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About Polk County itemizer. (Dallas, Or.) 1879-1927 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 11, 1901)
- T - — THE POLK COUNTY ITEMIZER DALIAS, FEIDAT, OOT. 11. 1901. u M w I huko K vbet K bidat l lo u i R d A t 7 JO. \V . A . W A S H , ■ D IT O ! A M I M O r a l l T » ! . SU B S C R IP T IO N K A T E S: r l 5 0 ............................................ Ter y -a r % 75 .............................P e r s i a m ontili 40 .......................... Ter th roe montile Advertising ratea made known on application. CorreapomJenoe issolicit- el. F ine Job P rin tin g done at reaaonable orice». Remember the dietrict Sunday ecliool convention at Falla City Octo ber 13tb. Sam Elliott and wife are here from the eaet visiting hie parent!, T hom a s Elliott and wife. From here they will go to the Sound country. P O L K .. School opened here Monday with Z ula Myer in aharga. Gerhard Rempel and wife are visit ing ■ » Russia. P ru n e picking is still going on in some orchards. H. J . Rose lisa finished picking the H a y te r prune orchard. Farm ers are busy plowing and some have their su m m er fallow sowed. Head ache. Sick headache, nervous head ache, tired h eadache, neuralgic h eadache, catarrhal headache, he ada che from e x citem en t, in fact, headaches of all kinds are quickly and surely c ured with D R . M IL L S ’ Pain Pills. Also all pains such as backache, neuralgia, sciatica, rheum atic pains, m o n th ly pains, etc. "Dr. Miles' Fain Pills are worththeir weight in gold," says Mr. \ \ . D. Krea- mer, of • Arkansas *' Cil City, Kan. “They cured my wife of chrome headache when nothing else would.' “Dr. Miles’ Pnin Pills drive away pain as if by magic. 1 am never with out n supply, and think everyone should keep them handy. One or two pills taken on approach of headache will prevent it every time.” Mas. J udoe J ohnson , Chicago, 111. T h r o u g h their use thousands of people have been enabled to a t tend social and religious func tions, travel, enjoy am usem ents, e tc ., w ith comfort. A s a p r e v e n t - ative, w h e n ta k e n o n t h e ap proach o f a recurring a tta ck , they are excellent. S o ld b y n il D r u i i l s l s . 23 D oaes. 23 c o n ts. Dr. Milas Modlcal Co., Elkhart, Ind. G .G . Remple and wife, of Dixie, were here last week. H ib b a r d J . B. N u n n ' s P r u n e s . Besides his own crop of 1000 bushels of superior fruit he bought about 800 bushels of large sixe a t 35 cents a bushel. T h e greatest care was taken from the time the prunes were shak en from the trie , all small a n d infer ior stuff being rejected. W hen we peeped into his warehouse th ere lay a great pile of choice prunes, none of them small or defective. Five hands were employed around the dryer and five were out in the orchard picking fruit. No buyer would ask him to grade such fruit, as it will com m and the lop m arket figures just as it Is. Both Mr. and Mrs. N u n n were can- stantly around to see th at things were done exactly right. R .L . C h a p m a n ' s P r u n e C r o p . One of the best kept and most pro ductive prune orchards in the county is the 40 acre C h a p m a n tr a c t north of town, l i e will ga the r over 7,000 bushels and expects a cured product of 130,000 pounds. From the begin ning to the end of ids drying season will he fully a m onth . A dosen per sons are employed around the drying plant and the 18 pickers gath er him from 26 to 45 bushels each per day. T he few cracked prunes are thrown »way as he has all the good ones they can handle. In his warehouse we in spected 70,000 pounds of as fine dried fruit us one would care to look at. He has had an offer of 3) cents hut would not listen to it. At least 4,000 hush els have been offered from the outside, but lie bus no time to handle them. Before the next drying season he will erect a nothe r plaut at the north side of the orchard, so as to better handle Ills own crop and those of others. "■v'j -j;____ " ■ _ _ _ A ll Stuffed Up T h a t’s the condition of many sufferers from catarrh, especially in the morning. Great difficulty is experienced in clear ing the head and throat. No wonder catarrh causes headache, Impairs the taste, smell