Polk County itemizer. (Dallas, Or.) 1879-1927, June 06, 1902, Image 4

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B r ig h t ’s D ise a se .
The largest sun» ever paid fnr a pre­
ProftM or.
scription, changed hands in San Frau-
“ I f there Is anything I resent,” said ‘ cisco, August 30th, 1901. The trans­
Mr. Sirius Barker as he took a bite of fer involved in coin and stock $ 112,501)
graham bread nnd sipped his gruel, and was paid hv a parly of business
“ it’s the assumption of titles of distinc­ j men for a specific for Bright's disease
tion by anybody and everybody."
and diabetes, hitherto incurable (lis
“ Yes,” answered the friend, “ we do I eases. They commenced the serious
have a great many ‘majors’ ami ’colo­ investigation of the specific Novem ­
nel*’ and ’Judges' who are neither mili­ ber 15lli, 1900. They interviewed
tary men nor lawyers.”
scores of the cured and tried it out on
“ Ye*. I ’m a patient man. but I draw ; its merits by putting over thr«e doz­
the line somewhere. I am just waiting en cases on the treatment and watch
for somebody to come along calling ! ing them. They also got physicians
himself .‘professor' because he’s a 1 to name chronic, incurable cases ami
champion piugpong player. Then I ’m administered it with the phveit Uns for
going to say something sarcustic.” — judges. Up to August 25th, eighty
Washington Star.
seven per cent of the test cases were
either well or proa retain g favorably.
Iln« l S a v e d I t F o r H i m .
There being but tliii teen per t ent of
The man was In trouble.
| failures, the parlies were satiGied and
“ I don’t know what to do,” he said.
closed the transaction. The proceed-
His friend searched through his desk lings of the investigating committee
and brought out several sheets o f pa­ and the clinical reports of the t st
were published and will he mnd-
“ Here,” he said. “ Take it."
| ed free on application. Address John
“ What Is it?” asked the man who J. Pulton Company, 420 Montgomery
was in trouble.
street, San Francisco, California.
“ It’s n shorthand report of the ad­
------- -w • w - ---------
vice you handed out to mo when I was
T h e to P u b lic .
In a bad way. You were overtraded
Allow me to say a few words in
with It then, nnd I felt sure the time | praise of Chamberlain’ s Cough Hem-
would come wheu your stock would be | edy. I had a very severe cough nnd
exhausted nnd you would need some of j cold and fpnrcd that I would get
It back.” —Chicago Post
! pneumonia, hut after taking the sec­
ond dobe of this medicine 1 felt better
F i r s t Aid.
three bottles of it cured my cold and
Greatly excited, the band of rescu­ the pains in my chest dissappeaied
ers surrounded the missionary whom entirely. I
am most
respect fully
they had saved from the hands of her yours for health, Kalph S. Myers, 04
kidnapers. Utterly weak and faint, she Thirty-seventh
lay upon a cot, but smiled feebly at her West Virginia. For sale by Adam K.
“ Is there anything we can get for
you?” asked one.
For Over Sixty Y ea rs.
#“ Yes,” she whispers, “ yes. Get me a
An old and well tried remedy. Mrs.
fashion paper. 1 haven’t seen one for Winslow’s Soothing Syrup has been
six months.” —Judge.
used for over sixty years by millions uf
mothers for their children while teeth­
T r a p p e d In th e Lid.
ing, with perfect success. It sooth»«
I the child, softens the gums, allays all
pain, cures wind colic and is the best
remedy for diarrhoea. Is pleasant to
the taste. Hold by druggists in every
part of the world. 25 cents a bottle.
Its value is incalculable. Be sure and
ask for Mrs. W inslow’s Soothing Sy­
rup and take no other kind.
