Polk County itemizer. (Dallas, Or.) 1879-1927, May 16, 1902, Image 2

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    R e p u b lic a n S ta te T ic k e t .
This county could not send to the
T h o u san d s H ave K id n ey T rouble
legislature a more capable and influ­
an d Don’t K now it.
For Governor,
ential man than N. L Butler. His
W. J . FU R N ISH , of Umatilla.
H ow T o Find O ut.
legal k nowledge and familiarity with
Fill a bottle or common glass with your
For Supreme Judge.
DALLA8, FRID A Y, MAY 16. 1901. bnsineas affairs would at one# put bim
water and let It stand twenty-four hours; a
in the front rank as a legislator
K. 8. BEAN, of Lane.
sediment or set­
When a matter of special interest to
tling Indicates an
For Secretary of State,
ib l is m a d E v b r y F riday M o r s i * « A y 7:30.
Polk county conies up lie has the gift
unhealthy condi­
r . I. DUNBAR, of Clataop.
tion ef the kid­
of language to make it prominent and
W. A. W A S H ,
neys; if tt stains
| m .tent. As joint representative I. M.
For State Treasurer,
your linen It ts
Simpson would carefully watch and
C. S. MOORE, of Klam ath.
of kid­
guard the interests of this and Lincoln
ney trouble: too
For Attorney-General,
counties. He is not an orator but a
frequent desire to
A. M. CRAW FORD, of Douglas.
,-aoahle and reliable man who has »1-
pess II or pain In
back Is also
♦ 1 50 ........................................... l’er year
For State Printer,
and blad­
$ 75 ......... ................ Per six montlu
J . R. W H IT N E Y , of Linn.
der are out of order.
40 ...........................Per three months would never he ashamed of Butler and
W h e t to Do.
For Superintendent of Pub. In s.,
Advertising rates made known on Simpson as repiesenlativea in the leg­
There Is comfort In the knowledge so
J . H. ACKERMAN, of Multneinah.
application. Correspondence is solicit­ islative hall.
often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-
Root. the great kidney remedy fulfills every
R e p u b lic a n D is t r ic t T ic k e t .
Many republicans admit that it
Fine Job Printing done at reasonable
wish In curing rheumitlsm, pain In the
For Congressman,
would have been better for their cause
back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part
of the urinary passage. It corrects Inability
THOB. H. TONGUE,of Hillsboro.
if both Furnish and Fulton had re­
to hold water and scalding pain In passing
mained away from Dallas. Neither
For Jo in t Representative,
It, or bad effects following use of liquor,
measured up to what was expected of
B. T. JO N ES, of Lincoln.
wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant
I them and both created prejudice! that
necessity of being compelled to go often
will drive votes to the opposition.
R e q u b lle a n C o u n t y T la k a t -
during the day, and to get up many tlmea
during the night. The mild and the extra­
Fer 6overnor—
For Representative,
ordinary effect of Swamp-Root ts soon
Geo. E. Chamberlain, of Multnomah.
and done on the oecaaiou duet not GEO. L. HAWKING, Independence. realised. It stands the highest for Its won­
For Supreme Judge—
derful cures of the most distressing cases.
For Sheriff,
B. F. Bonham, of Marion.
If you need a medicine you should have the
almost nothing and giving no definite
T . J . G RA V ES, of McCoy.
beat. Sold by druggists In 50c. and $1. sixes.
For Secretary of State—
idea of what might he expected of him
D. W. Sears, of Polk.
You may Itava a sample bottle of this
For Commissioner,
was not what was expected from Mr.
State T re a s u re r-
0 . D. R ID E R , of Independence.
Furnish, and the other geutleinan
and a book tluit tells
Henry Blackman, of Morrow.
was aa unreasonable extremist. But
For Clerk,
more about ft both sent
Attorney General—
for their coming there would have U. 8 . LOUGH ARY, of Luckiamute. absolutely free by mall,
J. H. Raley, of Umatilla.
been no drunken orgy. Notonly men
address Dr. Kilmer fc
» o f Swamp-Root.
