j altitude and un iihuno.incu •>? hard* i wo«xi browse. JfccdS SaUcpauif/i Cures those eruptions, toils and pimples •which are so likely to appear in the Spring! cures scrofulous diseases in their m ost tenacious form s! cures salt rheum or eczema w ith its dreadful itching and burning; cures all stomach troubles due to generally w eak " condition and impure blood ! cures debility , sick headache and 'I lie wcatl e d ring the first half of j »his month w # typical of the present uni vernal turmoil, nl'hough for the Taut two weeks wo have had fine westli ♦ r with rather 1- w night temperature, C «using frost ami the formation of ice. conditions, however, that are re­ garded »* favorable to fruit, as the 1 w temperature prevenía the prema­ ture development of fruit hndsand leaf-etn» the danger of injury by tl.e lute HUSTLERS. frosts. that tired feeling , '' which ju st as surely indicate that the blood is lacking in vitality and the elements o f health. H o o d s Sarsaparilla An of ronjiigd reciprocity 1 prevail* i» K i » 2 . h Valley. and, nl'liough i vi<*tii»’e ucre k-wept into tin- tiivil j vortex of uncertain felicity <»l) last Mi"tl *y. the young l dies of the valley »re out with a strong remonstrance ,agamHt all quarantine mensure*. A Good Sleep M B "M y nerves were so shattered after a severe attack o f pneumonia that the least noise would mr-lte me feel like screaming at tno top o f my voice. I could not get a night’s sleep, and would often awaken twelve or fifteen times before morning. One ib.y I purchased a bottle o f Dr. Miles’ Nervine on trial, and before it was half gone I could go to sleep without an effort; and awake feeling rested and refreshed.” Nothin» adds more to vigor o f body and cheerfulness o f mind, or aid3 so wall in chasing away the lines ofw orryan d care from the weary brow, as good, sound, re­ freshing sleep. But when the gray matter o f the brain has been robbed of its vitality and constructive strength by weak, worn- out and exhausted nerves, sleep gives way to restless tossing and long hours o f fever­ ish distress. Do you want a good sleep? You can get it if you go about it right. P. E. A. F l i n g , Hartshome, L T. Report of Oak Urov V» f;;r 0CK STAFF OF month ending Jaumuy 25tli : LnroH-j fil, 20 ; visitors, 28; visits by school A C o n v in c in g A n sw e r. hoard, 5; neither absent nor titnly, W H A T T H E Y H A V E T O S A Y A B O U T T H E D O IN C 8 IN T H E C O U N T Y . DALLAS, FRIDAY, F£B. 1, 1901. Blanche F.iwk, Maud Simons and Nel­ “ I hobbled into Mr Blackmon’s lie Williamson.— H, C. Seymour, drug store one evening," says Wes’ev A n U n e q L U P c d a n d C o m p le t e Re Nelson, of Hamilton, G a , "and lie teacher, uslihhed K vkry F riday M orning A t 7:30. s u m e of Wrvat Y o u r F r io n d s a re asked me to try Chamberlain's Pain Relaxes the strain on the excited nerves and gives the repair shops o f the brain a chance to a n d H ave B e e n La tely D o in g . Balm for rheumatism with which 1 AIRLIE. \ \ r. .V . W A S H , make good the damage o f the waking hours. It is a great brain-food and nerve-builder. bad suffe.ed for a long time. I told IIIITOK AND PUOPKIKTOB. Beautiful weatherjiind quite anun>| S M IT H FIELG . biin I bad no faith in any medicine her of farmers plowing. Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind. as they all failed. He said: ‘ Well if Sold fey ail druggists on a guarantee. Jim Udel baa gene to Portland to Chamberlain's Pain Baim does not Mrs. J. 8. Buchanan has been quite work. SUBSCRIPTION RA TES: help vou, you need not pay fer it.’ | sick with the la grippe. 9 U 50 ....................................... Per y<-nr Our Sunday school is progressing I took a bottle of it home and used it Smith hop yard. Mrs. H. Tarter is spending a week nicely. ♦ 7 5 ............................. Fer nix montlia according to Jlie directions and in one e w n e w Miss Nell Ford accompanied her 4 0 ......................... Per three months with her mother up beyond Pedee. 