Polk County itemizer. (Dallas, Or.) 1879-1927, March 16, 1900, Image 4

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    i » i» ..
D A IR Y T Y P E S .
Old as the Bills
Do Y ob K e e p Cow « T hat Are Bred
F o r A I’ lir jm s c f
last year.
T he Am erican Hln Last year w as 272.-
000.000 pounds, or 53.000.000 pounds
less than it was In 1S94. aud the best
estim ates made for this spring sh ow a
probabl# Increase o f ouly 10.000.000
pound*, so that there w ill be very little
gain here to offset the foreign shortage.
T b e second im portant condition and
¡»the op e which m akes the situation a
peculiar oue Is the heavy demand for
good* which is beginning to In* appnr-
i ent and which will undoubtedly be the
! leading feature o f the spring buying.
| A successful m anufacturer o f woolen
goods recently lu the city said that a ft ­
er a thorough can v a ss o f ttie Jobbing
| and m anufacturing m arkets he was
convinced that the coun try is practical­
ly bare o f heavyw eight w oolen good*,
i T his is the class o f goods which the
mills are about to begin work upon and
o f w hich the heaviest orders are regis­
tered about this time.
It is e x ­
trem ely im probable that Am erican
mills wdll be able to m anufacture m ore
than 05 to T5 per cent o f the w oolens
w hich will be called for.
A m anufacturer o f clothing, when
questioned about possible ad vances In
price, said that there m ight he a saving
effected by the use o f shoddies and
other substitutes fo r wool, but he
bought this would not be feasible, I*?-
c ause It w as becom ing harder every
. ear to sc»ll anything but all w ool
' 00 «!s to the average American.
time shoddy cloth ing ami shoddy piece
roods would becom e Important ar-
Icles o f export, but the tendency from
now on would he to do aw ay with
them as articles o f m erchandise fo r
dom estic consum ption.
T he general purpose cow is one o f
• a the point and aches of
f t ;
those w ill-o'-the-w isp« that have led
many dairym en astray, says L. W.
Lighty in The National Stockm an. Cau-
dldly, this controversy about the spe-
ciul purinme cow and the general pur­
pose or dual purpose cow , as a western
professor lately styled her, would have
been Jit au end tills long while If only
men who keep beef cow s for profit and
know they are making a profit would
have participated. T he cow alw ays de­
Burt as taxes is the cure of
cides the case, theorists to the con ­
them by
trary notwithstanding.
In the dairy
ouly a first class dairy cow makes us a
S oak the hands, on retiring, in strong,
T o purify and beautify the skin and
hot lather o f Cun*
prevent p in i p lu s,
profit, and such a cow does not have
cu ra S o ap .
hi o to ll os, black*
vhe build or make up to be profitable
h o a d s , ro d n os a,
lor the butcher. She has form ed the
manliness, yoliow,
dry, and anoint
habit Dot to lay ou flesh froai her
oily, mot by skin,
freely with C uti -
oh ajipjug, tan, sun-
youth up. and as the “ tw ig’ s beut the
ct it A Ointment,
hurn, and many
tree's Inclined.” She and her progen­
tiio great skin cure and purest of em ol­
othor forms of skin
itors have been bled and selected with
lients. W ear during the night old, loose
U ra b h o a , »•> othor
skin or cou plex ion soap is for a mo* kid gloves. For red, rough, chapped
this particular end in view. She Is ca­
mont to bo compared with C utiouua
pable o f transm itting this trait to her
S o ai ’, because no other soap reaches the palms, shapeless nails with painful finger
progeny. She has the capacity aud the
ca ise. viz., tfi*. cloar/ed , irritated, or in­ ends, this ono night treatment is sim ply
flamed condition of the P ores .
pow er to use up a large lot o f cheap,
rough material grow n on tin* farm ami
to convert It into milk. Sin* has learned
S hampoo with CuxicuRA S o ap , rinse
I ts remarkable em ollient, cleansing,
to do one tiling well, nud it Is reaih
with w irm water,
purifying properties, de­
the only tiling she can do.
dry and apply a
rived fiom (J l 'TICUK a . the
light dressing of
great skin cure, warrant
Some people think that eernbs are
the use of C uticuiia S o ap ,
C ut icu a a , purest
general purpose cow s. hut. ns a rule,
in the form o f baths lor
o f on to I lio u t s ,
they are good for nothin*. and kepi at
g en tly rubbed Info
annoying irritations, in­
t '10 scalp.
