j two times the usual rates tor proever- Those intending to pay their auk- “ N W a s te .” “Why not spend the vacation at Ya- ed (by fire department) property and grown ror market There will be enough i *eiipih.n iu wood will pi* art bring it One tif the most oolpi’ui b'tok« on quina Bay, wliere can be had excel­ L n t iy r i i a a v f f o t t * '« P o r t r a i t . two and one-half times the usual rates • of these to feed a large number o' as thev. nerve waste ever issued is that en lent fare, good fulling, good boating, A handsome portrait of Lady Paunce- ‘ fowls. REPORT OF MASSACHUSETTS HIGH­ for unprotected property. Tiie only titled “ Nerve Waste,” by l>r. Sawyer safe bathing, alluring rides and ram­ fote, w ife of i he British embassador, ones, however, we could learn of widt h SPANISH IN N E W M E X IC O . WAY COMMISSION. of San Francisco, now in its fifth bles. The courses and exercises at the has just been completed by the cele­ do tills are the Worcester (Mass.) and Many o f the T e rrito ry *» P e o p le C » » - thousand. This work of an exj*eri- j summer school of 1901 at Newport, brated English artist. Mr. Henry Portland (Ale.) hoard* of underwriters. n o t V e t S p en l z U i m U a l i . enceci and reputable physician is in will afford great variety of instruc­ Floy.L who came to this country a C o s t i f r o B a l r u i 'l i o n P e r M l l e - T h l o l . The Insurance companies generally It is a pity and an injustice that the agreeable contrast to the vast sum of tions, diversion and entertainment. few years ago after many years of nt* » o f S t o n e o n V 'a r l u u N S o i l s — K x * regard incubators us more objectiona­ EX CELSIO R C 3 AND p e r il.ie u t M W ith S tu iif and fla y . ble than oil stoves, because the latter territorial government does uot print false*teaching which prevails on this No other resort offers equal attract­ study under the best masiers in Paris. The portrait was paint etl In the em­ O d R e p a ir K ip c it if , ure uot kept constantly burning and more documents In the Spauish lan­ interesting subject. It abounds in ions and advantages.” bassy on Connecticut avenue and has guage for distribution among the Span­ carefully considered ami practical ad­ ------------------------------------------- The report of the Massachusetts | are rarely left unattended when in culy been privately exhibited. It is ish speaking citizens of New Mexico. vice, and has the two great merits of F o r O ve r F ifty Y e a rs . Mate highway coin mission for the year use, so that while many fires do origi­ It is u condition, not a theory, that wisdom and sincerity. It is endorsed An old and well tried remedy. Mrs. graceful In p >st\ natural in attitude for ., were plaintiffs ^nd appellant», and .las. As to the depfli of stone employed In support their theories. Of course hav­ Prince Sesseri, the nephew of the Denham and James 1). Richardson, partner» "W hy can’t you vote?" road construction the commission suys: ing generally refused to accept risks and the Philippine Islands to enlighten king of Siam, has been serving for doing business under the firm name and style "Because I am only a woman, and the people of those possessions of ours. Why You Should Insist on Having The commipsion liaii estimated that nonporotia where incubators were concerned their o r|James Denham A Co., R. J. Fleming, Why not spend a few thousand dollars some time as a private pupil in the the men won't allow the women to foils drained of ground water at their worst will books will not reveal anything as to M ary C. Denham and A. Flemming were de­ support a load of about four pounds per square losses traceable to that cause. fendant» and respondents, in favor of plain­ As we In New Mexico, whose people have engineering works of the N. E. It. com­ vote." inch, and, having in mind these figures, tiie thick­ tiffs and appellants