THE POLK COUNTY iïEMIZER L 1,e,,,,lluT r lT *I!.bo,r d. w,,il1iOUR STAFF OF RUSTLERS- he recounted the '‘‘.',p heroic deeds and sacrifices of those who helped to make j Bherrus* E lliot and Cheater W hite aro hueiii| for C. E. Hanna. this grand Willainatte Valley of ours. WHAT THEY HAVE TO S A Y ABOUT The SJem cannery ia proving a In the afternoon while the younger THE DOINGS IN THE C O UNTY, great ben tit to fruit growers. generation went off to the academy: Misaeft'arrie and Kern Bendy are campus to witness a variety of attrac- An U n e q t u l ' c d an d C o m p l e t e Re .trending heir vacation at home. iru K vrkv F riday M u x m . no A t 7:30. ! ti vt* exerciwn, llu older folk» remain-'I • u m e of Your Friond a are ! e<1 on the camp ground to listen to re- j and Have Been Lately D oin g. Charier Rain» and wife, of M ill City, \Vr. A , W A S H , I in in ¡«cent atone» from different one* | are viaitiig her mother, Mra. Tuela tcoiTOK ano paopuirroa. , of their number. The annual fee wan • BUYER. Thacker. 1 charged from $1 to 50 cent» and theae The rain ha. done more good than K. W. Banna and sister in-law, Mias | pioneers pant it: J 11 Hawley, Win S U B S C R IPT IO N R A T E S : Grant, Lizzie Cellina and Dr Kmbree harm. Fall grain ia iu poor condi­ Emma /ike, left for hi. home in |1 50..................................... Per year of 1844; 8 II Tetherow and D W Lew- tion— not much rual but heads amall. Crook courty Tuesday. $ 75........................... Per six months is of 1845; Mrs K M Shaw, John Crow Gardena are growing fine, but have GREENWOOD. 40........................Per three mouths ley. F M Collins and 1) M Guthrie of too many weeds. Plenty of beirio. Advertising rates made known on \ 1846; George Brown, Martha Brown, and the apple crop will be extra good. ' Ed. Byira has a new camera. application. Correspondence is solicit* j W C Brown, Mrs Eliza Hawley, Mrs It ia time for haying, but the farmer, Mine Grace Byers is visiting friends Virginia McDaniel, Jake Burch, Har are holding otT lor aettled weather. ed. Fine Job Printing done at reasonable riet Osburn, Martha Cosper, Monroe Several a-ound have field, of clover ’ at Zeoa. Miller and S. T. Burch of 1847, Mrs hay for the first time. H op. look uricos. C. Pnrtine ia building a barn at Let Coniegys, B F Whiteaker and I) well and there are no lice in sight, i Spring WHcy. J Whiteaker of 1848; N L Butler of Winter wood is being hauled. 1849; T J Hay ter, G D Robinson John JoKbOsburn attended the picnic at COURTHOUSE DEDICATED. ROCK CREEK. Oahu: n and Robert Howe of 1851; L Djlaa«r*iurday.* Judge Boise held an adjourned term L Hannuin, Mrs 8. J. Vernon, Henry James W right and brother. Jay, M ine. Blanche and Bessie Phillip. of cour» here, beginning l»» t Monday j Bycrlvy, Mrs. K D By.rley, G W Me- were at J' L. Morrison. Saturday. li^YA returned front Newport. and in consideration of his long and Bee, VV E Clark. Morris Junes, Robert prominent connection with the juris­ Grant, Mrs. Robert Grant, David Cos­ Dr. W. J. Farley, census enumerator Wm^"'aid well ia giving music les­ prudence of the county, district and per an J Mrs Rebecca Howe of 1852; of this district, was at Kocca Saturday. son. itfc rcenwood tliia summer. state it was thought to be eminently Mrs Hester Ellis. Mrs W E Clark, Mrs Mra. Martha Verdot, of Gregg. Ida­ FrgdYtakei and his sister, Julia, proper that the members of our bar I E Tetherow, Samuel Cuad, Mrs Gar­ should ask him to dedicate our splen I wood, Mrs M Pi Hallock, John Vernon ho, ia visiting Iter father, T . C. Chan­ were vta iug friends iu this vicinity dler. laat week id new courthouse before holding the A N Hallock, and F. K. Hubbard of first session of court iu it. No other 1853; Newton Woodward of 1859. On Friday and Saturday laat J. L- Allen went to the picnic man in the slate has had a larger or Quite a number were present who fail­ Morrison, Henry Scott, G. B. Hamp­ (Mid Wilis Frink went to Full» City longer connection with legal matters. ed to register. The list of those wild ton and Wm, Herald worked on the last SaUirlsy. Ju Ige Boise came from Massachusetts have died during the past year is un- road between the two ford, and now iu 1850 and in 1852 was chosen prose­ usuallylong and most of