L. N. WOODS. M. D. Physician and Surgeon, Dalla«, Oregon. 1 V- B EM8HEE, M 0 DALLAS, - OREGON Office over Wilaoi.’» ilrug «tore. J K. Sl.LKY, II. C. S IB L E Y A E A K IN , A t t o r n e y n - n l-1 jtiw . W«t h *v e tho o n ly net o f a tM tru * |*>oka in l*olk u n n ly . IL-liable a .¿tra ct* fu rn u iie d , and Uiotiey to •jan. No coium aai »n ch arged on loana. ltoo m * 2 nd 3 W ilaon’a b lo ck . I »alias J . L. COLLINS, attorney and Counselor at Law, N o lle lto r in i ’l i a i i r f r y , i 1 m been in p ra ctice o f hie p rofessio n in th ia place oi ab o u t th irty y e a rs, and will atte n d to all huaii cae u tru ated to bin • a r e . Office, co rn e r Main and C ou rt ta 0*1 las, Polk C o, O r J. H. T ownhkni ) J N. II akt TOWNSEND A HAITI’ , ATTORN EYS-A 7 -LAV/. Office ipstairs in Oilil Fellow*’ new block. o m ia o n . D A I .L JL S , T Î 10 ITLid Y o :i IIu v o A lw a y s E » t :g lif, un J v/Xticli li.i.; b e e n lu u se f o r o v e r SO y e a rs, lia s b o r n e tlio slp n a ln ro o f a n d lifiS bce'ii m a d e u n d e r 3 . 1 s p e r ­ so n a l su p erv ision sin ce its in fa n cy . • ^ A llo w ,;o o -io t o d e c e iv e y o u in th is. A ll C o u n te r fe its , Im ita tion s a n d “ J u s t -a s -^ o o d ” a re b u t E x p e r im e n ts th a t tr ifle w ith a n d e n d a n g e r th e h ea lth o f In fa n ts a n d C h ild ren —E x p e r ie n c e a g a in st E x p e rim e n t. W h a t Is C A S T O R IA C o s to rin is a h a rm less su b stitu te f o r C a stor O il, P a r e ­ g o r ic , D r o p s a n d S o o th in g S yru ps. I t Is P lea sa n t. I t co n ta in s n e ith e r O p iu m , M o rp h in e n o r o th e r N a rcotic su b s ta n ce . Its a g e is its g u a ra n te e . I t d e s tro y s tV orins a n d allays F ev e ris h n e s s. I t cu re s D ia rrh oea a n d 'W ind C olic. I t re lie v e s T e e th in g T r o u b le s , c u r e s C on stip a tion a n d F la tu le n cy . I t assim ila tes th e F o o d , reg u la tes tiro S to m a ch a n d B o w e ls , g iv in g h ea lth y raid n a tu ra l sleep. T h e C h ild re n ’ s P a n a c e a —T h e M o th e r 's F r ie n d . C E H U IN E C Â 3 T Ü R ÏÂ ALW AYS Bears the Signature of OSCAR H A Y TJ3R . A tto r n e y a t-L a w . tU M Office upstairs in Ciini|ib IV * buiM- illg. DALLAS • The Kind You Have Always Bought OREGON. N. L. UUTLKU. In Use For Over 30 Years. Atto rney-at-Law , T T MMttriflAV • T V t f T , N t W W H t C T V . IM M Ifflg W M DALLAS, OREGON. Will practice in all cousis. A . .1 , J . M A K T I N , ir* A I N T E R , D ali .* « . hik I pajier hinging. - - The recent distress on tl sout h west­ ern raitktt’S 1 a lo» u uit of »roi’- crowd'nfr and t E e w B r u ?tlon of sources of water supply, says The Na­ tional Stockman. A drought of any length 'wings about a w ter famine which la even more distressing than n scarcity of forage. The foreit reserves, the natural sources of water, have been destroyed, the pastures have been over- taxed and thinned out. And now cat- tie are being shipped out r Air ie - 7 :‘>0 a m 3 50 I» m Lcavos M onmouth fo r Dall i»— 11:*) % ui 7 :3 ‘ pm I .caves \irlle fo r M onm outh an d In Je|M? idem «— 9:0.1 a in 5 p m Lraves Dallas f o r .'I ».i nm l » v i Cu.U e .ilji » :« — 1:00 p in __ B. K. WTi.l i \> i h I 'l- e a n l H i t . U ALLAS OF ( 'u a l i i e r . CITY DALLAS, HANK OREGON, I’ransacfs a general Wan king ou«i- iirss in all its liranches; buys ami »ell* eAcliatttte on prim ipaJ immii I h in ilie Uniteci States ; makes c«»llectioii 8 on all points in the Pacific Northwest; loan» money ami discounts paper at the best rates; allow interest on time deposit«. ( v is it DR. JO RD AN ’ S o m a t I1 MUSEUM OF MATSMYf m i 1 I t i ET &T., I l l FBUCIXCO, CAL. The «.u atn esio il M u w s a 1« th e W o ild . U e.ik n esse» •» any «-■•«tracteri d i» ea « e y e s i i l v r l y r e r s i i>y th e o ld e s t h p ecia iN t on th e C o a s t H»« j 6 y e a rs . I T h u rsto n T H U R S T O N B R O S ., ’ I • wrJei---- I1« «» ___ . . esilarante \ I DR . ) ‘ n $ W h ite r T h a n LUMBER JO R D A N * . C O ., « O S I M a r k s t S t . , fß. F . Botli rough and dressed material on hand and orders any size promptly filled. F. H. MUSC0TT, TRUCKMAN. D a lla s : O rep o n A fair «hare of patronage solicited and all o-dera promptly filled. of UPPER SALT CREEK SAW M IL L M A R T IN BROS., PROPRIETORS. All kind* of rough and dressed lumber on hands or cut to order. 