Polk County itemizer. (Dallas, Or.) 1879-1927, January 18, 1901, Image 3

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    VERY old maxim declares that it isn't econ­
om y to pick up pins; the time is w orth more
than the pins. Sim ilarly it is not true econ­
om y to do without Ivory Soap; your health
requires the daily removal of the bodily excretions
w hich are discharged through the pores of the skin.
T h ese tiny mouths must fee kept open, and they
should be opened only with a pure soap.
M lllard-Cuttry.
A vary Iwautiful home wedding oc-
curtri .in Wcdnsday im rui'ig, January
9th, at 11 o'clock, at the home of tiie
brides parents, J. 1,. Guitry and wife,
near Sheridan. The contracting part­
ies were Everett B. Millard, of Salem,
and Mi>s Fannie M. Guitry. The
ceremony was performed by Rev.
Glenn, of Dayton, in the presence eta
few intimate friends and relatives of
tiie bride end groom. The bride was
becomingly attired in a traveling dress
of |«ile blue and the groom in black.
At the oouclusiun of the ceremony
and i-oiigratulaiians the guests were
invited nto the dining room and par­
took of an elaborate wedding dinner.
The bride is well known and held in
high esteem by a numerous circle of
friends. The groom is a young man
of sterling qualities, well and favorably
known, making friends wherever he
goes. He is ene of America's brave
soldiers, having served in ttie I ite war,
slid was severely wounded at Manilla.
Ininii diatclv after dinner they wsie
taken to McMinnville, from where
they will go to Portland and other
place«, and after S|wnding some time
th r they will return to Salem, their
future home, where their frieuds, who
are numbered by tiie score, heartily
join in wishing 'hem along and hap
py journey over the sea of life They
received many beautiful
The guests were: J. L. Guitry and
wife, J. K Guitry and family, R A.
Porter and wife, Mr. Glenn, Misre»
Ellen and Alice Payne. Alice Reming­
ton, Pearl Leonard. Amy Porter and
lb o 'G u itry, Messrs. Hugh Guttry
Archie Mi'iard. YVill. Irvin, Geo. Pay-
tie and Oliver Leonard.
As a hamess maker F. E. Shafer
has but few equals and no superiors
It will pay Polk county farmers le g o
around on State street and examine
his excellent horse clothing.
Of district No. 6, Independence, J. D.
Nearly all the members of the leg­
Irvine presiding:
islature will now have their linen
W H Walker,
J YV Kirkland,
laundried in the highest style of the
Wallace Huntley, I Hart,
art f»r it will be done at the steam
Lymon Damon, J A Griggsby,
A W Docksteader/S E Baker,
A W Stansberry, J H Burton,
F A Patterson,
J G Cleland,
Titov never have nnyjclearnnoe sales
J H Collins,
I W Dickinson,
at the New York Racket store for mast
II C Finch,
L C Gilmore,
of their goods are always seasonable
D A Hodge,
A1 Horren,
and being of standard quality are ah
M W Mix.
P II McCabe,
wavs in demand. The extent of their
Tbos Pomeroy,
J B Scrafford,
trade is so large that Hie stock is con
II Htunihcrg,
I n id St pie ton,
tinually being sold out and renewed.
O W e1 ■ r,
C a -nee YVagner.
F S Powell,
YV in Riddell,
YVhen in the city during the legis­
Cass Lorenee,
J J Russell,
lature be sure to eat at Helle ¡brand’s
J H Mulkey,
J B Slump,
popular restaurant.
K H Hosner,
J P Doughty,
Jas llenneck,
C S Staata,
YY’ulter Griffin,
Tbos Booth by,
Olio of the best veterinary surgeons
J A Sevier,
Wm Horren,
in the v«Uey is I). I). Kotler, whom »:
J N Jones,
J B V Bnllpr,
usually la.- found at the sie. 1 bridge
S top s ¡the Cough
W J Mulkey,
J W Howell,
feed yard. He has saved the lives of
Clias Sloan,
And works off the cold. Laxative bro- J M .Smith,
a multitude of animals.
moquinine tablet« cure a cold in one J YV Brooks.
day. No cure, no pay. Price, 26
B u ckten's A rn lo a Salve.
