LIK E H O USE P L A N TS . S E V E R E A T T A C K O F GRIP. C O U N T Y S E A T M U R M U R IN C S . TH E VOTE FOR QUEEN L. D. Brown, with Towns» nd A W e are like house plants. W e need Hart, will do all kinds of stenographic Of the Woodman carnival is not very Tl.e fl..urmg mill product* C u r e d by O n « B o t t i « ot C h a m b e r - work and is agent for typographic sup heavy for the four davn beginning last are equal to the best. Try th ir hard a change of soil now and then— to be I a i n ’s C o u g h R e m e d y W H A T W E H A V E L E A R N E D D U R I N G plies. “ When 1 had uo attack of the grip replanted. New scenes, new ex per- Saturday.8it'1 ending Wcdner-day ov wheat Hour- Everything delivered T H E W E E K F R O M A L L A V A lL - Order from the last winter (the second one) 1 actually iemes, new surroundings—u change The m.iihlo works of G, L. Hawkins eoing, but it has developed the fact anywhere in town cured myself with one bottle of Cham­ of climate, dry air instead of moisture, in Dallas give such general satisfac tl at there ar«- < ther and s'rung con­ mill. berlain’* Cough Remedy,” sav* Frank sunshine iu place of cloud. This is Able S o u r c e s D is h e d u p for O u r tion that an order for cemetery work testants in 1 lie field for the coveted W. Perrv, editor of the, hour times essential to health. There N u m e r o u s F a m i ly of Readers honor than those nominated by the is seldom sent outride the county. Judges of g<*od things to eat pro­ Bhortsville, N. Y. “ This is the hon­ are coiidiiiou« at hand that are better In Abrevtated P a r a g r a p h s . several societies. There is talk of still Dwarf Essex rape se**d cleaned for others being put forward by tbeir nounce Dunns groceries at (he top of est truth. 1 at times kept from cough than Europe can offer. Take a month • ale at 5 cents a pound by R. W. friends and next week's count may the ladder iu quality and they cost no ing myself to pieces by taking a t«*a or two in California. Plant yourself For grocerit » go to Onfield'«. Lancefield at Am ity. witness an entire change in the lead more than inferior stuff It pays to spoonful of this remedy, aud when foi a time where there are no irrita­ buy the beat. the coughing spell would come on at tions, where the hotel is beyoud cri.i— Spectacle* and gl«g*e* at Pfennig’«. Kolia Waterhouse, of Monmouth, is ing women. The Rebekuh’s candi­ night 1 would take a do«e and it cism, the landscajie pleasing and hhieksmiiliing for the Bryan A Lucas date, Miss Laura Brown, is in tin lead where warm »unnw weather invites to on *he first count, with Miss Maggie M. Hayter, dentist., Wilson building saw mill. The Wilson drug store ranks among seemed that in the briefest interval Pomeroy as a close second and who. the heat in the valley. Manager Btaf- tfie cough would pass off and I would walks and drives. Pure aud dry air, If it’s a bilious attack, take Cfinni- Mrs. J. M. Davis, of Gooseneck, fell by the way, whs not consulted in the rin slicks dose to business and is m 1 go to sleep peifeetly free from cough and the increased electric influences h* rhiin’g StoniHclt and Liver Tablet* and cut her head with a butcher matter. Her friends hope siie will wavs on the watchout foi r ew and and its accompanying pains. T o »ay of sunshine are vastly helpful. You can make this trip at very lit­ and a quick recovery is cert- in. For knife that she was holding wiiile ruu- continua in the race, now that, she desirable things in that line. All well that lb«* remedy acted as a most agree­ sale by Wilson Drug Co. | rung after a chicken. has such a good start. T I10 ladies of known patent medicines may be had able Mirprise is putting it very mildly. tle expense and enjoy a ride over the seen!»; Siskiyou and Bhasta moun­ The democratic central com mittee. > Ed Richards and wife have greatly Dallas circle will see to it that Mrs. there and all physician's prescription« 1 had no idea that it would or could tains, which at this« tim ? of year