Polk County itemizer. (Dallas, Or.) 1879-1927, December 28, 1900, Image 1

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> * a
V O L . X X V II.
cnu» i t . tu m -aq» »7; Howard. TO;
McCook. IS). P. .i
T; When dm, OT:
Forsyth. *>; S ir i-
1; Ibilrd, 78; D.
8. Stanl.’ V, 7i’ t 'i * "ii; Bradley, T8;
Carr, 00: Lung, Ci
Colohel John
Green la 76, ami MKJur T. I. Eckcrsoti
la TO. Only 28 p*- cent of tbe total
number af ofhcers i • * the retired list
are graduate* of VVi at Point Twelve
per cent we
,(*• » ' d from the ar­
my, and >18 i-
were appointed
from d vl!
__ d Oregonlau.
Physician and Surgeon.
IW lUi. Oregon.
F o r In fa n ts nnú C l i l d rcn.
OtttiM over VVildui.e »Irutf Nl«»re.
Tfca K!::J Y d H p
- Atwcys C o u j ì ;
Bears the
¥ U R U iy
A H o r n o , ) K - n t- I- iU - W e
\V* w *
*»t *»f ¡Aft? vet book« lu Ptilk
• tolt+* le furm»l»ml. * ih I ttmmtf to
ji. No coimu «at »1» cuarged on h*im. Keoui» ”
« J Wlbo«'» l«k'u*. 1 >•)!■*
J. L. COtiliINS.
Utorney and Counselor at Law,
«• lle llo r im CIsaMeerf
''Ian beeu in pmoUcti of IfM (fofwNioti lu
II atUiml to all uiuurt*»
«toriior Malu ami Conn
»b ou t tliirtir year«,
»tru*L#1 t>* bin *«••* Gl
i O
ulta*. l O v Oo, Or
J H. T ow nhknp
J N. I I a iii
T O .V X S E H D *
Ortlcf ipsU.il« ill Odd Fellows’ li*->
t> V X . L A 8 .
___________ •__ .----- . ________________ _
o s c i a
Us r
For Over
th irty Years
Aperteci Remedy forConaiipa-
rion. Sour Stomach, Diarrlioca
Worms .('onvulsioits.Fewrish-
ness ami LOSS OF SLEEK
k a y r esl .
A .tto r n e y - a t- J L a w .
OlHcr lip stairs in Cnitpb II’ * build
'« •
D A L L tS
Facsimile Siflnnluie of
¿ *i~
Y D T IK .
N. L. l iU r i KK.
Attorney-al Law
M A R T IN ,
— l)B*!,KR IN—
j .„ immuiil
- !.
« *iit!
• ,
h k iio s
D -A . I
X a .S ,
O ü F tE O O IS ,
[<>t Moumouth ami Yirlio —
3:8n •' ui
• n le|««-mJc.ifc for
M imouthaud Dallas
7 15 i> in
*«■ Air ie •
■i 50 ;> m
IttUn, idi I »alt»*-
7;8-» ¡ tn
lor V ii lOJt iar. t Iutiere itlouo*—
5 j» in
.H im (Ur M .ano n tn (ii-tj on 1 »ii ?e -
8 Su II».
K. h. W ll.l.f %
Ti «Mida*III.
1.1 LAS
n*M.A8. I KGOW,
T imiii .* i *)*. i generai Imnking miei
,-ae in all ita lira indie. . biiyn and eelU
»clmngu i il p r illi pai (anni* ini|ie|
b'niieil HI a tea ; iitake- .Ileolioiir oli all
poini» in Ibe rneilic N .rtluveat: Ioana
nwnev and di.-eouiit. piijier at Mie beai
rate* ; alfow intereat mi timo depoaita.
* visit DR. JORDAIM’ 8
i « i l i « : r>T .simucixM.ciL.
The I-At est Ant» -».ed Museum in the ( \
Cloriti. V\ « -knew of any r niracteri '
«) 8!« | |wsllltelyrUH»l.ytk*oM»rt
i'iecii ii,. on He A usai K m . jt yuan.