flammations, and channgs,
a loss. T hey were bred that way. The
s i m p l e , refresh­
for too free or offensive
good, profitable beef anin ;i i* the ani­
ing, and iucxiKii-
perspiration, and also in the form of in­
mal that lias been fed aud selected for
sivo t r o u t m o u t
ternal washes and solutions for ulcerative
will sootbo j.ri-
years to most econom ically transform
weaknesses, and for many sanative anti­
tatud nml itching Surfaces, stim ulate the septic purposes which readily suggest
our abundant gm ssers and grains into
hair follicles, clear the scalp mid hair of themselves to women, and especially to
tin* best and choicest meats. Wheu we
crusts, scales, mid dandruff, supply the mothers. T he use o f ( fuTicuHA Ointment
T lie H a ir Iu t h e W a t r l i.
com e to the market with these choice
roots with energy and nourishment, and with C uticura S oap w ill also bo o f
Superfluous hirsute adornm ents are
make the hair grow , when all elso fails. advantage in the severer cases.
specially bred anim als specially pre­
Extremely prosperous conditions ex­ unpopular with
wom en, especially
C o m p i c t s E x te r n a l a n d I n t e r n a l T r e a t m e n t o f E v ery H u m o r ,
pared. we can alm ost dictate prices;
CnnMsMn* of Cmci'RA S oap (Vie.), to cleiM
M the »kin.
akin. CDTini'IA
CtmcUBA Ointm ent fW
(M Ic.),
kt.), to ailav
ist in the w ool market, and optimists when they take the form o f incipient
K khoi . vbnt f/Mte.i,
to cool and cleanse the blood.
the „„
ek' _______
but com e with tin* general purpose.
THE BE r T *ci
$1 25 A
,inrta end „ heal
erp«t humor wheu all else fails. P uttkb D cuo
f.i the trade are positive that higher
m ustaches. Men. a 3 :t rule, are not so
Ajru Omut. C’oiiF., Solo Props., lio&too. *• How to Cure Every Humor," free.
1 dual purpose, all purpose, uo purpose
sensitive, but a hairy individual, w ho
' in particular stock, und the butcher |rlces ami an Increased demand will
must have been a 15mal descendant o f
will give you what he pleases, ns no continue this year. There has been a
celioni qunlity, clln g ; ripe wlth us, flt
Esau, inasmuch as he actually had
steady rise In the prices o f all grades
fo r rating, from thè 7tli to thè lOtb ni one cares to have theip.
w hiskers g row in g out o f His ears, had
o f the finer w ools and lu many o f the
a rather harrow ing experience in a
Kt-pteuilH-r o s t o . .1.1.1 rr,ul, tor .h ip - !
s .,, 1 M o r a C ^ n t o r f o l t l n g .
w ools which are known as “ medium”
fashionable Chestnut street Jewelry
P .1K a w ,e k Ix'fort* «luit rime.
s . Cll t S e n i o . 1„ . h ,.n , a rt,e ,|
fs a Ittrun;,'. ut.rialti (trovver.
. ..
, during the last 12 months, says the | store. lie wanted to buy a watch, the
. ! « » . ‘ Mi. r h .m i uf c..liliU eleit..|e ai <1
New York Evening Tost. At the close , best in the place, and a very elaborate
proli Ile, die fruii li:i mi nonio. cood aud i ........ ,
, .
. . . .
» I «-o u r. d a larije ip m u ilv ef ln.eur In s.
lontf keeplii>{. Il Is olle o f 111« beat o f
, ....
. . .
o f August, 18i)G, wool was cheaper | tim epiece was sh ow n to him by the
w bli li are *«> < leverlv exeeu le.l ilmt
------- r the Japanese plums.
It was said to be an e x ­
than it had been for nearly 20 years In salesman.
ilio «verun e peiKi.ii wuul.l n e v ir Mia
cellent timekeeper. “ W e have had it
F ru ii nini F lo .v r r U n ir,.
! I» < l 111,111 " f
« l ’nrioU-. Tllilljia the markets o f Am erica. On the 1st of
quite a w h ile,” explained
It pays to m ulch tiie straw berries.
f g ' at vaine s»e iiìwm vh *• lect« <1 l»v January, 1S90, Australian combing,
T h e y T h r iv e F r o m C nn n ilu t o t h e
I couiiier feiteis f< r ini it tio li, n a tili}* which Is, all things considered, the fin­ the salesman, “ and can guarantee that
S on tli a m i F r o m O c e a n to O c e a n .
