C o u ld B e a P o w e r . FOU LITTLE FOLKS. T h e Kauahty Bear Cuba. My b lith e r B illy la a cook for a lumberman’ a ramp. It 1« a lonely spot, away L: the heart o f the plue woods, but ! .l!y ha« a tame tx*ar that come* to nee him every day aud is better company than lot* o f people—*o Hilly nays. T h i« bear, whose uarne Is Jlnnle, 1* a great pot with all the camper*. Kir« brings her cubs almost to the cabin, then leave* them and comes straight to the kitchen, for she know* that Billy will give her enough food for herself tnd her children. The little eubs ore rather shy mid t ldom leave the spot where she places them. She seems to l»e quite a firm and sensible mother. But the best of children w ill sometimes forget. One day Jlnnle caine In aud with great dignity walked up to the table nml begun to eat the scraps that had been saved for her. Suddenly she heard a noise, and. looking through the open door, she saw the tw o culm about to euter. It must have been agulnst her orders, for she lnstautly ran to them and boxed their ears soundly and pushed and shipped and drove them buck to their stopping place, grow ling aud scolding as she went. It was a funny sight. The |s>or little cubs whined and looked very forlorn, while Madam Jluuie looked severe and stately. A fte r she hud driven them back to their place she returned to the cabin and staid there all afternoon. ft really seemed as If she lmd made up her mind to teach them a lesson o f obedience. When she left, she took with her some food for the poor little cub*, and they ate It In a very timid manner and as though they were sorry for being such naughty children and would “ never do It again.” B illy said it mude him think o f the way grandma used to punish him when he was a little boy, and he knew Just how those cubs felt.—Chicago Record. It 1* very hard for women, who have Just ns much Interest as ineu In the po­ litical outcome, to sit In Idleness throughout the campaign, neither by pen. voice nor orguuiwatkn helping the party whose success the}' earnestly de­ sire. say* u writer In tin? N ew York Sun. Men themselves are no more sys­ tematically and thoroughly organized than are the women o f the country— the Woman's council with a million and a quarter members, the \V. C. T. U. with 200.000, the Federation o f Clubs with perhaps a larger member­ ship. the Woman's R elief corps, the Ladles o f the Maccabees and on through the list, representing millions vt women. These hold together, con­ stantly augmenting their numbers and Increasing the sphere o f their activi­ ties. It would la* entirely possible to organize these great forces for cam­ paign purposes and bring an undream­ ed o f power Into indities. W oman’s strength with the |s»n and on the platform Is universally recog­ nized. Some o f the strongest writers o f the day are women, and many a “ leader” for which a masculine editor receives the credit Is written by some woman ou the staff. Audiences today would rather listen to a woman speak­ er than a man. provided the ability is equal. And yet one o f the strangest features o f the present political situa­ tion Is that the voices, the [ft*iis. the great organized force o f women, are ab­ solutely rejected by the very party leaders who are scouring th * earth to gather ui) the elements which will bring strength to their tickets. THE S IL O « I k . t h . S ilo D m , , W i t h l u M t k W a l l , a u d P u i’ k T h o r o o f t h i , . M ake the silo deep, fo r the greater the dppth the greater w ill be the pressure ou that below, thus forcing out air from the fodder and