. 06. r f o r o
n i$ 5A S C *Q f
• » F 8 M.I» ttmemHrhiy
[ fkum ayvie» witlwmt the il * • o< Slwpwrg.
f Vrusaes Alteri ly u KipeN. »btM-
k «al cura tot Rajtww. A qmck awd
f «•¿•cal enee 9m PII m . fllM m tnd
rtatataa, *«y D* Jofdna'. apeonl pw-
teaa iMtkMk
’ hss II f rsr i»y letter. A #W
I 5t$i*¿7á«müw■íuü-ük N
i U . (A salual * beo* |
r •ri
Th u rs to n
Lum ber Com pany
— 1>KAI.KI(8 IN ALL K!WH *»P—
Both rmtgli a ui Urweavtl lu a ie n a i on
ifiy Fize promptly tilled.
D i l l la s :
O r e p o n
k fair abqre of patronage solicited
• p i a l i o-dera promptly filled.
Dallas Foundry!
tfuTtf! atuT*i>riIi«r8
1091 mmM9L.*F.
H *w to M ike r ittlb le Paste.
A paste that will lews the map flex-
iblc, so that It may be -died with ease,
!• made as foliotva: M i half a gill of
•lee flour wltl one gll of eold water,
liour on. this o n- plat ' boiling water
and cook for tl.rec mltytes arjdea-M to
his half a * e i ' « - g r a n t i l a t e .1
■urn arable dbe re .
<111 of iva-
j b>r. *Ha .e the el«** '’ '
>r table: pt" a a I ’
4 -).tr ef the
t - 1r y ‘ >yxt spread a
o f ' -.sure a
th n lay« r if r-ie
map and let
t test a few minutes, that tbe paper
nay become tUnrougby damp; theq
iprea-1 It perfectly sniouh on the cloth,
A ll kin^s o f rough and dressed lunilier on hands oi cut
tq order.
200,000 F>et in S^ocb-
H ow
to M a k * C t b U s *
B a lls ,
When potato Is left ov-r and there Is
llso some cabbage, chop both together,
(eason highly with bla.’: pepper and
j nit. mix with sn egg. Lid form Into
hulls; flunr well nod fry slice putatoeg
Mist are left over, flonr *bem. a- u tTi
Ih-m after the rasher« t r breakfast.
Slab wood for cook »tqvea or harvest engines at 50 centr
¡ft load.
— a m . grans o r —
R ep a irin g Prom|>4ly Done.
The retired list o f tbe regular array
Includes 704 officers. Of this total
there »re 827 officers who are 05 years
of age and upward to 88. which Is Ull­
age of Brigadier General D. U. Rucker.
Four officers are 85, two 84. two 82,
three 81, two 80. four 70, twelve 78,
nine 77. sixteen 70. fourteen 75, four­
teen 74. tea 73. twenty 72. fifteen 71,
twenty-six 70. forty-one 00, thirty 08.
twenty-nine 67, thirty-three 60 sod
forty 06.
The oldest officer la the army bow
living. Brigadier General Daniel H.
Rocker was appointed to the army
from civil life la 1887. He waa brevet-
led (ar gallant and meritorious conduct
at the battle o f Buena V l»> . The
Final Settlement.
ffWd hmm fflr-1 her An il Veo int .-»•* « Inti >
If* rafri* of the relate of X. <7** «-•.*!
ii'i-ro»«. aim Uoff’ay. J » '. 7th 114)1. *( ]
• clock, p m.. of a»iA ita», at the e’*»nt cosirt h«iuae,
•f t*«4*
Onero* ha* lew flreri l.j Hot». J.
C. SNsy jmtee of th* eoantj court f«er a»M ti-tmty
MthfttMeftU ptec* for tie h* srlng tf ikt*mc
Alt ptrfont Interested In «aid matter are her«ri»> » »-
tife I to ipfMT at «aid time and «ho« eaa-se. if any
there be, why laid ercovnt should M he epproeed
ewd the aermmt erttkd and chmed.
