Polk County itemizer. (Dallas, Or.) 1879-1927, June 22, 1900, Image 3

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    • L
The Fourth will be an immense day ,
A U f a a n d D a a th F ig h t .
in Pallas.
W A. Hines, of Manchester, la.,
writing ef hi« almost miraculous es­
Govenor Gesr was married ts Miss
cape burn death, say«: "Exposur* af­ W H A T W K H A V E L E A R N E D D U R IN G Tru llingerat Astoria last week.
T H E W E E K F R O M A L L A V A IL -
ter nieaslaa induced serious lung iron-
tde, which ended in consumption. 1
A son of John 8haw was thrown
had frequent hemorrhages and cough­ A b le S o u rc e s D is h e d u p fo r O u r from a buggy and hi* leg broken Mon-
N u m e ro u s F a m ily of R e e d e rs
ed night and day. A ll my doctors
In A b rs v la te d P a r a g r a p h s .
said I must soou die. Then I began
J. 0 Uglow bus been veiling hi*
to use Ur. King's New Discovery
.»ester, .Mr*. Marv Craraev, »t McMinn­
which wholly cured me. Hundreds
Baled hay and mill feed at OsHeld’s
heve Used it an my sdvice slid sll sav
Spectacle* and gls»ses ut Pfennig’*. |
>t never fails to cure lliroat, chest and
M i»» Pauline Ne*mi*h, of TWry,
lung troubles ” Regular size 50 cents
Leg tl hi inU* of all kind* for
l c ini* returned from pciitol at St . Hel­
and $1. Trial hot h-s free at M. 1). heiv, also blank note* and receipt*
en* He 13 in Tor 1 1 lul.
Ellis diug store.
Jo-I .l ; M» l> niel ami \\ ife, of Be! -
--------- W • ♦ ---------
Make a bee line lor HeUenbrand’»
School piemie ut Ballatoli tomorrow.
reali, were ieg -l»*r«'d »*t I lie 0» »Stage
popular testattraiit when you gel hun­
D ì aiii! Ed-1 Duini a»e down on a hot t 1 in S h-in Tuo duv.
Of course you like nice thing* to visit from llu* Sumpter mine « where
TtlCMlü V fi VO
at ami W aller W illiam * In»* every ttl V aro employed.
of dipt) III I ’ |\
wore report e red among the liufoihiii
thing in tlieeonfeetionery line. Tu*te
Remember that the Crouisc »tudi
ate children at tlie insane asylum.
people make the very beat phu’ ographe hi* fruit*, ennui os ami eo>l tilings.
V o tin o lo wn. Ohio, visiting hi* uncle,,
to be had.
Mrs J. C. Guvnor and Mi.. f-i|,„l|
Sheriff V’ in ()r»del.
Let Mr. Lynch *h<>e your horse ami
1 Riddell attended the Worn uofW o-al-j
Mrs. Wm. England, of McMinnville, I ersfl convention in Salem this week.
The «team laundry stands at the it will travel well.
ha- been visiting h* r father, Nelson
head of the class when it comes to do­
The little pm tem court house looks
Chapin, near Falls City.
ing first class washing. Impioved
New arrivals this week at The Bee-
lonesome. It will probalilv tie sold
machinery, experienced help and c m
John M cKinley has Itmiuht from and moved to some vacant 1.4 for a
H ive: Imperial tie*, lu *e*.etuhroid-
slant caiefulness characterise the place
eriet, covert suitings, shirt«, suspend­ Dr. Kmhree at $65 the two lots jo in ­ dwelling.
ing his property on the north.
er« sod the like.
Fourth of July attractions.will draw
Horse« alwaya well fed at Keeler’s
Hubert Broi»*«n, of Lewi«ville, held
a big l-royvl -JkbsDulls». Tlie various
feed yard. Ur. K t e le r is a velerinaty
L^t the Gaynor Bros, fit your feet the lucky iiutnher in the Bryan & H od com mittee.Viwtloing then' level liest
surge.-n of many year« ex|ierictice and with a pair of extra good slmos ami drawing and gets a nice bicycle.
in that directun.
knows exactly how to doctor ailiug you will be improved in both appear­
Kev. A. 1. Goodfriend has bought of
ance and comfort. Tlisy keep io »th­
“ Ill weed« grow space.” Imptiri-
Craven Bros, a ten acre prune orchard
ing hut the best at fair prices.