As the end of the winter season ap­
Has world wide fame for nun villous proaches G. YY\ Johnson & Co. lowei
cures. It surpasses any oilier salve, the prices of their heavy clothing so
C om in g Q o a t S h ow .
It will be held in Dallaa on Tliurs lotion, ointment or balm for cuts, as to clean it out, to prevent earrvjng
day, Febtiary 14th. There will be , corns, burns, boils, sores, felons, ul- it over and to make room for spring
awarded 62 prizes, half of them to 1 cers, teter, salt rheum, fever sores, goods. All mackintoshes go at half
thoroughbreds and the balance to all ! cliap|«‘d bands, skin eruptions; In­ price ami overcoats can bo had cheap­
other grades. The premiums will be fallible for piles. Cure guarunteid er now than a month ago Their un­
appropriate medals. There will be Only 26 cents at M. D. Ellis’
derwear is the best in the city and you
first and second premiums each on
will he satisfied with tho prices
'.buck kids, bucks one year old and
Trade at JoimsoiTs and get the worth
under two, two years oid and under
Gaynor’a shoe store does ‘ he bui. of your money.
■three, three yeais old and under four, of the business in that line ■ iuso by
, four years old .nd over, find I In- same devoting attention to noth in! else
.on does of those ages. First and ¡.ec- they caa com e nearest to meeting all
>ond premiums on pairs of bn k kids I footwear wauls.
Sibley, J.
and of does. Besides all that there
will he a sweep stnkes premium on a
N L. Butler, H. Hirschberg and D.
Dodson, the Racket store man, un. YV. S-ars were chosen apprais -rs <f
group consisting of aged doe, buck,
-yearliug doe and doc kid. There is a derliuys and undei>ells, thus drawing the Nancy V. Goff estate.
.chance for everybody having good there many a doll.r tb-t might other­
The administration of the Elizabeth
goats, and the competition is apt to wise have gone elsewhere. It pays to
A-tnur e-tale was finally clossd.
trade at Dodson’s.
be apirited.
Tbs administrai >r of the Richard
Elies estate presented a claim of $77
At ours is clisngiug from a grain fll, which was allowed . and also filed
These pupils are entitled to be an producing to a stock grewing con ntry other claims amounting to . $606.32
honored in the Dallas public school there must be a greater amount of prsseuteJ within six months and they
feed suitable for animals. More grass were approved.
this men til:
Eighth grade— Genevieve Aldrich, and more to its for slock feed must be
The sdmiuistrstor of the U. 8.
The first consideration is
Hazel Porter, Harvey Coats.
Thompson estate reported $41.30 as
Seventh gradi— Georgia Martin, A- fresh and pure seeds. At Kaull’t the excess of sale over inventory
da Oafiel , Ella Roy, Clara Dashiel, hardware store you will tind the great­ The note of Fenton A Toner for $67.60
Elsie Dashiel, Burrilt Elliott, John Ar est variety of both. Now while his with iutercst was approved and final
nold.Nevin Palmer, Clarence Young. stock is complete is the best time to settlement set for hearing February
Sixth grade— Nila Cuad, Ralph buy veur supply of such things for 9th.
Campbell, John Guy, Edna Morrison, spiiug use.
The administrator of the Alfred
Frankie Hayter, Willie A1 inch, Alla
Flickinger estate is to be discharged
It always pays to trade at Brown’s as soon as he files receipts from hairs
Fifth grade— Alta Ble.-sing, Bertha store for nowhere else in town can you
for their respective shares.
Paul, Uua Campbell, Fay Farley, Ed­ tind a greater variety from which to
H. M Berry was chosen adminis­
na Scott, Emil Fern. Lisle Rice, Lloyd select, anil as they do a cash business
they can sffurd bottom prices. I is the trator of his father’s estate under
Fourth grade—Mary Porter, Cecil matter of grocerios they defy compe­ $12.000 bond.