7'lie farmers have b, eu plowing dur week I was cured, and not since been brother Ralph and wife to Monmouth, Advertising rates made known on troubled with rheumatism.” Sold bv Miss Ollie Hustings has returned ing the flue weather. where lie went on liusiness for the application. Correspondence is solicit* from an extendeJ visit among friends A. K. Wilson. Liickianiute Mill company. Mrs. Jet. Byerley is here visiting at Rainier. Fine Job Printing done at reasonable her brother, 8. T. Smith. BU TLER . Eva fltaaf* ¡8 »tiyirg with her PO LK. •¡rices. Farmers are busy plowing. O. W. Myer made a flying trip to grandma, who has had a serious attack Everybody is plowing and seeding. McMinnville one day last week. | of the la grippe. Louis Pettyjohn is at Dallas. H. W. Quiring lias gone to Ritzville, Mrs. J W. Myer and daughter were Mrs. Rose has moved up from M'»f - T he funeinl of t^ueen Victoria to­ Harry Elgin, of Salem, is here visit­ Washington. here visiting the last of the week. Spring goods arriving daily. An immense stock ! mouth and is now prepared to feed a 1 ing. morrow will he one of the largest and Ed. Lehman is back from Portland j hungry travelers. Mrs. G. W. Myer was in Dayton sev of staples and fancy dry goods, hats, caps, cloth­ most imprestve in the history of tl e We are having flue weather for the and is woiking for Henry McKoe. era! days last week visiting her grand­ world. Prominent representives of I Alva W omer has been disposing of mother, Mrs. Kemp. middle of winter. ing. furnishing goods, shoes. In fact you will find Miss Anna Boydsfon lias returned „ . . considerable ba ed hay. Seven dollars every government .n Europe «,11 be lon ( ( | receim|_ from Portland and is again with Jas. Grass lias commenced to grow and every line filled with bargains in new and stylish Mrs. A. J. Hastings and daughter, fall sown graiu looks green and nice. Boydslon and wife. there, including kings, queens »ml Ruby, were at Perrydale Sunday visit­ goods. Shirt waists in endless variety, lip to Mr. Turnidge, the merchant, had a emperors. The naval display will be new bath tub and considerable new ing her daughter, Sirs. Ed. Keyt. J. B. Trullinger received the sad Quite a number are cutting wood date clothing, finely tailored and first class. Our news of the death of his sister at Ore­ on the Dolph place, Dave Rcddekopp on » big scul» and very imposing. pipe put in last week. There was a partv at O. W. Myer’s gon City last Saturday. being the boss chopper. spring styles in hats are the nobbiest and the new­ W. J. Turnidge was on the sick list Friday night and a general good time T hk women of Kansas are today last week with a poisoned face. Poi­ had. Those present were: Henry A read lias been surveyed through There will be an entertainment at est. Remember, we hold prices down and that aroused to a higher pitch than any son oak was the cause and sugar of White and wife, Mrs. J. W. Myer, Mrs the reservation out to Salmon River, our school house on February 23rd you get the best goods from us at the lowest possi­ Hastings, Jasper and Arthur Bovds- which will be much uearar than the The admission will tie 10 cents and others in the lsud over the debauchery lead and coal oil the cure. ton, Joe and Will. Udell, W. F. Ni­ old one. tliv proceeds are to be applied on buy­ ble price. Call for coupons and get a set of dishes degradation and ruin of their hus­ Joe Guthrie and John East, who chols, C. I, Starr, George Baumgart­ J. C. Ellis and family have returned ing a school library. bands and sons, and sometimes daugh­ will run the K. E. Williams and Tar ner. Archie Myer, Jes. Martin, Bert. NEW THIS W E EK. from Salem where they have been B E T H E L AND M cCO Y. ters too, by (he unlicensed and illegal fer Bros. Imp yards, moved up last Hsitiugs, Georgia, Zulu and Sadie visiting relatives and attending the A line of shoes at less than cost. Our entire line of week ami are now Imtohing near Mr. Myer, Ruhv Hastings, Ora Rhodnhar legislature. whiskey joints that abound. Having Neudels jackets and capes at closing out prices. We sell gro Farmers are again plowing. g ir, Anna Boydslon, Ruth and Vida in vain plead with the authorities to ceries. Quite an excitement was caused al John W. Miller is now living in the Myer, Gladys Martin. Clyde Kelty lias been visiting in the . Ellis Bros, store last Saturday evening metropolis recently. protect them and their loved ones, house recently vacated by Kip. W ith­ It W ill S u r p r is e Y o u -T ry It. hy the entrance of an intoxicated In­ many of them have become desperate row and will siqieriiitend the work It is the medicine above all others dian who seemed very much on the Jim Buttrick lias three learns al and are proceeding 10 protect them­ for the T. A. Livesly Co. in the Simp­ fur catarrh and is worth its weight in war path. After a struggle Dell suc­ work on the Bailey farm. son hop yard. selves. gold. Ely’s Cream Balm does all that ceeded in getting him out and rolling SALEM, OREGON. The dance given in McCoy on last Mark Sehring met wirli a very p'zin- is claimed for it.