All Star« Saved. B U S IN E S S IN D A L L A S . N o w ’ s T h la ? E x tra s of every im aginable kind for | " F o r years I so flared suoh untold W s offer $100 reward for any case m isery from bronchitis," writs* J . H . buggies, carriages anil wagons kept by i Anybody end everybody can now i W agner Bros. Ami th ey bave lots of j W e have bealiful gold filled watches get flour a t the D allas m ill for 70 of c atarrh th a t c an n o t be c u e d by Johnson, of B roughton, Ga., “ th a t o f ­ W H A T W E H A V E L E A R N E D O U R IN C ¡extra* for m achinery. You will he • w arranted 10 year*. W altham or E l­ cents a sack, nor can a belter article H all's C a ta rrh C ure. F. J . C h u n k y ten I was unable to work. T h en , A Co., Toledo. O' W e, the un d ersig n ­ when everything else failed, I was surprised a t the variety a n d q uantity T H E W E E K F R O M A L L A V A IL - gin m ovem enis from $950 upwards. be had in the co u n ty a t any price. ed, have known F . H. C heney for the wholly cured by Dr. K ing’s New D is­ of ex tras carried by th em . Ask for T m e y little w atches suitable forebate- last 15 years, and believe him perfect­ covery for consum ption. My wife suf­ A b le S o u rce s D ish e d u p fo r O u r w hatever you w ant a n d th ey will be len e , wai ra n te d 25 years, $16.50 with As a jeweler C. H . M orris has given very a p t to produce it. N u m e ro u s F a m ily of R e a d e rs th e ecleb r ted H am pden m ovem ent. such gone-rat satisfaction as to build ly honorable in all business tra n sa c ­ fered iulensely from a sth m a , till it tions und financially able lo carry out cured her, and all our experience goes In A b revtated P a r a g r a p h s . G e n tle n ia u ’s tilled w atches w arranted up a fine trade. H is goods are of Mrs. E ph W ilkihwm and d a u g h te r, any obligations m ade by their firm. to show it is the best croup m edicine 20 y e a rs , $9 a n d upw ards. A working standard quality and hi* prices uever of P o rtlan d , are visiting Mr*. H arry W i s t A T a t’i x , wholesale druggists, in the world.” A trial will convince m a n 's w-itcli, screw case, Bilveriue $4 higher th an elsewhere. F o r groceries go to Osfielil’s. D nnn. Toledo, O . W a l u i n o , K i n n a n eon in E astern our city counciljnext M onday to talk T he D unn boys are so clever and S e c o n d G ra n d A n n u a l E x o u re l- over the store of Brown k Ellis. Oregon soliciting patronage for his atm iit p u ttin g in a p lan t. H e has accom m odating and so fair in all their on on th e C . A E. R . R. liei-u looking over the ground and *aya school. dealings th a t people like to buy gro­ T h e C orvallis k E a ste rn railroad E L E C T R I C I T Y IS L IF E . T h e In ly issue of .The O utlook is t n R E D U C E D R A TES th a t on the Levene place, leas th a n a ceries tiiere. T hey are a p t to have com pany will rnn th e ir second grand I)r. Cary and wife are ruaticating mile from tow n, there is a good liica- educational one and all who are con­ any vegetables or fruit in th e m arket. T o th e S e a s id e a n d M o u n ta in R e. (Salem Jo u rn a l) a n n u a l excursion from A lbany, Cor­ cerned ab o u t th a t subject would find at the m outh of Y nqilina hay and so tiou for a reservoir wiih a n elevation aorta. E lectricity is life. L ack of electric­ vallis, P h ilo m a th and all points to it of g reat interest. *.* wdl ho E. C. K irk p atrick and wife be­ oi about 190 feet. A system of water ity is d e ath . E le c trio ily c o n stitu tes fore th is tim e n e x t week. Now is th e tim e to g et bargains a t N ew port and re tu rn on 8unday, Aug­ T ick ets are now on sale at all Sou­ works would no doubt he a good tiling the chief elem ent of the vital force of the ladies' and c h ild ,e n ’s fu rnishing u st 3, 1602. T rain s will leave Albany A lm ost every day a n e x tra freight H. H ull is m aking an addition to for the tow n, the m ain question being the brain and body. In th is e ra of th ern Paciffc a n d Corvallis uud East- goods em porium of Mrs. C ha-e. M us­ a t 7 a m ; Corvallis at 7 :30; P hilom ath hi« hom e several blocks west of th e w hether the city or individuals should haste and waste a large porportion of erd railroad offices, through to New­ lin goods and corsets ut a sm art re ­ 7 45 and re tu rn in g leaving N ew port tra in loaded w ith lum ber goes over th# west side road via Corvalli* and own it. T ile authorities should tie ex­ deaths are caused by h e a rt failure, nr p o rt and Y a q u in a a t reduced rates. public school. a t 5:30, giving six hours a t th e huach. A lbany to California. T he present ceedingly careful ill th e m a tte r. Some a slow electrical state. Hickness in d i­ H outhern Pacific tra in s connect with duction. G rand exhibition drill by the life sav­ lum ber prices a t C orvallis are, rough T he now hom e of F . J C hapm an t owns have had cau»e to