and hearing, pollutes the breath, deranges the stom- ach and affects the nppetite. To cure catarrh, treatment must be constitutional—alterative and tonic. - I was afflicted with catarrh. I took medicines of different kinds, giving each a fair trial; hut gradually grew worse until I could hardly hear, taste or smell. I then concluded to try Hood's Sarsaparilla, and after taking live bottles I was cured ami have not had any return of the disease since.” Kvoiaa Foxsxs, Lebanon, Kan. Hood's Sarsaparilla Cures catarrh—it soothes and strength ens the mucous membrane a nd builds up the whole syatem. P r u n e P la n t. A mile south of town E. H. H i b bard arected this sum m nr a small p r u n e dryar uulik a a n y other ill the Bounty, and 111 t h i r k s it superior to most of them. He has just finished drying hia 900 bushels and 1,400 for bla usighbor, H e nry Campbell, and says it works likea charm . Two young lndias spread tha green fruit on trays during the day while two men looked after the drying process by day a nd two by night. W ith pride the e m ployes and the owner show people the 6,000 pounds of dried fruit in their warohonse, it first class. A m a chine dips the fruit in lye to cleanse them and break the skin, which facili tates drying. He could n o t accom modate a nu m b er of small crops offer ed. No other dryer around has a bet ler heating prooees, and there are sev eral new and convenient appliances. W H AT T H EY H AV E TO SA Y A BO U T T H E D O I N C S IN T H E C O U N T Y . A n U n e q u a lle d a n d C o m p le t e R e s u m e nf W h a t Y o u r F r lo n d s are a n d H a v e B e e n L a t e ly D o i n g . W h a t S h a l l W e H a v e «or D a s a a r t ? T his que»tiuu«ari*es ill th e family every day. Let us answer it to-day Try Jell-O, a delicious and healthful dessert. Prepared in two m in utes. No ladling! no baking! »imply add boiling water and set to cool. Fla vor»:—Lem on, Orange, Raspberry ami Strawberry. Get s package a t your grocers to-day. 10 cts. POPCORN. Will Pearce is at home again, Mrs. Otis Wait, who has been quite sick, is im pioviug. J o h n Edgar lias rented the Peley Nelson place. J o h n Connoy is to move to the Southwick farm soon. Joe Dolap went all the way to Wii- conain to h u n t a wife. Miss Clara Pearce baa been work ing in the prunes a t the Wilaon prune orchard. A. R. Southwick and family have moved to the place tliev bought re cently in the H ighland district. J . K. Hears and family will move to Salem this winter. Fightin g Bob was a recent a t Ballston. visitor B u s in e s s . CATARRH ““’sss. CAM BIB, LITTLE, OLD AND YOUNti. TAILOR MADE SUITS JACK- .« ETS AND CAPES dt * * « * * •+ * * * « * Our new department for these lines will be opened soon. All the latest styles and fabrics for Fall are here. New Oxford, Navy, black, light gray and pretty mix tures in stylish snits of the highest grade and en tirely new designs. T ot C n u a e a N ig h t A la r m . CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST “ o n s night my brother’! baby was GOOD taken with croup,” writes Mrs. J. C. J AS Snider, of C rittenden, Ky., " i t seamed it would strangle before we could get TH E a doctor, so we gave it Dr. K in g ’s New BEST Discovery, which gave quick relief and ! perm anently cured it. W e always All gnoA* g ua rantee d a t — keep it in the house to p rotec t our children from croup and whooping IRVIN & PETTEYS, cough. It cured me of a chronic bronchial trouble that no other rein The Practical Shoe Men . edy would relieve." Infallible for coughs, colds, th ro at anil lung trou 94 S ta te atreat, Salem, Or, bles. 50c «ad i l . Trial bottles free at ail druggists. - ■■ ♦ • ♦ ■ '■ McOOY. People are busy plowing a n d seed ing. J. K. Sears has been shipping some oats and wheal. School is in session witli Miss Carpenter as teacher. Mike McNulty has been digging a well for H enry Kevt at Perrydale W c W ant Y o u r T ra d e *# Bring us your repairing. Bring us your old gold and silver. and be assured of'getting your money’s worth, tbe limbs ft on» Lane Lewis has purchased an in te r est in tin C h a rte r Oak saw m i’l. Mia» H a r t, of Corvallis, is visiting I. M. Simpson lias traded his spot her sister, Mrs Geo. Miller. ted horse to Dorsa T u r n e r lor a cow Geo. Miller bad a »erioua accident aud calf. • W t week ; in »nine way a stick struck Floyd W illiam s and Pearl Rose were I him in one eye, instantly blinding down (ruin Corvallis Sunday. him. He bus not been abl« to since. Mrs. Clark, formerly of this place, J. L. Morrison a nd Royal Blank but now of l ’urtlaud, is visiting In-re. went to the vm II*?