in the southern edge of town for $650. I ties in yoor blood will s i.» grow un-
! lens you pruiiptly expel them by tuk-
You will get the full value of y .n r
People of Dalla», do all von can to [ mg If nod’s Sarsaparilla.
money if you buy hais, shirts, hosiery,
A* you pass Brown** giocery always |
stives, hammocks, curtains, counter pi»ep in to sue what iruii, berries ami ! make the pioneer» pleasant tomorrow,
Joe Downer, an early day re-idenl
panes, ribbons, lac es, e >ibroidery sod vegetables th**y have on hand. Home j riiey are fu*t fading fiom among us. of Salt Creek and Enla, was ¡¡-. town
simular thing« at tile N.-w York racket thing froth every day. t ry their fresh | The family of Ft. II. Turner have j ibis week with his grand iiightcr, Miss
store. K ill one price to every body. roasted and blended 15 cent coffee moved hack to Dalla», hut he is still Reinhart, from Olympia.
Your money haca if you want it.
and you will pronounce it about the | clerking for 1). L. Key l at Perrvdale.
The Dallas woolen mill has its ware
nest you ever net for that money, .da­
— .1—
ily new things in their dry goods de \ Mr Uglow will soon have ready for house full of fleece snd has bargained
I f you want thin things b r so mint»
use a new Imp house and a large stor -1 for 100.000 pounds in Portland to be
; a.tmeut.
go to the tirst cla-s closliing House of
age warehouse 100 feet away from it. delivered when they need it.
G. \V. Johnson Ji Ho. They have
Grandma Ball, one of the original
Ernest Bryan*, formerly of Falls
summer shirts at from ñO cents to -11:1
Ladies sailor hats, 35 to f>0 cent
summer underwear or straw hats at values, all at the special price of 25 City hut now hook keeper in a Corval­ ret tiers of Hall-ton, died there Tues­
lis hank, was married there last week. day at an advanced age. W e are
from 2f> cents to $1.50 and suits at cents each at The Bee-Hive.
promised so extended obituary next
fruta $4 to $7. They can dress you so
U. 8. Grant and wife, with Miss Ger­ week.
as to lie com fort aide any day in tin
When you want something extra tie Cm veil are camping on hi* claim
year. No other clothing concern can
Frank Zumwalt haa moved to near
nice in the way of sigu painting Hub­ in the tail limber a dozen miles west the M E. parsonage ami Mrs. Jennie
undersell then)
m a il you should see of town.
Shark has bought the residence prop­
— o—
and A. K. Wilson can tell you when
A. B. Lacy, of Rickreall, and L K erty north of the home of Henry
T o advertise their stt|>erior flavoring to tind him. Humpies of his work all
Livermore, formerly of Smithfield, Howe.
There are imitation baking powders, sold cheap, by
extract« the Yokohama Tea company over town.
have been appointed government for­
many grocers. They are made from alum, a poison­
wid give two ounces of any kind d
ous drug, which renders the food injurious to
est rangers.
flavor with every dollar purchase of
kins in Independenceyuu will see ma­
Let the stage driver bring whatever
tea, cvflee, spices or baking powder.
Prof. French and wife, Miss Loretta ny elegant specimens of his cemetery
T|jey have the bust assortment of ou want from Salem his charges al­ j Smith and Miss Ca»»ie Stump, of Mon work. Iscl him figure with you on
ways being reasonable.
crockery and glassware in the city.
| mouth, have gone to spend the sum- | anything of the kind.
— o—
' uier in the east
G. W . Shriver, t he Perrydale harness
Whoever is acquainted vitli the i ■ « « . . « ,
Ice cream, rich, pure and delicious
maker, is receiving orders from all ov­
Joseph Remington and Miss Lulu
The town of Air lie w.is named afiei Logan, of M cMinnville, John married
' £ » tetephone wire, have been ex-
as you ever ate at the confectionery /sets will tell you that Frank Morrison
an English earl who visited this valley Mias Maggie Wood« and lives on the
- - tendea to l he homes of President er the county, because lie uses such Hmitli were married this week.
of Ellis & Finn. 154 Stute street. They lias the heal livery stable in town. Ilia Poling anil Ur
in 1880 ami -died thu next year al Cooper Hollow farm while Jimmie i»
Young in the south-j good material and does such good
The now county officials will stpe Denver.
will furnish it in any quunily desired vehicles are always kept in the best,
work. Give him a trial.
at homo with hi» mother. For several
shape and his horses are qil ick step- weat
into office the first Monday in July.
for all sorts of occasions'
months Mr Holman had been in declin­
Recent rains have been very detri ing health hut no one of half a dozen
A E. Tetherow and Miss Edna Huh!
