[Corrected weekly by Felix Noel.) Wheat, per bushel, 50 ct*. Bran, per ton $14. Shorts, per ton, $.6 O ils , per bushel, 35 ot*. Flour, per 10 barrels, $2 70. F lour, per suck, 80o. buckwheat Hour, $2.50 per owl. Germea, $1 50 per uwl. Corn meal, $2 *0 per cwt. [Corrected weekly by Brown A Son Potatoes, per bushel. 35 els. Butter, per | h > iiii er pound, 2$ cts. Onions, per pound, 2 cts. Beans, per pouud, 4 (»5 cents. Corn meal, per pound,2$ cts. Hay, per um, $5(4$7 S t o p * Iths C o u g h A nd work* oil'the cold. Laxative bro- imiqiiiniiie tablets enru a cold iu one day. No cure, uu pay. Price, 25 cents. COUNTY 8 E A T LE T S . The stage driver will bring whatev­ er you want from Salem. You save money when buying vonr jackets a 'd wrap* at ill* Bee Hive, Over 100 garments, consisting of ready made skirts ill all kinds of material, including golfs and rainy day styles, offered st s great reduction. Qsynnr’s store is tlie place to gei tlie best of ull kinds of footwear. Their slioes will come ns near keeping out '.lie wet and cold as any in the mar­ ket and their rubber goods are of stau dard make. Mrs. Shaffer has reason Pi feel satis tied with Iter fail millinery trade for all of her old customers and many new ones have been patrouiiiiig her and expressing themselves as well pleased. **• Hercules waterproof «lines, every pair warranted. The Bee Hive. Thousand« Haw * K idney Trouble and D on’t K now It. W H A T W E H AVE LE A R N E D D U R IN G How To Vlad Out. THE W E E K F R O M A L L A V A IL . Fill s bottle or common glass with water and let It stand twenty-four hour:; a sediment or set­ A b t « S o u r c e « O lsh e d u p fo r O u r tling indicates an N u m e r o u « F am ily of R e a d e r « unhealthy condi­ In A hrnvlated P a r a g r a p h « . tion of the kid­ neys; if tt stsins Bpcctacitf* and glesaes at l'feniiig's. your linen It is evidence of kid­ Usltwl hay und mill feed ut Osfield’e ney trouble; too frequent desire to W eites liave beeil slnying Ued 1‘ ra- pass It or pain In the back Is also irl« sltt-ep. convincing proof thst the kidneys snd blad­ I M Frazer «i»» moved (rum Urtò I ! der are out of order. h es lo L U pendane«. What to Do. There is comfort In the knowledge so H. h tv hoco often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-. ... L. ,, Fun-on , ami , wife , Root, the great kidney remedy fulfills every 1 VI*,' " ,E 1 Br'***« ki i.drcd wish in curing rheumatism, pain In the John Ueez'y. of Falls City, has he back, kidneys, liver, bladder snd every part of the urinary passage. It corrects Inability come a normal student. to hold water and scalding pain In passing borne hunters kills<1 a horse for it, or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, snd overcomes that unpleasant George Dyke ra on Itcd Prairie. necessity of being compelled to go often J. H , Lawton, tin- barber, lias ta k during the day, snd to get up many times during the night. The mild snd the extra­ en iu ae a partner, Clarence Sliullx ordinary effect of Swam p-R oot ts soon Hon. N F . Gregg ie having an ad­ realized. It stands the highest for Its won­ derful cures of the most distressing — —« dition made ta bis res deuce south ef If you need a medicine you should have the Ballslon. best. Sold by druggists in50c. and Jl. sizes. W ill. Martin, who married Miss You may have a sample bottle ot thla Mattel Cobb, is now head sawyer in a wonderful dlooovery mill at Dill». snd a book that tells more about tt. both sent A number of industrious and thrif­ absolutely free by mall, ty Scandinavian families are ex|iect- address Dr. Kilmer is h « * « ot ed front Minnesota. Co., Binghamton. N. Y. When writing' men­ tion reading this generous offer In this paper. Reese i. Kelly, of Bethel, recently hough* a band of flue sheep from Fred Johnson, nf Peedee. Miss Clara Luce is teaching at Oak­ land, 11 linei«. Cricket Bevens has sold to Hslles S u n d a y S a h o a l Rally. A. D. Pettyjohn has bought Hall's There will be a Sunday school rallv and Salem hoteliers 50 heef cal lie ferry below Independence. at Zena, Sunday, November 4 1 li. li ami 150 mutton sheep. will be an all day session with a ban­ Alxiut forty telephones are in ser­ Putnam Fadeless Dyes are fast te ket dinner. Mr. Keed, vice president vice