For Treasurer.
State Printer—
Co., Binghamton, N. Y, When writing men-
but many boys were filled with mean,
J. E. Godfrey, of Salem,
free whisky, and outraged decency by D. M. C A L BR E A TH , of Buenavista. tlon reading this gonerous offer In this paper.
Superintendent of Public Instruction— going through the streets yelling,
For Assessor,
W. A. Wann, of Polk.
•wearing and using vulgar language.
1. F . YOAKUM, of Bridgeport.
U. S. Senator—
The Kllewera have rented a place
C. E. S. Wood, of Multnomah.
For Surveyor.
north of Peter Reddekopp’s.
Congressman, first district—
Dalton and Assessor Myer have, dur­
J. K. Weatherford, of Linn.
Tbe closing txerciaes of our public
ing the past two years so faithfully
For Coroner,
seliool were groatly enjoyed by all
Congressman, secomd district—
and acceptably performed the duties E .
L. K ETC H U M , of Independence.
W. F. Butcher, of Baker.
preient. Tbe teacher, Miae Zulu My­
of their oflleee that the general pub­
er, proved quite popular with both
lic are very much inclined to retain
their aervicea for another terns. Many OUK STAFF OF RUSTLERS- children and parenta.
republicans have told us that they
A ll l y a s o n T e x a s .
would suppert Mr. Riggs because he
N. L. BU I LER. of Monmouth.
Great is Texas. Her vaet cotton
had proven a genuine friend to all the W H A T T H E Y H A V E T O S A Y A B O U T
For Joint Representative—
crop« and marvellous oil disooveries
interest! of taxpayers aud would con-
I. M. SIMPSON, of Alrlle.
amaze the world. Now follows the
tlmue to be a faithful watchdog of the
For Sheriff—
county treasury. A better or more A n U n e q u a lle d a n d C o m p le t e R e startliug statement of the wonderful
J. T. FORD, of Dallas.
work at Ciseo, Tex., of Dr. K ing’e New
s u m e o f w n a t T o t r F r ie n d s a re
reliable treasurer than 5fr. Dalton
Diecovery for Conaumption.
a n d H a ve B e e n L a t e ly D o in g .
For Clerk—
this county never had, and he has
DEE SIMPSON, of Monmouth,
wife contracted aeevere lung trouble,”
made friends of all who have come In
writee Editor J . J . Eager, "which
For Commissioner—
contact with him. No republican was
K e e p th e B a la n c e U p .
SETH RIGGS, of Crowley.
caused a most obstinate cough and fi­
ever heard to say a word against him.
It lisa been truthfully s id that any
For Treasurer—
An assessor has much to do with all distnrtmiiee of the even balance of nally resulted in profuse lien orrhage»
t . V. DALTON, of Independent.
the property Interests of the county health causee serious trouble, No­ but she has been completely cured by
and it is all important to have a thor­ body can be too careful to keep thie Dr. King’s New Discovery.” I t ’s pos­
For Assessor—
F. E. MYER, of Smlthfleld.
oughly qualified man in that olflee. balance up. Wheu people begin to itively guaranteed for coughs, cohls
Mr. Myer is fully posted aud gives lose appetite or to get tired easily, and all throat and lung troubles. 50c
For Surveyor—
L. GROUND, of Monmouth.
strict attunlien to all the daties of his the least imprudence brings on sick­ and 81. Trial bottles free at all drug­
For Coroner—
ness, weakness or debility. The sys­ gists.