Pulliam Fadeless Dye Black will not
Vernon, the infant son of W . A. mental to cherries and clever hay that
bard, also U. VV, Beemaii and Miss rub off', fade or wash out. This dvv
«killful physician« could say with cer­
I f y«u ever have occasion to use a
Ethel Palte son, nil of this comity, eolera either silk, wocl or cotton a Martin and wife died in Corvallis this had been cut, hut potatoes and veget­ tainty what was the trouble. They ft-
Shirt waist prices reduced all along
livery team, remember that H. M.
ables have grcatley enjoyed the moist­ greed that only a surgical operation
were married last week.
beautiful full hladk. Ten cents a
Brown at the old postoflice burn can the line. W e promise you the very
The warship Oregon hat been order­ ure.
couldreveal its nature. Last Friday ho
Prof. W. H. Powell, recently of the package. Sold by Adam K . Wilson.
furnish you an entirely satisfactory best for lowest prices at The Bee-Hive.
ed to the seat of war on the coabt of
A t the district convention of thu went to the Good Samaritan hospitaliu
outfit at a pleasing price.
Prof. W . C. Hawley has been re­ China.
admitted to the bar and skill probably elected president of Willamette uni­
Women of Woodcraft held in Salem Portland and at 10 o’clock Monday
I t will always pay to go to Kisser’s locate in eastern Oregon.
Prof. W. J. Crawford, « f Zena, is to Wednesday Mrs. J. C. Gayr.or, of Dal­ underwent the operation which at
versity for the eighth year, and all
W o u ld N ot S u tle r 8 o A g a in F o r Fifty
gun store for sminunitiwn and to gel
first teemed successful, but he died
T i m e « It* P ric e .
I f you desire to buy city lots or im ­ the old faculty have been retained. lie principal of the Turner public las, was elected a delega'e to the head that night surrounded by his wife and
tilings repaired. Y ou r umbrella re­
circle which meets in Halt Lake City
I awoke last night with sevsre pains
As all the int‘>-^»ts of Portland uni­ .oliuol.
paired or he will sell you a new one.
children. It proved te l*e **n enlarge­
next inanth.
in my atomuch. I never felt go badly
remember that Mrs. Wash has a num­ versity have been merged with it. the
Locks fixed and keys fitted.
Dr. Young, the horse trainor, was
ment of the spleen to many time« its
in all my life. W hen I came down to
school will be sure to take on a renew­
ber of bargain, in that line.
The other day at the H enry Brown natural size and medical records «how
badly used up the other day by a kick­
* .»
ed prosperity.
work this morning I felt so weuk I
place on the Salem road the dress of that only a small per cent of such
ing animal.
could hardly work. I went to Miller
Garlin H ill, of Indepenceuee, Mel-
For about thirty years John E.
M u. Ifopt caught fire and Mrs. Jessie case» recover. The remains were
F. J. Chapman, the I)»llasIfurnittire
<& McCurdy's drug store and they re­ Smith has been making iron tilings dora Jackson, of Suver, and Carl
Mrs. Jus. Howe, her dangllinr. Erie Townsend ran up te extinguish the
brought home Tuesday evening and
commend Chamberlain,s Colic, Chol­ for the people around Dallas,
Abrams, of Lincoln, have just graduat­ dealer, has gone to spend three months el, ami her mother, Mrs. Pond, visited
imes, tlie result being that both w> ro after a fuMoral service next day con-
era and Diarrhoea Remedy. It work
ed from the state agricultural college. with a Portland wholesale furniture Portland last week.
id tic ted by Minister» Geodfriend ami
house. Part of the time he will be a
ed like magic and one dose tixed me
Some folks may not be aware of the salesman ami he will spend some
Mrs. Sliafier, the milliner over
Black and red raspberries and cur­
Remember the Evangelical bible Ki/g* ho was laid to rest in tlie Odd
all right. I t certainly is the finest
fact that at the Racket store on Mill weeks on the road taking orders, In rants for sale by E. If. Hibbard, a conference and campmeeting now in Fellows cemetry. Everybody knew
thing I ever used for stomach trouble. Brown’s store, having had a good sea- j
street they can get many things cheap liis absence the store will he run by mile south of town.