2 0 0 ,0 0 0 F?et ¡n Jtoclj. a S h ir t. Inventors have a power of abstrac­ tion which serves them a good turn on aome occasions and Is liable to betray them Into strange statementa on oth­ ers. “So you think you’ve perfected your little machine at last, do you?” asked the lawyer of his dreamy eyed client. “Yes; It’s all right now. There’s not a flaw In It,’’ said the Inventor. “But I can assure you, sir, that when It came to making the final test I was fright­ ened. I happened to sec my face In a mirror when the thing was safely over, nnd It was as white as your shirt, sir. In fact,” he added, bending an Impar­ tial gaze on the lawyer’s shirt front, “It was whiter- considerably whiter, I should say.”—Youth's Companion. Slab wood for cook stoves or harvest engines at 50 cents! a load. — *1.1. K IR I)« o r — IRON WORK TO ORDER- Repairing Promptly Done. ED. BIDDLE, - FR 3 F. A writer In the London Live Stock Journal deecrtbee whet he celle the eofitedP your mouth ? And does your food distress you ? A e you nervous and ir­ ritable? Do you often have the blues? And are you troubled about sleeping? ------ . i n urraaer snoum undo toe Doer bit etrep, slip the bridle gently orer bis heed, stand exertly opposite hi* near shoulder end fondle him gen­ tly with the hand and encourage him by kind word*. Thlt le the o n lj position close to a horse of absolute safety. No colt can strike the breaker either from before or behind, no matter how hard be tries, nor can be run away If his neck Is bent end the position maintain­ ed. He mnat fasten all the bridle straps properly, then dtp the two first fingers of the right band Into the colt's month at the aide behind bla front teeth. At > years of age he baa no toshes and cannot possibly bite the fingers In this position. He mast place the fingers over the colt's tongue, then , near the hearthstone of the house of his father. Deacon Jabez Alford. Weeks passed, and the thrifty young Jabez went to get his hidden treasure. He could not find It. His father, mother, sisters and brothers all truly declared they had not seen the penny. “I’U find It If It takes me the rest of my life!” cried the earnest Jabez. The old Alford homestead Is being demolished. Jabez, now aged, but still thrifty, liaB been on hand looking for his penny. When the floor was remov­ ed from around the hearthstone, there, Imbedded In dust, was the penny. Than y o u r I Iv o r tm m il w ro n g . But ther is a cure. ’Tis the old reliable A n E y e F o r th e B ea u tifu l. MOtnVTAIK BID CLOVXB. ■ P illé They act directly on the liver. They cure constipation, biliousness, sick headache, nausea, and dyspepsia. Take a laxative dose each night. For 60 years years they have been the Standard Family Pills. Price 25 cents. All OroKflst*. “ I have tak en A y er’s r i l l s regu ­ larly fo r s ix m onths. They have cured m e o f a sev e re headache, and I can now w alk from two to four m iles w ith o u t g e ttin g tired o r o u t o f b re ath , som eth in g 1 have n o t been ab le to do fo r ni^uy years.” 