M E P 3 U GOÜMTY ITtMIZER DALLAS, FBIDAY, DEO. 20. 1902. i>H u I mhki * E v i i y F r id a y U o m m r u A t 7:30 YV. A . W A S H , ED ITO R A N D PROPRIETOR. B F. Smith and W illie Buros were in from Ltwinvillc Monday. OCR STAFF OF RUSTLERS. DO YOU GET UP A much needed sidewalk ha« been W H A T T H E Y H A V E T O B A Y A B O U T put down in North Dal!««, down the T H E O O I N C 8 IN T H E C O U N T Y . hill from the home of H. C D im m ick. The E uterpiite will publish the 1901 delinquent tax list, its hid of I cent a line f* r each insertion being much lower than the (»ids of the Oh- server and Itei^iaer. A n U n e q t s M c d a n d C e m p te t* Re j s u m s o f W r.a t Y o u r F r i e n d s a r e a n d H a v e B e e n L a t e ly D o i n g . j I - ■1 — ..... T h e B e e t P r e s c r ip t io n fo r M a l a r i a chills and feveis is a I k Ltie of G rove’s 1'as tele«« Chill T on ic It is simply The room was b e u tih illy orna­ | iron and quinine in a tasteless form. mented the day before Christ in is, the No cure, no pay. Price 50 cents. j young ladies ami gentlem en having PEDEE. taken much time and displayed good taste in arranging the pretty Christ­ Fred Howe and wife have a baby ina« room and it« surrounding A nice program witli fine m u«ic led up girl. to the distribution of pre«**n t«. B* rt j Jesse Yost has been slashing and Stiles w.ts local representative of old B. L. Hastings has built quite a lot of ; Santa Claus and brought the child­ fencing. ren ho many greatly d« sired things Dave Simpson and hi« brother, Phy, that they pronounced him the bestest | have bought into the ludepe ndence fellow anywhere around. sawmill. ---------- ----------- i C h il s n a n C h u r c h A t tr a c tio n « . SUBSCRIPTION KATES: f ] 50 ........................................ Ter y-ar $ 7 5 ..................•.......... Per six month« 40 ........ .............Per three month« Advertising rate« made known on Application. Correspondence ¡«solicit­ 'd. Fine Job Printing done at reasonable •»rices. COUNTY COURT. PKOBATK. C h r is t m a s a t B a p t is t C h u r c h . Sibley, J. The pastor and some of his faithful In the matter of the Johannes Em ­ | members spent many hours hi mak- mons estate, hearing of final account i mg a unique arrange merit for the was set for January I7lli. ' presents. Iurtead of an evergreen Upon petition of Bertha Kite, the i tree they hud wiies so strong as to i dininistiator of the Marion Wcider 1 represent the trunk and limbs of one, estate lias been cited to appear Janu­ j and the presents hanging along said ary 13ih and show cause why he wires made it look like a sure enough ! Christmas tree. There was a pleasing should not he removed. program including recitations bv A petition to pay certain claims Norma Holman, Leta Grant, Willie against the Jus. Wheeler estate was Beseoker, Chester Zum walt, Viola tiled. Taylor, Merl Holman, Esther Gites, In the case of the Malina Vander- Cora Vanskike, Belle Fieber, Anna pool estate final receipts were filed ex- j Burk halter, Glenn Holman and Syl­ c« pt by Nejlk* May Kuger, who can | via M itchell, solo by Vernie Hubbard, not be found. Her interest of 64 1 duet by Mr. and Mrs. Reese Robbins, cents was ordered filed with the couu- dialogues, songs and exercises. ty clerk and the administrator dis G o ld e n W a d d i n g . charged. Thomas Elliott ami wife were mar­ In the matter of the It. L. Skinner ! estate, T W . Wann filed receipt for j ried in Canada fifty years ago last property in Ids bunds and was dis- j Tuesday, and have been living i*i charged from liability in connection i Dallas for 18 years. All their ch ild­ ren, except one son, W illiam , who is a therewith. missionary in Japan, were present. They hail a big dinner and a rousing ROCCA. good social time. There were many Oust