Insuring better silage. Shallow silos as a rule give less satisfactory results than deep ones, as there are larger air spaces In » I L L I NO A SM ALL ROUND SILO. Bee-see, wee-see, ace-aee-wcet ) i ' Here it lived, aa »;!ml and free At n little bird could bo. Till one very dreadful day Came a naoirhty boy that way. And he apied the yellow bird. Whore the leafy branches stirred. Singing tweetly, Mee-wee-ace, Sec aee, weeaee, sec-sec-wee t •That’» a pretty bird," said he; “ Just the sort of bird for me I’* Henri» k which, it flew away (Boya don't always have their way), Whi n he climbed up to its neat (I cannot ltr«r to tell the feat); llul now live little yellow bird. R o U iih ) of Its neat, it never heard On the borders of that wood. Perhaps It's none where buys are food And somewhere sings ita see-wce-svc. See-ace. wee ace, we-See-wre! - F.limtwih A. Davit in Uolden Days. It le W e ll. It Is well to carefu lly cultivate tnstes. Ruskln tta.vs: “ T ell me what you like, and I will tell you what you are." It Is well to study human character, podonstedt says: “ In the face o f every human Ittdng Ids history stands plainly written, his Innermost nature* steps forth to the light: yet they are the fe w ­ est who can road and understand.” It Is well to “ brush up ngalnst the world.” Goethe says: “ Talent form * Itself In aeerot: character Is the great current of the world.” It Is well to Is* never ' » 1 st down. Elizabeth Barrett Browning say*: Irt no nt>* till Ms death Be called unhappy. M><»«ure not the work L’fttll the day’» «ait and the tut*# dose. A L i n k In t h e P n a t , Mrs. Alexander Cnpperton. who died In Korkhlll. Scotland, the other day, was one o f the few links connecting tl»e present with the time o f 8lr W alter Hoott Bhe entered Ills service when 1(1 and remembered hearing his heavy footfall on the stairs nt 3 every morn­ ing when he entue down for hi* butter­ milk and porridge. Mite was with him when lie died and received a lock o f his hair from Mr*. Lockhart-Philadelphia The night whe* la»t I taw my lad Hit t }M were bright and wtL lie took my two hands In hit own, ** ‘Ti* well,” tsyt he, “ w t’re met, . A»t boro mschrec. the like« o’ me 1 hid ye auw forget. “ FIG. VM I pois Externa] application* o f washes, lotions and salves sometimes mitigate the itching and soothe the inflammation, but cannot reach the disease. Only S. S. S., the real blood medicine, can do this. S. 8. S., the only purely vegetable remedy known, is a safe and permanent cure for Eczema and all deep-seated blood and »kin trouble«. It goes direct to the seat o f the disease, neutralizes the acids and cleanses the blood, re-inforces and invigorates all the organs, and thus clears the system of all impurities through the natural channels; the skin relieved, all inflammation subsides, and all sign* of the di«»ease disappear. South East S O U T H E R N P A C IF IC CO. II. Arrive Hi Pan*» 0:00 p in; i :00 p in. lid a well regulated Hioitittch. Ho*- ••»*•’ * Stomach B itter» will enable anyone to obtain this. I t i e i l t great- -w u««-(iicine for tint «-lire of i)1 h llm l iiiim ' from a bad stom ach. I t cure* IvHpfpsi*. constipation, fever and ague, m alaria, rheum-in-m and in ­ somnia. No other m edicine can h I iow a record equal to H m d ettei’* Stomach Hi'»era, the standard m edicine o f the Anu’ricHii people for over 50 y«*ars. I d proportion to population. North Berwick is sa Id to be the wealthiest town in Scotland. It has un annual value o f real property per inhabitant o f about flKJ. .T«pnn«*se swords Imre the high tem­ per o f the famous