S e a l E s t a t e A g e ije y . + 1 50 I 7 5 ................................ Per nix months 40 .................. . . . Per three months Advertising rates made known on The Discoverer of Swamp-Root' at W ork In application. Correspondence ¡«solicit’ His Laboratory. •rl. There Is a disease prevailing In this Fine Job Printing done at reasonable country most dangerous because so decep- •>rices tive. Many sudden deaths are caused by It—heart disease, pneumonia, heart failure or apoplexy are often the result of kidney disease. If kidney trouble Is allowed to ad- Harry Millet, a prominent repul, K- varoe the kidney-polaoned blood will attack 1 1 i the vital organs, or the kidneys themselves can politicnn of this state, has been break down and waste away cell by cell. appoinleil a crn.til to China. He w „ k Th=n the richness of the btood-the albumen 1 1 —leaks out and the sufferer has Bright s the predecessor of Prof. Catch ns pres- Disease, the worst form of kidney trouble. idem of the state hj riculturnl college. ^ r* K,,ry*er s Swamp-Root the new dis- ______ ___________ covery is the true specific for kidney, bladder ___ and urinary troubles. It has cured thousands A ll the great railroad lines point- of apparently hopeless cases, after all other ing westward have been very prosper- efforts have failed. At druggists in fifty-cent and dollar sizes. A sample bottle sent free ouh during toe past year and are pre- by m ail, also a book telling about Sw am p- Keitv Si lteese shipiwd a car load of sheep to Portland last week and also one this week. Miss Elva Richardson has returned ROCK CR EEK. soiiool ¡s progressing nicely, to her home near here after a few hour will try to pass the eighth gr ide mouths at Perrydule. Mrs. Knighton is quite sick. this term. Banna Ball, Lyle Ball, I.ela Taylor School will close ou the 9th. At our school meeting George Stur* and Cecil Graves were awarded prixes gis was clmser director and Geo. Mver for showing the most improvement in Otto Byerley is in for a few days. clerk The contract to furnish wood writing under the instructions of Mr. Henry expects to move his wife was let to Frank Mver. Frances Brown. "i ECdg&r L. Rollins & C°* j Dallas. Great Variety of County and City Property for Sale or Exchange. Loans Made and Insurance Written. # ------------------------------------------&■ Here are surae of our offerings: Tom Graves was elected director <-f e tc ; a great variety of small fruit; 1 J the Bethel district and at McCoy Mrs. j 10 acres it, the south side of Dallas, mil, s from railroad. witii lu Finn, Mrs. Kingston anti Mrs. J . all set in fruit of best varisties ; 24 T. W . brunir is quite 60 acres with fine house which coat Fletcher were elected directors and acres ik Italian primes ; apples, pears, Esther Hampton was visiting at grippe. grapes and n great variety of small $1 .800; gootl barn and other build­ Mrs. C. Merritt, clerk. ! Chandler last week. fruits; good house, barn, e tc; a splen ings; fine spring and spring branch; '. lie report is confirmed that Sylvet-, i did home in fine locatiou. Price, $1,- witter could be taken into house; a j If Albert Molitor will send his pros- 1 er Wilson is dead. OAKDALE. j 250. splendid farm for a dairy or goat |ent address to the Rocca postoftiee he Several scholars are out of school on [ Oliver Dentri* was elected director ] will greatly oblige some of his former 1£ acres just north of Independence ranch; a good orchard ; 1 j miles from account ef sickness. j and L. Barnhart clerk. set in fruit of choice varieties and railroad depot. . neighbors. B. I. Ferguson was elected director We have farms suitable to all needs Born, to the wife of Charley Farley, coming into good hearing; land very ' rich and productive ; five room cot and can furnish almost anything de­ CREENW OOD. and R. Brunk clerk. I a son, the father is all smiles now. tage ami other buildings; $200 insur­ sired ill the real estate lino. Quite a number have la grippe. Litters to he advertised Mrs. Eva S . V. Robinson, of Brooks, has been ance ou house. A bargain at $350. If