W. S. CAREY, of Dallas.
tem needs a tonic, craves it, and should
I t is said that there are as many not be denied it; and the best tonic of
Chamberlain republicans as support­ which we have any knowledge ie
Tinea or four large bears were killed
The more that paople have talked ers of Mr. Furnish in Portland, and Hood’e Sarsaparilla. W hat this med- last week in the Sugarloaf vicinity.
about the sharifT» office the stronger there is no doubt as to how the demo­ ieine has done in keeping healthy peo
Mrs. John Houser and children have
have become Iheir convictions that J . crats will vote. The record of Mr. pie healthy, in keeping up the even
T. Ford is the best possible man to Fu rrish is thoroughly well known balance of health, gives it the same moved to C. II. Barberow’s ranch,
put into that position From abund­ there and no mail in the city is batter distinction as a preventive that it en­
Mrs. G. H. Horsfall and little duugh
ant experience he knowa exactly what known thnn Mr. Chamberlain. As joys as a cure. Its early use has il­
ter have returned to their home in
to do aud how to do it. He has nev­ proaecatiug atternay he It is had many lustrated the wisdom of the old say­ Idaho.
er neglected the elighteet duty of his chances to unfairly feather his nest ing that a stitch in Dme saves nine.
A couple ef weeks ago W ill. Hin-
office and no official has ever stuck under the guise of legality, but his ev­ Take Hood's for appetite, streng’ h
shnw broke a wagon and sled while
closer to business. He is the very ery public act has been for the public aud endurance.
soul of honor, no immoral, diahoneat, rather than personal good, which can­
getting home a load of goods from 8u
mean or unmanly thing ever having not he said of his opponent. The peo­
garlouf, and last week Royal Plank
been laid at the door of John Ford ple demand an honest administration
broke down in the Big Bend a. be
A new railroad bridge ie being built was coming from'Dallas. The coun­
He is careful and conservative and al­ of state alfslrs and fearless attacks on
ty road is in a very bad condition ac­
ways positively on the side of right. unfair fees and perquisites, which Mr. across the Luckiamute here.
No one that knews him would ever at­ Chamberlain pr mlses, while his ad­
Mrs. Ed McLune is visiting her un­ cording to all accounts.
tempt to influence him in a wrong di versary promises nothing except that cle at Grants Pass.
recti on. Many republicans who have | his would he a business administra­
T h e B e s t P r e s c r ip t io n f o r M a la r ia
nothing whatever ngainat Mr. Oravvs tion. As sheriff and deputy govern­
Picnic at the Kidder grove May 31. chills and fevers is a bottle of Grove's
will vote for Mr Ford because of the; ment marthal his was a wonderfully
Tasteless Chill Tonic I t is simply
Candidate cigars have been distress­ iron ami quinine in a tasteless fornr.
shove mentioned merits.
vigorous business administration, but ingly scarce.
No cure, no pay. Price 50 cents.
who got the bulk of the profits— the
When Prof. W. A. VYaun was nom­ coaiity, the government or Billy Fur­
Hop yard: ready to train, but gar­
inated fur state superintendent of pub nish? The records show that he dens backward for lack of warm sun.
lie instruction, the republicans «ere •pe dily got rich.
Born, to the wife of Will. Bcott on
W h o o p in g C o u g h .
of the opinion that their candidate
May 4th, nn 8-pound boy.
would hnve a walkover and not find it
A woman who has had experience
The North Dallas and Polk boys
George Bolter has rented Mrs. Min­
necessary to leava his ordinary duties having organised a baseball team and with this disease, tells how to prevent
But Mr. Watin soon began to probe procured a complete outfit, are ready any dangerous consequences from it. erva Davidson’s farm for live year«.
into things and show that our educa­ to accept all challenges. John 8haw She says: Our three children took
Mrs Jam es Helmiek has gone to
tional ayalein had become too ponder­ is manager and the players are Chas. whooping cough last summer, our ba­ Washington to visit relatives.
ous, mid that tnere is too much of a Boydslon, Juy Stingley, Loti Brown, by boy being only three months old,
cramming process in the present P. A. Kliewer, Arthur and Jasper and owing to our giving them Cham­
J . W. Alexander is helping W ill.
school requirements and Mr. Aoker Boydston, Claud, Ned and Joel 8haw. berlain’s Cough Remedy, they lost Scott in his hop yard.