Embree, Clarence Reynolds, Henry tition as to quality or price.
c o m m i s s i o n s : its.
Second grade— Wayne Greenwood,
Hee Mr. Lynch when yon wantsome
John Teal.
Seth Riggs.
Goldie Wells, Norma Holman, Avu
very particular job of blucksinilbing
The h md of Assossor Myer was sp
proved and so was that of the com-
First grad«— Homer Dashiel, Edna
maadrr of Gibson Post.
Rowland, Hazel Rowland, Effie Far­
ley, Willis Reynolds.
Ami when you want anything what­
J. 8. Talbot was granted right of
The requirement! to enable a pu­ ever from rtalsin the stage driver will way (or » railroad 1,600 feat alang th-
pil’s name to t« placed on the roll of procure it in tlierl order.
public road through tiie old Nichols
honor are: He must have 1B0 in de­
Lae place.
portment ; no larlice against him ; not
Lee Rowell, Murray YVallaee and J.
absent except in case of |icreonal sick
Cockerltam were cliaseu to review the
ness; must make the average required small jo l» of repairing as Gunsmith ; -ounly road asked far by Andrew
by liis grade. This will partly explain Riseer. He ie always ready to fix up Smith and others.
why we iiavc so short an honor roll anything anil everything in good
Obstructions wars ordered removed
•hope and at email cost.
out of nearly 200 pupils.
from the pablic highway in r<>ad dis­
YV. I . R e y n o l d s .
trict 4.
The rule at Merrison’s livery stable
T h e M o th e r’ s Fa vo rite
is tn never let any custemer go away
Chamberlain's Cougli Remedy is unsatisfied. Males known your wants
A L «M S .
the mother's favorite. It is pleasant aqd they will bs filled to your satis­
At a lesson In a medical college tbe
and safe for children to take and *1- faction.
other day one of tbe students, who was
wav* cures. It is intended especially
by no means a dullard, waa asked by
for coughs, colds, croup and whoop­
As a blicksmith John E. Smith bat tbe professor, “ How mneb Is a dose
ing cough, and is the best medicine
o f ---- 7” (giving the technical name of
made for there discuses. There is not established a reputation second to a strong poison).
the least danger in giving it to child­ none.
"A teaspoonful," was the reply.
ren for it contains no opium or oilier
The professor made no comment, bnt
The union revival at the M. E.
injurious drug and may be giveu ss
the student a quarter of an hour later,
confidently to a babe as to in adult. church ie still in progress, there hav­ realised that be had made a mistake,
For sale by A. K. Wilson.
and straightway said:
O is.
"Professor, 1 want to change my
L E T T E R L IS T .
There is to be a masquerade ball at answer to that question."
"It’s too late, sir," responded tbe
Tliese le tte r remain uncalled far »
the Dailae po*toffies for the week end­ 25th, and several prizes are to be professor curtiy, looking at bla watch.
"Your patient has been dead 14
ing January 15th and parties calling
jtere. The committee on invitation is minutes.” —London Telegraph.
tor them will please state that they
T. A. Riggs, YVm. Tetcm, Travis Mc-
have been advertised:
| Devill, Oscar Hayter and Ruts Ellis
No matter bow bright and aenalble a
Misa Sena Ellie,
The numbers of the reception commi­ man la. If tbe gossips discover be ta
Chas V Fisher, M D
ttee are W F. Nichels. Dr. Steiner, going craay. tbe world remarks that be
Mrs 0 V Fi«her,
M. 1) Ellis, F. O. Elliott, Kd Shaw will not have far to go.—Atchison
Hsmuel Sears.
anil R. E Williams. The fluor will he Glob*.
in charge of II. L. Fenton, 0. YV.
C has F. Bai.r. postmaster.