Olson h is been in Toledo, ami presents appropiiate for the occasion , Mr. tnid Mrs. Blower are home again, i one from the ladies of the Methodist church, of which they have been inch F. J Morrison went to the W ood- j faithful members. Their children men log rolling in Dallas. present were Mrs. Harry Donely and O. II Horsfall is borne for Christ- children from Manitoba, Mrs John noth and Jim Harris and family have i Andrews ami chi.dren from Yaquina bay. Mrs Gertie Roach and children moved to their ranch here. from Salem, 8. C. Elliott and wife from Beattie and F G, Elliott and Little Itex Henry died recently wife of Dallas Other kindred wi re Deer Island. ------ ----------------- his brother, Ja«. Elli jtt and fam ily of U P P E R SA LT C REEK. Dallas, H. J Elliott and wife of iVrrv- d tie, S. C. Kennedy and wife and Fred Our school clo.sed lust Friday for tin* Wagner and wife of Dallas Besides holidays, after an interesting enter­ th*m were Mrs. Biddle, Mr«. MeDev- tainment given by the puoils of Mis« itt, Mrs Robert Howe and Mr«. J. 1‘. Irene Carter, who has successfully Smith. closed her second term of school in : our district Nothing that could add C IR C U IT C O U R T D O C K E T . to the pleasure of the occasion wav , omitted. A Christmas tree was the D e p t. N o. 2, R . K B o is e , J u d g e . center of attraction, while the black , Circuit court for P,»lk county, de­ hoard- wer*- covered with pictures of \ partment no. 2, will convene Monday. Kris Kringle in all bis glory. Hpecisl January 5, 1903, at one o'clock Case« thanks are dm*'to S M. Kay and T. S a*« follow« have been docketed to date: and J. H. Brpwij, who kindlv assisted j 1 E .1 Jasper vs W F Garrick et al, in making the program <'*»mi>l M G * hrie. ««sigem eu t; Sib In r b >nn in Portland Sa'nrdav, but will return to cdnlinue her good work j ley Jr Eakin for assignee. for another five months. -------- --------------- The city council having failed to make satisfactory arrangements with Judge Boise and Mrs. Hallock f*»r wa* le works right ol way and water privi­ leges. have decided to call a special election to procure permission to be­ gin proceedings to secure such privile­ ge« by condem nation. Qscar Hay ter was emplvyed as city attorney and two additional «re lights are to be in­ stalled. 3 Estate of Isaac Ball, deceased ; W 11 Holmes and Oscar H ayter for ex cutor. 4 A 1' Starr, executor, vs Croghan Rhode, suit in equity; Butler <& Coad for plff. 5 Stale Land Board vs Rebecca Sootiert and Robert Carr, cou fiim a lion ; J L Collins for plff. Mr« W om er raised 80 turkey«. The baskets at our over $38. social «old fer Mr«. Tena Pagett has w hooping cough and Mr«. Fred K iu ha» a baby boy. Harry Lacey i« putting up con«id erable fence. Mis» Je««ie W ilson school next week. Th* re was a large «booling match. will close her H o o d ’s Sarsaparilla and Pills Kamov« the cause of rheumatism— do OQtward Application cad . Take them. s Kidney Trouble Hakes You Miserable* Almost everybody who reads the news- papers is sure to Ki now of the wonderful cures made by Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the *reat kidney, liver and bladder remedy. It is the great medl- caltriumph of the nine­ teenth century dis­ covered after years of li scientific research by B Dr. Kilmer, the emi- * nent kidney and blad­ der specialist, and is i wonderfully successful In promptly curing i lame back, kidney, bladder, uric acid trou- I bies and Bright's Disease, which is the worst form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer's S w am p-R oot is not rec­ ommended for everything but If you have kid­ ney, liver or bladder trouble It will be found just the remedy you need. It has been tested In so many ways, In hospital work, in private practice,“among the helpless too poor to pur­ chase relief and has proved so successful (n every case that a special arrangement has been made by which all readers of this paper who have not already tried it, may have a sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book telling more about Swamp-Root and how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. When writing mentton reading this generous offer In this paper and s ^ send your address to. Dr. Kilmer & Co.,Uing-I hamton, N. Y. The regular fifty cent and B oom of Swamp-Root, dollar sizes are told by all good druggists. A N T IO C H . You K n o w W h a t Y ou A re T a k in g P IO N E E N . The Ow en b oys are c u ttin g for J. B. Netherioti. John Middleton and son, W ill, have erected a cabin on their lim ber claim. H arlo w health. C on le e is still iir poor Mr. T h o m |eon, w ho m akes his lu»nie here, is w orkin g for Mr. Joue« o n Mill Creek. H e a r in g . Mrs. L. C, Brown Creek kindred. is visiting Sal t Mr». Chloe But*, county president of the W. C. T. (J. met with the Mon mouth union at (he home of Mr«. H. A. A d k in s recently. Mis» Pared!ne Doughty, of M on­ m ou th . An» been here visiting her »1» ter, Mr«. J. M. Grant. Numerous pumpkins have been Im­ ported from Salem for the UaHai* mar ket and great quantit'*« of celery 1 1itv been brought from there ami from Portland. It has been proven that la»th can he raised aroniid here W h y do not home people ariange to fur­ nish such things. Always take your turkey« and cH c kens to Kigg« C. M. Purvine has been up from the Carrrie Buich is home from Port­ metropolis visiting Spring Valley kin­ land, aud her sisier, Aurelia, from Eu . dred. gene for the holidays. Mrs. Mary A Ramp, o f Salem, ha» George Tatom i# here from Eastern j brought suit against J. H. Collins, of Oregon visiting his sister, Mrs. W. E. Independence for the ^alue of 530 bushels of wheat deposited in his ware Clark. house. Thad Lucas is over from the Tilla-1 Nearly all raisers of fine stock ami mook country aud Lee Burch is down poultry repo.t having sob! nil they from Corvallis. bad for disposal. Most of (hem have Mrs. Peter Cook has been very sick advertised their goods and created a Mark and Nat Burch attended the ■ steady demand. Everybody seems to fuuer»l of Herschel Stum p at Moil want belter grades in the above line», even if they do have to pay considera­ mouth Sunday. bly more for them If you have any­ Pauline Nesmith is back from Sa­ thing good to sell let the public know lem. ii Grandpa Vance has returned a visit to Portland. C h r i s t m a s T im e . The Evangelical church gave 4 very pleasing program Tuosdnv evening 10 their Sunday «tin»»!. It (nn-'At I of r*cilaMnns, chorus, song» and tab­ leau!, all of which w* re performed very c re di I ably. It would l»n wrong to »peak of anyone in particular when all perform* d 1 heir parts well The decoratio 1« we»e two tr* es beautifully decorated with ornam ents and filled wi'h candy, nuts and orange» f«»r the children. A h* antiftil elar of Bet 111*»- | h 111, lighted and hanging in the mid »lie. T he rear 0/ the platform h* Id ‘.he throne and canopy of K ing W in­ ter, which was occupied most of the time by Father Xm as This throne was Hanked on both sides with ever, greens. The red, whit** ami blue were much in evidence. W hen the tree« we:e lit up by their candles it made an artistic picture. Hie presents w* re di»trihuted by Father Christinas and King W inter, assisted by the Christ­ mas greens and plants. Mrs. Winter was the recipient of a beautiful quilt, the gift ef the Junior C. E ’s. Not­ withstanding the inclem ency of the weather, standing room was at a pre­ mium, a lar^e crowd being present — ------------- Jacob Buhler is arranging to plant 850 prune tree* out on Halt creek. Manager Gerlinger and Engineer Convert have gone to spend