8. E . W a i . w o r k , J u ly 1 3 ,1»99. Salem . M ass. li T f you have anjr complaint whatever at ,1 desire the best medical advice you ■ u possibly receive, write the doctor : *;ely. You will receive a prompt re- - y I »aUKim» «—». AiWr*-««, D k . J . C. A Y ER , Lowell, Mass. 1 | , , ! ! ! % A P P L E SA C K . C n u T e iil-a t W hen P ic k in g nnd K n ip tle s W lt h o n t B r n ts ln a r A p p le s . FIs, 1. i i | ' C om p an y P R O P R IE T O R S , D A L L A S , O R E C O N . — D EA LER S IN ALL K IN D S n F ---- OR. JORDAN—DISEASES OF MEN# MYrail.lM thorouv’hly eradicated , ) frow system without of atetrwwry. ’ T * < < a ses fin e d h y s a E i p s t L R a i l » a s I e a s e « lo r R a y l e r s . A q u ick a a d r a d ic a l c u re f«n r i l ^ , W l a a e r e and r i a t w l v . liy D r J o r d a a ’t » p e d a l pain- le t« M ethod s. a fr e e n ad strl<-ttw pHwate. T r o t m w u per- s o n a i'y a nr r b y la tte r . A /‘»•.'fi-fl Cttra in « v e ry t soaai’y a a 4 t n > k « a . W r i i t for It-*ok P B I I O M O r a T m i « i N I A C E . M AILüD P K KM. ( A a a lu a h ' badi L u m b er Fln d ln s s L e s s Lest Peaay. Jabez Alford of Wlnsted, Conn., bunted for a penny for G3 years. He found It recently Just whero he bid it. It Is of the mintage of 1818. It Is the first peuuy Jabez ever earn­ ed. He was 10 years old. The copper; the foundation of the fortune he dreamed of, looked very big Indeed to Pain back o f y o u r eyes? Heavy pressure in your head? And are you sometimes faint and The apple sack represented Is de­ scribed by Kansas Farmer ns an Im­ provement hy Judge Wellhousc, a fu- milinr authority In fruit circles, on an­ other western maD's Invention. It will C o -o p e ra tio n F o r S eceess. bold a half bushel o f apples and la car- We should like to ace the stock of > every fair association In the country ] scattered out lu smalt blocks among the representative fanners, breeders and business men of the community. ! pays The National Stockman. Then they would all have Home direct per­ sonal Interest In making the fair a . success, and they would do It too. | Wherever the malingers of * fair have the good will ami help of a community i which la proud of Its fair we find a i clean. Instructive and successful eabl- | bltlon. Fair managers as a rule are anxious to give the public clean fairs, but they cannot do It without such «a.» public support ns will keep them “out j kf the bole” tlnam-lully. S 30 • m. R. C. CRAVEN HEADACHE O v f r t a t i t i * ( h r II 'i « e e VEHICLES AND IGMCOLTUML IMPLEMENTS. O rrook , . * — . . . u ,,lf . As sood us the colt Is-bridled aad bit­ ted the surcingle shouW be strapped lightly round him. Tbs preaker should avoid drawing suddenly;-it first, or the pressure may startle lfm and cause ! him to kick and throw li,mu. if down. The neat thing la to pl*»-‘ the rupper beneath ids tall. T ill, |s soeonipllslied by standing wall forw i i at the uear side of. tbj, ,It aivi v b*wr bla tall quTeny 'Trough- l h «. c\cr should be sure that all tlte loose hair is through the loop. Notllug will uiske a colt kick sooner than ,y leaving some of the nalr at the root of the tall out­ side the crupper, for when the pressure comes upon It It will alp his dock and Induce him to kick ard throw himself about In all dlrecttoia. The crupper should be fixed to the turclngle, taking care not to draw It to* tightly. After this the breaker shoulc take the end of the halter, which shouH always be left on the head of the colt beneath the bri­ dle, and bring It tliroigb between bla fore legs and tie It list too tightly to the surcingle. After a little practice In this manner the side reins should be placed upon him very loosely, the near rein being fixed to thi off ring of the surcingle, and vice versa It Is a good plan to turn the colt Into a large open court, wheif he cannot get fast In any way, and allow him to roam about of his ow n accord. In this way he will soon lieglt to champ and work the bit, and the uore he works It his mouth will be the more evenly made. The bit should le slightly bent, with three small keys tuspended from the center. The bend In the bit pre­ vents the colt making bis mouth un­ equal, as It Is linpos8ltle for him to pull entirely on one slie of