progress at the Dallas city park and him as simply Nat Holman and ho
1 shall not be without it in my horn, <*n’s run is now anxious to speedily j
sum-1 er than almost any .where else. Eggs his younger brother, Len.
give it the encouragement of your was everybody’s friend. A better cit­
hereafter, for 1 should not care to en­ dispose of the remainder of her
' takeu in exchange for g> ads
presence. Welcome the strangers of izen there was not among us and his
dure the sulTeriiigs of last night again mer goods and is offering special
The sheriff has collected about $42, has bought the lot west of the Dr. Ma­
for fifty times its price.— G. H. W il ­ Jucements.
.1, I). Slagle and family, of McCoy, 000 of the 1890 taxes, which is a re­ son property and will erect a neat cut- that denomination to our town and death castja gloom over the whole com
make them feel that it would lie a munity. H e ran a livery «table for
s o n , liveryman, Burgcsllstown, Wash­
I have been visiting in Benton county, markably good showing for an e l-r• tage.
pleasant place to live and educate some years and was owner of Hotel
ington county, Pa. This remedy is for
At The Bee-Hive men’s summer l*nt' J- W. McCrows young folks, of * ion year. This week he placed with
The infant sen of W. A. Martin and their children. Such little courtesies Gail.
sale by A. K. Wilson.
suits. $7 grade, reduced to $5 and $8 the same vicinity, have been among the treasurer nearly $15,000. Tin
wife, who was Miss Mahle Cobb, was always pay.
garments reduced to $6 25, also $'J their Marion county friends.
county treasurer has already paid brought here from Corvallis Wednes­
---------- —
-------------- -— -
Valley Crops.
garments reduced to $7.25.
S c h ool B o n d « Sold.
W h ile hunting nt Independence, $20,000 of the slate taxes, and will day for burial.
in every section haa
These letters remain uncalled for in
Aurie Ford neglected to fasten hie within the newt week pay the bal-
The Dallas school board advertised
lance of $7,724.
the Dallas postoflice for the week end­
Miss Ethel Smith, at Hotel Gail for bills to be onen last Saturday for improved during the week and its con­
Almost every week in the year s
ing June 19lh and parties calling
had a small regiment of hoys and $5,000 worth of bonds to run for twen­ dition f« very promising, notwithstand
family needs something from a hard­ the Columbia, but be jumped iuto
Whoever examines eur new court girls to help celebrate her eleventh ty years, with the privilege of redeem­ iug that a report is now and then
for them will please state that th«y
ware (tore and it make« « difference
made of its being affected by rust.
heu.e pronounces it the best one they birthday Monday afternoon.
have been advertised:
ing any time after ten veuis. There The most careful observer! state that
as to where they gbt it. Home mer­
M .u ly Martin haa moved to the old ever saw at so small • cost. Every­
W m T Beeker. M r. E A Ball, Mrs chant, keep shoddy goods ami other,
Clyde Embree and John Mscomber
tlie rust only show« here and there on
home place southeast of Derry and his thing about it is first class but not ex­
at Spokane, offered to take them at 4'\
A E Aulluck, John H oyt, Mrs N e ll« charge
unreasonable prioes. Wm. brother, l^inuel, has bought a forty travagant. Home
criticized this week hauled Chas. MeDsvitt snd per cent. The oiler of J. H. Town­ a few blades nearest (he ground and
McNeal, J C Murray, 2, Mrs. M. Parr, Fanil does neither. W hat yeu get
acre tract near the asylum st Salem Judge W ells
snd Commissioners Tom Guy to their mining claims in send was 5 per cent and $55 premium, that it is not at all serious. Hops con­
Q B Robert«, Charlie Swinford.
there will always prove first class and and is erecting a residence thereon.
tinue thrifty, but hop lice are increas­
Reese and Riggs for erecting so good s the Cascades beyond Silverton.
that ef Morris A Whitehead 5 per cent ing semewhat, although they are not
you will never find his prices higher
C h a s . F. B ei . t , pestmaster.
building, but that censure is sure to
than elsewhere-
turn to praise. The' they have been is preparing to receive the new crop low 5 per cent and $200. while the yet plentiful enough te do much dam­
die and Prof. Parker attended the Ma­
H o w ’ s T h l« !
careful and conscientious in every of wheat and were yesterday offering McMinnville National hauk offered age or to create any alarm among the
B ig C e le b r a tio n At D a lla «.
