Polk County itemizer. (Dallas, Or.) 1879-1927, August 10, 1900, Image 3

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    A M o th e r T e lle H ow S h e Saved
H er L ittle D au gh ter's Lite.
I am the mother oi eignt children
and have hud a great deal of eipor-
ience with medicine«. La.t Hummer
my little daughter had the dyrentery
in iLu wor»t form, W e thought »he
would die. I trie-1 everything I could
think of, but nothing neemed to do her
any good. I ».\w by an adverliaement
in our paper that Chamberlain'» Colie
Cholera and Diarrbeoa Remedy w »»
highly recommended and n ut and got
a bottle at once. It proved to be one
of the very beet medicim a we ever
had in the hou.-e. It eaved my litile
danghter'e lile. I am anxicua for ev
ery mother lo know whaI an excell-
e it medicine it ie. Had I known it
at first it would have -lived me a great
deal of anxiety and my little daughter
much suffering.— Yotira truly. M rs .
O ku . F. Bl'Riuug, Liberty, K. I. For
bale by A. K. Wilson.
Sibley, J.
The final account of the J. A. Fen­
nell estate was set for hearing Sep­
tember 4th, also the Hilliard & Fen­ A b le S ou rces D ished up fo r Our
N u m erou s F a m ily e f R ea d ers
nell partnership business.
In Abravlatad P a ra g ra p h s .
Joseph Tharp was made guardian
of the estate uf Esther and Alta Sav­
Baled bay aud mill feed at Osfield’s
age, minor heirs, under $10,000 bond.
The administrstw of tbs Sylvester
For sale, 2,000 shakes. Apply here.
W Ison estate was ordered to make a
I hi- way for blank receipts Or
deed to a certain property and the
-»m e order was in the matter of the notes, either liswe or in books.
Mary S. Leigh estate.
We have 2,000 shakes for »ale, also
The administrators of the Jane Ri- blank n ta. and receipts, singly or in
chariLon, Isaac and Magaret Smith bonks.
estates are to present receipts from ali
Mrs. Dodson, of McMinnville, is j
heirs by September 1st and will then
here visiting her old Klickitat neigh­
be discharged.
bor, Mrs. Oliver Stump.
Final accounts were tiled in the M. i
L. B. Frazer, who was beilfnst in
N. Hymn estate and the executor is to
be discharged when he shews receipts 1 Dallas and at Independence, lias lieen
from heirs for $2,071 31 still on hand. taken to bis home at Bethel.
Frank Gibson rendered his final nc-
For sale or trade, cheap, a horse,
Morrieon'e livery viable keepe good
couut in the S. D. Gibson estate and buggy and harness, because I Imve no
and safe team* and careful drivere.
was discharged.
barn room. Apply to W. I. Rey-
When you have occaeion to drive out
The Matilda E. Mulkey estate was nolds.
uf Dallas go there for a conveyance.
set for final hearing September 8th.
For a short time Photographer T. J.
A petition to eeil reul property was
Cherrington, of Dallas, will make a
Wlieu you want anykind of sign not granted.
large crayon portrait, free, with every
paiutingeeo Mr. Lane on the academy
The will of Henry M yer was admit-
block or leave orders at W ilson’s drug «<<1 to probate and Emma Murphy, a dozen photographs.
store. Nobody a ro U D d here call paiul notary, is to take depositions of W. H,
Services at the Presbyterian church
a b e ter sign than Robert Lane.
as usual. Rev T. A. Yost will occupy
and Webster Holmes as witnesses.
A petition to sell real property of the pulpit in the absence of the pastor
When J. E Smith does your black- the J. B. Taylor estate was set fur who is to preach in Salem.
smithing it will be invariably well hearing September 3rd.
J. H. Robbins, of Spring Valley,
A petition to set ssido for use of the tells us' that his wheat yield was 11
widow the personal property of the bushels while that of I. P. Reese at
Every sportsman can have all bis Win Mason eetate was grained and so Zena was 15 bushels lo the acre.
wants supplied at Kis-er’» gunsmith was the petition to s- U personal pro- ; This week J. R. Shepard, of Zena,
shop. Whoever nee-ls anv small arti­ |s-rty of the Henry Ellis estate.
took lo Salem on two big rack wagons
cle repaired should take it to him.
