VOL. X X V n. D A L L A S O R E G O N , A U G U S T 16. 1901. N O 28. Kli'U. I f you nna un annum witn tu , above poluts. you w ill bull a valuable beef producing animal. 1 care not wbat Physician and Surgeon. E G breed you may call It. The problem o f breeding Uesb producing animals la Dallas, O regon. more easily practiced than explained. W e have learned that we can breed “T H E WA8Y R U N N IN G “ I had a very severe sickness animals with any peculiarity. I f It NOI8ELESB W H E E L that took off all my hair. I pur­ were desired to produce tullow. we chased a bottle o f A y e r’ s Hsir DALLAS, - OREGON should select those cattle which carried Roadsters, M35 and $40. Light Vigor and it brought all my hair abundance o f tallow on tbelr bips and For Infants and Children. roadsters and racers $50. Chaiu- back again.” Office over W iU oi/s ‘ lru g store. backs and cross these tallow producing 'V . D. Quinn, Marseilles, 111. lesa $60 and $75. Tribuiie cush­ animals and continue the process for a ion frame» $50 end upward. Tri­ J K . B ia L K Y , i i . c . E AK IN . few generation!. T h e tendency to pro­ bune coaster brake models $5 ex­ duce tallow would beepme chronic. tra. 1 em having the best Tri­ S L BL f c CY & hi A i d N , T h e cattle breeder should readily see bune trade I have ever known, wbat the packer baa learned and sets due to the fact that the wheels A t l o r n o . v s - n t - 1 a«i w . upon when buying, that well nmrbled have proven themselves lo be all A\i-getc.blo rrepar.'.liciilbrAs a u luvu th. only .ft ol ..liftr i.t lf.uk, in i'"lk beef sells for 1^ to 18 cents per pound, that was claim ed fo r them. Come o m it). KdiasoL »UntracU furiitsltad, and u*'»iiey to j similating ilicFcodamlP.cßuIa- while tallow sells for 2 to 3 cents. O u t and see the line. jail. No i*tiu>mi«iioti churticil dm loan». Room* t ]! Uuß Ute S lu muda .MdDowels o f thing I have observed about cattle. If ., •id J Wilson's Mock. Dallas when they are In moderately good llesb. they have small patches o f tal­ J. L. COLLINS. 257 Liberty street, Salem low ou either side o f the root o f the tail, when they become fully matured Attorney and Counselor at Law, ¡ Promotes DigeslioibCheerful- they w ill develop patches of fat Just ! nes.tandRestToatahis neillier M o lle llo r in C k a iir n r i. where the highest priced meat should ‘ Opmm.Morpliine ncr>!atcral. H km b e e i i In practice of h i * profession In ibis place ll.M s bottle. All drvtfhts. he found. They will also have a thick N U T c w U iC O T lC . it ub iUt thirty year», ana will intend to all ouaii.t-ss layer o f tallow both ou the outside aud utrusted to hi» care. Office, corner Main and Court If your druggist cannot supply you, ta «UlUs, Polk Oo, Or senu us ono dollar and we will express Inside o f a small quantity o f edible you a bottle. Be suro and give the name m eat /*•(«• of OU D r SAM ’£L PtTVUDfl of your nearest express office. Address, J. C. AYER CO., Lowell, Mass. You ask which Is the bear beef breed. PiimfJim Seed ~ J. H . T o w n s k n » J N. H a k t Àtx. Safina * I f you take an aulmal o f nuy one o f lUktlh S m ite - - TOW NSEND A HART, the four breeds. Shorthorn, Aberdeen- ¿butt 1 STRAW BERRY CULTUR E. Jkffjeniunt - Angus, H ereford or Galloway, that B i C a itv iu ite S o d * * A T T O R N E Y S -A T -L A W . has the points as given In the former T h e A r t e n d H r l r n r r o l It l a B r i e f . H it m S e rti N o I 'l l , l i t . I.o .t b>- T h i s P lo w . nifiUSutfor part o f the paper, you w ill have a mon­ Office ipatairs in Odd F e llo w »’ new rtetjrrt*t Hai-or I>n not plant In a small garden, but Remember, FORM W H IC H CHARACTERIZES TH IS ey making beef animal. block. pedigree without good. Juicy flesh some place where you can use plows Aperfed Remedy for Tonslipa C .A I.I.A 8 , - - OBEGON. CLASS OF CATTLE. anil team. A few long rows are better would not commnnd the top price. Ron. Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea than many short ones. Plant on ground Worms.l'onvulsions,Feverish­ P o in t » to C o n » i d e r In S e le c tin g : G o o d T h e M o r a l. free o f weed seed» and a » early In the OSCAR H AYTER. ness «ml L o s s o f S l e e p . A n i m a l » —F le a h , N o t F n t , 1» W h a t 1» spring ns the ground Is In good work­ W a n t e d —B r e e d » T h a t G iv e B a s t l i t - ing coni'eilou. H ave the clods well pul­ Facsimile Signature of A - t t o r n e y - a t * L i a w . aultK—C o lo r o t H o o f» . verised, then mark off, making furrow s three or four Inches deep, 40 inches You may ask me to describe the Otlice up glairs in Campbell' » build N EW YORK. apart. H ave your plants ready anil form o f a good beef animal, says A. B. ing. set them as soon ns the furrow Is open­ M atthews o f Kansas before the state ed. Take n bunch o f plants, dip tbo DALLAS - OREGON. board o f agriculture. You readily un­ roots lu water, then lay them quickly derstand it is easier to know good on moist soli and sprinkle the soil over beef animals when seen than to de­ N. L. Bl.'TLKK K V. COAD the roots until it adheres to every root­ EXACT COPY OF W R A PPE R . scribe them, but I will try to xlo so in U U T L E l i & GOAD let. then set them quickly before the part very briefly. The muzzle should ^u2L> dirt dries. I f tills Is well done, you TH E CENTAUR C O M PA NY. NEW YO R K CITY. Attomeys-at-Law l»c broad, the nostrils large, indicating w ill not lose a plant. good lung power. The shorter from D A L L A S , OREGON. Plant 18 Inches apart In the row, spreading the roots out well. Plan t W ill practice in all emiri». Office, A F n n e r n l T r o lle y C ar. Sunday School Teacher—When the them on the level; If above It they w ill over bank. Baltimore has a number o f fine sub­ bad children called the old man “ bald- dry out ami die. anil If below It In cul­ urban cemeteries, all o f which are head,” the bears came out o f the woods tivation the dirt w ill roll down upon reached by some division o f the street Robert A . Miller, and ate them up. W hat does that teach them and cause much needless lubor. railway lines, and the company found us? The same day the plants are set run it by putting in a few cross overs they A T T O R N E Y -A T -L A W Scholar T o alw ays climb a tree be­ I cultivator over the ground. K eep the iNitBKvnoHAii IÍE .W E D I T I O N J U S T IS S U E D could take a ear from any part o f the fore calling names. surface loose at all times till frost lu NEW P L A T E S TH R O U G H O U T city to any one o f the burying grounds. Oregon City «■* Oregon the fail. N ever plow with large shov­ It was therefore decided to offer cars N ow Added 25,000 N E W W O R D S . Phrases, Etc. els nor throw the dirt up to the plants THE GLASS OF FASHION. Uooio 3, Weihliard bo lding for the transportation o f funeral par­ R i c h B in d in g s 4 2 3 6 4 P a g e s 4 5 0 0 0 I l l u s t r a t i o n s so ns to form a ridge. P low at all ties, says The Street R ailw ay Review. Opposite Courthouse. Prepared under the supervision o f W . T. Harris, Ph.D., L L .D ., United States White pearl buttons so tiny that they times us close to the plunts as pos­ The company built a special car well Commissioner of Education, assisted by alarge corps ofcompetent specialists. ate a mere «peck are much used for sible. dragging the runners with thu adapted for the purpose. The car is di­ B e tt e r T h a n E v e r f o r H o m e , S c h o o l, a n d O f f i c e . trimming. Land titles and land oflice business plow close tip In the row, so as to make vided into two compartments, the p specialty. The newest flowers for use on even- n limited row. I f weeds appear in the t . Also W e b s t e : . C o llegiate: D ic tio n a r y with Scottish Glossa: v, etc. smaller o f which has running Its full “ Fir.