I T b o a t f h A l l W e r t F a b le s . Though all gr«*at deed* v e rs proved hut fable? line. Though earth's old atory could he fo*d anew. Though (he swept faahlons loved o f them that sue W ire em pty as the ruined Delphian shrine; Though Cod did never man, in words benign. W ith *eM>e o f his great Fatherhood endue; Thmiiih life im m ortal were a dream um iue, And It.* that promised it were not flivihe; Tin.null soul, thougli spirit were not and all hop.’ !(.-a< lung heyond the hourn m elted away; Thougli virtue had no goal and g n. deceased, has tiled In» final account to Hitch executor in theirounty (»artof Polk county Oregon, and that mid cou.'t ha» set the heurinu ih treofori Monday, Anga»t ft, 1900, at the hour of I o'clock in the afternoon of said day,and ull person« In viug objections to the same are notified to present them to said court on or before said time. Dated, thia 18th da) o f June. 19r of th i tstutu of Mario* men' were standing at the four corners rei Smith, tiet-i'a»«.1«! hus tiled his final account a« > u h if an Imaginary square, and each was lelminiatrator, in tlie county court of Folk county, O regon,und that »aid ro u it bus set the huarimr then* shooting at the man catacorner to him. o f on Mon luy, August ti. 19. 0 kt the hour o f 1 o'clock Being in what he supposed a safe posi­ In the all« i noon o f said d«.V, anil ull per*»»« having tion. he paused to watch the outcome f the city, did so iu manifest awe and S a tu rd a y , July 14, 1003, A t the hour of 1 o'clock, p. in., of said day at trepidation. the front door «»f the county court house iu “ Whenever he told the story after­ I >id Ian, in said county, sell at public «notion ward. he umt! to wind It up Impress­ to the highest hiihler for ca.*h iu hand on day of sal«-, in the manner provhb «1 by law all ively hy saying, ’ And, boys. In that the l ight, title ami interest which the defend­ town after that they went around me ants or either of them hsd on the 5th «lay of ns If I had been a swamp.' " —New August, 1HS0, the date of the mortgage fore* | York Tribune. close«I in said suit, or now have (exclusive of the interest hy courtesy of the defendant, C 'o n «| u e re il t h e I'r o f e e a o r . Frank Brown) «if, in ‘or t»i the following de scribed premises, to-wit: Lot No, ti, in block The mighty Jowett o f Oxford Invited No, 3, of Leveiis addition to the town of l>al a Mtudout to walk with him. After las, l*«»lk county, (>reg»*n. Sai«I property will lie sold subject t«i redemption in the manner they had been on the road for about 30 uiluute« the pupil finally spunked provhled by law. Hated, Dallas, Oregtm, this loth «lay of up courage aud remarked, “ Nice day, June, 1H00. J. (i. V A N OKHBKL, professor.” .Sheriff «if Polk county, state «if Oregon. “ Do you really think so?” was the faraway answer of Jowett. Another half hour passed, uud tlie Sh eriffs Sale. boy stammered out: “ Nice road, professor.” NO TICK IS H KRKBY O IV K N T H A T The teacher responded, “ Do you real the unper«igited us sheriff of t'nlk county, Or­ egon, under and by virtue of the writ of ex«- ly think so?” The matriculate bewail to boll In his eutioii dated th«* 12th «lay of June, A. I)., HIM), directed to the undemigneti as such *hti bouew aud to get even more frtghteued. iff, an«i ¡Maned out of the circuit court of the but he managed to agaiu blurt out. »late of Oregon for Polk oouuty, u | mui and t«> enforce the decree «ml forechmure ami «*nlei “ Clouds seem to be till lug up with rain, nf sale mode and entered in Maid oiurt on the professor,” lo which the auswer was: oth «lay of June, 1U00, in the suit of the «St.,te “ Do you really ibiuk