— B. W. Sperry, Hart­ him off the porch in the mud but he T hk agricultural college experi ful and serious accident near here ford, Conn. My son was afflicted returned and knocked the stove over, Tuesday night was well attended. LOGAN BERRY j * SUGAR PRUNES.* ment station has been making mi-J « u,’jda.V. fie was chopping stave lim with catarrh. He med Ely's Cream which was nearly full of firs. Hap­ Miss Stella Kindman of Amity, has BUY NONE BUI’ THE BEST STOCK FOR SEND her for E. Patras when the ax glanced Balm and the disagreeable catarrh all pily no damage was done more than been viriting the family of J. K. Sears. WHICH IS ALW AYS TH E CHEAPEST merous experinieuts to find out the CATALOG and cut an ugly gash on his instep left him.— J. C. Olmstead, Areola, 111. breaking the stove and getting some best manner of preventing smut in The MrCov school will celebrate St. Mr. Aebi, who lives, near here, re­ The Hulm dues not irritate or cause goods muddy by being tramped on the Valentine’s day with an entertain­ cuts. Various dips and heated ail ceived a telephone message Monday, sneezing. Sold by druggists at 50 floor in the ecuflle. Finally were used, the last named being most slating that his twelve year old neph­ cents or mailed by Ely Brothers, 56 the Indian started after him with the ment. poker. On coming to he was taken Mrs. Nutter has recently sold a val­ effective and for different reasons be ew. living at amity, accidentally shot Warren street, New York. • home anil has since caused ne disturb­ uable cow to Clarence Seeley, of Oak I lug most desirable. Bill some of the himself in the hip and died shortly I N D E P E N D E N C E . ance. Where is the law that prohib­ afterward. Grove. dips did good work. Interested par­ its selling liquor to Indians. Mrs. Jim Hanna is very sick. About thirty young people repaired ----------- ^ S ^ ■ " ■ — A reception was given at Mrs. King | ties should send to the president of to tlio home of Emmet Slants anil A N ig h t o f T e rr o r. «ton’s last Monday in honor of tier Mrs. Ford -Potter is up from Port­ If so, better teke advantage of Ilia college st Corvallis for bulletins wife last Friday night and enjoyed “ Awful anxiety wns felt for the wid­ birthday. land. concerning that and other things that themselves to their hearts content ow of the brave General Burnham of Miss Eflie Hill will soon return from George Crowley has moved from the Macliias, Maine, when the doctors all farmers should know. The bulle­ until late in III. evening, after which Porth nd, where she has been spend­ bottom to town. a lunch was served. said she would die fiom pneumonia tins are sent fr i. to all residents of ing a few mouths with her sister. J. F. Howard is herding sheep for liefore morning’’ writes Mrs. S. H. ----------------- » « » -------------- - the state who apply for them. Annt I.alley Vanderpool, mother Lincoln, who attended tier that fear­ of W. N. Wood of this place, died at Miss Hattie Jones. There is a ne«’ baby at the home of j ful night, hut she begged for Dr. W k are in receipt of W. J. Bryan’s the homo of her youngest daughter, Ezra Hart and family have been ov­ King’s New Discovery, which had Adial Tate near Oakdale. We must make room for new carpets. new paper, The Commoner, published in Portland, on the 19ih of this month er from Salt Creek. more than onee saved her life, and She was nearly eighty years old, ami These Prices Knock Loudly. * cured her of consumption. After tak­ at Lincoln Nebraska, at $1 a year. It was buried in the Monfevilla ceme­ Charley Martin and wife are back ing, she slept all night. Further use To does not deal with local affairs, nor is tery near Portland. from a two mentbs trip to Lebanon. C le a n s in g entirely cured her ” This marvellous FOR1IEK FIGGE SALE l-RlCE its main purpose the prompt spread­ a n d H e a lin g Mrs. Russell will) her son, Frank, msdicii e is guaranteed to cure all ..................................... 