# ft4 *ft# ft*ft^ ft*ft# £ ft$ ft# ft*ft# ft# # # #
f t
f t
f t
f t
f t
f t
# -
f t
We have the Goods
And are Going to Sell Them
f t
Dallas Oregon.
f t
W e buy goods nearly every day— it is the only way to keep your stock
fresh and new. In our grocery department we keep our handsomest clerk
and our sweetest goods. But for more value for your money you must
buy more expensive things. W e excel in spring and summer dress poods
— all colors and qualities. Most of them are not mercerized, but they
are so slick you would think they were. W e have a very nice line of
shirt waists— nice in style and cheap. A n d ladies’ neckwear, ties and
collars, we lead them all. W e have as fine a line of shoes as you w ill find
anywhere, and you will be surprised how cheap they are. W e still have
a few pairs of ladies and mens’ shoes left, $2 to $5 values for $1. In mens
hats we have an overstock, nice ones too, and you will miss it if you do
not buy of us. Just arrived— an invoice of ladies’ muslin underwear d i­
rect from the factory. The sale opened M ay 26th and the lathes should
not miss it. A n d we have just opened a large variety of ladies’ w’aists
at bargain prices: Form erly 50 cents, now 25 cents; form erly $1, now 50
cents, we do this because it will be warm and you will need them.
Castorln is tv harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare­
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasuut. It
coutains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotio
substance. Its age Is its guarantee. It dcslroys Worms
and allays Feverishness. It euros Diarrliœa and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children** Panacea—The Mother’s Friend.
ft *
ft& ft *
C H U R C H D IR E C T O R V .
Preaching hour« at 11 ami 8 :00.
M K. CH U RC H .
Preaching Sunday morning and ev­
ening. Sunday school at 9:46. Ep-
worth league at 7 ;0*
Prayer meet­
ing Thursday evening.— 11. N. Hounds,
Preaching Sunday morning and ev­
ening. Sunday school at 10. Ep-
worth league at 7 :'X)
Prayer meet­
ing Thursday evening.— L. C. Smith,
Preaching Sunday morning and ev­
ening. Sunday school at 10. B. Y.
P. U. at 7 :00. Prayer meeting W ed­
nesday evening,— J. 11. G. Russell,
Preaching Sunday morning and ev­
ening. Sunday school at 10. Chris
tinn Endeavor at 7 :00. Prayer meet­
ing Thursday evening.— W . T . War
die, pastor.
Pleaching Sunday morning and ev­
ening. Bil>le school at 10. Junioi
Chrit-tian Endeavor at 3:30. Senior
Christian Endeavor at 7 :00. Hihl
class and prayer meeting take place
Thursday evening.— W. T. Matlock,
ft *
ft I f : * ft #
ft *
C ra m p s ,d y s e n te ry ch o le ra m o r b u s
Diarrhoea, and, indeed, all bowel com­
plaints quickly relieved by Perry Dav­
is' Painkiller, a sale, sure am i speedy
cure, for all the troubles named. Ev­
ery reputable durggist keeps a supply.
Each bottle has full directions. Avoid
substitutes, there is but one Painkill­
er, Perry Davis’. 25c. and 50c.
ege womb wlnn physical develop­
ment is regarded as quite as important
as a knowledge o f humanity and as a
glimmering of ( ireek.
Willard scored 1.827. eclipsing the
former record held by Harold Weekes
of Columbia b.v 1 IS points.
Here are Willard’s comparative tests
for 1001 and 1002 :
to R n nn ln jr.
ri> o k f k h p n r v iN o .
including that with Hornlma, and will,
as In past years, campaign a string on
the grand circuit.
Geer* Is the greatest driver and train­
er In the t'nlted States, although the
opinion exists In some quarters that
George II. Keteham, owner, breeder,
trainer and driver o f Creecetl*, 2:02V«,
\n hie equal. Ketchain's career, how­
ever. has been pursue*] along different
lines than that of Geers, the latter har­
ing had more actual training and driv­
ing experience than any other mau in
the country.
ft % ft *
N e w C o l l e g e S trong; Man.
Tho remarkable strength teat record
o f N. W. Willard of the School of Phi­
losophy. Columbia, In the university
rvuinaaluoi la still the talk o f tbe.col-
T k * H artford „ o b * . .
Tlir Mn kr event* In tlie grumi circuit
races n* llnrtfnnl In September will be:
Kirnt Kntnrlty. $10.000, Sept. 1. Labor
liar: trotting. 2:11 claaa. $10.000; 2:10
eia**. $3.000; 2:30 eta**, $3.000; iwclng,
2:01) rill**. $3.|>U0; 2:10 class. $3,000;
2:30 class. $3.000i
Lu cy.
She dwelt a m o n g the untrodden ways
B eside the springs o f D ove,
A m aid w hom there w ere none to praise
A n d v e r y fe w to love.
A v io le t by a m ossy stone
H a lf hidden from the ey e !
