Polk County itemizer. (Dallas, Or.) 1879-1927, December 05, 1902, Image 2

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OBLiniBD K viry F riday Moon me A t 7:30.
A .
VVedm »day. December 10th, 1 :30 p. m. An U n e q u i U c d 1 an d C o m p l e t e Re
• u m e o f W h a t You r F r i e n d * e re
Address of W elcom e— Kev. T . P
e n d Neve B een Le te ly D oing.
50 ..................................... P er y « » r
| 75 ........................... P ern ix m onth«
Variations in milk tests, 1* of. F. L.
40 ........................Per three month* K e n t
A d v ertisin g rates m ade known on
W ednesday even ing, 7 :30.
application. Correspondence is solicit­
P ou ltry, C. K. Str.its. Discussion.
W om an's true mission, Mrs. Bonnie
Fin e Job P rin tin g done at reasonable Sm ith.
lodects in grow ing fruit, F. M. L e w ­
is. Didcussiou.
Beautifying the home, Mrs. I M,
Simpson and Prof. A. L. KuDely.
Thursday, December 11, 10 o'clock.
T h e Angora g o a t ; its care; desira­
Sibley, J.
ble qu alities sought to he developed
In re estate of E lm er H a rritt, d e­ in its fleece; kemp and how to gel riel
funct. order ol sale of certain proper­ o f it, F. A
L in k, Frank Butler, J.
ty rescinded, and citation to issue to W ith row . Discussion
relatives for January 5lh to show why
Farm wastes and some way of uti­
all real properly should not he sold.
lizin g them, H. I). Slants and Doctor
In the estate of H arvey II. Stanton, W ith y com he*. Discussion.
Soil textures; its influence on crop
deceased, final account approved and
production. Prol. A. L. K nisely. Dis­
adm inistrator discharged.
In the estate of Cornelius Heihert,
Afternoon, 1 :30.
deceased, dual account approved and
Consolidation of rural schools, Prof
adniiniuistrator discharged.
J. II. Ackerm an. Discussion.
In the estate of A. M. Bryant, de­
Com m on diseases of vegetables and
ceased, final account set for hearing how to treal them, Evan Evans, W
January 5th.
H. Robertson.
Cheese m aking on the farm, .Mrs.
Iu the estate of David U. W h itea-
ker, d> ceased, bond filed and approv­ M M. Jones.
N the farm er's g irl of today a fail
In the m atter of the guardianship lire? Mrs. E. B o iler, J. O Sisals.
Fa rm in g— past, present future, Jas
of the m inor Lel-old heirs previous
order cancelled and H enry (fe e . 1). B. H aggard, H. M. Berry. Disruption
T h e c o o p e ra tiv e cream ery; is it a
K in gery and K Small made the ap
necessity in this com m unity? W . W.
praisers of thu estate.
Sm ith, F. Loughary, M. M. Jones, 1.
In the m atter of the e-tate of David M. Simpson. Discussion
W h iteaker, deceased, J. H . dulkey,
Thursday even in g, 7 ;30.
M, W M ix and B. J K e lly were made
Question box.
Some mistakes in bog raising, Dr.
In the m atter of the guardianship W ithyeom be. Discussion.
of the H a rritt minor heirs, petition to
R ecitation , H ttie Evans.
Fertilizers for orchard and garden,
sell real property set for hearing Jan­
uary 5th.
how ami whe.i to apply th em , T racy
In the m atter of the guardianship Staats, F. M. Sm ith. Discussion.
T h e agricultural college and its
o f the m inor heirs of Edward Stead
man. sale o f real property confirmed work, illustrated. Prof. F. L. K en t.
John Teal.
Beth ltiggs.
It was ordered that $17 75 be trans­
ferred from the general road fund to
district No. 1.
T h e bond o f G A. .Shields
supervisor was approved.
Response— Dr. W ithyeom be.
T o Cure e C o ld in O n e Dey
R ecitation — Jefferson Robertson.