/ with teams Friday The potato crop is lig ht. and Joe Blower cam e in to bis claim the same day. J. 8. Buchanan lias begun work on his new store building of 24x40. S M IT H F IE L D . Tony Noltner, junio n, uad wife, of Jess Martin is working for Mr. Hav- Portland, are spending a lew days erlaud, Ja spe r Boydaton for Archie ■ere with relatives. Myer. Billy Barker lias been repairing a Jess M artin , R u b y and Bert Hea tings to< k in th e Carnival ut McMinn house for Verd Johnson on tie.- old ville S aturday and report a fine lime, Ad ScrafTcrd place. 8. T. Riggs of Salem passed through here Tuesday, Andrew H a n n u m was in town a short time ago considerably improved George B aum ga rdner, who hus hevn in health. Being a W oodman, th a t with H u g h F a r m e r the past two year« order turnishe 1 a hand to us-ist wito has bought a barber shop in M cM inn liis hay, and now have a hand at work getting u p his winter’s wood. ville. Boh Story, a 16 year-old n im re d of G. \V. Myer has sawed quite a lot of this place, is becoming qu ite famous grass seed this full. as a h u n te r and is it close second to Mr. Nightingale, of Salt Creek, is Teddy in the way of slaying wild a n i ha uling liis liops to O. W. Myer’» mals. He was h u n t in g on Gabe warehouse this week. Long’s place last week when lie ran field ne ar town. They use a digger, and will have 15,000 saeka. Me Hubbard who moved to Nortli onto a large porcupine, which he shot. Tillery & Merrill also have a crew in Yamhill some time ago, was here the I t was a male and very fat, weighing over 50 pounds. It had long teeth, first of tile week. their p atch. long teeth, long toes, a nd its whole body wr.s thickly covered with quills. EOLA. Lee Conner a nd family have moved This is th e second one t h a t has been This is th e second week of school to their new hom e on the Daniel Van- killed in this locality, Ja c k G ra n t a n d the-e ie a very good attendance. buskirk place near Perrydale, having killed one some 20 years ago. Geo. C h a p m a n lias begun to gravel the road in and near Eola. Quite a n u m b e r of Eola folks a t tended Louie S m i th ’s funeral. He was a very good young m an. A fte r Y ou T he Eola literary society has s t a r t ed, to m eet every S aturday night. * And will get you sure. trade in Our teacher, Mr Daggett, and fam ily, lives iu th e M artin house on T. \V. D r u n k ’s place. AN D P I C T U R E F R A M E S We are after. We are successors to F. W. Hollis it Co., 308 Commercial street, Salem, Oregon. Hezzie B r u n k is ha v in g liis sick ] spells quite often lately. Mr. Shoem aker has been quite sick and is nut well yet. The House Furnishing Company. Mrs. J. J . Read is up from P o rtlan d * 3 b _ visiting tier parents. Mrs. A. Jo n e s was o u t from Salem visiting friends Sunday. More particularly it is your (Furniture, 'Carpets, Wall Caper, Pictures Tomm ie B r u c k ’s black team hauled 50 sacks of wheat a t one load to Der ry- ,______ * * * » * t t * t t * * M « « * * * * * * X * ) M t * g K anftSM M X * * * * * * * * * X X « X K » * X * « X « « SI I Is eg ..FARMS FOR SALE.. R « * * * I O 0 a c r e s of as fine, deep, black land as th e re Is In tb e s ta te of O regon. All level and i * « unit, r plow. Sue clover m esilow , m odern houeo snu b arn, No l e t t e r lecutUm in P olk c ounty. ) ■ ' * * «3,750 t o te s it. 9 2 , 7 0 0 for one of th e best 100 a cre farm s of th e L u c k iam u te valley, flO se re s u n d e r plow, * * 5 to s acre* of clover, q u ite a le t needed to tam e grass, 95 acres of avh b ottom Blush» d and seed- ed to tam e grass, besides 15 acres oak g ru b p a stu re , good ‘s ir building«. fine spring w ater, or- j chard and o th e r cea lenience*. 