and against said defend­ The little boy was very wide awake been treated as stepchildren by the pany at Gateshead iu order that lie told these gentlemen, we think It very Unequaled by any other. ness of the broken stone lias been adjusted to tlu ants and respondents, by which execution I Rentiers hard leather soft. nation since 1840? Had this govern­ may learn all about locomotive build­ and very angry. Although there was traffic. On a road built of fragments of broken jouhtfui whether they could prove that jun commanded to sell the property in said Especially prepared. ment done one-twentieth of what it ing. Ills elder brother. Prince Bo- nothing in his mind nobler than a man, stone the downward pressure takes a line at ai. their objections to Incubators were execution and hereinafter described, to pay: Keeps out water. eagle of 45 degrees from the horizontal and is dis First, the expenses of this sale; second, to pay well founded. We hear of very few lias done for the Filipinos or Porto vardlez, has been apprenticed In a he purposed to do some pretty had tributed over an area equal to the square of twice similar way to Messrs. Armstrong, things lu general to men After awhile A heavy bodied oil. the sum due plaintiffs and appellants for It leans, commencing, say, in 1850, to­ cases of loss to poultrymeu through the depth of the broken stone. If a division of c >st* and riisbuisements in th<* supiemecourt, Whitworth & Co. of Newcastle to he said: day tills would be a prosperous, strong the load In pounds at any one point by the square fires originating from incubators, while allowed and taxed at $148.90. aud the coats arness "T ell rue some of tiie reasons why of twice the depth oi the atone give a quotient of we do hear of quite a number of con­ and Important commonwealth thor­ learn shipbuilding ami gunmaklug. and disbursements iu the circuit court, taxed A n excellent preservative. four or less, then w ill the road foundation be safe women can’t vote, mamma.’’ and allowed at tiie sum of $4!) 75; third, to flagrations, not often very large, start­ oughly Americanized. Reduces cost of your harness. at all seasons of the year. On sand or gravel the the payment of the sum due plaintiff» and “ There aren’t any good reasons," raid ing from lamp brooders. As it is, while It is truly American N ever burns the leather ; its PEN AND BRUSH. pressure may safely he placed at 20 pounds per appellant» of $1,680.56, with interest on mamma. As the matter stands now. Insurance and loyal to tiie government, as the square inch. Efficiency is increased. $289.05 thereof, at the rate of 8 per cent per A ctiigj on this theory, the tldcknass o f stone on where there ore incubators seems to "W ell, tell me some of the bad rea­ Secures best service. Zola’s income from bis books for people of the territory have proved in annum from the 10th day of June, 1892, and state roads varies from 4 to 10 incites, the lesser sons,’’ he persisted. Stitches kept from breaking. interest on $1,441.51 there« f at the rate of 8 1900 is said to have amounted to some­ numerous wars with Indians, the war be principally a question of particular thickness being placed over good gravel or sand, per annum from the 14th day of February, Here the conversation ended. I fancy between the states and the Spanlsh- thing over $25,000. the greater over heavy clay and varying thick­ persons and circumstances, and even 1893, and the remainder, if any, to be paid to nesses on other soils. In cases where the surfacing while the boards mentioned do accept American war, stiil there are many Benjamin Constant’s portrait of the mother concluded the child’s mind the defendant and respondent, li. J, Fleming, ¡s sold in all exceeds six inches in depth the excess may be Incubator risks at special rates It doe» people who do not speak the English “ Queen Victoria A fter Death" is to be was too free from prejudice for any I will on L o c a litie s Manufactured by broken stone, stony gravel or ledge stone, the ma­ reasons, good or bad. to appear to him language. While it is late, it is none exhibited on a tour of England. S a tu r d a y , th o 2 0 . h D ay o f J u ly , terial used depending entirely upon the coat, ei­ not appear that they do so indiscrim­ Stnmlurd Oil Company. logical.