Polk County itemizer. (Dallas, Or.) 1879-1927, February 20, 1903, Image 4

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Save Your Hair w i t h
Shampoos of
Cutjcura Soap and Dressings
of Guticura,
Pires!, Sweetest, Host Effective
aid Enonçai Remedies
For Making the Hair Grow when
All Else Fails.
Prevent baldness and cleanse the
scalp o f crusts, scales and dandruff with
shampoos o f Cuticura Soap, and ligh t
dressings with Cuticura, purest o f
emollients and greatest o f skin cures.
This treatmeut at ouce stops fallin g
hair, removes crusts, scales and dand­
ruff, destroys hair parasites, soothes
Irritated, Itching surfaces, stimulates
the hair follicles, loosens the scalp skin,
supplies the roots with energy and
nourishment, and make* the hair grow
upon a sweet, wholesome, healthy
scalp when all else falls.
Millions now rely on Cuticura Soap,
assisted by Cuticura Ointment, the
great skin cure, for preserving, purify­
ing and beautifying the skin, for cleans­
in g the scalp o f crusts, scales, and
dandruff, and the stopping o f falling
hair, fo r softening, whitening and
soothing red, rough, and sore hands,
fo r baby rashes, itchlngs and chart rigs,
in the form o f baths for annoying
Irritations and inflammations or too
free or offensive perspiration, in the
form o f washes for ulcerative weak­
nesses, and many sanative, antiseptic
purposes, which readily suggest them­
selves to women ami mothers, as w ell
us for all the purposes o f the toilet,
bath, and nursery. Hale greater than
the w orld’s product o f other skin cures.
Sold throughout the civilized world.
* s :n
fH i? B A N lT R Y ^
I f you have sheep In your flock that
appear not to I k * doing well, you will
notice they invariably are at the end o f
; tin* flock and feed from what the other
i sheep have pawed over. It is a good
I plan to have a small field (called ilie
nursery or lio**pituli to put those that
are seemingly not doing as they ought
I and give them extra care and aiten-
j tion and get them started on the up-
i ward road again, says National Stock­
man. The proper handling o f sheep re-
[ quires tunny small lots or fields, so that
you may note closely If you wish to
reach the highest results, as they do so
much better to keep each age to them­
selves, so that you may not Judge
yearlings by the side o f two-year-olds,
or a two-year-old ewe raising a lamb
by the side o f a matured ewe.
f u l l your flock closely and at shear­
ing lim e look after the fleece, and all
that do not come up to tin* stand­
ard in weight, density, length o f staple,
quality o f wool and evenness o f fleece
mark so that you may know them
wlieu the time comes to sort up for
breeding. In order to have an even
thick you must form in yonr mind that
type o f h lieup you consider most clesir-
j able and breed and select with that
form constantly before you. getting as
near to it as possible, and what you are
deficient In in your ewes endeavor to
remedy In the rams.
F rou k
N a tu re .
W ool Markets and Sheep illustrates
a freak o f nature In the shape o f a four
horned wether owned by Joseph E.
Griffin. Escalante, Utah. Mr. (iriffin
writes that the wether is live years old
and was bred from common grade
sheep. Each o f the horns Is about flf-
A r lm o u u .
Preacn iu g ** 1.1 inlay m orning a n d «* -
enin g. Sunday school at, 10. Chris
tian Endeavor at 0:30. Pia\er meet­
in g T » *r*diy evening. — VV. T. VVai
die, pastor.
P ie teh io g Sunday m orning m *1
Bible hc ’ io 1 at 10
Endeavor at 6:30.
Bil l
class and prayer m eeting Thursday
even in g.— L . G reen, pastor.
Preaching Humid) m orning and < v-
eniug at lit** M. E. church, south.
Sunday school at 10
C lo i- lim En
de tvt»rat 6:30. Prayer me« ting 1 In.rs
day even ing,—»A A W in ter, pastor,
I 'o i i i o i i
In 'I f l ie r a n .
Numerous oliieial personages in T e ­
heran have recently fallen victims to
poison. It is believed some secret soci­
ety is at work. The drinking water has
been poisoned, hut in most instances
the poison has been conveyed in the
sweets that every one eats so freely in
F o r O v e r Sixty Y e a r s .
An old and well tried lem edy. Mrs.
W in slo w ’s Soothing Syrup has been
used for o ver sixty years by m illions «»I
mothers for th eir child ren w hile teeth­
in g, with perfect success. It soothes
the ch ild , softens the gums, allays all
pain, cures wind colic and is the best
rem edy for diarrhoea. Is pe asant to
the taste. Hold by d ru ggist* in every
part o f the world
2 «) cents a bottle.