* class in quality, second class in size.” nig gowns are tuude o f tissue with rows, pull them out. Thus ad vise» a length another compartment or vault, *-R( inter Eg Oregon City land office. -— _________________________ _____________________________________________ guuse leaves. contributor to Am erican Agriculturist. in which the casket I r carried. A heavy Spr ¡^t^paxr eli on apfU' ^t _ The Intent b«jlcro la short at both plate glass door binged to swing down­ . & C. lyjERF^IAM CO.; Pùbichers, Springfield, Massi, Tjíi S. Ä. I ends, being cut out iu the neck and fin­ ward gives access to the vault from the S t r e w b e r r ? R o o t L o u ie . ¿V. .la M A H T 1 N , ished with a broad collar which gives outside. When a casket is to be placed Plants may he cleaned from root tla* broad shoulder effect. in the car. the shelf is drawn out, the louse, so Dr. J. B. Smith o f N ew Jer­ casket lifted upon it. and the shelf is Wash silks in variegated colors nr- sey tells, by cither dipping or fu m iga­ House, sign and ornamental, grain­ then pushed back in place. The larger ranged in stripes are one o f the uovelty tion. For dipping, kerosene emulsion compartment has 12 cross seats In the materials for shirt waists. The tones or tobncco decoction may be used. Tilt- ing, kaUonnng and paper b inging. center aisle, givin g a seating capacity lire soft and prettily blended, and the kerosene emulsion should be diluted for 24. The smaller compartment has «•OKI is $1 u yard. D allas . • * O rrgon with 12 ports o f water. Shake th e four seats H eavy black curtains di­ Flowers which merely suggest the plants free from dirt and submerge vide tills section into tw o private com­ kinds they imitate are a striking fea­ them com pletely. K eep them covered FALLS CITY. OREGON. partments for the immediate fam ily of ture o f the new millinery, yet they are not more than three minutes and then Manufacturers of** the deceased. Floral contributions 4ire beautiful beyond description, especially wash well In freBli water. This should piled upon the top o f the vault and can lhe crape and chiffon rose s. kill all the lice then on the plants If be seen from the street. The car Is fin­ Leave. I iidspendsuas for Monmoutl) *rpi Airlle- Tan in nil Its varying shades, from well done. Kerosene emulsion may 7:30 a ui H;80 p in ished inside and out with black enam­ Dealers in«* palest bisi-nlt color to the deeper nnd now he bought ready made or It may­ Leaves Independnee for Monmouth and Dalla»-- el and nickel plated fixtures. The 1:10 am 7:15 p iu more useful tones, is the dominating be made ns follow s; Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Hardware, Fresh Leaves Momnoulh for Airlie - car has been named Dolores, meaning color o f the s«»ason not only for gowns, Hard soap, shaved fine, 1 pouod, or 50 a in 3.50 p in TYPICAL HEAD OF HKKKFORD. sorrow, and It is rented at from $20 to Leaven Monmouth for Dallas— and Salt Meats at Lowest Prices. but also for coats and parasols, besides whale oil soap, IN, pounds; kerosene 1:20am 7:30 pm the nostril to the eye the better the many o f the small accessories o f dress. $25 for each Interment. (ordinary burning oil), 2 gallons; water, Leaves Airlie for Monmouth and Independence— We buy everything tl»e farn cr lirtfl to wll at highent market price. animal will feed. Loug nosed animals 9:00 a in 5pm 1 gallon. Wash silk parasols are one o f the Leave .4 Dallas for M.mmout h an« In.ie »enlense — o f any kind are hard to keep. Mill« locateil 3^ mile* from Falla <’i.y on Hock creek road. 8tore at N e w T h e o r y o f S m e ll. useful variations o f this much trim ­ Ilen t the wnter and dissolve In It tlie 1:00 pm 8 30 |*m. The eye should lie large, firil ami K j .II h City, Oregon. Telephone connection