—Woman’s Journal. inately. The opinion of the Insurance too late to try to remedy tills state of ther being equally effective. 1901, at the hour of 1 o’clock, |>, in,, of said Alfred Austin, poet laureate, has a day at the west door of the county couit (loot! road building gravel Is compar­ men seemed to be that If u man could affairs, and tills can be done iu the garden planted with flowers meution- Tli*» F H H h lu n n b le F a n . house in D allas,Polk county,Or. sell at public atively scarce In Massachusetts. Where not induce agents who knew' him and manner above pointed out by The New d by Shakespeare and with those as­ The newest fan U n revival of the auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand employed It lias been used its It came with whom he was doing business to Mexican.—Santa Fe New Mexican. sociated with places where he has old time Watteau model and is very on day of sale all the right, title interest and from the bank or has been screened, or write his lusurauce on property where estate which the said defendants and respond­ visited. small. The designs painted on satin, ents, James Denham and James D. Richard­ In some Instances it lias been crushed an Ineuhntor was ojieiuted there IT IS S T R E N U O U S ” NOW . M. Gervais, the famous French art­ silk, gauze and lace arc the more ex­ son, partners doing business under the firm and screened and then laid like mac­ would be little prospect of bis being ist. has completed the picture of the pensive, but even those on the cheaper name and style of James Denham A' Co., K. adam. Mr. Charles Mills, chief en­ able to place bis insurance elsewhere. W o r d » T h a t C n t f l i t h e F a n c y o f P u b ­ czar’s coronation lie was commission­ J. Fleming, M ary U. Denham and A . Flem­ fans are often exquisite. The fan lias ih o t o r t u r e » o f t b e d a m n e d lic W e lte r » . Thus It becomes principally a ques­ gineer of the commission, says: ed to paint, and the work will soon be the scene with the figures and Cower w ith p ro tru d in g p ile s b ro u gh t on b y c o n stip a ­ ing and all persons claiming under them sub­ tion of satisfying a local agent that in sequent to the 24th day or March, 1891 in, "Public writers and speakers, who placed on exhibition. The screened gravel roads urc easily maintained, tio n w ith w h lo h I w as a fflic te d fo r tw e n ty gardens, green trees and tinted skies you rs I ran a c ro s s y o u r C A S C A R E T S in th e of and to said real premises hereinafter men­ but wear rapidly, and as the cost of resurfacing is any particular case the conditions re­ are followed by the general public, to w n o f N e w e ll. Ia.. and n e v e r found a n y th in g painted cu its face and the clouds, tioned. Said premises hereinbefore inention- M. de Blowltz, the famous Paris cor­ nearly as great as the cost o f resurfacing a mac­ duce the supposed risk enough to jus­ catch on to a certain word or phrase at to eq u a l them . T o -d a y 1 am e n tire ly fr e e fro m tioned are described in said execution as fel­ adam road it docs not seem to be economy to respondent of the London Times, said trees and greensward teprodueed on p ile s and fe o l lik e a now m an " lows, to-wit: That certain tract or parcel of continue their construction, except in localities tify the Insurance company In accept- I certain periods as a boy catches the C. H . K b i t z , 1411 Jones S t., S io u x C ity , la. in a recent interview: “ I have got so the back, only omitting the figure and land situated in the county of polk and state where stony gravel is abundant and broken stone Ing It, so that when you get at the J measles," said a well known Washing­ flower beds. used to writing for publication that available only at great expense. of Oregon, composed ('f part of the donation bottom of the mutter It depends very ‘ tonian to a Star reporter. CAN D Y Then there is nut*her model—a tiny even my personal letters have a sort land claim N o . 