Essentials of successful »In en raid­ Take laxative brom o qu in ine tablets.
ing. Disease« of «b eep and now to AH druggists refund the m oney if it
treat I hem — E m m ett Slants and B. F. fails to cure. S ign ature of E. W .
Grove on each box. 25 cents.
Sm ith.
W A H I1 ,
Foil« wing is the program m e o f the
F a rm ei* Institute to be held at Lew is­
ville D/cember 10th ami 11th, under
the auspices of the A gricu ltu ral col­
lege staff and Mono gran ge:
It was ordered that $7 a month be
alluwed for the support of Fred Bier.
B e tt e r T h a n a P IA s te r .
A piece of flannel dampened with
Cham heiIain's Pain Balm and hound
on the affected parts, is better than a
plaster for a lame back and for pains
in the side or chest. Pain Balm has
no 8 Up 2 rior*as a lin im en t for the re­
lief of deep seated, muscular and
iheum atic pains. F o r sale by W ilson
Drug Co.
L E T T E R L IS T .
i 22 20
C G C on i, postage...................
These letters rem ain uncalled for in
Glass A I'ntdhom m e, statnry
19 (X) the Dudas postoflice for the week end­
P W Hubbard, b ou n ty............
8 00 ing Dec. 1th, and parties calling
Hoads and highways
for them will please state that they
Bridw.JI A Craven ...............
4 00 have been a d vertised :
M ill Creek Lum ber Co
8 :i4
Mrs. N in a Brown,
J J W isem a n .................
4 50
M r Frank H u olt,
John K tln e r.............................
12 5 0 1
Mr. Charles Hyslop,
O T Murphy ...........................
4 5t1
Mr. An th on y Hardy,
Ross K o w t il.............................
12 50
Mrs. Mamie Johnson,
H enry H i l l .............................
30 45
Mr. E. P. Koontz,
T B H untley ......................... l i l i HOI
Mr, Thom as J. M iller,
R '.w ell Bros .........................
5 :«i
F F. Rue we r,
J A If an n u m ...........................
49 00,
Mr. Ran Smith,
L Ground ...............................
2 50 !
G. L. Smithson.
T B H ill .................................
3 42 I
C. G. C o a d , postmaster.
R oyal A Son ...........................
37 50
Pauper account
T he G oat Show .
Auguat G ross...........................
4 50
On the 14th and 15th of January
F A D o u ly ...............................
19 00
D G Meador ...........................
fH) I there w ill be in the woolen m ill at
C E H u n t l e y .......................... 11 50 Dallas the finest exhibit of goats,
W m T u rpin . . . . ....................
10 00 sheep and poultry ever seen in this
county. There wdl be several times
J E S ib ley.................................
06 05 as many sheep as last year, and the
E H uyler ...............................
50 00 I indications are that there will be s<-
F E M y e r .................................
75 00 much poultry as to require the whole
M ilo W o o d s ...........................
40 00 ! second story floor to he set apart for
E V D alton .........................
09 55 I them. As many outside exhibitors
U S lam gln iry.......................
136 58 are expected, half rate transportation
C L Starr
34 18 lias been securek over the Southern
W F Nichols
50 00 I Paid tic, and W ells, Fargo A Co. are
H G Cam pbell, tax rebate. .
49 71 j expicted to make concessions. Messrs
L I) Daniel, court h o u s e .. . .
40 (XI i Fenton, Grant and A vrts wili see to it
M D Ellis, court house . ..
30 25 that everythin g is ready for the show.
Lyn ch A R ow ell, jail ..........
12 75
A L ib e r a l O ffe r.
T h e under-igned will give a free
Many farmers wh > are greatly in sample of Cham berlain's Stomach
need of help am) toe busy to h u o i for and L iver Tablets to anvoue wanting
it m ight make it pay to let their wants a reliable remedy for disorders o f the
known under our heading New Today. stomach, biliousness or constipation.
Blank notes and receipts for sale at T h is is a new remedy and a good one.
thia office, al-o all kinds of legal W ilson Drug Co.
Ju d g e S touffer Dead.
T h e flouring m ill is con sta n tly run­
ning, and has enough orders »b ead to
keep it running the balance o f the
A. F. Stoner has added a carpenter
shop to his property and L. C K oser
has sold his tim ber claim .
