t i o o R e w a rd 9 1 0 9 . The Eminent Kidney T h e re*d«ra of this paper will be pletued to leurn th at there it* at leai*t and Bladder Specialist. one dreaded dueaae th at neienee In»* been able to cure in all ita aiaice^« *e d ihat in catarrh. H all a C atarrh Cure it the only po itive run* known t " the medn .tl ira 'e rio ty . ('a ta irh being a eonatiitiLional tiitM-u»e, re«piirea a con atitutioual treatm ei.t lla ll’a t'auirrh Cure 16 taken intern ally .acting direct lv upon llte blood and mucoua aur fares of the system , thereby destroy in k the foundation of the disea.-e, and giving the patient strength by build­ ing up tlic constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. 'I be pro­ prietors have ao much faith in itscu ra live powers, that they offer $100 for any case it fail» ;o cure, ticud for li«»' t t l HAaverer of Svrra»-loot at Work la Els Laboratory. of teatiinoniMU. ‘There to a disease prevailing In thia country most dangerous because so decep­ L E T T E R L IS T . tive. Many sudden deaths are caused by Tlre»e le tte r, r.-m aiu uncHlle N K cgy. Dr. Kilmer's S w am p -R o o t the new dis­ M ia. M enu» M cElhoea, covery Is the true specific for kidney, bladder Miaa Tulley T aller, and urinary troubles. It has cured thousand« Htellt. Z er.e. of apparently hopeless cases, after all other efforts have failed. At druggists In (Kty-cenf C ha ». F . B b i . t , postm aster. and dollar sizes. A sample bottle sent free by mall, also a book telling about Swamp- S to p « Itn e C o u g h Root and Its wonderful cures. Address And w ork, off the cold. L axative b»o- Dr. Kilmer 8c Co., Binghamton, N. Y. and iiinqiiitiine la b le l. cu re a in one mention this paper. (lay. No cure, no pay. P rice, 16 cent». B U 8 IN E S S IN S A L E M . DALLAS 8 H O R TLE TS . Hninlri'ila bare sav- il money lx Bn-Il new uiul tec--lid linml gotal* trading at the New Y ork Racket »lore f--r tale --1 fur «-Xi-hange bv Frank and yon »hotiM join tie ' prime-»ion 6 " Kerslaka on n-uth Main street. If th e .» m e pnr,Ni.e. T h eir 9*1.26 men- v- 11 a a n t tu fix up for hoit»- k--epiiiL“ winter i-hoea can n o t he ia-a' and theii ■ ml have Imt 1 i 1 tic money that ia III new overcoats aie very p -pillar. The» I luce to buy. have h a '., .hirta and nnd rg-rinent- that would lie »nre t» p le .a . yon. Our gun anil anunnnitiiHi dealer. Mr. K i-ser, ia always busy sailing Eveiybody agree* that “ho 0 1m.toil -h in g a rr m aking repairs fur peoph .team laundry ia the beat place in the who liavu broken articles wortlt fixing town to have washing done. Try thorn once and yon will he »tire te np. «•» contin u e patronizing tilt- place. T hey say th at l.iv erynian Morrison — o— d elights in sending ou t tram s and H enry Brown at the Old Postnfficr liga that pleatejliia custom er», W hen livery »table ia the man you ahonld you have occasion to ride or drive let i-ee when you wiah to ride or drive hint fit you out. out. He keepa «wilt lioreea and eaay ** * ru nn in g veh icle, and m ake, patron» feel pleasant. And still the ladies from all around are buying m illinery of Mrs. Shtifer, I,am pa of all kind» for »ale hy the over Brow n’s itora. K now ing by e x ­ Y o k oh am a T ea com pany. Hanging perience »b u t will please her ciistuin- la m p , with weights for $2 6 0 ; other» era, she stocks up accordingly. with heavy chain and spring for $3. Va»e decorated table lamp» from $1 In acorea #f the best kept homes in up. T ry their high grade freali rossl- tliia county you will find nice cooking ed coffees. and warming stoves th at cam e from F an il’s hardware store and he I ihs Before buying winter clothin g for more of the sam e kind. A tk carp en­ your children be «ure to go to the ters where