THE POLK CQUHTY ITEMIZER M ERITED SU C C E S S A c h i e v e d by Dr. D a r r i n in a Diffi­ c u l t P r o f e s s i o n in a S h o r t T i m e . OUR STAFF OF RUSTLERS. Over-Work Weakens Your Kidneys. WHAT THEY HAVE TO SAY ABOUT If wn.vond f iU to p»y his ju st s h a re of taxation it will not be for lack *of vigilance »ml per.-istonce on the p a rt *>f S heriff Ford. Let those who h a v e not paid th eir 1901 tax in full re m e m ­ ber th a t the balance will become d e ­ lin q u e n t O ctober 7th . a n d th a t if u o t paid ! win re »hat tim e th ere will be a penalty of 10 percent and interest a t 12 percent from April past.. CAN YOU INVEST $2 ANY BETTER Than in the Oregonian and Itemizer for one year? THE DO INCS IN THE COUNTY. [Salem 8t.tU .-m an.j UBbeAlthy Kidneys Hake Impure Blood* O ur representative a few days ago paid a biief call on Dr. D arrin a t his An U n a q i . M e i i a n d C o m p l e t e Ra Ail the blood in your body passes through your kidneys once every three n.inute*. „ ■ um a «; W n a t Your F n a n d s a re office in the W illam ette hotel. He " S L im ' i « » K vbuy KklDAY M o k n im i A t 7 T h . kidney* are your ■rid H a ve B e e n L ately D o in g . found the parlor tilled w ith patien ts, W l i blood purifiers, they fil­ I am now tak in g ord nr* to m ake lip a c a r load of -fencing f«>r OcM1» r d eliv­ h u t after a sh o rt wait the d octor m an- ' v v . ¿v. w a s h . ter out the waste or ery a t low price. Place y our ord er as soon as jwmi *le.— WA L l’EK M HILL < aged to spare a few m o m e n t' from hi*» N o t D o o m e d F o r Life. Impurities in the blood. BDITOIi AMI) PHOPRIBToR . All who have atte n d ed th e presen t hn*inc«e for a brief c h at. H is j rivate ,-I » a i 're n te d ti,r Ui’ee y e ar, by II they are sick or out •ta le fair prouotluce it the t»est ever office, a large pleasant room , pi esc* uts ,r.« l d o c to r.,” w rite. W . A Hreer, of order, they fall to do held in Oregon. T he exhibition of a Strang« sig h t to the eyes of th e no their amrk. Mi.Connell»* ille. O., “ »or pile» and ft« 8U B 8C K lP IT O N w R A T K 8: Patna, aches and rheu­ stock »»f all kinds and of a g ric u ltu ra l in itiate !. It is filled with tin-dical, ' tula. bu t. wlien all failed, B uckloi/« matism come from ex­ productions and m anufacture« has j l 50 ......................................... Per v»*r ►urgical and elect.ical spparati»s/k>me A rniu* Halve cured me in tw o wr- of the m ost com plicated n a tu re , and , C u re , b u rn .,, rut«,x>orti*, c o re ., | 7 5 .................................P er nix m onth« blood, due to neglected n ia and most of th e eastern states. 40 .......................... l’e r th re e m outh« em bodying the very latest triu m p s of eruption*, «alt rh e u m , pile* or no pay. kidney trouble. Stock m en from o th er sta te s express surgical genius and invention. A l-, 25c a t all druggist*, Kidney trouble cause, quick or unsteady surprise a t thtwex *el!en»;e of our ex ­ Of tim e and m<>:iey in a Lunin jus education in i o * v e n tu r e . T he b#n«RU to b td o rh o U fi hi »no i a e» ur»e A d v ertising rates m ade known on tho u g h bis tim e was precious, the doc heart beats, and makes one feel as though ap p licatio n . C orrespondence i«solicit­ T h e a tte n d a n c e has been last for life and pay s u b sta n tia l dividends every d ay. T hese facts are a m p ly shown l»y th e u n ifo rm sue e » tor to- k a few m in u tes to satisfy c u r - ! they had heart trouble, because the