It, while the loose action of the k*ys Induces him to work the bit more fr*ely. The keys should not be too loug, or they will come between Ills fruit teeth, which may give him a bad habit of tossing up his head In future. Some colts arc Inclined to sulk on th« bit at first, but In time ttiey will gener­ ally work It quite freely. The break­ ing tackle should not remain upon the eolt more than a cou|Je of hours at first, and the time should gradually be Increased as the breakli g -iceeds. high altitudes. Some of them are too rare and others too small to be of much value for forage, but the ma­ jority are valuable, and four or five are of sufficient Importance to warrant careful experimentation as to their pos­ sible use as cultivated crops. From their appearance and thrtftlness under natural conditions or In Irrigated na­ tive meadows It would certainly seem probable that several of them would prove of great value for cultivation, especially In the higher altitudes, where alfalfa and the common clovers canuot be successfully grown. Mountain' red clover Is one of the most robust growing native sorts found In the Rocky mountain region. The flower heads are large and showy, and the leaves are composed of from flve to seven leaflets Instead of three, as Is the case with the other clovers of the region. It produces stout, deep growing roots and lias ninny other qualities commending It to the atten­ tion of the experimenter. It Is most widely distributed on the west side of the continental divide.—T. A. Williams. WfHm thm D octor. PER R Y C A LD W ELL — D E A L E R IN— House, sign unii ornamentai, grain tug. kulsoining NO. 5. D A L L A S , O R E G O N , F R I D A l ? , J A N U A R Y 18 , 1901. VO L. X X V II. _ - There's y r no reflection *o ,c dainty, no light ao^Yp charming as the mellow glow that com es from M R l I I i r a BIT. Insert tbs thumb and press It gently on the nerve centers of bis lower Jaw. In nearly all cases he will yield at once and will suffer hi* mouth to be opened quite wide. The breaker should take the bit In the left hand, still keep­ ing the right Ungers in the c d f * month, slip It gently through hi* teeth Into his mouth, attach It to the side ring, then withdraw the fingers, and ( tb* whole matter is aecnmiHisiieO wito- i CORDOVA Wax Candles! PfapfifsH In m tfif rotor tifitfi to harmonic« with m r ronmiinga in d ln l« _ r o - n , dr*w in* r > owa b»d room "T hall SaWT , i STsfjwhsr« M*d« l»f À A PPLE P1CKIRO SACK. tied In front of the picker, being sus­ pended from hia shoulders by straps. The body of the sack Is made by cut­ ting heavy cotton two bushel grain sacks In such a way that the flap hanging below In the Illustration (Fig. 1) Is cut opposite to a similar flap, thus making two of these picking sacks from one two bushel sack. A heavy steel wire curled Into a book at each end is sewed around the mouth of the sack, excepting that the apace between the books shown as coming against the picker’s body Is left va­ can t there lielng nothing between the hooks hut the cloth of the sack. The suspenders are fastened perma­ nently at the back aod are crossed on the Individual's hack, brought over the shoulders, and each has a ring In the end which Is hocked Into the curved wire, as shown, thus suspending the sack to the picker. The bottom of the sack av shown In Ftg. 1 Is open snd contains two rings at the bottom. These rings are connected when In use to hooks at upper front rim of the sack, aa shown In Fig. 2, where the picking sack Is ready for business. When fall, the picker lowers the sack Into the box or barrel, unhooks the flap, and the apples gently slide from the bottom of the sack luto the package, thus preventing all bruise*, {’resident Wellhouse has made 27 of these seeks for use this year. F n r s s * P le a ts F o r R ic h A ltltoS aa. B o n n e te d H o rse s. While men are discarding their coats snd women, are shying