they get the best tools and »tore of G. W , Joh n so n A Co. They they will tell you at F au lls. If you are overstocked and are offering big want u knife or » ’pair of scissors that inducem ents, some things a t half for will hold an edge, yeu can get it at nier price«. I t would he a real kind his store. neas to tell your neighbors th at they *% can save money by going to that At S m ith ’s shop they do hi icksm ith place for all kinds of child rens clo th ­ ing th at never givea way until it ia ing. Ask to see their stylish new ov­ worn out. ercoat» and dress suits for m en. *«* Allowing your feet to remain cold I t will put anybody in a good hu­ or wet ia apt tu result in sickness and m or to eat at H elleubrand's, a fee for the doctor. G aynor's have footwear th at will keep both out and m ake you to fuel pleasant. Has your harness been annoying you by breaking or ripping? You can prevent its recurrence by having Leave orders with Ross E llis for everything in th a t line done at S h a f­ anythin g you want brought from Sit- er’s shop on State street near the lsm by stage. court house. •»» LOCAL AND GENERAL- W H A T W ( H A V E L E A R N E D D U R IN O . T H E W E E K F R O M A L L A V A IL - I m A b le S o u rc e s D is h e d u p fo r O u rf N u m e ro u s F a m ily of R eadore In A h ro vla to d P a r a g r a p h s . " i o ; ■" Sp ectacles and glasses at F fe iin ig ’s. Baled hay and mill feed at Uaficl-I's J . S . Ashhnugh has reopened bowling alley. bis Fred E m m ett ia leader of the C iris tlau ch uii'h choir at Ami y. Knvene lirowu lias »31-1 ou t a t Slier ¡dan and goue tu Su m pter, Ju s. Olmsted, of Brtllatoii, has pur chased the Bob Cheney farm. , Miss Fay A 'k in s. of Independence, is attending school a t C o llag e Grove. Uev. F -L. You g will preach at the 1 i-meur sc hool Itou-e at 2 :3 0 next Sunday. B icy clists can no I- ngar ride on the soul It side of the «treat anutli of the poaloffice. B a k in r f P ow der Ciias. F . Fisher, of M onm outh, w is rec- nlly married to Mias Sarah Tyrrel at Drain, Absolutely Pure E v ang elist C . C . Crnwsti.-n is hold­ ing a series of m eetings at the Bt p- t iit ch u rch . A fier ten years service as section i-esa Mr. Mi.-CurJy, of P arker, has qn t rai road ing. D n rn g O ctober there were 11.4 in- h s nl rain , 19 cl-a t days and the ie -i i-lnu-ly. A new d veiling It»» h on erectu I on lie larin of Jo h n McCullook at Sh e*, dan Jilliciio ti ■Vina E lbe Pence, of Ballatoii, was ret em it tiiuiitnd m Portland to some California man. '- M M akes h o t breakfast-bread s w h o leso m e— no yeast germ s, n o alum . M a k es ca k e, biscuit and pastry o f su perior fineness, flavor and d e lica cy. M a k es food that w ill k e e p m oist and sw eet. it is th e purest and greatest in lea ven in g stren gth . tio u s preparation of the fin er cak es and Mrs. Mary Rogers has sold to Frank Fiiwk 56 acres of the A. H. W hitley donation claim at $1,300. E x-couu ty Clerk H ayter has spent a week in the tim ber n est of Dallas cu tting Ilia firewood for the w inter. Agoo ardsell alike to Putnam Fade­ less Dyes, as they color all fibers at one boiling. Sold hy A. K . W ilson. E . C. Pentium! is located oil a ten a ten acre tract near G rants Pass and m ay engage in intensified fanning. H. M. Lacey has changed his ad­ dress front McCoy to Independence and will run the H attie Jo n e s hop yard north of there. Ju s t received at B raw n’s grocery, raisins, cu rrants, cran berries, m ince­ m eat, figs, oitron and lem on peel, sweet and sour pickles. R ich , w aim , healthy blood is given by Hood’s Barsaparllla and thus coughs, colds, and pneum onia are prevented. T ak e it now. All kinds of harness work and sad­ dlery promptly done by