them were wide any one can go to Norton in a wagon LUC KIAMUTE. cuting attorney of this judicial district. lyknown. Adam Brown, Sarah Brown, without crossing Rock creek. Archie Vtheow ia ut home now from That year in the old courthouse iu Mrs Sarah Burch and C D Etnbree B AL L 8 TO N . southern (.regon. North Dallas he prosecuted and con­ came here in 1844; David Tewnsend victed Everman for killing Hooker. in 1843; Christopher Zumwaltin 1845 Ellis is gradually Mr. Qirajd lost a |50 cow last week Uncle Henry Among those pn sent were Judge Geo Avery Babcock and Tolbert Carter in by being poisoned. growing weaker, H. Williams. Judge Pratt, Judge Hea­ 1840; Tigal Kibhey, Mrs J W Downer, dy, Cel. Nesmith, Judge Wood and Mrs Martha J Brown, Louis Duvall H. Midkey visited bis son-in-law, George Blizzard, a friend of Jake Dave Logan. Two years later he was and Nat Holman in 1847; Mrs Isaac Pence, from California, is visiting him. Cha Holman, this week. one of the commissioners who prepar­ Ball in 1848; Mrs Elizabeth Butler in Miss Veda Tarbitt, of Albany, is vis­ Elijah Morrison has been quite sick ed the Oregon code and in 1857 was a 1849; Tol Savory in 1950; Mrs W ill­ member of the constitutional conven­ oughby and Mrs Sarah Pi Robinson in with lung trouble, hut is better at pre- iting hersiiter, Mrs H. Clodfelter. ent. tion and was made supreme judge of 1852; M C Brown in 1858. Miss* Kay Harman, of Bridgeport, the territory, When the state was Joint Jones has moved bis family hr is visiting her sister, Mrs. G. G. H ew­ admitted in 1859 lie became chief jus­ T here is sure to be a scarcity of Perrydnle where he will work on the itt. tice and at the expiration of his term hands for the coming harvest on ac­ section. Misses Ruby and I.illie Crnsley, of was elected to the supreme bench a Prof. J. E. Luce will soon return to Rainier, are visiting in the uuigltbor- position he filled for many years. In count of so many having gone to the 1880 he was chosen judge of this mining regions and so many others liis old home in Illinois where he has hood. judicial district and was repeatedly having permanent employment. As obtained a position as clerk. C. Dett, traveling agent for the e ’ect* d Aft« r a few years retiiement George McCulloch has returned Omalio meat company, visited at 1). women ind children can assist in the he whs Again in 1898 elected to the from California anil his sis'er, Mrs. M. Hewitts this week. same position in connection with hop and fruit gathering the need of Uilliirgtou, is visiting al the old hon e. Judge Burnett, home forty years ago extra help will not be so much felt. Belden Grant was married in Port­ W aller Butler has secured a posi­ land this week to Mrs. F. E. Holman. he held the first term of court in the tion lor the next year in the public court house recently burnt where the UnTIL this year carload after carload L. F - Frazer, of Bethel, has been school at Guy, Washington, at $00 a present one stands and now he pre quite sick for several days at the of eastern poultry and eggs were ship­ month sides over the first couit held in th< i home of Cliag. Black. new structure which is of stone and ped into this state. But now the tide Dr. Woods, of Am ity, was called may he standing 100 years from now. is turning and we will soon he furnish­ The names of Elmer Birkg and Saturday evening to attend Mrs. Mar­ The home attorney* present when the tha Conner, who was taken sudden Glenn Pence should have been among ing all those products wanted in the courthouse was dedicated last Monday the graduates of tho Ballston public and seriously ill. afternoon were J. L. Collins, N. L. states just eust of us. This county is school. Butler, J. H. Townsend, J. E. Sibley, making remarkable progress along Vessie and Sadie Sears and Holt J. N. Hart. E. F. Coad and Oscar Hay “ Better late than never” . I t is best Stocton have returned from school at that line. Better breeds of fowls are ter, while W . H. Holmes, W. M. Slat­ Eugene, A lf and Etta Campbell anil however to be never late about taking er. Webster and Frank Holmes, of being introduced and better facilities Ed. Body from Corvallis aarl Thomas Hood's Sarsaparilla to purify your Salem, were also there. After a re for their care. Almost