Polk County itemizer. (Dallas, Or.) 1879-1927, May 18, 1900, Image 4

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10 w eep iu m e u » » i b u . j
“ W e ll, If I did,” sabl Reed, w ith his
p ecu lia r nasal tw a n g , “ I did m ore than
U n cle Sam aud bis soldiers could do iu
15 y ea rs.”
u rn u te r o u iu io
P A IN T E R S A N D W RI ltH S .
In the circuit court of, the state of Oregon,
T h e B o y D i d n 't K n o w .
for l'olk countv, <ie|uirtliielit No. 2.
N ot loug a go an office boy In one o f
Abel ( glow, plaintiff, .
the g rea t n ew spaper offices cam e g rin ­
There U every *°°d
Pliya Daly »ml John i
ning into the room occu pied by the
reaaoa why
J. I >aly, defendants. /
To John .J, Daly, one of the above named de­ Sunday editor.
“ T h e r e ’ s a man ou tside,” he said,
L\ T H E N A M E OK TH E S T A T E OK “ w h o wou t g iv e me his nam e.”
t Iregon, you are hereby required to ap|*ea>* j
“ W h y did n ’t you ask him fo r his
uiui answer the ooiiiplamt filed against you in 1
' the alaive entitled suit on or before the last j ca rd ?” the Suuday ed ito r asked.
day of the time prescrilted in the order for ; “ I did,” said the l>oy, “ and this It
the publication of this summon«, to-* it: The | w h a t he handed me.”
1st day of June. 1000, and if you fail mi to ap­
T h e boy laughed again and placed a
pear or answer for want thereof, plaintiff * id
apply to the court for the relief demanded in • ■m all slip o f pasteboard on the ed ito r’ s
his complaint The relief demanded in said j desk. On it w as the ueat pen d ra w in g
complaint is for a judgment ami decree that o f a brow nie. T h en did the ed ito r sm ile.
the plaintiff recover from the defendants,
“ You dunce,” he said to the boy,
Phya Daly and John .1. Dalv, the sum of
I t ’s
$■'•00, with interest thereon at the rate of ten “ th at Is tlie g en tlem a n ’s card.
pe r cent, per auunui, from the 0:h day of De­ P a lm er C ox, fa th er o f the b row n ies.”
fo r the rest o f the century. One par­
cember, 159-3, until j laid, an I for the further
»So it was. Mr. C ox bax a most happy
amount reason is— it does cure,
sum of $7*> attorney's fees and for noAt* and
w a y o f p u ttin g his qu a in t little ¡)eop!e
disbursements herein, and for a decree that
the plaintiff's mortgage mentioned ami de­
scribed in the complaint 1 er in I k * foreclosed, frie n d s .—.Saturday E v e n in g Post.
and that the pit mi es therein described be
sold to satisfy sai l sums, and that you ami
W a s H e r S o n 's T r a i n e r .
each of you he barred ami forever foreclosed
O ne o f tjie A le x a n d ria John nies cam e
of and from any ami all right, title and inter­
And Doc Jameson once tried to turn est ill or to the following described premises,
up to tow n a fe w w eek s a go and a fte r
the trick with 500 men.—Memphis Com ­ situated iu the county of Polk and state of
fo u r da ys o f heroic e ffo r t fin ally suc­
mercial Appeal.
Oregon, to-wit: The tract or portion of land
W ith a few more such peoples as the being a part of the donation land claim of ceeded in securing a c o veted Introduc­
Boers to fight Mr. Bull will learn to re­ Win. Bums, Notification No. C894, claim No. tion to the statu esqu e queen o f bu r­
member without the aid o f Mr. K ipling’ s 51» in township 8, south, rang« hi west, of the lesque— th at Is, the queen o f burlesque
Willamette meridian, iu the county of Polk w h o happened to be h ere last w eek. It
rhymes.—8t. Louis Post-Dispatch.
ami state of Oregon, and bounded and de*
M ore balloons have been ordered for sciil>ed as follows: Beginning at. the north­ w a s Im m ed ia tely a ft e r the p e rfo rm ­
the British army. It is safer to be up in west coruet of said claim No. 51», thence south ance.
a balloon in South A frica just now than 48 degrees, 52\ east 40.10 chains, thence south
“ E r—e h —w ould you m ind havtrig Just
any where else.—N ew York W orld.
42 degrees 30' west along the center of the a bite, y ’ k u ow ? ” the J o b n n le’ lnqulred A B o y K i n a ’ * W n y —D iti > fo r* T h a n
England scouis inclined to serve notice county road from Dallas to Lewisville, 07 05 o f the queen.
lu d e
8 « ni
H u ìilie r » — T h e
on Europe that although she is pretty cha ns to the intersection of said center line of
B o y D id n ’t K u n s t.