67, Not. N o .317, in sees 21 22 Some Interesting experimental rond much oi> the agents and the would lie " I t is ‘strenuous’ now. For the past I '-, township 7 south, range 8 west of tho Willamette ¥ CATHARTIC work nt Truro, in which stone and insured keeping cool anti being reason­ few years the prime favorite has been of printed tone. For the rest, I tiare Watteau medallion set in the midst of Meridian of Jesse H arritt and wife, m ore particular­ say I ’ll die with a pen in my hand." most exquisite sprays of mignonette, ly described as follows towit: beginning ut tiie clay were tried, is described as follows able. ‘passing.’ I f a man died, a headline to « >uthe»ct cor ner of said claim; thence west along clusters of violets, with here and there In the report: the souih boundary line of said claim 86 01 chains to We think tlint, the Insurance compa­ his death notice was like this: a dainty colored butterfly or a bespan­ t ‘ns center of th « county road leading from the Oily Three years ago an experimental road was built T H E PEDAGOGUE. nies might well adopt a more liberal I “ ‘Tiie passing of Iloodle Foodie.’ r S A D C M A S S » B O f S T Z f t IO o f Sal< in to Spring Valley; thence north 10 degrees iu Truro. This road was of rounded beach atone gled bird. policy In this matter. But after going west along the center line « f said rood is 56 chains; "The ‘passing’ o f the old century was and clay. It has shown good wearing qualities, Au empire fan In one of the shops thence east 11.60 chains to the bank of the W ill mi- The Arkansas legislature lias voted to over the ground pretty carefully it i an opportunity seized upon as a girl but, owing to the shape and size of the stone used, etto R iver; thence nouth along s ml river bank to the was of black, red. white or dark green prohibit Greek letter fraternities at the its cost was greater thur would result from sub­ seems to us that tills Is not likely to place of beginning, containing 64 98 a res more or seizes a peach ice cream on a warm gauze, with lace figures and designs Pleasant. P alatable. Potent. Taste Good, Do stituting brok.n stone for She gravel. State university. less. Said sale will be made subject to redumption eome except ns It develop*» from pres- | day. Epochs, periods, ideas, modes of Good, N e v e r Blöken. W eaken, or Gripe, 10c, 36c, 60c. in the m inner provided by law. The experimental mile of road built tiyq, years Ex-Congressman J. B. Gilflllan of Min­ over it, outlined with tiny spangles ent conditions, which, we believe, are j dress, customs, cowboys, frontier bad ... CURSE C O N S T I P A T I O N . ... ago In Tlruro has proved a success and is well Dated ut Dallas, Oregon, this 20th day of wortli a description. The suhgrade is loose sand. much more favorable than those of j men, comic opera and pretty much ev­ neapolis has given tiie University of which caught the reflection of the Bn rit o * lì. m .d y Campanr, ('liln tgo , M ontreal, Haw Y o rk . SIS June, 1901. There is practically no surface loam on the land Minnesota $50,000, the interest upon lights and threw out iridescent rays M ft T f J Q j!P> Sold and guaranteed by a ll drug- J. (1. V A N O R R D K L , some years ago. As “ exceptions" to the erything else were ‘passed.’ I t i J " i U * u K Ü gists to C L 'l t K Tobacco iia b it. adjacent to the road. 