T H E PO LK COUNTY ITEM IZE« A Good Hearted D ALLAS, r a iD A Y , NOT. 29. 1901. Linai F riday If o rsino A t 7:80. V V . A . W A S H , ■DITOH AMD PMOmirroM. S U B S C R IP T IO N BATES: f l 50 ..................................... P er year | 7 5 ..............................Per nix months 4 0 ..........................P er three months A d v ertisin g rate« niaile known on application. Correspondence in solicit- e l. F in e Job P rin tin g done at reasonable •irices. THK Nicaraugua canal treaty has hteu signed by the representative» of this country and E nglan d and will tnoat lik ely )>a ratified by the United States senate. Our country will have the sole righ t to construct, and guard it. operate N o th in g could be bet ter for the world at large. A lodge of Forresters was organised here Tuesday even in g with thirty charter members and twenty more to routs in next week. T h ey meet in the Odd Fellow s’ hall evorv Tuesday evening. Thu officers are O. \V. M at­ thews, E il. Blessing, J. W . Hayes, Mr. T h o n ip on, Mr. Madison, Conrad B tafiin , A C arter, G. W . Shaw, F. K eiuboid, J. VV. M orrison, Mr. Fisher and Or. Cary. A pool of 3600 hales of Imps is to he sent from Salem to London and sold directly to the brewers. Miss E m m a Riggs and her brother, Seth, were up from C row ley W ed n es­ day. Mrs. J. G. Van Orsdel had the fam ily of her brother, Thus. Pom eroy, from Independence, and several Dallas friends to eat T h a n ksgivin g turkey. A t th e Castle and Haldeinan meat m arket m ore than fifty dressed hogs have been bought within a week at fi cents a pound. Thus. W illiam s (»o u g h t down from A irlie 7, one of them weighing 315 pounds, 9. Orr brought four, J. Sim m ons four, P. 8 Greenwood five, R. Southw ick three, (ten R 'w c liffe two, J. W . Coovert and J. 8. H art one each. On M onday evening the young la ­ dies literary society at the college had an open m eeting and the next e ve n ­ in g there was a sim ilar m eeting by the youn g m en ’s literary society. Moth were » e l ! attended and the e x ­ ercises qu ite in teresting. Usual services at the Christian church n ext Sunday. Subject of the even ing service, T h e Unpardonable Sin. E ve ry body welcom e.— W . T M atlock, pastor. HARM ONY. Cyrus B la ir has a sors hand. A l f H ill and Miss Tear Syron, who w eie lately married, will live with her grandpa. U ncle H ank Read. Jack W ilson lias been over frem I n ­ dependence. R ev. Shert, of Salem , preached his farewell sermon here Sunday. L o yd Blair has gone home to East ern W ashington, accom panied by his Aching Joints In the fingers, toe«, arms, and other part* o f the body, are joint* that are inflamed and iwollen by rheumatism— that acid condition o f the blood which affect* the muscle* also. 8uffercrs dread to m ove, especially after aitting or lying long, and their condition is commonly worse in wet weather. " I t has been s lon g time since we have been w ith o u t H o cx l'i S arsa pa rilla . My father thinks be could not d o w ith o u t It. H e has been trou bled w ltb rh eu m atism since be w ee a boy, and H o od 's Sarsapa­ rilla Is the o n ly m edicin e he esn ta ke tbat w ill enable him to ta ke his place In the Held.” M iss A da D o rr, Sidney, Iow a . H o od ’s Sarsaparilla and Pills Remove the cauoe o f rheumatism—no outward application can. Take them. M an, I OCR STAFF OF RCSTLERS- Over-Work Weakens Your Kidneys. WHAT THEY HAVE TO SA Y ABOUT THE DOIKCS IN THE COUNTY. -- or in o th er words, m en w ith good sound hearts, are n ot very numerous. T h e in c r e a s in g number of sudden deaths from heart disease daily chron­ icled h;’ the press, is proof of the alarm­ ing p r e v a ­ lence of this da n g c r o u s complaint, and as no one c a n foretell just when a fatal collapse J • K r* a m e r . will occur, the danger of neg­ lecting treatment is certainly a very risky matter. If you are short of breath, have pain in left side, smothering spells, pal­ pitation, unable to lie on