“ T h an k you e v e r so m uch,” she re­
busy in South A frica she's also ready to «•id county road with the center line of the
county rn;id from Isaacs Smith’s to Lewis­
f.ike on any p.essing w ar contracts near­ ville, thence along center of last named coun­ plied. “ but I ’ m m y sou’ s tra in er now,
A n A m erican girl w h o had an op por­
you kn ow , and w e spar fo r a couple o f
er home.—St. Louis Republic.
ty road, north 52 degree« 15' west A 0i> chains,
tu n ity to w atch little K in g A lfo n s o o f
A kopje with a Boer on it w ill make an thence south 28 degrees west 20 40 chains to hours a ft e r the p e rfo rm a n ce e v e ry
appropriate device for the Hag o f the re­ the southerly IsAindary of said claim No. 5(5, night. H e ’s g o in g up a ga in st 4M ic k »y Spain recently sends this interestin g
west 18.87 chains the B u g’ w hen w e g et to N e w Y ork account o f the 14-yea»r-old autocrat's
public that seems to be destined soon to thence north 58 degrees
rise and occupy the whole o f South A f r i­ to the southw st corner of said claim No. :>C, n ext w eek, and If he doesn’ t get the appearance and b eh a vior:
thence north 28 degrees 15'east 00 23 chains
ca.— !*•»ilndelnhia North American.
“ T h e kin g w as le a v in g the palace
to the place of beginning, coutsining 205.14 b ig end o f the g a te m oney I ’ m a fish
! w ith his m other to r e v ie w some troops,
fa ce .”
acres more or less.
This summons is published pursuant to an
Th en the Johnnie bolted fo r the elec­ and the hour o f his departu re not hav-
60 YE A R S'
order o f the Bon, W . L. Wells, udge of the tric cars th at depart from the T h irteen | lug been notified th ere w ere fe w peo-
county court, of the state of Oregon for Polk
! pie about.
county, duly made at chambers on the 17th and a H a lf street station .— W a sh in gton
" A ca rriage w ith footm en ga lo re w as
day of April 1000. Thedate of the first pub­ P o s t
iu w a itin g lo con vey bis sm all m ajesty
lication of this summons is A p.il 20, 1000,
• nd of the last publication June 1, 1000.
to th e parade ground. A lfo n s o w as not
A R i c h M a n 's P r o j e c t .
tak in g any carriages at the m om ent,
Attorneys for plaintiff.
A rich iiuiM,« s ta te m e n t th a t lie in-
how ever, atid despite th e persu asive ae-
T rade M arks
ccnts o f his so ft vo iced m other he In­
fo rtu n e lo cbiiritabb * w orks h is aroused
D e s ig n s
sisted upon w alking.
C o p y r ig h t s A c .
m u d » <iif*cii.««it»n. T h is is I htm iimc it
" N o w it is not .etiquette fo r a m em ber
Anyonepending a «ketch and description may
w ill dt» m u ch b » mm 1. I t is u 11 urine-
quickly ascertain our opinimi free whether an
o f the Spauish royal fa m ily to w a lk lu
‘ Invent
---- lt)< Ion ‘ Is probably patentable. bonim
rlotly confidential.
I bins strictly
________ __________
1 on
on P Patent»
public, except under ex cep tio n al con­
free. Oldest fluency fo r securing patents.
for l'olk county, department No. 2
t lie r a ge n cie s w hich a cco m p lish jnM ditions, and in the old da ys a k in g o f
Patents taken through Mann A Co. receive
T . M. Baitey, plaintiff, ’S
ipeclal notice, without charge, in the
as m iic li g ood .
'Take H o s te tle r 's 8 pain would no m ore h a ve dream ed o f
S tem Co B itters fo r in sta n £ e— I he
John MiuiHon, A rvilla \
parading the public streets than he
great A m e r ic a n
rem ed y .
F o r fifty
Munmn, and H. E. j
w ou ld o f poking the fire o r pou ring out
A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Largest cir­
Kenton, \. K. 'I'..tier, |
\ e.trs it luis cu red C o n stip ation , dys
culation o f any scientific Journal. Term s. f.‘l a
his w in e fo r h h n ielf.
year; four months, $L Bold by all newsdealers.
partner« doing buxine*« j
pepsin and all th e ills w h ich arise
" B u t A lfon so is so m ew h a t m oro ad­
under the firm name of |
Fcr ton Si Toner, and i
vanced, and it w as am u sin g to w atch
Ilrancti Office. G25 K Ht„ Washington. D. C.
w ill ke» p the stom ach in g o o d shape
J. C. Proctor an<l Mar \
the little man in a tin y g en e ra l’s uni­
tha Proctor, defend- j
and the bow els regu lar.
I t j* «» w o n ­
fo rm and w ith a b ig sw o rd and a look
o f Im portance upon his pale and d e li­
Ti» J. C. Proctor, one of the above named de­
Adm inistraor's Notice,
bu ilder.
I t is also a p r e v e n tiv e for cate fa ce stru tting along, his m other
IN T H E N A M E OK T H E S T A T E OK m al;iri:i, fe v e r and ague.
A sk fo r it, by his side and a p e r fe c t a rm y o f se rv­
'OTICK 18 IIB R K flY G IVE N T o A L L WIlo.M IT Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and in sist upon h a v in g it.
See th at a ants, officials and soldiers to r ig h t and
may concern, that I have been appointed b.v andntiHwer the complaint filet! against you in
c o vers the le ft o f him.