B F. Mulkey was made guardian of Coupled together sml drawn by four
Nellie. John ond Hazel Hfulkev, the horses 8,460 pounds of timothy hay.
It is remarkable how varied and property to he appraised by If B. Cos.
O. C. Churchill, who built a home
complete a stock of hardware Mr per, H. B. Plummer and T. J. Oht.r in the wistern part of town a few
Fanil carries to supply almost every ington.
months ago, lias sold out to a Michi­
imaginable need of the people around.
gan man and will return to Chicago
Often persons may lie heard to say
I. P. Reese.
Seth Riggs.
that certain things can lie had ai
Mr«. Robert Conner and family
Fanil’s if anywhere in the county. He
It was ordered that the hand stand have returned from their summer out­
has a large trade extending a long dis he moved from the court house yard. ing at the Luckiamute mill a» d while
Go there for everything of n
The county clerk was ordered lo at away gathered fit.-.h re e quirts »1
metal kind.
once give written notice to J. F. 11»' berries.
»* »
risod lo remove livery stable from jail
You will goon need heavier footwear property.
for Inll and winter use. Mrs. Guvnor
J H. Moran was made constable of
has ordered an excellent stock of stand
district 5 in place of W. J. Mulkey, ra-
aril makes and will s o o d be ready to
shoe everybody.
1 Jeweler Morris lias just receive»! a
fine line af gold rings and lias some
good s< corn! hand watches for sale at
j from $1.50 up. See the numerous
pietty things in his show cases.
absolutely pure
Royal is the most economical of all the
leavening agents.
Greater in leavening strength, a spoonful
raises more dough, or goes further.
Working uniformly and perfectly, it makes
the bread and cake always light and beautiful,
and there is never a waste of good flour, sugar,
butter and eggs.
Finer food; saving of money; saving of the
health of the family; the last is the greatest
economy of all.
W . G. Campbell, of Salt Creek, hss
rente»l the Geer property and Grainl-
iiu Hubbard’s barn nesr by and will
move in before school opens’ Miss
Lena will teach in North Dallas and
Miss Lydia in our public school.
A M Sanders..............................$57 00
J D Irvine ...........................
64 00
A N Robinson ......................
4 20
Jos Black, election, sheriff. . . .
2 00
R M Wade A Co, nails...........
5 00
»* .
Wagner Bros, are making 400 fruit
Al Dray, hnuling ................
1 20
When you want anything from Sa­ S C Denny, e le c tio n ...............
2 00 IrayB for the new dryer of A. B. Etins.
lem have the Dallas stage driver pro­ W H 8c»;t, elec'ion .............
2 00 who is an inventor, and is having the
cure it for yon.
Irwin, Hod8on Co., envelopes,
3 35 hsin«e and its appliances inudcsii ac­
Levi Jones, ren t....................
2 00 cordance with ideas of his own. The
2 00 tray» are being made of white tir, as it
If you have a particular job of horse G L Kelty, r e n t ....................
Stoner it Vaughn, supplies. . .
5 35 lias no pitch.
shoeing see Isaac Lynch about it.
Zan Allen has «old the old Jim T a - 1 N. F. Gregg’s wheat crop averaged
I) J Riley, electrio lights........
8 00
F. S. Powell says his wheat averag­
* .*
C F Belt, envelopes ............. 21 00 ed ten bushels to the acre and that of tom farm near Derry to a n eastern 14 and that of Anuu Myer 17 bushels
i to the acre.
Summer is ending and the Brown's H H Jasperson, coffin...........
15 00 Ilia neighbor went a little better. The man.
will sell their light weight goods at Enterprise, legal notices.......