N 1
IhMti, Orafo*. Nov. t7. U bi.
T, C. OAR WOOD, arfmiiri «Antri«
Tuwaeead ft Hart aMoraeye for «otate.
next mcMHit omrer o f the army and the
oldest living graduate o f West Point Is
Major William Austlne of the class o f
1838, who waa brevetted for gallantry
at tbe battles of Contreras snd Cbern.
btisco. Among tbe other officers of the
retired list who »re veterans o f tbe
Mexican war are fleueral» Wilcox and
T. J. Wood. Colonels Getty, L. P. Gra­
ham, John I*. Hatch. Fits John Porter,
I. N. Palmer. M. D. Simpson. James
Oakes and Captain N. J. T. Dana.
I Among the surviving Mexican war
I veterans outside of tbe regular army
are General William B. Franklin of
the Colon army, who le 77, and Gener­
al James Ixuigstreet of tbe Confeder­
ate army, who la nearly 81. Among
the distinguished g.-ueraU o f tbe Union
army upon tbe retired list are Lieuten­
ant General Schofield who Is Oh; Gen-
with sole* ioi .< k
M lJ the ua.iKger
shoe factor. who -
: f at wee» at an
up town bi rel
t ley won t be
pieced together, ,i t.k, i‘a what you
mean by ass to* IS. •oh sole« won’t bo
rough Ji>ok eg. T r b.. th* i wlR be
made much
turns wood pulp lit.» «
r. only tba
pulp will be lUHde !
pcnliia hna
7 ft
W ry which
will take ,i |‘i1it
c of lentlier
aerapa. prra rtuTyi. i ’ I itsinto o aolid
m an and rc-i i(
?*■4ite other olid a
continuous »* rlji o
You will
aoon lie able to lui| ►•»¡i ii'ciiier liy lite
yard and at a prlc Hint wJK make go-
Ing barefoot a pc
Y crluM'.
"Sole leather
been • latlua ua
from 18 to SO
pound for years,
There la a gt
nl of tvaate and
practically no
'■>: the scraps. K
small (junntlt;
’n making dyea,
and the
. ^Se harden-
ed ateel
Uiae more, lint
the bulk
i, an.iy. Thta
new pro
alt tin»- «craps
which c,
nttd alii brltu*
the prie
■itticr down to 8
cent« a • ,
i-attier uwuufac-
turn! •
dl have no pUe.s
Will turn wgtoi
beth't Wt-
üe a big Jlfferenru
in t h e y
eheaiK-j- gradas of
! ^
Herr <e Make
Mix one plm of fl. y two teaspoon-
'ula o f baking
!-. yoie teaspoouful
jf salt and,un-- teaR-oonful o f sugar.
Stir lb one cup'iiI of iilnced bam (cold
.'bokedl; add one aca.t cni ful o f milk
ind one w ell I.eaten teg. When well
ulxed. drop u Ith a urge spoon Inty
well greased u iffln till and bake Iq q
lulck oven 2Q mlt^utet
um t |
IXUSEUM or A Ü T 0 I Y 1
• d »»l
A hiiree’f
itmuUy con­
cave ou the li
the surface
usually Is a deav,
uUt not abso­
lutely so. so that
i'mw-i of light
may he rellected
'Ucuv. By con­
stant clean slug *
ad surface Is
in«de more or > ■
a If not actusl-
1 ly glossy f.r
torivivfr. the
liit'.d.- » *<•
_Tw. W> '
l .
e v .it* 1 ■ • 'an- e f re.’I* «tWa
| ■
' it cm p ttc<1 by the eon-
v. . Si;r
are pUecteu luto the eyes,
m '. dtrect’ y lu th* " * 1“ of vtsliin. but
Bi -
i 1» « , trim •
Ui* ivsiiit i b y; *•■... .j...re injurious.
