being but thirteen per cent of M H de YO U N G , have seen Just as good a hay crop from Harrington o f the Kansas Live Stock Proprietor. ural innuur» added every spring, but failures, tbe parlies were satisfied and “ »• n Draactteu CXroolcle.” ten quarts of seed as from sixteen association. nothing is gained by disturbing the dosed tbe transaction. The proceed San Francisco. Cal. quarts where no interference was pres­ logs of the investigating committee The soy beau where alfalfa is not roots very much. C IR O C L 4 T IO N H B P A K T M B N T . ent. It is phenomenal how large a abundant w 1 save the expenditure of and the clinical reports of the test stool will grow from one seed. I would many dolla • for oil meal, cottonseed cases were published and will be mail- F r n i t Itoteii. not care to risk light seeding, however. meal or glu,oii meal. • d free on application. Address John The Gano ts claimed to be a “ preco­ With wheat and oat seeding upon our Buff ,;o y ss is the best feed In the cious” apple, coming into bearing very J. F ’dton Company, 420 Montgomery BO Y E A R S' I soils the contrary seems true. Light, street. San Francisco, California. world for butter, according to a dairy EXPERIENCE early. j thin seeding of oats Is far safer, par- iiflU. Cultivation is said to be the rentedv | ticularly where clover seeding is prac- ! tlced. Oats are a unne crop for clover ] over a vast stretch of country nr.d no T IM E C A R D 1.0 . doubt will be for a long time uotwith- I Nn 2 for Y »q u in » standing they are unsatisfactory 12:15 P m Leaves Albany I R AD I IBARRS cept when very w e t Oats require about j ___ 2:00 P m Leaves Corvallis D is io n s 500 pounds of water for each pound of C o p y r ig h t s A c . . .. . 0:25 P in A rriw s Yaqtiina Arc in many respects like other ulcers or dry matter, and while the thin seedii % Anrono «ending » eketch and description msy N i l retu rn in g: 'lulcklr «¡»«'ertnin our opinion fra« whether an sores, and this resemblance often proves fatal. will draw heavily upon moisture flu. - | •m ention la pmhnhlr patentable. Conuminlcs* . .. 6 45 A m L* aves Y quint Mona strict’ ? confidential. HANDBOOK on Patent« lug the ripening days the clover will V aluable time is lost in fruitless efforts to heal sent free, »»dost Hfrency for teen unit patents. 1.eaves Corvallis . . . 11:30 H ni have imlncd a strung foothold in the | the sore with washes and salves, because tlie germs of C.nicer that arc nm'iti- I'ntents taken through Munu A Co. recelre .1 2 :1 5 P m Arrives Albany •p'cltii noftce. without charae. In the plyin g in the blood and the new Cancer cells which are constantly develop­ eurly growth of the plant. N .. 3 for l>* im i! : ing keep up the irritation and discharge, and at last sharp shooting pains IIrondcnut Snulng. . . 7 4X1 P ni Leave- Albany The oat plant do*»» not grow rapid!/ 1 announce the approach o f the eating and sloughing stage, and a hideous, A handsomely illustrated weeklr. ! unrest cir­ . 12 05 P m Arrives 1 ) troit culation o f any scientific journal. Tarins. $3 a at ontv after emu ing up. but if son aj sickening cancerous sore begins its ▼oar; four mont ha, »1. Sold by all newsdealers. • N ». 4 front Detroit work. 1 “ E®bru»ry, t899, X noticed a »mail thlekly tbe ground will be covered, re­ destructive ....._ _ ' . 1 , lump on my lower lip. The doctor cau- 12 :45 a ni 1 / -.vt fi 1 > troit . No ulcer or sore can exist with- t. rUed it but Bnoth„ CMn. and brok. tarding clover growth. Broadcast o t Branch tMBce. «r » F Ht-, Wash tu« ton. D. C, . . . . 5:15 rt m Arrive.