with mill. Get onr price« The phenomena o f smell have not med article o f dress and have a com­ soap until on even boiling hot suds Is before Buying elsewhere. We will «urpriwe you. Yours for Fall« City been easy to explain. It Is commonly quiet. The forehead should be broad, panion iu parasols o f llneu batiste obtained. Pour this luto the kero­ R. C. CRAVEN B. K. W IL L IA M S . bunines*. L U C K I A M U T E M I L L CO. suppose«) that odor arises from contact but not long. The horns. If they have prettily lined with a color. The plalu » 'r e s i d e n t . « »a b le r , j sene, which should not lie very cold, o f the material with the nerves, the any, should be small. Better have the silk parasols with striped silk border W . C . V A S S A L !., a s s is t a n t C a s h ie r and with n pump churn thoroughly fo r Bring in your babies under one year old and we will give them free a fsne gold substance being more or less volatile, cattle without herns. T h e jaw s should ■ re also very useful and good style.— ring, warranted or five years. DALLAS (J I T Ï HANK n few minutes. An ordlunry bucket but this tlmory Is unsatisfactory. Ya- l>e broad, the neck short, neat and well New York Sup. force pump Is all that Is necessary, th e schide and Van Melle, two French in­ set Into the body. A surplus amount OP DALLAS. OREGON, mixture being pumped hack Into the vestigators. now insist that odor is due o f hide about the neck is very objec­ poll or tub so ns to stir it thoroughly. Transacts a general banking ousi- Indirectly to ether vibrations o f short tionable. It w ill turn milky white almost at ue»s in all it» b ran che»; buy» and »ells The fore legs should not come out of w ave length, analogous hut not sim­ once and w ill soon begin to tblckeu exchange mi principal pointa in the ilar to the rays o f light, radiant heat, one holt», but be well spread apart. Yet until It Is o f the consistency o f cream Upjted S lates; Hinke» oolleclio iis oil all etc. In favor o f this view much e vi­ the brisket should not protrude for­ I and can no longer he forced through points in tfie Pacific N orthw est : loans dence is cited, such as that nonvolatile; ward very much, as it is u low priced Are a benefit to healthy women. But to the pump. It Is then ready to he d i­ money und discounts paper al. I be liest odorous substances do not appear to, cut. carrying much tallow and little i women who are suffering from diseases M A R T I N BR O S., P R O P R IE T O R S . luted ns much ns may be needed. It Iw rates ; allow interest on lim e deposits. lt>xe weight or volume; that certain j flesh. The ribs should be well sprung j peculiar to their sex they are an injury. All kinds of rough and dressed lumber on hands or cut odors are neutralized, like heat and and run well back to the hip bone. I When there is weak back or bearing- better to add water grndunlly nt first other indications to dissolve the emulsion nnd thcD till to order. We can till any order for lumber of any length ecld. by m ixing; that fatigue may take This is a very ImpoVtairt point which down pains, sideache o l or womanly I up to the full ninount. For a sm aller weak- place for a single odor while the sense should not he overlooked, as much of quantity use the materials In the pro­ promptly. ss, exercise can the Htrcngtll o f the aniniul depends continues to distinguish others, nnd 11 vi M r OR. J O R D A N 'S o r i a t I 1 portion given. only aggravate the The longer the that an odor may be perceived when u I kjii the coupling. c o n d itio n . The the nostrils an» filled with an mlorifer- animal the better if the ribs run close womanly health must Slab wood for cook stoves or harvest engines at 50 cents A monument estimated to cost * K * l- I K I 1 iU C T n T .,ID FH1C1HCI,CJL1*. I to the hip bone. The hip bones should puc solution.