here four of them having been sunlight, washing, and rubbing of tlie «tale association, will tell what added in the last week. ■told by A. K. Wilson. organization means, snd Mrs. W in- Rc^ai ■ ans, state siiiH-rinteiideul of tlie home department, will explain tlmt part ef the work. The children, as well as older ones, may expect a treat from Mrs Wash, county president. Usv Morrliead will discuss the essentials to successful leaching nf the Bible and the superintendent of the Suniii.it school will talk on teachers meetings Tlie needs uf tint school will be dis­ cussed by Bethel, Perrydale lias been invited to tell of primary work, ami ll.dlstou will talk aliout the adult classes. Zeua will speak on the prac­ tical results from our schools. You are moat cordially invited. E mma R ig g s , district president. «•« Whenever your plow fails to set A V illa g e B la c k s m ith S aved H is Little S o n 's Life. just right, take it Pi J. E Smith, who Mr. H H. Black, the well known esu almost, iuvariably apply att effee village blacksmith st Orshantsville. tive remedy. Sullivan county N. Y., says: “Our lit tie Bon, five years old, lias always Lots of farmers arc buying a varie­ been subject to croup, snd so bad ty of grass seeds at Fntlll’s store and have the attacks been thst we have not a few are still procuring farming h-ared many times that he would die. implements there. But the most iu W e have luid the doctor and used quiries are for stoves and the things many medicines, but Chamberlain's tiiat go with them and he generally Cough Remedy is new our sola reli­ Itaa about what people want in that ance. It seems to dissolve the tough line. Hie tinner is kept busy making inuuus and by giving frequent doses buckets, esns and other articles. H r when the crotipy symptoms appear carries rope of all sizaa and all sorts we hare found that the dreaded croup of builders hardware. is cured before it gets settled.” There is no danger in giving this remedy Buttrick’s pattern’a, the worlds Stan for it contains no opium or other in­ jurious drug and may he given a» con­ dard of fashion, for sale at The Bee fidently to a hahe as to an udult. For Hive. -ale by A K. Wilson. Gunsmith Illsser is kept very ) i ih \ these days hv sportsmen from all around. He know* exactly what t< do w ith a gun that is out of whack and pots up ammunition that will kill every Lime. •** Frank Kerslake in the old hop 1 building carries a good stock of new and second band furniture. He will also buy er exchange anything of the kind. Take to him for sale nr ex­ change whatever you do not need. ••• Examine our overcoats at $7.50, $9, $10, $12, $13, $15. Great values, l'lte Bse Hive. .* » New and desirnhle things in milli­ nery are constantly arriving st Miss Ifallock’s emporium in the Wilson block. Ask to see the handsome dal) to be given to her patrons. »». As soon as Mr. Lynch looks at a de- sired job of lilaeksmithing he knows how pi tackle it to the best advan­ tage. *** J. F. Morrison takes to tlio livery business like a duck does ta water, it being bis natural element. No won­ der then that he succeeds so well in pleasing his customers. New arrivals, tioys tlireo piece suits, long pants, also thrse piece school suit*. Jnst what vou have been look­ ing for. The Bee Hive. LOCAL AND GENERAL- T h e Y o u th ’s C o m p a n io n In IOOI. The ends of the earth will lie luiil under tribute for the 1901 volume of The Youth's Companion. State«- man, diplomats, traveller«, trappers, Indian fighters, cow-puncher«, ami self-made men and women " f mant vocations will contribute to the , n er tainnu nt of young and old in Com ­ panion bullies. Theodore Roosevelt will write upon “ The Essence of Heroism.” The Secretary of th- treiiury will am wer the qnwition, “ W h at is Money?” Frank T. Bullen, the old sailor who spins fscinsting yarns ef life nt sea, will coatribute s story. W . D. Howells will contribute tlie relations between ‘‘ Yeung Con­ tributors and Editors.” Paul Leices­ ter Ford will wrile about “ The Man of the dictionary”— Noah Webster. There is not space here to begin to tell of the good tilings already provid­ ed fur readers of the new volu nn of Die Youth's Coni|>aninii— interesting, instructive, inspiring— from the pens of f.imous men snd women. Illustrat­ ed announcement of th* 19#l volumn and sample copies *f the paper sent free te any addreas. All new aub scrlbere wlio «end iu their subscrip­ tion now will receive not only the 52 eopies of The Companion fer 1901 but also all the copies far the remaining w ie k *o fl9 0 0 frie from the time of suhsrriptien, besides the beautiful "Puritan G irl” calendar for 1901, lit li ngrapbed in 12 colors and gold.