L-t L. N. WOODS, M. D. THE SUBSIDY GRABBERS’ TRICK. Physician and Surgeon. The ship subsidy bill introduced lu December, 189fl, contained a provision that subsidies should be granted to foreign built ships under construction for American citizens or corporations where copies of the contract were filed with the secretary of the treasury prior to Feb. 1, 181)9. This bill, offered at the short session of the last con­ gress, did not pass. Probably nobody seriously expected that it would pass. Nevertheless, so as to be <-ci the safe Side, the president of the International Navigation company, prior to the date mentioned, handed to the treasury offi­ cials copies of contracts for the con­ struction of four foreign built vessels. The same thing was done by a few other persons. There was no law re­ quiring or authorizing these officials to receive formally such documents and make them a part of the files of the department. They appear, how­ ever, to have done so. The ship subsidy bill which was in­ troduced in the present congress in December, 1899, contained no provi­ sion about filing contracts with the sec­ retary of the treasury. It contem­ plated the granting of Hubsidies to all foreign built ships owned by Amer­ icans which were contracted for prior to Jan. 1, 1900. This covered the ves­ sels tlie*contraets for which had been filed with the secretary of the treasury in February, 1899, and should have been satisfactory to the persons con­ cerned. Evidently it was not, for the amend­ ments to the bill, reported last year by the committee on commerce of the senate, coniine subsidies to such for­ eign built ships as were engaged in business on Feb. 1, 1899, and to ships then under construction where copies of the contracts had been filed, on or before that date, with the secretary of the treasury. These changes in the bill must have been inspired by the men who were smart enough to file contracts two years ago. They wished to Increase their share of the $9,000,- 000 per annum to be given for subsidy purposes by freezing out other Amer­ ican owners of foreign built ships ac­ quired or contracted for subsequent to Feb. 1, 1809. The committee on commerce was hoodwinked by these subsidy grabbers who had In mind their own interests and not the development of an Ameri­ can merchant marine. It is not strange that when these facts were brought out iu the senate ten Republican senators, the majority of them from the states o f the middle west, broke away from their colleagues. They, with Senator Allison at their head, practically served notice upon the supporters of the ship subsidy bill that they no longer consid­ er it a party measure. Nor is It. It is manifestly a tainted measure for the special benefit of cer­ tain rapacious corporations which are scheming to secure, the lion’s share of the subsidies it is proposed to vote os­ tensibly “ to promote the commerce and increase the foreign trade of the Unit­ ed States.” —Chicago Tribune (Rep.). Dull«», Oregon. T- V- B EMBREE, M D - k OREGON For Infants and Children. Oiilco over Wilaoi.’« drug »‘.ore. J li. Hiutrv, Ins Kind You Have Alweys Bough! II. C‘. k . kim . S I B L E Y & h 'A K I N , A U o r im .v s -n l-L u w . V\ c have Hie only set of ¿htftr-■>-(. b«>okH in P<»lk omity. Reliable aiistructs furuia ied, a.i.l iiemey U m u . No tMimuissi hi charged < mi loans. Koum.-> i 'id 3 VViliuii'a block. Lallan J. L. COLLINS. Promotes Digcslion.GvM'rful- Utorney and Counselor at Law, ness nndliestConlmn neitlrcr S o l i c i t o r in t ilia n c r r y . Opium,Morpiiine nor Ìlateral. N o H um l)v.ii In practice of Ilia profession in Chid place wi about thirty years, and will attend to all nusin ss ntrusted to hie care. Office, corner Main and Court ts O-Uias, P o I k O o , Or 1. H. J N. T o w n k k n ii t N a iic c t ic Bears the Signatur" j *' * t of . Afev* <*fMiirSAiendiice for Monmouth and Dallas 11:10 a in 7:15 pm Leaves Monmouth for Airlie — 7:50 a in 3:50 p in Leaves Monmouth for Dallas— 11:20 a in 7:30 pm Leaves Virlie for Monmoutn ami Independence— 8:00 a in 5 p m Leaves Dallas for Monmouth an 1 Inna en lenje — 1:00 p m 8.30 (i m. R. C. CRAVEN rrcH K len t. » . K. WII.LIAM8. < H gliler. W. C. VASSAL!., assistant Cashier u ALLAS OF C1TÏ DALLAS, “ P r o f i t a b l e K n ip lo y m e n t o f th e S n r - p lim P ro d u c t iv e Pow er of the K a r m a , F a c t o r i e s Etc.