■nan had to take the field. Teachers
Bee additional loeal on first page, none of their plumpnees and came
E. Davidson is attending court in
everywhere and parents toe know the
and read the big ad of Brown <k Ellis out in much better health than other Dallas this week.
course o! study calls for more than it
on the fourth page.
is possible for children to acquire ill
this remedy. Our oldest little girl
Charley Herren has startod a cream
the required time. The result is that
would call lustily for cough syrup be- ery wagon from this vicinity to Inde­
T h e D e m o c r a t ic C a n d id a t e ! .
most blunder along and get a smat­
With possibly oiis or two exceptions twecu whoops.—Jessie l ’inkey Hall, pendence.
tering of many tilings with nothing they are more capable and more wor­ Springville, Ala. This Remedy ia for
Little Em m a Walker has mumps.
learned perfectly and the few extra thy of the offices sought than thoso sale by A. K . Wilaon.
ambiticus ones come out with shat put up hy the opposition. We do not
Mrs. George Scott returned last Sat
tend nerves aud impaired health. advocate voting for them simply be­
R IC K R E A L L .
unlay to her home at Pullman, Wash­
Mr. Wann is going all over the state cause they are democrats, but because
Mrs. Otis W ait was taken to Baleni ington.
laying the facts before the people, they would give the public better ser­
and finds a largely prevailing senti­ vice generally. Notice the two tick­ for medieal treatment and her brother Y o u K n o w W h a t Y o u A r o T a k in g
ment in favor of change» for the phys ets as they appear in this paper and John Orr, has returned from east of when you take Grove’s Tasteless Chill
ical as well ns mental benefit of tile compare the known merits of the two the mountains.
Tonic because the formula is plainly
children. If he is elected many su candidates for each office, If not fa­
Mrs. E tta Weaver and son have printed on every bottle showing that
psilluotis aud expensive things will be miliar with their past records, ask been visiting here and Mrs. B. F . Lu­ it ie simply iron and quinine in a
dropped or greatly modified.
some reliable persona who know. Nev­ cas in McMinnville.
tasteless form. No cure, no pay. 60
er go to any rabid politician for an
Eugene Wait is back from Seattle
opiuien, for such never see any merit
outside of their own party. The pub­ and tliiukB this country is good
lic want the best officials they can get | enough for him.
Robert Reed ia confined to bis borne
regardless of politics. Those on the
Mias ito lla Smith is staging with with a lame ankle.
democratic ticket are thoroughly well M tb . Cook, and Miss Pauline Nesmith
known as fully capable, morally wor­ was over from Salutn Sunday.
Lewie Garbutt and Fred Hughes
thy and strictly reliable, those being
have been located on claims over on
the most important requisites.
the Yamhill by Geo. Coulee.
or in other words, men with
R ap u b ltoan S p e a k in g .
good sound hearts, are not very
It S a v e d H la L e g .
Haomel Cairiii'i has been suffering
Last Monday evening the motor
T h e in c r e a s in g
P. A. Dauforlh, of LaGrange, Qa., from a .evere Cold.
brought ovtr from Independence ami suffered for six mouths with a fright-
number of sudden deaths from
Rubl. llayea, who has employment
Monmouth three carloads, most of ! fui running tore ou his lag; but
heart disease
In Seattle, i* nailing hie family here.
daily chron­
it was a fieo ride. Two bands came wholly cared it in live days. For
Onr school children are to take part
icled h r the
along to help them make a noise. Our cera, wounds, piles, it’s the best salve in tile exercises at the Rickreall pic­
press, is proof
band and a crowd of people met and in tlm world. Cure guaranteed. On­
of the aiarm-
escorted them to the court house ly t 5 j. Sold by all dregglils.
ing p r e v a ­
where Mr. Furnish and Mr. Fulton
John Boyer ie remodeling his house
lence of this
were to »peak. The former had but
snd Geo. Coulee has had his house
d a n g e ro u s
little lo say, being a poor speaker, hut
! moved out next the road. Mr. Braley,
The Kliew.-rs have sold their farm | of Mill Creek, doing the work.
c o m p la in t ,
the latter is an oily tongued orator
and paiatod tho virtues of hia party in and 44 goats to Mr. Windovar from
and as no one
blight colors, at the tame lime por. Michigan. The latter lias taken pos- : Mrs. Plank and daughter are train­
c a n foretell
traying democracy as anything but s»s-ion and lias bought a splendid ing hope in the Jae. Myer yard.
just when a
worthy o( support. Such speeches as 8300 team.