Damascus blades without their wonderful flexibility. i ! H ». “ WtìfMi I grow up. G iu rie." the IIM1# fioy *ol«f. “ I’ll fii.irrr jr«»n.” l'.irt w orth <;.30 a m ; u..'Ui » ui. City « f Mexi o 9:W> a m ; 9:ft& a in. lluhtoii 4 00 a in ; 4:00 t> in Ne»v orieuim fl: f> |* in; Ü:V& p n r Wahhinutini 0:42a nr, 9 42 a in. N e w Y o rk 12 43 p in; 12:43 p ni. Pullman an 1 Tourist «•ar* on l> >th tra'ii*. « ’h - ir I oars S-icrviiiHuto to O tfen ami Kl P »><», knd tniirUt I ■•ars to Chicago, St. Lim i», New Orleans and, \\ ash ' •'■I *1 l»iv<* u>ed r i i * mb risiti'* Colic. Fin d ra and Diarrb >e* K em *dv and C O K V A L L IS M A IL D A IL Y fi nd i* to he a great m«*ui«ritie." s*v* (Kxt-ept Sinn lay) 'Ir . E S. I’ hipps. of R oteati. Arkiir* Portland A r. 0:f4) P » «O A M Lv. •us. “ I (V r»*d me o f hlonBv (lux, I I i :08 A M Lv. Derry Lv. 2:14 P -M ; »••nie» ip '-ik t * » hiirhlv of it.” This L v . i:20 »• M Corvallis eiiictly e lw a v f wins 'h e g» < d «•pinion. At Afi-aiiy and t.'orvalift «'«»iiiiort with trnius of Ore • •il «>ntrul and Ha-stern railroad. >1 not 1-raÌM*, «»f fin s e a ho os«1 it T i c quick » lire« w id th it efliCt- DALLAS PAsSBENGER. vi h i • tin o oh »«‘ vere » UM .H make it a fa* « * » ¡te c*\« rv u lu le . For sale bv R egretted . Daily, Ezoept Snudfty. “ I might have known better than to A K 'Y il*o,t. ! P M Lv. Portland Ar 9 30 A M trust my money to that broker.” . P M Ar. Dalla» Lv. ii »0 A M “ W hy so? Are appearances against H o ld in g. him?” “ As fa r ns politics Is concerned,” said Y A M H IL L D IV IS IO N . "No. confound him! It’s bis dlsap* Pu«*-*’ '.foot t»f .1 * 01 -freet. the man with the high brow. “ I prefer pea ranee.” —Brook ly n Life. A l LIE FREI HT TRI W EEK LY. to hold aloof.” : L -ave 8 :’..s ¡.. 1 . Poitlniid A n ive 3 ; 0 f p. n, “ H oldin g aloof Is all right for them ..cave 8:64» p. in. Dalln» Arrive 8 ft«-a. ti Ai. lie Leave 7:30 m. in that likes it,’* said the man with the I strive 5:io p. n». red neck, “ but I’d rather hold a Job.” — Indiana polls Press. I Boc I. N Woods uj.'1 »-t ut 1 alias »luti- n or add re»» T h e ir T rade M arks D e s ig n s C ^ ” YRICH T9 A C . Anyone tending a »ketch «nd description may quickly ascertain our opinion free who! her an iiiTimtion It prohnblf piileMtaMe. CoinitiiintcH- ti«*ns »tn otlf confidential. llamltmok on Patents sent Dee. Old«*» aiMHicy for securing patent». Patents taken through Munu ¿1 Co. receive tp fd a l n .'tice, without chare o, !n the Scientific American. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Largest cir- < illation o f iiny scientific Journal. Terms. $3 a year ; four mont h», $L Sold by all newsdealer». u« . i » New York ■ n u li F S U Washington. 11 nut on. I D. C. Summons. In the circuit c «»u r t «*f the stats o f O regon f«»r P o lk s»unty. V i o l a T , M«»rt*»n, plaintilf, ^ v* NSunim on». W in (J. V o v to n , «ift. | T o W iiliiiin G , AI«»rton, the afioVe nam ed d e­ fendant: S TA TE OF j j , j H uai n ess. Gas M a n -H e llo . Tom . what are you doing these days? Pork Packer— I*m In the meat busl- aesH. W liat are you doing? Gas Man— 1 go you one degree better. I'm lu the m eter business.—Detroit Free Press. Iln ta l’s pill.^are non irri t i l in. 25 cents. IV « e M r . B ryan F re e From nittern en *. Mr. Bryan’s campaign utterances I ihv «» ho fa r Ire«*n «iistinguished by strength, moderation and thoughtful­ ness. II«* Is devoid o f bitterness, and, while keen to expose the weak points o f Ids opponents, he Is careful to tlo so simply as a thinker atld a debater, with none o f th«* oflVnaivcness that has characterized the sp«H*<*hes o f one o f the Rt'puhlloan campaign star p«*rform- ers. ' )reg«»n, you a re hereby i-e«|iiircd t«» appejn ( • nd an sw er the c»ui|»laint Hied against yon in the shove entitled suit on or before tXe 23rd lav of N «.