- Albany. seeding either by machine or hand •* out some predisposing internal cause out into an open sore. I began to take Trains 1 and 4 >rriv • in Ail-an V in very unsatisfactory. All things consid­ that lias poisoned the blood, and the 8 . S. S. and after I had taken seven bot- open discharging ulcer, or the fester- the place healed entirely and no t; it“ Co cmtiiet Wi h tlie S. P. » »U Hi ered, no method or machine for com­ . ’ lY c\. , , __ eigne ot the dleeaso have been seen t>. tr.uf rain. as tvt il *8 giving t*to or w p Brown, uollande, S. O. bined aeedii g compares to a disk drill. ing sore on the lip, cheek or other , ln0. u iee boors in A1 •any b* fore depart- Another point: An endless waste of part of the body w ill continue to Tor nearly im of S p i»or!h yuni. 1 train. spread and eat deeper into tlie flesh unless the blood is purified and the clover seed takes place each year » * j Train No. 2 com t. ts b ith tbe < P half a century sowing Upon soil uot gardcu fitted. \ Cancer genus or morbid matter eliminated from the circulation. t* t i n - at ( ’«T ' liis inti Albany ir vi * . S. S. S. cleanses the blood of all decaying effete matter. It has great rich soil Is not alone a qualification f - tl! ret ' sit vice to Newy »*»rt a n d a Ij- a sure catch of clover. Soil texture '* antidotal and p urifying properties that soon destroy the germs and poisons and restore the blood to its natural condition. And when pure blood is e 1 bvaehe- absolutely necessary. 1 would prefer Trai»* 3 for Detroit . K g I ' h i oi »h -- — — . carried to the ulcer or sore the healing process to throw a piece o f land out of the reg -1 ami oth* r : ounuin resorts leaves Al- | f* * q r f**q iiegins, the discharge ceases and the place heals tilar rotation than to seed before tb « over and new skin forms. S. S. S. is a strictly vege­ l*»ny at 7 :00 p m ; ft* r the arrival of been »row in* famous in « condition has taken place, and. what is table b l o o d purifier containing no mercury or ; S V. -o'ltli bi»un \ r»in from Portland i o f soit, tw y y h s s a . Hold i>y more, soil» full of root growth like our ilmiera. 1 » * • fim i Animai À minerals of any description. reaching Detroit t 12.00 p m. »paid Owe lo %U applicanti owu cannot I k * made suitable in a m - ' " I f you have an ulcer or chronic sore of any kind, write us abort it. medi­ For further inform *'ion apply to incut, no matter how much labor is of­ cal advice w ill cost you nothing. Books on Cancer and other diseases of E D W IN 'STONE, manager. fered. Decomposition must take placv* the blood w ill be sent tree. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. Atlanta, ta. J. T U R N E R , agent. Albany. ami chemical action go on. The more t ’a r o l ' l a - D u r a n * * R e o n I H H. C R O N ISE, agent, CorvtUis. HUlnar wot Always a V ir t u e . Thousands of people have no choice whatever about their hour of rising la tbe morning. Later or earlier, that ho.:r la fixed for them by the require­ ments of the office, the shop or the classroom, by the time table of tne rail­ road, by the arbitration of their em­ ployers or the necessities of their em­ ployees. But In the caseH manifold where personal liberty is enjoyed it should not be thoughtlessly restricted simply because of the domestic tradi­ tion that early rising deserves praise and late rising blame. Breakfast may often be a movable feust without materially disturbing the routlue of un orderly housekeeping day. Invalids, mothers whose rest has been brokcu by teething babies and, above all, rapidly growiug children, should have their sleep out. Nature deiuui.ds this, and violence is done to Iter when sleepy people are rudely aroused from their beds. Early to bed Is the single safe prescription to insure early to rise. We need to repeat it over and over to our hurrying, anxious, toiling Amer­ ican men and women: Rest, rest and again rest. I>o uot think time ill spent that is spent in repairing the ravages of our well uigh incessant activity. K s r lr Tbe Fir»I k 'a i i t o m l i u e . Most pantomime characters were originally borrowed from the Italians. The first real English pantomime was produced at a theater in Lincoln’s Inu Fields In !7“ t>. It was culled ‘•Harle­ quin Executed,” and its subtitle was “ A New Italian Comic Scene Between a Scuramouche. a