—Popular Science. lie first restored be­ 000 will lie erected at Montreal In |elut a load. T h e I j r c M t Ar.itninic$l Mu-teu«a In th . , | not be prominent and should be well fore strength can be orld. W c a k n c » - « cr Any c..mract« M I0N0AN A 00 . t o il M.rk.1 St. 8. f. 43,000. In January, 1808. there were- stops the drains that Aenr T r e n U n f M l P o p P n r a m o n in . 9 ornate«! down tu the hock—In fact, liaui- lilt* deaths, which makes an annual! veaken women, heals Dr. Talamon, one o f the physicians like a well foruu»d Berkshire hog. inflammation and U l ­ death rate o f 137.0 per 1.000. In Jan­ o f the Bichat hospital. Taris, ali­ The hind legs should be nearly ceration and cures uary. ,800. under m ilitary rule, practi­ nomi«« w the successful treatment of straight an«l well spread a|iart. thus In­ female weakness. cal sanitation waa applied, and th e pneumonia by Injecting nntidiphtherit- suring a goo«l twist. The legs should " When I first com­ deaths were 213. making a rate o f 00. menced uflinx D«JCtor t r u c k m a n . lc seimn. be short aud Just of sufficient size to , Fierce’» m edicine»,'» In January. 1000. the deaths numbereit carry the body. The bide should be write» Mr», «»eorne A. D a lla s : O rá p o n 120, at a rate o f 33.4H. Now. after tw o Htronx. of Osn—voort. o f good thickness, mellow nnd well j D lu d iv p p » o f t e w E t h e r , Saratoga Co., N Y.. M years o f sanitary work, the Jaauary Dr. John A. i ’ooke. professor o f covered with soft hair. The top and | w«» »iifTering from fe­ (1001) deaths aumbered 80. a rate o f male weakne»», a dl»- A fair share of patronage solicited chemistry in Morningstdc college, i bottom line should be as near straight ajzreeable drain, bearlng- 22.3. •nd all o'ders promptly tilled. Kioux City. la., announced recently j as possible. T lie hoof should lie o f ; 1 1 ~ ■ 1 down pain», weak »nd The new bridge over the Mississippi the discovery o f a new kind o f etlier. j good size and o f «lark color. A white tired feeling »11 the time I dragged around in that way for two year», and I began taking your Ip e revent ivm of traiMUiitiing p.c- which chemists to whom It has been hoof on a horse will wear off much ■ medicine. Alter taking fir»t bottle I began *»» at Ht. Lonla recently authorised by con­ E L E C T R IC A L J ~ > T T lN o S . ta n s elcetrb'fllly l>y menus o f the elec- | submitted declare w ill prove o f great sootier than one of darker color even 1 feel better I took four liottle» of Dr. Cwrce’a gress Is to be finished In 1003 for t h » Pre»crlption, two of ’ G o I'V l * Medical W orld's fair. The first bridge over tbe- B «*e«»n t D i i c a y f r l M , I n \ on t i o m . 17 tc ., trogrupli over the i>ollce telegraph lln •« er practical value than tltat ordinarily on the same animal. Many in the au- 1 Favorite Discovery,' one vial of ‘ Ple»«»ul Pellet»,’ alao o f Interest! tu L a y m e n . rlver was begun In 1807. when MIL In Cleveland was emlBently suc«*i*M.kftil. used. Its gi>ec!fic gravity Is lower, dten cp no donbt have noticed this fact. u»ed one bottle of Dr. H"ge « Catarrh Remedy. Now I feel like a " in O Tnuon. I can t thank Louis had a population o f 223.000, but The BritiMii (xminl telegraph depart­ and Its color Is orange yellow. It Imn 1 have a horse with one white hoof you enough for your kina advice and the good By a timely aud novel uae o f Roent- when the bridge was finished lu 18741 • — A L L KINDS O P— gcu ray* the treasury department of ment reeently coniplet<>d the laying of ljoen found very «»flfectlve in surgery. and three dark oues. nnd I think three your medicine ha» done me. - L it»>r a «iater who 1» taking yonr medicine *,Ue population had risen lo 325.00o> the Argentine Republic wa* recently the underground telegraph cable in shoes are required for the white foot I and It 1» helping her " » ’ hen the second bridge was opened ti> place o f Lie overhead wires l>etwi*en S t r e n g t h o f It n lr . enaltleti to dKtn l amng^iing. to tw o for the darker feet. One Inst Dr. PierceTi I’leawnt Pcllrts promot« tyafllr In I8U0. the population was 4.71.