'Die drainage is perfect. as the fan was waved to an l fro. Sheriff of Polk county, Oregon. rule uot to accept risks wliere Incuba- j "It's all right, proper and grammat­ which is to be used to assist worthy j There is not much snow or frost during winters, Most costly o f all are the weblike tors are operated become more uuwer- ical, and I call attention to the habit young men to obtain a university edu­ and the trufllc is «m ail in volume and light. The affairs of bonitou with a plain medal­ buhgrade was shaped to the grade and cross sec­ ous. we think the companies will find j not for the purpose of criticism. But cation. lion in the center, upon which is ex- j tion desired, and on this was spread clay, natu­ Andrew Carnegie lias given $32,000 to that their theories as to the probnblll- | a new child Is born. Everything and rally sandy, containing one part of sand to two quisitelv oainted a Watte.ui endow a postgraduate scholarship for ties of losses from fires originating j everybody is ‘strenuous’ now, from a parts of clay to it depth of two inches. Over this was spread a layer of broken clone three inches in from incubators have unduly magnified j man’s vigorous temperament to a dog­ original metallurgical research, which qepjh, the fragments varying in sizes from one- — D E A LE R IN — is placed at the disposal of the Iron and ! the risks anti will to time come to con- i fight. 50 YEARS’ half to one und one-half inches in diameter. The shier an incubator properly protected ! "A t about Christmas time it is a ‘piece Steel Institute o f Great Britain with­ litoken stone was then covered witli a layer of E X P E R IE N C E as adding but little to the risk.—-Farm j de resistance’ for turkey. ‘Strenuous’ out restriction of nationality or sex. d a y one ini It In depth. A long toothed spike sj harrow was then dragged back and forth until the Poultry. Otis Bard well Boise of Berlin, re­ hadn’t been glorified last Christmas, so d a y and broken stone were well mixed, and then fancy the opportunity to ring it in iu a garded as one of the great teachers of the entire surface was watered and rolled with a T b * U rin e T e a t. description of a newsboys’ Christmas harmony aud composition in Europe, , two ton horse roller. An occasional sprinkling of According to Slebel u new laid egg dinner like tills: tund since its completion has prevented the clay Isas accepted a professorship nt the from becoming muddy, and the surface is reason­ placed. In u vessel of brine made In the | “ ‘The youngsters, already filled to Peabody Conservatory of Music, iu Bal­ ably smooth and tree from loose stone. T raoe M a r k s proportion of two ounces of salt to one | timore, and will come to this country in Till* h u m ago cost of a standard mile pint of wat»»r will at once sink to the bursting with celery, cranberry sauce, D esiq ns July. C o p y r ig h t s 4 o . of road lu Massachusetts was $8,957 bottom. An egg one day old will sink coffee and cakes, fell upon the piece de resistance with strenuous ravenousness An HIM for macadam and $7,074 for gravel Uetow the surface, hut not to the hot r ài q u id E L E C T R IC SPARKS. unteci- In ven t!_________ „ _________ during 1900. By a standard mile Is to bu , while one three days oltl will which brought tears to eyes of the Along strictly confidential. Hiuiabool charitable Indies who,’ etc. d— .iïv '.A C —— :! . r . l L vUtu-t.. free. Oldest agency fo r securmg patents. meant one with a stone or gravel road­ swim Just immersed In the liquid. If i On the canal between Brussels and sent Patents taken through Muun A Co. receive 4clal notice, without chArge, In the way 15 feet wide, with shoulders three more thau V ree days old. the egg will I "H ow 's that? W e’ll have a strenu­ Charleroi small electric road carriages feet wide “ shaped to the same cross flout ou tin* surface, the amount of ous administration, a strenuous presi­ have taken the places