with of which J. W. Kirkland is president j j im pro veil the appearance of tin ir Clierrmgton and Mrs. Tatum keep ere filled with fresh, pure drugs. Oil«, j knock out the grip, simply because I their snow cover* d peaks, aie unsur | had neri r tried it for such a purpose, well to the front in the matter of I aiut* and varnishes. and Oscar Hayter secretary, wil! me t | j home by the addition of porches and hut it »lid, and it seemed with the sec passed for their grandeur. in Dallas at 2 o’clock tomorrow to se I j paint and a new coat of paint has votes, and rumor lias it thill the edu­ Absolutely I • a * For complete information regarding oud a Clack of coughing the remedy bet six delegates to the congressional : much improved the Collins building cational »enter will thr*w in votes The singe*will bring any small arti­ caused it to not only be of less dura­ rates, points of interest and delightful lively next w^ek for Mrs. Mary Mead­ con vt-ii ? ion at Albany April 11th. near the postoffice. F. J. Chapman’s no substitute cle from .Salem lor a dime. tion, but the pains were far less se­ hotels in California, address, Such as cannot attend in person | new home looks better since the roof or. The normal concluded not to put W. E C om am , vere. and I hadnot used the contents up a candidate of their own, but to *♦* sin ul 1 send proxies. was painted and the grading around General passeuger agent Southern Pa­ endorse her. It is said that Inde­ Remedies for all kinds of stock ail­ of one bottle before Mr. Grip had bid cific company, Portland, Oregon. 0 . J. Strong b is sold to I. P Reese the home of Mr and Mrs. Biddle pendence has an ideal queen whom me adieu.” For sale by Wilson Drug City C o u n cil M e e tin g . ments may be bad at UUrey's feed 106 acres of land for $6,000,0. F Vic makes it more pleasing to the eye. they desire to place on the throne. si ore. I f you have a sick horse « r Co. A t a meeting of the city council R e p u b l i c a n M e e t i n g s . tor has sold to Ell » St Pierre part of New things at Brown's candy store Here is the vote: Monday evening E, K. Coad resigned cow he probably has what will effect a There is to l»e a special election tlie Bverley fruit farm near Salem and —dipped walnuts, strawberry ala cli­ Miss Laura B ro w n ...................... D e o l a m a t io n Conte st. 34 cure. Bran, shorts, hay and Hour. as councilman and Ed Shaw waa cho­ June 1st to elect a successor to Con­ Mrs Electa Richardson has disposed ma, nut chewing caramels and other M iss Maggie P om ero y.. . . . . . . On the evenings of April 15th, 16th sen iu his pi ,ce. I t was ordered that 30 The of her quarter section timber « la in be­ goodies. and 17th there will be public school gressman Tongue, deceased. Mrs. G. N Cherrington ............. 21 an election he held to determine Polk county republican central com­ yond Falls City to W. C. McClure at The best place ¿0 get a livery team contests for a $10 medal given by C. whether action shall be taken to con­ 10 Mrs. Robert Hat*,on ie visiting Mrs Anns Dunn ...................... mittee met in Dallas Wednesday, and 500. demn and appropriate property neces­ Mrs. May M eador........................ 7 i> the stable opposite Lfie post office. L. Starr and one of $5 given by the friends at Roseburg. decided to hold primaries at 2 o’clock sary for tire construction and main- Mrs V. P. Fiske ...................... 6 N o one ever yet heard a patron of that school. There are to be four contes­ Ed. Cofld, of Gooseneck, and O. L tants from each of the seven rooms, 27th anti the county convention in tainaiice of water works, ami whether f> place grumble at unfair treatment. Putnam Fadeless Dyes are fast to Miss May A ld r id g e .................... Francis, of Portland, have gone to DaM*».j at 1 o'clock next day, the Rock they having been chosen because of 3 the city shall pay for same. I t waa their timber claims in the Siletz re sunlight, washing and rubbing. Bo’ d Mrs. Win. Tutoni ...................... their excellent scholarship. The first Creek primary to be held vfarch 26th. provided that an election be held to Miss Ethel P o l i n g ...................... 