can* of butter fat every w*ek. S i n e E li P erkin *, the renow ned hum r- n ix, Arizona for his h e .l'h , will m ove a month is «’barged for h«^ u«e of th»’ j q la-L fal he has s »1«! $75 w>*rih of line to KeMl'tinl, t'u liio in :a , in tin spring. enrnpanyV plume* ami those in use 011 * le.'tu-ei. w ill appear a' the Afeth- Barred Plym outh K«ark chicken * and «» 1 » tlm Salt Greek line have m t l»e« n • ut 1 st church next Fn-I «y and Salu - Choree Starr and A. J. Baxter aie has «»tie o f the finest registered Jersey W H A T TH E Y H AV E TO S A Y A B O U T a.- satiafachjry us expected. The fa i­ «lav’ evenings, his subject* being, Phil feedin g h«»g* for market. T h e farm er THE O O I N C S IN TH E C O U N T Y . na r» can g e i h lit r plumes for $12 osophy o f W it and H um or, and St*u- PULA8, FRIDAY. FEB 20. 1903. hulls in the com ity W e fonu«! the «•an tell much t»f interest pertain in g to P« rrydale d* |H>* greatly im proved by W h ile chuck than «lie ones »hey are uait.g now, *0 ie.- ’ Round 1 In- S ove. Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable. the industry. I m ing freshly painted inside aud out. A n U n e q i t a l 'c d a n d C o m p l e t e Re th y think it is tnoiid) to r* nt them. lull of fun ami jokes, there is nothin g • t im e nf W h a t Y o u r F r i e n d s ar e T h e section crew were coverin g the Almo*t everybody who reads the news­ F*»r VV *1 greatly enjoy our tel« phones. There are now 21 phone* on the Salt course «ir crude in wiiaf he suya o * u » mb * K vbsy F riday M ojuun « A t 7:30. a n d H av e S oo n Lately D o ing . papers is sure to know of the wonderful T h e y are a source «»f am ose-n m i t ‘iis Greek line. T h e cost of plume* unti two hour* each even in g there will he a mud around the building with t-everal cures made by Dr. w intry weather, besides !>eing useful. building the line will bo about $20 continual flow of what will please and carload*.of som e brought from *outh VV. A . W A S H , Kilmer's Swamp-Root, Several new phones have been adtletl j «#f Eugene. Mr. Clotlf*U er i< *t*ti«»n Yo u K n o w W h a t Y o u A r o T a k l n g . eat h. ipatruttlf hut nothing to «*11 .id. But the ?reat kidney, liver B D IT O R AW U f l l O P E I I T u i . agent and hi* wife keeps a boarding we hereby warn people wl»«i n ever to the line, with more to f«>ll«>w. W h y I W h en y«>u t<«ke G ro v e ’» Ta»teletw and bladder remedy. lu>u-e. H. B T in g le, who used to be ! C h ill Tome* because tbe forinula is It is the great medl- not extend the line to Dallas? I) L. Guhser, who was in Dallas Itu gh to slay away, h ecaii'e th ey an im p ortant personage there, is now , plainly printed on every .bottle, show­ c S cal triumph of the nine- college las' year, is now teaching east w mi l be sure to break their rule. 8 U B 8 C K 1 P T IO N K A T E S : in Ohio. A. B. Huong, the village in g th at it is »im p ly Iron ami Quinim- A M o t h e r 's R e c o m m e n d a t i o n . 1 teenth century dis- There i* hut tme E L Pei kin*. o f the nionntaius i covered after years of blacksmith, says there is not haP so 1 have used Cham berlain's Cough ; 111 »1 taM.«-1*4*?« f«>rm N o cure, no p. y. 1 1 50 .................................... P er v* ar scientific research by Rem edy for a number of years ami much w rk ill his line a* a few years $ 75 ........................... Per six month* Dr. Kilmer, the ernl- have no hesitation in saying that it is POLK, I t ................ . . . P er three month* age. Ask*d why, he said it was he ' nent kidney and blad­ c*it*<-the farm er* were turning their A d v e ito tin g rate* made known on der specialist, and is the best rem edy for coughs, colds ami W e are soon to I ih v »- rural mail «le attention more to stock ra cin g , grass * wonderfully successful In promptly curing croup I have ever used in my lan iily. i tp p lica fio a . Correspondence is solicit­ and fruit than grain. F ie I Hehding livery, which will m ake it b etter for lame back, kidney, bladder, uric acid trou­ I have not words 1 «> express my c on ­ 'd. still ke«-ps (he surroum liug eounlrv jf rmers, trucker*, warehousemen au«i bles and Bright's Disease, which is the worst fidence in this roim «ly. Mrs. .1. A. F in e Job Prin tin g done at reasonable supplied wi ll furniture, hardware aud [ everyl»«Mly. j form of kidney trouble. M oore, N orth Star. M ich. F o r sale by j •>ric*' t. Dr. Kilmer's S w a m p -R o o t is not rec­ W liso 11 Drug Co. agricultural im plem ent*, and Dr. A b o g WHS «{«-owned ill t b e cattle ommended for every thing but If you have kid­ H un ter looks after th«« si«*k. E. O K* \ 1 is not very strong but g e n e n llv guard at tbe railroad crossing and ney, liver or bladder trouble it will be found ❖ CROWLEY. M cCO Y A N D PERRYDALE. Just the remedy you need. 1 1 has been tested Some of the new Lhings for spring are here and oi t ■>* go and always on liie I ok ut another re-cued f.oru the same place in so many ways, in hospital work, In private T h e Baptists have electe«! Rev. W e spent Monday it thos*- places H em v K eyt ha«l just s«jl«l a c rioa«l of j Boplar tree* have been planted «m more are coming in every day, Our spring stock T h e t<>wns atsHit hold their own, but fal s le e p at ov* r $4 each. Miss K«>sa c irclin g the Swedenlxirgiau chur«-h, practice, among the helpless too poor to pur­ «Short past«»r aud Rev. Blalock m is­ chase relief and has proved so successful In will he the best and most fashionable we have ev­ the cou ntry around is being m o l * Sm ith is leachi g (lie v-»ung i«lea how and m w -hade tie« s slmuld be set out | ‘ every case that a special arrangement has sionary. Services will be held at 11 m ore productive, eapeei dlv in tlie to shoot mh n, the list b*? find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. a ;u io . covers all and that is we have every kind of mer­ house, holding it for better prie* * say nothing «»f * reral f irm s Of which ing prim ed in the Newspaper Blue | When writing mention reading this generous chandise you want at prices that are all right. I Revival services are in progress t I offer In this paper and Bl«>«)k of the United States. T h e y could now »¿ef 70 cents f*r tlieir lie has a g tier 1 oversigh t Dirk send your atferess to tlie O k G rov • M ethoili«t church fo 1 Each and every piece of goods in this stock is es­ * wheat. List, fall Mr. H ill br aighi Turner ha* i ««mediate charge at th J II. Kemp. 1, «>f R i'k r< a li, spear Dr. Kllmer&Co., Bing­ tiie third week. home from Missouri two Red D-iroe P rn ilaln st"re and Mr. M iris at trapped »even g««phem in th«- clover- hamton, N. Y. pecially chosen to the requirements of the trade * The hog . Th'-y are beauties *nd fully Sheridan. Cas* Rigus’ fam ily «pen t Sunday at ! Then he ha* a Untiring liebl Ian* wt-ek. H e thinks now the regular fifty cent and Hoin« of Rwamp-Rool. we know so well, and the greatest care is used to equal to Berkshire* a d Poland Chi I aac Rwherlt-on’s m ill that runs ¡«11 th year, eo.'.sum la*ft tune to «*at«‘ l» them while heir dollar sizes are sold by all good druggists. serve our customers with all the attention due them. na*. W h ile there six hogs were i *g som 30 000 busliel* ,»f wheat Ii new runs are s*» easily detected l»v the I/O not m ake any mistake, but re- , F. C. Robertson o f Spokane ami brought in for shipm ent to Portland. lias been a fhret «o il, 50 barrel m ill, fresh hills T h e y shove dirt out at member the name, Swam^»-Root, Dr, ; M i»* M aggie Butler.