W e offer $100 reward for any case
move from tlie beginning to tlie end to pay 44 cents for the present crop. the same rate and a premium of $205, growers. Potato planting is about fin­
II «If a dozen capable and active tv-ek. and II. B. Thilesen, of Derry, of the matter we verily believe.
ished, and this crop, as well a» barley,
of catarrh that cannot he cured b\
equivalent to about a 4^ per cent loan
committee, are busy getting every­
Hall's Catarrh Cure.
For the past week or two berrie« they getting the bonds. That is sure- corn, oats, flux and garden truck in
general, look* well und is growing
Chronic na«al catarrh poisons every have been plentiful at the slorvs at 6
F. J. C h e n e y A C j .. Toledo, Ohio. thing in good sh*|ie for a big time at
I will have a great clearance sale of
y borrowing money cheap enough.
nicely. Pasturage has been much im­
W e, the nmlesighed, have known F. J. Dallas on the Fourth. They will not all millinery goods up to the last of breath that is drawn into the lungs cents a box. beets nt 5 cents a bunch
----- ♦ • ♦
proved by the rains, and the range
Cheney for the pa-t fifteen years, and tie satisfied wish mi ordinary common August when i will reeei-.e a fine There is u procurable from any drug­ •tnd now potatoes at 2 cents a pound
gras» still continues green over most
believe him perfectly honorable in all place occasion but will get up things stock of fall goods. Mrs. M. E. Smith gist the remedy for the t-nre of this
At tlia Presbyterian Rev. Goodfriend
In 1847 John Bowman and family of the state. A fair crop of cherrfoa
business transactions and financially that the people will admire and talk at cor nor of M ill ami Main streets. trouble. A small qiienity of Ely's
Cream Balm placed into the nostril* will preach in the morning on Gid­ accompanied by hi« son-in-law, Ja». 8. and raspberries is being marketed.
able to carry utit any obligations made about and of which said committees Dallas.
spreads over an inflamed and angry eon’s Summons to Arms and in tlie Holman and family crozsed the plain» Apples, us a rule, are doiug well, and
by their firm. West A Trnax, whole­ and the people of Dallas can justly
A week ago the city marshal oriler- -urface, relieving immediate the pain­ »veiling on the Pioneers of Civiliza­ uni* Mettled in thi« county. Mr. Bow hut few complaints are made of tree
sale druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Wahl- fiel proud. Lilieral subscriptions have
man wa» the original owner of the 1«- fruit dropping or of damage being
ful inflammation, cleanses, heals and tion.
ing, Kinuan A Marvin, wholesale been made and there will be a lilieral
growing on their premises, hut »nine cures, \ cold iu the bead vanishes
*j'C Lt*ven» place, in the edge of Dal done by insect pest».
druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Ca­ supply of attractions. It wil| pay ev ­
Mr*. Retla Dernerest, of Lsketiew,
la«, having bought the tquatter’« right
Sold by druggists or
tarrh Cure is taken internally, acting ery man. wpman and child iu III*
order. Right now is the time befoie will be mailed .»tor 50 cants by Ely lias been here on a visit to Iter parents of General Gilliam. Mr«. Bowman
(|irectly upon the blood and mucous comity to ocrae to Dwlbaa U p* day to
Asa Shreve and wife. Har husband’s
Brothers, 56 Warren street, Now York dental office was destroyed by th « re­ died there and they both repose in
surface« of the «yst’eni. Teatimonals see and lia«r tj|jqf«. t v II yqnr neigh­
the old Dalla« cemetery. Mr. H ol­
The «alary of the Dallas poetmastei
sent free. Price J6 cent« per bottle. bors and (riyRda «h qq( it to that they
man fettled o i l . the Lnckiamute and
T it« eleventh annual reunion of
Sold by all druggists. H all’s Family too may coni« god have a good time. will b « increased from $1,300 So $1,400
Our brass baud have tbs handsomest a year, t>eginniiig Jnly 1st. As tlie Polk county pioneers will occur in the
Misses Bertha Edit. Retta Camp- we« for many year« a prominent fig­ T young calves for sol« by R. I‘ . K irk 'S *outh of
P ill« are the best,
uii if in ms in the state and our children •alary is governed by the amount of Dallas city park tomorrow. Hon. N. hell, May Hbelton. Emma, Dora and ure in the county, having been slieriir Balt ¿on .
