THE POLK COUNTY ITEMIZER DALLAS, F R ID A Y ,JU L Y 11 . 1902. uiLiHHiD E vbry F riday M orrih « A t 7:30. V V . ^V. W A S H ■DllUR AMD PUOI Mirro*. , SUBSCRIPTION R A T E S : » 1 50............................................Per year » 75 ................. Per six month« 40 ......................... Per three months Advertising rates made known on application. Correspondence is solicit­ ed. Fine Job Printing done at reasonable trices. COUNTY COURT. I'KUBATK. Sibley, J. The sale of the real property of the Handy htirs war confirmed »itid the guardian ordered to make deed. The final account of the C. P. Un- rub estate wn. heard and approved. The sale of tbs real properly of the Theodore line estate was approved, and final settlement is to take place August 9th. Thf administrator of the Mulana V’ anderpool estate wa» ordered lo dis- tribute fund on hand to heirs aud will be discharged on filiug vouchers for same. T he report of sale of real property of the T. A. Farley estate was eon- firmed. U. S. Laughary was made guardian ad litem of the David Reddekopp heirs and it was ordered that real es- tate be sold at private sale. J. E. Robertson was chosen guard ian of Henrietia Robertson1 under $900 bond, the property to be apprais- ed by Frank Butler, C. C. Gardner and W. D Gilliam. The will of Mary A. Bell was admit- ted to probate with Edward Bell and J. I). Kelty as exeen'ors, the estate to he appraised by S. iV. Fletcher, J. I. Ball and G. L. Kelty. COMMIHHIONKK8. John Teal. Seth Riggs. The change in the Dallas and Grand Ksnde road as prayed for by Jas. Wooden and others was granted. Ro>n! district 21 was allowed to draw $20.50 from the general road fund and district 9 was allowed $19.75 from the same fund. The normal dormitory tax of $12.48 for 1900 was credited oil the roll. J. G, Van Orsdel w»s given credit for the amount of 1900 delinquent tax roll as shown by the report ji resented by him. The bonds of the various county of- ficers were examined and approved. The county treasurer was given credit for various amounts on differ- eut accounts as shown by his records. IlILIsA ALLOWED. Roads and highways: Western Clay C o ..................... $122 53 4 00 Ross Row ell............................. 0 90 John Auer ........................... 4 75 Puiild Ftindmaii..................... 5 90 J W a g n e r................................. 19 02 Jack A T im h erla k e................. 16 50 F A D o u ty ....................... . . •10 25 Jas Wooden ............................. F G McLench ....................... 5 00 Wm Bayne................................. 58 71 46 00 W McD T u r n e r .................... Luckiamute Mill C o .............. 4 36 J N Jones................................. . 47 60 I) P S ta pleton ......................... . 33 00 Mill Creek Lumber C o .......... . 13 72 J 8 Talbott............................... . 29 00 100 00 Kenneth Cam pbell................ Win Fudge ............................... 8 50 IS 20 J B N e s m ith ............................. 16 00 L G r o u n d ............................... 9 69 K C a m p b ell............................... Ivie Bros..................................... 14 55 L *V Belieu................................. , 60 75 Rowell B r o s ............................... 27 20 Strong B r o s ............................... 6 00 3 50 C G erlli..................................... 5 84 70 00 K Brunk..................................... H L F e n to n ............................... 9 18 66 00 J J Wdliams ........................... 51 10 T B H u n tle y ............................. Chas Boyle ............................... 124 00 64 00 W E G oodeH ............................. 15 49 Thurston Lumber C o .............. 6 00 E Cham berlain......................... Blessing A V a n s k ik e .............. 3 00 Pauper account: D G Meador ........................... $ 8 00 M A Tut In-row........................... 7 00 C E H u n tley ............................. 14 00 L N Woods 15 M J I) Irvine.......... 2 50 Election accou nt: H A W ebster............ $ 2 00 E A T a ylor................................. 1 00 J M F ly n n ................................... 2 0«) H H o lm a n ....................... 3 00 1) J H olm es.................. 11 60 Printing and stationery: G len A Prudtiomme fi9 4 fi (>r> H B Cosper . . . . 24 00 D A H odge. . 80 00 A W F in k ................ 27 85 U 8 Laugliary......................... 150 37 C L Htarr . . 