C y 0 ~ .y i B U T L E R A COAD Attorneys-at-Law D A L L A S , OREGON. W ill practice in all conns. Office, over bank. Robert A . Miller, A T T O R N E Y -A T -L A W Oregon City Land titles and land office business a specialty. x-Ri isterEg Oregon City land office. .J* M A R T IN , P A IN T E R , House, sign »»<1 ornamental, grain­ ing, kalsoming and paper hanging. DSI.I.A*. - - ORBGON MOTOR TIME T A B L E . Laave* Iudejiendeiice for Monmouth and Airlie - j IQ ^ uj 8:30 p in L m . m Independnc. lor Monmouth end 1,10 . in 7:15 pm Leaves Monmouth for Airlie — H tm 3:50 p m Leaves Monmouth for Pnll-m— I j l am " ¡80 p m Laares Airlie for Monmouth and Independence— MM» m I>»» , . Loaves Dallas for Monmouth an » Inue *euden;e— 8 30 p m. 1pm R. o . CRAVEN p ren U lfn t. R K. WII.LIAMH. * naliler. W . G. V A S SA LL, a s s is ta n t C ash ier DALLAS OF CITY DALLAS, HANK OREGON, Transacts a general banking ousi- toess in all its branches; buys ami selle •echante on principal points in the CTniteil States; makes collections on all points in the Pacitic Northwest; loans money and discounts paper at the best »sites; allow interest on time deposits. vimt DR. JORDAN ’ S aay the oldest S fje a a lu t ih« Coast. Eat 36 years. | V . ^ OR. J0;t3AN —DISEASES OF MEN I avi-Hti.ia thoroughly eratflrated j front »yst«t without the u-e of Meresary. 1 Tmu«a fitted by an Kapert. Rail* rail «are 'nr Msptars. A quick and radical cure far ^1 !•“•« Haaare and Ftstnlar. hy Df. Jordan’s speatai pain m aa I*« method«. Consultation free and striepy prfeate. Treatment per- A suHr nr by letter. A /r»*ff»re Curt in eeery case V . v s » b. M r s u .o e ip n v , | 'iAH RIAaC. MAiLbD FREE. {A raJuah» » book » > • * « . ) Call oe »rite I 1 DIt JORDAN & CO.. 1081 Market S t . » F. F. H. MUSCOTT. TRUCKM AN. D a lla s : O re g o n A fair «liare of patronage Milicited •n d all o-tier* promptly filled. Dallas Foundry! — A L L R IlfD F O F — IRON WORK TO ORDER R e p a irin g P rom p tly Done. ED. BIDDLE. ■ si -11 reispecuiig musiKiood. cue oi me HOW TO LIV E A C EN TU R Y. supreme essentials of free government, A T e m p e ra te C lim ate, R ou tin e H a b ­ fostering love for the nation and bring­ ta s a d its and P la ta P o o d A re K eeeatlala. ing content and happiness into the hearts of hundreds of thousands of our The medical authority of tbe New people. And while this is being ac­ York Journal, Dr. James J. Walsh, tells complished manhood will be elevated In a recent number o f that paper bow “ I have used Ayer’s Hsir Vigor and the nobler side of life developed to live 100 years. for thirty yesrs. It is elegsnt for Instead of the savage or brutal in­ • bsir dressing and for keeping the No questiou is more Interesting to the stincts being fostered, as is Inevitably hair from splitting at the ends.” — general public than bow life may be » F o r I n fa nts and Children, tli- case in a war for conquest. Fur­ J. A . Gruenenfelder, Grantfork, IU. prolonged. O f late 100 years has been thermore. the immense benefit to gen­ the term of mortal desires. There Is a eral business, which always accompa­ club of prospective centenarians en­ nies the extensive circulation o f money gaged In the serious study of the among large umbers of tie people means best calculated to enable them and which has been so r»*d a factor to reach their tenth decade of years. In stimulating business during and Im­ The countries that furnish the largest mediately after periods of war. will XVcifetcIicrreparalieiiCirAs- number of centenarians are those In be accomplished without the sacrifice ;• i mil aliii j i!w; ’cot! tdn - which life is taken the easiest. We of thousands of ablebodied wealth Imi'tire b lu m i's a:ci i.V.web i f have not the statistics for China, or it creators, in a word, the prosperity would surely prove the happy possess­ that will e^sue from the Increased or of the largest number of inhabitants activity will not be accompanied by the i ’t who are veritably very old fogies by shadow of death resting over the having three figures to represent their Promotes Digísüon.Clicerfti!- ¡ homes of the land or by the spoliation ages. ness and Pest.Conlmiis neiilter i of the nation through the destruction Sl.M ■ bottle. All druggists. According to statistics, the greatest Opt. mi .Morphine nor Minera!. | of thousands of its bravest citizens. number of centenarians to the popula­ “ In the great arid plains east of the N o t K .u tc o t ic : . If your druggist cannot supply you, tion occur in Servla. Of this little Rocky mountains ami in many of the send us one dollar and we w ill express country’s 2,250,000 inhabitants 575 are you a bottle. Be sure and give the name western mountain states there are mil­ of your nearest express office. Address, Ahy* VfJ/J ItrXWLSLFIlVJtTff more than 100 years old. Servla is ad lions upon miilions of acres of im­ J. C. A YE R CO., Lowell, Mass. mlrably situated to foster