Ilo*tett* r’s »Stoniacb est com m ercial w ool grown, had ad­ it w on ’ t vary a fraction o f a second.
••The Japanese plums have com e to been pronounced by l ’ rofessor W augh |tlie ccleb ra ted
W e’ ve never allow ed it to run d ow n .”
inany im itators b u i vanced from 42 to G5 cents, a gain of
stay, but they have com e w ithout ae- o f Vermont one o f tbe best early varie­
T he prospective purchaser, who look-
| "
turate descriptions and with confused ties for very cold situations.
j ed like n prosperous mine ow n er from
The Connecticut legislature 1ms pass­
nom enclature.” says I)r. 1. P. Roberts
the west, had been exam ining the
i 1 10 Bitters set* things right
. ebility,
; w orks and casually p!nee<1 tin* w atch to
• f the Cornell b’ ulverslty station. For ed a law for the protection o f I he trail- i in
ing arbutus. It is said to lie tbe first
his ear. “ Never run dow n, hey?” he
live years and more the Japanese
D in g**od order it m akes go-*d b io »d
! ejaculate«!. “ W hy, it’ s stopped n ow .”
plum s have been the su bject o f careful law ever passed by any state iu this
“ T h at’s very strange,” said the salcs-
study at Cornell, and P rofessor Bailey country for tin* protection o f a
Bitters gel at tbe rent of ren g ili aud
1 man.
now makes a fourth report upon them, flower.
M lnlity, and roMnre vigm to the weak
Ruby Queen Is a new hardy clim bin g !
j T he man again placed the w atch to
hi bulletin 175, which is Unely illus­
and ilebditated.
Beware o f c ou n ter-
his ear to m ake sure, and then the
trated and valuable to any one inter­ rose o f considerable interest. It Is u
| truth becam e apparent. T he hair which
ested in the claim s o f tills type o f hybrid o f Q u w i T h (harlot (Hourliom ¡ U ’ ** w ^e " buA il,K.
I protrude«! from his ear had intruded
plums. Am ong other things, he says: with Rosa W icliurlr.ua. the hardy trail* !
into the w orks and stopped the delicate
W e are still convinced that the Jap­ Ing Japanese rose.
It is told flint half o f the so called
! m echanism . T he snh small didn’ t like
anese plums are u very Important ad­
S p re a d in g » I la p pi in* mi.
j to explain m atters, anti li is delicacy
dition to our orchard fruits. They will “ English” walnuts ou the market are
“ I have but oue rule that I follow ab­ m ore than 50 per cent. At the begin­
cost him the sale o f the w atch.—P hila­
not drive other plums from the field, American grown.
solutely In tills life, ami that is to muke ning of last D ecem ber, according to
but they have attributes which make
The com m ercial nutting business is
thoroughly authentic figures, tbe same delphia Record.
other people as happy as possible.”
them au excellent supplement to the assum ing greater proportions every
* - juoted at 85 cents, a gain o f
“ W ell.” lie replied, “ you ought to be wool
C n n a r i F o r SwIpSt!«* la C h in n .
year In tills country, aud the farm er«
gratified then nt what I heard a young ov er 100 per cent.
So far as I have becti able to ascer­
are planting nut trees for profit along
This la »gainst m price o f 70 cents a
lady say the other day.”
tain. the causes o f suicide* iu Chinn are
with their apple, peach, pear and plum
pound .which existed at the beginning
“ W hat was that 7”
uot. ns in Euvup**» profound m elan­
trees. A nut orchard properly attended
.- I
X .r t» e o t M jW i r r n l t h e
“ She said that w henever she s a w v o j
to should be « source o f profit.
Donanzu period by wool men. On cholia. heavy loss«*« or disappointm ent
d a n c in g she had to laugh.” — C h ica g o
in love, but chiefly revenge and the de­
the price i o f “ Kentucky quarter blood,
O n e o f I.A i»f»*N P r n n k a .
T iroes- H era ld .
lean.” \x tdeb Is tlie staple am ong what sire to inflict serious injury on another.
A pretentious poet got his verses sub­
Suicide enables a Chinese to take a
a t" known as the “ medium” w ools o f
A n E tn fm rr it MM lii M; S t t n n t l o n .
mitted to Charles Lam b by a friend
Dibbs (fa cetiou sly)—T his Is u picture I A m erican origin, prices were as fo l­ truly terrible rev«*nge. for he believes
Ju.it before the poet was to meet Lamb
that Ids spirit will m alignantly haunt
low s: Jam inry. 1SD3, 40 cent«; August,
at (linner. Lam b found tlie verse« to o f my w ife ’s first husband.