side, especially the left, you should begin ta kin g A- M?ieV Heart Cure. J. A . K re a m e ro f Arkansas City, Kans., says: “ M y heart was so bad it was im ­ possible fo r me to lie down, and 1 could neither sleep nor rest. M y decline was rapid, and 1 realized I must ge t help soon. 1 was advised to try D r. M iles’ H eart Cure, which I did, and candidly believe it saved m y life." T h is question arises in the fatuity every day. fsrt us answer it to-day. T ry Jnll-O, a delicious and healthful dessert. P rep a r’ d in tw o minutes. No b o ilin g! no b ak in g! sim ply add boilin g water and set to cool. Fla vors :— Lem on, Orange, Raspberry and Strawberry. Get s package at your grocers to-dsy. 10 ets. M cC O Y ^ H al. Reese week. went to Portland Mia* A lic * Coy, of Butler, is visiting R. A. Porter and wife. last Miss V io let Anderson is stopping in Salem . Mr. M r F rizzell, ju n ior, is visitin g Mr. Holmes. Arch ie Lew is and wife were in these parts last week. Our school had vacation last week while the teacher, Miss Carpenter, attended the teachers' institute. An Engli sh Author Wrot e: M r. A rm its ge spent last Friday and Saturday with his fam ily. A surprise party was given at Dave Janies’ last week. J. L. G uitry went to Salem to visit their daughter, Mrs. E. B. M illard, and to Independence to visit their daughter, Mrs. A . J . W ilson . D. Burgess and wife, who have been keeping house for John Park, have rented part of R A. P orte r’ s laud. - . . ^ ^ . - S c h o o l C fT to ers' C o n v e n tio n . T il* first m eetin g o f the kind ever held in th i* cou n ty convened at the court house last Saturday, the atten d­ ance being fair. Besides those on tlir program m e as published last week. Evan Evans, Samuel Orr, Plato Mo Fee. W m G rant, A . J. Goodman uud Prof, D M. M etzger took pnrt in the diecussioni which were at tim es quite spirited. A ll such meetings are h elp ­ ful to those who attend them anil to the school interests with which they are connected. M ore than h alf the schools in this county were represent­ ed and their officers will he very apt to take ail increased interest in school matters. T h e school officers in a t­ tendance w ere: Samuel Phillips, of Zens, H L Fenton and A ln n ie Brown, of Dallas. G W M yer, of Sm ithfiln, T W Brunk, of Eola, J W Luce anil W L F rin k , of Bridgeport, D. W . L e w i», of Lew isville, J A Baxter, o f Salt Creek, Evan Evans, of Parker, James Boydston and John Shaw, of Polk, W | IV Sm ith, o f Oak Grove, W E Goad ell, Samuel Orr, T S Burch and James Sim onton, of Rickreall. A J Goodman and D A H odge, o f Independence, J H Brown, W W W h ile and T 8 Brown ef Upper 8alt Creek, C E Schroeder, ef North Dallas, L H Conner and II Z R ig g s ,o f Ballaton, John Simon anil John Bvers, of Greenwood, V A Fish- back and Mrs Robert Clarke, of Sun- nyslope. J T Guthrie, W I, Gibson and Mrs W H Mack, of Guthrie, G W Me Bee and G F M cBee, of L llierty, G M Ties and O E Leet, of Falla C ity, Jno Middleton. J R Robbins ind N W ood ward, of Pioneer, and W N Alexander, of H igh lan d. TAILOR MADE SUITS JACK- o* ETS AND CAPES ^ H e a v y rains made the Luckiam uto hank full and the boom at its mouth helotiging to Spalding Bros, gave way and a great many logs went down the W illam ette. A s the creek rose faster than the river there was no counter pressure and the boom could not stand the strain. N early all farmers had finished seed i ug when tile wet weather came. T h e E vangelical church people are liaviug protracted m eeting at the school house. Joe R id gew a y and wife, Creek, have a newborn son. week and stopped for a visit in tl»t*r part*. H e in th in k ing o f buying a A . S. Dibit1, of Sheridan, is small tract of land near Dallas and i)f rheumatism. m ov*ug his fam ily tin re. $10-to-$30 We are doing an immense business in cloaks and jackets. Late arrivals in Oxfords, Castors, Tans, Browns, Grays, Blacks, etc. $ 4 .5 0 -to -$ 3 0 DALRYMPLE’S THK QUALITY STORE, SALEM, OR. § BIG REM OVAL SA LE a f * JO PerCent Off for Cash * * D IA M O N D S .