«»f M on m ou ih are; T h e largest of the th iee brought in bill a m illw r g h t is now puttin g in a tlie »ide of their holes, while moles K ilm e r’s S vam p-R o«*t, anti the ad- spending a few (lays at the home of by Fred Rohde weighed 470 pound* , fourtii roll, which will increase it* ch - leave it 011 top «Less. Biughum pton, N . Y . on very Seth Riggs. and Mr. Bly Ifvin g on the old Dave |l|lt.Uy 60 barrels a day. N. r i* G eorge K «woliffe, at the brick yard, bottle. H olm es plac , bail th .ee that aver- ; that >« 11 , f*»r he ha* bought ou t a mill T h e Misses W ilts ami Mabel and 10 -year-old w alnut aged 220 pounds. J K Se rs was ing, f; e«l and com mission business in has eigh t nice Carrie Stevens> of M on m ou tli. emit* trees 1 bat bore a boa-tn-l o f n jts last away lookin g after his f irm in g inter Portland anil put A J. M cD aniel in J down Sunday to visit Mi.-* Pearl Jas K llio U a u d Air*. E 1111 * each e«fs i»* Spring V a lle y J. 1) K e lt ' charge of it T h e C 'v ic Im p ro vem en t Leagu e! H edge, w oo secured a teacher’s certii H e lias a big hom e de- j year cam e in lor his m ail and report»-«) hi-* maud for the pro«iuct of hi* m ill h u t; have two tre«*s of the same age and have com pleted their organization, icate in Dallas lis t we* k. Mias N ellie * 50 goats and 275 she» p in g«s»d coudi- I will send all the surplus, as well a* John Dielim has one six years «»Id. elected officers and appointed a com ­ W illiam son , C row ley church organist, 5* lion . A wire fence has protected them j much secured through the trade of Mrs E llio tt also has several tine bear­ m ittee to »«»licit fund* for advertising was als«> successful. from »he coyote wolves of which there the two stores to the city. H e expects ! in g cbesnut trees. T h e writer and purposes. $300 subscription wa* the I * Several youn g people from Crow ley were about a dozen in the hills around j many other m erchant* and farm ers to I others would like to hear of any o th er result t»f the first days work. * were am ong the eigh ty who had a I ist fall, hut most of them have been graduall*’ m ake consignm ent* to his hearing walnut or chesnut trees in The undersigned will sell at cost his entire stock T h e lrtdi. s 9 «><‘ iety of the M ethodist very enjoyable party ¿«t John H olm es’ k ill'd , i l o s i y s that said creatures Portland house. T h e experience of this part of the cou ntry. church held a pleasant gathering al of goods, consisting ot dry goods, groceries, boots Saturday night. - i i never leave a given neighborhood but himself and other merchants with city »he residence o f Mrs. H ed ge Friday T o C u r e a C o l d in o n e Day. if chased away are liable to com e com m ission houses has led them to and shoes, hardware and notions, Bale will con­ even ing. A IRLIE hack the very next night. Charlie de ire a change for the better. H e re- 1 T a k e Laxative tirom o Quinine T a b ­ tinue for tk) days. I will keep a full line of gro­ lets- A ll druggist* refund the n>one> Post is in Eastern Oregon, E l in poor luted to us m any instances of unfair j Quite a number of Independence H urry Parker is working for Percy ceries during this sale and will sell them cheap­ * health near f ordaud and Frank if* dealing when some of said com m is­ if it foils to cure. E. W G rove’s sig­ people attend the oratorical contest j H adley. * em ployed .«t the insane asylum. V. sion men had every tiling in tlieir own | nature is on each box. 25c. er than any house outside of Portland. Call and at M onm outh Friday even ing f i Everett Staats’ hounds treed a large M ackin has been postm aster there for hand*. he convinced. This is no fake sale. John Moran, of M on m ou th , is an catam ount, w hiclr lie killed POPCORN. I I years and was sellin g grocer ice for enthusiastic mem ber of the Iru^epen- 1 several ye it s before that. H e showed á* COLLEGE NOTES. T h e re is talk of e rec tin g a church C. I League aud a liberal con- ! 