Rev. Limlaay and wife were calling W. J. Hooker is to be principal of on the people here Inst week. j tha Brownsville school. THE POLK COUNTY ITEMIZER Anna Torgeson i* in Salem having her eyes treated. DALLAS, FRIDAY, SEPT. 13.1901. Florence Prather is visiting her »¡a- ter, Mrs. C. E. Harmon, of Bridge- port. % 1) MLISHBI) KVBRY FRIDAY HOMING AT 71*0. W . A . ---------------------------- W A S H , C u ts a n d Brulaaa Q u ic k ly Hea le d. ■DITO» AMD PMOrHlUTn* SUBSCRIPTION RATES: $1 50 ..................................... Per y'-ar | 75............................. Per six month« 40 ........................Per three month« Advertising rate« niatie known on applioation. Correspondence i««olicit- aL Job Pointing done at reasonable annum from the 6 th day of August, 1901, un­ • b * v ❖ -X - v * *b *3- *! • •?* * -F -I* -b • b • M - v -I* -b *1* -I- •!* -I* -I* -b *J* -b v v -b -I* v v •!•*$■ -I- -b -b * b til paid, and for the costs and disbursements of this action. This summons ia published by order of H> n J. K. Sibley, judge of the countv court of Polk county, Oregon, duly made and entered J on the 9th «lav <»f August, 1901. The order < for the publication prescribes that the same j shall be published at least once a week for six j w ! rn consecutive weeks, and that you shall appear j and answer on or before tha 27th day of Sep- j RU BBER C E M E N T F LO O R P A IN T tember, 1901. The date of the first publica­ tion of this summons is the 16th day o f A u ­ Senti fer Color Cards to W . P. FuSïer & Ce., Portland, Oreg. gust, and of t’n« last publication thereof is the 27 th day o f September, 1901. T O W N S E N D S M O HEIRT SALEM OR. Boarding and day school for girl». Education thorough and practical, lavcation beautiful ami healthful. Courses — Kindergarten, Primary, Grammur and academic. Music department — Conservatory j methods, piano, violin, guitar and mandolin. , Beat instructions in art and lan­ guages. Send for prospectus Address, SISTER SUPERIOR. School Reopen« Sept. 3rd. WILSON'S D ifficult Digestion SALEM FENCE WORKS CELERY \ DANDELION Will jfiv* *fv r.| th th* n«rY*4 *n«f r*- •to r t th« liver ftml kM ner* t<> a hrtH hy iNtndition, riv e to the O onw ch rmt b o «f* k , nnd prom ote % »p j itit * henltbv m »»■» n n t >♦++++♦++♦♦♦♦ 3$ g LUTHER & CO,* D AVID M. D UN NE C H. MORRIS Harness, Saddles, Rcbes, Whips, Beets, Etc. J I *PAÍNT, 5 í YOUR.^FLOORS¿ í Board o t D ir e c to rs ---------------- - W e W ant Your Traded ’* r C & A fS & S i To select good clothing at exorbitant prices, but tot; carefully select a stock of well tailored, neat fittingf garments with reliability at reasonable and popularj prices is quite another thing. We claim to have donej this and tbe compliments we are receiving andourl increased »ales over any former year show that our j efforts are fully appreciated. Our friends can rest as-[ sured that, all the latest and uptodate goods in mans’ wear can always be found in our store. If j'ou wants a stylish bat, fancy shirt, nobby tie or tbe latest glov-E es, come to our store. You can always get them ast iu tbe past. We will be leaders in mens’ apparel.( Try one of our Mt. Hood shirts— Made in Oregon. Sum mons. COLD' n HEAD3 £ u £ SS£& Hop picking ia about over, the crop Kenneth Campbell caught his foot Mrs. Addison ami Mrs. W’ heelock, under the wheel of a lomled wagon being light. of Yamhill oounty, have been up vis­ the other day and had it badly crush­ Mrs. Soulhwick's new heme ia near ed. iting relatives and friemla. ing completion. The threshing machines all finish­ George Foetcr, wife and son, Con- Newt. McDaniel lias a new born nard, are up from Payton visiting J. ed this week, most of them having liad daughter, from 20 to 25 days run. Tlie grain L. Fislihack and family, Frank Gibson, A. F. Stoner, and L. was not quite sa good as was expected Emma and Bertha Ohms are below but the quality is flue. Summer fal­ C. Koner visited the metropolis on Independence picking hops for Kilsy low wheat yielded from 26to:tO bush­ business last week. Cooper. els an aere, and spring wheat from 1« Frauk Hininnton, of Portland, was Mrs. W. H. Mack and sisterlnlaw, lo 20. Tlie new varieties of spring visiting relative» over Sunday. Nina, have returned from tlie Lair- J wheat wtiieh have Wien planted here Bring u b your repairing. Johnny Burch is recovering. cnee threshing machino, where they ‘ for a few years made a very unsalis Bring u h your old gold factory yield, although the quality were engaged aa cooks. Mrs Frank Gibson was called to and silver. was A 1. Tlie fall whits wheat, which West Salem Friday by the illness of The lx)«rd of directors have hired | has lieen raised ill Oregon for year», her husband's mother. ( let your jew elry of us Mr. Huff, of Monmouth, to leach tlie - made the best yield here. and bo