1 by druggists, 10c per package. giou. The representation in the county con­ All anglers are glad when the time two nights are to select a speaker Iron) Miss Edith H o u c k .................... 1 get the public sentiment as to wheth­ for trout fishing cones. Mr. Kisser each mom and on the last night the vention will be a« follows; Douglas er the rity shall issue and dispose of Kindly take notice that Ely's Cream C. L. Hawley’s tine band of Lincoln sheep at Bethel are in excellent con­ Balm is of great benefit to those suf- The contest for page has not mater­ on Mill street can supply every want seven best ones have another trial to 9, Jackson 5, Salt Lake 5, Spring Val­ I t s , 000 interest bearing gold txinds to f- rcr- from nasal catarrh who cannot ially developed, but some energetic of fisherman us well as of hunters. He «how which two deserve the medals. ley 5, Eola 7, Rickreall 6, Buena Vista defray cost of constructing and install- dition and have 80 lambs. inhale freely through the nose, hut boys will soon find out wlmt a snap mends thing*. Alice Grant and Freda Banner, who 6, Suver 3, Liickiarnute 9, Bridgeport ng a system of water works, there Prof. R. C. French, of the Monmouth ! must tr- at themselves by spraving. is uttered them during the Carnival won tho medals last year, will be barr 4, Falls City 8, Rock Creek 2, McCoy being one negative vote— Mr. Eakin. *% normal, has been chosen president o ; L quid Cream Balm differs in form, and go to rustling votes for them 6, North Monmouth 7, South Mon­ Judging from the many complimen­ eil from this contest. The speakers mouth 5. North Independence 12, the normal school at Weston over 26 I but not medicinally from the Cream ■'• Ives. Any boy under 12 can be in E. J, Reynolds has sold to A. R. tary things that are being said by tiie from the different room« are as fol Soutn independence 8, North Dallas other applicants. Balm that has stood lor years at the lhe race. Watch this vote chauge ladies who have recently virited the lows: Room 1, Ma >el Poling, Vera 10, East Dallas 9, South Dallas 10. Brown ins farm near Falls C ity for Sample line of bnlts, over 75 styles head < f remedies for catarrh. It may next week: millinery store of Mrs. Chaco she Wagner, H attie Gill and Jack Eakin ; Said convention will choose delegates $2,400. .......................... 24 from which to select, prices from 26 be u.-ed in any nasal atomizer. The Harry Madison must have an extia attractive spring room 2, Nellie Shew, Louisa Rasmus­ to the district convention at Eugene cents to $1.50 at the B ee-liivo store. p;ice, including a spraying tube, is 75 Maurice Dalton ............................ 2 display. sen., Herman Hawkins, Ralph W hit­ April 9lU. cms , Sold by druggists and mailed by Herman Hawkins .................... 1 tlesey ; rci m 3, Allie Coulter, Leone The \V. C .T . U wil meet with Mrs. Ely Brothers, 56 Wurreu Street, New N E W T O -D A Y . The majority of our citizens failed Williams, Norma Holman, I^elah Mc­ Kersey at 2:30 on April 1st. Mr*. York. R e c e p ti o n . to call for free votes so far. It is to Perhaps the largest and best assort Daniel; room 4, Hattie Coovert, Ho­ Lydia Miller will lead the devotional A t their home ii> BalUton Wedne» 1 ACRK tract. In Dalis, tor .a l. by H oary H ow .. See *ht h mdsome display of new he hoped that all will take an interest menl of grass arid garden seeds in tiie mer Dashed, W ayne Greenwood. W il­ exercises and there will he select read i 1 this contest, espouse the cause of county is at Fanil’s hardware store lis Re . nolds ; roil in 6, Alberta Hart, day, March 18th. Mr. ind Mr§. L. A. 1 Apply to Janie. Howe. ingi* by Mrs. Boats and Mrs. R y hpring goods in tiie show windows of «me of the candidates, and call for free where all sorts of garden and farming Gordie Gooch, Clarence Reynold*, Newell tendered a reception to Mr. Brown A Ellis. uolds. tickets on their purchases at the sev­ implements may also be had. A.