0 . L. Bump and wife have a bounc­ us through the Odd Fellows lodge hall t i in g baby boy. here. T h e girls gym nasium classes are do- j tributor to the ad vertisin g fund. over r o iie r * store T h e y have a m em ­ in g excellen t work. bership o f 45, owe n oth in g and have About 40 couple attended the mask X S. A . M cD ow ell cut two toes o ff his E. P ickel, of Portland, has leased; $1,000 in their treasury. T h e y all X * T h e return gam e with M on m o n th I left foot recently. his photo gallery here to Miss M oll e ball here last F rid a y night. feel a pride in their lodge room , which is not yet in sight. Johnson. "A l 1. M. Simpson purchased a milk A d«>zen of our yo u n g people footed is one of the best in the valley. T h irty it *o the O akgrove revival m eeting. T h e G A. R. masked ball at the au­ cow of Sam Hastings. years ago that lodge, also a M isonic A Mr. G reen has entered school. ditorium F rid ay even ing added over 1 J. 0 . Staats sold his entire band of bulge, were located at M cCoy, the la t­ T h e re was a pie g. cial at the last Our local prohibition con te*t will $75 to their funds. ter h avin g been moved to A m ity some sheep to Mr. B colh b y for m utton. c m ie o ff about «March 20th, there be j I league business mt etin g. 20 years ago. R ev. W aller preache* I can save m oney for you on hop wire. D irect shipm ent from eastern m ill. A travelin g doctor and colored; M utton sheep are qu ite scarce about iu g six contestunts there twice a montli and has charge Price* always the lowest 011 wire an«! wire fencing. Correspondence solicit«:«!. C 8 . Pearce and R o y M cD ow ell troupe have been holding a free con­ here. • « o f the Htinday school. W hen he i> W ill H offm an was referee in a gam«* I have been spraying fruit trees f«>r At - cert every even in g this week at tin* | W A L T E R MUR LEV D N. and T ro y T u rn er’s children away Miss Eloise Phillips, the popular h elw .en Portland and O regon C ity j drew Vender. «»pent house. He also gives the audi- have been quite sick, but are better. 3 - A . I _ i E l s « / teacher o f the public school, laket- last Saturday evening. T h ere was an en joya b le V a le n tin «1 ence a great m edicine speil at $1 a clm rge o f it. He hoards with VV. B P ercy H adley has been d«»ing con T h e college boys are lo o k in g for-1 eve party at the home «>f James S ykes hottle. Duncan near Zona T h e Ylen it«* siderable blowing. H e* uses powder waul with pleasant an ticip ati »n to and wife. John Shriver and wife, from W ood­ still run the h o'el and VIis. VI V. the spri «g events ---------------------------- ford countv . Iilin o i«. have bough» the in M owing open post cu»s. Post conducts a laurdm .: h . is** l“ i T r u s t T h o s e w h o Have Tried . 1*. M. K irkland residence brother Bud FiaZ r, liver* u he Lafe Mrs R«*se’« house caught fire again L -W I^V ILLE 1 Sutter* d from catarrh of the w«»r>-l F rizze ll place. A. It. T z>er has an An Older was entere«! in Justice S atu rd iy, but not much dam age \v.» kimi and never hoped f«»r cure, but E m m a H agcard has returneil from of tnue a«.«, money ma.ousi.usa vuueiit.oo is not .« vo.ituie. l’ae Douo3v« i - j oo .eri.ea tfJui 4 «icii a • • t e x c lle n t stock of general m e r - b o l­ W i I mmi ' s coin t that the Imil b«nm of done. a several days visit wi h her sis'er at E l) ’s Cream Balm seems to (to even G eorge Sim m ons and Jc.-sie Cannon | Inst for life and pay substantial dividends every day. These facts are amply jhown by the uniform success dine in ibo Fb tcli r store, and has ev 'The present cold spell is doing some (h at.— U.