Mr. Sliriver ul Perrydale. Nothing hut first class material used and prices m oderate. Get Mr. L yn ch to do yonr black- M my of the big topped m aple tree» No one ever regrets hav n j work sm ithing and you will be well satis o v ir town have been trim m ed down done a t the Cronise photographic stu­ ftud. at.d not a few other trees would be dio. bi ttered by sim ilar treatm ent. Study *»» All kinds of keadwaar for children to improve the surroundings of your home. T h e steel bridge feed yard has the and aoiii« fine p attern bats below reg­ ular prices at Mise H allnck ’* m illinery in-ide track on Polk county patr«n Bee Mr. H aw kins, the Independence age. I t is so convenient and animal» em porium upstairs in W ilson’s block. tnsrhle cu tter, when you w ant any are always so wall treated there that ceiue'ery work done. Hantples of Ilia »«* but few pass it by. Ladies, would you like to have nperior skill may he seen all ever the -------------------- a -------- ----------- -nm elhing real tib-e in th e way of county. E L E C T IO N R E T U R N S . clothing far yi u selvi s and ynur T he new college bell and the new T h e official count of the presiih ntial ch ilJred . Then go to Brow n’s stora public school bell added to tba four and H»k to see their latest, best aud church be'.ls give Dallas aa air of im ­ election ill this county is as follows, the M cK inley figure» being in the flrst jiri tiii-st in those lines. I f y -u and portance when several of them are tou r folks like goisl th in g s to eat yeu ringing in concert. colum n and B ry a n ’s in the last. B uena V ista ................................ 44 35 can fitid them in their grocery depart­ I t would be wise to procure your m ent. H u v er................................................. 24 23 holiday presents b» fore the assort­ I.iick iam u te ................................ 71 81 m ents are culled. Jew eler Morris has F a lls C i t y ........... ..................... «5 24 A V illa g e B la c k s m ith Saved H is a vaiiety of useful things th at would L ittle S o n ’ s Life. B ridgeport ................................ 39 32 Mr. I I H. Blai k, the well known delight your friends. North Monmouth .................... 45 41 They liava a literary socirty at Lew­ South Mouniouih ..................... 59 52 village blacksuii'h at G raham aville. North In ilep eiid en re.......................54 40 Sullivan county N. Y .. say s: “ Our lit isville with these officers: President, Middle In d ep en d ence.................... 50 41 tla son, five venrs old, has always Jo h n Mulk- y : vice president. M njrl- South Independence ................... 82 82 tieen su bject to croup, and so bail F-iwle; secretary, George B ro n so n ; Kola ................................................... 76 66 liat« tile attack s been th « l we have •ergesnlatsrm s, t'laud Lewis. Sp ring V alley .............................. 44 55 feared many tim es th at lie would die. Ile n r r F u ller and wif# recently Cel­ M c C o y ............................................. 43 28 We have had the doctor and used ebrated lit- ir golden wedding in A ri­ Halt L a k e .................................. > .37 16 many m edicines, but C ham lierlaiir» zona. T hey were married where A r J a c k s o n ................................................ 53 62 Cough Remedy is now uur sole reli lie now stands, she being a sister Douglas . . ....................................54 67 •ace. It seems to dissolve the tough (lie W illiam s brothers there. Hock Creek ................................... 8 14 mucus aud by giving frequent doses Many of our readers will rem em ber K ic k r e a ll........................................... 44 58 when the oroupy sym ptom s appeal North Dallas .............................. 