6 year* tim e o n # 1,000 a t fi p e r c e n t in te re st, if desired. i X * 7 6 a c r e s for $1,ion. 45 u n d e r plow , 3 rol es of city, port he*vily woodod, n early all fine \ £ & soil, holier •• lid b a rn , fenced. A desirable place. F ines! of living sp rin g w ater ru n s aero«» place wR On© of th e b est 150 a cre farm s of th e L uckiam ute Talley for $25 an acre. Lots ef fru it * * Cl«-*e to tow n of A irlie, geed house, b arn, fence; et«. No bet*.er soil. O ther One propositions. Se« me if you w a n t to buy. Y eurs for business. W OVEN WIRE FENCING.* „ 4f,ft * * ffiS a 4^ ' ■' l a m ta k in g orders for car load sh i p m e n t from easte rn factory. 5* Z - Î . OK C - A - ^ D D D D D , D ^ D D - A - S . Low prices. Orders taken for 40 I , - w,v*w***xv:*w*x***i(«xx****xx********xxxr*»w******v***r«K rod« a n d upward. T im e limited. M SA LE M FENCE W O R K S 59 State street, Salem. W A LTER MORLEY, Prop C O LD N H E A D Allav* ,nflanim*tion- Roy Bird, Mr. Dennis and Jo h n and Charley Farley are hauling wood in spile of the mud. ■ ------♦ ♦ ♦ ------- are ncedtd to keep breaking. F a rm ers are busy p o t ti n g in their sum m er fallow. T om m ie B runk is taking e xtra trouble with his, lapping Mrs. F r a n k Kimsey is quite sick witli the disk, which is th e same us going over the ground twice. witli lung trouble. A most enjoyable surprise party T be pruues are picked. was given to George and Myrtle Kob- A t our school m eetin g it was decid | iuson Tuesday night by the young Im m ediately north of Dallas M. M people of this place and some from ed to teach tlie n in th grade, but the Ellis lias a 60 acre p rune orchard, tenth was beaten. Pioneer. this y e a r ’s o u tp u t of which ie now ba- ing p u t in a marketable shape. He School comm enced Menday with A. Mr. Harris moved to the Boise place expect» to gath er about 8,00# bushel» this week. J. Shipley as principal and Mrs. N a n of green fruit and that the dried prod cy Tillery as assistant. Ben Thompson lias sold his place uct will a m o u n t to 140,000 pounds and bought a house and lot in Dallas George a nd H enry Clark have a lot T he net yield per buehel is less than last year but the dried fruit seem» where his m other and sister, M artha, of potato pickers in their fifty acre sweeter and better. His trays can- wilt live. H e a nd his family will lain about 275 bushels, and it taka» move to the Lys Thompson place. from 18 to 30 hours for the grean Charley .Farley is p u ttin g in his T he fruit to go through the tunnels and sum m er fallow. come out a dried product. Fourteen Mr. Macumber and wife attended C u r e fo r hands are employed around tha dryer d uring th e day and three at nigbt. the state fair. Some twenty men, women and child This rain y w eather is ra th e r hard rcu are picking out in the orchard at on the wood haulers. If the Oakda!e if 4 cents a box and make from $1 to Ely’s Cream Balm road received its fair share of the $1.75 a day. T he picking and drying Easy and pleasant to tin co u n ty road work it would not be in C ontains no iu ju rio u season began over two weeks sg» anil drug. sue)) a shape now. will last alm ost two weeks longer. I t if quickly absorbed. Qlvee relief a t once. .Since last harvest Mr. Ellis has devot Thera was a pleasant gathering I t opens ami Cleanses ed m uch thought, time and reading Thursday evening at Joe C u d ’s home p * th o Nasal Passage* tending to b« tte rm euts of his plant to celebrate b ' l birthday. The trays now slide on rollers and H eals and p ro te c ts th e m em brane. Restores the Everybody assembled a t Jolin Rob Senses of Taste and Sm ell. Large size, « • c ents at can ba more easily handled than b < dfuggists or by mail: Trial size, 10 c en ts by m ail. inson’s Saturday evening to bid them fata. T ha trays now slide on rolb a ELY BROTHERS, W W arren 8t. New York. and can be more easily bandied than goodbye, and a pleasant evening was sp e n t with music and games. They before. Another decided improve ment is a steam box into which a car will move to their new borne near O r l< ad of trays can be rolled and steam egon City this week. Everybody is turned on for two m inutes, thorough sorry to sue them leave here. ly looking tbs akin and faoiUtating Sunday school will be started again tha subsequent drying. H e th in k