Christ­ mas in Rcrtland, and Rev. A. A. W in­ ter and wife are with her people in Lafayette. from Giorge Smith ha» been in Newport with his brotherinlaw, Mr. Moffatt, who fell fiom a cliff and broke hi» leg. A T im ely S u g g e s t io n . This is the season of the year when the prudent and careful housewife re- plenisms her supply of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It is certain to he needed before the winter is over, and results are much more prompt ami satisfactory when it is kept at hand and given as soon as I he cold is coll­ ar acted and before it has becom e set tied in the system. In almost every instance a severe cold may be warded off by taking this remedy freely as soon as the first indication of the cold appears. There is no danger in giv ing it to children for it contains no harmful substance. It s pleasant to take— both adults and children like it. Buy it and you will get the best. It ilways cures. For sale by Wilson Drug Co. New Years would be a go »d time to Several men in this county, especi­ «wear o ff from tobacco ami other ally J. R. Shephard, have made a «le- evils. cidod success of growing field peas for Those ! hinkingof raising more Our school teacher having given up hogs the position the question is, who will porker» could gle; n valuable informa­ tion from him at Zemt. succeed her. ^ F F F F F F F F F F F F F F n t L . . \ V ' A t . H t ^ * SALEM S SH O PPIN G C E N TE R ^ V r O i.:> W a r r e * 4 4 j# Iro m now until Christmas Hoi verson will be more truly than ev- ver tiie shopping center of Salem. W e have plenty of experienced clerks ami were never better * quipped in the way of service. Our store fairly bubbles over with Christmas goods from the world’s best market«. Books, toys, dolls, leather goods, mens’ furnishings, toilet articles, handkercheifs,and fancy goods generally. W e are stocked as never before. Santa Claus has made his heudqmirters ii* our basement, where you will find everything new in dolls, toys and games to make the little people happy. Bring them along and do not fail to see our toy window on Court street ami let them see how many toothpicks are stuck into »he apple. The first nearest guess recorded gets the larye beautiful doll. Mail orders will re­ will receive more than our usual careful attention. 1 Ü * * * * * * « * * * * * * * * « * * * * J i » F F ii # a a a a A » DAN YOU INVEST $2 ANY BETTER Than in the Oregonian and Itemizer for one year? H O P W IR E I cun save m oney for you on hop wire. Direct .shipment from enKtern mill. Geo. Roger« has been up from Gas­ T he Thurston dwelling is nearing 1’ rices aiwava the lowest on wire, ami wire fem-iue. <’ urie.pom lcnce s. lic.te I. ton among his old neighbors around om pb-tion. It is room y ami pre­ W A L T E R M O BLEY sents a good appearance. John Miller Crowley. and family are soon to move into it. The new Masonic officers at Inde­ Rev. Goerig from Frtii’ land ami pendence are A. S. L«*cke, C. W . Ir­ Hir-chberg, R. K. Paniidi Rev. Ashlermann from W ashington vine, H snd H H Jasper-on. arc holding meetings here. S A L E ^ ' Besides »riling considerable prune» around home Mrs. E on « nhippe-l 36, 509 pound! to Dundee, it requiring 448 sacks which were hauled by five teams. :ICS O Ì **ADt MARK. T h e G h r l s t m a s D in n e r . In spite of the fact that dyspepsia means literally bad cook, it will not be fair for many to lay the blame on the cook if they begin the Christmas dinner with little appetite and end it wi h distress or nausea. It may not he fair for any to do that— let us hope so for the sake of the co o k ! The dir ease dyspepsia indicates a bad «tom- aeh, rather than a bad cook, and for a weak stomach there is nothing else equal to H ood’s Sarsaparilla, It give» the stomach vigor and tone, cure» dyspepsia, creates appetite, and make» eating the pleasure it should be. Has a record of j W in. Steele } h > umi b**y. and wife have SALEM STEAM LAUNDRY Rheumatism Gout As a turkey and 11 fine Plymouth Rock chickens disappeared from the hen roost of Harry Hquire, somebody must !»