80 53 we have found th a t the dreaded croup Jo h n Mclaney owner of the Ocean E a st Dallas ................................ 95 85 ia cured before it gels settled .” T here Park cam ping grniind. L ast w-ek w»< So u th D a lla s...................... 94 37 is no d.-ngrr ia giving th is rented> while goii g to T illsm ok he for it contain « no opium or o th e r-in thrown from his wagon and killed 1162 »87 junou a drug and may lie given aa co n ­ Tuesday we ordered the Oreg mian T h ere were 102 prohibition voles, fidently to a babe as to ail adult. F o r for Steve Braley, B allston . J I,. Riggs, 21 middle of the road and 19 socialist. -ale by A K W ilson. Salem , D. Shepard and -V. R. Bhep- ard, D allas. I t atul tb e Item izcr wilt T h e m in isteis. the Sunday school Six F rtR h tfu l F a ilu r e « . be sent to any address a year for 12.25 superintendent» and these chosen to Six terrib le failures of six different Home Salem p ar'iea have been ran va-s the town to-morrow afternoon doctors nearly sent W m . H. M ullen of Dockland, O ., to an early grave. for -cligious sta tis'ics are to meet at tiring on buying the Dallas saw mill All said be had fatal lung trouble and tli- M. E . Lhurcli at 6 :3 0 th is evenii f and athera from there h iv e been look­ that he m ust »non die B u t he was for final ¡listruction s and assignm em ing into th e feasibility of g etting stone urged to try Dr. K in g ’s New Discov­ of te rit- ry. T he com m ittees will la- front onr quarrv far the prospective ery for C onsum ption. After taking sent out in two» % I »1 euld b - kind- governm ent building there. five bottle« be waa en tirely cured. It l ’ sereivtd »nd pr m .U y given tbe M eichant Finaeth ia in Kan F ra n ­ is positively guaranteed to cu re all infotm a ion sou lit. c i s » buying ona of the largest and d iseas-« of tlin -«t, ch est add lungs, most ettnu-tiva assortm ents of holidav E d ito r Sews W a n d e r« . inclu ding coughs, cold», la grippe, novalties that evar cam e Vo Dallas Do pneum onia, bronchitis, asth m a, hay E d itor W. V. B arry , of L exin g ton , 1 not decide what to buy until yon have fever, croup, whooping cough. 50 I'eun , in exploring Mam m oth reva. • -••n his pretty things, which wi'l cenla and 91.00. T ria l bottle free at contracted a sevens ease of p ie s. H i-; -oon be hare. qu irk cure through using B n ck len 's M. D. E llis’ Drug store. A rnica Halve convinced him i t is an* j T o rem ove a troublesom e corn or Rev. Goodfriend will preach a aeries oth er world's wander. Cures piles, I bu n io n ; Ft rat tar-k th e corn or bun­ of aerniona from the book of R evela­ injuries, inflam m ation, end all Isalilv I ion in warm water to soften it, then tion. N ext Sunday m orning’s them e eruptions. Only 25 cen ts at M t D. . pare it dnwn as d o se aa possible w ithout draw ing blood and apply will be. T h e Angel with an Open Em-». Cham berlain» Pain Balm tw ice d aily ; B ook, the evening su bject l-eing T h e rubbing rigorously for five m in utes el R egeneration of th « W orld. each «--plication. A corn plaster should lie worn for a few days, to pro lect it Irani the slew. Aa a genera! (O linim eut fur sprains, brui-»«, lam eness and ih e n m -tis m . Pain Balm ia u n ­ equalled. For sale hy A K W ilso n . pastries ap p ro p riate to the Care must be taken to avoid baking powders made from alum. Such powders are sola cheap, because they cost but a few cents per pound. Not only will they spoil the cake, but alum Is a corro­ sive acid, which taken in food means injury to health. Mr». Barnh J . lore, who lives on tin- r-mil to M onm outh, has been gvanttd a pension of $8 a m onth, The Dallas tem perance union bus passed