Shultz, O N Cherriugtoo, Oscar Hay­
t A .
ter, W. It. Ellie end Win. Tatom,
| while P A. Fines III, U. 8. Laughery
a id I. V. Lynch will a« t os judges
01 diotriot No. 1, Dalla«, Hardy Hoi-
man presiding:
H S Bun,
J*8 Mitchell,
J M Burford,
John Boyer,
Henry Clifford,
T J Hayter,
Joe Black,
Frank Holman,
\Vm Greenwood, J D Smith,
Cal Headley,
T B Howell,
R B Carpenter,
Henry Muscott,
YVm Kersey,
C L Hubbard,
H G Campbell,
Geo Cuttler,
J H Aehhaagh,
John Guy,
David Crider,
George Selby,
Green Campbell, Joel Shaw,
Jas Robert» n,
J YV Caldwell.
B S Hnrria,
Cbas McDevilt,
G O Giant,
F J Coed,
Jne Howe,
Isaac Htlgbea,
John McKinley,
I V Lynch,
Gen Uicliniond,
YVarren Dunn,
John Kichtcr,
A B vluir,
J J Williams.
Sol Blessing,
Bran, per ton $14.
Shorts, per ton, $16.
Guta, per bushel, 40 cts.
Flour, per 10 barrel*. $2 80.
Flour, per sack, 80e.
Buckwheat flour, $2.50 per cwt.
Gerinea, $1 50 pet cwt.
Corn meal, $2 60 per cwt.
There is a new boro girl at the borne
of Prof. Parker, in YVoodburu.
All the blood in your body passes through
A b le S o u rc e s D is h e d up for O u r
Col. Holt, a noted temperance lect­ your kidneys once every three minutes.
N u m e ro u s F a m ily of R eaders
The kidneys are you»
In A b re v la ta d P a ra g ra p h s .
Baled hay and mill feed at Osfield's
blood purifiers, they fit­
ter out the waste or
Impurities In the blood.
If they are sick or out
of order, they fall to do
their work.
Pains, aches and rheu­
matism come from ex­
cess of uric acid In th*
blood, due to neglected
A steamboat leave* McMinnville for
Portland at 6 o ’clock every ether mor­
Spectacles and glasses at Pfennig’s. ning.
Take your chickens, eggs and but­
Bom, to the wife of Frank Tstoni
ter to Riggs’ giocery.
ou the Caufield place north of Dixie,
Starr's a daughter.
mother has been very sick.
T. 8. Coffey and wife have been over
Another daughter lias been added from Scio visiting her mother, Mrs.
to tiie family of 0 . A. Bennett.
Henry Black.
W e have for tale all kinds of legal
Miss ORie Mulligan, well known lo
blanks, tresspass notices, blank notes many of our readers, was married ut
and receipts.
Amity last week.
Volunteer correspondence Solicited
Dan Siddons. who was so long at
from every um< presented neighbor­ the llalliM-k saw mill, has just return­
hood in the county.
ed from Baker City.
The state tax levy hag been fixed
Melvin Burgess, of Sheridan, has
at 5.7 mills sml Polk ouiRtiy’s portion returned front a three year* slay in
of it will be $17.840.
eastern Waahiugtou.
Dr. Wood, of Amity, hyp been car­
Mies Sarah Harris, who was railed
ing for the sick daughter of W . K. just south of Dellas, has become the
Birks near Balia ton.
wile of L. E. Rolfs in Portland.
We are always glad to hear from nr ,J . M. Wise, of Perrydule, lias fer
about former residents of this county sals s few tons of fine baled or looae
clover bay. YVrite to er »all on him,
now living elsewhore.
[Corrected weekly by Brown k Sou
------ -
kidney trouble.
Kidney trouble causes quick er unsteady
heart beats, and makes one feel ss though
they had heart trouble, because the heart Is
over-working In pumping thick, kidney-
poisoned blood through veins and arteries.
It used to be considered that only urinary
troubles were to be traced to the kidneys,
but now modern science proves that nearly
all constitutional diseases have their begin­
ning In kidney trouble.