50................. 25 Tapestry Brussels. O AK D ALE. C u re for ing of general news. Its initisl circu­ and bis wife are visiting at Smith- throat, chest and lung diseases. Only . . • • .......................... • .................... 9 5 ............... 75 50 cents and $1. Trial bottles free at School will commence on Ihe last field. lation is 30 000, mid it will gradually “ “ 90................ 00 M. D. Ellis’ drug store. Monday in February. Hud its way into every nook of Ameri­ Colorol Holt, the noted temper­ is Body Butssels.................................................. 1.10................. 88 ca. Its chosen office will be to ex- j Mr. M acorn tier ran a nail in his fool ance speaker, is having a good infill Ely's Cream Balm F A L L S CITY. “ “ ................................................. 1.35................ 90 ence among the young people of this Easy and pleasant t o us pound pure democracy and Jefferson­ Sunday, making a painful sore. Mamie Murray is working for Jos Contains no in juriou i itv. Velvet and Moquet............................................ 1.10............... 80 dipif. Mrs. Garwood lias been staying with ian principles. Into the homes of the Gage. It is qu ick ly absorbed. A F r ig h t f u l B lu n d e r -____ Gives relief at onee. common people who earnestly desire Mrs. Dennis for the past two weeks. Willie Burns was noticed on our opens and Cleanses Every piece of Brussels, tapestry, velvet and moquet re­ John Kobinsnn has lost on« horse Will often cause a horrible burn, cut, streets last Sunday. to have their rights arid interests rep­ pa i ■ ■ mm m a *th o Nasal Passages. scald or bruise. Bucklen’s Arnica COLO*N HEAD Allav* i"H i“"n‘ation- duced. -Ill good patterns and uptodate coloiings. resented and protected it will go witli from blind staggers and has two more Salve, will kill the pain and promptly Mr. Hunter has a lot of hop poles Heals and protects the m em brane. Restores the sick with the same disease. an earnest welcome. Ws are author­ Senses o f Taste and Smell. Large size, 50 cunts at heal it. Cures fever sores, ulcers, ready for the yards. druggists or by mail; Trial size, 10 cent« by mail. Mrs. Robinson returned from Port­ boils, corns, all skin eruptions. Best ELY BROTHERS, i.6 W arren St. New Y ork. ised to receive subscriptions for it at Many goats have died in this local­ land last week, where she had been to pile cure on qarth. Only 25 cents a $1 a year. attend tile poultry show and visit rel- box. Cure guaranteed. . Sold by M. ity during the winter. ai ives. D. Ellis, druggist. Mrs. Snyder has left for Dallas te W s dropped in Tuesday to see wlmt The low price house furnishers, Salem, Oregon. reside with her son, Riclisrd. L IN C O L N . PEEDEE. the legislature was doing. Both hoirs H. L. Fenton fetched some of his Sunday school at 10:30. Everybody ea were driving away at a good rale. Alva Womer's new barn, is nearing goats to enter at the goat show. L E T T E R LIS T . completion. tScanuing the countenance of cne come. CY­ Dial Williams hss ordered a new These letter« remain uncalled fur in member after another as he rose to Charles Sturgis, of Clierrygrove, will O E, Price has been quite sick with PHER’S camera and photographic outfit ready Hie Dallas postoffice for the week end­ move to Southern Oregon in a short speak, left the impression that it was la giippe. ing January 29th and parties calling for the apring rush. 5, INCU- time. quite an intelligent and respsctalile Mrs. John Childers has a couple ■ f ACHES AND for them will please state that they \ j BATORS Mrs. Foreman, senior, is very sick i have been advertised : Mrs. Sarah Price lias returned home lot of men. Promptly at noon the | guinea fowls, Mrs. Flynn had an attack of pneu­ . •- PAINS LOOK j» after an extended visit with relatives Charles V Fisher, senate filed into the houa., the roll of Revival meetings are in progrsss in monia but is better. in Salem and Dallas. Louie Matson, ALIKE P o u lt r y S u p p lie s S e e d s o f a ll K in d s each body was called to vote for Spring Valley. Jem. Phillips has ma..’e a lot of A M Mauritzen—2 S pray » an d S