heart la h ibits. SUVEN ed. over-working In pumping thick, kidney- large, th e order ¿ood am i everybody of th e g rad u a te s of th e iohitv by e x plaining som e of th e ii «« m F in e Jo b P rin tin g done at reasonable C A P I T A L B T S I I T E S E C O L L E G E . Two of tlie C srp e u le r brother* will poisoned blood through veins and arteries. well pleased. of the various ap p aratu s. It is not Our students are offered trie advantages of a school well known for its thorough work, plutmnt rooms, orice«. It used to be considered that only urinary w ithin the scope of th is arti *le to (J > have a »ale in i t week ai d go '•> Muu- T he in fa n t child i f Mr. and Mr«. skillful teachers and modern methods. Class and individual iiutructioii. Living expense* cheap. Bend t ' i n to engage in th e sheep buaine*«. troubles were to be traced to the kidneys, scribe all the wonderful devices. but now modern science proves that nearly Cam pbell, who was Miss Della H u b ­ for catalogue. Dt. D arrin’s m ethods of practice nre Mr». Sw eet and d a u g h b r, an evan- all constitutional diseases have their begin­ bard, was buried yesterday. W . I. STALEY, Principal, Salem, Oregon. Prof D nnkclberger, who is to teach radically different from those of o th er ning In kidney trouble. m athem atic« in our college, has arriv­ ph* eiciana. E x am in atio n ami con­ geli«t, are i irk in g hope n ear here. A nother of scrapers for the If you are sick you can make no mistake ed from IVniinylvanii , and those who su ltatio n with him are absolutely free T he wind* having tak e u all tne by first doctoring your kidneys. The mild Falls C ity & Dallas railw ay arrived have m et him are q u ite favorably im ­ If you are sick and do not know what m o i-'in e o u t of the ground potato** and ihe extraordinary effect cf Dr. Kilmer's W ednesday, and the d irt is already pressed w ith the gentlem an. ails y ou, he wiil w ithout, one cen t of «re dry in g up and the crop will be S w am p -R o o t, the great kidney remedy Is flying on the grade near Doug G il­ soon readied. Il stands the highest for its lia m ’s. short. R andolph B utler, Mis« E d ith F rink c o st, thoroughly exam ine you, diag- wonderful cures of the most dlstiessing cases ♦ • * ■ ■ - and Ur. P fandhotder’« «on, of Fall* j nose yo u r case and tell you exactly A. B. Muir ha« been chosen ex ecu ­ and is sold on Its merits Pt rfect satisfaction em anate« from ev­ To C u r e a C o l d In O n e Day C ity, are expected to a tte n d Dallas what ails you. T hen if you wish him tor of the Asa 8*1»reve estate under $8,- by all druggists In fifty- ery sh irt front, collar and cuff th u t »« college, and ao are Jesse Plan king ton to tre a t you, he will do so, and will do Take laxative brom o q u in in e tablets. cent and one-doliar siz­ 600 bond, the property to be appraised l.aum bred here. O ur line laundry and Jo h n S m ith s son of B ridgeport, it a t a reasonable cost, but after diag­ All druggists refun»! th e m oney if it i es. You may have a bv T. J. H ayler, Sam uel Coad and J. work is heyont com pt-thm by any one nosing your case, he wiil leave it en- j fails to cure. S ig n a tu re of E. W. sample bottle by mail n « or «.