\ein ber. A . H , WOO. and if yon fail to answ er, fo r w a n t thereof, the plaintiff j w ill tek r a d i e « - « sg a iu rt you as pia>e«l fo r in tel' «■• ini«Inilit- ill ti e above entitled suit, to- L ■v it: T h a t the (Minds «>f m atrim ony n«*w ex- I istin / 1 sit w et n piain tiff an«i the defendant ! j herein -• dissidved an«l that plain tiff l»e d e­ , cretal to have the care and cu»t«Niy of their m inor children, K m uia H. M ortan. N e llie I*, fliirtn a, A h a R. Mor*«»n and ( i f M f f l W. , j M orton, n ii I that plain tiff b# decree«I to p *y j plaintitf » «Mats ami distMiraeiueatM herein aud I for such «»ther ami further r«^dief os to th « c >urt m ay »eem in «et and eiiuitahle. T h is mini in«»lit ¡» published b y tinier of the i H o n o r file I. K. S ib le y , jud ge «d th# ceunty q iiBfiie I» ten years Itehiinl. Ct-Mmlo not now court of th*- »tate of <>iegun for P «d k county, lia-r to tie einlureil. aleielel'i Dynamic Tubules • Inly u u eif at chaiiilrera on the 9th d a v «»f f-'c- ( ■ailed «lyuanik* from th-vir ermryv) cn»w<| a week's »niiii ry tiVNtnieiit into l i hvurs, amt allori the toiler, 1W0 T h - date o f the first |>ublicati«»n « .r»t , Heai J of the Dynamic T.vhti'e . T » my -»inHZe iieiit Att«>rn*y f»»r plaintiff. l e> stoppe«! I hi II i coutil sud col l the flrft nlgiit I e nlome ami recommend »hem t • the (iftipll.1' Bur e »y lit nie», ex-meinWr coiigr»-»» ani attorney, .«il ! 8 iiieiin-' st «»-e», San Fiamis**»». July 7, 19>»0, w '•\V»»«*n ron gn»w tip. Willi«*." ah* re- plirtl. you'll grt down on your knrog I IK-Iidwr. 1900 •nd *sk M e."-C h ic a go T rib u n * A d m in istrât.w with i C h a A. San telle H. FA B B IS H . w ill a a n «x «U o f estate nf •a d iKy. m t »e caurt r*-uu oI said e f t 'U e.mr* at D Ik»«. M l ent»n*r. O re; ■». has *»een flv il hr H . « J. K. Si Ne y. Jihljr “f «Ski eXirt, SS M*r lin e vat p 'a w f>w v •« hrarinv •*.* >n)a-t»ons I > ai,i flavi se i count am! the sc. Us in — 1 Ikerwif. • * I K «N»NXFR, N. M L»NNRft. E v e n t >rs «■! toe laU «ill f R. L P a s tr, a*-ton*e» far sold e «t * e I s l e ! Ortober O n l. 1*** g .C o • vS'eM t * i*i . ■ . • . I . U K - t i l l . À i «».ax } } rs |>llOl «».;,0 ««»pies vetes nVf», w!' cl» In Si.Ill, n; «1 vvhiuii “ u* ..lilt i v - ji lu i, and DindiiigM«» i .'•«Ase i nita -.1 ii atomi , 1,01 it v.-.ovk of - -i ' ,ü;.g . 'ace Gbs • j L T llO H.Iji»»iO ■ r . i l . « i \V«»l'«i:-, ’ j ■ > *n -c¡’ !;»'«l l o e - - • * r u :o « . ' U i< : • : o « * k s !«• «' n «r i tinotl to contn ,i, '• - >i.»‘d b) u *«■.•> man who died over -» year- arfo, un>‘. < pufilishcil Itefore lili* «Jofti-ii. Other mi *i* udditiouH Ui-e prolNtlily « f i..«»t-c or :■ al- o. Tbo Webster’s Unnbridtud Dlctio.ibry l ■ - lished l;y our houso ia . «* •» «».. . iono.u* one of that name finn liar to «his uro.icrvl ion. It oontzins over pniren, with ilbiKtia- tlons on nearly every pate, an«! licinv < it Imprint, on the til le page. II is çrtaceico •> copyright from cheap imitation, 'ork i». we have «n 1 * valuable as inis w»>r expense published n tln»rouul»ly revtaed successor. Known throughout the woi-M iw W ebster's n:e."..atlcnal Dictionary. Aa a dictlafr.ary îdsia Gi lifetim e you should Besi. Illustrilierc* .n, thia 6th d a y of P. A. l‘oitluii«i. Oreicoii- L e c p Y o u r s jlf S tro n g . ami yon will ward • *11* c«»bl>, pncii- >i“ iiiiif e -er-« and • t *• r d n e •*«*►. You ii«-« d to have | it •, r i• 1» I !