Mrs* Nelson, m oth er
Lucas, has beeu quite
M in u ville .
of Mrs. B. F
sick iu M c-
S. T . Burch sold 34 bftles of baby
Imps at 25 cents, and P. A K oser sold
three hogs each weighing 400 !ba.
W . E. Goodell raised a radish three
feet long and w eighing 15 pounds.
R obert H atton , o f Dallas, lias been
here visiting his old Missouri neigh
bor, A F. Stoner.
Some m agnet
W m . R ow ell to M on m ou ih,
Mr. Munch is hack from In d ep en ­
dence, where he wa» a m iller.
Rev. W in ter w ill preach here
second Sunday iu Decem ber.
T h e Best P rescription for M a la r ia
chills and feveis is a b< itle o f Grove's
Tasteless C h ill T o n ic I t is sim ply
iron and qu in ine in a tasteless form
No cur»», no pay. P rice 50 cents.
-------- ---------------
John Sum pter i* raising a beautiful
Scotch collie pup.
M r». A J. S hipley and children will
«pend Christm as week with her rela­
tives in Benton county.
E veryb od y plays
long evenings.
Miss V ollan s, o f Portland,
ing the An tioch school.
is teach­
F. C. H aynes is constructing a new
smoke house.
T h e W heelocks are plow ing and
will seed a number of acres in vetch.
A llen T owhh killed
hogs M on­
Mrs. E va Barnes is visiting her par­
ents, A lle n Tow ns and wife.
T h ere will be a Christmas
the An tioch school house.
body is invited to com e and
splendid time.
*ree at
E ve ry­
have a
Mrs Maud Lewis, who sprained her
arm last week, is slowly im p rovin g.
Mr. W oods and fam ily, of Pedee,
weie visiting in our neighborhood last
H ow to Pro v en t Croup.
It w ill be good new » to the mothers
of small children to learn that croup
can be prevented. T h e first sign of
croup is hoarseness. A day or two
before the attack the child becomes
hoarse. T h is is soon followed by a
peculiar rough cough. G ive C h am ­
berlain’s Cough R em edy freely as
soon a8 the child becomes hoarse, or
even after the rough cough appears,
and it will dispel all sym ptom s of
croup. In this way all (.an ger and
a n x iety may be avoided. T h is rem ­
edy in used by many thousands of
mothers and has never been known
to f»il.
It is, in fact, the o n ly rem edy
that can always be depend' d upon
and that is pleasant and safe to take.
For sale by W ilson Drug Co.
E verybody k illin g hogs.
Mrs. Thos. Card has been
with poison oak.
Charlie Farley lost a good horse.
Spelling school and literary
along nicely.
Mrs. North C herringtou lias n turn­
E verett H iltihrand and H arry Hih-
Pou.oiiu grunge w ill m eel with Mo-
Thousands H a v e K id n e y Trouble
ed from a two m outh» absence iu ba il are working in sawm ills near El no grange in L ew isville at 7 o ’clock
and D o n ’ t K n o w it.
C alifornia, ami D J. R iley will soon yin in Eastern Oregon, and Alex I Ills even ing »o confer the liiili degree.
H o w T o Find Oat.
Fill a bottle or common glass with your
An Ancient Foe
and Pills
K irkla n d is feeding 2,000 sheet> on A ll fou itli degree m in ili, r- "'ll * de-
boot pulp at the Lagram le sugar fac »¡re to go a step liigh ei are invited to
A t K er»la k e ’s furnitu re store you lo ry.
! attend.
can have the choice of man\ beautiful \
. mat picture« for 25 cents.
H i* rock­
er». easy chair*, iron bedsteads, stand
tables, rugs, couches and
would make such uice Christmas
water and let It stand tw«n:y-four hours; a
sediment or set­
tling Indicates an
unhealthy condi­
tion of the kid­
neys; if it stains
your linen it is
evidence of kid­
ney trouble; too
F o r Christm as we offer you stylish
frequent desire to
pass it or pain in serviceable goods of real value.