longevity. Sad- mensely rich land which under irriga­ s/lx Sj/i/ut • Lying between the forty-third and for­ tion would almost instantly blossom liotktlla S+lU - j4nueSert! * Into gardens, orchards and fields of from reality rather than from a seer’s ty-fifth parallels of north latitude, it is J'afneinvnf - wheat and grain, but which today are vision of a future Utopia were this neither too hot in summer nor too cold lit CiutouatrSoda * yt6npSe*J dry, parched desert expanses. Take, army of wealth producers now waging in winter. Its winter months especial­ Ctrained . \\i/jar MftAlyrmm flavor. for example, the state of Nevada. Ilere its Industrial warfare in Nevada under ly are equable and not liable to sudden we have « 5 , 000,000 acres of arid land proper generalship for the establish­ changes. Its industrial and commer­ A pence I Remedy forConslipa- that by proper irrigation can be made ment of this proposed co-operative com­ cial condition Is not active enough to make Its people lose much sleep In fion, Sour Stoinach,Diarrhoea as fruitful ns the productive regions of monwealth.” business worry. Its politics are capri­ Worms .Convulsions .Feverish­ California, Colorado and Utah. • • • Thomas E. Will, formerly president ness and L O S S O F SLEEP. “ Again, take the question of a per­ of Kansas Agricultural college, now of cious, but very few of the inhabitants Í manent levee for the Mississippi river. Ruakin college at Trenton, Mo., wrote: take interest enough in things political Fac Simile Signature oT to disturb their digestion over them. ‘There are, says ex-Goveruor Llouel “ As a measure of practical politics Sheldon, ‘over 23,000,000 acres exposed such a step should prove to be wisdom * On the other hand, where competition to overflow from the mouth of the itself. The first duty of government Is und the struggle for life arouse inten­ NEW v o m ì. Ohio to the gulf of Mexico. The pro­ to care for the people—to see that each sity of effort and call for th<* expendi­ •Y; A i o T fi 03 ^ I Tkok\.iXt om. affiatai ^ work is of a temporary character, the tates of dead millionaires. What poli­ temperate zone, where there are not G. &. C. MERRIAM GO./PuÌ>1ishrtlon of the land confidential. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buf­ i of desperation; “ I shall become a base er's communication. Aside from the ness? which the government does not already falo, N. Y. j ball umpire.” —Baltimore American. ethical phases of the war of conquest “ Within the borders of our own do­ own would have to be purchased. The **I am so thankful for what I>r. Pierce's Fa­ In the Philippines Mr. Flower asked main there are virgin fields of vast first equipment of machinery, outfits vorite Prescription has done for me.” writ** S t i l l mt It . Mrs. John T. Smith, o f Hlocan. British Columbia ; ids correspondents to look at the prob­ extent, onl; awaiting the aid of gov­ and temporary wages for the support “ Oh. stop, stop!” cried Willie’s papa. (Box 50 ). " f t helped me through the long lem "from the viewpoint of business ernment directed industry in order to of the workers would cover most of the months o f pregnancy and I have a Mg. strong snccess and political security. Are yield riches far exceeding any poeslble needed outlay of capital. For this the “ Haven’t I told you not to ask foolish baby girl, tne most healthy o f alt my three, and it cured me of s disease which wiu* ta ing away questions? Everything 1 say to you , th; re not ways open at onr door by return that we can reasonably hope government could amply »ecure Itself all my strength." goes In one ear and out the other.” which for cn incomparably less outlay i for from commerce that may come as by taking low Interest bearing bonds Pree. Dr. Pierce’s Common Sense M ed­ "Pa.” said Willie seversi minutes 1 than the cost of prosecuting this war i n result of our war o f conquest in «the upon the Q.00«MY)O acres o f land and Its ical Adviser is sent free on receipt of later, “ If you was to plug up the other stamps to pay expense o f mailing only. ; of conquest the govt i *iment might iu- cist, and th»* calling into the market of future Improvements sufficient to cov­ ear what you say to me would have to Send ti on*“-cent stamps for the book M : crease her wealth products and vastly this wealth nil] r<>su!t in giving work er the entire outlay. cloth oinding, or ?l one-cent stamps for turn around and come out where it enrich her people without the destruc- to the unemployed, thus maintaining , “ A picture as beautiful as Bellamy's iper covered. peper covered Address Dr. R. V, Pierce, *Tx»ki ntr Backward’ m«*M h* I n . * « went In, wouldn't It?” —Philadelphia Buffalo. N. V. j flon o f life or the surrender ^ Ths Kind Yen Have / 1 ways Bought Bears th Signatiin of H air-splittine splits friendships. If tne nair- splitting is done on your own head, it loses friends for you, for every hair of your head is