< young Mr. Hoffm an and Misses E is D. Sm ith. in Salem ami we c an n o t help b u t feel free, also pamphlet telling you how to find ley and Odell of D avtou, Dan Brown i tin ly to your ju d g m e n t w hether you Grove on each box. 25 cen ts. proud of it. You will, too, when you out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. of Salem and Mins E d n a I lave» from will he treated. PIO N E E R . see iht* perfect color and finish th a t Mention this paper when writing Dr. Kilmer CONCORD. Dr. D arrin has c ertain ly acheived Sodaville. It Co., Binghamton, N. Y. we lay on them when you bring them Mrs. M iddleton has been picking rem arkable success since he has been T he B axter th resh in g m achine had here. Dwelling houses are now in great in Salem and Ids practice is rapidly hops a t th e ir Salt Creek farm , where the longeet ru n in llii* p a rt of th e dem and and in a few weeks it will be increasing. Not only do his p a tie n ts picking began last M onday. c o u n try . R. W. 8w ink sp e n t m ost of la»t alm ost im possible to g e t one in Dallas com e from this city, b u t from all over W ith th eir now th ree h in g outfit T he telephone from C lanfield’s to | week in C alifornia. T. \V. D runk call« hi« place near the no rth w est. T estim onials of cures Blodgett egtin, th e C ucuintier bug* have tak e n nearly Septem ber 10th Mrs. Job R ichards renewal of which is a m en ta l and good. wold sheeep. all the garden*. Open for both sexes. Attention given to individual needs. visited the city and placed her little physical stra in to all except the most J . A. W illiam « has two team s h a u l­ T he Co*m opolitan is publishing a d a u g h te r u n d e r D r. D a rrin ’s tr e a t­ G randm a Bowie* ba* been viaiting rugged. Tire lit le girl th a t a few days ing wood to town. series of sketches of leaders in the m en t for an aggravated care of c a ­ Classical, Scientific, Elementary, and business courses. ago had roses in her cheeks, and the her sou, Jo sh u a A m erican business world, half a dozen ta rrh . H er faith in Dr. D a rrin ’s cure little boy whose lips were th en so red SUNNY SL O P E . or m ore each m onth. N othing they is unbounded, having seen the effects Mr* L ynn r.nd four ch ild ren and you would have insisted th a t th ey had Unusual advantages in Music and Art. Expenses reduced ever putdished tas hail •) larger circle | o a o th er m em bers of the family» her Ed R ichm ond and wife picked 24 been ‘‘kissed by straw berries,” have M orris W h telo ck is yery ill with ty­ of readers. phoid fever. boxc» of hop* in oue day. to the minimum. Excellent dormitory and gymnasium already lost som ething of th e ap|>ear- oldest d a u g h te r having I teen cured of ance of h e alth . Now is a tim e when Udell Bros, will have a public «ale a loathsom e case of discharging ears Mrs. S chneider, of A lbina, was in A Boy’s W ild R i d e fo r Life. advantages F o r C a ta lo g u e s A ddrc»», m any ch ild ren should be giveu a ton­ of slock atid farm ing implemen*« on and c atarrh . Mrs. R ichards was also W ith fam ily around expecting him ic, w hich m ay a v ert m uch serious ( th is vicinity this we« k. the Anan Mver place a t Sm ithfield on cured of deafness by th e doctor. PR E S ID E N T C. C. PO LIN », D allaa, O regon. T h e doctor m akes a s o c ia lly of all to die, and a son rid in g for lile, 18 trouble, and we know of no o th er ao j T h e Kiddvll’fl will soon s ta r t th eir W ednesday, Septem ber 24th, l>egin ^ ning a t 10 o’clock, anil on S atu rd ay , diseases of tlie eye, ear, nose and th»* m iles, to get Dr. K in g ’s New Discov­ highly to be recom m ended as H ood’s ! clover h olier for the fall ru n . O ctober 18th, O’Brien £roe. will have th ro a t, c a ta rrh deafness, bro n ch itis, ery for co n su m p tio n , coughs and S arsaparilla, w hich stre n g th e n s the Rev. M ulkey will preach a t A ntioch a sim ilar sale a t Balm Grove, north la grippe, dyspepsia, h e art, liver blad ­ colds, W . H. Brown, of I>eesville, Ind., nerves, perfects digestion and assim i der and kidney diseases. H e p erm a­ endured d e a th ’s agonies from asthm a, lation, and aids m en tal developm ent th e fo u rth S unday. of Independence. nently cures fem ale troubles, u lce ra ­ but th is w onderful m edicine gave in by bu lding up the whole system . T h e H aynes fam ily is cam ping and From the Independence E nterprise tio n , displacem ents, etc., also g e n ito ­ st in t relief and Boon cured him . H e picking hops for Ike Y oakum , while we learn th a t L ym an D am on lias op­ u rin ary and skin diseases, in eith er w rites: “ I now sleep soundly every RICKREALL. th e F iahbacks and C larkes are pu k­ ened u feed, Hour and comm ission sex, such as blood taint«, sem inal j nigh*.” Like m arvelous cur«» of con­ S. T. B urch sold ten bales of hops ing a t Rrckreall for S am uel O rr, who p n e u m o n ia , bronchitis, *to-e; th a t Miss Vena Goff lias gone ! weakness and lost vigor, varicocele su m p tio n , to teach in M ontana; th a t Mrs. S. R. and strictu re. All curable c hronic coughs, colds and griiq>e prove its to Squire F a rra r of Salem , a t 25 cents. i* paying 50 cents a box. George Sullivan is d ry in g bops for W ithrow is suffering with a c a n c e r; m ale and female diseases treated at m atchless m erit for all th ro a t and PARK A N D W A S H IN G T O N , P O R TL A N D , O R C G O N N M. M cD aniel cam e u p from th a t the old W est Side p lan t lias b u n $5 a week, $20 per m o n th , or in th a t lung troubles. G u a ran te ed bottles 50c P o rtla n d to peddle vegetables und bis brothers, Ira and T om , of AlcTim- T h e sc h o o l w h e re th o r o u g h w o rk is d one; w h e re th e re a so n is moved to Eastern Oregon und th a t its proportion of tim e as th e case m ay and $1. T iia l bottles Lee a t ull d ru g ­ o th er th in g s th ro u g h the hop yards. m otids V alley. form er publisher, E. C. P cntland,! require. No case published, except gists. id w a y s g iv e n ; w h e re c o n fid e n ce is d e v e lo p e d ; w h e re b o o k k e e p in g O ur school will sta rt th e first Mon­ Mrs. D. O. B rin so n , of Lewisville, think« of moving from C rescent C ity , by perm ission of the p a tie n t. Alt bu- i * t a u g h t e x a c tly as b o o k s a re k e p t in b u s in e s s ; w h e re s h o r th a n d is and her dau g h ter, Mrs. J E. Sihlev, of day in October w ith A. J . Shipley as C alifornia, to P ortland, where he aiiieaa relation« with Dr. D arrin strict NORTH DALLAS. Dallas, have been visiting Mrs. W . E. teacher. W )Uld become a new spaper solicitor. ly confidential. L etters of inquiry i i id e e a sy ; w h e re p e n m a n s h ip is a t its b e s t ; where h u n d re d s o f J . G. Brown finds i t difficult to get R obert C lark and wife are down answ ered. C irculars and question enough cream to supply th e dem and Uoodell. 