Harlequin, a Coun­ try Farmer, Ills W ife and Others.” The performance was very successful. About the middle of the eighteenth cen­ tury the character of pantomime per­ formances was completely altered, chiefly because of tbe genius of the fa­ mous Grimaldi, who made the clown the first figure of the pantomime. Gri­ maldi first appeared at Sadler’s Weils theater, where he played the part of a monkey. He was actively engaged on the stage for forty-nine years, aud at the close of his stage career he took a benefit at Drury Lane theater, which realized nearly £»>U0. He also received £100 from the Drury Lane fund. This was In June, 1828. He died In 1837 and was buried in tbe churchyard In St. James’ chapel, Pentonville hill.—Lon­ don Standard. A n im al» uud Poison ». Certain substances which are deadly in their fffects upon men can be taken by the brute creation with Impunity. Horses can take large doses of anti­ mony, dogs of mercury, goats of tobac­ co, mice of hemlock and rabbits of belladonna without injury. On the other hand, dogs and cats are much more susceptible to the influence of chloroform than man and are much sooner killed by It. I f this invaluable anaesthetic had been first tried upon animals, we should probably have nev­ er enjoyed its blessings, as it would have been found to be so fatal that its discoverer would have been afraid to tost Its effects upon human beings. It is evident, then, that an experiment upon an animal can never be the means of any certain deductions so far as man ¡s concerned.—Family Doctor. Sk.vi'o i k o i I!**for« * G unpow der. It mntlerj very little in the long run to the small bo.v when, how or where fireworks were first made and of what they tiro mad ' now. But the fact re­ mains that Hie despised heathen Chi­ nese first made them and used them and that civilized communities did not know of them until the fourteenth cen­ tury. The skyrocket was iii-st invent;»d toward the close of the ninth emtury and at that time was used, so it is said, in India and China in war. That was long before the invention of gunpow­ der. O rnam ental Jm le. The Chinese have cut jade for ages, but never ornamented it except by sculpture. When it was introduced in­ to India, the native Jewelers, with their quick eye for color, at once saw what a perfect ground It afforded for mount­ ing precious stones, and they were the first to incrust them on jade. The In­ dia museum in London possesses the choicest specimens of this work known of the best mogul period. Know W hat He W anted. “ Call I show yon anything?” asked the you an man behind the counter at tlie hat store. “ I guess so,” said the young man who had dropped In. “ I waut one of those disappearing hats you wear when you go to tlie opera. Got any?” —Chicago Tribune. H i» H air Not Gray. “ Young man,” said the Rev. Good­ man, “ some day you’ll bring your fa­ ther's gray hairs in sorrow to tbe grave.” “ No danger,” replied young Rakely. “ He hasn’t any. Worrying about mo’s made hint bald.” — Catholic Standard and Times. W hat She D id n 't Say. Mamma (to Flossie, who has been lunching with a little friend)—I hope you were very polite, Flossie, at the ta­ ble and said “ Yes, please,” and “ No. thank you.” Flossie—Well, 1 didn't say “ No, thank you.” M lR t r e » » S e e k » a C o o k . “ How many ways cau you serve meat?” “ Three, mum.” “ What are they?” “ Well done, rare and raw.” —Chicago Chronicle. P ain fu l R ip o air«. Richard — Uneducated people often have a lot of Insight Robert—That Is so. Our now maid knows that she Is a better cook than we’ve been used to. — Detroit Free Press. W a n te d to “ R e a ll»«.* * Three-year-old Julia wanted to write Santa Clan, to bring her a ••»hoot fun " When asked what »he wauled It for, the said: “ I want to s..oot one of papa's cattle and get tbe money out of It. for papa ■ays there la money in cattle.” —Little Chronicle. Tbe great man la he who doe, uot oee hi, child’s heart - Menclua.