A M a th er T e ll* H ow S h e Saved H er L ittle D a u g h ter'* L ife . l a m the mother ofeign t children and have had a ureal deal ol ezpet- ience with medicine», l.a»t »uininer my little dauRhier had the dy»entery in its worst form. W e thought »he would die. I tried everything I could think of, but nothing i-ceun-d to do l.er any good. I *.\w by an advertisement in our paper that Chamberlain’» Colic Cholera and Diarrheoa Kemedy waa highly rt commended and m - i H and got a tott'le at once. I t proved to be one of the very beat medicine» we ever had in the house. It saved my little daughter'» life. I am Mtixioua for ev. ery mother to know what an eioell- e it' medicine it i». Had I known it at first it would have *aved me a great deal of anxiety and my little daughter much suffering.— Your» truly, Mite. U e o . F. BunniiiK, Liberty, K. I. For tale by A. K. Wilson. STATE C A P IT A L AOS. Great rrductione have been made in the price of -ummer g«oda at the New York Racket et«re. Fine blue aerge coat and vest for ♦3.75, tine gray mo­ hair coat and vent for $1.7,5 men»’ cra»h suit» $3, ladies tan shoe» $1 65, mens’ tan shoe» $1.90. I t is generally understood on both side of the river that Henry Brown turn» out the nicest livery teams that leave the city and he dont charge a cent extra for the style. — 0*— Those who eat at Hellenbrand’» al- waya get something pulaluble to the stomach. The best veterinary surgeon in the two counties joined by the steel bridge is l)r. Keeler, who may nearly always be found in the feed yard at the east end of the bridge. The finest ice cream parlor in the city is kept by KUi* A Zion, on State street near the court house, and that is the place to gel all manner of cool­ ing drinks. I f you are very particular about your washing and ethers have failed to give you Batisiaction send your soiled clothes to the steam laundry to be treated just right. Reading public save money by knowing where to go for bargains. This is to inform the buying public that Johnson A Co., the clothiers, are giving 25 percent discount on all mens summer wear and children’s clothing, straw hats at half price aud crash hats at one third off. Your niouy buck fur things that do not suit. M c B e e T h r e s h in g O utfit. It is a new concern and does first class work. They have bven thresh­ ing all around Bridgeport and expect to finish by the middle of next week. The charge for threshing is 6 and 7 cents, without reference to whether they make or lose. Some crops do nwl pay them expensca and in at Iter cases they make a good profit. Their b e B t days run was 1,452 bushels. The ou t­ put has ranged from 8 to 14 bushels to the acre. The machine belongs to McBee A Hughes. The cooks are Mrs. Oscar Taylor and Mr». Daisy Hughes, 1’earl McBee being their roustabout. The wagoners are VValter and Rov Bird, Lot Kllis, Jas. Yoakum Allie Kimball, Mr. Bell, their pitchers being Ben Tompson, Charlie Tice and Mr. Courier. Wilson Ayers and T ill Bell attend to the saeks, while Charlie Bird and his partner haul away the straw. The engineer is Morris Hugh­ es and the water is hauled by Leant] er Belieu. The feeding is done by John and I. G. McBeb and G. W. Mc­ Bee is boss of the whole concern. It H elp ed W in B a ttlee. Twenty-nine officers and men wrote from the front to sav that for scratch­ es, bruises, cuts, wounds, sore feet and stiff joints. Bucklen’s Arnica Salve is the best in I lie world. Same for skin eruptions, barns and piles. 25 cents a box. Cure Guaranteed. Sold by M. D. Ellis druggists. C O UNTY COURT. PRO BATE. Sibley, J. I). W . Sear* was appointed admin­ istrator of the estate of F. W. Plum- heck, deceased, under $1,000 bond, the property to be apprai.-cd by R. R. Turner, W. M. Webb and George N Townsend. The guardian of Van Dornsife was authorized to sell certain real proper­ ty- J. D. Smitii was made guardian ol the person ami estAte of Johaunes Emmons, an incompetent person. P re v e n te d A T ra g e d y . Tim ely information given Mrs, George Iaing. of New Straitsville.Ohio. saved two lives A frightful cough had long kept her awake every night. She hail tried many remedies and dec- tore but steadilv grew worse until urg ed to try Dr. K ing’s New Discevery. On# hottle wholly cured her; and she write», this mervelous medicine also cured Mr. Long of a severe attack of pneutnnuia. Such cures are jawitive proof of its power to cure all throat, chest and lung troubles. Only 50 cents and $1. Guaranteed. Trial bot­ tle bottle free at M. D. Ellis’ drug store. R eau lt Of E xam in ation . Successful applicant* for teachers’ certificates: First grade— W . I . Rey­ nold«, Mr». Effie Card, Mis» Ethel I,. Force, C. r* M Ma*»ey. Second gr. da — Mies Georgia B. Mver, Mi*s Roma E Smith Mis* Fannie M. Guttry. J. O. Leonard, J. H. Gilman, Jame* Shives Third grad.