** BANK OREGON, Transacts R general hanking oiisi iic«8 in all it« branches; buys ami selb exchange on principal point» in ilit United State«; makes collections on all points in the Pacific Northwest; loam- money and discount» paper at tlie best rates ; allow interest on time deposits ' v is it DR. JORDAN'S orcat I1 " “« “" " Â ï ; ; U P P E R S A L T C R E E K S A W M IL L 10-1 M E L T NT., S \ \ FKISCI.SC!, C1L T h e L a r g e s t A n atom ical M u seu m in the W o r ld . W e a k n e s-e * or a n y c ..» t r a d e d d ise a se m r « J i*y th e o ld e st S p e c ia list on th e C o a s t lis t. 36 ye ars. a v r i m . i a th o r o u g h ly e ra d ic a te d from s ys te m w ithout th e u - e o f a t w r e s s r j T r s M M fitted b y a n H i p e r t R a d i * • a I c a r s for M a y t a r a . A q u ic k and r a d ic a l cu re for P il e » * . F l s a a r a an d F i s t u l a , b y U r. J o rd a n 's s p e cia l p ain — le ss m ethod *. C e a s u lta tio n fr«e an d a lr ir tty p riv ate. T r e a tm e n t p e r so n aliv or b y le tte r . A P o tiO v C ur• in e v e r y ca se im d e rtsk e n . W r it e fo r R ook P H I L O M » P S Y a f in n iA O E , M A ILE D F k H B . ( A v a lu a H 1 book ) C a ll o r » r ite f o r _ a ued« OR. JORDAN S CO.. 10» I ‘ ll M A R T I N BROS., P R O P R IE T O R S . A ll kinds of rough and dressed lumber on hands or cut to order. OR. JORDAN — DISEASES OF M E N * # c*?' D A L L A S , O R E G O N , M A R C H 15, 1901. V O L . X X V ÍÍ. DALLAS, / , ) ’ 2 0 0 ,0 0 0 1 | ’ , ' | 1 o f th e S n h4i8 OF— IRON WORK TO ORDER *_/ Special Offers on Repairing Promptly Done. ED. BIDDLE, - PROF. I n R ark The bill has no genuine popular sup­ port. There Is no real popular demand for It, never has been and never will be. It does not appeal even to the self­ ish Interests of any large class. When It was In the senate In the last session, It was so strongly opposed by the rep­ resentatives of organized labor and by farmers’ organizations throughout the west and south especially that it was abandoned for fear of the effect on the approaching presidential and congres­ sional elections. That opposition has never been appeased, but it Is now thought safe to Ignore It. The one class that could be relied on to support the measure If It really would accom- p!l«h what It Is pretended that It will accomplish are the shippers of the Unit­ ed States, who are Interested In obtain­ ing a* full, anti chenn service on the Slab wood for cook stoves or harvest engines at 50 cents a load. 1 | M l r M S t . V. F. F ? e t in W ho CARPETS I A* Washington man complained bit terly to the District commissioner* of the pastiug of advertising In I*» I* on loaves of bread nnd wanted them to Ptop the practice, but the commission er* assured 'dm timi the official cbeiu Jut’s opinion urns that the use of these label* on bread l* in oo way del ri men tal to health. et Bl d In order to n ake room for the new «took now on the way from the factories we will sell carpet and wall paper at a big reduction. rl he roads are go* d and it will nay you to drive over. The Big Store with Little Prices. R E N & H A M IL T O N . Salem. Or. _ T here'» n o reflection s o i ‘ d a in ty , n o lig h t so c h a rm in g a s th e m e llo w g lo w th a t c o m e s fro m Vy CORDOVA Wax Candles Prepared in maof » olor tints . to haemoniro with aur- f j raindififii in d in in g t A room, drawing ru m , , ■ bed room <>r bell. Sold / i rwh»r*. Made bg / / STANDARD (ML CO. TREACHERY A persis­ tent cough is 'at f i r s t a 'friend, for it gives warn­ ing of the ap­ proach o f a deadly ene­ my. H e e d the warning before it is too late, be­ fore y o u r . l u n g s be­ come in­ f l amed, be­ f o r e the doctor says, “ Consump- [ 4 tion.” When the danger M signal first appears, help H nature with N O 13. MEN AND MACHINES. T ribune Bicycles*^ AN ARRAIGNMENT OF THE PRESENT SOCIAL SYSTEM. Chainless, $C>0 and $75. Racers nnd light roadsters, $40 and $50. Regular model», $35 and $40; col­ or blue or black, any tire, any »addle, cushion frame» and coast­ er brakes to your order. I did not have a bioken frame, fork crank or sprocket, nor a defective bearing iu a single one of my en­ tile 1900 line. ff h e L a t e ll«»b e r t G . I n g e r s o l l * « D e c ­ l a r a t i o n T h a t C a n n i b a l i s m Is t h e M o st M e r c i f u l F o r m In W h i c h M a n H a s L i v e d U p o n H is F e l l o w M a n . The following, written by the late Robert G. Ingersoll a few years ago, Ziakes interesting readlug today: Invention has filled the world writh competitors not only o f labor, but o f mechanics—mechanics o f the highest i kill. Today the ordinary laborer Is for the most part a cog in a wheel. He works with the tireless; he feels the Insatiable. When the monster stops, the man is out of employment, out of bread. lie has not saved anything. The machine that he fed was not feed­ ing him—the Invention was not for his benefit. The other day 1 heard a man say that it was impossible for thousands of good mechanics to get employment nnd .that. In his judgment, the govern­ ment ought to furnish work for the peo­ ple. A few minuses after 1 heard an­ other say tluiA he was selling a patent for cutting out clothes, that one of the machines could do the work of 20 tai­ lors. that only the week before be bad sold two to a great house in New York aud that 40 cutters had been discharg­ ed. Don’t delay until your On every side men are being dis­ lungs are sore and your charged, and machines are being in­ cold settled down deep vented to take their places. When the in your chest. K ill the great factory shuts down, the workers enemy before the deadly who Inhabit it nnd gave It life, as blow kills you. Cure thoughts do the brain, go nw’oy, nnd it your cough today. stands there like an empty skull. A One dose brings relief. few workmen by force of habit gather A few doses make the about the closed doors and broken win­ dows and talk about distress, the price cure complete. o f food and the coming winter. They Three sizes: 25c. for an ordinary cold; 50c. for (he harder cold»; $1.00 the moat are convinced that they have not had economical for older cases. their share of what their labor created. “ I consider your Cherry Pectoral They feel certain that the machines In­ the best remedy fo r colds and coughs and all throat affections. side were not their friends. They look I have used it for 30 years and it at the mansion of the employer and certainly beats them a ll.” D. It. L i m n f y , think of the place where they live. Dec. 20, 1898. Union, N . Y . They have saved nothing—nothing hut Wrftm fhm Doctor. themselves. The employer seems to I t you have any complaint whatever have enough. Even when employers and desire the bust medical advice you can possibly receive, write the doctor fall, when they become bankrupt, they freely. You will receive a prompt re­ ply, without cost. Address j vre far better off than the laborers ever Dll. 4. C. AYER, Lowell. Masa. j were. Their worst Is better than the toilers’ best. j The capitalist comes forward with | bis specific. He tells the workingman ocean ns possible, ’nils class does not riint he must be economical—and yet support the measure, and some of the j under the present system, economy most active and influential members of would lessen wages. Under the great the class oppose.it strongly, as witness law of supply uud demand, every sav­ the Merchants’ Association of New ing. frugal, self denying workman is York. unconsciously doing what he can to In these circumstances we repeat reduce the compensn lion of himself that it will be disgraceful to the Demo­ and his fellows. The slaves who did cratic minority iu the senate if the vot wish to run away helped fasten hill is allowed to pass at this session. chains on those who did. So the sav­ They are bound by every consideration ing mechanic Is a certificate that the of party loyalty and of rational pa­ wages are high enough. Does the great triotism to defeat it. It not only vio­ law demand that every worker should lates every principle of Democratic live on the least possible amount of belief In the matter of economic legis­ breadV Is It his fate to work one day lation. but it is such a flagrant and that he may get enough food to be is that to scandalous job that It ought to be Able to work another? killed for its ingrained viciousness. be his hope, that nnd—death? It Is an offense to common honesty, Capital has always claimed, nnd still nnd if the Republicans lu the senate claims, the right to combine. Manu­ have not the independence of party facturers meet find determine prices, discipline needed to stand up against even In spite of the great law of supply It, the Democrats should not hesitate and demand. Have the laborers the to do so.