at hats and gloves, horses seem Inclined to put on headgear. With some reserve Is given tlie rumor that “all horses go bonnet­ ed In London this summer, from the dray horses to the fashionable steeds which draw broughams In the park,” yet In New York city may be scon an occasional animal made comfortable with a large simile hat which appears to he affixed to Its head by the simple process of sticking the cars through the hat. A f t e r t h e O u tline. Ilpr father produces lift notebook, With a very ifni look in hit eye, And he figure* and figure* and figure* Nor pauaca except for a algh. And lilt beautiful daughter beside him, With beauty and wit all aglow, Ne’er dreams as the tenderly watche* That ahe ia the cauae of Ida woe. They arc back from their haunt* for th* summer, And he And*—but bears up like a man— Veil dollar, a piece paid for trec-klei Asd s hundred per aiusre Inch for U s - —Waehinston fltsft R o ss R aeon s. Coming Into bloom at the same time with the rhododendron, the Rosa rugosa puts In a claim for the prize of beauty. It would be hard to decide, for a hush 0 or 8 feet high Is an Im­ pressive sight The rhododendron may plead Its evergreen leaves as adding to Its flowering clnlms—on the other hand the bright red haws, which In the fall the Rugosa rose displays, may he a fair set off to the plea of the beautiful evergreen.—Meehan's. Sewing a# a bnsines* is *n exacting and exhausting jeeupntiou. Long hours, fine work, poor light, unhealthy atmosphere —these are only some of the tilings which fret the nerves and hurt the gen­ eral health. Often there is a diseased condition of the womanly organism which causes backache or headache and the working of the sewing machine under such conditions is akin to torture. Thousands of i omen who work Live written grate- ul letters to Dr. li.V. Pierce, whose 1 Favorite Prescrip. ■ion ’’ hat cured their womanly ills and established I he i r g e n e r a l health. "Favorite Prescription ” es­ tablishes regular­ ity. dries un­ healthy and offen- I five drains, heals inflammation and j al iteration, and ;:ures female weak­ ness. I t makes weak women itrong anil s i c k women well. Sick women are invited to consult Dr. Pierce by letter f r r e , and so avoid the indelicate questionings, offensive ex­ aminations and obnoxious local treat­ ments deemed necessary hy some pliysi- i cians. All correspondence private. Ad­ dress Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. « 1 *ake g e n t p1e**tire in recom m ending I>r. p ie rce '* Favorite p rescription fdr fem ale weak- I t ie * * " w rite* Mr*. ftu*annah Ferm en ter, of Paul* (More. S helby Co.. T e x * * I w m tronblcd i w ith be*ring-«lown p *in * in tn r hark , *n d hip* f-»r *ix year*, and wrote to Dr. Pierre for advice. I tried hi* Favorite Prescription and *4x bottle* cored me I feel lik e a new per boo and I th a n k Dr Pierce for my health Life i* « , burden to any one without health, f have told a great m any of my friend* about th e great ! m edicine I took * The eastern Rocky mountain region Is well supplied with Dative leguminous Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical plants, many of which srs of great I Adviser, in paper covers, is sent fret on value for bay and pasturage. j receipt of xi one-cent stamps to psy The native clovers are found chiefly expense of mailing only. Address Dr. la the mountains and at comparatively I R. V. Pien;e, Buffalo, N. Y. In many parts of the great west—In Wyoming, Montana, the Dakotas, etc. —there are colonies of ants which col­ lect from a considerable distance many little stones of about a uniform size and put these on the outside of their ant hills. Some of these little pebble stones they get from the Inside of their bouses as they burrow, but most of them they collect from the surface of the land near hy. Teeth also of field mice and gophers or other small ani­ mals they bring to the outside of these ant hills, and if Indians camp near them the ants pick up for the same purpose al) the little heads dropped by the squaws. After the Indian camp lias broken up and moved away many Indian beads can usually be found on the outside or tlie ant hills. Wide nwnke naturalists never fall carefully to examine these hills for various specimens that the ants have found and used to decorate their homes.