At a prohibition meeting held at
fatal collapse
A- Kreamsr.
| he made al vays act as a boomerang,
will occur, the danger of neg­
Jaa. Boydston has finished plowing the school house the college prohibi­
, The courtroom was full of people and
80 acres of summer fallow and has tion quartet rendered a nnmber ef
lecting treatment is certainly a
I Senator Mulkey served as chairman,
songs, after which an address was giv
very risky matter. If you arc
j The subsequent proceedings were a some fine looking olover.
en by Rev. W inte,.
short of breath, have pain in
---------------- --
| disgrace to a civilised community,
G. G. Ilempel at Rirkreall has I
T o C u r a a C o ld In O n e Day
left side, smothering spells, pal­
l’ethsps a hundred men flocked into some China wheat that ia beginning
pitation, unable to lie on side,
Take laxative bromo quinine tablets.
the saloons and many of them were to bead.
All druggists refund the money if it
especially the left, you should
soon fuil of free whiskey. Numerous
The orchard on the Hayter place is (ails to cure. Signature of E . W.
I disgu-ted cilixeos remarked that
begin taking
not for years had they seen ao many
Grove on each box. 25 cents.
drunk men in Dallas. When the alo-
Conference will begin at the Men- .
F A L L S C IT Y .
i ry liiat went over town that Mr. Fur­ nonite church next Sunday and con­
nish was aasoug the saloon visitors tinue for several days.
J. A. K reamer of Arkansas Cltv, Kan
The three boilers for the W atkins
savs: “Mr heart w as so bad it wav im­
l not many believed that he would stoop
possible for me to be down, an 1 I
Mr. Bteffey, on the Kraber place, mill have arrived.
•o low aa to thus try to intluanre
neither sleep nor rest. Mv decline was
J . M. Dennis, George Tice and
vote», but the aa. niton cant* from ao baa made a lane from hia barn lo the
rapid, and I realised 1 must get help
soon. I was advised to try Dr. Miles'
Frank Butler are uam* *.400 pound»
many »mures that they at last core pasture.
Heart Cure, which 1 did, and candnllr
eluded it was a fact. One aspiring lo
Over 8*0 worth of eggs shipped to
believe it saved my life.''
the moat exalted position in the elate Portland last week
Henry Robbins
Dr. M llee' K em sdU s are »old
wi tild naturally be rxpccird to dv has tome great layers of hen fruit.
h r all drtsaclata an fuaranteo.
nothing calculated lo dvpiavu men,
Win. Curley ie fertilising hia potato
and it la well knuwn that nothing
D r. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind.
produces more d e p ra v ity than w hisky. p itch .
A Good Hearted
MUeV Heart Cure.
Miss Texie Edgar, teacher at Red
Prairie, reports eight visitors during
ltoy Bird is quite siuk with inter the past month, and that Fae an I
nuttent tever.
Ethel Cox, Annie and Asoph Harold,
Mr«. Ollie Farley is raising chicken» Clara, Henry aud Clarence Weger,
for John Robinson, and baa some tine Irma, Tommie ami Grover By run were
specimen» almost half grown. John neither absent nor tardy.
Farley baa a Jersey cow that he
J . E Godfrey, the democratic can­
wouldn’t trade fer any beef cow iu didate for stale printer, was b->rn near
the country.
Eola in this enmity in 1H58, and W.
Ben Thompson lias been building a A. Wana, candidate for state reboot
new yard fence and otherwise improv­ superintendent ha* spent nearly all
bis life in Polk county, having come
ing his preuiuus.
here iu 1878, then a small boy.
The baaket social will be held on
Report of North Dallas school for
May 30th, also tbe exercises for the'
mouth of A pril; Kniolled. 35 ; aveaau»
closing of tiie school,
attendant s, 33; lardy, 2 ; visitors, 12;
John and Lon Rowe »re at work al not abs. nt nor tardy, Marvin Boyer,
the Haunon hop yard on Balt Creek. Harry Critrhlow, Alfred May, Busan
Digby, Weitei Easier, Louise Steffy.