It you are sick you can make no mistake
by first doctoring your kidneys. The mild
and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer'i
Swamp-Root, tho great kidney remedy ta
aoon realized. It standa the highest (or Its
wonderful cures of the most distressing
and Is sold on Its merits
by all druggists In fifty-
cent and one-dollar siz­
es. You may have e
sample bottle by mall „<». of s^amp-a«*.
free, also pamphlet telling you how to find
out If you have kidney or bladder trouble.
Rev. L. W. Morrison, formerly of Mention this paper when writing Dr. Kilmer
Some steady young man desiring to
Ie 'rn the printer’s trade may find an Dallas, was recently married to Mis. $t Co., Binghamton, N. Y.
Iva Lawrence at Redlands, California,
opening at tiiisoffice.
Everett Millard and bride, nee Fan­
Miss Maud Bax tor gill begin teach
ing at Pioneer. The ditsclors have ny Guttry, will make their home in
Salem, he being an asylum employe
bought some new patejR seats.
I. L. Bursou and wife will soon
At Salem Monday evening the river
w-is 24 feet above low water mark and move to the home of Sol. Durbin, just
east of Salem, where hs has employ­
all the docks were under Water.
Ike Yoakum and bride write back
The river at Independence laat Mon
that they are having a grand time
around their old E/ut Tennessee day was 20 feet abeve the low water
mark and all lew ground wai sub­
The Salem stage driver has had to
The merchants of Dallas ean and
leave his team at the Gibson place
several days this week on account of do sell as eheap as any in the valley
iherfore deserve a large patronage
high water.
from all around.
J. H. Townsend, J. N. Hart. Dr.
Mrs. D. C. McFarland has been vis­
Steiner, M D. Ellis, U. tf. Laughary
and Harry Gaynor have been among iting Albany friends, a young lady
from Salem staying with Miss Daisey
the legislators litis week.
in tiie meantime.
A steady young man, who is willing
■o work and anxious to make some
Scrofula in the blond shows itself
thing of himself, may find employ sooner or later to swelling, sores, er­
meot at tliie office by piompt applies uptions. But Hood's Sarsaparilla
completely cures it.
G. L. Hawkins, proprietor of the In­
Mrs. YV. 8. YValerb'iry, of Salem,
dependence marble
does all a daughter of C P. Crangle, of Liu
kinds of cemetery work in the very coin, It is been here visiting Iter friend,
host shape and ut reasonable prices. Miss Vernie Clin gun.
Try him.
J< nnmg« lodge and Ainsworth chut
Go to Wiseman’s hardware store for ter will have a join installation of of­
everything ill that line. He keeps ficers at the M-isons hall, Thursday
¡Mint -, oils tail bee supplies. A cam- evening, Junuary 24lli.
I excellent carpet s a nepers at low
YVm. Hall died Inst Sunday at the
prices soon to arrive,
home of his son, H. K. Hall, in Rick-
Public sentiment should drive out reall, and was taken to their former
'lie persons and things ttist are so home near Silverton for burial.
harmful to tbe well beingdf the young
K: O. «raven has torn tiie fence
people of this comtriirrTt-. Now ‘is
tlle time before some of them h»vj be­ from around his homo just iteross the
railroad track fiom the college ami
come more grossly contaminated.
has pluntod a hedge in its plnoc.
Mrs. Mary Smith widow of Green
YVe have ordered Hie Oregonian for
berry Smith who ut one lime owned
about 8 000 serss of land on Soup J. YV. Lewis. Riokie ill, E. Hanson,
ereek partly in this county, died in Dallas, and vY\ C. Lewie, McCoy. Auv
Corvallis this weak. No oilier womHii body can got it and the Itemizur a
in Benton county had so much prop- year for $2.25.