F a ir as a star, when on ly one
Is sh in in g in the sky.
Bhe lived, unknown, and fe w could kn ow
W h en L u c y ceased to be,
B u t she is In her gra ve, and, oh.
T h e d ifferen ce to me!
—W o rd sw o rth .
A ll quiet a lo n g the P o tom a c to n ig h t;
N o sound save the rust» o f the river.
W h ile nolt fa lls the dew on the fa ce o f the !
T h e p ick et’ s o ff du ty fo r e v e r
—E th el L y n n .
I f the fs u lts o r the crim es o f th y you th
A re a burden too h ea vy to bear.
W h a t h ope can rebloom on the desolate
w aste
O f a jea lo u s and crav en d espair?
D own, dow n w ith the fe tte r s o f fe s r :
In the stre n g th o f th y v a lo r and m anhood
W ith the fa ith that illu m es and the w ill
that defies.
" T o o la t e !” T h ro u gh G o d 's In fin ite w orld.
F ro m his throne to life s netherm ost
“ T o o la t e ’ ” Is s phantom that flies a t the
daw n
O f the soul that repen ts and aspires.
I f m ire thou *■*•** m ade th e ile«trr>s
▼MX C K N T A U N C O M P A N Y . T T M U R R A Y B T R I I T , N E W Y O R K C I T Y .
W ith w ish in g arid w ith fr e ttin g
T h e boon can not be bought.
T o a ll the prize is open.
Bu t o n ly he can ta ke it
W h o says, w ith R om an cou rage,
" I ’ M find a w a y o r m a ke it !”
—J o h n O . Saxe.
T h e re 's no h eigh t tne s tro n g w in g s or
m o rta ls m a y ga in
W h ich in s triv in g to reach thou sh alt
s triv e fo r in vain.
O L D F A V O R IT E S .
D m is U*
«p o n
In Use For Over 3 0 Years.
f t Sfí
ft *
.1 in «.
m e m b e r s h ip w a s In d o rs e d b y th e n th- 1
le t le c o m m it t e e a n d e s p e c ia lly re c o in - j W e clutch o u r Joys as ch ild ren do their
flow ers.
m e n d e d b y C a p t a in C h a r le s I I . S lie r- ;
W e look at them, but sca rce b elie ve them
r ill a s a w o r t h y a d d itio n to t h e c h ib ’ s
a t h le t ic te a m . A s so on a s th e t ra c k at T ill our hot pnlms huve sm irch ed their
colors ra te
T r a v e r s Is la n d . N. Y „ h as b e e n pu t in
A n d crushed their d ew y bea u ty u naw are.
s h a p e L o n g w i l l g o t h e r e a n d pu t in a j
— Dinah M a rla C raik.
c o u p le o f m o n th s ’ s t e a d y w o r k u n d e r j
•he s u p e r v is io n o f " C o u n t ” U h tn in u i.
L y r ic o f A c tio n .
T l s the pa rt o f a co w ard to brood
O er th * past tlm t Is w ith ered and dead.
W h a t thou ah the h ea rt's roses a re ashes
All»ert C. Host wick of New York,
and dust?
trotting horse owner, nutomobllist of
W h a t thou gh the h ea rt's m usic be fled?
8 tlll shine the grand h ea ven s o'erhead.
note, running horse enthusiast, four-in-
ce th e vo ice o f an a n g el th rills clea r
hand driver, horse show exhibitor, and W h en on
the soul.
only twenty-three years of age. has "G ir d about thee thine a rm or, press on to
th y g o a l!”
bought of J. Malcolm Forbes the year­
ling colt Lord Kevel8toke, by Bingen,
21NIVL out of May Fern. 2:11 Vi, by Ued-
fern Mr. Hontwlck will campaign a
siring iIlls season, and David McClary
will be in control.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
round athlete. Last spring he triok an
active part in baseball and made the T h e re ’ s o n ly the sound o f the lone sen try ’ s
regular third base man on the varsity
A s he tra m p s from the ro ck to the fo u n ­
team. In the fall he struck Into foot­
ball, although the game was entirely A nd he thin ks o f the tw o In the lo w tru n ­
dle bed
new to him, and secured n distinguish
F a r a w a y In the cot on the mountain.
ed place on the regular varsity team. H is m usket fa lls sla ck : his face, dark and
Preaching Sum ay morning and ev­ He next tried his hand at gymnastics
grim .
ening. Sunday school at 10. Chris­ and strength tests, with the result al­
G ro w s g e n tle w ith m em ories tender
As he m u tters a p ra y er fo r the children
tin n Endeavor at 7 :00. Prayer meet­ ready noted.
ing Thursday evening.— A. A. Winter,
F o r th e ir m other. M a y h eaven defend
Rnelncr Date* For 1903.