— M i«» Ethel E. Hall, M i»» Joyce A r»n t, Mir* Lillie M. Baxter, Miss Estell* Robbin*. Notwithstanding the many eddi tional creameries in Oregon this year good butter is now worth 25 cent* a pound in Portland. Both the dairy anil the poultry business will in a few year* be double what tliey now are in Oregon. That they can even then be made to pay well there is no doubt. Frank Woods is mining up iu Brit- B ig B a rg a in s A t M cCoy. I ish Columbia. Beginning August 15th J. C. Fletch- j er. of McCoy, will as soon as possible A young man wanted to learn the close out his entire slock of general W H AT WE HAVE LEARNED DURING printer’s trade. Apply here THE W EEK FR O M A L L AVAIL- merchandise regardless of c a l , as fsil- . iug health demands that he should W m . England, a former Salem bank make a change. Now and there is a A b le S o u rce s D ish ed up fo r Our er, was taken to the insane asylum. N u m e ro u s F a m ily o f R e a d ers g o o d iime to lay in your fall and win­ A. Shultz is eroding another awn­ In A b rev la ted P a r a g r a p h s . ter’s supplies. This is a genuine clos­ ing iu front of Wiseman’s hardware, ing out sale and no half way r asoua- hie offer will lie rejecter!. Go prompt­ Baled bay and mill feed at Osfield’s store. ly and see if he lies not some things J. J. W illiam s is rearranging and A immense amount of freight come* you need. H e (till sell lhem lo you , improving his cold storage and fruit to Italia* aud no little goes away. cheaper than you oau get the same house. goods anywhere else. Miss Una Haunuin, of Pt-edce, i* A. L. Frazer, who has had charge of --------- ♦ --------- •oon expected home from Wisconsin. Mr. Wiseman’s tlnsliop will move COUNTY S E AT PR O C R E SS. The Cooper bank at Independence back to Salem. The Malem stige driver will prompt­ will go into liquidation the first of Oc­ Henry Harris, formerly of Har­ ly procure aud bring whatever you tober. mony, but now of Kalatna, was in want from there. W . G. Vassall is having hi* home town this week. •a» repainted, thereby greatly improving Asa B. Taylor, of Independence, and Better confectionery goods than are ts ap|>e.trance. Miss Ada Dalton, of Monmouth, were curried by W alter William s you can­ The M. B. Hendrick peach orchard married this week. not get anywhere. Try his fruits, at Wheatland will yield about 3,000 melons and candies. M. M. Ellis, H . L. Fenton and Alon boxes of fine ones. zo Brown have appraised the property Browns store will be headquarters Uncle John McQnenty and wife are of Uncle Joe Emmons at $7,250. for everything most desiruble in new full goods. W ait and examine their trying the medical qualities of the La- Photograph social tomorrow even­ new styles of dress goads and clothing fnyetle mineral spring*. ing at the home of E. Biddle and wife of all kinds. Go there for hop bask­ J. I. Montgomery, of Fall* City, has Go everybody aud have a good time. ets or hep yard camp supplies. U m glil the Byerley »awmill ou Peedee Deputy C ou n tyC lerk Walter Ni- and will change its location. ehota has been mRfcgr the weather for The Gaynor shoe emporium will C. II. Chapman, former president of a week, liis place being filled by H. B. have so complete a line ef everything our state university, is now in charge Cosper. to wear en the feet that no one need of an Indiana normal school. N. Tarter wai in town Wednesday to go away unsuited. Fall aud win­ ter goods arriving. E. C. Kirkpatrick and wife and Mrs from Corvallis where his family are J. C. Gaynor are attending Woodmen located and wlgre he will soon begin teaching. Blat krraith Lynch has no superior head camp in Salt Lake city. J. W . Myer, of Smithfiold, reports in his line. Try him. , Oliver Smith, of Lnckiamute. it home from Cape Nome, somewhat reports liis Imps free from liee and a*. says the yield will be about the same Not a hotter livery stable exists in poorer but considerably wiser. aa last year. the valley than that conducted by J. All who kill Chinese pheasants be­ F . Morrison. He always pleases each fore the first of October are lialde to John Hubkard and John M cKinley and every one of his customers. Easy eonie in disagreeable contact with the have gone to Eastern Oregon to build There are many imitation baking powders sold at a low price. They are made from alum, riding horses. a fruit dryer near Arlington, 50 mile.