«•• «1 ¡■••»•I K"*»«l «ligtM iou. iiiw u ’a Burrttp- nrilla 111 ike-« »Ii«* blood rich and pure a* 11 » ••ilirr m edicine will do I t ton- e t «* sfo nnc.i, crout *s an appetit and I n»\igert»ie* the win le sy-tem . Y on will be wise t«* begin ta kin g it now, f »r it will kucji you »Iro n g and well. 'd i l natoli. «.’. II. MAI.KHAM. . V y go«Min .1 . Ik IV .'.' iilh-ll D id n ’t Need Credit. “ You’ ve sent your boy to college, 1 hear.” remarked the neighbor. “ W ell. 1 hope he w ill acquit himself with credit.” “ H e won’ t n«»vd to, begosh!” said Mr. Caswell, somewhat Irritated. " I ’ m able to supply him with the cash right straight along.” —Chicago Tribune. Notice of Final fe.tlement. ^ A rriv e A rrive A rrive \i rive A rriv e A rrive tVnins'Unir at Sui Kranciwo » iili eral «tram -hid lute» t<> tloiMilulii, .tapan, China, Phi lipiiic» | Central and Souili Aicerica. Lxeiu tor’s Sale. W lw f T k as me THERE CAM BE NO EXTERNAL IRRITATION WITHOUT AN INTERNAL CAUSE. I- I.n r h l.s r . i . r r . In the market garden a ll sorts o f schemes have to be follow ed to save labor In blanching the plant—the art o f rem oving the natural b itter quality. “ Winter «•ohi» have a' w «ys leen se rio u» thing» to _ A t tim es the plants are set close to­ me. They are h t a la a l stay for moitSh-. Dut (he la-1 teas »«»«(deid.v hj Mernlrl • D\n*m»c gether so os to partis lly shade one NOTICE IS M KR KB Y G IV E N T H A T Tabulée. H.»th couch and *s»ld «iÌM.i|»fleaded in a another, and Anally boards are set up­ by virtue ami in imrauance of au order «»f th«* c i«t|»l«of «Isys. N'«»tldng els« doe-this forme '' right against the plant In the rows. A t c«*»uity coart «»f th* coiuitv «*f l*«»lk, »t.'»te «*f Mrs Emma L I!«.ll.n. l l M«»ss -tiecr, *«aii Ovieieco. other times albino varieties are em­ • )rvw«*n, niaili* uu«f rn tc rrd «*n Ihp ôth d a y *»f Auv «si «J, liftft». M arch. IJKiO. in the m atter «»f the su t»’ « «(f “ 1 live »»risi the V r w t from «v’iere Ri-ndel'» Dy- ployed that m-em blanched because < 'boa. A Sawteilc. d«‘( » they develop no green or olilofophyllons ariti, on 111 « «t.aen U n « » * th me for self -m l fi ten ia a hen I matter In their structure. But the bit­ 1 0 th D ^ y o f N ^ v o m b e r , IO G O , went to Nome li I. Van a in« le, iniiil"ft.. w ., o f «j»id «lav, Waslnngton »ti\c., San Fran -scO T o have good celery the process o f -ell at imblio auction at the fron t d «»»r «»f the U»<; Sent » - Hpa‘ 1 L»e »ft oewta in «tunos h v IN L \ N I> cnrthlng up must be continuous. It u-»untv court house in Ih dlaa. in aaid Oatmty ••IH’O C*».. !»"• « W.iehiujfton Unset, Ha i Fraavisew. ; «*f Folk, to the highest liwMar f»*r cioili in require* a very rich aoll. and If plenty haml .»n «lay «.f »ale, t h « fidl««w m g « W w i b n i Alt • on «aie by «.ar iu -slt cut. . * *» Wiiam. o f w ater can lie given so much the bat­ real pio|«ertv l»rl«m^iii< to -a id «o tate o r a » much thereof a» m av be neoeaaary f«»r tin? |*t«- ter. says Meehau’ s Monthly. I p * « «*f i s h ì r k fu m ls w it h which to }»ay «»If IlM k . I the inilelttednew« of saM M t o l « t w l t h « ckarg- “ 1 took my hat off In tha struct car." I * i and exi^neea .if aitmin»etratfi»n. to-w it: i L »t s 1 and 2 nf »ection 17, tow n sh ip A south, “ W hat for. K itty ? ” Wjnnt’F |H MKRKBY OIVZN THAT J K Ol>N “ W hy. that girl who wouldn't m ors ra n ^ « H weat, «»f the W illan iett« m eridian iu 1 » ner mh ! V K. CotiSW, the sufvivln< executor« l*«»lk county, D m