pray P u m p » Claud Lewis, a stock buyer visited, posts ibis winter st his ranohe about United States senator. Corbett re- TO Mi>s Myrtle Gardner has been visit­ Our N o. 10 Seed Annual tells all. Send today. C has . F. B elt , postmaster. visited this section tsst week, hut five miles south of here. onived 29, timilli 2G, McBride 19, Un­ ing relatives near here. found no stock for sale. B O W E N S’ SEED STORE balance scattering and the end of it U. 8. mail boxes can now be seen in There are sevetal cases of chicken TO HOF r O R T L A S D ....................................... OREGON Rev. B. J. Kelley, of K'ngs Valley, front of nearly every home. in tittor darkness. In the senate 137 GROWERS. conducted religions services at our pox and mumps among us and the school law forbidding those with in- { There are four good reasons why every Althea and R ise l.ee, of Salem, have school house last Sunday. lá tH E S IT A T t bills bad been inttoduced, thirteen if I am about to fectious disorders from attendance j household should use this remedy: Administrator’s Notice. them by Mulkey, of tliia county, and been visiting relatives here, order a car load Quite a number of onreitisens have has been notoriously broken. First—It penetrates quicker and deeper of Hop wire di­ of the 238 in the house Simpson Inis Jim McTimmonds, of Dallas, has been invited to attend an entertain­ than any known remedy. o t i c e i s h e r e b y g i v e . v t h a t t h f . u n - rect from eastern ment to be given by ihe Airlie Wood introduced three and Hawkins tw i been visiting at John Wallings. CO LA. Second—It removes pain and soreness >\t | darsijrued was on the 24th day o f January, 1901, mill. I can give by the county cou rt o f Polk cou n ty , O regon, ap- once, and will not soil or discolor the We heard committee reports submit- Clem. Matthews took Monday’s beat men on the 31s> of this month. skin or clothing. |> o p ted adm inistrator o f the estate o f Margaret L. Frank Bruwu cut bia foot Monday special low price Tuttle, late o f Polk cou n ty , Oregon, deceased. All Third—It contains no chloroform, ether, , ted en fifteen hills, live *f which were «‘,r Oregon City, returning Saturday, It is reported that F. F. To' ie, who with an ax. for a few days persons holding claim s against the said estate ammonia, capsicum or Iodine and is ; owns a tract of land adjoining Ptedee, not volatile. are notified t** present the s me, duly verlfled m re not recommended to be passed only. Give qnan l Will. Hickman has gone to Idaho Mr. Ferguann and Ed Milty ar* Fourth—Because It Is the only safe, quick quired by law, within six inooths from the date o f will erect a sawmill on his p-«mises , to accept a position in a flouring mill. and harmless remedy found on the lily and size and get quotation at once. t h - first nuhlication o f this notice, to m e at m y in Ihe spring. He lives al Wilson- cutting their wood for next winter. office in Ihtllas, O regon. market. PERRYDALT. Dated, January 24, 1901 • Mrs. Ahrsnis and her daughter, Let. vllle. Mra. Reason Drunk wan taken aud- J . C AD AM S. Sold by all druggists at 50 cents. | lie, spent a few clays visiting in Salem Gifford Zumwnlt will go to raising . • i i . . denly ill Monday while visiting at Adm inistrator. ! 1 ist week. V.. . 'eii-latnreexoeed | M„ Fi,u w„£ lieu„ lgi. of tl.e docks. SCOTCH REMEDY COMPANY 59 State street, Salem. ul ita constitutional authority in paaa Western Agency S A N F R A N CISCO Miss Alice Shepard was one cf Ihe ing senate bill 19, wliicli, ill effect, ia etoinacli. Ground iu fine condition and farm­ W A LT E R MORLEY, Prop. Administrator's Sale- steamer Pomona’s passengers Wed» tbe appropriation of public money in ers plowing. The Kola literary eociety’s enter j nesdsy morning. ♦+ + + + + + + + + -k*+ + + -t-*+ + + + + -l“ t-M j aid ol private intareata. Uinmeiil has been changed to a has l)aii Kaegi rut hi» foot very badly, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT ket social to lie given February 16ih. The farmers along the river Hats are the blade of the axe going through it. by virtue of an order of sale issued oat of the Our school board failed to tecure now replacing fence which was carried the service« of Miss Della Waters as A good program is in preparation. It county m