As a resul:
lou the vision
la wpakmie*.
f e blinders no,
only reflect .
ut they reflect
object» as w
ft) n “ bllpdr
|iorse ae*-a po
object» dlrec L-t : jt
ahead of IrRu. hii
*i\- or b aa
blurred vision of i
eta, Int. r-
oilxlng wltb and
f »' • tbe Image
of objects dlfocil.v ! '
t. and a» a
eouaequeiK.e be la , n dr red imcerraln
In bla Bio' wm-nt- <. . la easily scared.
No furt ier . ■ .f ,.f1 I» I» n--erted than
tbe fa.- that * b<: ua b.irae with a
reputation fd- air I ig and running
away often ti
«rat-ishle If tbe
blinden- are r in,.
becauae be can
then see dia.
i otfT before be
■ould only aee teiltai nct y and confus­
edly.—Our Animal T ’cuds.
u - mi <UA
x r N T rp K R ,
j j-
' ■ K •
r ecwraua comhnv , niw y «? rk on y
\ytll practice In all
A Rood ¡oo’iilnir ’ __
b« r*’ H*d poor look-^,
tnf li» rn «»*4 1« th|g
ward kiud ot a cou
E y re !:a
H a r n e s s i> ? l
rc*i #*a!" mak#*»ttr*F nr-'.v
ibe I
borto fó* ¿ tjetU’f, bit ' Jfid
, |f |v+ COO’
diteti l ì Inet- *
03 It i rrtlm.r ‘
f M evotvufc . ' A “ ’ !
£7 .Vfi f SB»
í::atbor cof% and i 'ir-tl**, r
n o
L. N. WOO UH, M. D.
D A L L A S , O R E G O N , l-’R I D A ”? , D E C E M B E R 2 8 , IGOO.
Do not think,]
for a t i n g l e
moment that
consum ption
will eker strike
iyou a sudden
| Mow. It does
not come that
It creeps its
way »Ion*.
_ F ir s t y o u
ttrtnk it is a
little o o 1 d ,
nothing but a
l i t t l e nicking
cough; then a little loss
in weight: then a harder
oough; then the fever
and the night sweats.
Better stop the disease
while it is yet creeping.
Better cure your cough
You can do it with
The pressure on the
chesc ig lifted, that feei-
ing or suffocation is re­
moved, and you are cur­
ed. You can stop that
little cold with a 25 cent
bottle; harder coughs
will need a 50 cent size;
i f it’s on the lungs the
one dollar size will be
nost economical.
•• I confidently recommend Ayer’«
r Birrv Pectoral to all my natrons.
WhDo the cows are at pasture the milk
la neither richer nor poorer, on the
average, than tbe milk yielded when
tbe cows were on winter feed.
Fourth.—The milk o f a fair alsed
dairy herd varies little In composition
from day to day, and radical varia­
tions In this respect should be «‘ Awed
with suspicion.
Practical men mlgbt do worse than
study these conclusions and express
their opinions thereupon. W e would
draw attention on our part to the con­
clusion regarding aameucas tu quality
of wluter fed and postured milk.
Senator Jones of Nevada Is said to
be still one o f the best rongb riders in
tbe slu.t*.
One of ev-Preslileut Harrison’s Sl>-
cestors was the Thoinaa Uarrison
leand ui n u tt«r Maker».
served under Cr-
-It sn« s!g n I t>i?
wU..««u.)a imu Ui*.. ‘bttkMi AAflaAfc of King-
Denmark, the bbfter Making country of the restoration he was
the world, bought from the I ’ nlted ltWO.
SUtea last year 35,000,000 pounds of
Lord Kowton, who Is the literary ex­
oleo oil, wltii which to make oleomar­ ecutor of the late Earl of Ueaconafleld,
garine, and that the Danish fanners has been visiting tbe queen, and it la
snd butter makers use oleomargarine rumored that she has directed him to
on their tables. C. M. Pay o f Copen
put off the publication of Beacons-
hageu, la tn the business of Importing field’s memoirs
oleo. Ha came to Kansas City, says The
Congressman George B.