R. E. B r y a n A S on
the back Is also
convincing proof that the kidneys and blad­
Dalton lias p i id
der are out of order.
the last half of the slate tax, it being
W hat to Do.
There Is comfort In the knowledge so 114,122.
often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-
T h r Dallas C ity bank is soon to be
Root. the great kidney remedy fulfills every
wish in curing rheumatism, pain in the treated to a new vault and new fu r­
back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part n ish in g« throughout.
of the urinary passage. It corrects inability
Mrs. R ow ell, o f A lb an y, ¡8 »till In le
to hold water and scalding pain In passing
it, or bad effects following use of liquor, with her d;.lighter, Mrs T . A. R iggs,
wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant who has been down w ith (ty p h o id for
necessity of being compelled to go often ! three week».
during the day, and to get up many times
T h e y are h avin g inter sting m eet­
during the night. The mild and the extra­
ordinary effect of S w a m p -R o o t Is soon ings at the Baptist eliureh, an Orem n
realized. It stands the highest for its won­ C ity m inister d‘ *ing
most of tire
derful cures of the most distressing cases. j preaching.
If you need a medicine you should have the
best. Sold by druggists in50c. and$l. sizes.
A n o th er car of sugar just in, also
You may have a sample bottle of thia | en tire fiesli line of groceries. T w en ty
pounds of sugar f> r a dollar.
and a book tkat tells
R. E. B r y a n A S on
more about it, both sent
absolutely free by mall,
Dallas merchants are stocked up for
address Dr. Kilmer & Hom* of Swamp-Rex*. a big holiday trade.
Co., Binghamton, N. Y. When writing men­
tion reading this generous offer in this paper.
A Chicago A Great W estern car will
Dave here tom eirow
pou n di of the E llis prunes bound for ■
came down l ist wesk to be with their London.
»laughter, Mrs O. M artin, who has
Johnson P orter, of Benton county,
been quite sick.
has bought some fine sheep from T . W .
A. B. L acey started to Sweet Hom e Brnnk at Eola.
last Thursday, expecting to be gone
Our c ity charter has some weak
-everal day».
points and needs som e
Mrs. J. O. Davidson treated a few of hence the city cou n cil ha» form ulated
her relatives to an excellen t Thanks­ the desired change» and H on . G. L. f
giv in g dinner
H aw kins w ill try to get them through
Ralph Davidson came down from the legislature. Some forty citizens
petitioned the council to have a local 4 *
Corvallis last W ednesday to spend a
option clause added, hut no action
few days at home.
was taken thereon. I> is said that
Frank Burch, o f P om eroy, W a s h ­ the advocates of local option will peti­ '-'•v
in gton , form erly of Independence and tion the legislature direct, preparatory
well known throughout this county, to the city election in April.
was recently elected auditor of G ar­
AJ>el U glow is gettin g out from a
field cou n ty, W ashington.
spell of pneum onia.
G eorge Shafer lias been qu ite sick,
but is im p rovin g.
T h e H igh lan d grange is progressing
U H c s d ],
A T im e ly S u g g e s t i o n .
T his is the season o f the ye a r when
the prudent and careful housewife re-
plem sm s her supply o f Cham berlain’s
Cough R em edy. I t is certain to be
needed before the winter is over, and
results are much m ore p rom pt and
satisfactory when it is kept at hand
ami given as soon as the cold is con-
aracted and before it has become set­
tled in the system. In alm ost every
instance a severe cold may be warded
off by taking this rem edy fieely if»
soon as the first indication of the cold
appears. T h ere is no danger in giv
in g it to children for it contains no
harm ful 8ubstaff($. It s pleasant to
take— both adults and children like
it. Puy it and you will get the best.
It ilw ays cures. F o r sale by W ilson
Drug Co.
T h e president’s message is plain,
in te llig e n t, m anly and conservative.
It will n it meet with universal ap­
proval but the masses w ill say amen
to its contents. T h ere is no doubt as
to how he stands on any question
touched, and while a friend to the
people at large is not averse to the
com bin ations of capital unless used
to the d etrim ent of public welfare.