Hon, W. L. Wells, I’idge of Polk
,nty,uiiminÌHtfalor the above entitled «nit on or before the la«t P riv a te R e v e n u e S ta m p
o f the estate o f William (lay. late o f Polk county,
day of the time prencribed in the order for neck o f th e bottle.
“ I t was pretty e v id e n t th at the queen
deceased. All persons indebted to said estate will
make me payment uiid any one holding a claim publication of thi« MUinmon«, to-wit: The l«t
m other didn’t care a t a ll fo r th e pro­
against said estate will present the same to me, duly day of June, 1!KX). ami if you fail to ho appear
ceeding, fo r the road w as du sty and
verified, within six months from this date, at the ami answer, plaintiff will apply to the «aid
“ Ah, you sre like (he moon,” he i nd:
ottii*e of N. L. liutlcr, Dallas, Polk county, Oregon
court for the relief demanded iu hi« complaint
the sun was hot, and her v ie w s on the
Dated, A pril 24, 1000.
“ The tjueen of night
The relief demanded in «aid complaint is for a
su b ject w e r e shared b y the k in g ’ s tu­
A M K L IA it. G AY,
That send« to us from up among
judgment and degree against fhe defendant,
tor, an eld erly m ilita ry man w h o hob­
The star« her lig h t! “
John Munson, for thj sum o f $1,000, with in-
N. L. Ilutier attorney for estafe.
She did not bow her stately hrari
bled a lon g In close attendan ce and un­
tereat t h e r e 'a t the rate of 10 per cent per
Nor turn her eyes;
annum from the 3rd day of l)ecend»er, 1808,
co m fo rta b ly U gh: hoots, but the kin g
She did not blush u ro«y red
and for the further huiii of $200 attorney«
w o u ld lift yc his w ls
nnd o f course ev
Nor utter sighs.
fee«, and for costa and dinl>ur«eiiioiit« in thi«
e r y j- ft f ^
lo g iv e
"T h e moon, up there," he said again,
«nit, and for a decree that plaintiff’s mort­
gage mentioned and described iu the citmplaiiit
Because the blamed thing is *o col«!
In the circuit court of the state of Oroegon herein be foreclosed, anti that the premises
D i d M u r © T b F r t L u c i e S n r .i’ a S o l d i e r s .
And distant toot1“
for tin* county of Polk, department No. 2.
therein described lie sold to satisfy said sums,
D u rin g the Transm U sisslppl e x p o s i­
—Chicago Times Herald.
Susie Alien, plaintiff,
and that you he barred ami forever foreclosed
tion a t Om aha in 1898, w h ile G eron lm o
of and from any and nil right, title anti inter­
w a s one o f its star attractions. Roland
Arthur Allen, defendant. I
A B e t t e r I 'h r m e ,
est in or to the following described premises,
T o Arthur Allen, the defendant above named: to-wit: A ll of that tract of land situate iu
R e ed appeared at the B oyd lu “ T h e
“ W h y not be up to date?”
IN T H E N A M E OK T H E S T A T E OK Polk eountv, Oregon, to-wit: Beginning at
‘ In what w a y ? ”
W r o n g M r. W rig h t.”
P e te L ld d lard
Oregon you are hereby coiiiuinn'ietl to appear a point in the center of the county roud at the
‘ You just referred to a man ns appar­ took G eron lm o and severa l o f ills
and answer the complaint filed against \ou
mtheuHt corner of the Martha K. Bui ford ently having its many lives ns a cat.”
b ra v e s to see Rood, and a lo w e r box
on or before the hist, day of the tin»** prescrib­ iroct in the donation land claim of David
“ W ell, what should I say?”
ed in the order for the publication of this sum­ Orant and wife, N ot No. 1,1151. section 33,
w a s placed at th eir dlspV jal. T h e old
" A s many lives as the em peror o f Chi­
mons, to-wit: The first tiay of June, liHK), township 7 south, range 5 went, thence run­
s a v a g e w as g rea tly interested in the
und if you fail so to appear or answer, for ning west along the center of «aid road 17 1-2 na.” —Chicago I ’ost.
want thereof plaintiff will apply to the court chains, thence north to tin center of the La-
for the relief demanded in her complaint. Creole river, thence down said river with the
The relief prayed for in said complaint is for meandering« thereof to a |«»int tine north «>f
a decree disHoWing the bonds of matrimony starting point, thence smith 22-75 chains to
“ A S in « ! © F a c t
now existing between plaintiff and defendant, the place of beginning, containing 24 acres
la w o r tli a sh ip loa d o f a r g u m e n t.’ ’
for the custody of the minor child of plaintiff nit »re or less.
wild defendant, and for the change of plain­
Tiiis summons is published by order of the W h a t shall he said, thou, o f iMtisand*
tiff’s name from Susie Allen to Susie Merri- Hot». W . L. Wells, judge of the county court o f fa ct*?