The runuing racing dates for 1002 are T h e moon seem s to shine ju st as b rig h tly
ns follows:
as then.
*Ihe SPORTING WORLD Brooklyn............................May 24-June 13 j T h a t night when the lo ve y e t unspoken
Latonia................................ May 26-Juno 20 Leaped up to his lips, w hen low . m u rm u r­
ed vo w s
Hawthorne (Chicago)........... May 26-June 6 •
Our G reatest D riv e r.
Harlem (Chicago)....................... June 7-20 | W e re pledged to he e v e r unbroken;
Trainer Ed Geers of the famous Vil­ Hheepxlund Buy. N Y ..........June 14-July 4 j Then, d ra w in g his sleeve ro u gh ly o v e r his
lage farm (East Aurora, N. Y.) estab­ Wiuihington park (Chicago).June 21-July 19 j
Delnmr park (St. Louis)............... Aug. 13 ' H e dashes o ff tears that a re w ellin g
lishment will be n prominent figure in Brighton Beach.................. July 6-Aug. 2 And g a th e is his gun closer up to Its place.
trotting affairs during the summer. He Hawthorne (Chicago)............ July 21-Aug. 3 A s If to keep dow n the h ea rt sw ellin g.
N. Y........................... Aug. 4-29
will drive The Abbot in his big rncc-s, Haratoga,
Harlem (Chicago)....................... Aug. 4-16 H e passes the fountain, th e blasted pine
Klnloch park (St. Louis)............Aug. 14-20
T h e fo otstep Is la ggin g and w e a ry ;
Hawthorne (Chicago).................. Aug. 18-30
Sheepshoad Bay. N Y ...... Aug 30-Sept. 13 Y e t o n w a rd ne goes th rou gh the broad
belt o f ligh t
Harlem (Chicago)....................... Sept. 1-13
T o w a r d the shades o f the fo res t no
Delmar park (St. Louis).............. Sept. 1-30
Hawthorne (Chicago)................ Sept. 15-27
Brooklyn.............................. Sept. 15-Oct. 4 H a rk ! W a s It the n igh t w in d th a t rustled
the iea vrs?
Harlem (Chicago).................. Sept. 29-Oct. 6
W a s tt m oon ligh t so w on d rou sly flash ­
Morris park t.Ww York)...............Oct. 6-25
in g?
Worth. Ill.......................... Oct. 7-Nov 1
Aqueduct (New York).........Oct. 27-Nov. 8 It looked lik e u rifle. " H a ! M a ry , go o d -
b y !”
Lakeside, lad..............................Nov. 3-20
A nd the lifeb loo d is eb b in g and plashing.
Washington ............................. Nov. 10-29
L u n g 's lie ttiM i
Bears the Signature of
f t
T h e P ic k e t G uard.
P o in ts. Poin ts. | “ A ll qu iet a lo n g the P o to m a c .” th ey say,
‘ E x cep t now and then a s tra y picket
S tren gth o f b a c k ................... 220
755 I Is shot as he w alks on his beat to and fro
S tren gth o f le g s .................... 475
By a riflem an hid In the thicket.
76 I
S tren gth o f rig h t fo re a r m ..
T ie nothing. A p riva te o r tw o now and
S tren gth o f le ft fo r e a r m ....
C a p a city o f lu n g s.................
W ill not count in the n ew s o f the battle.
S tren gth o f upper a rm s ( t r i ­
o ffic e r lost—o n ly one o f the men
ceps and chest), d ip s ........ 217
M o a n in g out, all alone, the death r a t t le ."