H e wants nothing done that would
check or hinder the welfare o f the
cou n try at large.
M on th» ago w»* began th in k in g about our holiday stock»—
ware ta le d ing here and 'here the choicest article* for t i e
least m oney, buying o f tho (in ton es d irect in m o s t case» to
►eve the m iddlem an's profit, takin g the largest possibi q u in -
lilies in order to get the lowest |x».-sihle prices. A n y tinm y* u
iiri in Salem we want you to visit our store and fee the result
of our hard w ork; we want you to see the ct'»ck com plete be­
fore the lines are broken up. A ll goods are m arked in plain
figures, and while lookin g around you can lea*n the price*.
W ith us it is not a question of how much we can get, bqt for
liow little we can
11 T h a t is the way t ur business has in­
creased. If you w an t an yth ing in the line of books, b ille *,
toilet articles, leather goods, »te ilin g silver novelties, calan
ders, games and gam e hoards, we cun save you m oney. W e
give a 10 per cent discount on current cop yrigh t bnuks. W e
in vite you to make our »to re your home while in Salem.
H ave your package* sent h er« and we will attend to them for
The W. H.Burghardt Company,
203 C om m ercial street, Salem.
Time You were Thinking
Of vour Christmas presents. Would not
a nice sewing machine please your wife?
We will have a flue assortment in a few
days. Also have everything you may
need in the hardware line, including
pumps, stoves, and a fine lino of the new
German ware.
Guy Brothers, Dallas,
Than in the Oregonian and Itemizer for one year?
9 0 p e r c e n t C u r *S
of all cases of
Excess of Uric Acid
I can save m oney for you on hop wire. D irect shipm ent from eastern m ill,
i Prices alw avs the lowest on wire and w ire fen cin g. Correspondence solicited.
Not a
o f time and money in afhnsiiuss education is not a venture. The benefits to b ; derived from »uoh a ; * i
last for life and pay substantial dividends every day. These facts are amply shown by the uniform success
of the graduates of the
Our students are offered tne advantages of a school well known for its thorough work, pleasant rooms
skillful teachers and modern methods. Class and individual instruction. Living expenses cheap. Send
for catalogue.
W . I. S T A L E Y , P r i n c i p a l , S ale m , Oregon.
Clothes Eating
C hem icals may make linen look
w h iter for the tim e being, but soon
ruin, it— litera lly eat it up. W e are
not clot lies canibals, nor do w e ^ e t
a com m ission from »liirt and collar
m anufac turers for inereasii g d e ­
mand lor their pn duels
Our cus­
tomers interests are ou rs; so we
make clothes clean and help to
make them last. Ord« rs le ft with
W . R. E llis or the Salem stage will
receive p rom pt attention.
T h e donkey engine and
scrapers are now located and at work
near th e railroad camp close to the
H arris house.
Has a record of
Ebert. Thom pson and w ife of H o tel
Gail have gone to Portland, where he
i» su ffejin g from appendicitis.
T h e Oregonian we have ordered for
Ralph Dodson, M onm outh, J. K . C on ­
ner, lo n e, and E T . M orrison, P h o en ­
Tn the county court of the state of Oregon
ix , A rizon a, they gettin g it and tins
for the county of Polk.
paper a year for two dollars.
In the matter of ths guardianship of Alice
C O L O N E L J. O L M S T E D , P R O P .
Judge Stouffer was a brotherinlaw La Verne Harritt, Bernice Irene H arritt, and
Elmer Warren Harritt, minors. Order.
o f G eorge Graves of Sheridan, S C.
it appearing from the petition of Angie W .
Ed W rig h t is working for John R ob­ Foster o f T illam ook, John M cCain of H irritt, guardian of the person and estate of
Idaho, John M artin and Jas. M cCain Alice Laverne Harritt, Bernice Irene H ar­
ritt, and Elmer Warren Harritt, minors, that
of M cM in n ville.
it would be beneficial that the inter»its of
Grandpa K im ball nearly lost his
said minors in the whole of the real estate of j
Miss F rick ey, of Salem , w ill speak »aid minor* should be sold:
1 right eye by gettin g blue v itrio l in it.
on hom e missions at the M ethodist
the next of kin of said minors, to-wit: Julia
1 R eece Robbi * and wife have been ( hutch next Sunday m orning.
am ong kindred here.
