/ TH E POLK COUNTY ITEMIZER D A LLA S , F S ID A Y , JAN. 18, 1901. Nerve Infittene the subtle force which controls the different organs KD1TOK ANI> PKOPHlEToR. S U B S C R IPT IO N R A T E S : r 1 50 ................................... Per y^ar I 7 » ......... ............... Per six months 40 ...................... Per three months Advertising rates made known on implication. Correspondence issolicit* > I. Fine Job Printing done at reasonable •»rices. “ For some years I was troubled with nervousness and pain at the base of the brain. My head often fe lt as though it was In a vise and was being squeezed. 1 got so bad I could scarcely sleep at night and my heart would palpitate and pain me a great deal. I began taking Dr. Miles’ Nervine and grew steadily stronger until my trouble was entirely removed. ” , Rjcv M. C a m p b e l l , Blair, Neb. their votes for president and vicepresi- dent. Their total vote was 447, < f \ s ‘'Every Man is the Architect of His Fortune.” 8ILO MAKING. Stake th e Silo D eep, W it h Seseoth W e lle e n d P a r k T h o ro n g k ly . Make the silo deep, for the greater the depth the greater will be the pressure on that below, thus forcing out air from the fodder and Insuring better silage. Shallow silos as a rule give less satisfactory results than deep ones, as there are larger air spaces In HARMONY. Henry Buell is chopping R. A. Porter. "A n Architect designs. And his pUnt Are executed by a builder. The greatest builder of heAlth is Hoods SArsApAritU. It ¡Aye a firm foundation. H mAhts the b’ood, the besls o f life, pure And strong, fie An Arcmtect o f your fortune And secure Hood's as your hedth builder. SaUai Casb $ to rt D ALLAS, OREQON. W h a t W e Eat A stock buyer recently obtained a Is intended to nourish and sustain us. j j but it must he digested and ansimil.it-1 Wd Dave plenty of good servicable winter goods and let of calves in this section. j ed before it can* do this. In oilier are willing to sacrifice, as we will not keep them over W ill Kiildcll lias been home from words, the nourishment contained in the summer. We will accept reasonable offers for such food must he separated by the digest- the «fate university ou a vacation. goods. Look over our Wraps, Furs, Capes, Jackets', i ivc »rguiiii from the ivaslo materials There will he a social meeting tin t | and must I k - curried by Ihe blood to Overshoes and you will get your money’s worth. Sunday led hy Miss Maud Chamber- all parts of the hotly. W e believe ’ he lain. reason for the great benefit which ao Mrs. Allen Towns has relumed from many people derive from Hood's Sar­ Albany,accompaned by her daughter saparilla lies in Ihe fact that this med­ N E W T H IS W E E K . icine gives good digestion and makes und her baby girl. “Our Best” Flour 80 cents, shredded whole Biscuits, pure, rich blood. It restores the On account of poor health Miss My- functions of those organs which con­ Shrimps, Lobsters, H. C. Goods, Self-rising Buck­ er gave ip the Guthrie school being vert foot! into nourishment that gives wheat, Ten varieties of-«yrup at prices undt r com­ succeeded by Miss Conklin. strength to nerves snd muscles. It petitors. R. E. B R Y A N & SON. also cures dyspepsia, scrofula, salt Chasi lleliwait and brother are min­ ing in Ilshe, H e has been visiting rheum, boils, soies, pimples and ernp-! tione, catarrh, rheumatism and all dis­ has purists In Oregon City. eases that have tin ir origin in impure Chas. Austin and W. H. Msck hav­ blood. ing rente! the Dressier place, have this wintir plowed and sowed nearly BETHEL AND M cCO Y. all of it. S A L E M , O REC O N . Louie Macken iti again quite sick. Ailie Metier, who has lieon unable Miss Dura Sears U viniting at Layton. to work lof a year, was recently sur­ BUY N O NE BUT T H E BEST STOCK