every enter­ Newbill and Miss Mattie McCulloch blood. Take it now. miniscent talk by Judge Boise each of from Mon moil tli. The motor will make two special the others had something to say, near prising family in the county has more ilia* Mary Sedgwick who has taught trips iron Innependjnce on the Fourth or less chickens and eggs to sell. ly all of it along the legal and pioneer the primary department cf our s-hool starling nt 7 :90 and 9. An excursion line. Judge Collins was present when boat from Salem may connect with Everman was convicted in 1852, and Tlie indication, are that our wheat for the last two years has secured a ns primary teacher in Utah and lias the latter. was admitted to practice at the first crop will he abort and tht priee not resigned her place here. She return­ term of court held by Judge Boise iu Tlie Falls City and Salem railway the old court house where the new one very good. Were the farming com ed to her old home at Albany Monday projeOoi ms to hang fire. It takes Tlie young folks gave ber a farewell stands. Quite a number of ladies ami munity ao aolely dependent upon lots of ready money to build railroad», gentlemen were present to witness that aa in yrarapnst hard timea might party Sunday night. She has given and the general public are slow in satisfaction as a teacher and made ma­ the dedccatory exercises. Upon mo j furnishing it. tion a commit tee, consisting of Judges be expected, hut a. the laat two or ny friends while here. Too many hard run families spend Collins, Butler and Sibley, were ap three year, hut* aeen a material in Owing to the heavy rains our picnic pointed to draft a suitable report of crcaae in the number of cattle, lings, was not ms well attended as usual. A their slint earnings in frivolous or Heal ing pleasure instead of for things of the occasion to he spread upon the good programme wus rendered by the court journal. Many historic incid »beep goat, and poultry there will be pupils of the school and Senator Mill- lasting value. How much belter it ents were brought out, among them no little income from tho.e aourcea. key presented the diplomas to the would be to apply said money on this one. Many have noticed that the It ia being unini.takuhly phown thut graduates with appropriate remarks home improvement. countv jail is not square with the diveiaitied farming does and will pay There were four graduates, Alfred Ball The Belgian hare industry is lieing streets but few have ever inquired Henry Gregg, Nancy and Myrtle rapidly introduced into Oregon. Most why. It seems that Judge Taylor in Oregon. Hut we need .till more Jones, The music was furnished by people have considered them merely s ilked out the ground and instructed gra»s amt other product, of the .oil the Sheridan quartet and was much as pets but they will become a com­ an old Russian to lay the foundation. upon which to feed live stock. I t ha. appreciated. After dinner Senator mon article of diet here as they are in The night before he began work some Miilkey delivered an nddre«* on educe- many oilier parts of tlie world, one staked his horse there and de been claimed that clover could not be tion which was listened to with mark­ ranged the slukes set by the judge. profitably m ind here, but laat week ed attention. A t 4 o’clock there was! At Monroe, in Benton county, last between liete and Portland we now a bicycle race in town over a 34 mile week about 7(H) head of goats were GATHERING OF PIO N E E RS. many Hue tielda of it being cut for course, which was won by Mr. Riddle, sold at auction in two boors, the of Monmouth, in 9 minutes. There prices ranging between $2 and $5 a Last Saturday was a nice day. but hay. was a grand ball at Woodman hall in 1 bead. Nearly all tbe wool in Benton the damp and unsettled weather of the the evening which was well attended. county lias been sold at about 15 cents previous week ch mired the minds of W s are iu receipt of a copy of the W e solicit local news items of all many who had intended to attend the INDEPENDENCE. Naw,paper Bine Honk, being a »elect kinds from everybody in tbe county. pioneers reunion, so the the attend­ ance was smaller than for several liat of the heat new.paper, in the Mr. Stark has two pet black hears. Donot wait for some