*« ar 0*tr«»m , 45 W arren A v c , of the graduates of the eryth in g in extra hive rhape. J. M. Hyv»;r. Chicago, III. I suffered from catarrh ; be reduced, aud the probability is dam age to grain and if i* clears away C A P I T A L BTJSH STESS C O L L E G E . H a m ilt > i i carries a sm all >tock of ¿en F. \I. 81111*11 is im p rovin g the ap it g*»t so had I «: nld not w «»rk; I use ! that they will give bond and be re dry. leaving the roots exposed, as it 1 Our students arc offered the advantages of a school well known for its thorough work, pleas vnt rooms eral merchandise in the Bewlcy store ;>eaian«*e o f hi* fu n i wi ll about l.J tea*« d from jail until court convene«. did 20 years ago this month, tt might E l> ’s C n u m Balm and am entirely ; -killful teachers and modern methods. Class and individual instruction. Living expenses cheap. Se l l h ull'ling ami Mrs. F h n d M ille* h .s m iles «'»f new \vir< fence. do considerable damage. well,— A C. ('la rk , 341 Sh-twniul A ve. for cutologue. small *tock of groceries Th<- black % T e n d e n c y of the T i m e s . W . I. S T A L E Y , Principal, Salem, Oregon. H D S .«at« took > w » «lr •**««! lings Boston, Mass. T h e Balm d«»es not A b o u t 10 o ’clock Sunday m orning smith ahop is closed for the present, The ende'»«;y of m edical »cien ce is 11 «d sevtral htimlred nomuls of bacon i irritate or c««us«* sneezing. Sold ny J. S. Buchanan’s house, occupied by and W. L. Strong i> running a p f nogs, «ho< p and j a rtuck com pany and inenrpor.«led ther and short grass are hard on sheep cou n t r-cts any tendeimy «»f th e«e «lis- Lav< been quite M«‘k with tonsiliti*. m ake them last. Ord rs le ft with cattle and about, the hiiim amount i- w itli a capital slock '>f $ 1,500 lor t e ease« toward pneumonia. This has W . R. E llis or the Salem stage will and goats, T h e C iic le in itia ted 24 candidate- shipped weekly by I. P R«***e and 0. purpose «4 coi>s rucliu g and operating | been fully proven in many thousands receive p rom pt atten tion . Friday night, and will iu«»n have a lot a teleptione line b«*twee.. li e H Farm er Miss Jennie McCann has Jesse Y o st has finished m aking 14,- «»f caee« ii> which tins rem edy has m ore ready. b«»ve place*.. T h e c mi pan V will be ; 000 ' hop pob » for the T a y lo r yard charge of the* railroad business ami no been used during the great prevalence man could fill the position of r g m t know n as tile LiX'kianiU e R »ral Tel- j of colds » im ! grip in rec«*nt ye ar«, and i H arley W ilson has «»pencil a gro Frank Too««* i« up from Sherwood hotter than she e»'. M is Miller ha* epic aie Co. J. H H a w ity . B. F. with a view t*» s< llm g his ranche to a oa«l be relied upon with perfect con fi­ eery store in his f .«lic r’s building, C O L O N E L J. O L M S T E D , P R O P . bo ig lit aud moved in to the M ke Mc­ Sm ith, J. A W ith ro w , W E W illiam s | dence Pneumonia often results from across the street from the W oodm an Mr. W rits« n. N u lty property. Mr. M cN u lty lias and I racy St ais art tb e diiectors, J. a «lig h t cold when no danger i* ap­ hall. bough t a small faint near Hoik wher* II. 11 iwley I m in g Pr<’*l«l«mt and T acy E s c a p e d an A w fu l Fate. prehended until it is surblenly d isc»»'-! hi* wife and children live near her la­ S.aat* secretary ami treasurer. A youn g people’s religious society Mr. U . Ilagydnx.of M Ibourne, Fla , e n d that there is pain and difficulty ther, Mr. Reddekopp, while he i« aw y b a« been organised at the Method is 1 : w riiti*: “ M y doctor t«»l«l me I had in breathing and pains in the chest, | Our svliool has s'arted up again, M w orking near Portland. VVe lonml C. lOikMimp ion aud n o d iin g could be theh it is announced that th e patien t! c h in c h , with the f* Bow in g ffic e r « : : E W heelock being teacln r J. S tron g cripplin g around with a d o n e i«>r me ” I wa* given up to die. lias pneum onia. Be on th«- safe side President, Vessie Sears; vice. F. W R o y a l; secretary. F lo Alayfiebl; treas­ lam e back. Ed K ey t is b od in g a The India*’ home mission society of The offer « f a free trial bottle ot Dr. and take C h.«m herl»iu’s C oug! R em ­ ure-, M ary G a r r e tt; organist, G lennie i large number of cattle and sheep for Lewisville will give an entertain m en t K in g ’s N ew Discovery for Consump- edy as soon as tlie c«»ld is contracted. the Portlan d m arket and on the and oyster supper VV ' 1 «lue*day • veiling ti«n , it duced me to tr'r it. Result.