regret going C. k E . a t A lbany and C o n allis. All **• cates th a t th e body is lacking in vi­ ing crew, surf b a th in g and o th er a t­ $9, flooring and ru stic $1$ to $K>, will he as unique as th a t of ion deep in debt for im provem ents. ticket« good for re tu rn u n til October F id ler’s stage brings full loads of tality or electricity, and the proper 10, 1902. traction* will m ake the event one long sized $10, shiplap $11. T h e dem and D r. H ayler, th ere being no o th er like passengers or freight from Salem ev­ to be rsm hervd. Fare $1.50, points tiiere for lum ber greatly exceed* tlie Mias L aura Brown, th e dressm aker, and n a tu ra l rem edy, therefore, is to e ith e r of them in the county. Ou J u n e 23rd t i n C. and E. train s ery duy. ' west proportionately. E d w in S t o n e , lies gone to rest a t C ascade Springs supply the deficiency. supply, building operations being from D etroit began leaving there at T he wonderful recuperative powers M anager. m uch delayed. A. J . Bewlev, of S h e rid an , is to for a few waeka. 6 :20 a. m ., lucetiog th e Bay train a t of electricity are clearly shown in the Albany a t n o o n . B lacksm ith Lynch and son are kept furnish beef and D. L. K e y l, of Perry J. A. W illiam s and T C. H ill are O A K M IL L V IC IN IT Y . T here is to be a p ru n e shortage ell dale, will supply flour for the G rand now haling hay at Sm ithfield, and fact th a t when persons are a t a stage Passengers for D etroit. B reitenbush busy by those partial to geod iron where life has n esrly gone, as in cases over the world, and already 5 cents is work. . lto n d e In d ia n agency. R. R. Riggs and L. I. B uraell have have in sight all the work th ey can of drow ning, poisoning, e tc. electrici­ and o th er m ou n tain n-sorts can leave being offered for th e best q u a lity ef c u t th e ir fall g rain. V. P. F iske, of tills office, has pone do. Five hands are required and they ty is applied as the su re st and m ust Albany the sam e afternoon, reaching tlie com ing crop. D etroit iu the evening. T ickets are The livery service a t D ocksteader’s as a deleg ate to the H ead C am p get $2 per ton. powerful rem edy. I t succeeds where T h e m ill cam e n ear being destioyed on sale from A lbany to D etroit st $3 ham is all th a t could be desired. Easy of W oodm en convention which m eets G. W . M yer, c f Sm ithfield, says by fire last Sunday m orning. H enry Cam pliell has sold for J. M. all else fails. Dr. D arrin has effected in C rip p le Creek, Colorado, tom orrow . W ise lo F ran k J. Biased a 168 acre some m arvelous cures by m eans of and from Corvallis a t $3.25, good fur going vehicles, gentle, swift horses th re sh in g will begin around there in re tu rn until O ctober 10th. with privi­ and courteous tre a tm e n t by everyonn C. O. B ursell has been ovor from this w onderful force. T h e following lege to get on train re tu rn in g a t vny a bout a week and t h a t th e crop is P ernaps 100 tons of hay will he cu farm so u th of Ballston for $5,300. Silverton. connected w ith the place. list of those whom lie has cured will p o in t cast of Mill C ity. an average one. H e, S. T. S m ith and on Kum S m ith ’s place a t S m ithfield H alf a dozen m en, ju st from Iowa, doubtless prove in te restin g . Miss L eona S co tt has re tu rn e d from o th ers have sown som e clover and will T h e S o u th e ru Pacific com pany now this soason. have gone o u t iu search of lim berland. B. B sxter, 178 F erry stre et, Salem , have on sale round trip tickets from Get your hardw are a t W isem an ’s Corvallis and Mrs. M. Scott will cook con tin u e to raise it. Are you th in k in g of placing a m on­ T he P a tty & M iddleton th resh in g Or., tu m o r cured. all poin ts on th eir lines in Oregon to and you will alw ays be satisfied witli for the E lliott th reshing crew. Mrs. L. G. Jaeger, of 126 south T h ir­ e ith e r N ew port or Y aquina with priv­ the result. H e keeps alm ost every­ u m en t or toilibsto ne a t the gtave of m achine will probably begin their some loved one. id ««tote are renuiaod to puy the tunw to me 409-413 Pearl Street, New York. at once. Date*! this fifth day of July, A. D., ItOt. — and $1.00; all druggists. O A S T O H X A . Sw eat or fruit scids will not discol­ NANCY d BROWN. OJS.SVOXt.XMS.. J . C. 17glow is a t borne from South | T|rr| - _ ^ T S lad Y n Urn U n p le g s or goo-Is dyed w ith P u tn a m Fadeless Administrator of th r estate of J. Jay Brown, da- .TMIMT h R m Bend, W ashington, a n d mi is Mrs. dyes. Sold by A K W ilson. 10 oems Blanche Sanders. Tliwir sister, Mrs. Townsend A Hart sttoraevs for estais. M package. C lara Gay nor, is in very poor health. W cFit the Purse LOCAL AND GENERAL J BA RR’S JEWELRY STORE W W T 165 T T T M M W Notice to Bridge Builders. N' Teacher’s Examintaions. N Farm for Sale. O n ly 50 Cents Administrator’s Notice. Scott’s Emulsion N