P. Harritt, Byron W . Harritt, Cornelia Har­
Hon. D. W . Sears, of In dependence, ritt, J. W . Harritt, II. C . Harritt, Angie W .
I O liv er Dennis has a new plow and
, Harritt, and Alice C. Emmett, and all i»er-
am ong his Dallas friends yester­ j son* interested in said estate, appear before
j John Robinson a new harrow, and
I this court on the
they are anxious for tlie rain to q u it
Jot atlian Stouffer was born i n
Pennsylvania 77 years ago, and in
1851 came to O-egon with the fam ily
of Jas McCain, who settled and tor
many years lived near Ballston. In
1853 he took as a donation claim the
I t will be unlawful to kill Chinese farm southwest of Ballston where he
pheasants any more until n x t O cto­ lived alm ost continuously until Ins long enough to try them.
Se e elsewhere program offarm ers in ­
death last Sunday. As hihmi as In-
stitu te at L ew isvill* next W ednesday
T h e Dallas A Falls C ity railway settled t lie re he married Miss Agnes You K n o w W h a t You Are T a k i n g and T b u p tla y , Slipshod, haphazard
)>eople have had a hard tim e getting McCain, who died in IS fil, leaving an when you take Grove's Tasteless Chill farm in g no lon ger pays. In both till­
tlu ir donkey engine out to the L ie on ly child, Daniel P., who is now po­ T o n ic because the form ula is plainly ing the »o il and raising stock skilled
place, where it w ill he used in run­ lice judge and city recorder of Dallas. printed on every bottle show ing that in telligen ce have becom e necessary.
I After that Mr Stouffer spent several it is sim ply iron and qu in in e in a
ning the ateel scrapers in the outs.
Those who drag alon g after the old
! years as blacksmith and faultier at the ! tastele.-s form. N o cure, no pay. 50
fashion will he l e f t in the unprofitable
A t our annual goal show both sheep I Grand Ronde Indian agency. A t an cent*.
rear. Read carefu lly the subjects to
and {Kiultry w ill he admitted ami ¡early day he was justice of the peace,
be discussed at that con ven tion . T h e y
there IS sure to be a gisal display of I and at Pleasant H ill was superinten-
cover the whole subject of farm life.
each. C. I). Nairn, of Dallston. will | dent i f one of the first Sunday schools
E very man and woman within easy
he on hand with numerous samples of organised in this county. In 18G8 he
H om er W h ite, who has been work
his line Sc. tch C ollie dogs
G >a's was sent to the legislature and was in g for a cigar com pany of Portland, reach who can possibly spare the tim e
should attend. A ll w ill be welcom e
may lie entered fot com petition front largely instrum ental in electing H W . is again at home.
and am ple provision w ill be made for
anywhere on the coast.
Corbett to the United States senate.
Cal Patton and wife, the Salem I those from a distance.
He was chosen probate judge o f this
blacksm ith, spent T h an ksgivin g with I
I county in 1888 and served with honor
M is» Nan W ilson is spending a few
her parents, M. F. W h ite and wife.
and efficiency for four years. H avin g
days with Alban y friends. S in and
Iteen considered a man of extra good
her m other will toon go to spend the
w inter at their old hom e at Spring-
To health and happiness is Scrofula— judgm ent many of Ins early day ilin g her father, Rev. Pewtherer.
field, Missouri, where Miss K ate is in
as ogly aa ever sine© time immemorial.