FOR prised in i f manner to make him and 8END I. P. Keen) ie l»ack from si bu&inesfc W H IC H IS A L W A Y S T H E C H E A P E S T C A T A LO G his pareulji feel good and grateful foi trip to Idaho. a long LinJe. A goodly number of his ueighboreand friends met at his home Grandma Buttrick, Mr«. Miller and Guthrie during the sickness of Miss commencement of work on the 8. A P , with axessaws and ent aides and after Mr«. Toiier have been quite sick. Zula Myer. C. railway. John promises us a live preparing* generous amount of tire Bethel will cdehiate Washington’* road hy May 1st. This is good news. weod, le d * purse of #38 us a comfor­ SUVER. birthday with a school entertainment. ter during his season of affliction. The snow was at one time two feet Mi** E l i el Frizzf Salem, has School closes this week. deep at Pulusous, above Teal’s mill, HI» W i f e Saved Him . been visiting the family of A. .VI. Hoi- but here h is not been over 8 inches at Not muoh damage was done by the My wifi s good advice saved my life one time. The rainfall far the present rain. write« F.M . Koss of Winfield. Tenne- year lo M inisi on the 14th has been A large crowd gathered nt the home see, for I had such a bad cough I could of P. 0. Sears Friday evening for n Stock and grain are in good condi­ 1C.36 inches. Had this all come as hardly bfeathe, 1 steadily grew worse social dauce. tion. snow it would have been about 14 feet deep. under doctor’« treatment, but my wife Prosperity will come only to those urged m» to use Dr. King's New Dis­ INDEPENDENCE. who get in and dig for it. covery for consumption, which com­ B U TLER . It is hard to find a house for rent. pletely 4ured me.’’ Coughs, colds, The rural mail gives neither men Mias Hattie Rowell from Flieridi a bronchitis, la grippe, pneumonia, asth­ R. D. Cooper is at the Sumpter nor boys any excuse for coming to is visiting relstivea here. ma, hay fever and all maladies of own. mines. chest, thiont auJ lungs are positively Mrs. Kuykendall started for her Fruit trees are full of buds that pro- ! home in Kastirn Oregon last Sunday. cured by this marvelous medicine. Miss Eunice Lemmon has been vis­ imse lots of big red apples if Jack j 0 ci nls nnd 91. Every bottle guar iting her brother, Eil, in 8alem. J B. Trullinger left here last week w Frost will only let them alone. anterd. Trial bottles free at M. D. E l­ | for Oicgon City, to see his sister who Miss Pattie Ceoper, Win. Barnett lis’ drug «lore There are too many chuck holes in j ia quite ill. »m l Mrs Burnett have been «ink. the roads and a man with much booze B RID G EPO RT. The waters were higher here last Asa Taylor runs a back to Mon­ aboard should not venture oil aur ! Sunday and Monday than they have Clarence I.ee has been visiting at mouth after the boats come in at oven - wriggling, shaky sidewalks. '[ been since tho high water 12 years ing. Aii lie. ago. EOLA. Waller Bird, of Oakdale, is a De­ Our dark streets aie a great incon- Quite a nine lime was had at the ques t visitor. veui< nee end many people are pray­ Sunday sehisil at 2:30. home of W . it. Ellis Junuary 2nd. A ing for light. Olho Bell lias gone to the moun­ Mrs. Beardsley is back from Port­ large crowd whs present and a good Sloper Bros. Inn i quit, delivering land. tains hunting. social time had hy all. A t midnight a milk over Ion n, Inking all their pro­ delicious lurch was served to which Mias Francis, of Dallas, lias resum­ duct to the creamery. The Shoemaker» havereturned from was done ample justice. ed her school after two weeks’ vaca­ their Santiam place. tion. SU N N Y SLO PE . S M ITH FIE LD . A river steamer was around Monday There is prayer meeting here every offering service as a relief boat. Leo Clark has been quite sick. John Hubbard, of North Y am h ill, Wednesday