a friend. Ayer’s Hair Vigor in advance will prevent the splitting. If the splitting has begun, it will stop it. In Use For Over Thirty Years 11 25,000 NEW WORDS O regon Room 3, Weinbard budding Opposite Courthouse. A .. NO 26. O R E G O N , A U G U S T 2, 1901. PROP. L U C K IA M U T E M IL L C O M P A N Y Lumber, Shingles, Lath, Pickets, Etc., Upper S a lt C re e k Lum b erin g THE BETTER W AY. Co Save the CHIMI Tribune Bícycles<át “T H E Y A 8 Y R U N N I N G N O IS E L E S S W H E E L Roadtteri, |35 nod $40. Light roadvler, aud racer, $50. Chain* Its, $60 and $75. Tribune cuah* ion frame, $60 end upward. T ri­ bune coaater brake model, $5 ex­ tra. 1 am having the beet T ri­ bune trade 1 have ever known, due 1» the fact that tba wheel* have proven tiieiuaelvee to be all that wa, claimed for them. Com * and ate the line. F. A WIGGINS, 257 Liberty^street, Salem eui|>uur. in order to avoid contraction, aa tlie result of tbe forming of a soda cellulose, tbe yarn is stretched b j me­ chanical means. Through this mercer- ixlng process the yarn becomes elastic and translucent, more readily absorbs moisture und Is closer and more lus­ trous. All tbe Itnpurltlea are removed from tbe titter, leaving Dotblng but tbe cleun cotton to be dyed or bleached. Mercerised cotton. It Is claimed, takes the dye more readily thnn the unmer- cerlzed, and the color obtained la not so easily affected by llgbt or cbemical re­ agents, while tbe luster resembles the sbeen of silk and is as durable as tire fabric Itself. Mercerised yarns are now utilized in the manufacture of under­ wear, dress fabrics and upholstery ma­ terials and are frequently combined with worsted or silk. C oaslag T a b s re w lo s ls C s s f r w a A great congress Is to be held In London on July 22 of this year on the subject of tuberculosis and the discus­ sion of the experiences obtained in vari­ ous countries for tbe cure of consump­ tion and the best methods to adopt for Its eradication. The congress will last five days, and It will tie supported by delegates from all parts of the world, who will advance any Informa­ tion relative to the subject at their command. The klug of EnglSDd, who has alwayB taken a keen Interest In the cure of this malady, will open the con­ gress. O dc of the leading features will be a museum containing a number of pathological and bacteriological Instru­ ments. charts, models, etc.—Scientific American. T b e P ro m oter*« W o o l . , . “That young trolley line promoter Is going to marry Mabel.” “ I didn’t suppose he’d find time to propose.” "Yes; the second time be called he asked her If he couldn’t have a perpet­ ual option on the right o f way to her heart.” —Cleveland Plain Dealer. T h e E t e rn a l M asculine. Mr. Ferguson—So you lost your pock­ et book in r. bargain counter crush, did you? Why didn’t you keep your wits about you? Mrs. Ferguson—I f that Isn't Just like a man! Expect a woman to keep her wits about her when she’s at a bargain counter!—Chicago Tribune. G enlna Deflned. “ Is he a man of ability?” ” Is he? Why, he not only knows that he doesn’t know much, hut he has the ability to keep others from knowing It.” —Philadelphia Times. T h « H ew C oo kery. Since Little goes to cookin school the house don't ■eem the tame; host everything we get to eat has got a fancy name. An none of It la what we Ilka. But what'a the uae to kick? I reckon It’a all right ao long aa it don’t make ue sick. But, aomehow—well, Fm gittin tired of tbia here “ contommsy" J»n aalada that’s aa spiritless as last yaar*a crop of bay. lines Little goea to cookin achool aha don’t eook like her me; She has to have a apron on—the beat you ever MW. It's frilled an puckered here an there an trimmed around with lace; I reckon Uasle’ ll be all right when ahe haa at ruck But, aomehow—well. It aeema to me I can’t Just get the hang Of, when I'm eatln custard pie, to call R a Since Little goes to cookin school we don’t get no more mush, An when I aay I’d like eoroe greens ahe aaya, “ Now, pa. you hush!” Hho hold» a fool the’ mo me ter on everything ah« cook» An acolds because the cook stove won’t run ’ cord- in to the books; But, somehow—well, the things don’ t seem good after they are carved; knee Little goea to cookin achool—why, my. I’ m blame near starved I —Baltimore American. “K w l a r r a , " “ K « « a « « B , ” Ete. Towne—Hubbub, tells me he baa > Queen Anne cottage In Algnburst. Browne—Ob. tbst’s tbe way be pro­ nounces It now. eb? Tow n .—Pronounce* what? Browne — Quinine. — Philadelphia Press A m 111 Essresoed Ides. “ How much Is that employee short?” luqulrcd tbe commercial acquaintance. "Short!" echoed tbs bank director. “ W e’re tbe onee who are short. H e Is away ahead of tbs same.” —Waoh- Ington Star. What Tam ale Said. Admiring Mother — Now, Tommy, what do yon say to Mr. Blldad for glr- Inc you that penny? Tommy—Please. Mr Blldad. I wteht It wus a OtekeL—Ohio Stats Journal. — —