S tren gth o f upper arm s (b i­
ceps and back), ch in s....... 181
A ll quiet a lo n g the P o tom a c ton igh t,
W h ere the soldiers lie p e a ce fu lly d rea m ­
Total ...............................1.268
Willard’s achievement was nil the T h e ir in tents
In the ra y s o f the c le a r au­
more remarkable from the circum­
tumn moon
O r the lig h t o f the w a tc h fires are
stance that the year before his stand­
gleam in g.
ard was only 1,2(18 and that between A trem
u lou s sigh os the g e n tle n igh t w ind
the tests of 1!M)1 and 1902 he had de­
T h ro u gh the fo rest le a v e s s o ft ly is
creepin g.
veloped to such an extent as to in­
crease his strength at all points by 559. W h ile sta rs up above, w ith th e ir g litte r in g
Columbia’s new strong man Is an all
K eep gu ard, fo r the a rm y Is sleeping.
Maxwell W Long, the iieerleas run­
ner. who ret I ret I a y e a r ago. has been
e le c te d a m e m b e r o f the N e w Y o r k
A th le tic d u b .
L o n g s application for
f t
But courteous, obliging clerks, ready at all times to serve you.
♦ f t #
The Kind You Have Always Bought, nud which has been,
la use for over 30 years, has boruo the Bbrnatnro o f
mid has been made under his |*er-
oonal »upervlsloi*since its Infancy.
Allow no one. to deceive you In this.
A ll Counterfeits, Imitations and •* Just-as-B-ood” are but
Experiment* thnt trifle with nnd endanger the health of
Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment.
T h en up to the con test w ith fate.
Unbound by the past, w hich is d ea d !
W h a t though the h ea rt's roses a re ashes
and dust?
W h a t thou gh the h ea rt's m usic be fled?
S till shine the ia lr heaven s o'erh ead.
A n d sublim e as the a n g el w ho rules In the
B eam s the prom ise o f peace w hen the
con flict is w on !
— P a u l H a m ilto n H a yn e.
W h e r e T h e r e ’s a W i l l T h e r e ’s a W a y .
Is fa m e your a sp iratio n ?
H e r path Is steep and h igh ;
In vain he seeks the tem ple,
Content to g a z e and sigh.
T h e sh inin g thron e Is w a itin g,
But he alon e can ta ke It
W h o says, w ith R o m a n firm ness,
" I ’ ll find a w a y o r m ake It !”
Four dictionaries have been bought
for the u>e of the Dallas public school.
S u m m e r C o m q la ln t.
Is not always brought ah >ut by
< h inge of air and water. The ‘ stay-
at-homes” are just as susceptible to
diarrhoea ; due, generally, to ov. r eat-
mg, as unrige fruits, ect. ; an I, drink­
ing ico water; ali accompanied by
painful bowel discharges; anil, if not
checked, result« srronsly. Perry Dav­
is’ Painkiller is the only purely leli- ,
able remedy. 23 and ooc.
In d e p e n d e n c e .
G a th e r g e a r by e v e ry w ile
T h a t 's Justified by h on or:
N o t fo r to hide It in a hedge.
N o t fo r a train a tten da n t.
But fo r the glo rio u s p riv ile g e
O f bein g Independent.
H an.
Thus, born a lik e, fro m virtu e first began
T h e d iffe re n c e th a t distin gu ish ed m an
fr o m man.
He cla im ed no title fro m descent o f blood.
But that w hich m ade him noble m ade him
—D ry den.
In every town
an 1 village
may be had
t the
D re n s ln g r C a p o n s .
In dressing capons leave feathers on
neck from head down two thirds way
to the shoulders. Leave feathers on
first two joints of wings. Leave feath­
ers on tail and half way lip hack. Leave
feathers on legs from knee joint two-
thirds way up the hips. All the rest of
the feathers should come off.
In lo v e 's Im passioned w a r fa r e
T h e ta le has e v e r been
T h a t v ic to ry cro w n s the v a lia n t;
T h e b ra v e a re th ey w h o w in !
T h o u g h stro n g Is b ea u ty's castle,
A lo ver still m a y ta ke it
W h o says, w ith Hom an darin g,
• 'I'll find a w a y o r m ake I t !”
A r e riches w orth the g e ttin g ?
T h e v m u s t be b r a v lv s o u g h t :
S crofula
I bequeath to ray children Scrofula with nil its
attendant horrors, humiliation and suffering. This is a
strange legacy to leave to p osterity; a heavy burden to
place upon the shoulders of the young. *
This treacherous disease dwarfs the body and hinders
the growth and development of the faculties, and the
child born of blood poison, or scrofula-tainted parentage,
is poorly equipped for life ’s duties.