an appropriate series of resolu­ tions concerning G randm a Adkins. In the easy, ex p ed i­ season, R o yal is indispensable. (■«urge W . B elt, a I rot her of not poainiaslor, has linen elected sup -rior lunge at Spokane. W ill Hubbard, a form er Dallas team ster, has bought the tiu ck and leant of E v erett H iltibrand. Is m ost e c o n o m ic a l, because «OVAL BAKING W W M l 60., 1M WILLIAM ST., NEW YORK. J . C. Purvin e, form erly of 8pring Mrs F ra n k Lem ihary and children O L . F ran cis ia working in a Port­ Valley, now lives at P etalum a Califor­ I eve been down from L u ck iain u te 1 1 land sawmill. nia. the home of Cottnty Clerk L augltary. Alonzo Brown was in Portland yes­ Mitrmonism ia trying to get a foot­ T h e m arriage of W a lte r W illiam s terday buying goods for his firm. hold in thia valley but altould be to Miss Palatino G aynor took place S. C, Dodaou litre bought the m er­ frowned U|-on. W ednesday evening at th e brid e’s can tile business of H eitry Bills. home in the presence of the im m ed­ Many ladies all over 'h e count) C ilhert Tyson has bough t the 107 have large flocks of turkeys getting iato reliteves of the bride and groom , acre hhafier farm near Bridgeport for Rev. Goodfriend officiating. T h e ready for tbe thanksgiving and C hrist­ house was beautifully decorated with 91 , 000 . mas trade. Howers and after the cerem ony an el­ Photographs, som ething new slid T h e Dallas fish, poultry and gener­ aborate co llatio n waa spread. T h e novel for C hristm as. Bee our new al produce m arket can supply almost presents were m any and beautiful, photo holders. T . J . C hkukinuton , every kitchen and table want. See Dallas B A LLSTO N . their choice brands ef canned goods | An oyster supper will be given in No good student will be inclined tu Nut. an idle leant or man anywhere McCoy on T hanksgiving evening. A neglect, hit school books by loafing on around. free en tertain m en t, but the oyster« the streets or going out into gav | School entertainm en t T h an k sg iv­ coat you 15 cen ts. B rin g along your gatherings. Those habits always dis­ extra change for candies, peanuts, tract ours attention from lis studies. ing day. etc. Miss E ffie Pence has married a Mr. A lm ost ivory family in Dallas haa Our! public school >>ss already an an abundance of stove wood stored Blizzard, of W atsonville, California. enrollm ent of 270, which was the away in dry places and 1 lie sam e is Forest Craven is moving lim e from higliwuter m ark last year. Never be­ true of m ost farm ers. A few years D allas, having rented the C. A. Ball fore was the school organized in so sgn they left their wood m aking in hop yard. good a shape and the ind ications arc the rain, cu tting it as neecrd. George M cCulloch’s new dwelling ia th a t its governm ent will be on a high­ almost com pleted, ready for a new er level. Before 8 :30 and from noon S o u th e rn C a lifo rn ia . to 12 :40 no pupil « ill be allowed to Notable am ong tb e plrtt.sures afT- r - house keeper. en ter the loom s, but may go in to the ed by tbe Abasia route is llte winter Mr. O ttinger and fa m iy have mov­ basement. D uring interm issions the trip to Southern California and Arizte n 1. Renewed acq u aintance with this ed into their hom e, formerly t' e Jag. principal will spend his whole little --ec.tiiin will ever develop freelt (Mtinta Olmsted property. T h ey are re ce n t­ on the grounds am ong ths scholar», one teacher will he on duty in tire of inU rest and added sources of e n ­ ly front E a st Tennessee. basem ent another in the hallway to jo y m en t. under its sunny skies, in the C O LLEC E N O TES. preserve good order. It will be tbs variety of its industries, in its prolific aim to