J. L. Gay h is added a cow and two j
vice in tim e of trouble. H avin g been
college. Miss Genevi- ve A ldrich is to
It causes bunches in the neck, dis­
a M ethodist for 50 years it was most heifer« to his grow ing herd.
clerk in the W ilson drug store.
figures the skin, inflames the mucous
appropriate that his
was : J. \ Roberts, of Salem, shipped |
membrane, wastes the muscles, weak­ preached in the church at B a llsto n 1
Independence elected city officials
over night at Case R iggs’ on his way
ens the bones, reduces the power of Iasi Monday by his lon g tim e ftiend,
O. D, B u tler defeated
to I’errydale to drill a well for Henry last Monday
reaiatance to disease and the capacity Rev. T . L. Jones. H e was one of the Keyt.
J. M. Stark for m ayor, W . D. Sharm-
for recovery, and develop« into Con­ charter members of the Dullaa Odd
ai> defeated 1). Davidson for the re-
This is the tim e o f year when our c* rder*hip.
Fellow lodge, and a number of the
an mption.
J. W . Richardson Jr.
cam e out ahead of L. L. W ip r o t lor
••A bunch appeared on the left side of
my neck. It caused great pain, was lanced, Itia custom to sp« nd the summers on Riggs was the last to bn cher « bo­ treasurer, and C. A . Hubbard rather
and became n running sore. I went into a the farm with the fam ily of Orvil vine. It is rumored that h** tried to than A. J T u p p er is to »erve as m ar­
general decline. I was persuaded to try
•ever the jo in t o f the fore leg too near sh .1. T h e new coou cilm en are W H.
Hood’s Sarsaparilla, and When I had taken Focht ami the winters here with the
•lx bottles ray neck was healed, and I have fam ily of Ins sou, Dan. Judge Htouflcr the horns, but as he remembered the Craven, A. S. Locke and A n d y W il­
never had any trouble of the kind since.'* had a long list of friends, but no e n ­ stranger and the fatherless, we will son.
Mas. K. T. SNYDKa. Troy, Ohio.
credit no e vil report of hint.
— —
.... . -
W e have just received a supply of
the la u s l styles of visiting cards.
- PISO S C U R E FOB n .
H arrv Lacev and fam ily, of Peedee,
( t ill rid you o f H, radically and pet- ( Come this way for old lepers for visited C. P. W ells and wife last week!
«M M D tly , M they b a r « rid tb ouatod«. t house cleansing and other
| Mr. C o »U to d w i(e, of O .k v iile,
Perry Baughman and Gilm an Nunn
are arranging to start a paper in con
nection with Dallas college. T h e for­
mer will do the ed itoiia l and the la t­
ter the mechanical work.
be b tek from bis old B istou home.
9th Day of Jan uar y, 1003,
Ths House Furnishing Goopasy
T h e Largest Fu rn itu re, C arpet and W a ll Paper dealers in the W illa m ­
e tte valley above P o rtlan d . H ave a correct m easurem ent of vour
rooms and windows when you com e for carpets, wall papier and shades.
W e cut shades to fit w ith ou t charge and make them in any w idth .
W e make our own mattresses and each is exa ctly as represented.
W e also make our own couches and lounges ami carry a large line of
coverin gs
the House Furnishing Company.
A t the hour of 10 o’clock, a. m., to show
cause, if any they can, why such sale should
not be ordered.
Dated this 2nd day of Deceinl»er. 1902.
J E. S IB L E Y ,
Judge of the Probate Ceurt.
First door north of postoffice, Salem, Oregon.
Salem and Albany.
Stores at
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + * 4 - + + + - !- + ''" ?-■*•+++
Courses not Excelled in the State.
4 .
i Piano, Organ, Harmony, Composition J
*+ + + ♦ + ♦+ •!•+ + + + + + •••+ + + + ■ !•+ + •► + +
C. W. K A N T N E R ,
Studio in dormitory.
W atches oe
A large stork to
select from
and prices always
P F E N N IG ,
Jeweler and Optician.
Salem WoolenMills Store
Largest stock of Men and Boys’ GotMng
between Portland and San Francisco
Shirts, Underwear, Sweaters, Rain Coats,
Overalls, Jumpers, etc., etc., and everything
in men and boys’ wear may be found at rea­
sonable pi ices at tit«
Opposite Capital National bank and head­
quarters for Salem made blankets, flannels
and clothing.