Star, to see tbe packing houses and to o f New York Is regarded i
make business arrangements.
Tbe story teller In tbe bouse,
butter o f Denmark Is known for It» there Is nothing Important
excellence throughout Europe.
The chamber his desk Is the cel
„ __
Danish creameries have learned the
group of members who enjoy a latig]
scientific way of making the best
Edmund Havlland Burke, a direV
butter, and the Danish government has
passed laws to Insure Its purity. Eng­ lineal descendant o f Kdniund Bert >, la
land alone last year Imported fW/XK).- a*ruIn trying to get Into the Hr! i*u par­
liament. Although still n young man.
000 worth o f butter from Denmark,
he Is somewhat o f an orator hi
and yet the Danish farmers spread
oleomargarine ou their bread.
The He has already stood
reason la simply tbo frugality o f the a Parnelllte, but
Where In the wide,
Danish butter makers.
Their best
butter la worth 4o cents a pound. Oleo there such a comic
can be bought for about 15 cents a of the Datto Tant
pound. Therefore, whenever a Danish lives In the little
family eats, u pound » 1 oleo It makes in the Sulu
set the name
25 cents
members that
W orkin g ■ottor.
I f the buttvr is sufficiently solid and
M. Fernand de Rodays, the' edit* -n’
at the right temperature, 58 to 00 de­ the Paris Figaro, '
^ ‘
grees In summer and two to four de­ a knight o f the
_______ of the
grees warmer In winter, the process ; member
of working - un lie entirely completed of the Paris
before taking from the chum, say» R chief editorial control ef
correspondent of The National Stock- ! since the death, a
Should It not be possible J| | jj . Magnard.
summer to hold It at a proper tempera-
t i ,0 offl..lai
I toeatawmt
r o r C e V S It
i“ nsay ? be 00 removed
80,1 '' I ' to
flUa‘ a 1 -h lb b to n have t ^ ,vftll
lite r '•»>•» sort
7>*l**r, ____ '"T-T plac’d ^Vhel e it .v ,| o
art, J|. Charles I’leartT tvit.. srlssr» ,
j | harden, -vhoq the finishing tout lies
M. Michel f.«-vy with mnnufa.
11 nicy be given.
<i i.i+w ii j 't" "-«’ »■
v r - fa. «»*-
It Is enfirwly Deem I -ss tn r e w o r k
liipply. M. Glde with social .-e- uoruy
’ , tjutier.li proper tempers lure I iaa h-.-en tttfl *■’ D'slere wllh colonisation
- secured, til he: working me .us auy
t'.oieri.or Uousavoll » » + uj., iiur-
way Is to evenly tut-oriwrate t b e s a l t
vard was asaoclnted with the Natural-
! . e*J
» e f i « ... ^ I
o i)0-»o#o«-o-vd'0^ o y - f : j • *-'
«an lu seeoinpllsli.il at one operation ^ c i T l u T ' t b l ’ it t e ^rt-rtui V f e ^
further manipulrthm Is not only un K. society. He w as an associate tnein-
•ocessiirr bnt altogether harmful, since
lier of the Glee club and steward o f
»very additional stroke of the ladle the Harvard Athletic «iseoclstlon
after that point has been reached
k r u ' a a t i . i r i ’ K « in o v l y a ^
his grnduntlbu he served eu the class
O »erves to bv-ilk the grain and render day committee.
J • ihe oulu-i aalrrlike
The death o f I.ord Roberts* so» waa
lo - * 0+ 0 + 0 40 + 0++0+04-0 A 0+ 0+ 0+
a terrible blow, and It Is telllug heavily
H »u 10 Vnkr Pitre« e f I’ *«*.