you want stock ranches, fruit Morgan, John -Ryar, Sam King and visiting his nephew, J . W. Robinson. A fine prune orcliard in full bear­ lands, dairy farms, timber lands or G. N. Phillips has moved lo Intle- Sylvester Wilson. epndence. School is progressing nicely with ing; prune dryer, storehouse, barn, homes, write to us or come and set- us. The Tillson place has changed pro­ | Mr. Graham, of kails City, as teacher. John Byers and wife and G. L. Sew­ prietors and the present awoer is hav­ ard were in Monmouth Saturday. ing aline new tfsidence erected. He | Alvin Kind,all and Van Gordor, of ... ,. , . ... I is also Ji.a-| jfi— ««in |ill)*-~r cleared o ff' Kalla City, went to Eastern Oregon to W O. Morrow has »>0“ g a and w i C o T W » and start a dairy ! work, p a rin g to giv e in cren red w r r io e an ,I * " d «»w on derfu l cures. Address . . . . . Dr. Kilmer Sc Co., Binghamton, N. Y. and and two calve* of G. N. rhillipa lor | as soon as he can. | J « , Card will furnish eight tier of make improvement* generally, I hey mention this paper. $ 00 . Corner Main and Oak streets, Dallas, Oregon. I wood for the school house at 75 cents aro having are immense traHie and ________________ P IO N EE R . J . B. Knowles has tolti one of his i a tier, ricked in the woodshed. All kinds of iron and wood work done. Special atten­ niiirh travel. farms to Mr. Brooks anti sou from Ne­ Miss Ann Kan is visiting Miss Ida I 1 ■......... . T hk republicans in congress have braska. Woodward. Mr. Ramsey and John Harris, of tion given to wagon and carriage repairing. Bicycle icpair- Nebraska, are visiting the laters fattier ing neatly done, Horse shoeing a specialty. All kinds of E a s t Tuesday was the nineteenth been having a great war of words over E . E. Y arnell and G. N. Phillips R >y Harrington is ut work on the j at this place ultd they will probadly anniversary of a crushing defeat of the t|ie proposed Puerto Rican tariff hill. have finished cutting 100 cords of plow and saw grinding done. Goods kept in stock for sale. Upper La Creole. I locate here. Englieh by the Boer, »t Majuba Hill T||e pre, ldellt recommendcd fro? wood fur I. A. Allen. Full line of bicycles and sundries. Full line of buggies in South Airica. On that (Jay Goner . . , . ... , ... , W. H. Conlee ami Hi Richmond BALLSTON. and a stock of J. I. Case plows. We also sell valvoline oils, , . , , . , 4 _ trade and u bill was drawn up to that There was a farewell party at O. I). are in poor health. al Cronio and his army of 4000 men _ , , , Getsree Berry anil L'olia Nairn have cylinder oil, engine oil and harvester oil. Best on earth at . ...... , effect, hut there was at once a howl of Hitler’s Wednesday evening for his surrendered to the British, whereat The Humphrey brothers are fenc- been quite sick. - ,, . , opposition, that seaming too demo- son, Ered, who left for Sumpter and right prices. other Eastern Oregon points Friday lo ng their brush land. the queen and all of her subjects re- 1 Walter Butler is teaching school «ratio for those wedded to protective seek a new location. joined. Miss Ora Khedaharger is ta teach near Colfax, Wash. tarifl. They were determined to main* ffiree more munths for us. C. D. Nairn Sr. and wifo have just M A R C H A N D T H E LIO N . T h e American army is soon tube t.iin the principle of protection at all S o m e t h i n g B e tte r t h a n t h e O ' d I Rev, C. G. Harmon will preach here returned from an extended trip in At the Harmony school meeting by affidavit. 