to?” Land IW rd , a f plaintiff V«. N. Tarter and The two returued to the college A lci«l« Tarter, «• defendenta, will on ground, aud the professor «aid. "Well, S a t u r d a y , t h « a i s t d a y o f J u l y IOOO young man. we Ifttve been walking for A t the hour «*f 1 o’clock In the afternoon of Maid day, at the court house at Dallas, in »aid several hours, aud everything you said Polk county, Oregon, sell at public aution for 1 lias beeu as stupid as It possibly could caali in lNtfted State* gold coin D* the high- be.” outbidder, the following described tract of Ills eompaulou replied, “ Do you real laud that is situated ami located iu th* coun­ ly tliluk so?” ty of Polk ami state of Oregon, to*wit: Be­ The professor looked at the youug ginning at the northeast corner of the dona tion land claim. No. 55, notification No. 5154, umu a moment. Then he smiled aud of Mary Oilliam, in *ecti«»n« .H'J ami 33 of t grasped Ids Lands warmly. From that s of i ti w of tue W iilaniette meridian, in Polk county, Oreg-it, running theme we*t time ou conversation uever (lagged 40 mudiiM; tiiem-v Mouth Lit chains; them» during their walk*.—Saturday Evening east 7.50 chains; tlienee s .nth ‘.*0 chains; Post. thence east JJ 50 chaiiiM. to the southeast c«»i - ner of s.ii«| claim; tlnutce north 40 chains t». tlie place ot licgmHUig. containing 14 » acr.s, more or less, t«*gether with the tenement* her«*«tiiaments, ami appurtenuncvN thrieunto l»el«»iigi'ig, or m anywise *p|*iitwining. That ani'I Male of »aid premises to Is* M »id a* afor- N.aid a ill la* made to olitwin tuud» with which t«» satisfy the miiiu of 93,.Vt| tk) g«’l«l «»ill, with interest tliereoii from the »th day of June, 1000, at the rate of B |s*r cent |>«r annum, ami the sum of ||(!0 attoiue)*' fa«*» «ml t« r miiiu of 6 » c«»st ami disiiurs« m«nts of said null amt ex|a n-es of said s w im , all dm* sai I plxii»- tiff dsi\e uhihim I upon said wiit of executi»»n Date«I this the 1 * 2 ; «1 »lay »•! June, A , D. 1»M). .1 (J. V \ NOll.HDKIs Sheriff of 1 o«k county. I 'u t . l«'«l it » » P o r t e r . The pet fa«) of a certain actress Is shoes, aud she never travels without a pair of shoe trees ill her satchel. Oue sen sou she was touring the west. When she went lo bed iu the Pullinau the first night eastward from Butte, she took o(T her trim walk lug hoots and. as her custom Is. sllp|»ed the trees iuto then» ami set them uuder the edge of the licrtli. It was broad daylight wbeu she was awakeued by the respectful uud somewhat avvestrk*keu voice c# the porter Bln* drew the curtaltm aside and looked out Into the aisle. The |K>rter was standiug there, holding Aiiiiiim stratoi s N otice. the shoes iu Ills hand., “ Here they Is. lady.” he said. ’•Well, Just put them down under the %T«rTK?K W RKRBBY OIVKN T»» 4M. W »»«•'* IT ir may t-oi»« en», lh>t I I» o r !»**«•»» »i>|sti< t..| |.\ liertli. picas.*.'' said she. 'The man ben- Iloti, W. L W ells, J ahre of F»*lk «■». .» t\ >«ito »ti<4i^l«»r Hated a moment. ot tits e a lit e o f > .than tliise-v. late F I k lou rtti, "Can j;ou -ea n you put them on by ile 'Oaoail A*l persons lieleh e l I.» said sstai« • til Hiake me twynient ant any ••ns HoMin* a .l»on youse’f ?" lie asked. against saiti «.stile «rill pre-.-ot tHe s-tni* to ms. «ful\ "W hat, the shoes?” asked the lady. %wriAe«l, will»»»» nioi.Mw fusi» tl.is «tat«, a l u») «•one near Butler. »Stia eu« .Ijr, Oragun “ No, nils«.