p m , conta in ia g 37 OR a c r a. ' the last « II ami ie«tament of Natliau Conner, de tver had fixed herself so my hat kept A U » the n«»rthwe«t J o f the southweat L the s «eases!, h «» e WeU th-tr «osi a.v-<*»nt »•«»» ■(» xe.si 'he sun out o f her eyes. *—Indianapolis w e-t I •»# in>rthwe«t .»n«-4juart«r and the tor« ia (h * • untv vourt, of Kolk «• maty. Orwr*n. nortl east on e- its onlv In­ burned iu the huge furnace knowu as the that the apple crop thin year w ill be dustry. the *U|>|M>rt o f 850 oper« leave Dalla» for Portland mid wny »tations An obi and well tried rem edy. Mrs. :io t v rlllliiK tlint n ItlucU mini alionld English use. Until this matter rose no­ tt’ iim l.m V Footliiu g Syrup han been &t o:10 a in. except S uiilu . vh . be sold fo r Iftl.OOO. now claim s (h at body seemed to know that quuii existed lined lor over lilty te a r * by m illions of l F lllp lw o v-nii ho b o ii» lit fo r $2.50. iu Egypt, but they do—by the millions. Le;*ve Portland 8:30 in, 7:'( p m motilen* f «r their child ren w hile teeth­ f lie pi-lnclple 1» ex a ctly the m iine.- Leave Salotti II u ni; 9:8ft p in A rrive 1í:í.1 a in: 1 !:'M) a m ing, with perfect Miccess. I t soothe* *.V. J. Bryan. T h e E nd o f t h e Wc rid In 1014. A rriveNucran.eut«» p m :4;"r, a in t'» • eldld, rtotieiiH iln* gums, alleys all A rriv e -San Francise«» 7:4ft p ui; 8:1ft a in. A (Miltons rcHMitint predicta llm l the w<*rl«l will ¿mitt* to »in end in 1014 p mi . ••»ire* wind colic and is the iie?.i icm cd v for diarrhoea I» piensan! l< btiiditg hi* calc'iln tim i- on tlie re*vein- Arrive Oilmen 5:4f» a nr, li:*5 ft in. Li- iih of (lie bibb*. If till** is ho , it is the lasfe. S«»!d by d ru ggist* 'in e v e n Arr'v Denser 9 oo a m; 9:00 % in. Arr vr K in*»* Cttv 7:25a m; 7:?.r» » in. 25 cents a bottle. well lo if**t wli t pleasure we can out part oi tin* world Arrive OMcag«/ 7tM» ft •»: 9;:>0 a h i . • Ils value L» incalculable. Be »lire aud o f the few yearn bat remain for us lo liv e -One o f ilie surest w*\n In en» ask for Mrs. W in slow 's S ooth in g Sy Arrive I.oe Auge'.e» l:-0 p in; 7:00a in. vtv life is t he p* HseHsion <>f go id health rup and take no other kind. IN TH K N A M E OK T H E . 1 Ah. turv, the Miine’s a thrtffin thing; ^ ’Tit more I’d do for him! 1 mind the my la I promised well. ( Away on ilallundim. An every little while or so Thi* G L E A N IN G S . the silage ow ing to lack o f pressure. W h erever practicable the silo should have a depth o f not less than 24 feet, while more satisfactory results may be expected If It Is ten feet deeper. M ake the silo walls smootj). A fte r the silage Is placed In the pit It should settle even ly aud easily. I f the walls are p erfectly vertical and smooth, the conditions for settling w ill be favora­ ble. W here stoue is used, a coat o f Ilrlllln n t Lncy H olcom be. w ater lim e cement must be used to Lucy Holcombe was perhaps the make a good surface. As silage con­ most celebrated o f all southern beau­ tains acid, this smooth surface w ill ties. She met Francis W . Pickens, the gradually become eaten aud rough, so distinguished statesman, at Green that from year to year, as seems nec­ Brier W hite Sulphur Spring*. Va., essary, a light w u ih o f cement should where It was rumored that he had just be brushed over the wall to make it declined the appointment ns minister smooth. W here wood Is used, the lin­ to England. Although tw ice a w idow ­ ing lioards should be dressed ou one er already, he fell deeply In love with side. The w all on the Inside should her and was given to understand that