Scrofula is a disease with numerous and varied
sym ptom s; enlarged glands or tumors about the neck
and armpits, catarrh of the head, weak eyes and dreadful
skin eruptions upon different parts of the body show the
presence of tubercular or scrofulous matter in the blood. This dangerous
and stealthy disease entrenches itself securely in the system and attacks
the bones and tissues, destroys the red corpuscles of the "blood, resulting in
white swelling, a pallid, w axy appearance of the skin, loss of strength and
a gradual wasting away of the body.
S. S. S. combines both p urifying and tonic properties, and is guaran­
teed entirely vegetable, m aking it the ideal rented}- in
all scrofulous affections. It purifies the deteriorated
blood, makes it rich and strong and a complete and
permanent cure is soon effected. S. S. S. improves
the digestion and assimilation o f food, restores the
lost properties to the blood and quickens the circulation, bringing a healthy
color to the skin and vigor to the weak and emaciated body.
W rite us about your case and our physicians w ill cheerfully advise and
help you in every possible way to regain your health. Rook on blood nnd
Skin diseases free.
T H E S W I F T S P E C I F I C C O ., A t l a n t a . V i a .
that makes your
horses glad.
M ore
The old Indy with the tract was curi­
"And when you drink too much do
you really see snakesT m she asked.
“ No. mum,” responded Sandy Pikes.
“ I generally see country constables,
bulldogs an’ woodpiles.” — Detroit Free
E x cited
Ripans Tabules are a common sense, effectual cure
for dyspepsia, biliousness, heartburn, headache, con­
stipation, dizziness and all disorders qf the stomach,
liver and bowels. They are intended for the use of
men, women and children everywhere, and have
proved beneficial in the majority of cases. It is not
claimed that they will perform miracles, but some of
the cures which they have effected amount almost to
that. Easy to take and prompt in action, they have
no rival as the best remedy for the every-day ills o f
_________ _
B e tte r
Pleasant. Palatable. Poteut. Taste Good. Do
Oood, Never Sicken, Weaken, or Gripe, 10c, 25«, 60c.
.. .
If You Could
4 m
J l P
25 cents.
L e Roy, N .
—V Guaranteed to cure Con-
sumption. B r o n c h i t i s ,
A s t h m a , and all Lung
Cures Coughs and Colds in a day.
W rite to S. C. W f . l l s & Co.,
Y., for free trial bottle.
S e c o n d C h o ic e .
In i’ l h a t s r s
Yern n* H en*.
WPi'am II. Truslow says he fears
that i o:;e of the manufacturer?« c f Ir.cu-
bat.rs van :-.s yrt hold a camllt» any­
where to a st tiir.g lien. Bi t there fire
so many poor be::* that «.ill do every­
thing bi’ t set properly that 1.000 eggs
set In machines, even tho; .:h they do
not work quite sot -faetorily. will usu­
ally give ns many chicks as 1.000 egg*
Under hens, and a machine will set
when you can find uo Lens.
into the future and see the condition
to which your cough, if neglected,
w ill brin g you, you would seek relief nt
once—ana that naturally would be through
7 30 » m L v ............. PiM tisml...........
Ar 5;50 p m
1 1:03 m m L v ... ....... Twrry...............I v j . i s p m
11:55 p m A r .......
C-*t\»llis .
I.v i : t 0 p m
At Alt a ri and O r v s lli« connect with tisio s of
orcgc-n Central and Ea-tern railroad.
5:0'. pmf . \
Portland............ Ar 9 30 t in
T b » f« » r i. »
Ih rila f RMM.dj C«M|»aiy, Cklwp, iH lr n l, N»w T »rl.
^Kafl’» Clover Root Te* porlflt* the Bloody
* st.pij r -i * p
P la n .
On flln H a n d s .
“ When you get angry with your hus
band, do you threaten to go to your
“ No, indeed; to bring her here."
“ 1 noticed you hoeing your garden
yesterday. What are you raising?"
“ Blisters
mostly.” — Philadelphia
" I
viff.rfd !M*e
» ' I—
If— « • * '' •■
I cooM " » I >’” P »1
Mv he.d ,ch.d a.d my feet would be col* . . ic . My b o ». . « . « « no! r.su.nr
! ...