correspondent to happen along but bring *r send it on years. However those who did come United State.. Oregon ia credited Miss Patie Cooper has returned a postal card*. If you ure a friend of tog I her luol a royal good time as they wiih five daily and fourteen weekly from The Dalles i the I tkmizkk please consider yourself tal ced of person*, scenes and things of Mrs. J. C. Hughes, of Dallas, is vis- as specially appointed to gather news bygone days. The gathering was in paper, entitled to a place in that liat for it. our spacious and pleasant park in the among them being the I tkmizkk ¡ting Mrs. Buries. western edge of town. Before noon Many people claim that all oountrv llnod River has this season »hipped Mrs. Wilson aril daughter, from there was inspiring music by the hand seventy-five car loads of strawberries' and the orchestra and Hon. N. L. newapapera are of about the .»m e Reno, Nevada, are visiting her sister, j mostly to Montana. It is estimated Butler, the silver tonguod orator, held merit, the content, of all paper, in a Mrs. Irvine. . that et least $175 was realized front The friends of K C. IVntland and L |C|l scre n br(H1)fht county biing virtually the .ante. Both { priee, the Bale8 being made j atatrmeut. are far front the truth. wife gave them a pleasant surprise on the 12th anntrereaty of their marriage. by „„JJ m, „ t w|lich ,,r e n t e d compe­ | The beat local newspaper ia the one tition. that from week to week give, the FALLS CITY. Word is U in g received from those g r. nteal amount and variety of new. Dr. 8. C. Browne, of Scio. paid its s Should haee flood health. ‘Pure, rich who went to Cape Nome, there being visit last week, lie lilts house property in which ita reader, are intoreated. blood is the first requisite. Hood's Sarsa­ nearly 1,000 Oregonians among them. here. Some of the reports are very encour­ parilla. by giving good blood and good lim ing acvenleeu year, newspaper ex Mrs. Jarvis slid her brother have aging and asm« otherwise. The final health, has helped many a man to s.icctss, perience the writer ha. extensively besides giving strength and courage to traveled among and had a personal gone to live on her ranch two miles outcome ia ip t to l>* about like that in cenneeiton with the groat ruth to * ■women who, before taking it, could not acquaintance with a great majority of south. Klondike As a rule itdoaa not be­ Mr. McCoy and wife, nee Cora Frink, e ven see any good in life to win. gin to pay to follow up mining ex­ hi. reader, and aught to know w h it ia have left us for their home in W al­ citement». moat apt to interest them. lowa county. New burn nuiking big efforts to Dr. T. B. Ford will hold the quart- hu\s h b*«t sugar factory establish*«! Kemcmher the 4th at Dallas. erly meeting on the 30th. at 3 o’clock, ¿ h , " N„ niatler w,14t be preaching and Holy communion in (W lin, l)nil, win pM 8l. Ü U U 9 , F & ID A Y , JD N E 3 0 , 1900. Ab ou t T h e Crcps. The fall wheat iu the Willainttte T A L K NO . 6. valley continues in a general poor c o o - j Money paved ia money made. Times dilion, and complaiuts are now made are easy when you have plenty of mo­ that in addition to the rust afi'ecting it ney. We pride ourselves in being that nt ny fields are badly in ejte 1 I y able to give you the very fullest value the grain aphis. In southern Oregon for every dollar spent with us. Tories the Columbia river valley and the B iu our bicycle gift is now under Plateau region fall wheat is doin* wav. Hilbert Bronson, of Lewisville, splendidly. The warm weather has drew the first one. and some one of caused the heads to fill rapidly, and ii our patrefh* will ge? this beautiful is expected that cutti.ig wdl be geuer Rambler with coaster hr«ke. Notice it al in week or ten day». The rain, in our window. Our cosy Corner fit­ have deen beneliual to spring wheat, ted up in the front part of our big und that crop has made excellent pro store is a comfortable place for you to gress during the week. Barley, oats.. take a short rest when in town we in- corn, potatoes and gardens have also : vit you in This talk is *o you We been benefited by the rains. W inter | aie beuig talkedjabout. But we are oats are heading nicely, and ha ey in receiving new good* daily, and are just