- law. a corrosive acid which is poisonous in food. east of Tile Dallas. .** For sale or trade, cheap, a horse, Much of the most artistic sign work G. L. Hawkins, the Independence buggy and harness, because I have no around town was done by Fainter ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., 100 W ILLIAM ST., NEW YORK. barn room. Apply to W . I. R ey­ marble cutter, ia winning an enviable Lane. Talent in that direction and repu ation and gets most of the work nolds. long experience enable him to excel in that line in this county, most others. Clsrence Shultz has sold out his After finishing threshing the Peter Friescn, of Malt Creek, has Mrs. J. W . Buster and eon, of Sher­ Spectacles and glasses at P fen n ig ’s. l.arlier business to Claud Plank and *** will go lo The Dalles to engage i t the O’Brien crop Wednesday G. C. Smith rented, for three years, the farm of U. idan, are back from a visit to Texas. Link Shreve, engineer at the state housed his machine, not caring lo 11. Hyde, south of Ballxtou. As a gunsmith Mr. Risser on M ill -ante line. The big Broad meads farm yielded reform school, is here visiting his par­ work longer at little or no profit. street has few equals and no super W illam ette valley peaches are rath­ less than four IntsbeU «1 wheat to the ents. H. Hirtchberg’s threshing outfit tors. K ey fitting and machine mend­ The almost new threshing outfit of er plentiful and are being sold at from acre. ing. He carriea cutlery, umbrellas had a narrow escape from destruction The allied armies are supposed to be by fire, north of Independence, the Shepard, Card, Frink A Vassall has 40 to 60 cents a box. aud Ashing tackle. I. L. Burson and wife have moved now at the gates of the capital of the been separating the crops southwest other day. from McCoy hack to their Dallas John Cosper has gone to Boise, Chinese empire. »* » of Dallas, the crops being only fairly Idaho, to accept a better mercantile home. It is doubtful whether you can find For a short time Photographer T. J. good. John Groves and Isaac Yoakum position than he had at Waitsburg. in the county a belter iron worker Cherrington, of Dallas, will make a Mrs. Louise Alexander has become have 150 aerea of hops, about onethird Rev. G. C. Harmon and wife have large crayon portrait, free, with every returned from a month’s visit with her than J. E. Smith, Mark Blodgett was painfully injur­ the wife of E. O. Oerfin at Indepen­ of them at Dallas, a yard at Bridge­ dozen photographs. port aud another on the Big Luckia people at Walla Wslla and lie will ed while threshing at the Rowcliff# dence. Faull’s tinner, Henry Nies, does the Pimples on the face are not only an preach as usual next Sunday morn­ place. W . C. Brown and party are hntne mute. They do not expect any diffi­ culty in getting all the pickers wanted moat of the hop house work in this noying, but they indicate bad blood. ing and evening. A Polk county hop grower has been from their outing in the Cascade because on account of such a short region and always does it well. You Hood’» Sarsaparilla cures them by When you get ready to go to Ocean at Oregon City hiring pickers, because mountains. grain crops u greater number of far­ can get hop baskets there, also many purifying the blood. Park, Woods or Tillamook City be he seemed not able to get enough John Grant, and Milo Weaver sawed mers than ever before will engage in things needed in camping at the hop sure to take the Big Nestucca route, home help. i>*to their thumbs while working at picking. The hop grower’s associa­ Gramdma Smith, mother of Mrs. yards. Carpenters’ tools and all man­ it being the shortest and best. Go by Coad’s planing mill. tion and Horst Bros., who have about ner of hardware for housebuilding Ira Townsend, died at Perrydale Tues the way of Dolph. Campers from abroad are already 400 acres, having decidod to pay 35 He will sell you as good a stove on day and was buried in tnc Brown beginning t o im r ie ul the flop fields Hort. Eakiu, Gon. Grant and Fred. A doxen hands