134 23 J G YanOrsdel 149 43 Tracy Staats ........................... . 62 60 J T F o rd ...................................... A N Holman ............................ Jackson W h ile ........................... M irid ian roils : 1) A Criichlow , hauling . . . . J l) Irvine, fee» ........................ M 1> Ellis, lights ................... J M Grant, collecting ta x e s .. John Martin, wood ................ Coroner'a inqoest ................... J K Kobbins, scalp ................. Ralph Henry, sca lp ................. K Eons, error in ass 50 00 20 00 25 00 OCR STAFF OF RUSTLERS- W H A T TH E Y HAVE TO SAY A B O U T T H E U O I N C S IN T H E C O U N T Y . 30 00 B o w To Find Oat. T V ) OIT1ÆOTJTÎT, O R E G O N . ¥ A BUY ¥ A A A ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ FRY’S DRUG STORE A $ POHLE & BISHOP 2 o -%k LEE^SMITH’S^CYCLERY 0 0 C A TA B R H 0 0 0 4 ™ m I MOWERS >8 AND ^ BINDERS J. J. Wiseman is in Portland buy­ ing goods. , NORTH SP R IN C VALLEY. Many loads of lumber pass down from the Martin mill every day. Mrs. Dr. Parrish anrl (taught r, Lila, There are but few changes about o! M onm outh, have been here visiting Grain looks well but is being dam ­ the court house. County Clerk Laugh her parents, Orlando Alderman and aged some by green aphis. ary and his deputy are going ahead wife. VV. W . W h ite has been introduced just us during the past two years, and 3am TrtiBsell is building a new- into the mysteries of W oodcraft. so are F. E Myer and his deputy Tracy Htaats, in the assessor’s office. house and Edwin Gholson is helping Treasurer D al'on and School Super­ H. N. Alderman make hay. intendent Starr keep right ahead as of Chas. Alderman and Chan Gilm ore yore. Judge Sibley and Com m ission-j have gone to their claims on Salmon W hen goin g to the coast take the ers Tea) and Riggs continue to trans­ river. Little N estucca roule. It is six miles act county business at the old stand. So far Sheriff Ford is going it alone, Prayer meeting at the school house shorter. Route to Slab Creek, W oods and Ocean Park. Good bridges and everybody wondering who is going to | overy Wednesday evening. no had lords. Estella Falls and other be his deputy. It looks a little odd Howard Bean was badly hurt in a scenic all raclions on the way. Fine to not see ex-Sheriff Van Orsdel tisliing all the way from toll ga ♦ <» WAGONS, buggies CARRIAGES t All kinds of harvesting machinery and vehicles and Z a great variety of extras. Plows and cultivators. I WAGNER - BROS., - DALLAS : t % Hu Bouse Furnishing Company SALEM A N D A L B A N Y . The Largest Furniture, Carpet and W all Paper dealers in the W illam ­ ette valley above Portland. Have a correct measurement of your room s and windows when you com e for carpets, wall paper and shades. W e cut shades to fit w ithout charge and make them iu any width. W e make our own mattresses and each is exactly as represented. W e also make our own couches ami lounges and carry a large line of coverings the House Furnishing Company. First door north of postoffice, Salem, Oregon. Salem and A lbany. BURROUGHS i FRASER 100 State Street - Salem T h e Beet L i n i m e n t for S t r a in s . Mr. F. H Wells, the m erchant at Deer Park, Long 'aland, N. Y „ says: " I always recommend Chamberlain’s! Pain Balm as the best linim ent for I FALK M for strains. I used it Inal winter for OKEGON a severe lameness in tile side, resul - ing from a strain, and was greatly | When you want your clothe* clean­ pleased with the quick relief and cure ed, dyed, n paired or prw w (l,)«iiT e I it effected. For sals by A K. Wilson. them wit.i VV. K. Elite, agent, at Dallas. R IC ’ .R E A LL . W hat are Humors? Hood's Sarsaparilla STATE NORNAL SCHOOL Much gradiug lias been done and Fill a bottle or common glass with your witer and let It stand twenty-four hours; a considerable gravel hauled by our re­ 12 40 sediment or set­ tiring road supervisors. 15 00 A n U n e q u w li c d a n d C o m p l e t e Re tling indicates an ■ lim e of W n a t Y o u r F r l o n d s are 78 00 | Graduates of the school are ill con ­ Mr. Roberts und wife spent the unhealthy condi­ a n d Hav e B een La tely D o i n g . 