s ne xt Sunday. Rev. Russell will alto lha recent rains did more good than preach. harm to prune crops. Some fruit was A m an with a large family has injured by tha wet weather but the balance ke pt in a better condition. rented the Robinson place. They will His boys and girls were mad as wai help the school out. School will com hens because lie would not let them mence next week with Mis, Card as pick ail through the storms. He and teacher. Mrs. Ellis, Mra. Delashinutt and Ma Charley H ubbard has sold pa rt of bel Guy are oamped in oue end of hia hops. their big new warehouse, in whioli aic Mr. Y o k u m ’s soninlaw, Mr. Sm ith, already stored 65,000 pounds of dried is building a house on the former's prunes. place and inla nds to live there for several years. He thin ks the high lo cation will improve his health. E llis P r u n a Women as Well as Men Thorns* Blower is moving in to bis J . D. Bcvens went to Corvallis alter liis w inter’s Hour Tuesday. Are Made Miserable by ! claim tbis week. Tbe young apple trt*p* at the R cora j Sam. H a -tings is sowing sixty acres Kidney Trouble. postoffica a;e *o full of fruit th at prop*! of stubble. Miss Msud Sours is working in P o r t Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, dis courages and lessens ambition; beauty, vigor land. and cheerfulness soon Ja m es Thompson is going to the disappear when the kid neys are out of order Porllaud Carnival to be married. or diseased. Kidney tfouble has Royai M o n t h a n d Royal Slx aase. become so prevalent Hodden changes of weather are that it is not uncommon especially trying, and probably to . for a child to be born none ini re so than to tbe scrofulous afflicted with weak kid- anil consumptive. The progress of —- neys. If the child urin- ates too often, if the scrofula d u n n g a norm al October is comm only great. We never th in k of urine scalds the flesh or if, when the child reaches an age when it should be able to scrofula—its hunch»»,cutaneous erup the passage, it is yet afflicted with tions, and wasting of the bodily sub- control bed-wetting, depend upon it. the cause of stance— without thinking of tlm great the difficulty is kidney trouble, and the first good many suti'vrers from it have de step should be towards the treatment of rived from H ood’s Sarsaparilla, whose these important organs. This unpleasyt radical and ivermanent cures of this trouble is due to a diseased condition of the • h im disease are enough to make it tbe kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as most famous medicine in 'lie world. most people suppose. Women as well as men are made mis T here is probably not a city or town erable with kidney and bladder trouble, where Hood's 8araaparilla lias not and both need the same great remedy. proved its m erit in more homes than The mild and the immediate effect of one, iu airesting and completely e rad S w am p -R o o t is soon realized. It is sold icating scrofula, which is almost as by druggists, In fifty- saiiuua and as m u ch to be feured us cent and one dollar sizes. You may have a its near relative,—consum ption. sample bottle by mail free, also pamphlet tell Home of ftwauip-Root. IN D E P E N D E N C E . ing all about it. including many of the thousands of testimonial letters received iPltOM T H E KNTRHPMBK. J from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer Mra. Norn C hurch has moved from & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., be sure and M oum oeth to Lewisville. mention this paper. Rev, J. W. Craig and family are to Lid L. Pearce and family, of Salem, occupy die parsonage at Lewisville. »pent Sunday at the Pearce hom e. Miss Garlin Hill is leaehiug in East Mrs. F a n n ie Stenson, of Rickrsall, ern W ashington. has been staying witli iter sister, Mrs. L. T. Price is blacksmitliing at Con Otis Wait. don. Mrs. Axie Delap and Joe Delap and C. C. Tauter has told hia Lurkla- wife attended the state fair oil W ood mute farm to hia bro th er and moved m a n ’s day. to M onm outh, Mesdames S tu m p and Caps and J o h n Walker occupies the Hehnick their families, of Salem, picked up prunes in the Wilaon orchard after farm receatly vacated by l k a Elliott. picking hops in the kfeise ya rd a t Oak