D obbs -(¡ren t
W hat
a j 1806. 25 cen ts; January, 1809, 37 cents; and injure the living, and the desire to
be feeble echoes o f other poets, und
save a suicide's life arises in most cases
when the author arrived lie was seen brainless looking Idiot! But I didn’ t Dec. 1, 1809, 44 cents, a gain o f GO not from humanity, but from the hope
to bo us em pty as ids verses. This know your w ife was married before per cent. It w ill be noted in this case o f avertin g such a d ireful catastrophe.
that tbe w ool has not yet reached the
awakened Lam b’s spirit o f m ischie­ she met you?
I f a m aster offeuds ids servant or
D ibbs—She w asn’ t. That Isa picture figures w hich It comm anded in 1893, a
m akes him “ lose fa ce ” or a shopkeeper
o f m yself at the age o f 20.—L ondon I fa ct which serves as a text for the
course o f con v ersa tion :'
His assistant or apprentice, the surest
European and native sorts. T he par­
e ..n
hulls o f the w ool market.
“ That reminds me o f som e verses l
ticular merits o f the Japanese plums
T he situation shown by these com ­ roveuge is to die on the prem ises, fo r it
wrote when l was youn g.” and then he
“ T h e S t r e n g t h o f T w e n t y M e n .” j
are their great productiveness, adapta­
parisons Is due to a curious com bina­ not only involves the pow er o f haunt­
quoted a line or tw o which he recol­
When Flmkoiq e ire employed this i
ing and o f inflicting daily «injuries, but
tion to a wide range o f territory, beau­
tion o f circum stances which, according
lected from the poet's book, to the lat­ phrase lie referred, of course, toll al
renders it necessary that the body
ty, em liness o f many o f the varieties,
ter's amazement aud indignation. Lam b toy. al b -bodied men. If lie had lived lo a local w ool dealer who lias seen 35 should lie where death occu rs until an
com parative freedom from diseases
w as diverted immensely', but kept per­ i i these days lie would have known j year« o f w ool trading and Is therefore
official inquiry is made, w hich brings
and Insects and long keeping qualities
qualified to spimk uuderstandingly of
into tin* house the scandal ntul turmoil
o f fruit. Most o f the varieties tend to fectly serious und quoted m ore lines In that men and women who are not the past. Is practically unique. Tbe
overbear, and good fruits can be se­
ch ie f govern ing factor is the situation o f a visit from a m andarin with a bo«ly
o f officials aud retaiuc*rs.
cured only by very heavy thinning.
abroad. T h e gain in the price o f wools
It is quite com m on fo r a man or w o­
Tills Is especially true o f the Burbank, young he was when be com posed them. by making tbe blood rich and pun In the last London auction was about
tlu* Abundance and the Red June.
20 per cent on the average over previ­ man to walk into the courtyard o f a
T here Is great range in quality o f the
ous quotations.
Fine wools, such as person against w hom In* or she has a
Lam b capped all by Introdueing the to tbe system.
Japanese plums. T he poorest o f them
are produce«! iu Australia, South A fri­ grudge and take a fata! dose o f opium
are inferior to any o f the European va­
The noil-irritating cathartic— Ho h IV ca nud S outh America, showed the there to Insure these desirable results!
rieties. T he best o f them are nearly man's first disobedience," etc.) ns also
heaviest gain, on account o f the e x ­ - M r s . B ishop's “ Th«* Y augtsc V alley
equal to the best o f the European
and B eyond.”
trem e scarcity o f the supply.
kinds, and all o f the leading sorts are poet to his feet, bursting with rage. He
shortage In production in Australia
Of C onrxe.
better in quality than the Lombard if said he had sat by und allow ed bis ow n
I’» ) Komi T a x es In Citsli.
last year w as ©Ktimate«] nt 143.00tJ.000
Sadie w as 11 and A lice was 7. At
they arc properly thinned and ripened. “ little verses” to he appropriated w ith­
T he proposition to pay road taxes in | pounds, due principally to droughts.
A great merit o f the Japanese plum out protest, but when he saw Milton
cash met with little fa v or in the begin j Incidentally It is asserted by the Na­ lim ch Sadi«* said: “ I w onder what part
Is the fact that It Is adapted to an e x ­ also bom # pilfered from he could sit ning.