assured of getting winter months of school. Most of the farmers hare their grain Hop pit-king is in full blast. I). C about all in and the rush at tlie ware­ your m oney’s worth, The Hnskinson family will move erst of the mountains this fall t o ! Haling, Hall Bros. and llvnry Clan- houses is about over. fleld commenced last wrok. The yield make their future home. Eugene Wait expect» to go to Seat­ will fall short of lastysar, but the Katie Town has secured a position quality never was better, there being tle in the near future, where his bro­ tn a millinery stora at Dallas. no signs of mould nor lice yet. 1). C. ther, Frank, has been for some time. Haling pays 90 for • hundred pound» Hop picking has begun and thi* Mr Rem[ile and wife expect to start of picked hops. CUndAeld 85, and Ball for Russia in a few days. community is nearly deserted. These Next door to“l\ O., Dallas. Broa. 40 cenia lor a box of nine bush­ pickets are working for John Orr at els. Dixie: J. L. Kishhack’s family, Mrs LEW IS VILLE. Clatke and children, J. A. Sevier and TRIUMPH BU E N A V ISTA . Ik« Niinpson expects lo havs hi. 40- I family, W. M. Herren and family, acre hop crop picked tijr tomorrow . John Powell and family, and Robert All baud» are picking hops. PRUNE Clarke and wife. E. N Hall and family visited rela­ Waller Nichols visited the Kast hop j GRADERS.* yard Holiday. tives in Salem and Croston Sunday. Highest award gt Oregon state Threshing is over. J. M, I’ ralher went to Salem Satur­ fair. For green and dried prunes day. That Is dyspepsia. Fourth season. Improved for Chester Waters, George Bronson It makes III* mlssrstW*. 1901. Send for particular» to Mi»» Sophia Hhive», who ha» been Iva Hooker, Myrna Smith, Nellii I Its sufferers eat not because they want to, teaching school in Toledo, is at home. Phillip». F.thel Brown, Percy l_ew,» -but simply because they muss. and J. I, Burns will attend Pallas col- j Dorelle Hhive» visited her »inter, lege. They know they are Irritable and fretful, Mary, who ia working at thv asylum, but they cannot be otherwise. 59 Sttite street, Salem. There was a dance at Simpsou’e hall | They complain at a bad taste tn the last week. WALTER MORLEY, Prop Saturday evening. , a tendeme»» at the pit of the vlont- Ja». MiHerts very low, having had sasy tooling of puffy fulness, Walter Norton began picking hi» a stroke of paralysis last week. •arthum and what not. ten acre» Friday. T h e effectual 'em aaty. p ro v ed by p e rm a ­ nent cures at llw usiciil» at asvero cases. Is T O n i A . F I. K.1 mp lias Harry Guvnor aa I K:rd 1 m n tleiw linn •san tks Jf I IS I» E ra T W H i iw yard boss nl I k s 10 acres ami Ira Mehr ling does his dryiug. i Ike Seto i H ood 's Sarsaparilla •*“ J O T DIFFICULT... CATARRH 1). P ters has a Delavel cream *ep i Grain ¡» all in tlie »»rk, wheat hav­ erutor and his wife and daughter ing Iliad.' f.uni 25 to 50 hiiahel» to the make first class butter and find ready acre mid and oats from 35 to 40. sale for it iu Portland. Tlie warehouse» are about full of Kam. Burk came near being killed grain. by his load of grain overturning on a Hop picking is in progress in the uarrow grade recently. --------- ---------------- John James and Bert Harper yards and a good yield is premised. A G re a t Fav orite. The soothing and healing proper­ There i» a new boy at Ed. Dear ties of Chamberlain’« Cough Remedy, iniiini'» and new girl» at tlie homes of its pleasant taste and prompt ami John qnivy and Bert Harper. permanent cures have made it a great faverite with people everywhere. It Roadmaster Chamberlain has been is es(M'cially prised by mothers of graveling low places in tlie roads, small children for colds, croup and which are in good condition. wins »ping cough, as it always affords Block in thriving oil tlie grain field quick relief, and us it contains no opium or other harmful drug, it may picking». be given a« confidently to a baby as Unless a few anarchists are strung lo an adult. For sale by A. K. W il­ up hy tlie neck they will soon be a» son. bad in this country as iu the old --------■■■ world. Mrs. U. H. Hyde is quite sick. A Night of Terror. T h e Renewal a Stra in. The public school will ope i either “ Awful anxiety was felt for the wid­ Yucetfen is ov*v. Again the school ¿September 30 or Oc toiler 7. the date ow of tlie brave Genera! Burnham of hell rings At morning and at noon,' not yet being definitely fixed More new buildings have been erect­ Machias, Me., when the doctors said I again with tens of thousands th e ! ed here this summer than during auy ! »lie would d.e from pneumonia before . hardest Wind of work has begun, the . summer unco the county was first morning,” writes Mrs. 8 . H Iinunln, j renewal of which is a men ml and settled. F. M. Smith, B. F. Smith | who attended her that fearful