Nora and Rosa Bchrosder, By tie, Har­
Wedding bells are still ringing. old and Willie Hanson, Glen, Anna
Last Wednesday Elm er Blanchard ami Jim m ie Mitchell, Anna. Erma,
and Miss Laura Buell, of Mill Creek, | Harry and Ray Cairnee. R. R. Hill,
were married at McMinnville by Rev. teacher.
Mrs. Blauoliard. The wedding party
Elegant fleor scales that will weigh
returned in the evening, when a re­ live tons have been established ill the
ception was given them al the home storage rcom nt the depot. Down nt
of the bride’s parents.
the bridge a splendid water tank is to
of land plaster ou their clover.
to Tom Card's place.
John Murphy and wife will visit her
relatives in California.
Mrs. Chan. McDonald is slaying
with Mr». Dr. Farley while he vieits
bis old home in Cauada.
H. L. Kenton has been ''elping Ju s ­
tin Hunter to put out a new hop yard
ou his fai m near here.
Alex Lewis will soon be peddling
beef and mutton through this region.
The Junior League children
Mrs. Bristol have been setting
plants aud flower seeds for church
and a nice porch is being added to
Next Sunday evening Scott I.eavitl
will give a sermon on Education.
Rev. B. A. Brislol and wife are vis­
iting Eugene kindred.
N o Lo s s of T im e .
I have sold Chainperlaiu’s Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for
veers, and would rather he out of cof­
fee and sugar than it. I told five hot
ties of it yesterday to threshers who
could go no further, and they are at
work again thie morning.— H . R.
Phelps, Plymouth, Oklahoma.
will be eeen by the above tbe thrash­
er« were able to keep on with their
work without loaing a single day’s
time. You should keep a bottle ol
Ibis Remedy in your home. For sale
by A. K . Wilson.
Misses Lilly Baxter snd E lla Cou­ be built, like liiat at Derry.
nt'», of Salt Creek, were tbe guests of
Wanted by U. B.G raut pasturage
Mrs. Guttry Saturday and Bunday.
for 150 goats until October 1st.
R. A. Porter and family, J K . Gut-
P. L. Campbell, who has been pres
try and daughter aud Miss Jennie ident of the Mounioulh normal school
Blanchard attended the
Bunday since 1890, has been offered the preai
school convention at Dallas last week. deucy of the statu university at E u ­
The Pleasant View school will be gene.
represented al the teachers picnic on
This year’s Po’.k county registration
the 24th.
is ever 300 short of two years ago.
Mis« Ona Porter spent last week in
visiting friends oil Salt Creek.
Repsrl of Perrydale school for the
month ending April 25th : Enrolled,
II. Buell lias moved from this vlciu 34; average atteudance 29; lardy, 6 ;
ity to a sawmill a few miles abov«
visitors, 3; ueither ab«ent nor tardy,
Vina Erisxell, Elsie and Ola Kayt,
Della, Carrie and Floyd Flanery, Viv­
Al, Stump it tending bar in a Salem ian Clodfelter and Montie Hunter.
Rosa E. Smith, teacher.
Mis« Kate Slovens will finish
school here next Friday.
Mrs. Blanchard preached her fare­
well sermon Holiday and Miss Nora
Harris will preach next Sunday.
Basket social here next Saturday
evening to pay for organ.
Mr. Simmons has returned from
the Northwest Territory, where he
took a homestead and leased a section _}te—ite- .ite-
of school land, and will go there next t e *
•pring. Frank Lynn is going there
at once.
S c ia t ic R h e u m a t is m
te * te * t e * te * te *
te *
- M É S -
4 k
Have removed from State street to tho corner of Ferry and T V
Liiberty streets iu Salem. Wagon and buggy wheel» always ou
hand. Extensive facilities for everything iu the vehicle line. fT j
-¥te -àte--ite--àte--ite.-ï*<É--àte-.àte.-âte 3 £ - á t e - ^ t e - i t e - ^ t e - ^ t e - i t e .i iíí-^**'¿-
Rufus Smith has been fixing up ¿|||
the graves in the Butler cemetery.