E v e r y eu ro b y H o o d ’s Nar-
1 r
field, and for her costs and disbursements in of the state nf Oregon for Polk county,
this suit.
made at chamber« on the 17th day of April, snparilla is a fact, p re s e n tin g the stron -
This summons L published pursuant to an HI JO. The date of the first publication is g* st possible e v id e n c e o f tlie m e r it of
order of the Honorable W . L. Wells, judge of April 20, BKX), and of the last publication t»*i-« m ed icin e . T h ou sa n d s a n d th o u s­
the county court of the state of Oregon for June 1, 1IKX).
ands o f such fa e ’ x p ro v e tlm t H o o d ’ s
Polk county, duly made ami entered at chain-
S a rsa p a rilla w ill cu re a ll diseased c a u s­
bers on the 19th day of April. 1900. The date
of the first publication of this summon« is
ed or p ro m o ted by im p u re b lood.
April 20, 11100, and of the lust publication
is (b e best m e d ic in e m on ey can buy.
June 1, 1900. TO W N S E N D A H A R T ,
Attorneys for plaintiff.
In d ig e s tio n , nausea are cu red by
H o o d ’s F ills.
Carolus Duran is to pay another virit
to the United States next summer, when,
accordiujr to the Paris papers, be will
paint a portrait o f W illiam Dean H o w ­
Reports o f Muuknesy’s failing health
are denied by his w ife, who says lie is
im proving; that he always recognizes
her, but that he cannot l>e roused out o f
his apathy.
Despite the eastern flavor o f some o f
his verse, T . 11. Aldrich doe* not know
any oriental language. H e is at preseut,
however, studying; I Vision with a view
to a translation o f Om ar Khayyam .
Aubrey Thomas de Vere, the oldest
living Kurdish poet, has just celebrated
the eighty-sixth anniversary o f his birth.
Mr. de Vere has been a prose as well as a
verse w riter: his poetical work is em­
braced ill 15 volumes, while ti n books
stand to Ids name in prose. It is almost
UO years since the appearance o f his first
volume in verse, “ Th e W aM enses.”
St Jacobs Oil
Scientific American.
MUNN & Co.36,Bro*d"* New York
T rea t
the undersigned as sheriff of l'olk county. Or­
egon, under and by virtue of the writ of exe­
cution <luie»i April 21», A. I>., PJ00, directed
to the undersigned ns such sheriff, ami issued
out of the circuit court of the state of Oregon
for Yamhill county, upon and to enforce the
decree of foreclosure ami order of sale mode
ami entered in «aid court on the l»th day of
April, 1UOO, in the suit of the McMinnville
National Bank, of McMinnville, Oregon, as
plaintiffs \ i D. W. Ralston, his wife, Mar­
tha K. Ralston, Oliver Ralston and K. L.
Bewley, trustee in bankruptcy of the estate of
l>. W . Ralston, a bankrupt, as defendants,
will on
tß M *
S is t e r f — N o b o d y
' iill
For Infanta Rnd Children.
A ll ex ch a n ge g iv e s an account o f
birds that dance Jigs: In southern B ra ­
zil is u little bird that com es as uear to
b o ld in g a regu lar “ h oed ow n ,” a m in­
strel song and dance, as it is possible
fo r birds to do. It Is c a lled "th e danc­
ing bird” by the natives. It is a tiny
blue bird w ith a red crest.
M orn ing
and ev en in g the little fe llo w s g ath er iu
a group by a score o r so on a sm ooth,
sandy o r g r a v e ly spot, one th at Is free
from grass o r any obstru ction. Th en
one o f the m ales files to a t w ig som e­
w h ere overh ea d aud begin s siu gin g in
the jo llio s t J ig jo g v o ic e im aginable,
aud im m ed ia tely tlie b ird s begin to
step to p e rfe c t tim e w ith the song and
tw it te r an a ccom pan im ent. M ore than
! th a ’, th ey m ove th eir w in g s in tim e
w ith the m usic as th ey step about.
A k in to this dance is one w h ere there
is but a s in g le dan cer on the floor at a
tim e. T h e bird Is kn ow n as tlie rupl-
i col:« o r cock o f the rock, also a Bra-
1 ziUnil bird. L ik e the little blue bird, it
selects a sm ooth, hard floor ns Its
i d a n c in g place, and th ere m ust bo plen­
ty o f bushes about, fo r it does not seem
: to lik e spectators. A bou t this kind o f
p la tfo rm the birds g ath er, som e on the
ground and som e on the bush. T h en
all sin g ex cep t one, w h o gets Into the
I cen ter o f the floor a n d th ere leaps nnd
g y ra te s lu a most confTcal fash ion until
exhau sted. Th en be s ta g g e rs off. but
a nother in sta n tly tak es h!s place and
repeats the perform an ce.
. 5
ÄVegc tabic P/cp cration for As -
stmüüting tiirFocd and Regula
a h c o t i c
Jtaipc t/ OM ü r t W lE L H K ß E ß
S rtJ '
Mx.Smna *
JtmntUt SJU -
Aru tf 5t«d •
/ippemunt -
Jh Cui banal? S*la> *
flcvm Seed -
A perfect R e m e d y fo rC o n s tip a -
l i o n . S o u r S to a ia c h .D ia rrh o e a ,
W o r m s .C o n vu lsio n s .F e v e ris h ­
n e s s and L O S S O F S L E E P .
it ifiin u
TacSin.dc Signature o f
E 1 P Ä N S
D on’ t work your friends in tlie interest
o f a stranger.