Its value is in calculable. Be sure and
ask for Mrs. W in slo w ’s Sooth ing S y
rui and lake no other kind.
Vom.tu l!n .-fruii» In Wav.
Edward 111. had just announced his
Intention o f beginning the Hundred
Years* war.
•’ But.” sobbed (Juren Philippa, “ can’t
yon reduce It to ninety «eight ?”
Maddciied. Iiowcv« r |»,v this r«»quo■*•
for n bargain, lie rushed mu : t o.
and pawned tlieli crmvus to pay t?
troupi.—New York '! i lhnn.
• - 4 i
' r_-
T «»u k
teen Inches long, and the straight ones
measure eight inches in circumference
at the base. This xvetlier shears ten
pounds o f wo I per year. 1 1 c runs with
the flock owned by Mr. Griliin and
takes his chances with the others. This
Is certainly a very curious departure
from the usual course o f nature.
S heep
li«***i» D a w n
( |,, m.iy r a "* e h
» \ • i) dentil win
fr >tn tli •
tin- m ix
i »mp ly »i | •
P i
k beali a. I
¡*»*'1 burns I
W eeds.
M r ..* .
( ’aged birds m e . le n ie n tly much'
trouhh d w ith iiifM'cts in their eyes. It !
w ill I n * found that hanging a small bug
o f sulphur in the cage xx ill prevent
these hi*eels worrying the birds and
w ill also improve their health In other
' —
- —•
W hen y»«u lee Mm- ;« d i I ih I every
th in g g-s-s wr »tig. lake a d«»*e of
C h a m b e rla in * Stomach
slid L iver
T b e v will »-lea« se sod in vig
o ra te y o u r stom ach, n gu late your
iHiwel«. give you a relish n»r you r foo I
and m ake you feel that in this o i «
w it Id is a good
place to live. For
$ala by W ilaou D ru g Co.
C o ffe e
n iv n ila .
A judicious blend o f different kinds
o f coffee alw ays produces a better liq­
uor than any single coffee.
But this
mixture ought to lie made a fte r roast­
ing and not before.
P la n t
In s e c t* .
One o f the best remedies for scale in­
sects on plants, such as oleanders,
roses, etc., is a mixture o f white helle­
bore powder and dissolved soap, thor­
oughly rubbed on. Repeat in a week or
I-'iciM-b fu n tin ic r e * .
T h e cantinieres form a rank which is
peculiar to the French army. Each
regiment has n xvouian attendant who
is a sort of nurse and consoler, to the
young soldiers (specially. She is often
married to a soldier o f the regiment.
T h e intorniti remedy cure*
l.y rem oving the ciu se. It
e. res all diseu rs of the di
gesti ve * rann*. For sale by
» 11 drng^ig s.
Dr Perrin
Me- h al (
Helena. M on­
tan**. In t«-reding pam phlet
mailed ir» e 1 y u&kin j .
w k té iá á *
E X P b D IE N C L
aten ts !
e s ig n s
C osy right a A c.
n nk^frh anti »Inscription may
quickly u e t r u t ii o»fr opinion fre * w hether aii
M-.vention is probably pntanU hla Communica­
tion« strictly confidential. HANDBOOK on P aten t«
•cut free. o M w t agency fo r securing patent«.
Put cuts token tnrnuirh Mutili A Co. receive
notic*, w ithout charjre, in the
Scientific American.
A handsomely illustrated weeklv. t.nrsest d r-
culation »«t any s,Tentalo bninml. Term s, f.1 a
yenr ; four mont hs, $1. Sold by all new*«i«'Hlera.
MUNN 4 C o.««»"»»»- New York
Hrani'ti OHee, i l » F H t, Wasblngtot», I>. C.
t m in i
T im b e r .
The best timber known for ship»
building is teak, a forest tree common
in India.
Not the least of the values o f the
sheep on a farm is that of cleaning up
the weeds on a stubble field afte r the
small grains. They \x ill eat nearly ev­
ery variety that starts there so closely
as to prevent their seeding and practl- I
caliy to prevent their starting another
C fcxyptlan W r i t i n g ; .
season. There are some xvho claim that
The Egyptians had four distinct
the same results can be Obtained by methods o f xvriting—the hieroglyphic,
plowing under the weed* to enrich t lie* hieratic, enchorial and Coptic. Hiero-
soil, hut this is not the case for two glyphic style xvas in vogue at least
reasons I f the weed* are allowed to 4,000 years . m ore Christ.