* W A T C H E S .* C LO C K S .* P L A T E D W A R E jt .* C U T G LASS N O V E L T IE S .* J E W E L R Y O F E V E R Y D E S C R IP T IO N * * w ^BARRS' je w e lr y s to r e ** Leaders in Low Prices oe ** victim RilIT TREES- \ the diseased membrane. It cures catarrh and drives away a cold in tlio head ft qulckly. C rea m B a lm is placed into the nostrils, spreads over tho membrane and in absorbed. Relief is im­ mediate and a cure follows. It is not drying—does not produce sneezing. I-ar^e Size, 50 cents at Drug­ gists or by mail; Trial S i*«, 10 cents by mail. ELY BROTHERS, 5ft Warren Street, New York Largest stock on the Pacific coast. Our specialties: Tilton apricot, Sugar prune, Logan berry. Mammoth blackberry, Wismer Desert and Wenver Banana ap­ ples. Write for catalogue and prices. Ed. Bricker. o f In dependence, was doing business here last weed, having bought a spring wagon o f the P eter­ son estate. •5**5**P*i**f+*î*,î**i**M” 5**î**J**5*,fr You K n o w W h a t You Are T a k i n g when vou take G ro ve’s Tasteless Chill T on ic because the form ula is plainly printed on every bottle show ing that it is sim ply iron and qu in ine in a tasteless form . N o cure, no pay. 50 cents. OAK DALE. T h ere was preaching Sunday afte r­ T h e W oodm en w ill have a musk ball in the hall here F rid ay evening noon to a large andienee. OREGON NURSERY COMPANY 1 DUNN BROS’ I SA LE M , O REGON. W e A re A fte r You .GRÖ0EBY. T h ere was sin gin g at M r. R o c ’a It is hard to get freigh t cars to ship Sunday evening. anything. R oy. Charley and M inn ie Bird at Urass grow in g nicely and stock en- tendc-d «p a llin g aehuol at P ion eer F ri­ day evening. jo y in g it. £ $ £ £ j 4 ; S ’ And will get you sure. trade in % Having bough': the gro- eery stock of Brown it Son, we will continue the business at the same place. It w ill be our constant aim to keep the purest and freshest eat- aides in the market. By selling close and dealing fairly with everybody we hope to retain all form- er -patrons of the store and gain many new ones W a lte r Bird is at home. Lots of chickens and turkeys have been shipped from here to Portland. *■ * * m m m fm m John Munson le ft a few days ago for W asco cou n ty. H e went to P o r t­ land by team , then by boat to The Dalles, thence by team to his future home. W * /ZifJ-Y's* S N asal * Uutil wo move into our new store, one door oast on the corner, about January 1 , 1902. Do your H oliday shopping with us, We will save you money. This is an opportunity you do W not often have. Ten per cent off of already LOW & PRICES means a good deal on such jgoods as we * handle, and that at Christinas time. Leave your bundles and make our store your headquarters * : while in town— 118 State street, Salem. * o f M ill Mrs. W . VV. M iller has just received tlio ssd n ew « of the death of a ne­ phew who was killed !>y a freight train near P erry, Iow a, a few days ago. H e was goin g to the lum ber In all its stapes there yard for a load o f |luniber and while should be cleanliue-s. {**S**S>*i'’S**S~?**t*4**I'*S'*M*4’*t’*{*4**9* *{»*(’*!**$* for desperate lun g diseases. G uaran­ Thom pson and Mr. R oe aro goin g to teed bottles i)0 cents and $1 at all raiae ehickena for Robinaon Bros. TO O RD ER i * * #*■ druggists. Trial bottles free. * ; *• IOO a c r e s of as fine, deep, black land as there is in the state of Oregon. All level and i 3 N Y g & W O V E N W IR E M r. Reyuolda, of Falla C ity, ha» b l c ni tier plow, fine clover meadow, modern house and barn. No better location in Polk county, -> 33.750 takes it. * * moved Ilia fam ily to the Cam ptiell l ^ H E S l T A T t F IE L D F E N C ­ B U E N A V IS T A . ^ % $2,700 for one of the h^gt 100 acre farms of the Luckiamute valley, 60 acres under plow, IN G N O W . place. 1*. 