Putnam Fadless Dye orange produc­
Report of upper Salt Creek school es beautiful burnt orange shades that
for the month ending January lltli. nre extiemoly fast to light and wash­
Enrolled, 17 ; average attendance, 15; ing. 10 cents per packngo. Sold by
visits to school during month, 22; dur A. K. YVilaon.
big term, 36; ou roll of honor, Jay
Mr. Swenson, who live* in the foot­
nd Rollie Brown, Allen and Hugh
Fletcher; for term of three months, hills near town, raises artichokes for
his stock. He says they yield better
Rollie Brown.—Ona Porter, teacher.
lh.iu potatoes and that all kinds (f
In an early day Major Tharp built stock like them better.
a fine grist mill at Falls City, but tbe
People.are beginning to inquire for
location being inconvenieut and Jim
mie ONiel having a mill at, Ellendnle, eggs and poultry for breading pur­
near Dallas, it did not prove profitable poses. Those having geo4 enee for
and after a few years it was moved to sale should let the fsot be known un­
l)i«ie by Theodore Tharp end Mr. der our heading Naw Today.
YVhen you want elegant preaenta for
Several years ago Simeon Tuttle weddings or any other occasion, re­
member tliat Jeweler Morris has a
O ld wife canto to Dallas and bought
a little home where lie died five years great variety of silverware and ether
ago After that she lived alone and ornamental and useful things.
<lied last 'Tuesday aged 73 years.
During December the patrons of
Kind friends looked after her wan«« the Independence creamery received
while living and laid her away beside from $4 to $8 a cow for the butter fst
her companion. They came here as furnished. It show* that furnishing
strangers and had no kindred in this cream for a dairy ean be made a pay­
ing busineia.
There will be a teacher*« institute
Joseph Furmiger, who seme years
in the Dallas public sfiiiool building ago, in connection with Thomas What
u Saturday, February 2nd and at ford, ran Hie Kowoliffe hop yard and
noon a generous lunch will be served then w<nt back to Kansas, kae just
here by the patrons of tbe district. returned with his family and will set-
Cvery teacher in the county should Hs in this vieinity.
nuke an effort to 1« present and as
There will be a mooting of goat
• ist In making the osCasiqn pleasant
men in Brown’s kail tomorrow after
and profitable.
noon and the great Polk County goat
Tiie Dallas butcher« hep«.this win­ show ia to ocour February 14th. Up­
ter killed about 150 hogs, one third of on that occasion more fine goat« will
them coining from C'WVallis They be assembled in Dailae than ever be­
have been packed and will be eured fore.
for the home trade, so that lest meat
will have to be shipped inhere during
Laat Saturday night's rush of wa
the summer. Tliis county' ought to ter* took out the Diiie mill dsm and
iiise more than enough liege to sup­ it will bn quite expensive lo replace it.
ply the home demand, b u ilt hat not The flood also cut «channel «round
generally done so.
the wnat «nd *f the dam that supplies
water for the foundry, planing mill
Walter Morley, of Haler*, sold a car and flouring mill at Dallaa.
load of woven wire fencing to these
•Spring Vslley farmers: Dudley Hen­
Mr*. M iry Crystal and hsr daugh­
ry, J. R Hliepberd, A. H. Coyle, John ters, Nettie and Fannie, formerly of
YValling, Samuel Phillips,_W. B. Dun Dallas, now live at Napa, California,
can. J. L. Porvino, Georg* Griswold, where Misa Fannie has just bean mar
Bird Walling, J O. Toner, H. A rind to a Mr. Read. Gnnrgs and Ed.
Thomas, J. E. Phillips, T. W. Peaslej, Crystal
_ __ _
_ nterchandiaing iu the
H. Vandevert, Gilbert A I'sttdrson, it j neighlairing town of Vacaville,
iieing delivered at Lincoln.