4 00
Wilson Webb has moved to Gray’s
Mrs. Mike Rosendorf will move from
thresher, Mr. Lawrence, says his ex­
ligures that will interest y«tt. Thier J L Williams, refunded tax . 58 87
penses are $50 a day and that he will Harbor and Prof. SirtrAery will occupy j Inpependence to Corvallis for better
fall styles will soon begin to arrive and J D Irvine, state vs Rose.......
12 00 be satisfied to continue running so bis house.
I educational advantages.
they will have every desirable new J J Wiseman, mdse...............
3 38
long as there is no actual loss to him.
Doug. Gibson, of the Eola hills was
Miss Daisy Zander, of Portland, ia
thing. Their grocery stock is choice, Irwin, Hodson Co, supplies. .
6 40
I seriously injured by a runaway horse
full and cheap.
T P Oglesby, hlucksniithing .
4 25
As the school builds to be voted for visiting Eva Waah.
i nt Independence the other day.
R M Wade & Co, supplies. . . . 23 50 next Monday will have from ten to
O. I’ . Beardsley ami B. I. Ferguson,
Salem Sentinel Co, b riefs...
36 00 twenty years to run, the yearly bur­
The parents of Prosecuting Altor-
of Eola, bad a row in Salem Monday,
Glass it Prudliomme, mdse .. 51 25 den will be very light. Think serious
| ney Hart me planning to move fiom
the latter coming out on top.
They met Monday evening in regu­
C L Starr, salary etc.,............. 53 50 lv before voting against an increase or
j beyond Bridgeport to Dulias for better
lar session with Howe, Ellis and May­ W T Nichols, salary..............
50 00 improvement <)f eduentionsl facilities
City Recorder Judah ami wife, of educational advantages.
or Crider absent.
Anna Huntley, pauper keep. . 37 15 Du not selfishly vote against the tax Salem, spent Sunday with Photograph
Woods was made presiding officer F A Douty, mdse................
Editor llayter is hack from hiseast-
15 00 because you have no children to share er Cherrington and wife in Dallas.
of the meeting.
I ern trip and saw many tilings to ad-
E W Cooper, mdse................
13 00 its benefits.
These bills were ordered paid : A
! mire, but found no country that lie
If S Lnughary, salary etc. . . . 139 07
J. Martin, marshal’s salary for July, I) G Mesdor keeping Di pew. .
The new fruit dryer of Harry Bntz marble cutter, ia winning an enviable liked better than Oregon.
6 00
$20; E, E. Hiltihrand, street sprink­ E V Dalton, salary................
62 50
ling for July, $10; D. J. Riley, lights
F. K. Emmett is employed in Hill's
Maggie Pomeroy, transcripts. 20 00 snd boiler is being set by Hermann ¡ j that line in this county.
for July, $95; Milo Woods, labor, 75
warehouse at McCoy, hi* family being
W Miller, g ravel....................
2 40 i Miller. A good sized storage room has
cents ; J. J. Williams, services, $4.50
.1 T Ford, salary.....................
50 00 been completed and the carpenters Park, Woods or Tillamook City bo tnere. Later on lie will move te Rick-
The telephone franchise ordinance
A F Toner, assessing . . . . . . .
72 00 ! will finish up the dry house next sure to take the Big Neatucca route, rcali, where he is to teach.
came up for second reading and was Henry Tale, l a b o r ................
12 40 week. He ox poets to begin about the
Ben Harris and wife, who was Mrs,
referred to the committee on ordinan­ W ia Ellis, road supervisor. . . 43 40 first of StYtcinber and thinks that it being the shortest and beat. Go by
the way of Dulph.
Hattie Speer, will live in Dallas. Her
W m Ridgeway, same ...........
84 00 ‘ growers will bring in ail the fruit he
T h t street commissioner was order­
Within a few days we have ordered father, Robert Clow, was once super­
Observer, printing..................
18 80 can handle.
ed to notify the property owners on
the Oregonian for Perry Conner, of intendent of the state prison.
Itemizer, same........................ 13 70
The Outlook has followed its very
the east side of Jefferson street, lie- West Side, same ..................