*' answered the porter. “ I Itoteli, June 15, 1«W means your feat Ain't these yere • C. J. Ht MIKY. AJmiaist rater thing« feet?" Towneen.l à Hart, ai* »m et fer «Mots T H E SH AN GH A I». su s p ic io n s . P A IN T E R S A N D W R I T E R S . Mini Matilda Huowtlake not at tbo A F o w l T h a t W a s P o p u l a r l a T h i s piano and inns "All I W ant. In Ma t o o i n r y F r v 'i i lK4t> t o 1 8 6 8 . C Ilk-ken!" The 1841) exhibitiuu ou Boston Com- Zoke Darkli-lgh. who hail paid a j tuou bad a small it umber of breeds, but nocturnal vlt.lt to Minn Snowflake's |wi- j a goodly tiuuihfiuf exhibitor«. It w et pa', heuroo.t the week la-fore. i*c|ulrm- | at this gxliibltiou that these Chinese cd tinea.lljr In hi. soil and fiiiully aak- breeds were first exhibited as Shang­ : ed in anzloti. tone.: hai«. uud the lame Cochin China, “ I . - 1, de.v anythin!; piu.mial Intend­ which up to that time had been used, ed lu dat soug. Mis. Matilda?"— Balti­ was dropped. Biff aud White Shang­ more A clerical)._______ ____ hais and tlie Marsh fowls (colored), so tamed from the Importer, were being T H E PEDAGOGUE. Introduced Into this country In 1H47-8 President Ounnlaon of 8t. Lawrence nud the early part o f 1841). These were all heavily fen tiered on shanks and u n i v e r s i t y has recently received n g i f t of flM.OUO from a friend of that institution. feet, and breeders were seeking to ob­ Arrangemenu have ‘ been made for u tain more uniform color in each varie­ I teu story fireproof dormitory for Colum­ ty and to keep the varieties distinct. bia linivsrKiCP* on Morningside Heights. And what a scramble there was to se­ I New York. cure the Chinese birds previously bred President Mnffntt of Washington and 1 Jefferson college, Washington, Pa., an- rounce» that the regulations against buz lug will be Htrictly enforc« d and that all lutzcrs will be promptly expelled. Samuel T. Dwttou. «uperintendent of public school« in Brookline, Maas., will next fall liecome professor of school ad- j ministration in the Toucher«' college, Co­ lumbia university. Mr. Dutton ia one of ! the best known public school supervisors ; in New England. C LE R IC A L L IN E N . 1 ¿i i A Baltimore minister was criticised be - pause he wore colored shirts. He resent e» me quite? Steals m.v senses, shuts my sight. Drowns my spirit, draws my breath? Tell me, my soul, cun this he death? Tlie w orld recedes; it disappears! Heaven open* on inv eyes! my ears With hound* seraphic ring: Lend, lend your w in g »! 1 m ount! 1 fly! O Crave! where is thy victory? O D eath! where is thy r i slin g ? — Pope. A b o u t H n M liN iid a. Johnson was right. A lthough some men a«iore Wisdom Ih women and with wisdom cram her. There isn’ t one in ten hut thinks far more Of liia ow n grub than o f Ids xpouse’ s grammar. AVeSe table Preparation for As­ similating the Food andHefiula ting the Stomachs and Bowels of IN V A N IS n o t A com pany Ins been formed to con lr«»l ilie process o f printing without mk, by using electricity and chem ical­ ly prepared pM|«cr, In a short time, it is expected, this innovation will be com pletely introduced, and old m eth­ ods revolu tioniz'd. There is one tiling however that lias resisted all in­ novations; that is llnstetter’s Stomach Bitters, which has many imitators, but no equals ns a cure for »tom acli, liver and bowel troubles This peerless remedy lias been the standard med­ icine of the Am erican people for past fifty 'ears. It is a wonderful medic­ ine for dyspepsia, indigestion, bilious­ ness, insom nia,constipation and nerv­ ousness. |j also prevents malaria, f«*v er and agile. It keeps the stom ach in good condition, and trowels regular. Try it, and you will not be disappoint­ ed. ( ’tH L I)W K ’N N a r c o t ic . of Old BrSWUELPîrCHKR Pum pkin S e t t i ' d lx. Senna, * The Kind You Have Always Bought. X sk B J**- ¿truse Sttd * Jirptramf - jf i C orteña* Sad* « H in * S e e d - Thouarh Greek and 1-atin i»e the lady's boast. T hey're little value«) hy her loving mate. The kin«l »»! lon gue that husbands relish m ost Is modern, boiled and served upon a plate. ÍÉSri w S n r A perfect Remedy for Constipa­ tion. Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea, Worms .Convulsions .Feverish­ ness and L o s s O F SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of Young lady—deep in love with Tom or Harry— ’ Tis sad to tell you such a tale as thia. Hut here's the nioial o f it : Do not m airy. Or. m arrying, take you r lover as he is— [Reproduced from colored plate in “ The Pool try Book, 1S5J.J Bears the Signature of Promotes Digestion,Cheerful­ ness and Best.Contains neither Opium.Morphine nor Mineral. I know It is the gr<*ate*t shame in life, But who am ong them (save, perliapa, m . self). Returning home, lie asks his wife What b o«f—not books—site lias upoO the shelf? Or if. an fond am bition may command, Som«* hiiuiemade verse the happy m atron shows him What mortal spouae but from her dainty hund Would sooner see a pudding than a poem ? W H ITE SHA.VfiilAI COCK. Printing W ithout Ink. CASI 0 R 1 A G E M S IN V E R S E . N E W _ S r O R K ._ A very man. w ith som ething o f the brute (Unless lie proves a sentimental noddy). W ith passions strong uii «J appetite to boot, A thirsty soul within a hungry body; CÄST 0 R 1 A El here, the results of the chance Importa­ tions from our skips employed In the A very man— not one o f nature's clods— With’ human feelings, whether saint or sinner. CXACT COPY OF W R A P P E R . foreign trade! Those interested at Endowed perhaps with genius I ruin tlie gods. once observed flat the birds we had But apt to take ids tem per fioui ids dinner. called Cochin Chinas were of a race —J. G. Saxe. akin to the uewfr Importations. New A f t e r F r e e S u m p le s . England was carefully canvassed, and C n ie... impelled by curiosity, yon every fowl that matched the newcom­ !- were to stuud and watcli the stranno ers In color was kt once absorbed with ways o f ilia patron, o f free sample them as Slutughsig. .lauds lu tlio department stores you It was iu 186$ that the Shanghais would hardly credit the Ingenuity dis­ appeared as Cochins, with neither pre­ played by some female shopper» In fixes nor addenda, and In the exhibi­ providing themselves with various ar­ tion o f 1SUG there appeared the Hog- ticles of food during tliclr day’s outing. don trio o f Buffs, to sell at auction in The free lunch, that time honored in­ that exhibition for $315— up to that stitution which has always been con­ time an unprecedented price. This sidered man's special privilege, is no was their second rise in tlie fanciers’ longer a visionary something that wo­ favor. Then they dropped Into a sub­ men uru shut out from enjoying. ordinate position till a few years ago. Thanks to the enterprise o f the big when they agaiu came to the front in stores, they have a chance for It, and Madison Square Garden, when $500 they take it—goodness, how they do vvas paid for a pair and $275 for a sin­ take It! There Is a dainty variety tQ —- — --------------- As Cochi u Chinas, choose from—bouillon, clam broth, l'nn-. BroTensor Price has employed tuis gle specimen. process in the month of January with­ Shanghais and Cochins they have sold cy sausage, breakfast fo o » Jelly, tea. out the loss of a single hud. It Is a for higher prices than fowls of any coffee, bread, cakes, mince pies—pretty mod I lieu tion o f a method practiced* other breeds, and as far as breeds of well everything. In fact, that can tempt years ago In Europe. fowls go they hove had a greater In­ the palate from pickled pigs’ feet to fluence upon the fowl stocks of the peanut butter. land than any others and their influ­ "H ere comes one o f our regular Hats were first manufactured In ence upon poultry culture Is o f all 'fien ds.'" salil a free booth operator. England by Spaniards in 1510. agencies second In Importance.