night,' physical strain to all except the moat and A. Wing have new barns, F. M. j hut she begged for Dr. King's New j rugged. The little girl that ft few , Lewis, Joseph Hedgepeth, James So­ Discovery, which had more than once J days ago had roses in her cheek* and bring and A. Wing new houses and saved her life, and cured her of con- I the little bov whose lips were then j » o 1 W. W. Smith a large silo. sumption. Abel* taking, »lie slept all ! rail you would have insisted that they j by gtrawl>orae*,” | Thirty of Harry Dunn’s Bridgeport i night. Fun her use entirely cured had been — AT TH E— pickers took a hay wagou lido (o Falls ; her.” This marvellous medicine if have already lost something of tbe *p i guaranteed to cure nil throat, lung j pea ranee of hedtb. Now is a time City Sunday. M IL L C R E E K S A W M IL L . and chesi diseases. Only 50c »ml $1. when many children should be given - — ♦ • ♦ -------- — Hriul hollies fpee at ail dreg »lores. A n n ou n cem en t. .i tonic, which may* avert much asr- Wo are offering: im-s trouble, and we know of no other 1 To accommodate those who are par lial to the uve of atomizers in apply so highly to be recommended a* i 2 x G x -0 rough lumber at - $ 4 Hood's Harsapnri 11a, which strength­ Rough building lumber ing liquids into the nasal passages for • S3 ens the nerves, perfects digestion and 1 x l 2 dressed four sides • ¿ 7 catarrhal tmubhs, the proprietory Capital Normal AND i fimilation, and aids mental develop prepare Cream Balm in a liquid form, PAC K E R & JO N E S CORRESPONDENCE ment by building ap the whole sys­ which will k>e known as Ely’s Liquid SCHOOL tem, Cream Balm, frice, including the Normal, academic, business, civil spraying lube is 75 cents. Druggists W OVEN or by mail. The liquid form emlrnd- service, college preparatory, mechani­ Charlie Cliace is home from a sum ies the medicinal properties ef the cal drawing. Fall term nf 12 weeks mcr’s work iu California. W IRE solid preparation. Cream Balm is opens September SO, IDOL in First A number of disreputable charac­ FENCING«* quickly absorbed by the membrane National bank building. Our special and doe* not dry up the secretions, work is to teach the underlying prin­ ters having by drunkenness, foul lan­ but changes them to a natural and ciples. No time wasted on the non- guage and other vise terrorized the. I uni taking orders for car lo-id healthy character. Ely Brothers, 56 essentials. The Home Study and women and children working in Horst shipment from eastern factory. Mail department otters you ;i rare Bro*. hop yard on Dove island, Sher­ Warren gtraet, New York. Low priecB. Orilets taken for 40 chance to spend your evenings pleas­ iff Van Orsdel ami Constable Grant roils and nj w ird. Time limiteli. PKEDKE. antly and profitably in titling your­ went down Monday evening to settle self ier your life work. Tuition for them. The very presence of the offi­ Winnie and Annie Kelly, of Lewis­ WALTER MOR LEY term, $7 ; Home Study depart ment,$7, cer* made every thing quiet and peace­ ville, have been visiting among their ful. There are about 400 pickers in Address, j'. J. KRAPS, SALEM FENCE WORKS frieuds here. that yard. Salem, Oregon. 59 Ht«te street, Haleno' Mr. Wetlierford will begin picking hops next Tuesday. «R E A L ESTATE , j j : * * m SK: ! , | H Lf I | ! Timbar and Ranch Lands a Specialty^* m & We are prepared to locate you upon some of S tbe finest timber claims in Oregon, or if you eg want an improved ranch or fruit farm, w can iK show you just what you are looking for. Call * and see us. All correspondence prom ptly at- Œ L U TH ER A CO., Dallas, Or. tended to. \ Of time and money in a business education is not a venture. The benefits to be derived from such a course last for life and pay substantial dividends every day. These facts are amply showir by the uniform success of the graduates of the CAPITAL BUSINESS COLLEGE Our students are offered the advantages of a school well known for it* thorough wngk, pleasant rooms, skillful teachers and modern methods. Class and individual instruction. Living expenses cheap. Send for catalogue. W . I. S T A L E Y , P r i n c i p a l , S a l e m , O r e g o n . ♦ BALFOUR GUTHRIE JJ & COMPANY ¿jt ^ j* *L 207 »/ L Commercial A X iiu icru a i a street, n e t t , o Salem a iw n • * * J Are doing a general warehouse and storage business and are 4^ ready to buy your | W HEAT AND ot BARLEY | Tlie farmers of Polk donnty should see them before selling. They have the Humphrey warehouse at Salem. % wH TOPPRICES** FOR^GRAIN a _ ^ CYCLISTS, A T TE N T IO N ^ Call ami see samples of Rambler, Ideal and Crcs-J® cent bicycles at ^ .»LEE.aSMiTH’S.aCYCLERY.» Largest stock of sundries outside of Salem. Best equippped repair shop in l’ olk conn y. SPECIAL ATTENTION T O OUT OF T O W N j* ORDERS^ k*l f+ l m Q ■ •