3; 5 to 8 acres of clover, quite & lot needed to tame grass, 25 acres of ash bottom slashed and seed- ^ J Car li ail lift t.T* oil to tame grass, besides 15 acres oak grub pasture, good fair buildings, fine spring water, or-rjffi T h e first boats of the season came chard and other conveniences. 5 years time on 81,000 at C per cent interest, if desired. ' closes on Decern- up last Sunday and are m akin g regu­ S t o p * t h e C ough 7 6 a c r e s for $1,100. 46 under plow, 3 mi'es of city, part heavily wooded, nearly all fine jtfjjfk b .r lbt. Special lar trips this week. An d work» o ff f ile cold. L a x a tiv e bro- soil, nouse and burn, fenced. A desirable place. Finest of living soring water runs across place. ^ g - price. I am alao - O n e o f the best 150 acre farms of the Luckiamute valley for 825 an acre. Lots ef fruit Bert Snyder and wife have a new m oqu inine tablets cure a cold in one ta kin g order« for Cloue to town of Airlie, good house, barn, fence; etc. No better soil. Vi day. N o cure, uo pay. P rice, 2a baby girl. Vs-ifc Other fine propositions. See me if you want to buy. Yours for business. plain galvanized ceuta. wire. T h e boom at the mouth o f the ZE3:. O r . C A A i P E E L L , Luckiauiute broke last Saturday * )l«< * «# * * W > f* * »> K * * « « « * * * * * « « * « * * * * * * * # * ■ * * # * * * * # * * * # 5 » « A. M. Shelton and fam ily, from lettin g about half a m illion feet of logs loose in tlie W illa m e tte river. Kanaan, have m oved in to the form er 59 State street, Salem. T liev were under coutrol of M. N . and hom e o f Cornelius H ughes, on the h ill south o f town. J. W . Prather. A s to u n d i n g Discovery. Thu He si se Furnishing Company. 1 ..FARMS FOR SALE.. H is gm SALEM FENCE WORKS W A L T E R M O R LE Y , Prop Miss Clara P u rvin e Greenwood last week. visited at GRAND— Som e of our farmers aro still plow ­ ing. Emblem and E. N. H all sold a you n g horse last Tuesday to Mr. Ormsbv, o f Alb an y, for »120. Society S W e had no T h a n ksgivin g here this year. DALLAS COLLEGE services Several of our ladies exhibited flowers at the chiysanthem um fair at Independence this week. Li CREOLE iCiO I” ty. Lines at 20 to 30 per cent discount. D O R M IT O R Y A D V A N T A G E S .* Jeweler and Optician. T h ese goods positively must be cleaned out before we m ove. F o r further particulars address the president, Salem Woolen Mills Store! C. C P O L IN G . D A L L A S , OREGON. 299 YOU CANNOT AFFORD A great many of onr farmers are go­ ing to »OW m ore clover aud graaa ,e «d next spring and they are beginning to believe in in diversified farm ing. T o take chance* with your eye* T h e charm of living la loat when rid on faila. Do not neglect the warning* ol nature. * » h a* ner­ vous twitch**, throbbing eye*, paint«1 effort In reading or * w - ing. but have your eye* examin­ ed at once at the Dallas Optical institute. Consultation Ire*. Per­ fect fitting spectacle* and eye- glawrs guaranteed to restore nor­ mal sight sold at reasonable rate* C H . M O R R IS . Jeweler and Optician. Mr. Onm p returned last week from Ocean Park, where he had been for a ten days’ uiitiiig. a * this was Ilia first trip to the coa »i, h eju a t harin g §et- lied am ong u» last spring from Okla­ homa, l«i- diacriptnm o f the muddy roads would be very amusing to the average W ebfooler. I j * Creole was out o f ite hank» F ri­ day and during the I onr a e stood watching rM-a|*>d lo g , from Thnra- tou ’a saw m ill went down »team at the rate of one a minute. J* * c jftertfiiMt r / — ' •:-*++-M --»-h -f-++-K -+-:-+++ +++++-!-++-:-+ + + + + + + -!":-;-+ + -:-+ + + + + + + -;--M -+ + + | I iNo'i^T^Harness, S a fe , Rollas, Whips, Boots, Etc. Î T P A IR AND W A S H IN G T O N “ Establish ed I 8 — 6 — 0 * 280 * C o m m e r c i ‘ a l str eet, “ S a le m . 