reach a stage o f growth \vher<‘ they I
have nine'
alue ns a green manure,
J c r u M iiie n i’M t i a i e * .
they will i
ibly have rlpem 'l some
Except Bie Joppa gate, all the en­
seeds, w lric if they arc plow d undei trances to Jerusalem are closed at sun­
have grown enough t o ! set.
they havi* but little for ,
. ami the process must 1 »-* • O d d W a y o f S n y l i i K “ H o w D ’ D o f ”
v often. But If the sheep j The people o f Cairo salute you with
It means, “ Do you
they change these xveeds | an odd question
ire turn d
I to a ill iv valuable fc**. j perspire? * It is explained by the fact
Imt tiny
that they regard a dry skin as the
symptom ol a mortal malady.
T h e s« ru». ii «• ..
hvss i>f a lin t* «o
b’ ood p«*ÌMioÌ!ig r -
Ad «I
• *
sxnid. (I i*
« V r
ing ( T*si»itv • i »i
Mil lUI'l* p* I
im* in !• '
Salt! by V\ • V
Arizona exceeds in mea the follow ing
ten states combined: Rhode Island,
Delaware, Connecticut, N ew Jersey,
Massachusetts, N ew Hampshire, Ver­
mont, Maryland, W est Virginia and
South Carolina.
A Siuin Custom.
When a personage o f high rank dies
in Siam, the king helps bathe the body
and prepare it for cremation aud finul
ly lights the funeral pyre.
Preaching hours »1 11 and 7 :3*V
Prmichin S oim I hx mor niur ml »
e tjiiic
> i l l,tv hi *ho I a 1 10
P U. at 0:30
Prayer .. .... .
W* d
nesdny evei i n '. — ■) R. G R u > m
H** h v >- S lilp p ln ic .
A report fr m Idaho says: T h e rail­
roads have o i Lie orders for 2 .S 00 sheep
cars which they have as yet bean un­
able to till because o f the unusual de­
mands for rolling stock. T h e cause o f
the heavy movement from Idaho Is
principally the overcrowded condition
of the range, the dry season, poor out­
look for xx Inter range and the tw o mile
limit law. Utah Is also shipping heav­
ily. and the indications are that It w ill
lie late In December before the run Is
over for the season.”
The Hnu««* W ar.
Still further news that the war be­
tween the cattlemen and the sheep
herders has reached an acute stage out
in the range country reaches us. The
cattlemen arc slaughtering the flocks
o f sheep and threatening to exterm i­
nate the herders. An exchange reminds
us that there was the same old trouble
In A bra humic days. — W ool Markets
and Sheep.
540 acres o f land acquired during the 1
last tw enty years by Jews In Palestine.
A silver p i*:iy minted at Bristol,
E a r ’and. 1 ; the r b n of Edward I.
lias just been uu ariucd in that city
during some excavations for a new wa-
Paine's Oelery Compound Makes and Keeps
ma in
I o res)*.
Three hundred and tw enty million
feet o f timber are cut annually from
the California redxvood forests, yet it is
estimated that they xvill last for 150
The Increase In the value o f r » « ! es­
tate In Berlin Is illustrated by the fuct
that the well known C’nfe Bauer hud
Votticr» Make It the Home Medicine
to pay 115.0HM murks rent last year.
lo r the Little Ones.
In its first year. 1877. the rctit was only
The children, God ! less them, are the buds 40.UU0 marks.
a mi ilowers of our homes. Without their
Japan's latest curiosity Is a baby boy
prattle and hearty laughter, our homer would who at the age o f teu months weighs
be desolate. They should ever be carefully nearly four stone and is over three feet
tended in child ho >«l and youth, if we expect
in stature.
His parents have taken
them to ripen into perfect men and women.
In the home and at school, the children him to T ok yo to have him adopted by
have their times of ill health and suffering, a wrestler.
We often note the pallid and bloodless cheeks, ,
heavy eyes, nervous movements, and twitch- ,
mgs of limbs and muscks. They complain of
headache, drowsiness, weariness, dyspepsia,
A serious attempt is beiug made to
an l indigestion. All such symptoms and ail- popularize Shakespeare In Japan,
meins mean that the seeds of disease will have . Mrs. Annie Teamans is soon to cele-
a fa>. and f.:m M I. unless pr.Hs.-r n,e.su,es | b |e h
Hftv.gUUl anniversary on the
are taken to restore a perfect condition ol
Ada Rehan has returned to New
York. Haddon Chambers is w riting a
plu v for her.
Murotllu S(.m|>rich Is b elli« eotbuil-
. ..
, , .