are employed at the fn this county, they proposing to ltavo Toner have been spending a week at cents a box for picking, they antici­ better terms lliau you can get from cemetery near Dallas. pate that it will be the ruling price. , any peddler. The salary of the courthouse janitor Dallas planing mill making 4,000 a little outdoor re.t before picking be­ their cabin homes iu ihe mountains west of us. Milo IVtaxis, has been fixed at $40 and fruit, trays. Mr. Coad has received an gins. Old T im e S tore B ill. the bitching post» around the court­ order for 1,006 more, hut will not have The harnesstnaker at Perrydale has time to make them. In Portland this week 3,000 tons of W. C. Brown began merchandising house square are to be taken down. «pent his life at that work and has no hav and 3,000 ton» of oats were Over-Work Weakens at Dallas in 1853 and four years later A. M. Mauritgeu - from Ore'ewn, superior. Examine his slock and Extra strong and light hop baskets Your Kidneys. was in partnership with Lucien Heath will soon establish a fish and poultry work before you buy anything in that (•»tight to feed army horsrs in the f’ hillippines. who was afterward secretary of state. of different sizes are being made by J. ntHrkel here. His wife was taken to line. Unhealthy Kidneys Make Im p u re Blood. T. Elkins at the home of W . 1). El­ In 1857 their store was on the east the Salem hospital about a month A. J. Byers, north of Indepctiduncr. side of Main street, south of the Jas. kins near the tannery. See them and ago and died there last Saturday. There nte claimed to he 1,000 acres I last week lost thirty tons of hay anil A ll the blood In your body passes through Howe property. W e have before us you wilt want oue. hops within five miles of Indepcu- I. A. Allen has said to John Simon ence, and that the expenses in gather­ thirty cords ef wood by a brush the your kidneys once every three minutes. two store bills, one of them showing The kidneys ore your, tliul got beyend control. J. M. Wise, of Ptrrydale. has a fine the Tatom place of 227 seres near the the sale to Samuel E. May of some blood purifiers, they fil­ lot of English rye grass seed which will Byerley bridge for $7,750 and G F. ing r i m ) curing the crop will amouiit lawn at 40 cents, the pri sent price be­ ter out the waste or Less titan hnlf a dozen schools in be ready for delivery alamt the first of Seeley, of Perrydale. has bought at to $50,000. impurities In the blood. ing about 6 cents, act! for $3 a table ! the ceunty are without teacners. Mev October. H e also has a line lot ol bal­ | $2,000 the 100 acre Stevens farm at Letters received by Ihe state board If they are sick or out spread that could now be bought for lersl good eastern teachers have re- ed clover hay lor »ale now. o f order, they fail to do ; Oak Grove. of horticulture from various foreign I cently cqme into the county seeking $1 A t that time, 1857, Thus. J. Love their work. countries indicate that the worlds I positions. lady kept hotel where W ilson’s drug Andrew (Inlman and Miss Olga The Eola correspondence this week Pains, aches and rheu­ store now stands. They sold him a McTinintond* were married Wedne» was sent on a postal card. See how fruit crop is short which means better matism com e from ex­ The Dallas steam saw is manufac­ prices for Oregon products. hill of tableware, some of the items be­ ,iav evening by Rev. A. I. Ooodfriend- much there is of it and all of them cess of uric acid in the turing stove w o o f for winter. Before ing three pair of brass candlesticks si I'he grand parent« of each came to items of interest blood, due to neglected News item« on pos­ Some of the larger threshing outfit» fore the fall ruins begin most families kidney trouble. 