—New York Times. >nmc right to consult and combine? The rich meet In the bank, clubhouse T h e A m e r ic a n M e r c h a n t M a r in e . or parlor. Workingmen, when they The question, so far as the people of combine, gather In the street. All the the country are concerned, is purely a organized forces of society nre against business one. It Is whether the subsi­ them. Capital has the army nnd unvy, dy is needed to rehabilitate our mer­ the legislature, the Judicial aud execu­ chant marine. The weight of argu­ tive departments. When tin* rich com­ ment nnd fact seems to he In favor of bine It Is for the purpose of “ exchang­ tlie stand that It Is not.—Minneapolis ing Ideas.” When the poor combine Tribune (Rep.). it Is a “ conspiracy.” If they defend C lir iN tn in n o f K tlch n n d P o o r * ttujQiupIvpM it Is ‘‘treason.” IIow Is It “ We have an Idea that Christmases as they arc celebrated in homes of great wealth must be Ideal,” writes ! <* Kdward Bok In a pita for a simpler life a simpler celebration of Christ­ mas -In The Ladies’ Home Journal. “ Yet often a» an actual fact no more Han becom e a p ro ­ lonesome Christmas days are spent v erb ia l phrase to e x ­ anywhere than in these homes of plen­ press the fu tility o f ty. Riches on Christmas are often like m ere desire. T h ere are a grea t m any peo­ I sweet bells out of tune. Nothing was p le w iio th in k it is as simpler than the first Christmas day, useless to h ope tor h ea lth as to cry for the and its strongest appeal to our natures, m oon. T h e y have tried m any m edicin es although we do not always know It, Is and m any doctors, hut a ll in vain. A grea t m any Lo p eless men and w om en S because It was so simple. Nothing Is h ave been cured b y the use o f Dr. P ie r c e ’s : so fatal to our deepest and truest en- G olden M ed ical D is c o v e r y ; p eo p le w ith ! Joymeut as the realization that we can obstinate coughs, b le e d in g lungs, night- j have whatever we will simply for the sw eats y i d o th er sym ptom s o f disease w h ich i f n eglec te d o r u n s k illfu lly treated wishing or asking. All value I* lost find * fatal term in a tio n in consum ption. j then. It Is a hard truth for those who “ Golden M ed ica l D isc o v e ry ” has a w on ­ | have little fb believe that the greatest d erfu l h ea lin g p o w er. It increases the u trition o f the b ody, and so g iv e s strength : happiness of life Is with them; that It n to th row o ff disease. It cleanses the b lood is not with those who have abundance. from poisonous im p u rities and enrich es it 1 The more we have the less we actually w ith the red corpu scles o f health. It is enjoy It. There Is n law of compensti not a stim ulant, bu t a strength g iv in g m e d i­ cine. It contains no alco h o l, n eith er opium , '< tfon that comes in there. The lives < f cocaine, nor any o th er narcotic. thus«» who have abundance are vastly S om etim es the e x t ia profit p a id by in fe rio r m ? d irin cs tem p ts the d ea ler to i : i re complicated than are the lives c.f a substitute as ’ju s t as g o o d “ as " D is­ those who |»a\e little. We are wont to o c o ffer v e r y ." I f you are co n v in ce d that “ D is­ say. •Oh. well. I'il like to try once hav­ c o v e r y ” w ill cure you a ccep t n oth in g else. in'' nil the money I wanted.’ Thou­ •»I was in poor health when I commenced I>r. Pierce’s medicine,” writes Mr. Klmer sands have said the same thing only taking Lawler, o f Volga. Joflfer*or V « . . to have their wish come true nnd to had stomach, kidney, hear and lung not able to do any w .rk I bail realize that happiness lay not along the Was cough and hemorrhnge of way they tbought. It Is strange how using jo u r medicine ¡ ?d i in strength and I 1 tlr* pour envy the r’/’h and then to see fain nj{ right away. T o how t!ie rich envy the greater nnd full­ tblden Medical LH»c< spring I hnd Grippe, and er happiness of tho«e who have less. leaving me witn a sev. The woman of simplest means Is the doctor, but he didn’t se< commencedyoar m ed­ hftpp’esi woman oo earth if she only I icine again and took knew It. Sfie Is happiest because her three or four bottles *>f the • Discovery ’ and two life I a simplest and therefore truest.” vials o f Dr Pierre's Pel­ A ym F. A. W IG G IN S , B IC Y C L E S SU NDRIES SU P P L IE S Opposite pcstoffice, Salem that tlie rich control the departments of the government? In this country the political power Is equally divided itnong men. There are certainly more poor than rich. Why should the rich j control? Why should not the laborers combine for the purpose of controlling | the executive, the