—J. K. “ Just watch her.” A lady walked Tclch in Farm Poultry down the aisle, looking about her with » í If we did but know how little noroe an air o f manifest nstonislimcnt, a enjoy tlie great things that they os S » A iib le M sn a . sort o f l-really-must-have-got-into-the- «ess. there would not be ho much eu\y We have ha a number f new agaa j wrong-plnce look. It was nil so new to In the world. conspicuous!. ^ *. on lie farm, »uch in a moum*.' M ine people weary me as “ Shut the ? ite.” “ Beware o f V ie her. Suddenly she pulled up short op­ exceedingly with their atTectat.ou o f I)og" and “ Ktc > Out o f ihe Yards." J posite n booth containing tempting j superior knowledge.—Chicago Tribune. These Oidcrs an !miterative “ Shut the j free samples o f n jelly preparation. Ad ' rauchig on a voyage o f discovery, she Gate" sign Is more particularly intend- j Since then she has carried tue guusi- ed for teamsters who bring us supplies. said to the girl. "M y good young wom­ ly looking boot trees in her trunk.— They lu variably leave the gate open an, nud what might this stuff be that you bare here?" "M y good young j Wasnlmriou i*osi. or at least did before we put up the woman" flushed up angrily. "S ir here, sign. A neglect o f this kind always madam,” she said, “ in this store we ate You id ver read of so many great caused us trouble, principally by stray ordered to he ns civil as possible with c ne« elsewhere, a« Him«« effected bv dogs getting on the premises and scar­ visitors, but you have been getting free Hoo i’s Sarsaparilla, did you ? It i* ing the chickens. We cannot afford to samples o f tills Jelly every day for tbe Ti*n for fiv«* cents, nt P nigjfaR i, r.rnccrs, Restaurants, Am erica’s gieratest blood m edicin» have our stock scared. Saloons, News-Stands, General Stoics and Ktrliers last two weeks. It’ s about time you Shops. T hey banish pain, induce sleep, and prolong life. “ Beware o f the Dog” is for the pro­ and possess merit unknown to an y made up your mind lo buy It or l*nve One Rives relief! N o matter what’s the matter, mu will t ler preparation. It is a wonderful tection o f the visitor. That sign is a It alone.” Tbo visitor, with a "W ell. 1 d o you Rood. sTen samples and one thousand testi­ monials sent bv mail to any address on receipt of |nite, warning. It means. “ Stop at the house i.ivigoiator, by the R ipansChem ical C o., lo.Spruce St., New York City! never did lu all my born days." moved before you venture past the gate of rapidly on. H alf an hour later I en­ Sick lierd.iche is cured bv H ood’« the plant." We have been bothered countered her making eyes at the divin­ Pills. 25c considerably by strangers walking ity that held sway over the free clam right ahead and coming Iuto close quar­ broth. This free lunch chase Is getting ters With the dog. That sign Is the to la. ns Imd ns the soda fountain liali- « i« .. JIN G L E S AND J E S T S . danger signal. It.