4- •V + + - ? ~ :- + - P - »v - f* + + + + - M - r + * * - ; - * + * + * STREETS PO R TL A N D . O R E G O N A . P . Arm strong A L L . B ., Principal for thorough m>rk, with hundred* o f graduates in positions as bookkeepers and stenographed. Already pn ! o f a high standing w herever known, it ster.dilr grows better and better. Open all the year OHtodents admitted any time. Learn what and D. P. T H O M PSO N S O LIS C O H E N - y P R E S ID E N T D A V ID M DUNNE a » I d 3 ra tti o n .. There arr tww kind» of • Itu-attot - practical and ornamental. The former *h»nM he wrnrrd by •riry- ono, hecau** it may hr put to n*« quickly in er-rnirg a Wring. Therefore, art ur the former flmt; the lat ter, afterward, if yon hare the time and money. Tho e o a r*» of the C A P IT A L B U S IN E S S COLLfGfc Catalogue free. ----------------- Board ol D ir e c to r s ----------- ------ | p ID e m a n d * C a r e fu l practical, proffTrmire school, conspicuous how we teach, amt what it costs j C o m m e r c ia l S t r e e t . E. S. LAMPORT Private or class instruction. Mr. K irk p atrick , who bought the Ford place th i» aide of Grace church, raison 2,000 bu«heU of potato««. Mr. M >rka, of Luckiamute, was do- business in Dallas one day last T iiis in clu des onr new fall lin e» o f mens’ suits and overcoats, youth s a n d childrens suits and overcoats, lists, w in ter underwear, shirts, ho» iery, gloves, neckwear, woolen m ill blankets, umbrellas, slickers an d mackintoshes, etc., ill fact not a single item of our n u itn in otli stock is reserved. Special cleanup prices on lirokeu R egu lar college aud academ ic cou r­ ses, in clu din g courses in music ami business. S PLE N D ID Som e o f M on m ou th ’s citizens were buying cabbage o f W W . M iller las* 1 W eill’ « and 11,1 ivritn o tl IWIO. I they it ,n o had I....I ever « ____ week pronounced vr j ri T V 1 I.. seen. Some o( lliem w eigh in g from 15 ’ 'U X t d o o r t O , l . O . , I &11&3. to 20 pound«. ( ------------ —-------------------------------------- j ing A T A REDUCTION OF 10 PER CENT Co-educational and expenses reduc­ ed to the m inim um . PFE N N IG , H. S B otz w ill »et out «even acre« more of prune« till« fall. TERM S CASH B e g in n in g , M on day, N ovem b er 11th, until we m ove in to our n ew store at 254-256 Com m ercial street, we offer our en tire atock F IR S T T E R M BEGINS S E P T E M B E R 25, 1901 In solid gold, rolled plate and sterling silver. Lowest prices consistent with quali­ J F. H olm s-i started to d ig a well on his hill farm during dry weather, and at a dept of o n ly 18 inches struck 1 a vein o f ru nn in g water. REMOVAL SALE m -A N D - 1’ INS BUTTO NS C H AR M S BETWEEN DALLAS AND DIXIE. Our new department for these lines will be opened soon. A ll the latest styles and fabrics for Fall are here New Oxford, Navy, black, light gray and pretty m ix­ tures in stylish suits ot the highest grade] and en tirely new designs. **¡#1 ** * * mmt&m * j M r. Fish er and wife are visiting her j)»ren ts, Mr. M cCrow sud wife. S U V IR . Station agents and express mes­ sengers eav that from both A irlie and (.PROM T U B K N TK K PkIH K .] Ballston m ore poultry and eggs are IS HKKL.iY G IV E * T.'IAT THE I’ V- Bert H arper is w orkin g Urn H el- shipped than from Dallas. Both our \TOTlCF dendgued liu- ilici (»is fim. ..I.*'. uit in thu mick hop yard. Ql .... I t of I W.P aw * . • f •!. *'• 1 farmers uud out liens should get a Mutiliti, J uHiAiy «, 1902, at the hour «.f 1 o’e'. 'c*!: m ove ou and crowd to the front. p. l i ., mu bit hi appointo l >y tuo mm *ty ceiirt of Prof. VV. A. Ginn is teaching music the sUfcu of o e -oii for PM* «»»u ity, ■* titj timo in Iow a. lor tL » hearing ol d jecUo » t * said linai r .- count H . L . Crider h a* secured from C a li­ and ft.« lettlomo’il tlier.* »t. all puri »•>« .. i tli«*r*>- O. A lderm an , from Bethel, has fornia, a redw ood tank to be erected foro noti u.l t.i appear ut »ui.t time and - .