— The Youths Companion, Boston, Massa­ chusetts. Mrs. M. E W eaver will give lessons in embroidery at her studio in tlie dor­ mitory every Wednesday afternoon. The present population of the Coiled States is 76.295.220, while ten year* ago it was 63.009,756. If your slnmacli it weak it slieuld have help. H o id's 8«ra*p*ii11* give« strength to the stomach and cur?« dyspepsia and indigestion. Martin Bros, have bought 880 seres Rev. Goodfriend will preach Sun­ uf unculled timber land two miles we«t uf the upper Salt Creek school day morning on Destructive and Constructive Forces, his evening sub­ bouse and will move their tnw mill ject being The Work of the Pioneer*. there. At the home ef the bride, west n! Anything anil everything in the marble cutters line and cemetery work Airlie, Inst Wednesday. W in . F. I.er will lie promptly and well done if en­ uf 11 ridgi-port, was married to M i» trusted to G. L. Hawkins at Indepen­ Nellie Crilchlow, by Rev. H. A, Deck dence. Frank Morrison and Miss Minnie The Sunday schoal officers at l’ee­ Lynch were married Wednesday by Rev D. C. dcFnrland anil at once dee are. Superintendent, l). H. Simp son; secretaiy, J. W . Yost; treasurer, went to their new home iu the Rock Mrs. L. R im er; chorister, Mrs. D. H. Creek country. Simpson. The home of J. O. V an Orsd' l wm The fish, poultry and general mar­ crowded Wednesday e 'e iug with ket on Mill street is having a flue member* and friends of the Pieshv run of custom because they kepp so terian church, the time In ing delight- many things the people want. They isilly spent in sociability. huy as well as sell. At the home «if the brtd'a parents G. W . Shriver, the Perrydale liar ill Riekresll Wednesday Otis W ail ness maker has had ahuudaiit experi­ and Mis* Liszie-Orr-'wvrtt united for ence and knows exactly how to make life by ltev. A. I Gobdlrijiid. There horse clothing that will give the best was a large atleodence nqd the happy service. Give him an order. couple n ceived many lie.ia ifnl pres­ ents. H en-y Howe is Np at Skagwar, whore his daughter, Mrs. Nellie Shoe About 100 o ir loads of prunes will make, lives, and is getting fat as a Is* »hipped from Haleni this season. tienr. Frank is a milk seller at Cape The dryers all over the Valley haw Nome and is doing wall enough, been taxed to their full capacity anil there must he quite a number of in » Special sale vf childrens lieadwarc ■nr« before the next eroh is ready for and caps at Miss Hallocks, upstairs curing. Members of th - state h< ard in the Wilson building, this week uf horticulture any that spraying li.-.s and next. Also a limited uiiinb r of improved the condition of nil kinds choice pattern hats at special rates. A fruit. Go and see those elegant meda W e give n • rewards. An nff*r ef lions in -he show window ot the Mor­ Ills kind is Ills me meat ef dceep- ris jew 1 y establishment. There are • ione. Test the curative powers of a dozen different kinds and it will he Ely’s Cream Halm for the cure of hard to d. cido which is the prettb rt catarrh, hay fever snd cold in tbe A. M. Stump has bought of W . C heed and you are sure to eontimir Brown the Cottage hotel » 1 $2,500 the treatment. Relief ie immediate and lias been sprinkling the reof with snd a cure follows. It is not drying, time to keep the inwsa from growing does net produce sneesing. It soetbps W ho has tried that and fsund it an ind heals the membrane. Price 50 effective remedy f cente at druggiats or by mail. Ely lirathere, 56 W arren Street, New Prof. Metzger will preach in the York. college cli*|iel next Sunday morning and Prof. Bittner in the evening. To remove a troublesome corn in Pastor Deck will hold services at bunion: First eovk the corn or bun­ Bridgeport morning and evening and ion in warm water to soften it, then at Falls City in the afternaun. pare it dewn as close