9 »hillings, four sets of knives and this county more than half a century tal cards will he thankfully received in this county ran for a few days and will have their wood cut and stored Kidney trouble causes quick or unsteady forks $8. pitcher $1 60. four set» ot ago. frem all sources, then closed down until the spring sway in dry place». heart boats, and makes one feel as though plates $4.50, washpnn 45 cents, two grain is shocked, it not paying them they had heart trouble, because the heart it Swenson A H ill have haled about dozen tumblers $4, and three bottles I Putnam Fadeless dye, cardinal, is a Jeweler Morris has many pretty over-working In pumping thick, kidney- to go over the same ground twice. of niUHlard 84 cents. Everything then , very fast beautiful ted, with which it 200 tons of hay at $2 a ion. The larg things to adorn and please the ladies. poisoned blood through vein« and arteries. is almost impossible to s|>ot your goods e«t amounts were 20 tons for Mr. T a ­ came from Portland hv ox team. In Kansas City last week Harry You will be tuprised at the amount It used to be considered that only urinary as the co.or goes on the goods very tom and 12 for Joshua McDsnici at Cowles Dale was married to Miss and variety of such tilings lie carries. troubles were to be traced to the kidneys, evenly. 10 cents per package. Mold Dixie, 15 for Sam. Ray and 27 for M. but now modern science proves that nearly A g e n ts W a n te d . MsudeC. Beach. Most of his life was Drop in, see his beauties. all constitutional diseases have their begin­ M. Ellis at Dallas. «pent in this midst and her picture No capital necessary to sell our teas, by A. K . Wilson. ning In kidney trouble. Mrs. Hlmffcr, the milliner, is spend­ allows her to he a handsome young la­ coffees ami spices. In every city and Mrs. Nancv Goff, who crossed the The soothing aud healing properties I f y o u are sick you can make no mistake town in Hie states of Oregon and plains in 1847 and was lor many years of Chamberlain’ll Cough Remedy, its dy with every mark of intelligence ing a week or ten days in Portland, by first doctoring your kidneys. Th e mild learning all she can about tile fall Washington, outside of Portland. La­ a resident of this county was buried at pleasant taste and prompt ami penna aud refinement. and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilm er’s stylo*. Mhe will select and bring to dies or young men who have two or Rickrenll last week. She was a sister nent cures, have made it a great fa­ S w a m p - R o o t , the great kidney remedy la Dallas an unusually attractive stock. Thanks to Miss Anna Boydston for three hours a day to spare will find of Mrs Henry H ill, of Independence, vorite with the people everywhere. soon realized. It stands the highest for Its a box of delieious strawberries and a -elling our teas, coffees and spire» and Mrs. Mary Kibhy, of Benton For sale by A. K. Wilson. Many observant farmers around Mc­ wonderful cures of the most distressing c pleasant work and they can make big frame of rich flavored honey taken Minnville hare concluded that the and Is sold on Its merits coun’ y. money for themselves. W rite for full Win. Johnson, Arthur Stsrr, Claud from a hive that produced 62 pounds wheat shortage is atlributulilo to the by all druggists In flfty- pa. tirulars and catalogue free. The Buttrick and Stewnrt machines Richardson, W alker Strauss »nd Stan of it this season at the home of James ravages of the Hessian fly an I a small cent and one-dollar six-1 will soon have threshed all the grain ley Clark are running the city wood Boydston on the Malt creek road. Why red worm that sapped the vitality of es. You m ay have a G r e a t E a s t e r n T ea C o m p a n y , sample bottle by mall ITome _________________ of Rwamp-Root. 326 Washington street, Portland, Or. around Bethel and McCoy, the aver­ sew and manufacturing from 25 to 30 do not lots of folks bring us such sam­ the stalks. free, also pamphlet telling you how to find Largest distributor» of teas, coffees age yields of wheat being from 10 to cords of stove wood a day. The price ples to show what our country can do out If you have kidney or bladder trouble. Many bridges through the county Mention this paper when writing Dr. KUmer and «pices on the Pacific coast. One 12 bushels. The crop of C. L. Haw­ for sawing is 40 cents for o iic o or 50 and is doing. having gotten into a had shape, the & Co., Binghamton, N . Y . hundred stores in successful opera ley was extra good for this year, turn­ cents a cord for twite cutting. The prune and hop crops around county court is having numerous ex- ing out an average of 17 bushels. tion. There seems no lim it lo the demand Dallas promise to be as good as or bet aminationg and repairs made. No Nearly all machines have had today for goats and sheep. Those having ter than ever before and if the weath­ man in the county knows more nbont by for a few days wailing for spring S c h o o l B anda V oted . either to sell er to lease should adver­ er is fair the owners »re prepared te bridges than