State of Ohio, City of Toledo,)
! President Talbot, of the Falla City
Lucas county,
( ®*
1 and Falem railroad, ie displaying com*
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he mendable seal and perseverance in
is the senior partner of the firm of F. pushing Id, project in the face of ob-
J. Cheney A Co .doing business in the stneles. Most men would have long
City of Toledo, county slid state afore- •*° (t'T<’n UP *hn pro|a)«ition and
said, and that said firm will p«v the turned their attention to something
sunt of $100 for each and every case of e',e >
catarrh that caunot 1« cured hy the
A remedy f.rr nasal catarrh which
use of Hall's Catarrh Cure.— Frank J.
is drying and exciting to the diseased
Cheney. Mworn to before me and sole
not be used.
-erriieri in my presence, this fltli day of membrane should
YVlist is needed is that which is clean­
Dvceniher, A. D., 1886.— A. W. Ole«-
sing, soothing, protecting and healing.
son, notary public.
B u c h is Ely’s Cream Balm.
Price 50
- -
• Cure
. . taken
centa at druggists or it will be anailed
ally and act* directly on the blood and
hy Ely Brothers, 56 Warren street,
niueona surface« of tbe aystem. Send
New Y o r k . The Balm when placed
fur testimonials, free. F. J. Cheney
into the nostrils, spreads user the
A Co., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by drng-
membrane and is absorbed. A cold in
i i e u J f w , F‘ TOi,y Pil' " ( «b s lfe «l vanishes qnickly.
Will. Lyons snd wife, in North Da’-
las, have a new born girl.
Tuesday evening the water wna 30
feet above low water mark at Salem
Tho occupants of tbe Dove bouse
above Eola were driven t* tho upper
Nee Dale was srrested litis week and
put in jail on a very serious charge.
He was tried yesterday afternoon be­
fore Justice Holman and bound over
to the grand jury under $500 bond.
T b e Hew Strata at B s U rk o a lu .
There Is more, according to Meehan's,
In the new strain of hollyhock, the
Alleghany, than haa yet developed.
The most notable departure from the
ordinary type la In the grace of the
petals. The regular, solid, rosette like
shape of the old flowers la tn a measure
pretty and neat end very desirable,
Potatoes, per bushel, 30 cts.
Butter, per pound, 20cts.
Lard, per pound, 10<gll cts.
Bacon,sides, per pound, 9@10 cts.
Hams, per pound, 12(316 cts.
Shoulders, per pound.8 ® lOots.
Eggs, per doze ,?2£ cts.
Chickens, per dozen $2.50<a$4
Dried fruits, per pound, 12 ots.
Beets, per pound, 1 cent«.
Turnips, per pound, 1 cts.
Cabbage, per pound, 2| cts.
Onions, per pound, 2£ cts.
Beans, per pound, 4(35 centa.
Corn meal, per pound,2^ cts.
Hay, per ton, $6a$8.
To Cure a C old In O no Day
Take laxative bromo quinine tablets.
AU druggists refund the money if it
fails to cure. Signature of E. W .
Grovo on each box. 25 cents.
S o m e t h i n g Now
Just published by tiie Southern Pa­
cific company is a pamphlet upon the
resources of YY’estern Oregon, which
includes an excellent map of the state,
and coutains information on climate,
lands, education, etc., existing indus­
tries snd their capabilities. Atten­
tion ia also directed to aiich new, fi Ids
for energy or capital aa promise fair
return. Tliis publication fills s need
lodg experienced by Oregonians in re­
plying to inquiries of eastern friends.
Copies may be bad of local agents of
the Southern Pacific company, or
from C. H. Markham, general passen­
ger agent, Portland, Oregon.
A C h ica g o W om a n Speaks.
Prof. Roxa Tyler, of Chicago, vice
president Illinois YYomau's alliance,
in speaking of Chamberlain's Cougli
Bemedy, says: “ I suffered with a se­
vere cold this winter which threatened
to. run into pneumonia. I tried dif­
ferent remedies but I scented to grow
worse and the medicine upset ,my
stomach. A friend advised me to try
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and I
found it wits pleasant to take ami it re­
lieved nte at on 0 . I am now entirely
recovered, saved a doctor’s bill, tint«
and suffering, snd I will never ho
without this splendid medicine again,’’
For sale hy A. K. YVilson.