many places is ripe anil ready to cut. opening fifty dozen hats and ten doz­ Hops continue to make rapid growth, [ en caps all of the latest shades, shapes and although Imp lice are numerous and styles. Direct from the factory they are not increasing very fast. •t we have a fine line of white goods. t/ujte a large amount of hay, priuci p ally clover, in the W illitfiiclte valley R. E. R R Y A N & SON. and coast district, .recently c6t and ly­ ing on the ground, has been damaged beyond rwovery by the rains, but that g p K C lN I.S - Shoes, hats, childrens’ clothing, remnants in summer goods. remaining uncut is abundant, and the Cheese, small, fresh at 12J cents a pound. loss wilt not be a serious one. .In i. , Any kind of package coffee 12J cents a pound. these sections cherries and berries \ Flag?, bunting and Fourth of July goods now in. have also been damaged by the wet weather, but ii) the remaining por­ tions of the state fruit is doing nicely, ami constdsrabie thinning by hand AT— has bad had to be done. J THE IRON CLAD Corner Main and Oak streets, Dallas, Oregon. All kinds of iron and wood work done. Special atten­ tion given to wagon and carriage repairing. Bic 3 ’d e îepair- ing neatly done, Horse shoeing a specialty. All kinds of plow and saw grinding done. Hoods kept in stock for sale. Full line of bicycles and sundries. Full line of buggies and a stitck of I. Case plows. We also sell valvoline oils, cylinder oil, engine oil and harvester oil. Best on earth at right prices. WAGNER BROS. Avvuit, tG93, I was at- t;.c k e d D|r neuralgia and nerv­ ous prostration. For six months I wax confined to my room and most of the time to my bed. Five doctors were consulted without results. Dr. Miles' Nervine and Nerve and Liver Fills cured rr.e. Today I am well and strong. Rev. W. H. 8arfF, Union City, Ind. SA LEM S L 'P S . J. R. Robbins and family have born spending two weeks on tlie beach at Remember that H. M. Brown at tlie Ocean Park. old post office barn can furnish you an I entirely ratiafactory outfit nt a pleas­ ing price if you ever have occasion to j Farm fur Sale or Rent. use a livery team. » DR. M ILES' R e s to ra tive N e r v in e is sold by all druggists on guarantee, first bottle benefits or money back. Book on heart and nerves sent free. Dr. Miles Medical Company, Elkhart, !r '4 n o t ic e is h e r e b y g iv e n t h a t bv virtue of a commission issued out of the circuit court of the state of Oregon for the county o f Polk and to me directed «n the *27th flay of June, 11)00, upon a decree and or- dfc* duly rendered and entered of record of said c »urt on the 7th dav of June,* iflOO, in a certain suit therein pending wherein Mary K Clodfelter ami Clarence V . Clodfelter are plaintiffs, and Thomas Ora Clodfelter, Mary C. Clodfelter and Sarah E. Clodfelter are de­ fendants, directing a sale rtf the real property sought to be partitioned in said suit and thereinafter described, and appointing me a* referee to sell the same on the terms therein­ after set forth, and report such sale to said court, and to carry out the object of such de­ cree according to law. 1 will, on Notice to Taxpayers. Attractions at Holverson’s. IN W A SH GOODS IN CORSETS Lnwr s .................................. .............. 10c Dimities ............................ ............... 8c P iq u e * ......... ........... . ............... ... 20c Foulards ........................... ..................18c Zephyr Gingham ................ ..................25c , , ...................... ;>c Shirting Rem im ot« ............. 10c Goods Remnants ....... ................. 8c A T T H F H itS lK R Y (')U N T K R Good black h o n e .................. ........................... Black Cat hose...................... Iron, I hivm ha*en ....... ............. fftc IN U N DF.RW KAR Refrigerator vests . '. ........... Short sletvetl vests ....... UV l*»ng slevVvd v e s t s .............. \ 25c Muslin diemi*«e*. 19e Muslin corset c o v e r s ........... Muslin d.awcr* ....... ........ . Ä Summer free » e r s ........... Iceland* .......................... ................. 50o Operetta ......................... ............... 50e G o l f ............................... ............. . 75c R A G ............................. 