In* perfectly plumb aud smooth from he might have lmd a favorable answer the top o f the silo to the foundation A V ou it k Mnrkuman. hud he been less hasty In declining the wall, from the top o f which there may H ere Is a picture of Bandsman Hyde mission to the English court. At this be a slight bevel to the floor. In any o f Rugby school, the smallest and prob­ suggestion the enthusiastic lover hur­ form o f wooden silo, excepting the ably the youngest boy who ever shot ried to Washington, had President round, it is desirable that the iuside Buchanan appoint him minister to Rus­ lining board* be milled on vertically. sia. and he left foF St. Petersburg n few The silage w ill then slip down easily. weeks later with the beautiful Lucy ns H a v e as few corners as possible. u bride. In this foreign capital they Upon the thoroughness o f the packing | made many distinguished friends, usually depends the character o f the 'am ong whom were Alexander II and preservation. Most o f the waste which the czarina. At the close o f the occurs where si luge has been well put Buchanan administration the Pickens in occurs at the surface, against the fam ily returned to America, and the doors, at the sides and in the corners. late minister was elected governor of Use gas tar on wooden silos, for South Carolina. He served In this o f­ when «¡»plied hot It Is considered the fice until the close o f the war. when he best known preservative o f wood avail­ • retired to Edgewood. his plantation able fo r common use. Even put on I home near Edgefield. Here he and his cold. If not too thick for rapid painting, beautiful w ife continued, as they had it is a superior preservative. T a r may alw ays been, the center o f the political also be thinned with gasoline without and social lib* o f the stnte. W hile at the us«* o f heat. A s gasoline rapidly St. Petersburg n daughter was l>orn to evaporates into a gas which is very in­ the minister and his w ife In the palace flammable much care should be used. o f tilt* czar. She was christened Olga The illustrations, from publications Neva Francesca Eugenia Dorothea ! o f the Wisconsin station, g iv e an idea Pickens, the czarina becoming her god­ o f the appearance and method o f filling mother.—Ladies’ Home Journal. a round silo and explain in a measure 1 the process o f constructing a silo o f “ BANDSMAN” AT TIIK IIA NOB. H er Lust D rink. over the famous rlile range at Blsley, In Hyde Park lives a young matron this kind. Fig. 1 shows a method o f England. He stands only I feet and Is who Is o f such a high nervous tempera- ! laying and leveling the foundation. A 15 years old. Yet lie mude u big score, ment"tliat If she drinks the very small­ Is a center post with top level with top (13 points, at 200 mid 500 yards, in tlio est amount o f alcoholic stimulant be- o f proposed wall. B B nr«* straight edge public schools competition recently. | fore going to bed the result Is sleepless­ 1 boards nailed to stakes driven In the ness for the remainder o f the night, ground. C Is a piece o f straight edge A K lm l I'lmppror, i Some nights ago a number o f friends tim ber fixed to turn on a pin at A. B B During n four months' visit In Berlin I dropped In for the evening, and the I are all nailed level with top o f post A. The last winter, says a well known tra v ­ husband, who, by the way. is a south- ! Fig. 2 shows the construction. eler, I noticed numerous sand piles sur­ 1 erner. suggested that he make a mint I sills are 2 by 4 Inches In tw o foot sec- rounded by happy children o f all ages, J julep for each o