1 80 complete report of the democratic snd Balisteti, ami Mrs ‘M. Morrison, of
The harnesstnaker at Perrydale has
tween Court snd Washington, to re­
G W Gardner, election sheriff
2 00 republican convention from both Dallas, gotting both it and this pupae spent his life at that work and has no
pair their sidewalks forthwith.
E E Webb, same....................
2 00 points of view— republican and demo­ i year for $2 25. A number of otherr superior.
Examine his stock and
The citv again refused to have any C L Htwley, road work.........
73 00 cratic— by a lull and systematic dis­ will aooii do likewise. ’
work before you buy anything in that
thing to do with the baud stand.
J R Caatelein, 1 r.dgework . . .
3 75 cussion of the issues of the campaign
The »nothing aud healing properties line.
The street committee was ordered
L L Kcser, same....................
7 60 Under this title, two editorial articles of Chamberlain’s Cough Remeily, its
to investigate the condition of the
.1 F Morrison, livery h ir e ... . 13 50 have already been published, and a pleasant taste and prompt and perma­
Never diil a jollier quartette than
race cover between Church and Lev-
J G Vau Orsdel, salary, etc . . 168 76 third appears in the August magazine nent cures, have made it a great fa­ Fred Elliott. Russ Ellis, Travie Mc-
ens streets and the sidewalk on the
number (August 4th.) ($3 a year. vorite with the people everywhere. Devitt and Elton Connaway go to
south side ef academy street, cast of
El'«’ « C arn ival.
The Outlook company, New Y ork.)
squeeze fim out of camping at the
For »ale hy A. K. Wilaon.
Jefferson street.
Account of grand carnival of the
ocean’s edge.
The auditor was instructed to notify
Spaulding Bros, are now »Iriving 0,-
Benevolent Protective Order of Elks,
the city trea-nirer to make a report at
to be held at Portland September 4th busy place these »lays. Eight or ten ! 000,006 leel of baltn and while tir log»
The hop yards around Dallas all
the next meeting.
te 15th inclusive, tickets will be sold men are busy on 4,00U fruit dryer down the Willamette for the Oregi.n look well and are about free of lice,
at reduced rates from all stations on tray«. They are made of spruce, as it I City paper mills' Forty men and j The indications are that picking will
It H «lp « d W in B attlas.
Oregon lines to Portland and return. light and Ima no gummy substance in ! eiglit horses, who live on tnreu scows, begin earlier than last year and f i e
Twenty-nine officers and men wrote
Phi sp tickets will be on sale Septem­ it. They are using an improved me- 1 are helping the logs along.
price outlook is not had.
from the front to sav that far scratch­
ber 3d, 4th, 6ih, 10:h. and 13th, and final in making the slatting. Besides
es, bruises, cuts, wounds, sore feet and
During the civil war. a» well ns ill
W m Caldwell. Walter Williams,
limited to three days after sale. For •ides that Mr. Goad ia making numer­
stiff joints. Bucklen’a Arnica Salve is
further particulars, call on or address ous their« anil window frames and oth our late war with Spain, diarrbeoa was Jap fund and John Carter have gone
the best in the world. Same fur skin
er thing« for new buildings around »tie of the most tr»mblu»"im «fiaeare» for a eojourn at ‘ he Ocean Park eea-
Souhern Pacific agent at Dallas.
eruptions, burns and piles, 25 cent»
the army had to contend with. In shere. The two first named went on
a box. Cure Guaranteed. Sold by
many instances it became chronic an I a tandem and Newt. McDaniel took
O rasan Crape.