'i.h k e e p e rs a n d s te n o g r a p h e r s have been e d u c a te d for success in T he G w inn house half way to M on­ blanks hen*-, free. Eyes tested and Mr. M olsou, of M ontreal, C a n ad a , is from Blodgett V alley, w orking in a m outh, and which form erly belonged glasses fitted. Dr. D arrin ’s offices are for b u tte r. hopyard a t Kickreull. iii'e; w h e re th o u s a n d s m o re w ill be. O p e n a ll th e y e a r. Catalogue free. here on a visit aro u n d his old h o n u . to H enry Robbins, burned down on a t the W illam ette hotel, Salem , u n til J. W. M yer lias finished picking in Ja m es G oodm an, of U ike Side, the 11th, from ail unknow n cause. November 1st onlv. Miss Pauline N e m iith is back from both liopyards. A. P. A R M S T R O N G . LL. B.. P R IN C IP A L Dow C oulter and family lived m ere visiting Mr«. M cA rth u r in P o rtla n d . W ash in g to n , a bro th er of Mrs. C lark, Ray M itchell has bou g h t a pony. will re tu rn in N ovem ber and spend and lost e v erything in the house. D e a t h of J . D. Irvine. Sam uel O rr a n d Ju d g e B urch are the w inter w ith oh . M h . Tda G whin's loss is about $1,- H e cam** with his p a ren ts from Mis A lbert C a irre s will go to a P ortland a bout th ro u g h picking hops. 500. s»»uri in 1852 and «“ t tl e l in M aiion business college. R ida C h am berlain lias re tu rn e d from Black Bros’, th resh in g m achine, Uncle F ra n k Nichols I in« been over county opposite Independence. He A ssessm en t Sum m ary. H . M. Brown has secured a cook from Prineville am ong kindred and wn-» an Independence draym an from C o u n ty A ssessor Myer has co m p let­ w here »lie was second cook. 1877 to 1884, after which he was a from Halt* in. Iriends of bygone years. ed his 1902 assessm ent roll a n d we O th u ile Addison 1m j been up from & m erchant there for som e years. H e B ert T ow nsend and the May family give a su m m ary of it us follows; D ayton on a visit. Mr. G erlinger, in charge of c o n ­ •erved several term s on the city conn- ¡ B E S T E Q U I P P E D S H O P IN P O L K C O U N T Y j have been w orking for J im Myer. Acres of tillable lan d , 115,965; value stru ctio n o.» the railroad to F alls C ity9 | cil For some years he has held the T h e Black bro th ers m achine had a # of sam e, $1,631,280; nontillahle laud lias rented an office room in the new office of justice of the peace th ere, F U L L L IN E O F S U N D R I E S F ra n k B row n's new tru c k is a beau­ 266,614 acres, value $740,905; value of ru n of 29 days, m ostly in the vicinity Uglow brick. j Last Monday evening, after having ty.- _____ * im provem ents’, $250,6 5 ; value of lots, of A m erican B ottom . T hey employed * *1? (E N A M E L I N G , B R A Z IN G , A N D L I C H T L A T H W O R K DOWEj & I perform ed a m arriage cerem ony at $134,795, im provem ents $266,985; 23 m en to ru n th e ir m achine, and ins hom e, he fell dead from h e art T h e B e s t P r e s c r i p t i o n fo r M a l a r i a m iles of railroad and telegraph 194, have a self feeder a n d wind stacker. . RAMBLERS « 5 to $65 H A R T F O R D failure. R‘*v. E. J . Thom pson offici- chills and fevers is a bottle of Grove's value $198,180; ro llin g stock $28.185; -Sir COLUMBIA 40 to 70 V E D E T T E ated ut his funeral Tuesday. He Tasteless C hill T onic I t is sim ply m erchandise $100,120; farm ing im ­ 1 ■ ' IMPERIAL 25 to 60 ID E A L ......... leaves a willow and two sons, C laire iron and q u in in e in a tasteless form. p lem ents $69,090; notes ami accounts 25 9 and C harlie. Bam Irvine of In d e p en ­ No cure, no pay. Price .50 cents. $145,795; household fu rn itu re $115,- Special Attention Given to dence and J. P. Irvine of M cM innville 575; horses and m ules 3,669, valuv* You don’t and can ’t if your stomach arc his brothers, and his m other lives Out of Town Orders. BUENA VISTA. $110,650; c a ttle 9.511, goats ami thee]) is weak. A