Farmers were unwilling, as tional A ssociation o f W ool M anufac­ o f an animal a ch op is. Is it a leg?”
“ O f couj-se not.” returned Alice. “ It’ s
ceedingly wide range o f territory, in slleut uo longer. Lam b reveled lu tell­ might ivnsoitahly b«* expeete«l. to |>ay turers that there will be a further
H aven’ t you ever heard
tills respect excellin g both the domes- ing tills story.—Rev. David M acrae in their roatl tax«is in «-ash instea«! «)f in shortnge this year o f over 100.000.000 the ja w bone
o f animals licking their ch op s?” —
tlen and native types. There are va­ “ English Humor.**
But sent liner.t Is now largely pound«. In South America there was
Y outh's Cumonnii n.
rieties which thrive from Canada to
the other way am ong intelligent farm ­ a «fcortaffe o f al>out 107.000.000 pounds
In ltiirn xti ( 'n : i « r d b y O a o n e ,
the southern states, and apparently
ers. since experience has shown that
Un ou«* occasiou Iho writer walked to
from oeeau to ocean. There has been
m ore can In* accom plished with $1 o f
som e com plaint in tin* m iddle states the edge o f Lake M ichigan when a tax paid in cash titan $2 or «•v«»n $’ » o f
ami the south o f tlu* loss o f blossom s
tax work«*«! out on tin* highway. W here
from late spring frosts, but we have the luke. The bodily condition was as the system l as I m *«» ii fairly tried farm
never experienced this difficulty. T he
ers have found It by no imams the bur­
buds start early; but in New York than live minutes there was every evl- | den i*X|)ect«»«l. since th«*y may still lx*
state, at least, the winter clim ate holds
hired by tlu* road oflh-ers to run the
so late that there is practically no vere Influciua continued until, ou w alk­ machinery used
Thiti fearful disease often first appears
danger from early swelling o f the
«.« a m ere scratch, a pim ple, or lu m p in
appeared as If h,\ magic.
F ur O v or F ifty Y e a r s .
It Is very ccrtalu that the tempera­
the breast, too sm all to attract any
T he Japanese plum s are leas serious­
A n old and well trie«! ret tedv
notice, until, in m any cases, the deadly
ly attacked by Insects and fungi than ture laid nothing to do with tills uor W in slow ’* S ooth in g S y ru p hu* b< en
discos« s fully developed.
the com m on European or dom estic:! the wind, but the l album/.a was dlivct- •i*«**l tor oxer fifty v e sts by miditnc- of
type Is.
If tlu* Japanese plums arc ly due to the abundant oxoue lu tbe air. 1 m otln r* f »r th eir ch ild re n w h ile teeth
Cancer can not be cured by a surgical
properly thinned there seem* To lie no By Inquiry It was learned that hun­ ing, with perfect slice« -*. It soothe.-
ojK'ration, because the disease is a virulent
unusual susceptibility to the fruit rot dreds o f residents w ho had lived upon ilie e b ilil, soft(*n* the gtinn*, »«linys «1!
p o iso n in t h e blood, circulating throughout the system, and although
the m im ed.ate edge o f the lake had pain, ciires win«l «*«»lic am i i* tb e lie*!
the lore o r ulcer—known as the C ancer—may be cut away, the
Tin* larger part o f the Japanese plum been oblige ! to m ove back three or rem edy for diarrh oea. Is pleasant to
poison rem ains in the blood, anil promptly breaks out afresh, with
stock which Is sold by nurserymen is four miles iu order to relievo them­ Hi© taste. Hold by d ru ggists in every
renewed violence.
on peach roots; and on these roots they selves from such experiences.
part «»f the xvorhl. 25 c«*nls a b ottle.
T lu- wonderful success of S. S. S. in curing obstinate, deep-seated
Physicians icad ily admit that It is Its value is in c a lcu la b le. Be su re am i
s«»eni to thrive. How ever, we find that
b lo o d diseases which were considered *inourable. induced a few de­
they do rotmirkaM.v well when top !*>t alWT.yx possible to say wh«*n oue ask for Mr-*. W in slo w ’s S o o th in g S y­
spairing sufferers to try it for Cancer, aft«>r exhausting the skill of
“ c u tc le s
It certainly enuuot rup a ml take n o otlm r kind ,
Work ed 'di ? .oMilu I stocks,
the physicians without a euro. Much to their delight S. 8. 8. proved
alw ays be Iwcaii««* «»f undue exposure
T he anni!* ireos often di not rip
equal to the diseiise and promptly effected a cure. The glail news
or change in temperature, but probably
their fruii iu th same % juence
URNit»(*M la UWf-lilnM Wuimr«.
also to change* lu the electric cotnll-
«llfTeront yen tu.