M. D. Ellis druggists.
Hie teachers examination is now in the old soldiers still ^suffer from it. the others in a wagon with their ont-
The cut worms continue very de­
David1 Taylor, of Wind Khlge, Greene, fit.
structive to gardens, potatoes and 1 progress in the circuit court room,
county, Pa., is one of these. He use»
clover, and they have appeared in 1 the facilities being better than ever
I t is believed that 25 car load« of
Tliese letters remain uncalled for in some of the hop yards, but have nut before. Prof. Samiers and Mrs. F. H. Chamberlain's Colic, Dfarrheoa and
the Dallas postoffiev fur the week end­ as yet damaged this crop ta any great Morrison are asaia'ing Superintend­ Cholera Remedy and says he never primes will he dried in the vicinity of
ing August 7lh and parties calling extent. Harvest work is progressing ent Starr in the examination ef pa­ found anything that would give him Dallas and that the producers will get
for them will please state that they under favorable conditions, aud con pers. The applicants for stale paper, such quick r»dief. It is (or sale by A. b“ tween 4 and 5 cents n peunil. The
crop nl M. M. Ellis and Hugh Hayes
have been advertised :
siderahle thrashing has been done. are Mr. Eaton, Mr«. Minnie Cramer, j K. W ilson.'
have been contracted to a San Fran­
C Longer!, Mre I* Lescher, Mies The yields generally fall below expec­ Mias Scott, Miaa Olive Harris and
Beginning next tVodne»»lay a rural cisco firm.
Caroline LaChance, George B Rem­ tations. The following were reported Mist Flora Jones. The pt|»ers of Miss free delivery mail rente will he estab­
ington, W illiam L Rehwaldt, Fean this week; Benton county, 5 to 10 Emma Baily are to lie sent to Marion lished beginning at Stiver and making
H i« Gracie Woodward, D bushels; Clackamas county, 4 to 14; county for exa»nination. The county a weste ly circuit of 24 mike. It will
Iaine county, 3 to 10; Linn enuntv, 2 applicants are W . I. Reynolds, J oover an area of 40 squsre mile» and
Webster Wight.
(Corrsctsil wsstljr l>jr Foil« R im I.I
to 15; Marion county. 8 to 10; Polk Sliives, H. Gi.nian, Mrs. EfHe Card, serve 500 people. Be»ides private box
Wheat, per bushel,40 ct«.
C has F. B e lt , peetmaster.
countv, 7 to 10; Morrow county about Misses. Ethel Hall, Strlla Robbin . ea there will be erect«*! along the
Bran, per ton $12.
18; Umatilla county, about 25; Gil- Georgia My r, Lillie Baxter, F a i • route five iron mail boxes. Harvey
P re v e n te d A T ra ged y.
Shorts, per ton, $14.
Iiam county, 16 to 20
N o returns Guttry, Miss Arant, Miss Force aou Irum will fie earlier al an annual sal­
Oats, per bushel, 30 ets.
T im ely information given Mrs, have yet been received from Kmitliern MielSmith.
Flour, per 10 barrels, {2 65.
George lon g, of New Strsiteville.Ohio. Oregon, but the correspondents report
route may he difcon'i^uod and the
Flour, per sack, 76c.
saved two livea. A frightful cough tl at the crop there will be short. Con* State of Ohio, city off
j Buckwheat Hour, $2.50 per cwt,
had long kept her awake every night. sid. ral-le spring wheat in the W illam ­
Germea, $1 50 per cwt.
Frank J. Cheney makes on'li that
8he had tried many remediee and dne ette valley has been cut for hay and
The frame of the new public school | Corn meal, $2 60 per cwt.
tore but eleadily grew worse until urg some has been [»lowed up, and there is he is senior partner of the firm of F.
ed to try Dr. K ing’s New Discevery. no question bet the wheat crop in J. Cheney k Co., doing business in toe building is up and it will soon he un­
[Corrsctsd wssStjr by Brown A Sot,
One bottle wholly cured h er; and ehe that section is in v< ry had condition. city of Toledo, county and state afor- der roof. The new structure will tie
Potatoes, per bushel, 35 ct*.
writes, this marvelous medicine also The oat crop it also light, but ie yield­ said, ami that taiil firm will pay the sightly, convenient »nd Comfortable
Butter, per pound, 15eta.