art of Polk county, Oregon, made will be at the old church, The hotel has closed and Mr. Shafer ! away by high water. and entered on the r»th day of March, 1900, in teacher for the next year. She will the matter of the e s ta te '«»f Charlen A . Saw- and sisters have gone back to their continue teaching at Cherry Grove telle. deceased, the undersigned will on BBID CEFORT. hom e. Carl Abrams lias purchased an in- with an increase of «alary. * S a t u r d a y , F e b r u a r y 2 3 , 1901, j vubator and we expect soon to see Farmers ill busy plowing. Elder Kane has missed bis last two ! broods of motherless chickens wander­ | at the h<*ur* f l o'clock, p. m., of said day, Live slock of all kinds ia doing well, appointments on account of dipllieria ' ing about. sell at the froufc dt»or of the court house in A. K Bell has finished farming and although the frosty weather that has U alhs. in suki county of Polk, to the highest in bis family. is now hrlping W. L. Frink. prevailed during the peat two week* bidder f« r canh in hand on day of sale, the Some lumber was landed here last I following d* scribed real property belonging Winfield Flannery and Will Sar- ! I'hursday, which is going to be made has checked the growth of grass and Will fi v e strength to the nerves and re- JL Gilbert Tyson lias hie bop yard , to said estate, to-wit: Lot« 1 anti 2 of section store the liver and kidneys to a healthy 4* vor«locked pastures are getting a lit- gran: took a load of (Hiultry to tin | into a new wharf, tlie old one being ,i\' ' U '-V 17. townnhip 8 nouth, range 6 west, of ihe cleaued up and partly plowed. condition, give t»>ne to the »tonuwh end i Sab m market. wrecked by tl.e high water. lie short. b ow els, and prom ote a ^>od a p p it't» 4» Willamette meridian, in Polk county, Ore­ gh healthv digestion; will relieve vonstipa 4 Mis« Elite Brown has returned from gon, containing 37 09 acres. Also a one-half W. M Sargrant and wife went to Won, purify the blood and make a heal ■ <|a acre o f land, l>ounded as follow«: beginning Miss Dae Matthew., formerly of »his M .Yoet, of Wankomis, Oklaha- an extended licit to Lincoln county. thy body with a clear skin. That tired «{* Newberg to attend the third wedding vicinity, at a jw.int 342 feet w est of the s**nthwfwt cor­ but of late residing in Oregon i " lft territory, who bought a tract of feeling will leave you and sleep will be «$> anniversary of llielr daughter. ner o f h * H. Moek M , in Montgomery'* Falls B> rt liennis and Archie Chambers, restful. At Wilson s drug More, Dal la«. + ('itv, was united in marriage to Rail I uninijirovoU land in 'he npper Feeder ; Ufty, in P ''* here last fall, is have gone to California in search ol ea*t feet, thence north 21 degreee west K + -H + W + + + + + H + + + + + + + + entertainment and sup|wr at the exiected to arrive with liis family work. ! 130 feet, thenc® sooth WU degrees, west 21BJ ••“ bn Boehringer, while trying to about the tiret ol March, Christian ehurcli on Ihe evening of feet, thence south 21 degre*w east to ’ wginaing R. R. Riggs, our jovial road super a —W H É Í , P'»* information aj*vly to W . If. Parrieh, nr cm .. I’nrviiM creek on a tr«.. lost hi. ^ no , of February loili. S C U R E FOB ^ B visor, was out Wednesday repairing A. F. Campbell, hi* attorney, at Monmouth, .— e » — — balance and tun.bl.d in. Alter doing ,hi, vidaily from Hie d is e ... that le Oregon. W . H. P A R R IS H . pr. v. , ¥nl , „ . i in olh» r p*rt, bridges. W. O. Sims and wife, formerly of -, me .,« .i.. ,w;m,ning in .hallow wa- Administrator, with will annexed, o f tbe ee- I tate o f Charles A. Saw telle, <* Bethel, are now leac.nng al Buell's leran lm m l. he Sucre«.led reach- t h „ co | 1 „ )ur goat men attrib- Joa East, of Dallas, *111 soon mors Next door to“P. O., Dallas. I 1 »steal January 19, 1901. chapel. w* ,ar uls this seeming immunité to a high- to this place to lake charge of the THE POLK COUNTY ITEMIZER D ta Miles 9 Nervine N qooDS qooDs R. C. B R Y A N One Price - - - - St S O N - - Jtor? DALLAS, OREQON- OREGON NURSERY COMPANY Qoingto Have a Hew Carpet. Our Big Carpet Sale. CATARRH JSB g CATARRH Buren 6t Hamilton, Don’t Rub It In. A ll Scotch Remedy N SALEM FENCE WORKS WILSONS t CELERY I DANDELION Photo­ graphic Sup­ plies. PFENNIG, Jeweler and Optician.