-k Minnie Launer: room 7, Earl Burk, and Mrs. J Rodney Bowman in honor /**OW 8 »nd heiler» to calve »son lor aal* by Clap- Rev. A. A. Winter will preach at eral business houses meutioned here Mr Faull to suggest the best things Hi ttie Cook. Fay Farley, Allie Fuller; of their wedding, which took place \ J enee Browu, of Dalla«. Dr. Howard, recently from Iowa, along each line. Remember that his room 8, Mary Becker, Elsie Dashiell, at Dallas that day. The bride was be has located in Dallas and opened an Liberty at 3 o ’clock Sunday after­ below: comingly attired and admired by all, Frank Kerri r waterworks ami other expenses Their light, top coats please all who low themselves 10 he persuaded to G 000 work hor*®,or >ft,e w-p MU|tr* Those see them. Hats that cannot be beat, 1 keep out of the pool will he apt to re­ ler hop yard up towards Eih mlale, bank will produce a phasing impres­ necessary to secure them. The time to treat consump­ A com­ matters were once voted upon and hosiery in variety and underwear for gret it. Remember that the pool sale tion is when you begin trying will budd there a cabin in which he sion on all who see them and his wife will live during the busy plete up to date outfit of hank film - the city council authorized to secure everybody. Kerin mber the firm name will occur in Dallas Friday, April H O Mammoth Bronze turkey hens wants«! by hide it from yourself. Bert. Alderman, route 1, Salem, Oregon. 10th. H. L. F e nto n , secretary Mo­ to ture is being installed, and in a few I the construction of city waterworks, G. W. Johnson A Co. season. but they ha e 'bought it lies to make hair association. days the public can witness one of the Others see it, you won’t. Dr. Smith and wife, of Sheridan, greatest improveuts ever made in our some revisions and again submit the AN , whits seed oats and a young Plymouth The new, dry goods department at Don’t wait until you can’t LE Hock spent Sunday hero with their daugh­ whole proposition to popular vote. cockerel for sale, also Rose Comb Brown S u n d a y S c h o o l C o n v e n t io n . town. the New York Racket’ store is now eghorn, B, P. R. and White P. R. strictly thor- ter, Mrs. Joe Craveo. deceive yourself any longer. uglihred There will be a quarterly Sunday ctfgs fo r sale at t l a setting by Jam «« open and the buying public will be After two years residence at Cres­ An o th e r Pioneer Cone . Boydston, three miles north of Dallas. The United Slates marshal last, delighted with the a*nths «»Id foi ago beyond Teal’s mill. His first wife di< d in 1857 and five George lunch counter. for the coming year. sa'e by A. A . Lindeman at Lew isville.« M«s Temperance House, formerly can, that’s the treatment and S Monmouth. C. H. Barberow orders the Itemizer of 1 his county, has been granted a di- years later he married Miss Lydia that’s the best treatment. to his address at. St. Helena, Califor­ ! vorce from her husband, Chas. House. Ann Jones, of Bethel, lie died last T h « R ig g s C ro ce ry I f you want the best pictures to be week at. the home of his son, Nat, in had in the city, g»> to the gallery over nia. H e and his wife 8|»ent last sum- | T A. R»rn place on Boap Creek, er son, G-orge, was killed during the ni.-e will do his level best to please keeping only the very best class of a little of the Emul­ Rhillippine war. south of Suvet. they bought property and located. goods and always selling them at fair A W IL L IA M S , near Dallas, has a large work sion free. you and youi friends. • horse for sale, and would take part pay in cat­ prices he has gradually built up an B « sure that this pirtur« la tle or goats. The Falls City council has decided Twenty good goat nannies and three C i t iz e n s T i c k e t N o m i n a t e d . the form ol a labal la on tha enviable city and country trade. B e by a vote of 3 to 2 to license saloons. wether