.cured Mr. Long of a severe ettack of ing better than wheat. Hope enntin- sum of $100 for each and every case of and it ie very dcsiraUh to finish the
Lard, per pound, 9 «1 0 c l*. ‘
ixveumonia. Such cures are (seitive | ue doing well and lice are lees numer­ »-atarrh that cannet be cured by the old one up iu the same style, ft would
Bacon,sides, per pound, 9(910 ct*
be an abaolute necessity hi a few year-
|»roof u! its power to cure all throat, ous than usual. Haying is practically uae of H all’s Catarrh Cure.
per pound, 12gll5 ct*.
end c n now be dune < beeper and Let
F bahk J. CHEirnr.
clvest sod lung troubles. Only 50 finished, ard the crop is large and
Shoulder*, per pound, 8(910 ct*.
eentsas)d$|. Guaranteed. Trial bot­ generally of a good quality. es|>ecially Sworn to before me »nd a»jbecril>ed in ter than at another lime. The mean«
Eggs, per dozen, 15 ct*.
my presence, this 6th day of Decem­ in sight will not put the premise»
tle botiie In * ad W p . Ellis’ drug that cot within the l«-t two weeks.
in proper shape for u«»' and the diree-
Chickens, per dozen, $3(9$4
ber, A. D. 1886. A. W. G le a s o n ,
tors cannet make adilitional expendi
[ seal ]
Notary Public,
Dried fruits, per pound, 12 ct*.
----- - * * » - —™
Miss Clara Luce will next week go
Inree without authority of the people.
Beets, per pound, 1 cents
W . L. Wells, U. L. Francis, George to Illinois vliere her lather has secur­ Halle Catarrh Core is taken internally
and acta directly on the blo»al ami A t the the city hall next Monday, he-
Turnip*, per pound, 1 ct*.
Wbitehorn, Lee hiniih, and Ralph ed a school for bar at $(Q a month.
nittcotis surface« of the system. Send tweeu 1 and 4 o’clock, it ia to be »loci-
Cabbage, per pound, 2 f cts.
Morrison are (jack from building cah-
•fed wlp-ther or not fj.so u bonds will
Donald Nlaeele and Mim Isabel)« for testimonial», free.
Onion*, p*r pound, 2 cts.
|U oo their claims in the Rock Creek
he grante»1. Whoeser votes agatot the
Beans, per pound, 4(<*5 cent*.
fouMtry. Miaeee Eva Francis and Eva Wood were married in live southern F rame J. t'HxxpY A Co., Tolede, O.
bond* will vote against tint licet inter­
Corn meal, per pound, 2| cts.
Bmitls bare taken claims in the same part of the county Ran Jay by Rev. C. Sold l>y druggists, 75 cents. Hall's
est« of the town.
Family P ill» are the best.
Hay, per ton, $5s|$7
locality. nine mile* beyond Kugarkwf. C. Poling.
Delicacies of nil kinds suitable to
the season may he had at W illiam ’s
confectionery. Go there for candies,
fruits and cool drinks.
Some baking powder makers claim their powder*
are cheaper. They can be cheaper only if made
from cheaper materials. “ Cheaper” means inferior
materials always.
To cheapen the cost of an
article of food at the expense of its healthfulness,
as is done in alum baking powders, is a crime.
10 0
Miss Ora Collius lias been visiting
Mica Anna Longacre, east of Buena
Spectacles and glasses at Pfennig’s.
The old Goff house at Rickreull has
lieen torn away except the framework
of logs which is almost as sound at
when placed there over half a century
bushel. He lias just received from
Portland a sheet iron heater, six f*et
In diameter and 24 feet long. He is
preparing to do first class work and
liojies to welcome back all of his for­
mer customers.
Hurst Bros, are hauling lumber from
the Dallas mill to erect a hap house
The Bock hoy has been tent to the on Dove’s island.
reform school because lie could not be
governed at home.
The motor company is having 150
cords of wood sawed at the track side
Henry Fawk has bought a big farm
just out of Dallas.
in the southern part of Lane county
Mayor Crider and family are back
and stocked it with sheep.
from Newport and say they never be­
The state school fund lias been ap­
fore saw so many campers there, most
portioned Polk county with her 3,650
of them being at Nye Creek.
school children getting $5,694.