T he «lampness o f «Iwetliug houses Is | spread rapidly, and it was soon demonstrated
tion o f tin* air.
Fact* o f this kind protioum-«*«l by n writer It» Tin* Seien- I beyond doubt that a cure had at last been
E ver Kittee we bognn thè sttj
shouhl haul to the extrem e*! caution in title Anm rhnn daiigcroi»* from a two-
theoe Ja|Ntiiese pittimi we ha vi
found for deiully Cancer. Evidence has accu­
|»u/./.b d to accollili f«»r ttle gretit
study lug any *ui>po*ed rckittoti be- fold point o f view fir«t ami primarily
mulated w h ic h is incontrovertible, of which
enee* o f opinion reapeotlng thè
twcdti 111» weath«*r and hen It lb — Bop il­ In tlsvlf ami. m coiiil. iNMnuse «if tbe
the f o l l o w i n g is a specimen :
ia i S« U*m-«\
o f Individuai varletle* and thè
long life which It gl\«*s t«> Hi«* elements
“ C*oo*r i. hereditary in our family, m y father, a
discrep an do* in de*< riptloux o f
o f contagion and li»f«*cth»n. It D as-
aistnr and an aunt h a rin a died from this dreadful
T\««> C b H b u S t o r i e s .
Homi* o f tlieNe disi’re pam* le* are
cvrtaimHl Hint the nihrolie o f typhoid
disease. My feelings m ay be im agined when the hor­
At Somersley w«* used eonstantly to fever remain* alive f«»r tlm*«* days, that
alile lo a etiti fu se I tiot.iem inture; but
rible disease made iu appearan«-e on m y side. It was
a malignant Cancer, eating inwardly in such a war ns
we now I h II cvo il::»t mai») o f lliem are n»«'«*t T om Bi .«•«*. a great frleud o f the o f diplitlu*rta a month ami that o f
cause great alarm. The disease seemed beyond the
«lue to tln* fari flint thè natta* tr«*e inay
pm-iitnonla from
15 «lays to three
■kill of the doctore, for their treatment did no good
very greetly
Due «lay. «atting a good week«. Contrary to the tradition* o f
l>ear inillkr fruii in different y«*nrx.
whatever rite Cancer grossing worse all the w hile
T he ChalKd tlhllley, Yriiow Jttpdll. dlnaer. he nkhl. “T his I* lay idea of the •Vh*gan«v" o f dxvclling*. which
URS. 3. M. IDOL.
Numerous remollen were used for it hut the C ancer
Furnglya. tM la tiiiikyo. r< hi Ih u l o f hea veil."
ca n ««« the wall* to be covered with
grew rtnedilr worse, until It seemed that I was doom ed
* Ves.” sal.I a ti«‘lglfln*r, “ such a «lln- ta|H*«try «»r paper in Imitation o f It.
nomi*) I* drxrrihrd iliex; Fntlt m edi­
to follow the «>thers of the fam ily, for I know how deadly C ancer is. especially
um to (urge. ol»h>ug rtnii.nl intl.m g uer as ihi* without m ouey and with­ acleiitlfle «*x|»erlenc«* would itow advise
when inherited I was ad rise-1 to try S w ift's Specific (S S S 1, w hich, from the
tbe poltll. thè suture lidi.:! '
first day. forced out the poison I continue«! its use until I had taken eighteen
t!»e em ploym ent o f stucco o r g«M*l var-
b «ttlra, when I was cu red sound and w ell, and ha re had no sym ptom s o f the
n o m im i thè sten» thiek and
He a ilfc y * r**mltnl«Hl mo o f the nl*h a* ladng !*•*! from a i«a<-v«*rio-
drea>iful affliction tie-ugh manr years hare elapsed. S. S. S. is tne o n ly cure
color. (Jeep orango 1 r .m ly
g edy mail who. eom iug «lotvti stall*« logh-al point o f vh*\\\ hoth lH*«-aii*e
tYineti-n. Jt.
fü. C m o w .—l J in
n . S M. I d
o l . WiiwtoB.