incu lcate gentlem anly and vegetation and am ong its numbcrlo s Rev. W inters and other L afay ette ladylike conduct everywhere. resorts of m ountain, shore, valley and friends visited the college th is week. nlain. T h e two daily Shasta trains from Portlaud to C alifornia have bei n Our literary society will give a recently equipped w ith llte most ap­ grand en terta in m en t ju s t before tbe proved pattern of standard and tourist holiday*. sleeping oars, but th e low rates of fare R *v . C. N. Dubs, Evangelical m is­ will still cen tilitre in effect. Illuatrat ed guides to the w inter resorts of C a l­ sionary to C hina, addressed the stu­ ifornia and A rizona ntay be bad -m dents Tuesday afternoon on “ Our aim application te C. H. Markham, G. P. in life.’’ A., Portland, Oregon. T h e first term af school is more P ra is e w o rth y Aot. U ncle B en. B ranst-n’s son, Epliri- ttni, lives west of Harm ony church. For two rem » his w i'e Inis been an in­ valid and Inis had to lie taken to the Salem hospital several lime», her care tq-iirin g nearly all his tints Recent ly he moved to B til.ip , leaving In­ farto in Care of Ilia hm tlieiinlaw , ttta- well H arris. Of course funsi w--rl tad been neglected. Fifty acres of •iimnier fallow needed st-wing and the 'iillwwing neighbors with 55 barre» volunteered to jie lp put ¡ t i n ; C. O Burgess, E ltner Y ocom . J . Parks, G. -‘ Itepard, Van D ickey, Carl Graves, P. VI. C hurchm an, F ra n k Chapm an, Oli ver R alston, Dave Ja m e s, Russ Row ell, Je f. Dickey, Jlin Brown, Jo e Brown, Cyrus B lair, O. O u'brnd, Hugh Gut- try and C larence Glut sled. M A R K E T R EP O R T. |Corr«ct«d »««tty try V»Hv No.1,1 W h e at, per bushel, 50 cts. B ra n , per ton |14. S h o rts, per to n , # ¡6. O ats, per bu shel, 35 c ts . F lo u r, per 10 barrels, 12 70. Flour, per s s c k , 8 0 *. Buckw heat Hour, 9 2 .5 0 per -wt. U erntes, 91 50 per cwt. Corn m eal, 92 50 per cw t. [Corrected weekly by Brown A Son Potatoes, per bu shel. 35 eta. B u tte r, per pound, 17| t te. I .ard , per pound, 10(g 11 cts. B a co n , aides, per jo u n d , 9 (8 1 0 cts H an ts, per pound, eta. Sh o u ld ers, per | oiiuil. 8 0 1 0 eta. E fK ». per d ozen, 30 cts. C h ic k e n s , pt r d o .e n 92.50(894 Dried fra il« , per pound, 12 cts. B e e ts , per pound, 1 cent» T u rn ip s, per pound, 1 c ts . C ab b a g e , per pound, 2 j eta. O n io ns, per pound, 2 cts. B e a n s, per p o u n d , 4 « 5 ce n ts. Corn m ea l, per p o u n d ,2 } cts. H ey, per ton, |6 «| 8. than half over and in spite of an un- fsvorahle beginning excellen t progress Its* been made. Psstors from different points and etlrer friends uf the college made it conven ien t to vi»it us during the presence of Missionary Dill's. B U E N A * V IS T A . Mr». Maggie Davis here last week. visited relative* B e tt Snyder is working •t*amer Gray E agle. on th s Mr. L ock * and fam ily are movjug from th e bottom to town. Monroe K reotz is b--ck from W in lock and will -“tin one of A. J . R ich ­ ardson's bop yard*. K. P. Hall and W in. Steel are m ov­ ing back to town this week after spending the sum m er in their bop yard». At the *pccial school m eeting l a s t ; Saturday a 2j m ill tax was voted to reseat and n tlie ra i e imt rove the property. Our »clmol ia doing g-l work, hero being forty piq ila with Mias M attie Lee aa teacher. ♦ • ♦ S h e w a s S u rp ris e d . A very plea»»nt surprise party was given at th e home of D. F . Coiirtor, in Falla City* November 9 th , iii hot.or of Nell Ford who ia viaiting there. R e­ freshm ent* were served anti lire evet • ing wire spent in singing and eocit 1 g 1 me». Those present w ere: Mr. and Mr*. D F . C ourier, Mr. s n i Mr«. J K Ford, Mr. and Mr«. E m m