®*ueauy received in Chicago,
neie sue
is giving concerts.
“ The Judgment o f K ing Solomon” Is
being played in Nex*- York.
It is a
play by Dore Davidson.
John Haro has made known his in
tention to retire from the stage in 1904.
when he w ill he sixty years old.
'‘ Among Those Present.” Glen Mnc-
Donougb’s nexv society play. Is making
good all along the line, as it ought to.
Mrs. Robert Osborn has engaged
Powers Gouroud and .Marie Allen for
I parts in her reconstructed production
o f “ Tom m y Rot*”
Thousands of wise and prudent parents have
made their children happy, healthy, and vigor-
ous by giving tbem nature's medicine, Paine’s
Celery (Van,X,mi l. In many severe and com-
plicated cases l ame s ( elery Compound has .
restored health when the little ones were given ,
up by phy-icians.
If your dear Oi ¡S arc not as hearty, strong,
and rugged as they should l<e, try the health
giving virtues of Paine’s Celery* Compound.
It makes and keeps the children well.
The house Is made bright and cozy with
P illo w a n d ta b le c o v e r s , c u r ta in s ,
p o r tie r e s , a fe b o n s , t id ie s , a n d c h a ir
c o v e r i n g , m a y b e d y e d b e a u t if u l
a n d a r tis tic c o lo r s .
Direction book an.l 45 dyed «am ple» free.
D IA M O N D D Y E ri, Burlingtou, V L
W illiam C. W hitney o f N ew York
has given a handsome house and lot to
the physician who attended Mrs. W h it­
ney in her long illness.
Since the conservatory has been re­
moved Henry Pfister, who has been
gardener at the W hite House for thir­
ty-five years, has been dismissed.
The father o f Governor Elect Bates
of Massachusetts is a Methodist minis­
ter seventy years old, six feet in
height aud having a fine military bear­
The N ew York Yacht club has elected
the German emperor and his brother.
Prince Henry, honorary members of
the club, o f which K in g E dw ard V II.
has long been an honorary member.
The new commander in chief o f the
Grand Arm y o f the Republic, General
Stewart, Is but fifty-four years old.
He enlisted w hile a boy and served
over four years during the war o f the
J. H. Seaverna, a native o f N ew Jer­
sey, Is a candidate for parliament in
one o f the London districts. l ie has
lived In England for some ten years
and recently became a naturalized sub­
ject o f K ing Edward.
P lxley Ka Isnake Seme, the first
Zulu to enter an American university,
has succeeded In passing the severe
entrance examinations at Columbia
aud has matriculated for an eight
years’ course in medicine and surgery.
Jonathan Roberts of Richmond, Ind.,
is ninety-one years old and has lived all
his life on the ground where stood the
house in which he was bern. W ithin
100 feet of liis home Is a log cabin built
in 1812 for a schoolliouso, the first in
that region o f Indiana.
K in g E dw ard’s reconciliation with
the Due d ’Orleans, in spite of the lat­
ter’s gross Insults to the late Queen
Victoria. Is said to have been due to the
intervention o f Emperor Francis Jo­
seph o f Austria and o f K in g Christian
o f Denmark out of regard to the Duch-
<'ss o f Orleans.
Thomas Fa nee and John Johns, sail­
ors o f the United States navy, are full
blooded Iroquois Indians, xvho grew
up together on a government reserva­
tion. They le ft home some ten years
ago aud never met until about a week
ago, both having sailed all over the
world meantime.
U n i.
B r 'g h t ’ s D is e a s e .
T h e large»« sum ever paid for a pre*
seri'd iou , changed hands in San Frau*
C -co
A i> g i»**t 3 0 t h , 1 9 0 1
tra m *
f r iuvolvodin coin and stock $112,500
„m l x v p a i d h\ a p u rl} of bUtdiiOS
in** n for a spicific f* r B righ t’s disease
and diabetes, liilh« rto incurable dis-
I In*} com nm need llie serious
ixTstigaiion «»i Hie specific Nuvem
In1! I5 iii, 1900
T h e y interview ed
-cores o f I lie cured uml tried it ou t on
t- ni«TUs by p u llin g over three dozen
»■•'sc* on t he trea tm e n t and w atching yoke is a square Elizabethan effect,
it« in
T h ey also g«*t physicians t< * nd below it the seif material is very
n. i p « ( b io n ic , incurable ca^eH, and ! finely tucked. The front o f the waist
d m ii'istcred it with the physicians for is a Gibson Idea, and the sleeve Is a
judges. U p to A u gu st 25ih, e ig h t)
fu ll affair rather on the bishop order.