g >ats for sale or to let cheap ii wrapper of everjr bottle of Highest price paid at the Capital j sj,|eM ,,H U,e «u ples that everybody A goodly number of representative Emulsion you buy. FKNTQN will furnish pool mohair tacks he carries litany special high Until April 6th we will hold a sac­ applied for soon. Bee or address C. citizens of Dallas met at the city hall soup works for beef hides, goat skins,! They utay he had at the Drown à Ellis SCO TT & B O W N B , ■«torelli p« last night, and with W m . Grant as grease and tallow. Tl*ey make choice K,H,]U arliclea for those who can afford ra fice sale of road wagons, top bug­ \V. Leonard at Monmouth. Dallas, at Buell, or of Frank Gilliam at Ch •mists, gies, gurries and hacks, as we will Thomas Williams, who hat been « liairman and Dan. Btouffer a« clerk, soap anil will giv»? yrtn a bargain in such delicacies. He has a variety of 409 P ea rl S t., N . Y . have in about that time a car load of making for C. L. Hubbard slave bolts nominated without opposition the fol exchange for the. above things. raUes that are rich enough to melt in the same class of goods and must on Dr. Farley’s place, cut Ins wrist se­ lowing ticket. Mayor, J. C. Hayter; your mouth, his potted and canned PF.W O I .C . Chester White pigs, both male ¡o r .nd f t : all druggist«. Kowcliflfe, one snd fem ale, f«»r sa'e by George G sweet things are delicious and his s|*i- make room for them.— Wagner Bros. verely with an axe Wednesday Mr. auditor, D. P. Btouffer; marshal, J and a half mi l js east of Dallas The class of people that eat at the 1 Hubbard has a contract to supply M. Grant; councilman, first ward. W. Strong ren'aiirant is evidence of its oil c<-s and ex tracts are the purest mail“ S tate or O hio , C it y of T oledo .) M V. Fuller; second ward, W. O. Vas- | Latest makes of crockery and g l »«« Portland parties with 50,000 staves. Executor’s Notice. periority as an eating house. L ucas C ounty i OUNG Jersey cow, fresh this month, for sale, and *.«11; thir.» ward, A. B Muir. ware iu gre»it variety. Try hi* coffees s good 1-ill> (0 *1 from U. 8 Grant for trade or Frank J. Cln ney m kes oath that E. W . Garlick has rented his farm I and teas and you will pronounce th* ni sale by Jacob Hchweilzer near Dallas. In the county court o f the state of Oregon for Polk lie is senior partner of »he firm of F. near Fails City to Warren Wright Come this way for old papers. f«»i Many people from across the river 1 good enough. Take your butter, eggs uoonty. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in aruj gone to Eugene, In the matter of the estate o f C. C. Walker, house cleansing and other purpose. who buy all their medicine in Balein i and other produce there to exchange ( V l t o n s extra choice baled oat straw for sale by leased. the oity of Toledo, County and State r.el it at the O. K. Fharmaco, which >« fur whatever von want. U 0 Y 1 C I IS H E R E B Y O IV E N T H A T I, C. M ¿ X J C. D. Nairn, near Ballston. Henry Byerlev’« 1902 t'Xes were Ferry Conner, Thomas Woodly and aforesaid, and that said firm will pa L* Puevine. have been «(»pointed ex«!cut*»r o f th»- nearest to the steel bridge feed yard lust will and testament of the above deeedent, and the sum of one hundred dollars for $489.45 and nut as published some W m . Yuoom, of Ball*ton, have each where most of them st«>p. CALVARY. that letters testamentary have been issued to me 1 .» PAPERS IN PACKAGES O F M> FUR »A L K paid $2 for this paper and the Orego­ each and every c*«e of catarrh that weeks ago. All persons imlebted to the said estate will make im at this ortica f«#r 15 cents, also blank uotes and W ild strawberries »re blooming. nian during the next year. cannot he cored by the use of Hall s mediate payment to me, and all those having claims mu. tgag* s and all kim isof levai bianka The Meneley quartet will give one against the same, wilt present them, duly anthenti- Catarrh Cure, Frank J. Cheney. Sheriff' Ford was through this re­ O t a