et, Mr-. Tethenvw, Mrs. Pugh, Carrie H a le ), { Ella E m m et, Cora Fm d, Maml Ora i ¡tarn, B ertha Frink. Maud Moyer, Ntta tlo lm a n . Maggie Rboihtbarger, Maml Ja m e s, Edith Dennis, (L a ce Carev, j Jo h n E m m et, Fred Holm an, Jo sh end Fred T a lb o tt, Fred Lom bard, W i'l j « la rr. P -te Htnahaw, Park Calkin», I Charles Moyer. Chester McBherry amt j Earl Ray momt. O A S T O H Z A . re IR W * « IBB Dsn »HIM TM (nd T k Im I •gaaMl I * R em em ber the basket social a t B ridgeport to-morrow evening. AU invited nnd free adm ission. W . T . Sltuw, wlm has been living at Bpoknne tor toveral je a r s is sick at B u rn t R a n ch , east of the m ountain«. Chicken pie supper in tire Wilson block front 5 :3 0 to 9 o,clock, Friday evening, November 23, at 23 cents, by tit* Presbyterian ladles. Rev, M acLean a Corvallis Episco­ pal divine preached a t the Presby­ terian church Monday evening, and Uev. C. N. Dubs, m issionary to Chiu» on Tuesday evening. E ld er Arnold will preaolt at the collage Sunday m orning and Prof. M atzgerin the evening. Kav H. A. Deck will preach a t Bridgeport m orn­ ing and uveiling and at Falla C ity in the afternoon. Revival m eetings at Bridgeport will continue iudefinilly. Mothers and littla folks, rem em ber that O .field's store is headquarters lor Chi retinas things. Som e good lit- (In girl ought to g et th a t nice large doll in the show window. Evary twa hits worth you buy includes a ch an ce at it. He carries num erous guod things to eat th at dout co st m uch. Andrew Siefarth and Mias R achel lla-n etl were married Wednesday a t ihc home of C. H . Morris by Rev. D. vl. Meztger and received m any usa- ful gifts from the kindred present. She has been living with Mrs. Eugene Hayter aud their new home wil be je s t this siJe of the Siefarth bop yard. Help... Nature D o Not Throw Good Money Away|| O n Podr Groceries fc W h e n you can buy fresh, pure, high grade goods of us at the same prices that you pay for inferior stuff j * Babies and children need proper food, rarely ever medi­ cine. If they do not thrive on their food something is wrong. They need a little help to get their digestive machinery working properly. B u y GrocerieH of Us One Month And note the accumulated savings in your purse. Note the high quality of grocer­ ies we send you. Note our attention to your orders and promptness in serving you. T h e re is economy here for you every day in the yearj* ScogàtSH» COD L I V E R O I L WITH HYPOPHOSPMTES or U H I 4S00A will generally correct this difficulty. If you will put from one- fourth to half a teaspoonful in baby’ s bottle three or four times a day you will soon see a marked improvement. For larger children, from half to a teaspoonful, according to age, dissolved in their miiK, if you so desire, will very soon show its great nourish­ ing power. If the mother’s milk does not nourish the baby, she needs the emul­ sion. It will show an effect at once both upon mother and child. 90c. and f t .<*>, i l l dnsggkt»» S C O T T & B o W N F . <.h*«ti*fv N ew York. T. A. RIGGS, , The Dallas Grocer. N E W T O -D A Y . 4 GOOD JOOD H A L F JF.KÄF.Y JK H s E Y M V IL IT I ! . 1 mile by Mr*, O. L. Francia. H ack for h ale or tr a d k bv COW a POR . bcrk h a lter near Imlla*. LMOHT Y FARLI NO HTK.ERH FUR HALB BY T f j D PhhlliM of 1MIU« k i T H A Y I H ‘ M s A T M Y I LACK h»va It by pa yln r fa m e* « . u h o r t iio h n di rham O W N ER W . II bull CAN K rtb a r. C A L F FOR «ole » ! by J T , ■I tfitc* at Hater. YEY T O LOAN OR ’ MFROVKD FARM F R o - pt rty usual reta» by Oncer H ayter, Dullae, to L o a n at « rf.H c e n t o n f a r m J . L. COLLINS, tei'M . l i f t H A V E MONEY T O LOAN ON IMFK0YTg> » ’■ farm u r l i urnpert j ' M I L K Y à KAR IN f t