•>*’ ••an**, «ay uiiist, why t ic mud aocoUut h ! i > u ¡1 not l o u been visitin g his dau gh ter, Mrs. Dr. with a wind m ill in count ctiou with i. £ uro red uud the uiuKuistrui >r tf s u l e--* Parrish, at M onm outh. his new hem*«* which is a1 most ready L oim I sihcii (il«ci nrircti. Dated Lina Stilo da. of No-imber, r 1 for occupancy. T h e new home of A. I». W. aKAKft, T lie r * was an elegan t b irth d ay d in ­ Shultz, south of • hat of VV. It. C raven, Administrator of thu estate of F. W. I'li.mWck, de­ ner at the home of F. VV. Laughary. is unlike any other in town and will cesseli. Townsend £ Hart, attorney*. at thn Burns m ill. be quite attra ctive. T h e E nterprise office has been m o - j ved in to the Cook building and is iit- tud up belter than ever before. All the blood In your body passes through your kidneys once every three minutes. A'Dt « The kidneys are your “ blood purifiers, they fil­ ter out the waste or impurities in the blood. If they are sick or out of order, they fall to do their work. Pains, achessndrheu- matism come from ex­ cess of uric acid In the blood, due to neglected kidney trouble. Kidney trouble causes quick or unsteady F. L . Cham bers has sold out his heart beats, and makea one feel as though hardware business to U* L. Lrnzer they had heart trouble, because the heart Is over-working in pumping thick, kidney- and L. K ice. poisoned blood through veins and arteries. T h e fam ily of VV. P. Connawav It used to be considered that only urinary will soon m ove to V an couver, where troubles were to be traced to the kidneys, but now modern science proves that nearly he isoa sh ier of a new bank. til constitutional diseases have their begin­ An drew Nelson w ill m ove from ning In kidney trouble. eastern Oregon to west of M onm ou th, If you are sick you can make no mistake by first doctoring your kidneys. The mild Miss Carrie H aley, o f M on m ou th , I and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's is teaching at D illey. Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy is soon realized. It stands the highest for Its Jas. H eltn ick , o f Parker, has not wondeMp! cures of the most distressing cases been e n jo yin g the visit o f M r. La- and lsnRl on its merits grippe. by elldrugglsts Inflfty- cent and one-dollar siz­ G eorge A dkins, w ife and daughter, es. You may have a i o f M onm outh, have been v isitin g S al­ sample bottle by mail Home of ftwainp-Rool. _____ em friends. free, also pamphlet telling you how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trcuble. L o yd F lic k in go r and w ife near Suv- Mention this paper when writing Dr. Kilmer J er have a newborn .-on. & Co., Binghamton, N. Y. W h at Sh all W o Have for D e s s e r t? ‘ •No shade, tin shine, no fruit, no Howt-rs, no leaves,— N o v em b e r!” Many Am ericans would add no free­ dom from catarrh, which is so a g gri- vat-d during this m onth that it be­ D r . M U . . * R . m . d l . . a r e a o ld comes constantly troublesome. There b y *11 d r u g s la ta o n g u a r a n t e e . is abundant proof that catarrh is a Dr. M i l * . M .d le a l C o ., Elkhart, Ind. constitutional disease. I t is related to scrofida and consum ption, tiring one o f tile w asting diseases. H ood’s brother,C yrus, and his neiees, Misses Sarsaparilla lias shown that what is L ilo and Loisel Blair as far as P o r t­ capable of eradicating scrofula, com ­ land, where they will visit Tom Blair. pletely cures catarrh and when taken in tim e prevents consum ption. W e George Forter's daughter, Jennie, is cannot sec how any sufferer can put staying with her uncle, R. A. Porter, o ff ta kin g this m edicine, in view of and goin g to school. tlic w idely published record ol its rad­ ical and iierinanent cures, It is un Mrs. A llis Branson U back from 3s lent, where she underwent an opera­ douhtedly A m eric a ’s greatest medicine for A m erica’s greatest disease—catarrh tion. A surprise party was given Bails and wife last Saturday. Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood. An UneqL Wl’cd e n d C o m p l e te He ■um e of W n at Tour F r'c n d s aro an d Havo Been Lately Doing. Final Settlement. IN D E P E N D E N C E . Are arranged with a ' gie-i to condurti.»* a • I Our graduava are «1 T it R e d e n«4 dabble in a litt!« of evurrihing, bnt .Wrote oar erer- U»