N. C.
wlth Ughi Hierry ivd «>r th«- su: ny side hi the m oining U*fore hreakfaat, Mitt. they nr«* i*a*lty wnsh«*«l ami lH««-an*e
Peroniing d«*ep lUirk rv»|, wlth a wl;it- “ Boo«I lias uot pa**e«t my lips «luce they | h >* s «*** Hi«* property o f clmiusing
Our book on Canoer, containing othor toetimonial* an«l valusbW
Isti hloom ami iimny minute goldeu last night, ami tom orrow will be the them selves prom ptly and •poutaneoita-
information, will b# » n t f r » to a n y «dUroos by the Swift Specific
yellow dot*: !l«*sh «o ff to tirili, yellow , third day.” —“ Sir Algernou
W est’» ly o f |xathog«'nlc germ s whlcb becom e
r, Atlanta, Georgia.
wUh no «liu oud tlavor. «w eet. o f ex
R ecollect ious."
lodged lo them.
For the Complexion For Red Rough Hands
Tor Hair and Scalp
Jacobs Oil
For Sanative Uses
(tin nnipr(* rnn umni t
4 \
Results Fataily in Nine
Cases Out of Ten— A
Cure Found at Last.
T h e K in d Y o u H a v e A lw a y s B o u g h t , a n d w h ich h as b e e n
in nne f o r o v e r BO y ears, has b«>rne th© sig n a tu re o f
m a n d h as b e e n m ade u n d e r his p e r ­
son al su p erv ision sin c e its in fa n cy .
A llo w n o o n e t o d e c e iv e you in th is.
A ll C o u n te rfe its , Im ita tion s a n d S u b stitu tes a r e b u t E x ­
p e r im e n ts th a t tr ifle w ith a n d e n d a n g e r th e h eulth o f
In fa n ts a n d C h ild re n —E x p e r ie n c e a g a in st E x p e rim e n t.
CuMtorla Is a su b stitu te fo r C a stor OH, P a r e g o r ic , D ro p s
am i S o o th in g S yru ps. I t is H a rm less a m i P lea sa n t. I t
c o n ta in s n e ith e r O p iu m , M o rp liiu e n o r o t h e r N u rco tlc
su b s ta n ce . Its a u e Is Its g u a ra n te e . I t d e s tro y s W o r m s
nm l a lla y s F ev erish n ess. I t c u r e s LM arrluea u m l W in d
C o lic. I t re lie v e s Teething? T r o u b le s , cu re s C on stip a tion
a n d F la tu le n cy . I t a ssim ila tes th e F o o d , rci?ulutes th e
S to m a ch a n d B otv els, f?iviiij? licu ltliy a n d n a tu ra l sleep.
T h e C h ild r e n ’ s P a n a c e a —T h e M o th e r ’ s F r le u d .
Bears the Signature of
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For O ver 3 0 Years.
THC e iN T A U R COM PA N Y, T T M URR A Y •▼NICCT, NEW YORK C I T Y . ______________________
filP A N S
D o c to rs fin d
A Goo
P r e s c r ip t io n
i b r m a n k in d .
Ten for five cents, at T)rtig$Utft, Genre», Restaurants,
Saloons, News-Stands, General Stores and HtrU-rs
«•«ops. They banish pain, induce sleep, and piolonx li*«’.
One gives relief! No matter what’s the matter, one will
do you Rood. Ten samples and one thousand trsii-
mouials sent by mail to any address on receipt «») pine
by the Ripans Chemical Co., lo.Sprucc St., New York City!
V n ltlifn l
S h p p fier«!«.
A ll history, sacred and profane,
vouches fo r the good ch aracter and
true fidelity o f the shepherd, says T he
Sheep Breeder. “ T he shepherd loves
his sh eep ;” “ T b e sheep know bis voice
and do fo llo w h im ;" “ T h e shepherd
giveth his life fo r his sheep.” T his an­
cient ch aracter still appertains to the
shepherd. In the recent blizzards which
swept through the northw est, m ostly
in M ontana, several shepherds. Instead
o f d eserting their straying flocks d rift­
ing b e fo re the icy blasts and the sw eep ­
ing sn ow , perished w ith their sheep.