will present a beautiful appearance. bueiiu«« done, it tlmwe an increasing L. RutUr will be orator of the day Minnie Roy, Frank Brown end Wes­ tor «»von years and a member of the
P io n e e r « R eu n ion .
and the occasional addroae will be giv­ ley Morrison will attend the Turner legislature at three different term«.
Coine everybo d y
prosperity around our littU city,
Their next annual meeting will
He wa« one of the founder« of Mc­ LJOMK
en by Hon. J. H . Townsend. Tliete camp meeting.
O neer D»II m .
take place at the Dalla« city park,
Let us again remind the ladies i-P Will tie vocrl anrl instrumental music,
Minnville cellege and died *ome twen-
Saturday, June 23rd. One by one
People all over the county have t) year* «go. 'i he childr*n whe cro«e-
They met in regular session la." around Dallas that Mrs. Brunk and and hot coffee will lie served for lunch-
their old aaklciiitea «re dropping aif,
been hearing our new courthouse i**l tli* plain» with them were Nancy, ! R. UI'RBARIPH OLYDESDALK »T A L L IO »,
Monday evening, Crider, Woods and Miss Hallock, tlie Wilson block m illi­ ton. The oldest pioneer lady and
•) t Ormonde, will maku the aeaaon of 10UO st hai In*
which fact must strengthen the ties
ner’s are selling everything remarkably gen'lem en present will bo given an praised and nearly all who come to i Hardy, John, Fr^eton and Nathaniel,
that hind the remaining ones. Let Cosper being absent.
two others Amt ts and H uldu were
easy chair. The afternoon wid be ta-
The street commissioner was order­
all who can come and again recount
horni in this coii nt ry
1 he subject of J VfoXKY
k> n Up in n-minisnnt talks by pinner« notim-e the praise as well deserved.
ed to «score $10 worth of lumber and mrr goods, See and price things.
L ptrty at limisi ratei* b> *>» ar Master, I Mila«,
the joy» and sorrows, lips and deans
this »ketch wa» but a year old when
ft«Bi *11 over the county. The gener­
repair the seats mi the camp ground
F ifty years ago Dr. Belt and family
of bygone days. Bo sure to bring
they (To*ned theI 1>‘•tins. At ler grow
al public are invited to attend.
and en d ow the same with wire.
they call a cosv corner ill the front i
settled in Salem ami there last
your annual fee of $1, and try and
o n e y to l o a n a t s rut c e n t o n f a km
to manhood on the farm he mar-
J. L. LOLLINH, lMilss.
pari of their store, ft consi-ts of a
bring a picture of yourself and a
Laat fall I sprained my left hip while
Tied M i*« Martha Watters la U09
unfavorably on the bill posting ordi- Judge Burnett, Gramlam Belt cele
comfortable seat and several easy j
sketch of soma departed pioneer. I » i
settled in
wiper Ho Mow, but
nau e and it failed to pass, A substi­ braled her Hist birthday anti the 65th handling some heavy boxes. The chairs for the convenience of ladies |
the native son« and daughters alao
had bet il a n f»id* •lit of 1Dallas for
tute ordinance came up for first read­ anniversary of her marriage. Mrs. J. doctor I called on said at first it was a who are tired sr have to wait.
come along. Arrangements will be
•■i*litci.‘!i years Their oldest son, yard nuar Ifalla*.
ing snd was referred to tlie ordinance D. Belt and two daughters and C. F. alight strain and would soon be well,
made for the enjoyment of the ocea-
biit it grew worse and the doctor then
In connection with the closing ex WUU»m, tiled years ago, tlu ir only
Hell and wife went over from Dallsa. said I had rheumatism. It continued erciees of Willamette university this
aion. Pioneers of surrounding coun­ committee.
diUigliter, Nettie, is the wife of VV. 11. 1 t i n : HAVE MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED
The Evangelical people were allow P o .'master Belt, her youngest son, has
ties are invited to come aDd join ue in
to grow worse and I could hardly get week Hon. N. L. Butler delivered a
tom property.