f the company. T h e ; tions, with the ends cut on the slant o f and, wondering why they were allowed suggestion was received with delight, a radius o f the silo circle. These should j be sawed out with much care. A fte r the privilege o f scattering the sand in and the Juleps were promptly mixed. this otherwise very tidy city. 1 made In Ids w ife ’s glass, however, he put lft»lng bedded lu mortar they may l>e inquiries and learned that before the , only enough whisky to flavor the w a­ toenalled together. The plates are the old Emperor W illiam died lie ordered ter. probably not more than a teaspoon­ same, spiked to top o f studs, which are Short large piles o f sand to be placed at In­ ful. O f this she sipped about half. T h e 2 by 4 Inches, n foot apart. tervals in F ilter den Linden and also result, however, was the same. She In all the large parks throughout the was troubled with insomnia all night city for the benefit o f the poor children. i long, and It was not until 5 o’clock In The pleasure proved to I k * ho great I the morning that she dropped o ff to that the children o f all classes, rich 1 sleep aud as a consequence was not and poor, mingled together, all armed called for breakfast. with spoons, paddles, buckets and At 10 o’clock site came down stairs pans. In Victoria park, which Is situ­ I and. hearing the voices o f children on ated In the “ poor” district, there Is one the front porch, stopped to listen. H er solid acre o f tine white sand, where on heart filled with motherly pride as she a fine day hundreds o f children dig and heard her eldest son. a boy o f 0. tellin g piny, enjoying the kindness o f the old seven or eight children from the nelgh- emperor. This Impressed me ns the borhood that they must not make too greatest kindness I ever witnessed. much noise, us his mamma was asleep. Imagine her horror, too, as the young A L it t le Y e llo w B ir d . hopeful added: On the border» of ■ wood. “ Mbe drank so much whisky Inst In » sunny neighborhood, night that she couldn’t come down to | Lived a little yellow bird, i Where it» tonic was often heard, breakfast thU morning.” - Kansas City 1 Something like to see-wee-nee. Star. A « l*ri»*i»er*. A certain Belief ns to clothes was re­ cently some » hat shaken by the reveal- lugs o f some N ew York east side tailors who were airing a grievance, it has been one o f the established tenets o f woman’s cri ed as to the work o f men tailors ttiat they were unapproachable In the matter o f pressing. It is one o f the ooinmouplnces o f conversation among womvn patrons that It Is Impos­ sible for a woman worker to turn out us w ell prtNsed garments ns do even ibeap men Villoi s. H ow much this has ».Mft*»» a matter o f assertion rather than fact was shown by the com plaining east slder* referred to. Although the sea sou has !>ecn u good on«» to them, a i large sized spot on the sun o f th «lr prosperity has !>een the rather exten ­ sive employment by manufacturer* o f young negr > girls as prvtsera. Another vanished Illusion!- Pittsburg Press. “ FORGKTTIN." Nothing will be too good for Baden- Dowell. Probably the British would *d«l another hyphen to his name if he c*r«** for it.—Lawrence New*. In appropriating the Orange Free State the British have had t<> «tamp out the noble word “ free.” which used to be good English.—Rurinirfield Republican. In z military way the British «->.ersi S«»rrs ' ami R .rV rs Shops. T V t hant«h pain, induce sleep, »nrf iso L m .- |:fe O f t fires relict: N o «nailer *S.nV rW n. »tir- « i r M lj * Ten u n p lr . .tad >. St., N i» \ «et Vili,