— Youth's Companion. T tiou aht T h e y heeded P e rsu a sion . Small Willie was spending a few days In the country, and one morning, after Intently regarding a pan of foam­ ing milk for some time, be asked, “Grandma, where do the cowa get their in ilk 7” “Where you get your tears, I sup- l>ose,” she replied. Willie looked puzzled for a moment, then said, “Do you have to use your slipper on the cows, grandma?” A L n lla b y . A magpie «at on the fronty ahed Shrieking in spiteful glee. “ If baby’s not good today,'* It eaid, “ She ahall taste of the birchen tree.” “ Oh, naughty magpie!” baby replied. •‘Pray, sing not so of me. For I have been good nnd have not cried. Bo need not the birchen tree.” Baby ahall have a wagon of gold. And in it she oft shall ride, A little whip in her band shall hold And crack it on every aid*. ■ Of cows and calve« the baa quite a atore. And of fowls nnd ducks and pigs; Of serving men and maid* she’s a score. With cat« and doga, all merry i.a griga. Mother’s own little crow Out for a ride would go, t But found no one to drive her. This way, that way, tha carriage would pitch. Backward, forward and down tn tha ditch. VIGOROUS PIGEON STOCK. ------------ m How One B reed er M nlntsiln* T h is E s­ s e n tia l to Sneceaa. My experience of 20 years’ breeding plgeonH lins taught me that one of the main points to keep In view Is health and vigor. There are two kinds of weakened nnd run down stock. Oye Is on account of Improper inntiug nnd In­ breeding, which will take years of careful inatlug and crossing to bring hack. The other la on account of lwfing Improperly kept. Will give my experi­ ence how I brought buck to vigor a flock of pigeons that were run down on account of overfeeding and lack of ex­ ercise, which I got front a funder who had become discouraged, not knowing how to handle them, as up to July he had only nine young from ten pairs that Bcason. I treated them as fol­ lows: I put them In a loft with an outsldo aviary, covered the loft floor with sand one-half an Inch deep, let the birds get quite hungry, and then the first thing In the morning I scattered wheat all over llic loft floor. This soon got them to digging over the sand with their bills. I let them exercise about an hour In this way and then let them out In the aviary, where I kept water anil fhe necessary grit. In the evening I gave them a fair meal In the aviary, but not all they would eat. At first they would get Into the loft as soon as possible after being fed, and I put a stop to tills by dosing the loft. This got them to exercising trying to get In, and In a few days they commenced fighting for a place on the drop hoards while »he loft was dosed. This was Indeed evidence of new life. After about ten days I gave them entire lib­ erty by keeping them hungry, and I soon got them accustomed to get their feed on the ground quite a distance from tlie loft and their wnter In the op­ posite direction ns far from loft. In this way I got them to exercise consid­ erable anil soon commenced to Increase their feed gradually, until at last gave them a full meal at night, aud soon “pouter* commenced to point and fana to fan,” ete. I got them through molt nicely snd the next season bred a lot of fine healthy young from them. I do not wish to leave th* Impression that this I* the only way to bring bird* up to condition, hut consider this way easy snd simple for birds that are run down on aceonnt of overfeeding aad lack of exerrlee. - 1 L A. Mai the*. ,