* Runnels. It always cures. F o r sale by W ilson neighboring dairy ranch of J M. February 25th. The entertainm ent were sta thug. I am n«*w on the road Drug Co. A private telephone line w ill soon I T lie Largest Fu rn iture, C arpet and W a ll Paper «dealers in the W illa m ­ W ist are over 200 of each cattle ami will be free »m l the supper o n ly 25 to r«’ «»very, and owe all to Dr. K in g ’ s be built from B all-ton to Sheridan, I ette valley above P o itla m l H ave a correct measurement o f \our hogs Five men are em ploye I lo o k ­ cent*. E veryon e i* cordially in vited New Discovery. It surely saved my and a switch b o n d will connect il SALT CREEK room s Slid w in d ow « when you com e for caip ets, wall paper and shades. ing after things there, M r Hnvder tie to attend T h e proce« d* will go to­ life. This great cure is guarantee«« with the Salt Creek line. Tw enty W e cut shades to fit w ith ou t charge and m ake them in any w id th . ing foreman. T h e y still have on ward building a kitchen ou the par­ for all throat and lu n g «liseases by all D Peters Jr. and little Litu lley M ur­ phones have been taken and »he p«»le* W e make our own mattresses and each is exa ctly as represented. touched one of the four big si'os filled sonage. druggists. P rice 50 cents and $1. ray enjoyed an hour’s coasting, much will be set right away. B »th th i« and | W e also make our own couches and lounges and carry a large lin e o f last summer. T h e silage is still green to the 1 «Iter's d eligh t, as it was the the «Salt Creek line intend to bn\ j A m eeting of the stock holder* of T r ia l bottles free. coverings and all the stock eat twery bite «if it first «p «»r o f the kind iu his little life th eir own phone* the Luckium nte Kural T elep h on e Co. A fee o f 50 een.ts they can get Mr. W ise ami wife are will be held at M onm outh February C B old er does his own c lip p in g S U N N Y SLOPE. in Boise C ity, Idaho, sellin g piano* 25th at 10 o ’clock, for the transaction with the same en gin e with which lie and organs. Last week 47 lat cattle of inqKtrtant business. A ll the stock W . H M ack is to furnish the nor­ runs his cream ery. were shipped from tlieir ranch and holilers are earnest ly requested to be mal sch«K»l 90 cords of grub oak wood several 10 gallon can* o f cream go to 269 Liberty street, Salem, Oregon. Stores at Salem and Boydia Gee has gone to Jefferson, at $2 40 present. Portland each week Across country DALLAS COLLECE t«» work f.*r M r. Harper. Albany. to the north G eorge Townsend is Rida Cham berlain and K atie T ow n s ! W ilson A yres has returned from in- M erton E llis resigned his position 4- m ilk in g a dozen cows ami ship* f«>ur have been visitin g M onm outh kindred j ❖ •«• * f sp> d in g An gora goats at T h e Dalles a? teacher of the Concord school. and o her p *ints up th * C olu m *ia. A number «>f g«>ats and sheep die«! M M iM M l I > » > > ♦ > ♦ > ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ He ways there was fine sk a 'in g at du m g the ot» 1*1 snap. Courses no« Excelled in tlie Slate. "I- Janies Otms»e Portland las» M on d ay. Mrs. H enry G illam , who w ent t«> Eastern + 4* * * trou ble«,— plmplea, boila anil o ilier T. W Nordby, and Edgar Bryan and J. B. Stum p has rt'nted part o f his j Oregon last fall, wdl return as soon a« Is n ot *n everyday opportu n ity for the man who desires » good eruption«, besides long o f appetite, wife cam e up from there th a t «lay, place to C harlie H avn es and will soon the weather w ill perm it. C. W . K A N T N E R , D IR E C T O R . serviceable all wool suit for everyday wear. coiiotiuct several m ile* o f woven wir«* that tired feelin g, flu o f biliousness, A. H C o yle , o f Spring valley, is still fence E. T . M orrison, who went to Plioe- Studio in d«*nnit<»ry. Clarence A lien is plow ing for Indigestion and hoadaclic. holding