T h e Lord loves a cheerful giver, and
wo would, too, if ivc could find one.
Gossip is conducted on the endless
chain lines. W hen it reaches you, break
E v ery one who owns a dog boasts that
his dog knows more than most grown
person ..
A bout the only time the average man
shows an interest iu domestic affairs is
when the rattrap is to he baited.
This gettin g married menus that both
are t< hereafter raise vegetables and
leave the cultivation o f flowers to those
who are still single.— Atchison Globe.
G o
P r e s c r ip '
m a iu im c i
Lem on ju ice and magnesia, if applied
to the face and hands, w ill render the ^
skin w h ite and soft.
W itch hazel nnd w ater or rock salt nnd |
w ater w ill harden the muscles and make
a healthy looking skin.
F o r many complexions, good by nature,
rain w ater is better than expensive cos­
metics. Butterm ilk baths are good.
A lw a y s put n fe w drops o f ammonia
and a fe w o f benzoin in your bath. T h e |
nmnKtnia is cleansing, and the benzoin, as
an astringent, prevents the skin from be­
coming flabby. Blackheads are impossi- j
ble when it is used.
T<*n for five cents, at Druggists. Grocer*, Restaurants
Saloons, News-Stands, General Senes and f:.»rU ii
Shops. They banish p.tin, induce sleep, and
One gives relief! N o matter uhat's the matter, m r »*¡¡1
do you good.
Ten samples and one thousand testi­
monials sent by mail to any address on receipt of p>ice
by the Kipaus Chemical Co., io.i>pruce St., N ew Yuik City!
M c P h e r s o n
John Van Range C o s hotel and household ranges
American Boiler Go’s ¡jailers for steam and hot water.
Also 111»* largest stock of warm air registers and furnace
supplies on the I’acitic coast.
4 7 F ir s t a n d 4 6
Second stre e ts,
O i^ E q O f J
T im e was xvuen Cancer was considered as incurable as leprosy.
ians and frianda cou ld g iv e little relief o r encouragem ent to
one afflicted with this terrible disease B ven now doctors know o f no rem edy for t .ii* fearful m alady ; w hile adm itting it to be
a M ood disease, they still insist that there is no hope outside o f a surgical operation, and advise you to have the Cancer cut out,
but at the same tim e cannot assure vou that it w ill not return. Y o u 'm a y cut or draw out the 9 ore, but another w ill com e in
its place fo r the disease is in the M ood — is deep-seated ami destructive, and beyond the reach o f the su rgeon's k n ife or
caustic .flesh destroying plasters
T h e blood must be purified and strengthened, the svstem relieved o f all poisonous effete
m atter before the C ancer sore w ill heal.
S. S. S. is the o n ly m edicine that can overcom e this powerful and contam inating poison and force it out o f the blood. It
builds up and invigorates the old. and supplies new, rich, life g iv in g blood. S . S .S . is a purely vegetable remet
rem edy ; no m ineral
can be found in it ; the roots and herbs from which it is made contain pow erful p u rifyin g properties that act d irectly upon
the blood system and m ake a safe and permanent cure o f Cancer
It has cured thousands, w h y not vou?
Cancer is not alw ays inherited ; your fa m ily m ay be free from any taint, yet vour blood m av becom e so polluted that i severe
m ____
mm A
A * *
am^ stubborn
i _______
m — p _________________________________________________________
u r e m o o n fn\rttos m or j other
is g
u s o * deyr]°p fr° m * *nr* ^
part o f your hotly ; a slight bruise
o f the disease m ay
uic^ ° n 7 ° ^ tongue
. . . . .
or hurt, a little pim ple on the evelid , lip
or nose, a small lum p on the jaw o r breast, a harmless look in g wart or m ole, and other causes so insignificant as to attract
little or no attention. I f you have an ohatinate sore, d o n ’t rely upon salves or ointm ents to cure it — begin w ith S. S. S.
at once ; it w ill cleanse vour blood and prevent the form ation o f cancerous cells.
M rs R M ire r, L a T ls ts . M o , w rite * : “ A *m a ll p im p le cam e on m v j » w «b o a t on e inch below the
ear on th e left *i<Jeuf uiv face. A t tin t It * a v e m e no trouble, and l d id not think it w a* an yth in g aeriotts
until th e U w began to »w e ll and becam e much in flam ed
At th e *am e tim e the aore b eg a n 'to spread and
eat int*- the fio«h. and g a v e m e in ten se pain. I tried e v e ry th in g I could hear of, but n oth in g did me a o v
I then I * * » h th e use o f 8 H. 8 . and a fte r ta k in g several bottles the Cancer healed and th ere
now no sign .»f th e f i l l f t
fU M w a* tw o y e a r* ago. and X am M ill e n jo y in g perfect health ’
Send for our special hook on Cancer ; it contains much inform ation that w ill interest
you ; it is free.