Commissioner Teal. N E W TO -D AY. When the matter of additional pub grain. tise the fact in this paper to which so liandle them in good shape. A large lie school facilities for D ilia» liecame The Wallace fruit farm up the river many look for information. It will |Niptila'ion will drift in to help to gatli I. M. Palmer had thirty sheep to a necessity ’ here were various opin p iy to adveitiae any and all yotti er and cure the crops. Fair wages from Lincoln will furnish about 76 O M A IrL BUNCH OK NO. 1 HTOCK IH K E P FOR ion« a» to what bad best be done lease and a 10 cent notice in this pa wants in the I tk m izk r . tons of Bartlett [rears to the Mulem k j «al*. J. II. Havery, Halt cre«k. may lie earned but nobody will make |ter gave a speedy desired r s Ot. L. som t were in favor of doing things on cannery. The trees are now being a fortune at it. I. Burse!! lost a $40 cow and a 15 cent W ill correspondents please report a Cheap John scale, but ilie majority budded and in a few years tlic Hart- W H E A T , OATS, SECOND H A N D T E N T A N D wanted something better. I t waa e.i-1 notice in the I te m i '/ kk found her in « all changes of property and sales of J. W . Crider and family will leave lets will Ire superseded hy later and IT Burue chopper for sale by J. W. Crider and mutt law days where he would never have slock, giving price. They should al be ills] »weed of before the A n t of September. endt to those most familiar with sueii | hardier varieties. early in Heptember for Denver, where things that the right kind of improve- * 1 thought of h o k in g fo r her. Every so tell who are geing to move soon, they will spend the winter, believing Never before wtrre there »o few for­ iieuts would coat from $6,000 to $9,-1 body reads this paper and most of : giving names of place moved from and rlie change of climate will lie conduc­ est fire» in August. One big reason is L1TOCK HOOH POR S A LE BY ROBERT HOW E, OF Dalla«. 000. But at a citizens meeting the them use it when they want to buy, to. Such items are far more newsy ive to health. While there Mr. Crider that the government has in Oregon I than the fact that Mr. Jones has gone prepondernce of sentiment waa for »ell or find anything. will liandle a large amount of W illam ­ alrout sixty forest and game wardens ! to town or Mrs. Binitli visited a neigh- $5,000, for school purposes and that ! HOROUGHBRED DURHAM B U L L T O S E LL OR ette valley fruit. He is known as a who make it their special biisines to In til stages of nasal catarrh there bui. T trade for other rtock. He« H. L Fenton. amount of bonds were voted and sold thorough and reliable business man see th it the laws concerning gams should l»e cleanliness. Aa experience to bear five per cent interest, the Mc­ Scarcely a day |>asses that eastern and.all our growers can safely trust and limber are complied with. Minnville hank paying a premium cl proves, E ly’s Cream Balm is a cleans OP PICKERM W A N T E D IN MY Si ACRE Y A R D j people do not arrive enroule to take him with the disposal of their fruit. at iJallaa. Ideare n in i«« at W illiam’« confection $205 for them. Desired plans were er, toother and healer of the diseased The hop outlook is in all respects ery »tore or addreee C. A. Dunn, Dalla«. up government land in the Rock Creek membrahe. I t is not drying nor irri­ dtawti and bids submitted, none of excellent. The vines are in fine con­ country. In years to come that land M A R K E T R E PO R T. them coming within the »m ount vot­ tating. and does not produce sneezing dition and nearly all Ihe lice not kill­ will lie very valuable and a prosperous ^ T H IR T Y SEVEN F IN E OO A T », ABOUT H A L F ed. Tne directors finding that it j Price 50 cents at ilruggistsor it will lie (Correct«*! weekly by flelift N oel.) ed try spraying have been destroyed by 1 riarmi««, for «aie by J a«. Olmated at Maltatori. settlement will have grown up in that mailed by Ely Brothers, 56 Warren would require $2,500 more Pi properly | Wheat, per bushel,40 ct«. hot weather. The price for picking 1 legion. But most of llvise who expect construct and equip a good school ; street, New York. Upon being placed Bran, per ton $12. will not he tinder 35 nor over 40 cents I to make immediate living profits out TKAM OF HORN EH FOR HALE BY MRS. C. house of stifficent size, hsd a special into the nostril» it spreads over tin* Shorts, per ton, $14. Early