♦• going to have a big Christ­ ina« dinner. COLONEL J. OLMSTED, PROP. The louse Funding Com pany N e u ralgia. a 12 Chem icals may make linen look whiter for the time being, but soon ruin it— literally eat it up. W e are not clothes canibals, nor do we get a com m ission from shirt and collar m anufacturers for increasir g de­ mand lor their pit ducts Our cus- ton.ers interest« are ou rs; so we make clothes clean aud help to make them la»*. Orders left with W . R. Ellis or the Salem stage will receive prom pt attention. BUT W IL L CURE from likes | will j for a j Mr. Oglesby hns bought property j and is building a blacksmith shop. IT AT ALL U P -T O -D A T E D R U C C IS T S . MUSICAL DEPARTMENT SALEM A N D A L B A N Y . The Largest Furniture, Carpet and W all Paper *leal*rs in ths W illam ­ ette valley above Portland. Have a co rn e t measurement of your rooms and windows when you com e for carpet«, wall paper and »hades. W e cut shades to fit without charge and make them in any width. W e make our own mattresses and each is exactly as represented. W e also make our own couches and lounges and carry a larga line of coverings. the House Furnishing Company. Miss Alice Knighton is back from a \ \i«it to Oakland and Miss Bertha 1 First door north of DALLAS COLLECE Rowe is home from Monmouth. Salem and Albany. I When leaving the Methodist church + 4* 4* 4* I Sunday evening G W . McLaughlin Î ++4*4* turned over hi» hack with several in J Courses not Excelled in the State. J 1 it. but no damage was done. Î Piano, Organ, Harmony, Composition J Mias M»«rv Hhives, now of Portland, •M -F+++++++++-F4-++-F+4-+++++++ has gone to L*»s Angeles for her % t t % health, being threatened with con t sum p tion. " I C. W . K A N T N E R , D IR E C T O R Mr. Steele bought a span of fine Studio in dormitory. young horses from Mr. Hquire. JEW ELRY SILVERW ARE F O T O GOODS Nasal CATARRH In all It* et«*r«* Giare _ should b* ctoaaturtec Eljr’» 0 r*»m Unlm c ! « M M , eoo the* an d h e *!• the d**eaM**1 membrane. )t cure« cat*: rh and drive« •w»y % eo.d ln th« head C -rM un « » I n . I. r l> N d la t o U m íkm W *. *rM 4 . e r .r Ik . rn.m br.ii. .a d I. .InorbnL N M I l l . u J .c u r . fo lo— » I t i . ■ « C W ,!.* — M prodne. .iwaalng. Larga Sir®, W* M »t. at Drug- gl.t. < * h, mail ; Trtal Wn. 1. k, mall ELY BROTHERS, M W i r t « Strw t, N r » York. O R K S Clothes Eating Not a Cure-All, Wilard Bevens and wife went to Or­ egon City to attend to hi« brother, Speed, who became insane and was taken to the asylum. W W . I. S T A L E Y , Principal, Salem, Oregon. W H E N T A K E N A S D IR E C T E D . I E c ^ T T ir r ^ v x . B x js x z s r z z s s c o l l e g e . | Our sturtenta are "flfored the advantages of a school well known for its thorough w >rk, pleasant rooms skillful teachers and modern methods. Class and individual instruction. Living expenses cheap. Send for catalogue. Excess of Uric Acid I 1 I C ! of time anil money in ajbu.sindss emulation U not a venture. The benefits to I».! -.erive-1 fr.nn eueli a n I last for life and ¡>ay substantial dividends every day. Those facts ure amply ill own by the uniform success | >>f the graduates of the o f all cases of B U E N A V I8 T A . H r A. Baldwin has returned Chicago to remain because he this climate best. His family com e after tarrying in Kansas visit. F E N 9 0 p e r c e n t C u r *S Willard McClain haa been visiting * l*is sisters iu Portland and Oregon 1 C ity. _______ . wood and R IC K R £A LL* School closed last Friday with a It will be good news to the mothers