weak stomach does not di­ with lii« sister, who is th e wife of 36,721, «wine 4,383; gross value of all gest all th at is ordinarily taken into it. Sheriff* J o h n T Ford. W . V. Acock« re tu rn e d last week property $4,107,200; exem ptions $329,- I from the coast. It gets tired easily, and what it fails to 905; total value of taxable properly digest is wasted. School Supplies. Geo. W ells and rife have a new ba- $3,777,295. Among the signs of a weak stomach E verything in lh;>t line can be had are uneasiness after eating, tits of ner­ a t W ilson’s d ru g store. Both tow n ! L>y X»rl. An in te rn a l rem eily r j COUNTY COURT. vous headache, mid disagreeable belch­ and country people should see th a t Rev. O. H . Oebortie preached hi» m oves the cause of p il­ ing. their children are furnished with such fan well «ernton here nuiidnv. PRORA TE. I h a v e tak en Hood’s Sarsaparilla at es. O in tm e n ts an l sup T hey d ifferent tim e s for stom ach trou b les, and a I th in g s before school opens. ■I| |K)-itories only reli»»v«3. Sibley, J. Mr*. Roaa H erron of O regon C ity run d ow n con d ition of the s y ste m , and h ave ^ will carry all hooks used in the col An in tern al rem i«ly i* been « r e a lly benefited by Its use. I w ould and Mr*. Mary W ilson of P o rtlan d are T he inv en to ry of the Mary Bell es­ !* | Inge and public school. n ot be w ith o u t it in m y fa m ily . I am trou ­ th e com m on sense one visiting their parent* a t th is place. tate was filed a n d the a d m in iitra lo r W bled e sp ecia lly In su m m er w ith weak sto m ­ ji| with which to t r e i t llii.* was charged w ith la m e , f2,890. ach and nausea and find H ood ’s S arsap arilla R ailroad C a m p s . O ur little town i* <|ttite lively with ¡i| (I U jm «**. B »iklet ;if, In valu able.” K. B. H ic k m a m , W .C hester, Pa. G rading is to a t once begin on the ! hop picker*. T he a d m in istratrix of the Adam K. y our dru j j i i t i . SALEM AND ALBANY. Balem, Falls City A W estern railway. W ilson estate waa charged w ith an | One cam p has been established near ! W alter Davison and Mi** El*ie inventory of $24,151.66. T he L argest Furniture*, C a rp et and W all P ap er dealer* in the W illam ­ a n d P ills W D. G illiam ’s hom e, there will l <* L ockhart were m arried a l the M F . e tte valley above P o rtla n d . H ave a correct in ea su re m e n t of yo u r Strengthen ami tone the stom ach and a n o th e r near Falls City and a third eliurcli S unday ut 11 o ’clock, Rev. > • u*’' 7 -a f k; room s a n d windows w hen yon com e for carp els, wall paper and shade*. LOCAL the wliole digestive system. close to Dallas, and th ere will he from 1 O sborne officiating. T hey left on th e W e c u t shade* to fit w ith o u t charge am i m ake them in a n y w idth. and i 16 to 18 m en in each cam p. They afternoon train for th e ir future hom e W e m ake o u r own m attresses ami each is exactly a* represented. CLIMATIC Impe to have all the grading between a t O regon C ity. W e also m ake o n r own couches a n d lounge* a n d carry a large line of Sheriff’s Sale. N othing h u t a l*>oal h re and Falls C ity com pleted before ■“ covering* S. M. Daniel«, of M onm outh, waa in cm edy o r change of c li­ the end of the year. T hree car loads town la«t week. mate Will CUT« N O T IC K I S H K IIK U Y U 1 V E N T H A T of iron have arrived for siding and CATARRH by virtue of an execution and order of sale d u ­ ] »witches T h e balance has been » r- R P. H all ami family of