as possible without ilrawing blood and apply So many horses, cattle, sheep and Chamberlains Pain Balm twice daily: goats have been killed or injured bv rubhiug vigorously for five minutes st careless hunters in all parts of Hit each »"plication. A com plaster county that farmer* are being com­ should lie worn for a few days, to pro pelled to post their lands against tres­ ■ret it freni the shoo. As a general passers. W e have for eale large tres­ iniment for sprains, brui e>, lame teas pass notices printed on cloth. snil ilieiinistism, Pain Halm is un­ Photographer Cherriugton hae re­ equalled. For sale by A. K Wilson. turned from the meeting of the pit«- The Dallas public school hi,Udine logrsplier* asaochilu n in Tertian)' ins been completed and is a credit to snd while there gained quite a mini he town and to the builders, Morri- tier of pi ini* rs us In the better aim «on A Kily. Next Monday «naming a more attractive photographic work. new 450 |iound bell will call ilia chil­ Have him to take you some holiday dren to book*. Two Urge furiyiccs in plctiiree with the improvements. 'lie basement will keep ail the rooms Editor S a a a W o n d a ra . Editor W . V . Barry, of Leziagton , ••• Tenn., in exploring Mammoth cave, A nicer slock of fall and winter contracted a severe case of piles. His goods than you can now see at Brew u’s quick cure through using Bucklen's store is not to 1« found in this couu- Arnica Halve convinced him it is aa- ly. Whatever is latest and beat they other world's wander. Cures piles, always procure and their pricee are injuries, iuHaiumstion, and all liudily always as low as the lowest. Drop in­ eruptions. Only 25 eeute at M, D. Chicken pie supper in the base­ to their grocery department and you Ellis’. ment of the Christian churoh at Fall* will be astonished at the variety they City to-morrow evening. A* the prn- j reeds go toward a bell for the church carry. O O LLE O E NO TE S. | and will be a benefit to the «urroun 1 D ie boys talk of getting a new foot­ ing cnnnlrv all who fpel able should O A K D A LE . ball. patronise the fesal. A ll the chicken ami things you can eat will cost you Ir*. Siefarth liae a nice lot of tur- New seats have been placed in the only 25 cent*. eh» | k -1 a I in«-1 doubling its sealing ca- •' ft. Macomlter hae several men I 1 pacity. The Thurston Lumbering com- ling wood. President Poling ha» been ahse'i' piny are patting the finishing tnnrtie* liver Dennis end John Farley ere revere] day« and we m i«« hi* genial on a large darn that will hold an im­ mense amount t f water up toward countenance. rifig boards. the head of La Creole. V ery scon Our literary eaeiety will give its first tliay will hare their mill pond hill of enrge Robinson, whe lias been ing with his son, John, has gone public programme Friday evening, he- |,.g« *,„1 ike machinery in steady op- Faahington to spead the winter. ginning at 7 ;30, and the genoral pub jeration. They ran readily dispose of lie ie invited. : «11 the lumber they can make. he boys say they will tliarsvari e Kimball when he coniee heme W e had many visitors daring t h e ' One of Lite most devnud sad sctiv. i hie bride, even should he stay teachers instil ate. they represen ting m„ niher, o( M E ehnrch M many schools nt ait gradas. Visitors y until spring. ------------ . j - ,. - „ A - ----------- Fell. Oily i. Mre. Eleanor F. Butler, ha is now confined to her home >hn Robinson and Ben. Thomp- from everywhere are welcome at ail times. with * broken ankle. Not many days hsve recently killed foor deer. | ago she was pleasantly surpriveJ bv le George Hiefarth snd Fount, the coming «I her pastor's wife and ■phy have slain eight of them. members of the lilie s aid society. They brought pretty Mowers and well filled bwekeis »nd after a nice dinner there were pleasant rounds of conver- • ition and music. ABSOLUTELY PURE ABSOLUT! V J. M Prathsr, near Buena Vista, bail 140 good goals and has added two flue bucke to the band. Mary E. W ilkins has just flni«hei| s new novel, which bee been eecuivi. by The Ladies’ Home Journal The •ocial life of a small town is her theme. She reveals it* romances, its humors and its tragedies with that charming realism which eh*raetar *»• ■he writings of this popular nevelisi. Baking ^^■Powder warm ansi the system of veniilalion is excellent. A ll the desks having lieen overhauled and revarnishrd look al­ most a* good As new. In every tense of the word the new building is an im­ provement on the old one. For the present only seven ol the eight rooms will be used. Strongest, purest, most economical and healthful of all leavening agents. There are many imitation baking powders sold at a low price. They are made from alum, a corrosive acid which is poisonous in foot! NOVAL BASINO POWDER CO. 100 WILLIAM ST.. NEW VORg. T H E K IN G W A S B E T T E R . B it the Doctor Got Little Credit F er H U K Forts. A atory Illustrating tbe good sense and humor of tbe late King Humbert 1a told at the expense of hie physician. Dr. Haglione. Sometime* the king, from hi* hunting lodge of Castle Fu- •ano went to the sea and amused him­ self by ehoreling sand Into a cart. “Take care, yonr majesty,” said SagU- one one day, “not to perspire too much.” “Ah, my dear Signor Doctor," answered tbe king, resting his chin on Lie two hands that grasped the handle of hie spade, “this muscular ex- irclse does me much more good than yonr prescriptions.” “Yes, but one must abuse nothing." “But I tell yon that I feel very well, and yon are afraid you see In this poor shovel a competitor.” And, laughing heartily, the king finished filling bla cart. However, by exposing himself In every way without exercising any care, the king contracted bronchitis, which took a chronic form and gave him a rather troublesome cough. This cough was a source of anxiety to tbe faith­ ful doctor, as he could not convince hi* patient of tbe necessity for taking med­ icine. Occasionally the doctor was even sent away abruptly by the king, who would say, “ I have Dot called you. W hy did yon come? Yon may go. I thank yon very much." One evening, however, the doctor thought he had gained hie point, and he prepared for the king In his bedroom the powders he waa to take during tbe night. The next morning Dr. Sagllono rose very early, being very anxious to know tbe effect of his medicine. He was received In tbe bedroom and at once asked, “Well, bow does your maj­ esty feel this morning?” “ Much better—1 may say quite well,” was tbe response. “Ah,” observed the doctor, rubbing his hands with satisfaction, "you see the results of listening to reason.” “W h at do you mean?” asked the king. “T be powders!” “Bravo!" shonted Humbert. “Go Into tbe next room and see what you can And.” Tho powders were In the waste paper basket high |>e does and and a buck from lata Angeles. At I that time tln-re waa a great demand for them there, both from a fancier’« standpoint and for their tine, white, tender meat. These were the Ural I» com* to Dallas having a pedigree. At that time Edgar L. Collins had had four or tive but lie paid tittle attention to them, just raised a few for his own use for the table. Peeing there was going to be a good demand for them I sent to Los Angeles for three more Age may not be garrulous, but there does all of different strains and had le no denying the fact that It tella on them bred to three different bucks of different strains. These were fine, both men and women.—Exchange. A IR L IE . Groceries.,. Rev. Prosser preached here Bunday. Bura Tarter is speculating in calves. My fall and winter stock of everything in Hint line ia very complete. Just now I wish to call special attention to a new invoice of W illie McAdams it among us once The rain of tlie psat few days lias -topped plowing. Tableware Jim Atwater brought in a load of peara and apple* Isst week. A variety i f pat'.orn*, both pi»in and decorated. Any lady of taste can select from my ait irln ent articbl that would make her table very attractive. I have jnat put on display aa handsome at array of new design* ill Chi­ na ware aa you e 'e r saw. Manj' things are intended as presents for young people and children. One uf the W ellm an I kivs waa cut­ ting wood for H. T a r'e r last week. H. Tartar’s little boy hail the croup a few night* ago. but ia all right now. Mrs. C. E, Htaats S|>eiit several days • if last week with friaiul* at Independ­ ence. A. C. Htaats has the necessary ma­ terial on hand to build a cellar or fruit lion»«. J. O. Htaats and Tom met with good success ducks. Grots