S IH I.L V « KA KIN . .
W —
ed to eeiuk asliallow well in tlie park. seen forty mm mera.
having a good time.
around to work. I went to a drug memorial address in honor of Ramurl j
The street commissioner was order­
J . H . H a w l e y , p re sid e n t.
W . C. Brown, Joshua McDaniel, .1, store and the druggist recommended L. Simpson, who gra<lunted with the j
ed to remove the large rocka from lira
J . W . L e w i s , secreta ry .
Builder’s Notice.
D K e lly ami /.sell Howe were ameng me to try Chamberlain'« Pain Hahn. class of I860 of which Mr. Butler war
main streets.
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— - —
------- . * » -----
the Palk countians at the elate pin- I tried it and one half of a 50 rent valedictorian.
The republican national convention neer meeting. Not for years ha* there bottle cuted me entirely. I now re-
A W e a lth O f B e a u ty
' B da wilt be received up to Jnly Sth in be opened
Mr». Winans, stat« superintendent
‘ ni \ o'clock of mid «ley f**r hutldmf «diool houe»* In
1« often hidden by unsightly pimplee, at Philadelphia yesterday nominated been so Urge an attendance or so commend it to all my friends.— F. A. of the how* department of 4undsy |
2 , M laa/O rw on. Board
eczema, tetter, erysipela», «alt rheum, McKinley for prasi lent and Roneevell ntueh enjoyment o f tlie occasion. W e B a b c o c k , Erie, Pa. It is for «ule by school work, is to meet- the Sunday
eel any and nil Md».
tre noted for htnging o n .
dropped into their beautifully decor­ A .K . Wilson.
etc. Bucklen'a Arnica Salve will glori­ for vice-preaident.
They weaken i your throat
me "
school officers aod teacher* of Dallas ,
IH«t riet CI-trL.
fy the face by coring all skin erup­
Rev. B. Z. R igg. and wife have re­ ated banquet raom at Portland and
at the M E church this evening with I
tions. also cuts, bruise*, burns, fe’ ons, turned from a visit to their old Wait«- saw «ixle.n table« Nftli a sealingrapa-
a vii-w to explaining and arou«ing an
" serious tronble.
boil*, ulcers and worst forms of piles. bttrg home ar.d will attend the Turner «''7 ol 640 persona. They had a grand
intereet in that very inqairtant mat
Don’t trifle with th e m . •*
Only 25 cents a box. Cure guaranteed camp meeting
After that they will dinner, an improvement mi their or-
tor. A ll who are intere«tsd in b.hle
* Take Scott's Emulsion *.t «
Sold bv M D Ellis, druggist«.
move te seme one of the *everal place« dinary hills of .'are some half
si tide m iv feel free to attend.
--------- « • « ----------
For Infante and Children.
5 once. It soothes, hekls,
torv ago.
from which he has flattering offers.
W m . Pa'ker, recent principal of the
• '
• - ’ and cures.
Ttallav public ach<» 1. has I-sen mi-
O A B T O n i A .
played te taka charge of tlie Wood-
T* Ka* Y«l Rtw I
a I Da
ins IM
i.»» I ns
users BujM
n srs
H us Uwm
Bear* the
Ban tU
bum public fcliool.
which has six
l l d f l 't
Signature of
A C a rd of T h a n k « .
I wish to »ay that I feel unitor lu ll­
ing obligation« fur wlmt Chamberlain'«
Cough Kennedy haa done lor our fam­
ily. W e have used it lu 10 many caae*
of cough«, lung trouble« and whoop­
ing cough, ami it ha« always given
the most perfect satisfaction, we feel
greatly indebted to the manufacturers
of this remedy and wj»h to please ac­
cept our hearty thanks — ttesiatelfttlly
M ks . S. D o t y , DesMoin*«, Iowa. l‘’ or
sale by A. K. VV ilson.
■ ■
■ —
STAT E C k P IT A L P O :N T E R 8 .
No other aid so great to the housewife, no other
agent so useful and certain in making delicious,
pure and wholesome foods, has ever been devised.
<J$S W ifiy p u fif
Summer Celts
lungs, and leutfefo S
n<|uent Taxpayers
The Kind Yoa
Always Bought
ifm v w fa S