—Klmirn Telegram “ Keep Out o f the Yard»” signs are S tr n te sr y . for our protection. We are keeping "What is in that box you are so careful about, if I may ask?” inquired the man poultry more for profit than for show. who had secured the lower berth in the Hens are naturally shy of strangers. To look at them from the walk does sleeper. to s “ That’ s a collection of rare snakes I am not startle the birds one bit—they ar© taking to a iiiuseum. They are too valu­ used to that—but the moment a stran­ able to be trusted out of my sight," re- ger walks Into the runs they become General Agent on the Pacific Coast for pli«»d the Ilian who was preparing to afraid. A scare to n hen hurts her egg climb to the upper slujf. yield. Besides, we have had visitors “ Say, I’ll trade berths with you." walk In the yards to more closely look "A1J right. I’m not particular where l at the fowls and then come out ami •loop."- Chicago Tribune. leave the gates open. Carelessness In | that respect might mix up our pens. ’ . . D i d n 't W a n t t ' y n n l d e o f M e r c a r ? . „ _ . ! S O U T H E R N P A C IF IC CO. So this order must be enforced. We “ You arc a pharmacist, are you?" Mil AST A ROUTE are glad to have visitors and will | “ 1 am." "Been in tlie business a number o f do all In our power to make their visits years?” I »oth pleasant aud profitable, but our “ I have." rules must be obeyed.—A Few Hens. Trains Yrare Dallas for Portland and way stations "Registered?” at tclOa.pn. exi*ept Sundays. M a a a g l a s M rs. J n a e s . • “ Yes. sir." *T*ook ben*.” said Mr. Jones to the “ That Is your diploma hanging over Also the largest st«w*k of warm air registers and furnace L asse Portland 8:30 a m. 7:8». p ni there?" house agent, "m y w fe will lie calling Leav« Salem 11 a m ; 0:35 p tu “ It is." today, ami I want jwu to tell her that ' supplies on the Pacific coast. A rrive Adhl&nd I&33 a ni ; 1P.30 a m Arrive Sat rainento 5 p n»; 4 :S6 a ni "Well, you may give me a pound of bo­ that bouse we have beeu lookiug at is Arrive San Francise«« 7:4ô p m ; 8 :15a in. rax."- Harlem Life. taken." “ But. tuy good fir," protested the V o r Over Fifty T «are. Arrive Chlgen 5:45 a m ; 1 1:*5 a ni. ageuf. “ It isn't fwkfa.” Arrive D e»ver 98)0 a n»; OM*» a ni. An old and well tried remedy. Mrs. “ It will lie then.” answered Mr 1 Arrive Kansas (Htv 7:25a ni; 7:25 a m. W inslow’s Soothing Syrup lias lieen Joues. “ I am tak.ng It uow. Arrive Chicago 7:45 a »n; 9;30 a ni. Mrs. used lor over fifty years hy millions o f Jones can’ t make up her miud. hut mothers f.»r llieir children while teeth­ she'll want It dln*«*tly Rhe thinks she Arrive L o« Anirel«»* 1:20 p ni; 7:00a n». ing, with perfect succors. It soothe« can’ t g**t It " - London Telegraph. Arrive Kl F m »>> «».Ou p in; «3-0 p in. Arri e F«»rt Went?» U.3n :t in ; tt.3o a nt. the child, softens the gums, allays all Arrive City or Mexico 0:55 a m ; 9:55 a m. pain, cures wind co lic and is the I k * s . Arrive Huston 4 00 a m ;4:0 0 a in. Arrive New Orleans 6: ft p m ;S :2 f»p rrr remedy for diarrhoea. Is pleasant to Arriva W n»hii«Rt<>n « 42 a in; rf:4< a in. the taste. Solti hy druggists in every Arrive New U r k 12 43 p in; 12 »3 p in. part of the world 25 cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Be sure aim P utin:*» aryl Tourist car* on »with trains. Ch .ir ask for Mrs. W inslow's Soothing Sy­ cant&tcraiiMHiU» to LNIgeit ami Kl F um «, amt t«.urial t ar* to C h intgo, St. Louia, New O rkan« and \%*ah rup and lake no oilier kind. iiigtim. The majority of persons upon reaching middle age and past find their blood becomes weak and thin, and diseases that were easily controlled in earlier life begin to affect the constitution. Connvctinjr at San FraiM:i«ro with several steam Those predisposed to Scrofula, Cancer, Rheumatism, Gont and other hereditary troubles may escape •h»i lines lor H onolulu. Japan, China, Phi lipin.