legislative and Ju­ dicial departments? Will they ever find how powerful they are? A cry comes i from the oppressed, the hungry, from the downtrodden, from tlie unfortu­ nate. from the despised, from the men who despair, nnd from women who | weep. There are times when mendi- 1 cants become revolutionists—when a rug becomes a banner, under which thé noblest aud lira vest battle for the right. IIow are we to settle the unequal contest between man and machine? I Will the machine go Into partnership I with the laborer? Can these forces o f nature be controlled for tlie benefit of her Ruffering chlldreu? Will extrava­ gance keep pace with Ingeuuity? Will workmen become intelligent enough aud strong enough to become the own­ ers of machines? Will these giants, these Titans, shorten or lengthen the hours of labor? Will they give leisure for the industrious, or will they make the rich richer nnd the poor poorer? is man Involved lu tlie “ general scheme” of things? Is there no pity, no mercy? Can man become Intelli­ gent enough to be generous, to be just; or does the same law' or fact control i»lm that controls the animal or vege­ table world? The great oak steals tlie sunlight from the small trees, the strong animals devour the weak— everything at the mercy of beak, claw, nnd hoof, and tooth—o f hand and club, of braiQ and greed —Inequality. Injus­ tice everywhere The poor horse standing In the street with bis dray, overworked, overwhipped and under­ fed. when he sees other horses groomed like mirrors, glittering with gold and silver, seeming with proud feet the very earth, probably indulges In the usual socialistic reflect ions, that this same horse, worn out and old. deserted by its master, turned Into the dusty road, leans his head on the topmost rail, looks a» dotikeyn In a field of clover anil feels like a nihilist. N o T im e to P la y . The merchant who constantly adver­ tises never has time to become an ex­ pert chess player.—Advisor. T H E KIDNAPERS. Had the Cudnliy kidnaping been shown on the stage people would have declared that it was too unreal to be believed.-” Fbilndelphia Inquirer. The kidnapers of young Cudahy should be captured at all costs, not because the hoy was the son of a millionaire, but in order to prevent the future kidnaping of any child, rich or poor.—Pittsburg Press. Unfortunately Nebraska has no statute against kidnaping, and the law against chihl stealing applies only to children under 10 years of age. That would not fit this ease, ns young Cudahy was lfi years old.—Rochester Democrat. The kidnaping of young Cudahy is a matter which culls attention to an ex­ ceedingly serious couditiou of uffairs. For some reason or another criminals have become emboldened, and crime of late is distinguished for unusual and shocking brutality.— Baltimore American. Crying ¡or me Moon” f lo n s e F o r C it y L o t. The accompanying design Is for a person with little room who wishes to keep but one variety of fowls. The size of the building is 10 by 12 feet, divided 5 ! FOR ONB V A R IE T Y OF FOWLS. In the center, making two rooms 0 by 10 feet, ami It Is large enough to ac­ commodate 10 or 12 fowls. One-half of the building Is to be used for scratch­ ing pens and the other half for a roost­ ing room, nest boxes, feeding bins anti coo pa to I k * used In preparing for the shows. There Is a three foot railed hullwny In front of tills room. At the back of this hallway the coops “ I I” are shown. Then come the feeding bins “ A A A.” The nest boxes “ II B H” are placed below the floor of the hallway and rest on the ground. The bottom of the nests Is made in the shape o f draw­ ers three Inches deep nnd can be drawn out to gntlier the eggs by o|M-nlng the door “ D” In the hallway. The rest of the design is made plain In the draw­ ings; hence need not be explained. The ground plan is shown below the build­ ing.-J. T. French In Poultry Keeper. r Until recently Brown county. Ind.. had neither railway, telegraph nor tele­ phone facilities anywhere within It* border*. It I* still minus the two first mentioned necessities of modern life, but a telephone line ha* Invaded Nash­ ville, coming from Columbus, In an adjoining countr. - SEW IN G M ACH IN ES lets, amt that sir.tight ened me up. I feel like a different p e r s o n . I glsd ly recommend your *t medicine to all suffer- ers, for I know it cured me “ Dr. P ie r c e ’s P lea s­ ant P elle ts cure c o n ­ stipation b y cu rin g its 6 I