W rite our physicians about your case, and fo r any advice or inform ation wanted ; they
have made a life study o f Cancer and all blood diseaaes. W e m ake no charge what­
ever fo r thia.
Address. T N I SW IFT $P£l
Doctors find
Richardson & Boynton Co s warm air furnaces.
You Have
Always Bought.
II o n n r i - i a n i R .
scenery, the ligh ts ami the people, but
as he could not understand a w ord o f
E n glish the p la y soon palled upon him.
E le v a tin g Ids feet to the ra ilin g o f the
b ox, G eroiU m o sank d o w n Into the
depths o f 1*8 huge easy ch a ir and w as
soon sleep in g ns Innocently as I f his
hands hail nev *r
oen dyed in the
blood o f helplefs wom en and children.
It w ti h all r ig id u ntil the old le llo w
b egan to
> • De w as aremsed
a m i tak en Rack to th« Indian camp.
T h e next day se ve ra l o f H eed '*
frie n d s w en* jo k lu g him about his play
being such a cure fo r Insomnia.
“ Reed , old boy,’ * sa id one. ''r«»»i »»••* |
Genera! Agent on the Pacific Coast for
T o lay d o w n sp ecific rules fo r w a te r­
by virtue and in pursuance of a writ of exeeu-
ing w ould be a ditfieult m atter, says an
tion duly issued out of and under the hand
exchange. T o o much w a te r w ill rot tlie
and seal of the clerk of the circuit court of the
state of Oregon, for the county of Li tin, bear­
root8, Hour the soil and stop the g ro w th
ing date the 13th day of April, A . I). .1000,
o f the plant, and not enough w ill sta rv e
and to me directed, in a certain suit pending
It. Tin* gen eral tendency Is to o v e r ­
in said court, wherein A. Bush, doing business
w ater.
Supply w a ter lib e ra lly when
under the firm name and style of Ladd A
Bush, is plaintiff, and J, O. Johnson, Violet
necessary, then w ithh old It e n tir e ly un­
tv* Johnson, his wife, (». W . Johnswn, 1*. O.
til the ho II Is lu condition to be w atered
Smith and M. C. Smith, his wife, are defend­
again. T h e soil lu the pot should not
ants. commanding me to levy upon the per­
lie a llo w e d to liecom e dry like dust, but
sonal pro|H*rty of said defendants, .1. C. Smith.
S a tu rd a y , th e 9 th D a y of J u n e ,
O. W. Johnson, and P. O. Smith, or eith­
Just ho it w ill cru m ble n icely in the
er of them, or if sufficient cannot be found, 1900, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon band. A v o id by nil menus the ruinous
then out of the real property of the said J. 0. of said tiay, at. the court house door at Dallas,
Johnson, U. W. Johnson, and P. O. Smith, in said Polk county, Oregon, sell at public pra ctice o f w a te rin g the plants dally,
or either <»f them, in my county to satisfy the auction for cash iu I ’ nited States gold coin to w h eth er th ey need it o r not.
sum of $1,000.30, with interest at the rate of the highest bidder, the following real prem­
10 (>ei cent per annum from the 4th dav of ise«, to-wit: A ll that part of the following
June, 1898, and also the costs U|«»n this writ, described tract of Und that is situated ami lo­
For O v e r Fifty Y ea rs.
therefore I did on the 24th day of April, A. cated in the county of Polk ami state of Ore-
A n o ld and w ell trie d rem ed y .
1)., 11KX), not being able to find any personal gon, to-wit: Beginning at the northeast cor­
property Itelongiug to said defendants, or eith­ ner of the donation land claim of Barnet Hag- W in s lo w 's S o o th in g S y r u p has been
er of them, within my countv, duly levy up­ I gan! and wife, claim No. 94, notification No. used lor o v e r fifty y e a rs by m illio n s of
on the real propel t v of said defendant, < •. VV. 5,(459, and claim No. tiff, said claims together m oth ers ft»r t h e ir c h ild r e n w h ile te e th ­
Johnson, particularly deseril*ed as follows, | I k ing iu sections six ami seven, township six
It sooth es
to-wit: L»ts 1. 2. 3, 4 5, 0, 7, 8, 1». 10 11, 12, I Month, range six west, and in sevtion twelve in g , w ith p e r fe c t succor *.
13. 1», 13, I i. 17. 18, 111, 20 and 23 in block A | in township six south, range seven west, of the c h ild , s o ften s the g u m s , a lla y s all
of West Salem, in Polk conntv. Dreg m; ¡»1st»
p a in , cu res w in d c o lic a n d is t lie I h - s I
lots II. 12, Rt, 14 amt 15 in block R of West f*eiiig in section «ix aU*ve, and running thence
Is p le a s a n t to
line of said lUnation rem ed y fo r d ia r r h o e a
Saleoi, in said county an I st 1.*; also lots 3, 4 .dong tlie east
S old by d ru g g is ts in e v e ry
5. «. 7. 8. 11. tO. II, 12 13 14 an I 15 in l.|.«k !.»;i I claim south six degrees east 43.41 cl'nin« th e taste.