C. S. Briggs In Tbe Ainerleau Agrl-
Oqe cupful of dried pens soaked over- upon him. To n friend lit- writes: “ He
etdtuiist describes his system of de­ 'ttlght au.l put ou the ir e with three *vas all we could wish a son to lie—a
horning cows:
' sea lit pluts o f eold water amt a stalk dear, good fellow III every way. I
“ I urn a clipper which costs complete 3f ts-lery. Brlrig to b illing point arid know lie Is Infinitely happier now, blit
shout «12. It Is l>etter to have two simmer until tender. When done run I have often and often wished during
men to do tlie cutting, as It Is desirable Mirough n sieve and add a binding of tbo iinst three months that be cqpld
(o have plenty of power. Then the ob- one lahlcspootifui each of butter and have been wltb me.”
itlinittWPUcs «line Just the same.
It flour seasoned with one leaspoonful of
only UquIres a fraction of a second i Wilt, one half K-u»poouftil of pepper
8 TA G E G L IN TS .
for experienced bands to remove a ! *n 1 half it tea»»—rnfn* e f --gar« 8erv«
horn. Gentleness should l-e used, but 1
ar a «, antfiy d»t >-Uih»-d
with eroutoua.
be there for business. A mlxtur. of
that she will 1 ou acting next *■' » » -!«.
tar and carliolle acid will keep the flies
lio n »o Càreniie «
Tli!" aeasou Faui.» Hive will ngnln
away If put on every few days. We , T hf hpKt method of
8 grid- he seen u tue 1st- Resina Yokes’ rep­
use 1 or 2 per cent aci 1 mixed well i dlo 1* *o takt* a bit of »*lt porli and rul? ertory.
ov:*r wNb ft folk. Tb
i*rovpnts ad
liona Marla Guerrero la considered
h‘ itU»a and yi*t doer n*
Ti' v tlu fa* by Fpantordi to be tluilx foremost bla-
Co Hoakluto Wh0.t M t u l . fuOj.fd
^rtisf. *
be Hall luta Nturned to vaude-
iio^ P K» Mnk* A t f l w v f 'ì
ri o f 4Bst season sbe ap-
Cui a rather tltlok •!!<•*• fr * .
itb i^raa«!« Wilson.
I loaf, toast It lightly without \w
D^iSjutcagnl^i “ Mfiscliere” Is ready for
«lryliig. / Split It Ui hiilf, 1*
afluctIon, and now he Is at work on
piece oii|*be side uot
, ,.* musical veraltm o f “ Quo Vadls.”
the other WIMi nhíf
together, cut into ftnfterl
The Theatrical union of Paris, which
was formed for the protection o f ac­
tors and atngera In France, now pos­
sesses 400 members.
with the tor. I f dehorning Is done In
W ilfred Clarke’s wife, known as
cold weather, the animals should be
The« Carrw, Is to enter vaudovftito
kipt us warm as imssible.
> suffar •
o f Generas 1
- My method 1» to bitch tbe aulmsl
_ ____
around tbe neck v Ith a good, strong
d ta e u b a a
' ,_ the
. .„5 -ir V-' outsit ora tun-
rope, wltb al*iut vo feet of slack,
Bh* i. tm-
T ! W t ) « . ’r 1
t-fie« with J- * • - V In X h ftje - * - »-
(1i-r 30 years o f ape tun' ka* iisrsOv
pass u.ey-#Bpc n*t.
-d to if around
is based upon i—
wrltAuu several ploy.
tinf-er M.e tail au.1 irlng the bend
pwi. nc» V-ftc- suffering lor 1.1 .
Ilall Caine's play or " i tie CunstiAn
a- p-. -»ible. L^t a man uid finding no benefit result from the
trcs«nient of the lias Just been presented tn tbe lain o f
stiiud n tb- opposite side and take
with the author's daughter, Lily
the lea- -'- ’.irtnly lu oue hand and grasp
Miss Belle l i -lrick
Hall Caine, In the role o f Glory quayle.
wirk tb- ut’ier band tbe end of tlie
wrote to Dr, . ierce
Walter Jones, tlie comedian, was
roje- that bss le-en passed under the
for a d v i c e .