Henry Rose has lost two valuable
Gid YVolty and bride have been vis­
iting P. It. Grabei and wife.
A Gi-sbrecht and family have gone
to their nsw home at Rittzville, Wash­
but It becomes monotonous. Alleghany
petala are mere loosely arranged, not
very double, aa a rule, and gracefully
Another prominent feature la the size
of the flowers. They range In various
sixes from four to seven Inches.
They are also remarkable for a free,
blooming character, tall aplkea being
produced that frequently give bloom
until frost Seedling plants grow vig­
orously and occasionally bloom per­
fectly the ft rat season.
The colors are various, from very
light plDk—“shell pink,” as It la called-
to a brick red.
There nre advertised letters in our
post office for Boyd Mills, J. E. Butler
and Mrs. Phora Burns.
Finding it impostible to localo
roads in the snow the Blowercs have
returned to their home.
Four rhtyr of rain aided by a chi-
nook wind have made an end of tho
Henry Scott has gone to Toledo.
The streams are so high as to inter­
fere with the ma.l seivice.
The two indians who were in js i
have been released on bail.
servlet at the home of W. H. Kraber on the
Halem road.
Bey tl sten near Dallas.
riNK b r o n z e t u r k e y o o b -
bler* and threo hen« for sale et.E2.b0 e pair by
h ree extra
J. O. Brown.
ta all right, if you are too fat; T
and all wrong, if too thin already.
mediately on the Monmouth roed twe mile«
Fat, enough for your habit, is east
of Dalian, there b in* 88 acre«. No improve­
but all level and under plow. Will «ell cheap
healthy; a little more, or less, is ment«,
to cash buyer. Addr«»«, George L. Tilotson, Marsh­
field, Oregon.
no great harm. Too fat, consult
a doctor; too thin, persistently ALED WHEAT HAY FOR SALE BY SAMUEL
thin, no matter what cayse, take B Orr, of Hick reali.
Scott’s Emulsion of Cod Liver
«ale Barred Plymouth R«rck stock, second to
none. Eggs iu season. Will «ell A 1 cocksrel« at
reasonable prices.
There are many causes of get*
ting too thin; they all come ONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED FARM PRO.
perty at usual rates by Oscar Hayter, Dallas,
under these two heads: over­
work and under-digestion.
J. L. COLLINS, Dalles.
Stop over-work, if you cant
but, whether you can or not,
Hf Bf.KY k E A K W fJ
take Scott’s .Emulsion of Cod W farm property.
Liver Oil, to balance yourself
Final Settlement.
with your work. You can’t live
on it—true—but, by it, you N OTICE
dernivued has filed hi* final account a« admin-
of the estatae of UlyMeti Thompson, deceas­
can. There’s a limit, however» int.rator
ed, In the county court of Polk county, Ore­
gon, and that said court has set the hearing thereoi
you’ll pay for it
on KaturJay, February 9, 1901, at the hour of 10
o'clock in the forenoon of mid day, and all persons
bavin/ objections to the mine are notified to present
Scott’s Emulsion of Cod Liver them
to mid court on or before mid time.
Oil is the readiest cure for Dated, this 11th day of January, M .L. 1901. FENTON.
“can’t eat," unless it comes of
your doing no work—you can’t
long be well andiatrong, without
— AND—
some sort of activity.
The genuine has
this picture on It,
take no other.
If you have not
tried It, send for
free sample. Its a -
groeable taste will
surprise you.
C h e m ists ,
409 Pearl street.
New York.
60c. snd 9I.OO| all druggists.
Co educational snd superior sdvsn-
tag' s at reasonable rates.
Second term begins January 2, 1901,
when classes will be organised in
school management and methods for
the benefit of those desiring to lake
the spring examination. Students
admitted at any time. For catalogue
or other information, address the pree-
. id-nt,
Dallas, Oregon.