C of West Salem, in s ddc«»untv and state; al t»» center of oountv rood, thence south 39 de- par* o f th e wort«!.
25 cen ts a I mi U I c .
so '•»♦* 1. 2 3. 4. 5, li. 7, 8. 9. 10 11 12. I I 14 gie* « and 30 mill itee west 32.05 chains to an­ Its va lu e is in c a lc u la b le .
B e su re and
and 15 in l»|«»ck D of West Salem in said coun­ gle in road, thence south (¡Oriegiees ami 45
ask for M rs. W in s lo w ’s S o o th in g S y ­
ty and state; also lots I, 2, 3. 4, 5, 0, 7, 8, II, minutes west 10.79 chains to stake in center
10. IK I *. 1.1, 1«. IN. .11, IS 11», H). *1 l i , t.\ *4, 2ft of ro;id ami on line l»**tween hinds of Ncrog- ru p and tak e n o o th e r k in d .
<»1, 27. <H 2# iim I Ml in M *«-k K of West M I in. in g n an l Ralston, thence nor .h li degrees west
s.i>( > m iiv i • R tiW ; a | o | 4s 1.2 1, 4 ft. »1 7 s, *» «7 13 chains to m»it her I v line of said dona
10. II. I t , IS. 14. I » IS, 1» » II. t !. S, •*». t . 2«
t». ii land claim in Yamhi I river, thence along
27 ami SO in »1*. k I of w «,t 8 »lent in ««s i . hi i\
* dd north line m*ith 33 degrees east 1.55
»1.1 stktn; ».so 1 .» s i a <1 27 hi ht.uk .1 «.f
A r m r rio u & lm r.
l-m , In m h ! iw . i « I v h i.i A v v ; tU i I ■» . 4 ft 0,1», chains, thence eon'iimh) r ah*n^ said north
Soon a ft e r H e a tr a l G a .a e re w as ap
1«. *.», 2«l. .'7 tn I 2s i • li! * U K <• WV.I Salem in line of s »id claim north 71» de\rre. s ami 15 niin-
said ai.itv onl s.ate;a1s<» I»»* |, ■/, 8, », ft, « 7 8 0. u'es eivst 32 !8i chains lo the place of l»egin-
pointed an en sign In the S e v e n ty -s e v ­
m . II
1», IS 14. Ift. HI 17. 18 PI 20, »1, 2 > :i, 24. tdng, c »ntaining 192 (18 acres more or less,
enth foot lie turned out w ith the com ­
2ft. 2(i.
7. *8, » m l o n
• I. I. <>l \\ I S I. ... u.
s ti I t* oi »tv vt.1 sl*w; »Is» lo'.s 1«. pJan.1 20 m
pany to w hich lie w as attach ed to wit
b'.*. k M *f West Stl.MO, ill said »infv ami »tat»*. b ill j paitiy in Yamhill county ami partly in
Alsothe f llowinr 4-a i : ll."riii'iing at a p » ot SO 1 oik c unity in the state of Hreimn, the prem­ ness tb«* flo gg in g o f n soldier.
man. w h o had liecn co n victed o f a seri­
feet east *>f tho «.»n'h -a t .Mnittr of I t :*), lo hi s-k ia» * *o to I k * «.»Id no ler said writ of execution
Wen .8 .h iii, iv,lk .-..»I ity. o r /.... th-u e aest I* ing all t!iat pai l *»f said 192.08 acres that
ous offen se und w as la te r to tie drum
ft.Ih«* * .nth v -si <• truer of lot No. 10 •( n»Hi l»l«t. It situat**<i in aaid l*»»!k county
y, Oregon. TSiat
mini out o f the corps, took his punish­
F. then e n •rtlierb (■• ih • i.o«-»h»iv«(. eomer .4 *sM sai I sale of »aiti premises to
bit No 10 in '»|o k F, then.s, ■».. t t . * »**>.t So fe.-t
m ent Isid ly. scream lug a g re a t deal
west of llte ><»>rtlt«'«-i •- •r.ivr of .,t No Ml inhl.s k «.»i I will !»e matie t.» .»Main funds wit>. whicli
E n sign G ntncre shut his eyes and turn
M. then -e n <rth ri v t » a |» i it so («s?t w.»t and so t-* satisfy the sum «*f $1,493 15, g»»l«l c«»in, with
leot IKIftb S »le/ revs w * t *f ih « nort >wr«l .-..r er »*f
ed w h ite In the fa re, as though be
Idoek O •« W
I«* o. a.» -n ■ « .st to a |» >i•>t To feet I'.KX). at the rate t»f |9|»er cent iter annum,
W .ien tlie punlslmicn*
e u»t atnl 'SO f»a l n o t . 3 do i w n o d nf toe imrtin* »st and the sum of $7-3 attorneys’ f, es und the w ould fa in t
ran i *r of !»!•» k II. D i’a n -OMll».sl_* to the |»i ee t>f ■«in of 913 c«*s!s and disbursements of said
w a * over, he rem erk ed lo his co lo r ser
b igin.ihnr, »m l I ad l <»u ■
soit «fid *'X ellses of s »id sale, all doe said geant. “ I f I see ti uch m ore o f thla. I ’ ll
S i.t u r c .a r , J u n e 7 , IQ O,
plaintiff above named up n said writ t»f exe- ■ell out.”