hi* hops, feeling sure «4 a fan­ him. T h e sooner one gets rid o f them the cy price later on. He is feedin g a S«H-i «1 ami business m eetin g at A n ­ better, and the w ay to got rid o f them huge hand of b< ef cattle. ti»» 1» next Sunday at I I o ’clock. and to build up the «y .te m that has The wife o f Ri«'hsrd Thurston has is not to be found every d »y e ii) er. but th e,e » r e »c liu il »a m p le , o f ! j * Mr. Marks, on tha H olm an place in •offered from them is to take presente«! him with a baby girl. our genuine redu ction« °n g lug lot of » it, \\ e in vite you to Cooper H tdlow, is very *i«‘ k. In *11 tt* et»«^* th*r* W hen M is* la»n* Stouffer went to com e and gee for youiVeif. Prices i n , lain figures. Sweater* a ll should i»e cleftii.iacs*. V Come 8 onv body poised »w > $30 « 1 «>gs for her school at SinithUeld .Monday m o r­ 20 per cent off. O vercoat«, extra pant*, golf shirt», etc. »Iso g r r »i-| E ly's (re ‘ a »m m Balm * ' to me ning she look >1 lantern to Hag the Mr. Fi*hback and Mr. Haynes. thee *nd he«»* c l—a * » , soothes *nd he«?* ly reduced. N on e reserved. Now is tire tim e for the econom ical I train when com in g home at night. T«« diseAned 1 Bwuibra«»*. F orm in g in combinntion the Spring N e a r ly F o r fe it s h i s Life. man. Odds aod ends and broken lines are to tie cleaned o n t r e - j rrh anddrh ar t drive* It enre* L«t irrh Bertie Cavanaugh an«! wife hare will give i. tM b e d * y- lie d trine ;v »r ijrcellenre, o f nnequalled A lu oaw ay n lm «»t emied fatally, ■w«y * Co.d 1 gardless ol cost. Re Tremlier tirsl com ers get the «rest selections, strength in pu rifyin g the blood as «o n e t«> P ortlan d , where he will prob­ stsrted a horrible ulcer on the leg of quickly. C m a R n lm is p t * « d Into th* oortxil*. *p r -d * ably « ngage in the drug huetne««. J B. O ru er, Fran klin G rove, III. For shown b y nnequalled, rauical ami per­ orer th* — rnkfl * * « d is •I'sorbed. R *it*fi*lm - right value The new re«lticed settler's rate from four years it defied «11 doctor* and all MKNliat* and * cur* follow«. It i* not drying—doe* manent cures of for But R u ck len ’s Arnica not prisiuc* ene**lng. I ats ^ Si**, 60 «ante at Drug­ he east to all Pacific coast p oin t* is rem edies. S cro fu la « a l t Rheum gist« or by mail; Trial « * ' , 19 cent» by sail. your money. n«*w in effect *0 continue to the first Halve had no trouble fo cure him ELY BROTHERS, M Warren Street, New York. S oo lS Hoo d Soils, Pimples t»f May. The rate from St. Paul is E qually good tor burns, bruises, .«kin AN K i n d s o f H um o r Peorlnsln $25, St lam ia $30 and Ch icago $33. ♦ ruptions and piles. 25 cents at all Opposite Capital National bank and head- M o o d Poison ing R h e u m a tis m It i* exp« c.led to bring an im m ense druggists'. M E POLK ùOJMiT 0T R STAFF OF HUSTLERS, ^ ¡ft.M tß y o u GET UP WITH A LAME BACK ? Salem’s Best Store. f Mail Orders Will Receive Prompt Attention f GOING OUT OF BUSINESS w m m A. R. TOZIER McCOY 9 g 9 H O P W IR E F IE H S rO IE W O R K S Clothes Eating SALEItl S 1 E 1 LAUNDRY T h House Furnishing Company SALEM AND ALBANY. MUSICAL DEPARTMENT the House Furnishing Company. Spring Humors A $10 OR $12 SUIT FOR $7 t If U need a high grade watch or have a watch that needs repairings* Nasal CATARRH H ood’s Sarsaparilla an d P ills AN $18 OR $20 SU IT FOR $14 ami I SALEM WOOLEN MILL STORE Catarrh Oy«pepsin, ( t o Accept no substitute, but be sum to g e t jjo o d 's , nod g e t it today. im m igration to Oregon. INDEPENDENCE. Rvron N ixo» ha* let hi* m ail con­ II. H ir*ch l«erg spent all last week at tract 1 s t wren Parker an I Kuenavmtv to M r. W ill A and wiU run * nop y a r d ., Salem , logioU u ig the log bill. ^ P IS O S CHRP f OR PFE N N IG , Jeweler and Optician. «juarters for Salem made blankets, flannels clothing, Indian robe*, ami ladies suitings. TTTTJrU TrTTim'TIXfflTT'WrLlTL- : i ä i W IL S O N BLOCK.