- An estimate must de|**rid on the point—we want a flesh producer and regularity of the twwels, atvl » sms * th« I t appL*ars that over $1.000.000 ia to London and Birmingham, a distance of 000, and It was evident that a th ird be expended in establishing over this llTVí» mill’s, the longest underground texture, which varies largely. A sin­ not a fat producer. Repairing Promptly Done. action or "I'n voriU 1’rescriptlon " No bridge was seeded ow in g to the elty'a gle hair has been found to support country electrical sanitarium« for the telegraph cable In the world. W e do not eat tallow. W e want other laxative should be used with I * . greatly Increased business activity. Experiments Just completed demon- five ounces in w e igh t cure ot cuufflr.wciw-. flesh «ir rather we w snt It In term in- Pierce's Medicines. L. N . WOODS, M. 1). j. V B EM3REE, M O The Kind You Have Always Ccuglit J1 Bears the Signature of /«\ A (i W ß in Use For Over Thirty Years O* 1‘S’J LUg up Niagara falls by electricity to be geucr- uted by the fails. New and powerful apparatus operating seachlights will hereafter enable visitors to see the falls at n^ght. i'lans were recently laid before the German government for an extremely high speed ^electric railway. No actual experimental line has yet been con­ structed. but it is proposed to build as a trial a m ilitary line intended for a speed o f from 125 to 150 miles an hour. A submarine electric arc light will soon be exi>erimento(# .jvlth to aid In tl»e sponge fishery o ff the coast o f Flor­ ida. A t present the sponges are ob­ tained only from a comparatively small depth, as the sponge fishers at present can only see to a limited distance by the aid o f a water glass, and If this distance could lx* increased larger areas would immediately be opened up where sponges have been grow ing un­ molested for years. Professor Lucien V. Blake, head of the electrical department o f the Uni­ versity o f Kansas, lias been experi­ menting for some time on an electrical process by which precious metals may be obtained from ore cheaper than by any process now In use. It is stated that the method has proved satisfac­ tory in an experimental way and will shortly lie given a trial on a practical scale by a prominent smelting concern. The most successful thieves o f elec­ tricity In N ew York are the Chinese. They are said to be absolutely fearless iu handling dnugerons curreuts. The Chinese are good customers o f the pow ­ er plants. A large proportion o f them use electric lights in their dingy little laundries. A short time ago It was found that the lighting bills of many o f them were suddenly reduced more than oue-lm!f. It was found that a Chinese tramp electrician was making a business o f visiting ills countrymen nnd offering to reduce the bills. Ills methods were extrem ely simple and effective. All he did was to bridge the meters—that K run a w ire from the feed wire at its entrance to the exit wire on the other side. T ribune Bicycles*!* M y H air One thing is certain,— Ayer’s Hair Vigor makes the hair grow. This is because it is a hair food. It feeds the hair and the hair grows, that’s all there is to it. It stops falling of the hair, too, and al­ ways restores color to gray hair. F. A. WIGGINS, TYPICAL REEF BREED WEBSTER'S INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY \ P A IN T E R , LUCAS & DODD, Proprietors. L U C K IA M U T E M IL L C O M P A N Y MOTOR TIME T A B E E . Lu m b er, Shingles, L a th , Pickets, Etc., Upper Salt Creek Lumbering Co Calisthenics MUSEUM OF ANATOMY; £ F. H.M USCOTT, IRON WORK TO ORDER ED. BIDDLE, - PROP.; V