Rev. Ernest W igm ore is tbe new Grove. pastor of die Christian c h u rch at Mon Horace and Nellie Sykes and Will. m outh. Best have gone to Salem to school, Our Fraabyterian chureli has just ------- -------------- celebrated the twentieth anniversary S t e p p e d In t o L ive C o a l s . of its organization, ‘‘W hen a child I burned my foot Florence B urton, K ate K etchum , ffigbtfully,” writes W. H. Eads, of Jonesville, Va., “ which caused horri Lela Hturk and E d it h Owen are in ble leg sores for 30 years, b ut B uc k school at Mt Angel, ler.’» Arnica Salve wholly cured me BALLSTO N. after everything else failed.” Infalli ble fur burns, scalds, ents, sores, bruis David Otlinger, an old gontieman es a n p piles. Sold by all druggists. lately from Tennessee, is dangerously 25c. ill. OAKDALE. A t R L IE . ROCK CREEK. OUR STAFF OF RUSTLERS- '•«<* SPECIAL - DJLL1S COLLEGE The Woolen Mill store on Novem ber 1st will move* to their new store at 254-256 Commercial street. To clear out some of thoir broken lines before moving they offer 300 men and boys suits at 20 per cent reduc tion. Now is the time to get excep tional values. Everybody knows the class of goods we c*arry. —A N D - Li CREOLE ACADEMY FIRST T E R M BEGINS SEPTEMBER 25, J90! C o e d u c a ti o n a l and expenses r e d u c ed to the m in im u m . Regula r collego and academ ic co u r ses, in clu d in g oouraca in music aud business. SPLENDID DORMITORY/ AD VAN TA GES.* For f u rth e r particulars address the president, C. C POLING, DALLAS, OREGON. Salem W oolenMills Store 2 9 0 C om m ercial S treet. E. S. L A M P O R T M ANUFACTURER AND IM PORTER OF Harness, E s t a b l i s h e d 180 9 PARK £ 2 8 9 C o m m e r c ia l stre e t, S a le m . A N D W A S H IN G T O N S T R E E T S m m ***m m *****M *x m m **M d **ik PO R T L A N D , O REG O N A . P . A r m s tr o n g . L L . B ., P r in c ip a l A p r a c tic a l, p ro g re s s iv e sc h o o l, c o n s p ic u o u s fo r t h o r o u g h w o r k , w ith h u n d r e d « o f g r a d u a te s In p o s itio n s os b o o k k e e p e r s a n d s te n o g r a p h e r s . A lread y p r o n d o f a h ig h s ta n d in g w h e r e v e r k n o w n , i t a te a d ily g ro w s b e tte r a n d b e tte r, b p e n a ll t h e y e a r O S tu d e n ts a d m itte d a n y tim e . P riv a te o r c la a a in s tr u c tio n L e a rn w h a t a n d h o w w e te a c h , a m i w h a t it c o ats. C a ta lo g u e free. —— Saddles, Robes, Whips, Boots, Etc. ■ ■ B o a rd o f D i r c ^ o r s - ■ D. P. TH O M P SO N , P R E S ID E N T P. SO LIS C O H E N - - D A V ID M. D U N N E liCiDEM l OF™’SIGHED HEJRT I L U T H E R & C O « áí * ¡X R E AL E S T A T E * a* ¡X m * Timber and Ranch Lands a Specialty j * We are prepared to locate you upon some off the finest timber claims in Oregon, or if youi want an improved ranch or fruit farm, we can ! show you just what you are looking for. Call and see us. All correspondence promptly at- ct tended to. LL'THFlì A CO., Dallas, Or. S A L E M . O R . P F E N N IG , Jeweler and Optician. ( Boarding and day school for girls. Dem.3LX3.dLa C a r e f u l E ducation thorough a nd practical. Location !>eautifu! and healthful. C m .a id .e r a .k ic n . Courses — K in d e rg arten , Prim ary, . G ra n in iu r a nd academic. T har* a re tw o kind* of e d u c atio n - practi- al and o rn am e n ta l. T he form er shonld be ee ru rtil by «very* Music d e p a r tm e n t — Coreervalo rv one, becauee it m ay be p u t to ue«r qu ick ly in e a rn in g a living. T herefore, «erure th e fo rm e r flr»t. th e lat methods, piano, violin, g u ita r a n d ' te r, a fterw ard, if y o u h a v e ik e tini« am i m oney. T bs courses <if th e m andolin. CAPITAL BU SIN E SS COLLEGE Best instruction« in a r t and l a n Are arran g ed a i t h a view te aoefnlncee. It e d o not dabble in a little of e v e ry th in g , b u t d e v o te o u r e n e r guage». 8em l for prospect 11 » gie« to conducting a i r * c'aee bu*ine*4 echos»!. Living expeneee cheap. s tu d « a te a d m itte d at any tin .e . Add re*», S I S T E R S U P E R I O R . O ur graduate* ore ewcceeeful. itemi for ca ta lo g u e S ch ool R eop en s Sept. 3rd. W . I. S T A L K Y , P r i n c i p a l , B a le n a , O r e g o n .