In one com ity ten o f these faith ful
herders w h o staid w ith their sheep to
care fo r them and protect them gave
up their lives in the fa ith fu l pursuit o f
their du ty to their flocks. And these
w ere hirelings, but not that kln«l o f
whom w e read “ when the w o lf coineth
they flee nud leave their sheep to the
One o f these heroes—for
there are such in ordinary civil life as
well as !n war. In which the pom p and
circum stan ce may tend to evoke un­
usual bravery and carelessness o f risks
—on e o f these shepherds, returning
from a search to his tent at midnight,
left a note stating that he was nearly
exhausted, but he w as going on and
w ould fo llo w his sheep d riftin g before
the d eadly icy blasts. And be did, hut,
alas fo r such a brave hero. hf3 stiffen­
ed d«*ad bod y was found stretched on
the sn ow d rift, with one o f his dogs
guarding his corpse. Did H obson or
D ew ey o r any other hero o f the late
w ar d o as m uch as this unknown hero?
T rue to duty, careless o f risks, even o f
doatfi. im minent and alm ost beyond
hope, these heroic men in pursuit o f
duty, as It appeared to them , g av e their
lives fo r their sheep. Let there he a
m onum ent erect ed to these dead hero­
ic shepherds, hum ble in life, but glo­
rious in duty.
I .n e n t t o n
R onda.
G«*t y o n r location* righi fir*t. It wlll
he n«MH*9sary for yotir ongin« cr to lay
out Ix'tter 1 centi 00 * f«>r tr.nny o f yonr
It woul<! he folly to *pond
$2.0<V> o r 13.000 «tn n *ccti o» o f n.*.J
sik ! ll:i«l thnr ft w.i* Iti thr « m :» g pi«**
wbeti fluD bcd
And lf »•> lmltvhlu.nl
tose» hy lx*!ng throw u «*fT H ip liighw ay
or by Ita v ing the ro^d «-ut th rotigli ili*
fa m i tlic r o u u tj v. ili bave th* p ow er
to c*on»pensate hltn o o t o f thè coun ty
fu o d s .—General R o j Stone.
South - a East
Trains* leave OaMa.« for P«>rtlaml en I way sU ti¿ns
at 0:10 a. m. ex cep t Sun-lava.
Leave P.utlan*! 8:P.O a in. 7:3 • p m
Leave Sileni 11 a
Arrive Anillan«] I2;3tf a nr. 11:30 a ni
Arrive Savramento f« p in : 4 35 a in
Arrive San Fraudavo Y : 4 fi p nr, 8:16 a in.
Arrive Otliren 5:45 am; 1 1 : *5 a m.
Arrivj Denver 9:00 a m; 9:0« a m.
Arrive Kansas- Citv 7:ì»a m; 7:25 a in.
Arrive Chicago 7;45 a in; 9; W a ni.
Arrive I o* Ai*" ’’e* 1:20 p in ; 7.00 a m.
Arrive F.I Pa*« »5:00 p in; G:C0 p ni.
Arri e Fort Worth «:*l a in; « «0 a m.
Arrive City of Mexi o 9:£5 a m ;9:55 a in.
Arrive lluston 4 00 a m;4:00a in.
Arrive New Orleans 6: 5 p m;8:26p nr
Arriva Washington 0:42 a m: »5.42 a m.
Arrive New ^ ork 1? 4S p ni; 1*548 p m.
Pullman amt Tourist com on both traini*. Chuir
on* Sac raun* uto to (Mijen am! K1 Pa-»«», and tourist
« am to «.hit-ago, St. Louie, Now «»rleani and Wash­
Connecting at San Francisco «Ubre« eral «ttam-
shi«1 lines for Honolulu, Japan, China, l*bi*Kpiiitf*
Central .%n«t South Aiveriea.
(Kxtt|.l Muida))
Ar. 5:56 p X
»’ . r t la o J
L y . i:l4 P U
ll.-UK A M Lw.
11*6 P V A'.
At \P-a .. a*i«i Curvali* .* »iitiect » ith train» «
M O h:m l AHii Karten* railr«***!.
7 : 9
L t .
DA i L A S
T)aiiy, Ficrp! SrtJaj.
a . r m L».
;t 4* P M Ar.
A> 1
I ».
• A »
P rm » ■ fcvr UetN.i, f.*-! .« JctaiOb «treat.
A l ti L it. M AIL ì l . l « l . h k L » .
U « > ' 8 * 1 . n,.
l«-tt~ .».«
Arrive 3 0* |.
Leatu .;:£<• p. m.
» -siine
A tr ite b 6*'a
Arrive 5:1» p m.
A i..»e
L ear« 7 2® a. «
Sa* I. g Wend* k fte l at Dalla« rtati«>n o r add re«
Portland, Ore*.*!.