varieties will tie ready for the Donaldson, of Dallas. of it will lie disappointed. membrane an.l relief i» immediate. It •h ctiou last Monday and the amount Oats, per bushel, 30 ct». [tickers next week and all others will is an agreeable cure. asked for was voted. There were cast O. A. Wclverton, of Snvcr, reports begin gathering early in Heptember. Flour, per 10 barrels, 12 65. LACKBERRIES FOR S A L * A T T H E P A TC H 64 votes, 39 of them being for and 25 to the weather bureau as follow s: The market pries is sure to be lietter Flour, per sack, 75c. of J. L. Brown on Upper Halt creek. Take State of Ohio, city of( »gainst the bond*. The judges of the your «Macie. Threshing of fall wh$at ia well tinder llr to last year. Buckwheat Hour, $2.50 per cwt. Toledo, Lncaa county,{ * ‘ election were J. C. Adams, J. M. Germea, $1 50 per cwt. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that way and is yielding from seven to 11 Csmpbell a.id John RUle, with Henry iAHMKKM CAN OET G R A IN SACKN A T T H E Corn meal, $2 oO per cwt. lie ia senior partner of tlic firm of F. bushels an acre. Spring wheat is Campbell and Robert Gaynor as clerks Dallas flouring Mill. Mr. N o«l will pay the J. Cheney A Co., doing burines* in the rusted and wi'l he a short crop. The log heat price for flirt claw a heat an J will take grain And now we will have a public school (Corractwl * « » H y by Brown A Sou .............. m i n .......... on etoiage, city of Toledo, county and state afor- we ither has liern favorable far the building of which nobody need be Potatoes, per bushel, 35 eta. •sid, and that said firm will pay the tilling of spring oala, which nre, how­ »shamed. Butter, per pound, 20 cU. ■urn of $100 for each and every ca*e of ever, rusted and in some places badly ale d h a y or s tr a w t a k e n on h torage Lard, per pound, ShalOct*. at reasonable price«. Apply at the aheriff’a of- catarrh that cannat be cured by the damaged. A t a hop growers picnic last Satur­ use of H a ll’» Catarrh Cnre. ScC. Bacon,sides, per pound, 9 » 10 i ts During the civil war, as well as in day in Buttevillw it was decided to pay Hams, per pound, 1 20 * 15 cl*. F r a n k J. C h k n f y . our late war with Spain,diarrheoa was thin Mood, weak lung» and 35 cents a box for picking. A LE D CLOVER H A Y FORMALE A T M. 50 A TON Shoulders, per pound, 8$|10 ct*. Sworn to before me and »-jbecrihed in one o f the most treablenome disease» • in he S eti by R F Smith, at Lew levill« E g g s , per dozen, 15 ct». palettes*. You have them in I f there be any other town in Ore­ my presence, this 6th day of Decem­ the army had to contend with. In Chickens, per dozen, $3(*$4 hot weather as well as In cold. gon tbat lias this summer mads great­ ber, A. D. 1886. A. W . O l b a m w , many instances it became chronic an 1 o ne y to lo an # n ' m pro yed farm pr * . Drieo fruits, per pound, 12 cU. Notary Public. SCOTT’ S EMULSION cures' er advancement in school facilities we [ s e a l ] the old soldiers still suffer from it. pt rt) lit ttMMl ra t«« by Oscar Hay ter, Dalla#, Beets, per pound, 1 cent# know it not. The finishing touches Halls Catarrh Cure i* taken internally David Taylor, of Wind Ridge, Gre-ne, them in summer as In winter. Turnips, per pound, 1 ct». are being put on oar new college and and acta direolly on the blood and county, P»., ia one of the»«. He ti»e* It Is creamy looking and plcas- A T 6 PER C E N T ON FARM Cabbage, per pound, 2J cts. the new public school structure is well mncotts surfaces of the system. Mend I lianiberiaiu a Colic, Diarrheoa and J. L. OO I.I.IN*. IrtikM. :: ant tasting. Onions, per pound, 2 eta. t ’ holers Remedy and say» lie never under way. Monte who voted against for testimonials, free. foe and |i o o ; all J r im lrta. Beans, per pound, 4<»5 cents. the $2,500 bonds, after seeing wh*t is F b a * k J. C h knuy A C o ., Tolede. O. found anything that would give him r R H A V E M ONEY TO LO AN ON IM P R O V E » ( .......................................................... 11 Corn meal, per pound, ct*. now being done, are glad the bonds Bold by druggists, 75 oenta. H a lle such qoick relief. It M for «ale hy A. » farm property. H lRLRY A K A K I » Family pill* are the best. Hay, per ton, f5fi*$7 | K. Wilson. carried. LOCAL AND GENERAL- r ^ omj ^ Baking pu re n . * Powder Strongest, purest, most economical and healthful of all leavening agents. H V n F SCROFULA H M