evening with David Critcii Mrs. Thacker has returned from j was here Monday. George Sullivan baa gone to Salom. low as t-laas leader. Turner, where she was nursing. Hnnry W h ile nnd wife have been Clarence Ireland lias bought a nev. W8 * e r r all pleased lo l«arn that Miss Mr. Brophy has a crew of men haul­ lisiling at the county scat. Effic Phitikingtnn has come to make piano. ing off logs and other things and rub- her home among us. Miss Vuda Farmer lias been over Jule Ferguson was out Ibis way tier boots are in demand. from Bellvne wiib her aunt, Mrs. last week. N. Chapin has rented Win. Ford'- The literary society is practicing for Hugh Farmer. hop yaid and will begin work as soon Fislibaek Bros, have cut 100 cords a necktie party St. Valentine’s even­ as llic weather will permit. of stove wood. G. W , Myer and wife, Joe, Jim and ing, the proceeds to be applied on W ill. Udell, Giorge Baumgartner, The young people bore gather to­ payment of school furniture. Mrs. Barnes, of Albany, is,iisit$ng WiB. Gilson, O r-ille Ceoper, Zulu, gether eviry Tuesday evening fora at Ihe home of her f-nlier, Allen There i- much dissati-faction over G o gie and Sadie Myer, John Qucr- a a-ial sing. the.last place being W. I.. Towns. our posh.Ilice being discontinued. A ing, Mary and David Retldekopp, Jes­ Frink’s. Miss Myrtle Conklin is 'eaebing at petition to the department to have it sie and Gladys Martin, Charlie Black, This is very had wea-h-r for goals remain ns at pres- nt is being numer­ W a ller Nichols, Archie Myer, Ora ami most of the farmeraare kept busy Rhodaharger, John Rimonton, Jasper ously signed. and Arthur Boyd stun attended a par­ slashing for them. A. M. Vassall ami Ilcxzie Brink had a dozen men get­ Milt. Grant have lost several. ty at the home of Mrs. Hastings Fri­ LOCA ting his slioep across the creek Sun­ day evening. and Nells H ill, Frances Brown, Gilbert il«)-, at the rapidly using water would C LIM A TIC Tyson, James Yoakum and C. L. Hill have taksn them off. John Holmes A IR L IE . Saturday evening pleasantly surprised iLu bail to go the relief of 1 1 ia cows. Nothing but a local cniedj'AJr change of cli- ft. It. Riggs, who is batching at prr- Miss Ollie Hastings is visiting iiate will cum The debating society bad a fine lit­ friends at Rainier. sent. CATAR RH erary programme Saturday evening T h o S p e c i f l c is and I lien the question us to whether Mr. Ni udel has Inst over 30 goats B eat Ont o f an In c re a s e of P e n s io n . i l y ’s Cream Balm teachers have more inUtiftire over llic past two mouths. A Mexican war vejsrnn and prom It In quickly absorbed • lieir pupils than do parents was dis- Oir«w relief at once, inent editor writes: “ Seeing Ills ad- Quite a lot of «icknee» in this ucck t open* nnd cleansed tin* uusaed. Mrs. John Holmes led the verlisemint of Chambetlain’s Colic, Nasal P.uuNgcs. affirmative and Miss Argyll- Jones tho of the woods the past two weeks. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. I am _____ Allays Influniation. negative, the decision being in favor The rural delivery failed to show up reminded that as a soldier in Mexico I cmhnine. Restores the Monday on account of washed out cul­ in '17 anti 48, I contracted Mexican Seneca ot Taste and .Smell. No injurious drug. Reg of the Utter. verts. diarrhoea and this remedy has kepi ular size, W) cents; Family size, ?sl or by mail. K LY BROTHERS, M Wanen Street,* New York. FALLS C ITY. me from getting an increase in mi Miss Fannie Bush took the motor pension for on every renewal « dose of Ira Mehrling has returned from a lait Saturday for Perrydale, where «lie it raamres me.” It is unequaled as a has employment. visit to his parents in Ohio. quiek cure for diurrhora and is pleas­ Mr. Delallay, of upper Soap Creek, ant