of horses in tow­ section tis the broken stone." It should shell exposed Increasing with age. and dent, a strenuous vice president, a ing barges, and the speed has been in­ - .. A . handsomely illu stiated weekly, la r g e s t d r- lllueit l>e noted that these figures include if two weeks old only a little o f the strenuous foreign policy, a strenuous creased from 1 V£ to 7 miles an hour. | ‘ ■nation journal. Term s, $3 a illation o f any scientific sol« campaign, a strenuous new congress, y e a r : fou r months, f l . Sold by all newsdealers. painted guard rails at steep embank­ shell will dip hi the liquid. # & ****< ? ■ ' V wX-/-” ' and we will lead strenuous lives. But An overhead wire Is used, and it fur- , ments; also culverts of vltrttied or Iron nishes light and power to villages along it does not alter the frigid fact that 6 2 6 F Bt., Washington, D. C. Branch Office, 2G t pipe or of masonry where there is a iT J A Cabbaw c F o r Dnrba. some of us have a strenuous chase for the route. large volume of lyifcter. The commu­ In feeding duck* cabbage Waldo F. the strenuous copper ceut, all right.” — Tiie most recent experiment* with nion Rays that “ there are several rea­ Brown says he bolds the plant in his electricity strongly point to the proba- I sons why the average cost of state left hand, head downward, and slashes j Washington Star. bility that it will In most cases sup­ rends lu Massachusetts Is greater titan It In slices with a corn cutler, lie says plant steam as a motive power and gas j T o o M an y V a rie tie s . K is In other states.” The first one to lie can cut a head line In less time than The treasury department is about to as an iliuminant aud that the electric j be cited Is the selection for early con­ It takes to write this sentence. Un­ issue a new $10 note which, to judge cars and automobiles will eventually j struction of “ the most difficult sections ••%*>■*> ifl merchantable heads, those that burst | from the publishtMl description, w ill be take the place of the horse as a means i on long petitioned Hues." Another rea­ and loose head*, are Just as good for handsome, but for which there does of transport. r. _ c- i son Is tiie legislative nine hour day iu the poultry as anv. and If cablwre is ! not appear to be any special occasion Massachusetts against ten hours In IS!! AST A K O U T K and which will Increase tiie labors of T H E H O M E DOCTOR. New Jersey and a 20 per ceut excess those who handle money, as it adds j Trnlns W v e Dallas for Portland and way stations In the cost o f labor and teams. In For Inflamed eye* bathe with the at 6:10 k in. except Smidavs. one more to tiie many different de­ New Jersey, we may add. culverts and signs already in circulation and gives white o f au e^g tieaten to a frotli amt J Leave Independence for Corvallis at 11.00 A ‘ M. bridges over i>ermancnt streams are one more opportunity to counterfeiters. add to It a tnhlespoouful o f rosewater. provided at county expense, at least iu pm Louve P rifall i 8:30 a in. The secret service bureau would have Pain from n crushed linger or^toe the eastern part of the state, while Leave Albany 12:10 P. M. ; ll:3n P. M, much less trouble with tills industrious cau be greatly relieved hy an aimllcn Arrive AaMa.td 12;-'D a in; ll;.U) a in guard lulls lire not usually erected on class of criminals if there were not so lion of hot water to which a little Arriv rtcnnieori* p in. 4:'bi a m the state road work. a in. At rive Sail 1 ‘ ihii -is. o 7:43 1 » The slkih is the seat of an almost end­ many different designs of notes to be laudanum has been added. Arnica. Ilu less variety of diseases. They are known watched over and kept In mind, even >uientn. etc., arc not bcuctk-lul to .m il IN C U B A TO R SA N D INSUR AN CE \ by various name*, but ore all due to the to the most minute details of their en­ wounds. A rrive Odgen S:45 :» m; 1 1:«6 :i nn. tttnne cause, acid and other poisons in A rrive Denver 0 : 0 ) 1 m; tu. S u m « * l 'n c t a W h i c h W i l l d a o f l n t w r - graving.