married recently In Minneapolis to
tall. Including the other. Keep every-
acted on the advice,
regained her appe­ Mrs. Beatrice 0. Pulslfer, the daugh­
thtog taut
Take the horn off. Tbe
tite, recovered her ter of George CbampUn, tbe Chicago
Ifirtant this is done let go of tbe leader
strength, and gain­ millionaire.
with both iianda. Turn the bend tho
ed several pounds
other way and repeat- !>o not have a
Miss Florence Kahn will appear as
in weight.
snot In the eud o f tbe leader rope, for
"W rite to Doctor the Cborua 111 Mr. ftlchard Mansfield's
It might catch under the tall and stag- j
Pierce ” is good ad­ revtral of "K in g Henry V.” The In­
ger tlie animal. Before cutting, grease
v i c e f o r e v e r y troduction of this character will afford
tbe bnlr around the boms well lisck.
woman to follow. opportunity for some very fine spec­
It costs nothing. tacular effects, of which Mr. Mansfield
so as not to cut any more o f It than Is
Dr. Pierce invites Intends to make the moat.
necessary, as It Is a great protection.
women to con-
Have plenty of room to work.”
milt him, by Utter,
fr e e .
Address l>r.
Rlchsess ot Milk.
R. V. Pierce, In-
When there Is a near prospect of a
Thick skinned frulta ara tho best
vslids’ Hotel and
pretty high standard for milk tiring es­
Surgical Institute, keepers.
tablished. It la of some Interest to
Buffalo, N. Y.
The qttftire Is a great feeder and re­
learn the conclusions reached hearing
In a little over thirty yeara, Dr. Pierce, quire* good cultivation.
on the question as tq some of the fac­ assisted by his Half cf marly a score of
One of the liest fertilisers for straw­
tors determining tbe richness of milk Iihsatrlimt has tresied and cured over berries Is well rotted stable manure.
by r . 1 >. Smith. After fire years’ study, naif a million women.
O f »11 fruits tbe rberry Is the lesst
- t mlfcr.-l (urn female nesbreas tor «V .
and noted in tlie proceedings of tbo
monthsp writes Mi.s nrlle Herlffik of N ye
trouble to grow. About all It needs la
Bodety For promoting Agrtcul.iirsl PotiuitifCo V Vs. ” t -»»- trestea hy s goofl
to be planted and let aione.
■elenca. Tbs conclusions In question physic.*a. Isu he nerer seemed to do me sny
l-A d
t wrote to Ur S V Pierce tw sdelri,
Bleb soil Is rather more necessary for
which I received, tellina me U-leke his hsvortte
First.—A cow yields as rich milk as c-rewHplios ’ snd lloldrn Medical IU*eovery . the quince than for the apple, but tbe
1 umh thirteen ho.de* ot G-y<;nte Pr. .. rlpdoo
quince ta more subject to blight, al­
a heifer as she will as a mature cow.
snd eight o f • OoMen Medical r>i*eovery Whes
Hecond.—'The milk Is as rich In tbs 1 h*d seed the m edidse * m- nth lay lieellh was though In localities tbe fruit la profita­
n i l iisarovvd. II he* eosllnar-l in iw or-ec
ble to grow.
Arst month of the period tK lactation a ■m
il now I css work at *lm .et ril t l ' -J- of
In evaporating apples It ta calculated
as It will be later, except perhaps dur­ homework. I had -warcelr atiy eppelllr b.it if
all right Sow Hmre eslsed several
that one barrel of green applet will
ing tbe last few weeks of tbe milk flow, is
in weight I advise all who »sfler fr-ttn chronic
produce about 13 pounds of evaporated
when tbe cow is rapidly drying off.
■loess« « to write to Dr. Pierce «
Third.—There la little difference In
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant I'dlcts regulate fruit and that one pound of these la
equal to half a peck of tbe fruit before
aaesoos aa to the aualltr o f tbe milk. the bowels
It la pared or slice-J.
Write the Doctor nt «my tint*
f-M. Da. » c. AYLl:,
in s
« / A d v is e
V- J \