ami safe lo take. ~ ~ sale by A. For Our esteemed citizen, John Em m ­ ett, has left us and a dance at the ho­ has been in this vicinity tho past few K. Wilson. days chasing coyotes. tel was given in his honor. PO PC O R N . The heavy rains and melting snow Iu lour days ending the 14th, at W illie Beal is quite tick with ty­ ■ unset, 9.71 inches of rain fell. This raised Ihe Lnckiamule to a higher § o r e Throat phoid faver. combined with the rapidly melting notch than it lias been for several Pneumonia snow has done lots of washing out of years. Atuinie Southwick has lost several Rheumatism roads and culverts. The big bridge goats lately. The mail wns brought up on the here was somewhat shaken hut is all Bronchitis hand car Monday evening, the motor M ix John Sykes lias been quite sick light. not caring lo tackle the water that Headache for two weeks, John Talbot has gone to Salem to was 18 or 20 inches deep on the track. Bruises A K flouthwick recently sold 25 meet Col. Wheat and a New York Jim Sabring and Koy Byerly killed Earache mutton sheep at $6 a head. capitalist to arrange for immediate 36 or 40 gophers on their bottom field N e u r a lg ia during the high water. E. W. Stasis One teacher, Mina Effle Clark, and Toothache FARM E11S, dispatched half aa many in his field Fred/Uibtnn are on the sick list. A T T E N T IO N ! adjoining. jO K Y c a Burns Rev. Morehead has been holding a ESITATE. Lumbago Mrs. E. Rose, of Monmouth, will protracted meeting at Ihe school I am tsk Croup house. ing nrders lor a- soon move lo this placs aud open a nntlier car load board and lodging house. Sho will Cuts Mrs Otis W ait has been spending a of woven wire mere into the McKisson house as V h yslcla n a u w th is M y sterio u s P » l n few days at Dixie with her mother, Cure In ih e li fa m ilies and prescribe It fencing at lower soon as t tsy move out. who is sick, In th eir practice. A t dru ggists. 50 cts. i than wholesale A. D. McKisson will move his fam­ J. W. Pheenicia and Harry McDow- \ G en tlem en : I n ever h e s ita te to a c k n o w l- j price on coast. ily lo Portland next week and make ed ge tho w o r th o f a good th in g, ! ell are at their mines in Southern Or - 1 flu en tly I do not h esita te to a c k n o w le d g e thal-place his future home. They that I h a v e g iv e n y o u r re m ed y a th o ro u gh i egon tliis winter. have lived nt this place for several teat, and h a v e fou n d It to b o a ll you cla.ro. R e s p e c tfu lly . years and we dislike to see them leave. There ii to be a bosket social at ths J. H. P U T N A M , M. D.. R u tla n d. V t 59 State street. Salem. scb.ad hou-e“ Jauuory 19th far ths I SCOTCH REMEDY COMPANY Mr, J, A. Johnson, who owns the benefit of tbs school. Each lady is t Westers Agency S A N PRANCI9CO old Fuller place, has 30 Japs at work expected lo bring a basket and each slashing brush. H e pays $2.60 an man is expected to do his duty in the acre and will have 500 sires slashed, way o! buying A aeneral good time j mostly on the part known as the Jew­ is expected and all are invited. ett place. SUGAR PRUNE So* CATARRH CO LD » « H E A D Don’t Rub It In. Scotch Remedy SALEM FENCE WORKS WALTER MORLEY, Prop. Missea Susie Branson and Myrtle Burgess, of Sheridan, are visiting Mrs : \V. W. Smith, WILSONS On account of high water onr teach er had to title to school Monday morn ing. K IND E PE ND E N CE . as»' — -— - — ■ Mice Maggie P omeroy ia back from lUllas. That). Stevens and bride arc at their new hum. on the W , W , Fawk place. Dr. Haney, of San Francisco, and Mr. West, of Dallas, have been visit­ ing here. . . . . . LOGAN BERRY.