-—Philadelphia Ledger. Holding the breath for 15 or 20 see A rrive Kam a* Cilv 7:2^a m; 7.2.-* a 1 the blood that irritate and interfere with t*»f t o M a n y P o u l t p > m e n . A rrive CliitfAgo 7:45 a >n; !);S0 U in. the proper action of the akin. onds la recommended In case o f light To get as full a statement qs possi­ W o l v e s I n ( 'n n n d n . To have a smooth, soft skin, free from attacks o f hiccough. In graver cases ble of tl»e altitude of the Insurance j nil eruption*, the bleod must be kept pure Wolves are increasing rapidly In the a quick acting emetic may he used, or A rrive Los Angeles 1: A) p m; 7:00 a in. comiMtlllcs toward Incubator risks the i i nd healthy. The many preparations of forest lands of northern Canada. Tills A rrive El i’;.*-* tf.tHi p m; 6:00 j> 111 . Arri «* Fort Worth « 30 a iu; «.30 a m. writer called on the agvut through I arsenic and potash and the large number is said to lie due to the large Increase hot water may be applied on the hack of the neck. A rrive t’:t\ of Mcxi 0 0:66 a ui; 0:63 a in. whom be places Ills own, Insurance aud of face powders and lotions generally in the herds of tleer throughout tiie A rrive Hn»ton 4 rO a m ;4:0t)« in. through lilt courtesy was able to get used in tlu* class of diseases cover up country. As these have grown in num­ A rrive New Orleans « ‘. '5 p m ; « 'T 'P in ’ Arriva Wiuihington (>.42a m; 6.42 a m. Interviews with a number of tlio lead­ for a short time, but cannot remove per­ ber so have tiie wolves that live upon A rrive New York 12'43 p m; 12.43 p ui. « manently the ugly Mutches aud the red, ing lnsurnncv uicn o f Boston ami state- 1 them. Fleeing from tiie ravages of disfiguring pimples. incuts from them of the position of the j the wolves, the deer have made their I . ‘ format W g f/a n o a / • thn p rto o Pullman and Tourist ears on both trains. C h a ir] Insurance comiMtiiles In tiie matter. way toward tiie settled parts of the cars 8aoramenU> t«> Odgen ami K! IV.!*-», and tourist j None of the companies cares to write o f a bOmiuCSfu! o o m p t o x t o n country until In many places they ears to Chicago, St. Louis, New Orleans and Wa*h I ingtnn. policitvM covering dwelling houses or when such mniedies are relied on. have become a nuisance to farmers. In II. T . S ho be, 3704 i.ueaa A v e n u e , St. L o u is . i barns or other outbuilding* If incu­ M o Mr. , s a y s : “ M y U axightrr w a s a fflicte d fo r y e a r * j whose fields of oats and other grain w ith a d isfig u rin g »Tuption on her fa ce . W hich j they often do considerable damage. bators are run In them. C om petin g « t San F ian ciw o with several staan resisted a ll t r e a t « * nt. S h e w a s ta k e n to tw o «h id lines f<*r Honolulu. Japan, China, Phi lipin« Home companies give special permit a celeb r» etl kenlt 1 •» ring«. but re ceive d no b en e­ C in trai and South Au'erba. , Ho T r n p f R e m a in » . to run incubators In eases whore in­ fit. M any nie ft.R tv s w e re p rescrib ed, but w ith ­ result, until w e d iv id e d to t r y 8 . 8. * . am i b y vestigation ns to the conditions ami out Quite as remarkable ns the wrecking U ie tim e th e hr<*t bottU*w a* ft m aned th e e m o tio n Gentlem en—I suffered fo r d a y » a » only the agent's report ns to the party In- Iteguit to r iis a p i* * r A do zen b ottle« cu red h er 1 of the Pacific Mall steamship Rio de COKYA1.MS MAH. 11AILY m Diet e ly a n d left h e r akin p e rfe c tly atnooth. ] a wom an with caked breast can and In » tiring satisfy u that tin» risk Is co (E xcep t Sunday) S h e is n o w s e v e n te en ye a r a old, a n d not a « l a * o f I Janeiro just at the entrance to San desperation applied Scotch Rem edy, hop­ th e e m b a rrass wig di»eaae h a « e v er re tu rn e d .” relatively nligi. t those permits, as Francisco harbor on Feb. 22 is the to­ ing It would ease the pain. 7 30 A M Le Portland A r. 5:30 P The first application * a v e relief and the Derry L ». 