75c np R ova I Worchestcr ....... ......... »1 up A T T H E NOTION C O U N TE R Pulley belt rings....... .................. 5c Hsttenbuuf patterns . ................... 10c Pulley bells ............. ..................30c Dog collar belts......... ................... 25c Beauty pins . . . . . . . ....................5c Lawn ties T ............... ................. 30e CASH •T O N E Mr*. Joe Card haa a fine new piano, also the tiicaale*. G. D Robinson, of your city, i* vis­ iting Ilia son, J. W . Robinson. Mr. Yocom last one of his work horses, by it f.liiu g into a well. Mr. Rnothhv, of Monmouth, aronnd bu, ing cattle and goats. is W EST SALEM . N CASH •T O R E THF. BIO BAROAIN HOUSE < >F SALEM. h e r e b y o iv k n t o t iik t a x p a y ers of Polk county that 1 p**r cent delinquent-} wil| l»e collet led cn the 1900 tax *x>ll on and after the U t day of July, 1900. Dated at Dallas, Oregon, this 12th dav of June, MW. J- O. VAN ORSDKL, Sheriff of Polk county, Oregon. FARMERS’ FEED SHED J ! Mrs. M. A. Cook, Proprietor, DAT.DAS FO UNDRY W IL L PAY W CENTS per 100 potimis for light machine casting* ami SO cents p«r 10 » pound* for tomry castings deliver­ ed at tho found-j. Will pay cash. These figures Are goo«I fgr one month. • ED. BIDDLE, proprietor. Dallas, Or., June 22, 1900. CATARRH J. P. Caldwell, agent, Dallas. Call for Warrants. •ktiuld to f F.lj’» C rea » Balm -«--A--A--A. » ». *. .A. « . L J , , L , t , , 1 . t - . t , . L X A A J . J . A A A J . T T T T TT T T r T T T t T T V V T V T T T V rVV ito o cm b riri. It cur-*« i ttirrh o o d d r lv * • wny b cold quick’}. ia U » tïSDÏ The C a t» Nomite* sre ice bound at j Dutch Harbor. :: Miaa Dora Chapman returned with her niece* to fortUnd. 1 T ¿ New and Second Hand. Single and Double. For Sale or T rade. Terms to Suit Buyers. V U T IC E HEEKBY GIVEN TH A T ALL UN a iti ttiumy ■ irnnut of oí rota "r«*gi tti, i . l e i-a paid county warrant« Polk county, < Oregon, which were presented and emione*! “ Not ¡Mid for want of funds,” prior to June I, 1N98, will' he I upon presentation at my office Interest will not be allowed on the same after the date of this no «c e H. L. FENTON. County Treasurer. Dated, Dallas, J «n e Ü , 1900. Administtator s Notice. V '» T 1 C « Ü IIFR EBT OIVKN THAT I. H. L « Fentoi n, have been appeinU-d -vdm4 the eetete of U 9 THoniMDn.late of P.Jk county,dt All perwm« tadehtea to the «aid estate will i S I o . H. COBB & SO N I a c NORTH DALLAS. Stall room for double or single teams, 10 cents, Saddle horses, 5 cents. Seperate neat and warm waiting rooms for ladies and gentlemen. Give us a trial. Feed for sale. M IL L STREET, DALLAS. Best heating and cook sto­ ves in the market. Tools of all kinds. Paints, oils, etc. Tinware: A. L. Fraser, one of the best tinners in Oregon, will meet your wants for any thing in that line. r 'i.f i.h .h .L .f i- L - ’ -t- L -t - -« - « * « ■ * « « -.. J . t .VVTVTV VVVTVT-r T f l V T a- T TT WILSON’S I CELERY j t — and — DANDELION Will give strength L» the nerves and re­ store the liver ami kidneys to a host 1thy condition, give tone to the stomach «nil bowels, and promote a good appitiU healthy digestion: will relieve constipa­ tion, purify the blood and make a heal thy body with a clear skin. That tired feeling will leave you and sleep will be restful. At Wlbun’s drug store, Dallas. T rie ¿ :: BUG- :: GIES! •H* Old Iron Wanted. In all IU > an "re. ê o o t f c * 1 * ^ « W. E. Shaw A Son Proprietors. W IS E M A N 'S H A R D W A R E STO R ED — o— Remember that tlie Cronise studio people make the very best photo­ graph* to be had. Ladies’ fine dress and fancy coatumeM cleaned without rip­ ping by «try process. Cur­ tains, blanket*, portieres, drees goods and ki«l gjovee cleaned. Gentlemans’ cloth­ ing cleaned, dyed und re­ paired. Nasal SOUTH OF AC ADEMY b l o c :: DALLAS Dr. Keeler is a veterinary surgeon of many years exp-, ••»nee and know* exactly how to doctor ailing animals. Horses always well fed at Keeler’s feed yard. — o— Improved machinery, experienced' help and constant carefulness charac­ terize the steam laundry ami it stands at the head of the class when it conies to doing first class washing. Judge Boise adjourned bis special term of court Tuesday noou. He is : nearly 80 years