sev« it per cent of Mi»* lest cases were The skirt shows the same wide tucks
cith er well or piogrc.-sing favorably. o f self material as the waist, and be­
T h ere bein g but thirteen per cent of tween these are Inserted bands o f luce,
failure*, the parties were satisfied and which same lace also trims the skirt
on the lower portion in the back.
closed the transaction. T ile proceed
ings of the in vestigatin g com m ittee
and the c lin ical reports of the test
E v e n in g W rap *,
ease* were published and will he mail-1
The cloth evening wrap lias every
•1 free on application . Address Join. ' appearance o f carrying all before it ill
I F- lti ii C om pan y, 420 M ontgom erx the m atter o f dressy cloaks. In pale
sheet. San Francisco. C aliforn ia.
pastel tinted, fine face cloth it offers
____ ---------------
j in«>st unlimited scope for artistic iugc-
! unity. One it has been my happy fate
S llL l i l t s
S a le . to meet of late was in a lovely shade
j o f pale blue, fashioned very much on
In buying trees see that they have
good, bright, healthy roots and plenty
o f them.
Fall pruning should not be done until
all the leaves arc off. ns late as possi­
ble, provided the work Is done before
Grapes to keep well must have a
tough or strong skin, must be o f good
quality, well grown and ripened and
must have all defective berries cut out
before being put a way.
The value o f budding as applied to
roses consists in.the fact that many of
the finest are only feeble or moderate
>»>-< f » f ‘>" 1 » v.-rntN«, ami moBt
growers, and to do their best they need
by virtue of an .xecullon
out of th« | attractively iu lo r » « l with wide entre-
to be fed by stronger roots than their circuit c u rt of the state of Oregon for the deux o f guipure Insertion down either
county of I*«»lk, on the 14th day «if January, | front, a collar with long stole ends o f
!!»>», to me directed, upon a judgnient ^ren-j m.,ok
mid in « tile alw ays lovely
dered in the supreme court of the state of Or- ,
T h e B r a in .
coon on the butli day of April. 11)02. in favor touch o f sable, while yet another
The brain o f a child at birth xveighs
of the city of Monmouth, a c«*r|H.ration, re- equally recherche in kind xvas o f white
under , ten ounces, , but at the end
o f „ a I sp«»ndent, and against Laura Adkins, ftppel- doth, carrying a six Inch border every-
year bus increased to tw o pounds, l ull lant. aad.A. «1. Adkins and 11 A \dkm.
where o f lris l, crochet luce, a pelerine
«ro w th is attained^ l.y uicn at shout h e r ™ » 1 ^
“ « o f the same exquisite dentelle fu llin «
tw enty years o f age and by women at enrolled and docketed in the oince of the clerk | over a doublure o f rose panne.—N ew
eighteen years.
of said circuit court on the tith day of Au- York Mail and Express.
gust, 1 !K) 2 , I hava levied upon all the right,
title and interest of the said judgment debtor, i
Ic e C rea m .
I f half o f the cream to be used in
described as follows, to-wit: Th« southeast
Neck wraps have taken on new glory
making ice cream is first scalded and
. . ..
... .
i quarter (1-4) of out lot No. 21 (21) in the city ! nni] are |u stole shape with long ends
the sugar melted in it, there w ill be uo ,f M „mi,„uth, Polk county, (m-gon. except- | that ha„ , r
to t,.e feet x *
danger o f churning it into butter, as ing therefrom the following: Beginning at I
” ,
sometimes occurs when it Is used un- the »«»utheaat corner of t«aia out ion
zj .
scalded After eoolimr add the remnin- i thence west hi.’» feet, thence north 2«4 feet, small cajH* and fits the shoulders snug-
e ’ *
. * * ‘
! thence east 1(1» feet, thence a*»>»th 2l»4 feet t«« iy nn(] p.»rfeetly. The ends are from
der o f the cream demanded by the rec- tnc
tilt place
i,l »«v oi
,.f oeginnin«.
l.eibnninii auu
and 1 a will
X flye . to s.x inches
, ,
.. and . quite
* flat.
« *
« in on
S a t ’j r d a , F e b r u a r y 2 1.
Borne are finished with tr. Is. but others
1903, ;it the hour.4 2 o’cl«»ek p in. ofsui,: ,|oa |n iir(. K\m v \v I roa.leued slightly at
M orocco W om en .
day. at the front do*>r of the c« urt h-usa in
end« a »id left plain.
Those o f
The women o f Morocco never cele­ Dallas, in said county, sell the ab»<v’e describ­
are charming.