79 80 stant demand ut salaries ranging fiom tion of the kid­ Fourth at Salem and J. 11. Brown 45 05 neys; if it stains ang family passed Sunday with the $40 lo 9100 a m onili. S iiu l.n l« luko 1 00 SUCARLOAF. your linen it is Arndt family. lire stai» exam inations durili* their 2 00 evidence of kid­ collise in tini school and aie prepared A wet Fourth here. ney trouble ; too L. B. H utted and wife have gone 19 4o lo tecoive state certificates on gradua­ frequent desire to back to San Jose, California, after vis­ tion. Expenses range from $120 to Finley Edgar and family made a pass it or pain in iting her parents, J. J. Brown und E v a n g e lic a l C a m p M e e tin g . $175 s year. Strong nomini course visit to »heir homestead last week. the back is also wife. Under a good sired tabernacle and well «quipped training depart- convincing proof that the kidneys and biad­ -------- -------- Our new mail carrier, Ralph H enry, der are out of order. sttelched in the cool, shady nod ni-nt. '1 hr fall term opens Septem­ B A L l S T O N . ia on hand. grassy city park they are having in­ What to Do. ber 10th. For catalogue containing teresting meetings in charge of Pre­ There is comfort In the knowledge so N eirlv all our people alien led the full uiformutfou, address C. H. Barberow and family left for often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp- siding Elder Poling. The day ses­ Fourth at SUerkla i aud report a good the valley next m orning after his time Root, the great kidney remedy fulfills every E. D. R E S S L E R , sions have had a fair attendance and wish in curing rheumatism, pain in the time. large crowds have been out in the as mail carrier expired. or I'rcsident, back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part Rev. James Matthew*,of Salem , will evening. Am ong the campers are Mrs. A gcod many claim holders are of the urinary passage, it corrects inability J. V, B. Butler Secretary. preach here next Sunday night. Miner of Corvallis, Mrs. Oakes and rushing to their claim s to slay a few to held water and scalding pain in passing family and Miss K em p from Portland, days as the town is to be opened for It, or bad effects following use of liquor, Peler Nairn, w h o ’ was so badly hurt Mrs. Edson from Lafayette. Mrs. tiling July 21st. wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant by an engine ¡some time ago, in rapid-1 necessity of being compelled to go often Boydston and Mrs. Campbell from In­ ly recovering. dependence, President Poling and Y o u K n o w W h a t Y o u A r e T a k i n g during the day, and to get up many times family. Rev. A A. W inter and wife when you take G rove’s Tasteless Chill during the night. The mild and the extra­ Prof. Paul H. W ym an, of T a co m a ,' and Miss Elsie Campbell, and Rev C. T on ic because the form ula is plainly ordinary effect of Sw am p -R oot Is soon and MU* Glennie Runnel*, of Mon-I realized, it stands the highest for its won­ T. Hurd and wife. Preachers Ira lt, printed on every bottle showing that derful cures of the most distressing cases. m outh, will teach our school next I » T Hallantyne, Busoni and Fisher occupy it is simply iron and quinine in a If you need a medicine you should have the year. They are both graduates of the a single lent and no live chicken lias tasteless form. N o cure, no pay. 50 best. Sold by druggists in 50c. and$l. sizes. M onmouth Normal school. been seen within a m il) oi it. Other cents. You may have a sample bottle_of this Quite a lot of clover was cu t before ¥ Your Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Glass, etc., at Fry’s j* wonderful diso«ery ministers present are J. Bowersox, 8. the late rain and will he damaged and a book that T tel la M. W ood, H. A. Deck, B. J. Kelly and drug store, near the post office, Salem. T h e Best POPCORN. some. more about it, both sent 0 . L. Lovell, The Keystone League Goods for the Least Money. absolutely free by mail, Misses Dora Evans and Florine of Christian Endeavor is holding an Mrs. Tho8. W oodley lias been ap­ address Dr. Kilmer Sc Horn« of Swamp-Root. interesting convention today and all H unt, also Guv and Roy M cDowell Co., Binghamton, N. Y. When writing men­ pointed postmistress at this place, to H ouse paints, Floor Paints, Varnish Stains, Carriage pain's, Enani- A day tomorrow will be devoted to the have been visiliug P. rlland kindred. tion reading this generous offer In this paper. succeed A. W . Th orn ton , resigned. els and everything iu the paint line. Carter's Pure W hite Lead 7$ Jw missionary cause. Sunday will be a cents a pound. Pure boiled linseed oil 80 cents a gallon ; raw, 78 cents «0 L. D. Gibson and wife have a new ­ George Clark will built! a hop house big day with a large crowd from the born 9 pound boy. a gallon. Com e and see us. ^ at his new yard by the picnic grounds. 