old and has served a» circuit judge for over thirty year*. Opposite Willamette hotel, Palein. ed by the effort. Whatever stir, np '»"d eii»r*i»M the puhlic is profitable P»*lk county agriculture is far below it" possibilities and wlioever arouse» greater interest in any lino of farming will prove a benefactor to those around 'tint. < The Yokohama Tea company have the beat assortment of crockery and glassware in the city. T o advertise their superior flavoring extracts they will give two ounces of any kind of flavor with every dollar purchase of tea, coffee, spices or baking powder. Make a bee line for Hellenbrand'a p .polar restaurant when you get hun­ gry. STEAM DYE WORKS t e n n . l m la piasse tato tka BoArtla, * p r « -t " S H IR T W A IX T » Mrs W . Fitts is quite ill. lb . w m b e m . a a « t* absorba«. R s lM W I » 5 to $2.50 a fall line of beantifullv j mr.lj.ta u t s « a » , torto w . tt Is so « «rytug—« e » ; ; Harry Thacker lias the measles. made wai»t* at lowent priee* ever of­ m .t eoHtM.»MMlJnr. I-srf.« H a .» s s » « » « Dr»«- fe red. ; ; gnt. O, S, mall Í THal Mam 1» *T SS**"- Miss Maud Savage has been sick. DITCK S K IR T S ELY B H U T U M . a W s a « Stessi. F.W Tork. I 40c to $2.25 A full line. Mr*. E. McNnary ¡»visitin g near] I Corvallis. * iO L V Ê R S .O N ’S o t ic e T H AVE A FARM O F ABOUT 400 ACRES SIT- 1 uated within two miles of Airlie ior rent on long time or for sale on liberal terms, There is a small crop growing on the plaee ami some summer fallow­ ing has been done, Uood orchard und fair build­ ings. Tlie farm is or will all be placed under good fence and divided into at lea«t six seperate fields. Possession will be given August 1, 15)00. E. P. CAD W E L L , Airlie, Or. Your money hack if you want it at the New Y ork Raeket store. But one prit-e to everybody. You will get the full value of your money if you buy your hats, Bliitls, hosiery, shoes, ham- nm k*. curtains, counterpanes, rib Ions, luces, embroidery and similar liings there. Sa turda y, th e 28th Day of July, 11)00, at the hour of 11 o’clock, in the fore­ noon, at the court house door, in Dadas, Polk county, Oregon, sell at public auction to tin* highest bidder, all the right, title, interest and estate of the plaintiffs and defendants iu and to the following described premises, to- wit: L ot No. 5, in block No. 5, H ill’s town of Independence, Polk county, Oregon. .Said sale will be made for cash in hand, subject to confirmation of said court. II. L. F E N T O N . Referee. Dated thii* 27th day of «Tune, 1900 At the confectionery of Ellis A Zinn at 154 State street, they will furnish you in any quantity desired for all sorts of occasions ice cream, rich, pure and delicious as you ever ate. No other clothing concern can un­ dersell G. W , Johnson <&*Co. They cun dress yon ao as to be comfortable any day in the year. They have sum­ mer shirts at from .50 cents to $3, summer underwear or straw hats at from 25 cents to $1.50, and suits at from $4 to $7. I f you want things for summer wear, go to this first class clothing house. Referre’s Sale of Real Property. Would Win" ,be ev,ll,n B- Mrs Butler left a black waterproof with cape at some friend* house and I cannot recall the place, wdl anyone who know* of it infrom her. ------- . • . ■■ - - OAKDALE You will find new and old hikes to buy or refit. Your choice of Rambler, Ideal, Pated Crest and B. and H. Special. We have the best equipped .repair shop in the county. Brazing, enameling, frames cut down and every kind of repairing promptly done. Leak» in tires positively stopped: Call and see mv RUBBER NECK saddles and cuckoo hells. Wheels cleaned anil ad­ justed. Floor pump for tbe use of wheelrfien. D o c to rs F a ile d . 44 He That Any Good ? Lee Sm ith ‘s Cyclery A dozen energetic and ambitious teachers after finishing terms from five to eight months in Ibis county trave gone to spend the summer leaching in Tillamook. 4* 4» mediate p* rm »n t to me, end all ha ivinf claims against the same, wili iweeent them, dui ihr authenti- cated. to nie within six n vu tta frorntto late of thle Administrator. 4» »«tore H L FENTON. A M , I «atto al Delta*. June 2« 1 Eastman Kodaks At Q A 4» U Per Cent Discount — AT— PFENNIG’S JEWELRY STOKE Next door to P. 0., Dalla*.