The gray 1*
brate their birthdays, and fe w o f them ed property at public auction t»> the highest
bidder for cash in hand, or go much thereof j soft and Incom.ng. the skin is pliable,
know their ages.
may be necessary to satisfy said writ.
and the ha rs rest caressingly against
Dated this loth day of January, 1903
L in ie n o lo r ,
the skin.
.). T. KO IH),
T o make llm ewater soak a piece of
Sheriff *»f P«»lk county, Oregon.
T h e H eady Made Gown.
unsluked lime about the size of a xval-
Once upon a time a ready made gown
nut in tw o quarts o f filtered water
wus the recognized symbol o f poverty
contained in an earthen vessel, stir
heriff’s Sale
and unsophh tientlon. Today It is oth­
thoroughly, allow it to settle and use
erwise aud to declare yourself a devo­
only from the top, replacing the water
NOTICE IS H E R E B Y G IV E N T H A T tee of private makers is to admit being
and stirring as consumed
by virtue «>f au rxteution issued out of the
circuit court of the ¡stat«* of Oregon for the behind the times. Few women o f even
large fortune can withstand the charms
county of Folk, on the 14tii «lay of January
A D o w rj o f W a te r.
W ater is so scarce in the Japanese 1903, t«) me directed, upon a judgim nt render­ o f the models shown by the big stores,
ed in said c«iurt on the 23rd day of May, 1901, each o f which strives to outdo tho
island o f Oshima that it Is the custom in favor of the city of Monmouth, a corpora- |
of the bride to take a large tub of tion, defendant, and against Laura Adkins, ; other In point o f style and lowness o f
drinking witter with her to her new plaintiff, for th«- sum of $53 and accrued in- j price.
tereat, 1 have duly levied upon all the li^ht,
home as a kind o f dowry.
title and interest of the naid plaintiff, Laura j
F o r S ch o o lgirl.
Adkins, in and to the real pro] erty, desciibed | This charming model would make a
F ir s ! S cien tific S ociety.
as follows, to-wit: The southwest quarter |
The first scientific society was estab­ (1-4) «if out lot No. twenty-one (2 ) in the v ity , smart and serviceable school frock.
of Monmouth, in 1’olk county, Oregon, and J | T h e blouse has a double collar, which
lished by Dr. Franklin
will «.n
is decorated with stitching, and the
upper one has the anchors In the cor-
S a tu rd a y . F eb ru a ry 2
T lie rn irc lalltl L e c tu re .
E very Whit Tuesday since 1730 there 1903, at the hour of 1 o’clock p. in. of - d I
at the front d«»or --f the court h«»u.-f in |
has been delivered at the parish church
Dal 1;^, in »aid county, «ell the ai»«»ve (le^c.ih- j
nt Shoreditch. London, a lecture on ed property at public auction to the highest |
the creation, entitled the Fairchild lec­ bidder for cash in hand, «>r so much thereof an }
ture, a discourse for which Thomas shall be necessary to satisfy said writ.
Dated this loth dax of January, 1903,
Fairchild, the pious gardener o f Hox-
J. T. FO RD ,
ton, le ft a legacy.
Sheriff <'f Folk county, Urewon.
B n k iiiK
B lu e t la li .
Before baking a bluellsh the creole
cooks pour over it a sauce made from
fresh or canned tomatoes In which gar-
| 11c is chopped. It is then baked until
1 the flesh o f the fish flakes, adm itting
' the sauce.
M any butcher shops in the east o f
London have been closed because o f
the high prices of meat.
S heep m id lla ln .
A lady who advertises In n Surrey
In Australian regions where the an­
(England) newspaper or a kitchen-
nual rainfall does not exceed ten inch­
maid offers the use o f a bicycle.
T o r n B o o k *.
es a square mile of land will support
In a report on diseases o f the ear in ! The best way to mend torn leaves o f
only eight or nine sheep. In Buenos
Ayres, with thirty-four inches o f rain, the German army Dr. Villa ret recom­ books is to paste them xvlth white tis­
mends prohibition o f all diving head- ! sue paper. T h e print w ill show through
a square mile supports 2,500 sheep.
Glasgow (Scotland) corporation decid­
A M n lio e a n f C e m e n t.
ed recently to apply for poxvers to bor­
Melt four ounces o f beesxvax. then
row £750 000 &>r the erection o f house*
add one ounce o f Indian red aud
Charley Me, 2:07%, now heads the for the porr.
enough yellow ocher to produce the re
T w enty villages and thirteen planta
fst o f M cKinney's trotters.
quired tint. Use this to fill up holes and
Dare Devil. 2:09. has started his 2:30 lions have beeu established on the 51.
fst with the trotter Mineola, 2:2314.