* XILLIiro a SMALL Rouiro SILO, the silage owing to lack of pressure. Wherever practicable the silo should have a depth of not lees than 24 feet, while more satisfactory results may be expected I f ft Is ten feet deeper. Make the silo walls smooth- A fter the Bllage Is placed In the pit It should settle evenly and easily. I f the walls are perfectly vertical and smooth, the creased to 294 and in 1880 was 3(59 P om ona C ra n g 9 M eeting. | conditions for settling will be favora­ The electoral vote being in proportion Thu met here hist Saturday after- ble. Where stone Is used, a coat of to the population, the foregoing tig- noon, inch of the subordinate grunge« water lime cement must be used to ures show iiow tepidly our country n l the county being represented, mid make a good surface. As silage con­ were culled in order by the master, .7. tains acid, this smooth surface will has grown. As a safeguard ngajnst, 0 . White. After n very interesting gradually become eaten and rough, so miscarriage of the vote of tiny stair, address by P. L. CitmpheU, of Men th at fr o m y e a r to y ea r, na uema nec­ in In e ting time m aybe expected, a« The silage w ill then slip down easily. Hclmiok, T A Ireland, J 11 Mulkey, filial arrai gnments « i l l he made lor a Have as few corners as possible. F 8 Powell, A / Ted row. two days farmers institute to he held Upon the thoroughness of the packing llucna Vi*la— W N Alexander, El* ; February 21st and 22ml, which it is usually depends the character of the lis Davidson, K N Hall, Peter Kurre, hoped will he most interesting and preservation. Most of the waste which R M M Get| r, logs In the mill pond and 25 men are able for common use. Even put on Cb'dfeller, William Cockle, Lyman busy as Is e> all day long eonv.i ting cold, If not too thick for rapid painting. Damon, R E Ferguson, U L Fraser, tit. logs into luinlier of sixes and It Is a superior preservative. Tar may .1 A Griggshy. L R Hill, W slla.e lengths to suit orders. 1 »s’ Satur­ also he thinned with gasoline without Hunt ley, 8 B Irvine, O M Jones, H day night’s great Hood nod «mined a the use of beat As gasoline rapidly B K« lso, J E Kirkland, W W Perci pile of lumber and caused som . 20,- evaporates Into a gas which is very In­ vii I, L T Price, 8 B Walker, George A 000 feet to float away, hut most of it flammable much care should be used. The Illustrations, from publications Wells. lodgn! some distune, down the creek Luekiaraute— J I) Bevent, Lewis and wdl he recovered. The high wa­ of the Wisconsin station, give an Idea Edwards, J M (»rant, John Ground ter, did not groat damage to their of the appearance and method of filling R A Hastings, D M Hewitt, Ira Hcok dams and but few log« were lost. They a round silo and explain In a measure er, A A idudeman, F W Lauglmry, J will find no irouble in telling nt good the process of constructing a silo of K Psgetl, John Ritner. I M Himpson prices all Ihe lumber they can cut for this kind. Fig. 1 shows a method o f laying and leveling the foundation. A W W Smith, F M Smith, Kol.cn Tar months to Come. Is a center post with top level with top tor, Jo in Taylor, F M Waters, M il). ------- ------------------ o f proposed wall. B B are straight edge Turner, W K Williams, J W Yost. Dallas W o olen Mill. Bridgeport— C L Barnhart, John J Cutter Bros. A Walker are having boards nailed to stakes driven In the Brown, W J Burns, J M Card, Sam the machinery and appliances put in ground. 