Oregon C i - 1 T h e S p e c i f i c is ly Unued out of th e circuit court of the atat* ' dered from Belgium , to arrive in Feb tv , form erly of this place, are picking i l y 't Cream Balm of Oretfom for the countv of P olk , Leuiing datr th e lfith day of S ep t 1902, upon a decree d u ­ i runry. T he depot here will lie on the hopa for Allie M< Isauglilm . It it* q u ickly absorbed First dooy north of postoffice, Salem, Oregon. Stores at ly made, enrolled ami docketed n«aid court I Ido k l»H< k of the old Dr. Sites hom e, , 0 tree r a t a l >t once W e m ike hop and fru it pipe and Salem and Albany. t o p en » ami cleanse» th e Mrs. Mam! Porter ia here viaiting on th e .‘,0th day of A ugust, 1902, in a certain and a num ber of l«»ts have been furnish pum ps and w indm ills. W a ­ Nasal P a »«* «* . unit therein {»ending, a herein the .state L«n,i her »iater, Mrs. G eorgia P ra th er. .Ylla>» Inflanm tion. Board U plaintiff and Kebecca Scobei t, |{nl>. , Ism ght in th a t vicinity for railroad f«ala and h o t ) ' th e ter, aicain and air h eatin g p lan t- put I purposes. On a five acre tra c t a saw e r tC a ir a n d M abel Carr, hie wife, are d e­ F rank Cole ami wife, who have All kind* of copper and g alvanis­ •ieniltrane. ta e t n r e s th e in fendant*, ami directed to me, coiuiiiandinK I mill m ay he located. Om curved been w orking f»*r R, Peterson for th e iul T*»te »ml «i sti No in ju r i m s d r u g . Reg ed iron work done. fa lL fac iio ii g u a r­ me to Nell the hereinafter deb. rjl»ed premia* n 1 • track will c o n n ect w ith the S outhern u l i r »ixe, M> - enti*; F a m ily »ize, « I o r b y m ail. last tw o m onths, have n L im ed to anteed. to stt*Ufv the amount* »pec I tied in naid ex* KLY UKOI HKR 1 I, ms W 4r.n1 S tre e t, New York. i’acitic a t the W ilson fiu il dry er and Corvallis. cution ami ileciee, to wit: Five hundrtd, I | G IV E IT3 I I ! ninety-four and 19-100 ($594 19) dollars, with ! a nother at the m otor wo « h I yard. Mr«. A. J . H all, of W elle, visited intercut thereon from the SOtn day »»f Au- | . J A T R IA L — .....— -------------------------- gnet, 1UKI, at the la te ».f 8 per cent per hii rtdarives her* la st week. W aterw o rk s A uthorized. limn, ami the further »utn of eighteen ami 25- • • • By a vole of 1211 b* 45 a t the special 1U) ($18 25) di'llaia, the am ount due tor tax»*» You K n o w W h a t You Are T a k i n g on th e n>nttKat.ed pretnUeN, heretofore paid »■lection last M onday th e c iiv council Comes the time to be fitted out for the winlcr.Q by plaintiff, with intereat th erein at the rate wa» em pow rn d to s* II $12,(MX) worth when von take G rove’s T asteless C hill of 0 per cen t |»er annum from the 80th day of i 1 20 year bonds to assist in p u ttin g I onic because iliu form ula is plainly You must not only be up to date, hut you wil]®| A ugu st, 1902, and the emu of on# hundred prin ted on every b o ttle 'sh o w in g th a t want the best value for your money. For the? (MuO) an Attorney» fee, und accruing ctwta, I H i a water system here by H . V. w ill on G ties, of H illsboro. W e very jnitich it h sim ply iron ami q u in in e in a IN AND OUT various articles of I doubt |h e w isdom of such a course at tantele?* form. No c u re, no pay. .50 S a t u r d a y , O c t o b e r 18, OF THE HOP YARD. his lim e and fear th at when the *1- cents. 