1 ho price paid for Ashland Wilkes,
t IV’. i. Is now being quoted as $4,750.
W i l l sour th e sw eetest d isp osition upd
Walnut Hall. 2:09*4, now holds the
transform th e m ost even tem pered, lo v ­
.'our year old trotting record o f the sea
able nature in to a cross-grained and
irrita b le in d ivid u al.
Emma M.. 2:09 14 , has been booked to
I f im p atien ce o r fa u lt-fin d in g are
the unbeaten Direct Hal, 2:04V*, for
e ve r excusable it is when th e bod y is
tortured b y an e a tin g and p ain fu l sore.
It is tru ly d isc o u ra gin g to find after
Dr. Madam will be much talked
m onths o f d ilig e n t and fa ith fu l use o f extern a l rem edies th at th e place
alnmt for next year’s slow pacing
remains as defiant, a n g r y and o ffe n s iv e as ever.
liv e r y ch ron ic sore, no
events from now ou.
m atter on w h a t part o f th e b od y it conics, is an evid en ce o f som e p reviou s
Nella J„ 2:14*4. and Gall Hamilton,
o f these diseases
2:11',. the txvo crack three-year olds,
remain in th e s ystem ; or, it m a y he th at som e lo n g hidden p oiso n — perhaps
both go to the auctions.
Cancer— has com e to th e surface an d l>egun its d estru ctive w ork.
Hopper, the s 11 o f M cKinney, 2:11*4,
T h rb lix id must be pu rified b efore th e sore w ill fill up w ith h ea lth y flesh
end Cricket. 2:10. the ex-queen o f pac­
and the s k in rega in s its n a t u r a l color.
ft is
ing mares, has loxvered his race record
through th e circu lation that th e acrid, c orro d in g
10 2:17»*.
fluids are carried to th e sore o r u lcer and keep it
Dormenth. xvho proved such « dis
irritated aud inflam ed. S. S. S. w ill p u rify and
aptxMntment for Geers last summer. Is
in vig o ra te th e stagn an t b lood w hen a ll sed im en t or
showing great speed once more iu his
oth er hurtful m a terials are washed out. fresh rich b lood is earn ed to the
work at Village farm.
diseased parts, new tissues form , aud th e d eca yin g flesh b egin s to h ave a
A u th o r**, by Autograph. 2:164«
healths’ and natural lo o k ; th e d isch arge ceases nnd the sore heals.
who recently lowered her trotting rec­
_ „
S. S. S. is th e o n ly b lood purifier
S ev e r.I y e a r . w o . my w ife h .d a .e-
., . .
, -
- *
ord to 2:1 F*. Is out o f Lucy Homer,
that is guaranteed e n tire ly v e g e ­
.e r e » o r . le a aud w as 1 .-eated by th .
also tho dam o f T.eoco, 2:09%.
bo t p h ysician , but received no benefit.
table. It builds up th e blood and
Onr d ru .iri.t advised her to tr y S. 3. 3..
Ferdinand, the pacemaker, who was
tones tip th e gen eral system ns no
which .he did. F o u r-.cn b o t t l c u r e d
hitch <1 whh Flying Jib when he pa<*ed
o th er m edicin e does. I f yo u have
her and she has be -n w e ll e ve r tinco.
In U.Vu* eight y«n r* sgr». 1 » still in ac­
a sore o f a n y kind, w r ite us and g t t
J. K. H A R O L D , 89 Canal fit..
Cohoes, IV. Y .
tive service aud pr»mpted Mis* Logan
th e a d vice o f experien ced and
In her recent exhibition mile In 2.4® at
s k illed phvsiciatts for w in ch no ch a rge is made. Book on lilond and S k in
Stockton, Cal.
Diseases tree.
T H t S W I F T I P E C l r i C C O .. A t l a n t a .
a .K .ilfu l
Vivid and alm ost startling eomhlnn-
thms lire decidedly the vo^ue today lit
drossy wear, and he t lc v uot too
bi/urre tboy are the very height o f
style. This effect Is o f u beautiful
soft material hi a delicate pastel sha le.
The waist Is heavily adorned with
broad bunds o f heavy luce mid self
tiielts and Is trimmed with a narrow
black aud white torpedo braid. The
the Children Well sud Strong.
Costly Win«**,
The most expensive wine in the world
Is some 1«T8 Madeira recovered from a
wreck in the Scheldt in 1814. It was
sold at £114 per bottle.
C H U R C H D IR E C T O R Y .