1 country. The meeting may no* ad­ CALVARY. journ before the middle of next week. J. C. Cannoy is replow ing his sum ­ W ill Y ocom will have a largo stock 1 ----------- ♦ • ♦ - ------- mer fallow. Sam K ennedv and wife, of Dallas, barn built before harvest and on the 310 Com m ercial street, Salem. £ V a ric o cele T r e a t m e n t . visited John W alker and wife last first floor will place his m ilk separa- | Henry Buliite and E. D. Richard So maay people, old and young, and wife have beeu visiting in this vi­ Thursday. tor. 1 are affected with varicocele that a cinity. Rudolph Sim on is building a new Joshua Bowles has about com pleted I means of having it cured was som e­ --- -- ■ ♦ • ♦ ------------ barn. a new dwelling house on his farm . thing long sought for, and surgical 1 T o C u r e a C o l d In O n e Day 1 science lias been at fault untd very Pearl and Viola Alexander, D. Sta­ The annual basket meeting of the Take laxative b rom o quinine tablets recently. Dr. Darrin, at Willamette All druggists refund the m oney if it j pleton and wife attended the celebra­ Polk and Y am hill county Christian l £ f 3 r S f ^ hotel, Salem, is now able to a ccom ­ churches will bo held on the picnic fails to cure. Signature of E. W . tion in Portland. plish it. absolutely without pain or grounds here next Sunday, the 13th. Grove on each box. 25 cents. J. E. Rhodes took a load of cherries detention from business, so the cure to Salem. is permanent and lasting. As a proof Etta Campbell, who has been sick * M cC O Y . of this assertion we tefer by permis Grandma H elm ick, of Albany, has so long at St. V incent's hospital with ; The church is being repaired. sion, to Mr, A. J. Arm strong, cutter typhoid fever, has returned hom e aud i BLACKSMITHS, CARRIAGE MAKERS I been visiting relatives here. and chief assistant to ‘ -Nicoll. the T a i­ t« rapidly recovering. 'T AND HORSESHOERS Lewis Mrtcken went to Portland E. Davidson lias bought of Mr. lor,” at 80 Third street, Portland. Wednesday. Mat Caldwell, of Scio, lias bought j j Gaines four head of theCliester W hite Read hie 'ard. Have removed from State street to the corner of Ferry and the 40 acre farm that once belonged to j I P. Reese, of M onm outh, is here | nogs. To whom it may con cern : W ith ­ Liiberty streets in Salem. Have always on hand buggy and -J j - Fred PIumbeck. out solicitation I volunteer my te.ti buying sheep and hogs. earriage wheels, painted and in the white, and can p o t a set on T, Johu W alker and fam ily attended inonial in favor of Dr. Darrin, who 0 , D. Nairn Jr. is in Portian d work- | your buggy in three hours at any time. Give us a call. wU Bob and Jim Tozier have gon e to services at Independence last Sunday. cured me of an aggravated case of ing for the J. I. Case Co. Eastern Oregon to work this summer. varicocele o f many years standing W E8T8ALEM ^ Chas Richardson and Marshall Da­ Had despaired of cure until eight Mrs. T. J. Cherrington is spending years ago I tried Dr. Darrin’s new vis spent the Fourth in Portland. Clara Thacker was down from Tur­ the summer at Detroit, 50 miles cast method and was permanently cured. of Albany for her health. J. M. Wise has returned to Baker ner last week. I most emphatically recommend Dr City to look after his music store at Prof. Metzger is taking a sum mer ! Elfie W ann is working iu the Sa­ Darrin as a skillful physician ami n that place. course of study at the University of lem cream ery. siraightforwrrd man in business. W ill California, and Prof. Countrym an is gladly confer wslh anyone, either in -;5r Mrs. Stewart's mother and father Mrs. M . E. Gibson is staying with making some im provem ents at the person or by letter, at 80 Third street, arrived recently from the east and in­ her son at llickreall. college, He and wife will spend a where 1 have been em ployed for .»ears tend locating in Oregon. 0 J. H. Fletcher cam e in from Jeffer­ season at the Newport seaside before j A. J. A kmstrong . I going to his new college work in Io- B E S T E Q U I P P Ì D S H O P *IN P O L X C O U N T Y ) Chas. Hazleton has fitted up a new son to celebrate tile 4th. — --------- — l~ " — ■— — i — * W - — . - ? " - ? W r ' — . - I I s IM ■ I i wa. • a - ! — ? ' ! — ' —jr — ■ hotel in the Andy 'Feeling house, to DIR T TR A N S FE R S . Frank H olm es and fam ily ■pent , F U L L L IN E O F S U N D O J .'S j acconundoate the railroad men. W e Í' last week at W illioit. Albert Nichols, formerly of P'o- wish the new enterprise success. nerr, but now of Los Angeles, [ e n a m e l i n g , b r a z i n g , a n d H c k t i -A V H v ~ o r k p o n e ) Mrs s»im. W hite and daughte, Miss N a sa l California, to K ugen- Byerley, A S u s t a i n i n g Diet. Ruth, have been at Svio. RAMBLERS . $35 to $65 H A R T F O R D ................................ $35 ' lots east of the Dallas public These are the enervating days, when COLUMBIA . 40 to 70 V E D E T T E ....................................7.5 i sch ool............................................ |150 as somebody lias said, men drop by Ìs B o S B l A. V . T hom pson and wife art o u t > IMPERIAL 25 to 60 ID E A L ............................................. 25 In a!l its stages the.o / J A Cromer and wife, c f Corval­ the sunstroke as if the day of fire had from R ock Creek. should be cleanliness. (k lis, to Gilbert Tyson, Falls City dawned. They are frougiit wi h dan­ Ed. Crossan is our new school di­ Ely’ s Cream Calm Special Attention Given t o residence property.......................... 450 ger to people whose systems are poor­ rector and Edwin Elliott was re-tlect- cleanses, soothes and heals J C Frink lo the Dallas Presby­ Cut of T o w n Orders. ly sustained; and this leads us to say jed clerk. the diseased membrane. terian church, a lot in Con- It cures catarrh and drives in the interests of the less robust of key's addition............................... 100 our renders, that the full effect of Mrs. A. K. W ilson, of Dallas, and away a coid iu the head Hannah Graham lo John Guy. 7 Hood's Sarsaparilla is such as to sug­ her sisters. Misses A lice and Minnie quickly. C r e a m B a lm !* placed Into the nostrils, spread« acres u mile northwest of Dal­ gest the propriety of calling this m edi­ Biederliiiden, • ■ Springfield, Missouri, j las .................................................. 225 cine something beside a blood purifier visited at the Chapman hom e recent­ over the membrane and is absorbed. Relief is im­ mediate and a euro follows. It is not drying—does and tonic, say a su.-taining diet. It ly. not produco sneezing. Large Size, 50 cents at Drug­ Mrs. Grace Marvin, of Sacramento, makes it much easier to hear the heat, gists or by mall; Trial Biz-, 10 cents by mail. ar d Mrs. Lehman, of W oodland, Cali­ assures refreshing sleep, and will with­ ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warren Street, New York. S A L T C R E K. fornia, are hers visiting their mother, out any doubt avert much sickuest at Mrs. Henry McCarter, and sister, Since the weather cleared up every­ this time of year. J. 0 . Shultz. body is haying. --------^ -------------- — There is to he a basket and ice Mrs. Otis W ail is expected home cream social at Oak Grove Saturday evening, July 19th, for the benefit of from the hospital Saturday. ^*•1 ars vitiated or morbid fluids conn* the miuistsr. Hay harvest is in full blast, the In* tbs veins and aflectln* the tissues. On account of bad weather on the crop being good. They ars commonly due to detective diges­ Fourth, the people of Amity had their tion but are sometimes Inherited. Mark Burch and Will Rowell cele­ celebration last Tuesday. How do they manliest themselves T brated at Portland, and Perry and In many forms of cutaneous eruption, salt rheum or ecsema, pimples and boll», and In weakness, languor, general debility. How are they expelled f By O u- grange will meet Saturday, T h o u s a n d s H a r e K id n e y T ro u b le June 19th, aud may then adjourn till a n d D o n ’ t K n o w it. after harvest. See that collar? W ell, wlien you exam ine it you ktiow tliat therc ia onlv one lnundry that can put such an exquisite color and faullless finisli ou it, and we niodeatly aiinoim ce that it was done at the Salem steam laim- dry. I HAVE A FEW SECOND HAND CAM ERAS All ju*t as good as new ones for taking pictures. hot showing slight use. which I am offering at ridiculously low figures. P F E N N IG , Jeweler and Optician. WILSON BLOCX. Store» at Q U I T W E A R IN G S H A B B Y O L D S U IT S BECAUSE Salem Woolen Mills Store 2 5 4 C om m ercial Street. Can furnish you a nice up to date suit for S10, o r; even less. S E A S O N A B L E S U G G E S T IO N S : Sum m er shirts, cool underwear. Sweaters, nobbv neckwear. Linen dusters, fancy hose. Boys and girls hose— two for a quarter.