2:14 P a rule, arc granted ns business favors | S. S. SL is m positive, unfailing cute for j tal disjipjK'aranee o f the wreck. Div­ second restored the breast to it» normal 11:0* A II Lv. the worst tortus of skiai trouble*. It i* i C orvelli« L t . 1:S0 P M ■ ^ ers have explored large areas of tlie ci ndltton, without In jurin g or effecting 1 1 :5 5 P U A r. to good customers. 'They are excep­ the flow of milk. I h ave used your truly A t Albany amt C orrali* connect with trains f Ore tions, not to lie taken as rules or prece­ the greatest of all blood purifiers, and the bottom of tin* sen at tiie point where Mysterious Pain Cun*, as a general house­ oulv one gu iranteed purely vegetable. iron Central ami Eastern railroad. dents. tlu* wreck is supposed to have occur­ hold remedy, for M a r ly n year and con- Had blood makes bttd complexions. • :der it the greatest, extern al rem edy in A fear companies make special rates MRS. M F. D. jHX| pun fir* an d invigo- red, but not tlu* slightest trace of the 'the world. D A L L A S TASSE N G E R . Oakland. Cal.. July 14. 19U0. for property where Incubators are op- | K s rates tlie o ld a n d j ill fated ship has been found. 'ernted. these rates being lu the only makes new, rich blood : Dai’y, Exrspt Snrday. DOCTORS USE IT. “ S l r n w l n x " S n n tl Itn n d n . t ha t nourish«* th e Gentlemen— have known o f the use of case where we could iret the figures K ¡ y k jl Portland A « P M Î.T. Ar. * 30 A E 'SOP" v i F b o d y and keeps the < This has proved satisfactory In Den­ Mysterious Pain C ure for several year* *25 I* SI Ar Dalia« L% ...10 A M tut not until within a fe w months h ave l «¿tin setive and healtlrr and in proper ton county. Tex. One portion was u »*d it upon my person and in my fam ily. condition to p e r f o r m ’ its part towards nt rawed and I lie other clayed, the cost h rd I ean say ■mnesltatlnirly that it is one the best remedies fo r pn'n that l have carrying off the impurities from the body. o f the former being about one-half of YAMHILL DIVISION. e 'e r tried. Th orough ly appllod It Is. In If you hai e Kcarma, Tetter, Acne, Salt j that of th<* latter. It costs about $20 a my »'xnerlenc . very sure to give quick P.i«w*ng«' '*»t, f. x»t o f JefTerwo.j »tract. a i r l i f fre ¿xir t r i w e e k l y . and permanent relief. Respectfully. Rhemtfc, Psa'issis, or your skin is roqgh ’ Tor InfanU and Children. mile. GEO. H. C U T l-U R . M D.. Leave * 35 a. m. PortlaM l A rriv s 3-f* p. t and pitnplvfc send for our book on Blood \ Bakersfield, vt. l « b f * 6 0 p. ir. D ella» A rriva - hr j. t and Skin I»n*e*aes and wnte our phyai- ; m D O N 'T H U B I T I N A n i * « 1:10 p M . A i.h e Leave « 30 a. a t r u s îo r e s cians «Unit your esse. No charge whaU O A S T O n Z A . Sold by »11 druyflsts at 50 ceats sver for this service. ‘ «M n tv s t 1* 1°« Hn> U n jt N iM I SCOTCH REMEDY COMPANY S T A T E R O A D M A K IN G . Sawyer’s Clothing Some Reasons EUREKA HARNESS O IL H OSL m iè u m m ì J. P E R R Y C A L D W E L L 180 185 I M I L I F L f I S T S . VEM LES O IR -A B O F O IN T . X/ —\ Scientific / \ KlUNN .....\ & Co , 8B,B" .3 " i"*NswYork South .«a East •:? (A ' SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. BAD BLOOD. BAD COMPLEXION. Caked Breast J u s t tw o a p p lic a tio n s d id th e w o rk i& g mm a ß i (- W RipansTabulcs Doctors find A Good Prescription For Mankind. C A S T O R IA I O f o r 5 " e n "5 Tfci KM Y Hue Always Bought A ►fCPIC COMPANY. ATLANTA, «A. W nkta Ageary tAN PH A M C H l Soc I. If Woods’ agent at T'alla« station or ad-Jn C. » MARKHAM. O. I*. A. Port lau.I. Or. „.>n D S •' r ~ * ' • ~ '- 'V •