•uch tramp. Iran r> -< to— * » * o- my ■I— 1' ' ! » ' 1 -miW f.iun ..»iv
I * » » in .0c , di.tn ■
that I mould k n » o w M
dun 1,.., About thrM month. » ,o I nra, .uffrr.n, and I, t
n>, body M tmd np inm.tdly. My btotlmT n,onu n«d«.l HI pan, r.tu lo. t . m,
V . ho
• bt.,nod M M fo. n ham thn . . » * « dm* - o r . and I nouM n<* now b. ...h. ot l! nt
n ln n d in* ol .11 Ik. tool p m . th.t lom wi to my wtno.ch ,nd th.y w..v. toy bon 1. yr
lor nhtch I h.d bM. ukm, oh. d o .11 th. l o t I h.M no
C » w .ly
I haw no now. b«.d.chn n itm n tlttp w.11 . m Let, I tanl m h*hl . . th. ... w ocb I (nr ,
that u yin , a *ood deal (o. . montj. mho w .i«b. too pound, l »m mur, that did not .. ,
ih. Taboln. 1 yttu .fo , to. th*y would !l**« M.rd mt > irc.t d<ol ot pain and ni<!
b tw c c u c to
D og.
Hewitt—Gruct is popular with the
Jewett—Yes. lie doesn’t seem to be
anybody’s first choice.—Judge.
One giv es
"YYe always gtve the under dog In a
tight our sympathy,” remarked the ob­
server of events nnd things; “ the oth­
er dog does the rest.” —Yonkers States­
*' I have used Ripaas Tabules for a number o f y e a rs and would n o t be w i t h o u t t h e m .
I was troubled with indigestion and coa»tipati»n, »"<* ,'* ve «• »k e d " “ 2 I J » * * 1'r ‘ n * -A ’ ,um
that i am getting rid of those terrible bilious stieM* which confined me
bed on account <•> me
dimness. O l Ute I luivs ao< had any
I had just got over 1 pad ttrfP d »
mua Isver ■ « - ;
sitting . mi the «tep, when a neighbor u n u t- me snd remarked
i p f 1— ktd. I tmd ' un I
had just got over the fever and that I * n afraid te eat • " . ' ' « f * * .v .ourt . f mdigesr
Iron which I had suffered since I was qaite young. N e adnsed me to take Kipani 1 «hi...
I said I would try them, and from then I haven’t been witln-Mt tbem
1 can e .t aryt it
providing I finish with a Tebnle instead of dessert.
I feel very llunkf il tlut I liave foi. . !
something that will prolong my life.”
lent» Ui label * el.. Detroit, Altoti.
"HI, there!” called the policeman.
“ Don’t you see thnt sign, ‘No dog9 al­
lowed In this park?’ ”
“ Ah." replied the dog owner, “ but
this poor dog cnn’t rend. Fine day,
isn’t It?” —Philadelphia Press.
Ri pana Tabule*
Doctors find 1
A good prescription
For mankind.
” 1 have gone 14 d a y * at a time w i t h o u t a
m o vem en t o f the Uotvels, not being able to
j move them exoept by using hot witter Injection*.
Chronic constipation for «even yours placed me in
1 thl* terrible condition: during thut time 1 did ev­
erything I heard o f but never found any rcllof; such
| was iny ease until. 1 began using CA8CAUETS. 1
j now have from one to three passages it day. and if I
was rich 1 would give 1100.00 for each movement; It
i Is each a relief."
A vi.n ri: L. T trv r
D evotees.
“ Pa and ma got to quarreling at the
breakfast table about which played
piugyiotig the better.”
“ Yes.”
“ And pretty soon they played ping-
pong with the cups and plates.” —Cleve­
land Plain Dealer.
At <1r«w*t*rs
Cent )*■ k*-i !* enoiO f •
« . .
/t IS 1«$ V n Hrs lim p Boutfit
U n w elc o m e V ision s.
> ■
O a II m ...................Lv 6 10 a m
Pasoeneer d*-|>ot foot of Jeff#r»on str»«t
a in
Arri t 1:0? p rn
L e t-c 3 i 0 c m ........I u i ’ v
Arrive ft: .0 y n*.......
s . mj
it .
AfHte. ...... Le»*« 7;S0 a m
For Infanti and Children.
T in Kind Yon Have Always
Bears the
Signatare of