good program. Baskets were sold to of «mall children to learn that croup get money to paper the school house can be prevented. The first sign of Misa Edith Witzel is to begin a six croup is hoarseness. A day or two month« term of school here January before the attack the child becomes 12th. hoarse. This is soon followed by a peculiar rough cough. .Give Cham ­ A L ib e r a l OiTer. berlain’s Cough Rem edy freely a« The under-igned will give a free «oon ae the child becomes hoarse, or -•ample of Cham berlain’s Stomach even after the rough cough appears, ml Liver Tablet« to anvone wanting and it wih dispel all symptoms ot a reliable remedy for disorder« of the croup. In this way all *.anger and stomach, biliousness or constipation. anxi ty may be aviided. This rem­ This is a new remedy and a good one. edy i« used by many thousands of Wilson Drug Co. -----------i ------------ mothers and has never been known POLK. to fail, id is, in fact, the only remedy that can always be depend’ d upon Christmas tree and entertainment and that is pleasant and safe to take. at the M* nnouite church beginning For sale by Wilson Drug Co. at 1 o ’clock Christmas day. The following program will he ren dored at the school house on Christ­ mas eve : Hong— W ake, oh hell«. Invocation— Allen Towns. Add e«p— V. A. Fishhack. Responsive reading— C om ing oi Christ foretold. When Clirisl mas com es— Effit* Ground«. Recitation— Elbert Peterson. Bachelor’s reverie—Vernie Johnson 1 lining ue— Matrimonial advertise ment. Recitation— Belle Scot t. Responsive reading— Ina and Let fie Fbhback. W hittling in heaven— Retta Clarke. Santa Claus— R»*tta Fishhack. Chrbtm as eve— Ruth Haynes. R ecitation— Guy Sevier Christmas exercise— By ten child i ren. R ecitation— Katie Towns. — —• Speech Rowe’s Messrs] Ely B ro s.:— 1 com menced using your Cream B 1m altoqi two | years aao for catarrh. My voice was ►omewhut thick and my hearing wan dull. My hearing ha» been fully re­ stored ;*nd my speech has boeoine quite dear. I am a teacher in our town. L. G. Brown. Granger, U. The Balm does not irritate o r ‘«use sneez­ ing. Hold by druggists at 50 da. or mailed by Eiy Brothers, 56 W arren St., New York. H o w to P r e v e n t C r o u p . Jfc fling Joints 28 Alfred Haldemun vs Clara E Dray et all, suit to remove cloud ; Sib­ ley A Eakin for plf. 29. W m Fanil et al vs M M Ellis, c\ u ity ; Oacar Hayter and Bronaugh A Bronaugh for plf. JO. Nora Church vs Hen. Church, d iv orce; Butler A Coad for plf. R e o o v e te i John Robbins lira traded his team Mr«. B. L. Hastings began with 8 of large mules for a span of horse«. old geese last spring and raised 68 W e are to have a Christmas tree without ev^r feeding them. Wednesday eveuing. when you take Grove’s Tasteless Chill 6 F S Smith vs C W Caldwell et j Tonic because the formula is plainly al, «nit in equity ; Sibley A Eakin for | printed on every bottle showing that plff. ( it is simply iron and quinine in a 7 Kate Conner v« I E Conner, suit ( tasteless form. No cure, no pay. 50 in evuity: J 1' Simpson for plff. i cents. 8 Chas K Spaulding Logging Co vs Independence ii Fall« City Lum M cO oy. her tfc Improvement Co., suit in equi­ W e now have three general mer- ty; Hedges & Griffith for plff; A C chandi.-e sto es. W oodcock for deft. J S Cooper vs Hester Dawson et ux suit to remove clou d ; Sibley A Eakin for plf. WITH A LAME BACK ? crowd at K au’s Both the Methodist and the Presby­ terian chinches were handsomely dec­ orated for the Christmaf festivities. The latter bad one large and the former a number of small evergreen trees and nil were well loaded with things for the children and their friends. In each case an appropriate 10 J H Hawley vh James David Rev. T. M. W aller preaches here pro. r.m m e preceded the distribution son, f*»reclosure; Convert