P rea ch in g Sundry m orn in g and ev
cuing, Sunday school a* 9:45. E p
worth league at 6
I'raver meet
in g Thursday even in g .— II N. Rounds
tllTicr than w e sftould expect the green
weeds to be. as they add to what they
obtain from them all that they get
from their grain feed, which we should
not omit when they feed on weeds.
Shape Some t o r (he llloek .
More profit from sheep can be ob-
tained by tilting some o f them In good
shape for the butcher, says an ex­
change. This brings a more frequent
income from the flock thaii where only
the wool is sold. By the use o f rams
o f the l»ost niuttou breeds the lambs
may be easily fattened for the butcher
at four or six months old. at which age
they w ill often bring as much or more
than a mature sheep. Make a pen for
them to which the ewes cannot have
access and in this place n trough
where they can he fed extra. A m ix­
ture o f corn and oats ground together,
wheat bran and linseed oil meal makes
a ration that forces rapid, protllablo
growth. Extra feeding of this kind Is
necessary to market the lambs ut an
early age.
C O U V A L U 8 M X IL - D A IL Y
a in L v .................Portlaiiii................. A r
;0 4 6 b m L v ..................D erry....................Lv
11:45 p m A r .........
C orva llis*
A t Albany ami Corvallis connect with
Oregon Central and E a»^rn railroad.
f>;.'0 p m
2;18 p m
1:20 p nt
trains of
4;po p m L v ................Portland................. ArlO *20 a m
7:i.O p m A r ...............
Dallas.................L v 7:00
Passenjrer <U |>ot foot of J« ffen*on street
Leave 7:40 a m ....... P ortlan d ......... Arri\e 3:82pm
Lea c 3.50 p m .............. Dallas .*----
A n iv s 8:*i0 a m f
Arriv, 5.05 p m ........... A ir lle ............Leave 7 0 0 a m
Corvallis * Eastern Railroad.
T l M E CAR D l O .
X r 2 for Yaqu iiia
1 2 :*r. p m
Le.« vc* AU'rtuV
2 ;<H> p in
i.fa ie s C orvallis
A r rive«* Ynquinn
f. .25 p m
X h 1 r-M 'rn iiiir:
fi (5 a in
L a v e s Y q u in *
Leaves C orvallis
. 1 1 ,:io a «i
A rrive - Albany
12:15 p in
X i. U fur Di tri'U :
. 7 oo p m
Leave* A lb an y.
Arrives D tr«*if
. . . . 12 05 p in
X 4 from De'rnif
12:45 a m
Le'.ve* I)« tHMl .
. . . . 5.35 a m
« rives A Umov
V In
T rain s 1 and 4 airri* e iti \ 1 * “.in ■
t r»«** ro Connect xxi 1 ¡h the S. P. *«i »HHi
>o or
i.,a»:id » r a n . as we 11 :l
ih ree hour* in A l ; unir !»• iore «lepa r -
nr o f S. I* nor: h ».• » hi .d train.
T raili N •. 2 colini*« t* " i h Die S I
t dilli* i»t ( « r i. 11 ' am i A iban v gixi l -
diree» «e iv ic e lo N ew p o rt mi .«I udj.t ••
cui beaci e*
Trnin 3 for D ftra li. B iciien b iish
**»d o ib c r iDonntaiii rc.-cr .-
A 1 -
it.xny ,.t 7 :00 p in * 1 !» r 'Ita arrivai «*f
8 . 1\ Minili ìn iu ii I ir.«in frolli l’ortland
re.-cliing IVtixni, al 1 2 . 00^p n».
For further ini*«» »»»aiion «p p ly to
E D W IN ìiT O N E , manager.
J. T U R N E R , awent. Alb an y.
U. H. CRONI8E, agent, Corvallis.
oer. It Is mmle with a fitted lining.
and there are tw o rows o f large pearl
buttons to decorat«“ the fro n t
The skirt I* cut in seven gore* and U
finished at the U>ttom with a fitted
circular band or flounce. Dark blue
flannel with Hieininette and upper col­
lar o f white xvould make a pretty luLae
frock.—N ew York Journal.
F rost and
H e a lt h .
Commander Robert E. Peary, the arc­
tic explorer, says It Is his belief that
the arctic region is one o f the best
places on earth for person* afflicted
with pulmonary disease*. In proof of
the health givin g conditions there he
said that nearly everybody who went
tip there came back weighing more and
lu a much better state o f health gener­
ally. H e did not bring any Eskimo«
•outh for the reason that those he
brought several years ago experienced
1 hard time, many o f them having suc­
cumbed to pulmonary diseases.