1902, a t th e hour of 1 o'clock, p, in., of said T his is the w eather for su m m er day a t the went door of the county court ieAlly burdensom e taxes are piled up CALVARY. eom plaint. T here is Inis of it about. house in Dalian, Polk county,O r nell at public «till h igher m any will come to regret auction to th e highest ladder for c;t»h in hand If \o 'i li n e e-cape.I, you c ertain ly are Blit we bow to the R udolph Sim on has his house tip Hats, Shirts. Underwear, Neckwear, Hosiery,S on day of »ah* all the iL h t, title, interest ami the step tak e n . fo rtu n ate. We have any n u m b er of eiitate « f the »aid defendant», each and every will of the m ajority and will sh sre and we expect to hear of its being oc­ Gloves, Sweaters, Raincenls, Overcoats, Umbrei-f g. thl rem edies for d y sen tery , diar- of them , and of all |i«nmt>» claim ing by, their fate, be it p lea sa n t or otherw ise. cupied soon. rl .*>■*. colic, rh o le ra m orbus, e tc . O ur through or under them , of in and to the said T he water rig h t, the reservoir site and las, Overalls, Jumpers, etc., etc., the place to goi premia«*» descrilied in said execution aa fob E. K \an« finished 28 days th resh in g llluekhery Cordial 1 « es|K-cialIy rec­ rights of way are «tnl to be figured on is the low s, to-w it: Beginning at th e n»»rtliea»t c«»r- last S aturday. om m ended for ch ild ren — 25 Cent* ner of th e donation land claim . No. 49, Not. ami will not be obtained for th e m ere N o. 2.2t*3 of J. W. Harrow» amt wife in t 8 », asking Inferior system s have been G ra n d m a H elm ick, Mrs. Irvine abd O ur D iarrhoea and D ysentery C ure r 5 w of the W illam ette meridian in Polk foisted on o th e r tow ns but we believe It is 110 siijierior— 2-’i cent*, q u a lity T e n ta Gay are down from A lbany, cou n ty, Oregon, running thence weat 26.07 am i prices lig h t at the O. K P h a r­ chain*, thence south 26 '¿H shain», thenceea»t the one p ro p p e d for th is place to la* Pearl A lexander ia w orking a t T ay ­ m acy, 333 C om m ercial » treat, Salem It is to be hoped «.77 chain», thence south 9 chain», thence ea»t of a superior grade. 33.44 chaina, thence north Ho 2H chain« to the 1 th a t the whole th in g will p sn o u t b e t­ lor A S c o tt’s hop yard. C. C. C O M FO R T, P R O F R i t T O R . 2 5 4 C om m ercial Street. p lace u t beginning, containing 10b acre« More ter t h in n iiny good b u sin e ssm e n p rt- C larence Tedrow run a hack with or lem, tog eth er a ijh the tenem ent», heredit­ j diet. supplies to th a H arper and Keuf hop am en t« and appurtenance» thereunto belong, Headquarters for Salem woolen mill blankets, flan­ ing, or In a n y wi»e appertaining. yards. Date*I D allas, Oregon, thi* l»*th dav of Oct nels, etc. T ilt elevation of th e reservoir iite is 1808. A lbert Tedr»»w and R alph Davidson 184 b e t above th e stre ets of Dallas j. t , F o rd , and C ain on (.heck is 110 feet h ig h er will a tte n d college a t C orvallis th is B h cn ff of Polk county. WILSON BLOCK. year. th an tho reservoir site. DALLAS. FRID A Y , 8 E P T . 1 9. 1902- WOVEN W IRE FENCING S A L E J i F E N C E W O R K S Vx LIKE 1 GLEAM OF SALEM S1EAM LAUNDRY DALLAS COLLEGE Beautiful Situation! Healthful Location. LEE^SM ITH’S^CYCLERY % 9 S 3 5 9 Get the Most Out of Your Food ! RELIEF AN JCU3E. TLs House Furnislisg Company Hood’s Sarsaparilla P lllilJ ill Tinning! the House Furnishing Company. COLD'N HEAD Things Needed Right N o w BURROUGHS £ FRASER I 105 Stats Struat ■ Saisui AFTER HOP PICKING W atches of all kinds. Repairing Promptly And Carefully Attended To PFEN N IG , Jeweler and Optician. M en and Boys’ Clothing Salem WoolenMills Store