J. H. Cochrane, formerly of Airlie,
Harry Belt has gone to eastern Ore­
and now principal of the public school
gon to canvas for a portrait company.
at Oakland, met with an accident last
He will return to the normal sc I hiu I ill
week, requiring the amputation of the
right leg belov the knee.
You never read of such cures else­
Kim ball’s big fruit dryer is under
where as those accomplished by Hood’s
roof and required over 12,000 shakos.
Sarsaparilla,did yonT It is America’s Die tunnels will hold 1,750 trays, the
greatest medicine.
capaeity of each being over half a
Rev. J. M. Sweeney will preach his
last sermon at Oak Grove, Sunday
August 19th, and Rev. G’ A. M cKin­
ley will probably go from Zena • to
Jacksonville this fall.
Andrew McDaniel and Tom Demp­
sey, ol Rickreall, Harry Christian and
II. D. Waller, of Independence, and
C. L, Morrison, of Luckiamute, arc
enroute home from Cape Nome.
Putnam Fadeless dye, brawn is the
fastest known dve stuff to light and
washing ever used in package dyes
and is very strong, one package pro­
ducing a medium brown on three
pounds of goods. 10 cents a package.
Sold by A. K. Wilson.
The county court last spring con­
tracted for 75 cords of big fir wood,
thinking it. would take about that
amount ta run the court house for s
year, but the janitor, Milo Woods,
thinks it will last almost tw o}ears.
The furnace for heating the building
is quite erunoinical and it takes but a
handful of fuel to run the litllo en­
gine long enough to fill the 1,500 gal-
on tank in the third story.
trade for other «tuck. See H. L Kenton.
at Dal I tut. I*eave name» at William’» confection
ery «tore or address C. A. Dunn, D&Iltu.
h i r t y - s e v e n
k in k o o a t b , a b o u t h a i . k
mtimicM, for aale by Ja«. Olmsted at Hallstou.
Donaldson, of Dalla«.
whit« spot«. Any information or her return to
L. J. Hureell. M mi)«-« south of Dallae, will be suita­
bly rewarded.
1 Miller, of Dallas.
of J. L. Brown on Upper Salt creek. Take
your veasels.
arm ers can
o k a in
t iik
Dallas flouring mill. Mr Noel will pay the
highest price for flint class wheat and will take grain
•>n storage,
Nasal catarrh quickly yields to treat
ment by E ly’s Cream Balm, which is
agreeable aromatic. It ia received l l f l HAVE KOR SALK AT MWO AN EXCEL-
through the nostrils, cleanses ami h-als V? lent goat ranch Just beyond Bridge|a»rt. It
the whole surface over which it diffus­ contains S3 iwires, is all under fence and has a feur
room dwelling. Atiout half of it tdeared ami plen­
es itself. A te neily for, nasal catarrh ty of good water.
which ia drying or exciting to the dis­
eased membrane should not be used.
Cream Italm ia recognized as a speci­
at reasonable prices. Apply at the sheriff’s of-
fic. Price 50 cents at druggists or by
lend, A cold in the head immediate­
ly disappears when E ly’s Cream Halm A THREE YEAR D ID BII.LIK KOR SALE EUR 9b
ia used. Ely Brother», 56 Warren X». or exchange foran an n ie, JOHN WILLAMH,
siiiet, New York
O chine and are ready to bale hay at si a ton.
I*ave orders in Dallas postotfl« e
Nursing Mothers
dread hoi weither. They
know how it weakens and
how rhis affects the baby.
All such mothers need
Scott’i Emulsion. It gives
them strength and makes
the bsby’s rood richer and
more abundant.
Mr. Hint »1.
*11 itragglM*
in :he Held by B K. Smith, at Lewisville
real estate sacriti*
ty in sums of from « l.ffv lo 910.U00. Apv'v
o n e y to l o a n on
ptrty at usual raise by Oscar Hay ter, Dalla*.
oney to
M .
L o a n
« per c e n t on farm
J. L. COLLINS, Halfen
U rE farm