t o r l c a l C onte st. wl, t<» me within eix month« from the date of thi« Thirty ewes with 31 lambs, 12 ewes of their song services in the Metho­ Sworn to before me and subscribed in notice, at the office of the county clerk of Poik coun The loc.l prohibition Maociation [ gion last week. without l a m b s , a H anco’ k disc gang r HEM YOU W1HH TO BUY OR S E LL A N Y K IN D dist church next Thursday evening. ty, in Dallas, Oregon. my presence, this 6th day of Decern , of stock er poultry here is the plow and three tons of g»«>d «beat oratorical content will b e held in the 1 (May Hush '» working the Helmick Dated at iralUe, M* h 7, 100*. let youi wants be kn Mis« May Aldridge has opened the iiay for sale by Barton Z. Rigg* on college chapel Friday evening, April b*r, A. D. 1886. A. W. Gleason, No­ M PITtVIN*. hop yard and Sam McElmurry is Executor of the last will and testament of C. C tary Public. H all’s Ca'arrh Cure is Gold Bar restaurant next do»A to (he John L. Higgs farm near Ballaton. 3rd, The .eating will lie rearranged Walker, deceased. t>. through seeding. taken internally, and acts directly on Brown’s candy s'ore. M al« at all Carson A Adams, attorneys. to »ccommodate the largest possible L dies’ patent kid shoes with French j gudience. for the admission this je s r 1 John A leisn d ei treated the little the blood and mucous surfaces of the hour* at from 25 cents up. folks of the Highland Sunday acliool heels are among the new arrivals at is only 16 cents system. Bend for testimonial*, free. 8is students wi l Local buyers are offering 30 cents 1 the Bee-Hive store. F . J . Cheney A Co . Toledo, O. Bold Wood Wanted. I contest for the gold medal and (f> to candy, over which they were great­ fur good mohair an«! it is certain that by all druggists, 75c H all’s Family II C. Eakin and wife have enla rged cash given. The winner of this con­ ly pleased. the 40,0001b pool will sell at a still bet-1 Highland grange met last Saturday Bills are the heat. test with 8 other local college winners o t i c e k hereby given that by order of ter figure. Nothing can be los» bv . and improved their home. county sort o f P**lk county Oregon, will contest on May l* t for state and concluded to disband. Demit bids will If you are going to want anything waiting for tile pool sale on the lOtb he r* ed at the county «county clerk's ©(Bee < for The sheriff ha* collected about $65,- cards will be granted to all who wish championship. Tins state contest in the wav of implement* tlii -raaon of April. 40 cords of big body 8 r, and d i corde of clean, straigt 000 ot Wai year’s tax and is still be­ The several dollars in the oak grub wood, all to be fo * r feet lo n f, gru b w*x»d wi.l give $100 for first 3 places and them we would be glad to talk with you to be from tw o to 6 inches la diameter. Wood to be AT • »»ER CENT ON FARM Our second shipment of summer hind in issuing receipts for tax money college tile and delegations will be treasury were donated to Ilia High delivered about them. W e have the Mitchell, at the court bovine at Dallae on nr before J L. COLLINS, Dallae deposited in different banka. September 1, 1*98. Bid« will he opened on Wed very evident on May 1st. At this lo* land Sunday school. I^wis A s u re r line of goods and will wash good* has arrived and we claim neeiUy, April 1, 1903, at l o'clock p. m The court the best line ever brought to town. Table linen* with napkin* to match I cal contest Dallas will hear orations give you *• leaaonable if not better reserve* the right to reject any and all Md* B HAVE MONEY TU LvAN Off IMPROVER II P Hhriver and wife were Port- U .8 , LOUGH AH Y, prices than you c a d get io Portland.— Bee our new waist in** at The Bee —extraordinary good values— at the i given by the best mature of the term property. 8IRLKY * B U 1 | ( t Couuty Clerk. laud visitors Wednesday. H ive store. pee-Hive store. ¡■ebook Guy Br DaUa*« LOCAL AND GENERAL- THE OLD POWDER mate a D B A L WEEDS A T M Ì A T C B T H J H. A Y 0 U N W