0 Is a piece o f straight edge uel A Davis, W L Frink, R R Riggs. good condition ami expect to be able timber fixed to turn on a pin at A. B B W H Scott, D Shepard, F T Shut®, to resume operations by the 1st of are all nailed level with top o f post A. Fig. 2 shows the construction. The W N Yea ter, I F Yoakum. February, »red. Carter is now in the F*lla C ity— Frank ButUr, J J Col metropolis looking into the advisahili sills are 2 by 4 Inches In two foot sec­ well, Ira Foreman, Harvey Gage, O ty of using crude oil instead of wood tions, with the ends cut on the slant o f K Leet, II E Starr, J 8 Talbot, S H ns fuel. Their «ample* era now on a radius o f the silo circle. These should Tetherow, G M Tiot», E G White, G W display in New York, whore a n a ly­ be sawed out with much care. A fter being bedded In mortar they may be Hielarth sate can be found for all the cloth and R«. k (/r«ek— Clarence Aikman, M blankets they can make. The mill toenallcd together. The plates are the same, spiked to top of studs, which are E Hayes. will soon again he a hive of indust'V Hilt Lake— P W Flanery, 1) N Kee- and cause the distribution of many a 3 by 4 lncbea, a foot apart. Short gi, I) 1 a Key*, K F Hargeant, B M dollar in Dallas Webb. Jackson— G H Ball, Cyrus Blair, OAK CROVK. Cyrus Buell, F O Byerlev, Felix Com Rev. Morehead will preach on next tgys, J L (»uttry, M Michelbook, R A Sunday. Porter, J C Byron. Douglas— N M Dickey, J Petty Three members will be initiated in john, Wm Payne, Wilds Bowel 1, C C our grange next Saturday. Scroggin, T B Stone, L M Wulhice, C The eighth grade in otir school s J llnssey, Henry Olmsted. McCoy— Edward Bell, Wm. But- preparing for Anal examination in trick, J J Finn, C 1 a Hawley, C O February. Merritt, I P Reeve, G W Richards, Cuss Riggs, G A Shields. Spring Valiev— S II Barker, Ira Burley, F I* Caldwell, W O Cooper, A H Coyle, W B Duncan. L R Green, E C Higgius. Tims Jennings. W C L«w is, John Phillips, K W Pur vine. E K Robbins, J R Shepard, O C Wait. Kola— J W Edgar. J II Fletcher, E O n e P ric e OREGON NURSERY COMPANY wood for which M cKinley received 212 ami Bryan 155. When the constitutional Mill Creek ia higher than it lias convention met in 1787 none of its been for several years. members favored a president being School will begin here next Mon­ chosen by direct vote. Several plans day with Pearl Leonard as teacher. were discussed and tried, the present Alice Oov, of Butler, whs has been one being finally adopted. The idea visiting friends has returned home, was that less worry and friction would Mill Creek has washed through Mr. result from the method pursued. In Yarrow's farm, cutting about a fi.tj 178/j there were only 91 presidential foot channel ami taking logs and trees electors, by 1810 the number bad in­ onto his grain (laid. i & SON. Our school closes on January I8lli. D*. Miles 9 Net vine chiej clerk of the house, Miss Lillian llucUl'‘inan, of Dallas, was chosen as E H am it, Robert Glenn, A C Leabo, a stenographer, and E. E. Robbins, of Ed Loose, H R McDowell,C L Pearce, Spring Valley, is a committee clerk. J W Phoenicia, J H Plum. J F Shaf­ In I he appointment of senate com­ er, A R Southwick, John Sykes, A n­ drew Vorcler, A M Vernon, T W mittees there was evident unfairness Warm. for the evident purpose of favoring Rickreall— I A Allen. N S Burch, political friends and setting down on Ray Fawk, H C Fox, E L Harris, L political enemies. (Senator Mulkey H Knowles, Fred Kuser, R F Lne, Manly Martin, J VV Morrison, J VV was planed on four committees, three Morrison, J W Rogers, S T Smith, E of them of but little consequence. A St*nson, M F White. Dallas— J A Baxter, C W Black, S Both ho and Senator Daly who have had *o much to do with educational W Blessing, James Boydstcn, T 8 Brewn, J M Buford, J W Caldwell, R ailairs, were left off of the important L Chapman, O E Dennis, W R Howe, educational committees. Mulkey can VV H Kraber. G F McBee, Plato Me be slighted blit he cannot he squelch­ Fee, W P Miller, A B Mmr, G VV My er, J R Robbins, J W Robinson, G P ed. flelby, G F Shew, S R Smith, Jacob Smith, G VV Siarr, O c ir Taylor, J M T he presidential electors met at the Wilson, Newton Woodward, T D PI i • various state capitals Monday and cast lips, C E Schrotder. R. E . b ^ Y A M Clarence HaniiB»n is learning the An U nequalled and C om plete Ho printers trade in the Enterprise office, sum o nf W h at Your Frlonds are Curt. Cooper is over from Washing- and Have Bean Lately Doing. I leu visiting his puren’ s, Harbin Coop- ! or and wife. ANTIOCH. C. W . Fulton of Astoria as president soothes and rests the tired brain, strengthens the nerves and supplies the nerve influence that is so neceaaary to of the senate ami L. B. Reeder of Um­ build up health of body and vigor o f mind. T ry i t atilla eounty as speaker of the house U k * M il e s M e d i c a l C o ., Elkhart, Ind. A, V. R. Hnyder got to be assistant Sold by druggists on guarantee. i ¡ S Ü ' b S í * " "” ” l! m , body. It makes them strong or weak, healthy or dis according as the brain and nerves are strong and vigorous weak and diseased. Weak nerves cause headache, nervousn neuralgia, indigestion, heart trouble and many other forms chronic weakness. Make the nerves strong, the brain clear a active and the body will be healthy and vigorous. V V . A .. W A S H , J Jake Fetter and wife, of Dixie, have been among their friends here. W HAT THEY HAVE TO SAY ABOUT THE DOINGS IN THE COUNTY. Is < r-.iviRu R vkkv P kio a T M oh . h s u A t 7:30. T hk legislature met Monday snd promptly organized by the election of O D E S T A F F O F R E S TL E S S - „ Boin te th- wife of George Crowley, ; s daughter. fa r ** * * Mrs Harbin Cooper fell and broke 1 her left arm. A number of yotittg people gather, no. L LBvn.is-u rot’ XDATKnt — no. n. MBTgOD or oom-rauemn. ed anil gave Mia. Nellie Williamson a Mrs Cedie Gentry ia staying with pleasant surprise party Tuesday e\rn- lengths o f stoda may be used lapped to Mrs Rnrton. get the depth. Slxteens and fourteen! ' i' I will give a silo 30 feet deep. I.Inlags Miss Nora Wood it WorkawE at the ■ ■ « • «■........... are made from fenelng sawed to give Li lie P.iLce hotel. The America i Angora Coat Breed ene-half Inch In thickness; outside era Aasnciatioii witli In-adqt'art.ra at sheathing the same; siding for silos un­ Miss III niche I'hilLpe is «layin g in Kansas City, has appointed If. A. der 28 feet, outside diameter, common town lo altsnd scl»*d. Grant, of Dallas, inspector fo rth « slat, siding, rabbeted. For diameter over 38 Jcf, Mstney is cp fn m C-H«age of Oregon. A ll desiring lo enter feet outside common drop siding er G rove visiting his mother. their high grade slot k should apply to ship lap may be used.—C. & Flush. Foreel Kindi and wife have been - him. among Salt Creek friends. I i CELERY — ANI>— DANDELION W ill give strength t*» the nerves »m l re­ store the liver »nd kidney* to a healthy iundition give tone to the »tonwwh end bowel*, »nd promote » g»»od appitit* healthv digestion; will relieve eonetipa- tion, purify the Wood »m l nuke » he»l thy biniv with » clear ekln. That tired feeling will tears ymi and tlerp will he reelfsl. A t Wlleon’edrng etore, UdUs. ¥ H -M -M-4-M -+4-4-4-4-M-4-4--M- P h o to­ g ra p h ic Sup­ p lie s . P F E N N IG , Jeweler and Optician. 1 Next door u£T\ O., Pallas. A lively wolf c-ha.se was participated in by a good number of the bays a few days ago. It was finally crippled by Everett Steals and the dogs soon dia- patrhrd him. During the chase. J. M. Slants Inst a hat. Jobny Hastings a new silk muffler, Bill W illiam * broke both stirrup strap«, Dclatly had toe horn knocked off hit (addle, J. O. Stasis and Sum. Heatings' horses gava out and Clare Stasis lost his canteens that were filled with pitch wood and dinner for two. —0 ------ A t the »tat« poultry «Imw Robinson Bros, look pramitiiun uq Imiian Knu* ner ducks, v. It t»* H y mouth Rock ro<»#- ter, barred Hym ot.tli Rock hen. Brown I/eghorn pullet and cockerel •nd tied for second premium on Ply­ mouth Rock cockerel.