-s Armi n«»Bal»R . till then, but as they age the blood, so long tainted and weakened bv accumulated waste matters, is no i eiitial ai «1 sou th An*er:< a. Booti after Li m iai (¿alacre wns ap- longer able to properly nourish the body, and it becomes an easy mark for disease. At this critical period poluual ali »'Usigli iu lite Seveuty-sev of life the blood most be re-enforced before it can perform its legitimate functions and rid the svstetn of eutli foni he furo«*d »un vvlth thè com ­ these poisons, and nothing so surely and effectually does this as S. S. S. ( «lltV A Il IS M i l l . I» VII.V pany lo vvtiicli he vv as uttuched tu wlt S. S. S. strengthens and enriches the Mood, improves the appetite, and builds up the general constitu­ (Kx«*et«t Mimiav ) Hess thè tloggiug of a sol» Ber. The tion. It is not only the best blood purifier, hut the best tonic for old people. It warms the blood, tones up F«>rt lami 7 JO A M Lv. Ar. 5 50 P man. who liti«I heen couvlcted of a seri- ! the nerves, removes all taint from the blood, and prevents the development of disease. USB A II L«. Derry Lv. X 14 P M ous oflfeuse uud vvas lattar lo be drum | a S R. is the only purely vegetable Wood medicine known. Not one particle of mercury, potash or Corva Ilia other mineral poiaon can be found in it, and it may he taken fur anv length of time without harm lued out of thè «*»rpH. look bis punisti- ■ A4 Allavn« an.I Corvali* >*o(tnect with trains of «*■« S. S. S. Is the onlv remedy that reaches deep-seated blood troubles like Scrofula, Cancer. Rheuma- meni Unlly. aerea ut lag a gre.at deal. ' . « M r i i t 'i i l m »I Kantern rail roan. , Kcrema, Tetter, etc. It purifies and restores the blood to a healthy, normal condition, and makes it impossible f.r Etislgu (iatavrv shut hls vyv» and turn- »»«I whllt* In tilt* f i i r . as though lie’ •ay poisonous waste materials to accumulate I M LLA S PA 8S ENG E R. If you have an old running sow or an obstinate ulcer that refuses to heal, or are troubled with boils and carbuncles, t r s. a s. \vou!«i rnint. Wn»'n th* punishment It never fails to make a quick and permanent cure of these pests», If your system is run down ami vou feel ^ Daily, Eiet pt Soaday. was over, he rtMuerketl to hls eulor ser the nee«i of a tonic, 8. 8 S. will strengthen ami help you as it has many others to a happy, healthy old age. IDHiot. “ If I see U iK'b more of this. l#|l M ir n tr. A t S 3fì i» M M c rs „ D , Ga. a f flic 'r .l o . « . r». c s r v o .ur. H Hnrtien o r s s u n w n u r . V a . , o f a ca se o f . . . R _ . i l a kws o u » _ o c f , W _ a d j f l M r __ , r w , as ; fo r . * r e — a — r s ------------ lsliw K f « r n at . L i.u .t V A M sell out." Kcwm. t h i n v - Vv « n o , « . » d i n , . h e r t h . h « a p h v w r i . s . T o “ s ^ T ^ H i ^ Tlie "Donoom” r«'s|M> charge. Lctave à.3é *- 01. Pt«ola*wl Arrive IJÎf p ftouk on Bkaod and Skin Disenses sent to any desiring it. Address Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Go. T _ army wai soon altollsheil. however, Laave i»adU* A irlve S Awa. and the future general unnamed lu tbs Arriva 6 :1 # p oa. A i*u « L a a v a f ju a .« . S . S . # # T H E ID E A L T O M O * A N D B L O O D R U R I f l E R F O R service. R I P A N S TABU LES D o c t o r s fin d A G o o d P r e s c r ip tio n l o r m a n k in d w g M c P h e r s o n South And R ic h a r d s o n & B o y n t o n C o s w a r m a ir f u r n a c e s . -m . Jo h n V a n R a n g e C o s h o te l a n d h o u s e h o ld r a n g e s ! A m e r i c a n B o i l e r C o s boilers for steam and hot w a te r. 1 47 First and 46 5 ec°nd s-trcc-tj, P O R TL A N D O a E Q O N HEALTHY OLD AGE ■*" • - > * i s r c : s rrtw. o< . k . dt— w ^ ,n4 8 OLD PE O PL E . 9«e 1. X Wands aopeni at Dalla« watmn or addrv C H. MARKHAM. O. P. A. TI ■nm „