E . Uoekinsnn
acres of clover.
_ ïte _*te-
c u re d .
“ I have been afflicted with ssiatie
rheumatism for fourteen years,” says
Josh Edgar, of Germantown, Cal. " I
was able to be around but cons'antly
sufiered. I tried everything I could
hear of and at last was told to try
Chamberlain’s Pain Balm , whleh I
did, and was immediately relieved
and iu a short time cured, and I am
happy to say it has not since return
ed.” Why not use this liniment ami
gel well? I t is for sale hy A. K . Wil-
[ b
e s t e q u ip p e d
s h o p in p o l k c o u n t y
has towed several
[F U L L L IN E O F S U N D K iE 2»j
F . CL Haynes has soi l 830 worth of
■fr ¡E N A M E L IN G , B R A Z IN G , A N D L IC H T LA TH V/O RK D O N I
eggs since Christmas.
RA M BLERS......................................$35 to $65 H A R T F O R D ........................$35 ’
COLUMBIA........................................ 40 to 70 V E D E T T E ........................ 25 l
IM PE R IA L .............................................. 25 to 60 ID EA L .................................... 25 ^
Mr. Keeney, of Falls City, has rent
ed the Moran place, mid J . H. Moran #
has been showing the Cartmel farm
to a land buyer.
Special Attention Given to
Out of Tow n Orders.
Numerous agents are around.
George Boolhby, tin* butcher, paid
John Holman 81* for six small slioa's
and bought 20 wether goats Iruin Al­
len Towns.
Gif Zumwalt ie working at Inde­
pendence and Will FUliback for H. T.
Lee Clark, Chas. McCaleh, Eugene
Hoskins and Allen Towns have been
working the roads with John Bumpier
as boss.
Loren Waller and George Murphy
have gone to their timber claims.
Richard Clark has been up from
Yamhill painting and selling pictures.
J . B. Stump hss traded to A . J . ;
Shipley 30 acres of the Hampton j
place for a house and lot ill Mou- j
m outh.
We have the Hancock disc plow, which lias proved
to be the best onenow used inthe state. Call ana seeit
George Clark and wife are back
from Blodgett Valley.
The stare camp will finish at the
old Farley place this w->ek and fill gs
The House Fursishing Coapaoy
In all lti staff«« there
should be cleanliness.
Ely’s Cream Balm
clean ties, soothe« snd heals
the diseased membrane.
It cures catarrh and drives
sway a cold In the head
C r e a m B a l m Is placed Into the nostrils, spreads
orer the membrane And is Absorbed. R elief is Ira- j
(tata or by m all; Trial SUo, 10 cent» by mall.
E L T B R O T H E R S, 5« W arrao Street, N tw York.
The Largest Furniture, Carpet and Wall Paper dealers in the W illam ­
ette valley above Portland. Have a correct measurement of your
rooms and windows when you come for carpets, wall paper and shades.
We cut shades to fit without charge and make them in any width.
We make our own mattresses and each is exactly as represented.
We also make our own couches aud luenges and carry a large line of
■ ■
__ ___
the House Furnishing Company.
F irst door north of po»toffice, Salem, Oregon.
Salem and Albany.
Stores at
T h e ¡ 3 r o W m e
O n l y 8 0 C e n ^s *
P F E N N IG ,
Jeweler and Optician.
_ Salem Woolen Mills Store
Hats of all kinds in all the prevailing shades.
•r —«
Hop Wire!
Vftllwy lirtdquarUr« for hop wire
Best wire At lowett price«.
,**9 State street, 8aleni.
2 5 4 C o m m e r c ia l S t r e e t .
The correct things in spring shirts,
Spring clothing for men and boys of latest and best j
p ttR e rn s.
Furnishing goods that will please everybody
Behold new styles in show windows.
It will give them pleasure to welcome all