have in bagging J. F. Barry, who ie 81 year« old ie in very |mor health. Dr. H ill wae’over to see him a lew day* ago. T. A. RIGGS, The Dallas Grocer. T h is picture is the trade m ark of S C O T T ’S E M U L S I O N , and is on A. D. McKisson, after spending sev­ eral days prospecting in tlie vicinity every lxittle o f S C O T T ’S E M U L ­ •f Grants Pass, returned home last S I O N in the W o r ld , w h ich now week. amounts to m any m illions yearly. Mrs. Nannie Goyeau is quite tick at T h is great business has g ro w n to her home in Natron. H er mother, such vast proportions, H w r t le a K a r a l F etes . Mrs. T. B. William s, of this place, is The Society of American Florists I with her. E/rsL’-Because the proprietors bolds It« annual meeting and exhibi­ Mjpp Nvtiin Ataaft'Of thin plar*». wr * have a lw a y s lieen most careful in tion In New York city Aug. 21-24 at martied in Portia nd laat Tum d«v t‘* the Grand Central palace. selecting the various ingredients Robert Ga!d«n, of Marshfield. They There Is a good outlook for grapes. used in its composition, nam ely; or ill re*ide nt the latter place. In Fran«», Switzerland, Hungary the finest C o d L iv e r O il, and the | Orville Btichannan, who has been and elsewhere the practice of grafting native grape stocks with American I »onduciing a a tore at Wren, ha* mov­ purest H ypoph osph ites. vine cnttlnge ta rapidly growing In ed hie family and good« to (hi« plac« .Second:-B ecause they have so and w»ll a»ei»t Ilia fat t«r with th« «tore favor as a preventive of phyloxera. | sk illfu lly com bined the various A Bret prize In a temporary compe­ livre, , ... ■_____ . „ ingredien ts that the best possible tition b«e been for the fourth time In Nlnle eggs, winch »re twing on free- * eiieceoelon «warded to tbe Illinois nor- ly useil i„ the « « ft , baa r .u .e .1 the j results are obtained by its use. tlcnltnrnl society for in spple exhibit, price of frepb •*«:#• te advance t«* 24 , T . . . T1 . , . m p of 1800, at the Parte exposition. cent. Rt this place, »ml, eonawpieutly. I EBI t B :-B e e n u s e it has m ade so The varieties displayed were Ben Du­ III. ho.iaewifv i. I.appy, I m in y »» * • '," 1 u" t0 >>" I ' " « of l,er ,,,,rn 10* 16 ‘'o n U m ‘nK twelve hutchen; she has three fine does and a buck to start with. Otho Williams has » nice new jdace for his mid keep« about a dozen, fiert Stiles has 4 and liées one half of the lower barn floor. Chef Co.id Jr. I ihm 2, they usinjf a room built onto tho woodshed. The Elkins boys have 6 in a nice pen down by the creek. George While* horn Inm 4 and has his barn floor par- :itinned ntf for them. 0. Hughes hax 12, having converted his China phsas- nnt pen into a rabhitry. Claud Demp- s< y h«s 28, which he keep« in n shed by the burn. A.. IJ. Kuna Inis 3, Peter Redieopp 3, Henry Kern 2 Dr. Fisher 1, Mr. .Mac tun her 3, Leonard LeSier, Ola Grant 1, O. H. Cobb 3« ami John .Simmons 8. I predict that in two or three years there will he 100 persons in around Dallas raising Belgian Imres far their own table and for mar­ ket. It i* claimed, ami I hnlievo trno that one doe will bring frem six to eight litters per year of from six to twelve to the litter, or an average of eight. These siity-lour when grown will weigh from six to eight pounds, or 384 pounds of the very fine.nt of meal. Is there anything that will beat it at so little expense and trouble. H. L. C r iu k r . O A B BaarstW Basra t h e _____ » » T ^ O n i A . V * fl>W Akfift - a r e not tried ft, aeful for ft bte fn«tlc w i!l rtirt>n*e you. * vioirm, Al'earl Street. New 50 c. and fi go , all «n , « • Ulula « f Ort u l» « l6Mt. l t » i« r s ili p is »«* U » « « D s l ths MuO./ *t I«t r«w*nl. «VI Tl.e «i"l R* M V LEK MAN W »11K «»ATS FOH f \LK Albir««» 91» I M»t Taylor »trv««v In [»«MM. rtUn.1 tjr.KIt CURAT DIR M LR AT « CK MTS A Bl.A i j L«! by Monroe Mulkny »I *onmo»ui. ll*N A rutol» or U > tr».i« r MII.LKK. O f (»ALLAH, «rorh bun»* t<» »ott !*>r m* i IW ouvi or lamber» i »r ix L mü « Bi.<»oor.f» by Ja. RO) Mf1K«»P*)IIKK BUCK r o ll of (Milos. \f<»!fFY TO LOAN ON ’WfKnNKD FARM PRO- ptrtjN uefial rtia fej Uaaar Hayter, MU«, \n AT * PVR CENT ON FARM J. L. COLLIN1» Uallaa. cott w ; ITAYK NON ft f TO LOAN ON IMPROVED far... ptopert? 01 WAY fe KANIN f 4