A t the hour of I
p. m. o «m l • a *, »ell it C i i t jo n .
T h e “ uoncnm “ re*|>onded. “ Y o u ’ ll get
imi •I»-1 aiietion at th* frorl
I the
this the Dt dav of May. A ! » , I9H0
in the lly of .»al as, in I*
used to It lu tim e, sir.”
J . * i V A N o r . h d k U
high«* t oi tier h)' .-nait in
Sheriff of Folk countv, Oregon.
•‘ Used to It# I'm in n * I n e v e r shall!**
t .e m mhmt (ir.ivt e l :»y I s . •!! :K i ria .1 Itt
iiiu* e«i >1 u l iljl. ti I i«t, U W Job s n. in
responded the c o ign
F lo g g in g lu th *
the »h » » J
iwd |*r.»j».*il>' or « » mil li
a rm y w as soon k I io M s I mm I. h ow ever,
of a« «'ill satisfy the stirne above «|»e. itl« it.
I Kited at Dallas, Oregon, this Uti »lay *4 May.
and the fu ture gen eral rem ained In tb*
a rn ic a
J. U. V A N O K 8 D K L,
Sheriff * f P'»lk county, Oregon.
jnim.Morphine nor Mineral.
T H E C Y N IC .
Promotes Digestion,Cheerful­
ness and Rest.Con tai ns neither
Bears the
Professor Agassiz has discovered that
there is no deep sea life except in cur­
rents and udjacent to land.
Th ere are in the w orld’ s oceans 7.000,-
j 000 cubic miles o f salt, aud if all this salt
! could be taken out in n moment the level
o f the water would not drop one single
Form aldehyde vapor has been success-
fully used by M. Cam ille Sumeire in
Mauritius for preserving specimens of
animals. A guinea pig was kept fresh
fo r 20 days, and the fur was uninjured
by tlie vapor.
Science has lately made K ¿ossible to
obtain good w ine from the apple, which
has alw ays been devoted to sparkling
E xperts have been deceived in
sherry, madeira and sauterne which
came from apple juice instead o f grapes.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
ting the ft tamüi-hs and U o w e ls uT
. li ~ mmr - T --¡jg fU fx rT li
Sheriff’s S ile.
Sheriffs Sale.
K n o w s but M o th e r.
B ir d * T h a t D a n e * J l * » - H a w
1*01 T K
way bt:dions
Trains leave Dallas for Portland and
at 6:10 a. in. except Sundays.
Leave Portland 8:30 a m, 7:3». p m
Leave Salem 11 a m ; 9:3ft p in
A rrive Ashland 12;33 a in; 11;30 a m
A rrive Sacramento b p in: 4:35 a m
Arrive San Francisco 7:4ft p in;8:1ft a m.
A rrive
Odgen ft:4ft a m; 1 i:4 5 a m .
D enver9:00 a in; 9:0» a tn.
Kansas City 7:2fta tn; 7;2ft a m.
Chicago 7:4j a in; 9; k» a m.
A rrive
A rrive
Arri e
A rrive
A rrive
î o* Anye'es 1:20 p ni; 7:00a m.
Kl Pas»« 0 0 0 p ni; 6:00 p ni.
Fort W o. tn tt .lu a m ; H 30 a ni.
City ot M»-xl o 9:56 a n»; 9.66 a m.
Hifstou 4 00 a n»;4:0u a in.
New Or leu m» G* ft p ni; fi: 26 p m*
Ua-hinutm «:42 a m ; 0 4/ a n».
N e « \ oik 12 43 p ni; 12:43 p m.
Pullman ami Touri«t cars on both trains. Chair
cats Sacramento to (Mgen and K1 I W , ami tourist
(are Do Chicago, St. XjOUis, Now Ur lean« and Wash
Connecting at San Fran»-iw*o with several Mean*-
'hid line* f<>r Honolulu, J a | « i i , ( hina, Phiffipiues
Central ai.d south Awerk-a.
C O R V A ? ! iS M A 11 D A I L Y
(Ex -ept ' und;»» )
Ar. 6 :.o r
L». t . n r y
7:30 A M Lv.
113)3 A M l.v.
ll.JW. P M Ar.
At .
(V rva l - eon*•»•-« with train« •
al ami Eastern rail roa*!.
I A K S K N C IF .E .
Dai!/. Except Suaday.
l i l.v.
0 P ft Ar.
A r ft Î4» A M
I alia»
i.v (• *(- A U
Paiwenger depot, ftsvt o f J effeooi. street.
AI R LI E M A I L - I l I S 1 K U V .
Leave S 3.» a. a*.
►*<•»: l«..*»
Arrive 1.06 p n»
Leave 3:fto p. in.
Du las
A rrive 5 5o s n¿
Arrive 5:10 p. m.
A u.ie
Leave 7:M a. m
1 1. » W aod* agent at Dalla* station or ad« I re**
Port lami, Oregon.