29; cash sales on rcul reorganized so as to lesson if not e lim -, h™7‘»rdi- Pttrty 'eaders were counsel' California. at 2 :30 on the third Sunday. Saw. properly. $12.92; sold to Folk county, W. I Lvouard was elected director. iuatu different sources of friction and ing compromise and party harmony, $4.580.38; polls accredited in sam», George Gates and wife went to For i Tlie saying about the lion nml the J»h n Robbins anil hounds killed a Messers Payue, Armilage and Gut- 84; amount of real property return,tl increase its efficiency. Our military **ie demoor''18 “*,ou^ tnakc capi- lamb in March often proves false, but catamount and gave it to Dr. Stein, r est Gtove Tuesday where they will 1 1 , y attended the goat show in Dallas. unsold, $92 63; double assessments. visit her father. operations in connection witli Cuba out' t*,<, ,,ll,tler’ t ie r - is another ami a better one *>® stuffed. School began at Harmony last Mon­ $15.75; personal property returned tin and tho Philippines have developed which is literally true. When March Henry Christenson, a native of Den Forest Craven is moving lo Dallas, day with Mr. Blair,of Salem, as teach* collected, $1,164 71; polls returned un CO U N TY COURT. comes in and finds you taking Hood i mark, has tuken out his final natural- He weak points in tho speedy wokings of He and anil wife wife have have made made made many collected. 595. Sarsaparilla lo purify, enriclt alto ¡¡¡ation papers. friends during their stay here, who ! er and twenty two pupils present. largo bodies of soldierv. PR O B A T E. vitalize your blood, you may expect, , | are sorry to see them leave, Rev. Short will preach at Harmony ----- -- Wells, J . when it goes out, that it will leave yon Sherman Schooley lias filed a home- ; next Sunday morning a id evening Al our annual school weeding N. T he northwest fruit growers con- Tho petiitien of Dr. Parrish, artmin- from that tired feeling and with none stead on the Bird claim, all previous Final Settlement. F. Gregg was elected director and A and will probably continue tlie meet- vention will meet in Purtland next istrator of the C. A. Sawtelle estate, to of the boils, pimples and eruptions entries having been cancelled. ing. It. Chandler reelected clerk. The dis which manifest themselves because of Elroy j ackson came out from Sal- o t ic e is h e r e b y g iv e n t h a t t h e c k - Wednesday, 500 invitations to it hav- 8e" rl',U cetale w,lH K "to tal­ The basket social at Mill Creek ilersitfiied ban filed his final account its »uliniiris impure blood m the spring. If yot mon r 'ver recently and went to Salt m trict has voted a 2 ^ mill tax to fence ing been sent out. The main object 7 ,le fi,,al acc" “ "Jt of t " " /¡e"- Tlmrp have not already began taking Hoods t<( 8ce George Ma'gcrs, who has been school ground, paint school house i ml ; school house was well attended and tra tor of the la»t will and testament of Nannie Buah, . . . . 1 estate was approved and the executor T l» « n r o c e e d s a m o u n t - ¡deceased, ana Saturlav, April 7th, 1900. at 1 | quite a success pay indebtedness of distiict. There is l n e p r o c e e d s » m u m . Q ,eiock p m of M day< at the collllty court how«, Sarsaparilla for yotir spring medicin* in poor health. of the meeting is to organize for the discharged. some talk of putting in the ninth i ed to about $ 10 , which go towards buy- I of Polk county, Oregon, has been fixed hy lion, W. wo advise you t . bogin today. Wv purpose of grading and marketing L. Wells, Judife of the county court for said county, The claim of If. A. Skinner against assure you it will make you feel better ling a library for tlie school J . R. Robbins has been re elected grade next year. os the time and place for the heariiiK of the same. fruit. The fruit men of Oregon real­ the U. I j . Skinner estate was allowed all tint,ugh the coining summer. I AH persons interested in said matter are hereby no­ school director and Ora Harrington is tified to appear at said time and show cause, if any S H E R I F F ’S R E P O R T . H A R M O N Y ANO M ILL CR EEK. ize that they must take some advance I in full. retained as clerk. Wm, Kuhnke is t<> there be, why said account should not be approved the account settled and closed. furnish three ricks of fir and three of Reason Brunk, I). J . Holmes and J . CALVARY. step before that industry can become Following is the sheriff’s report to I and Dallas, Mrs. U. A. Porter lms been quite Oregon, Mch., 7, 1900. oak wood at 70 cents a rick. P. II.dii les were made appraisers of the county court on the 1885 delin­ B. A B l'S II, administrator. very prolitable. i sick. It iy reported that Amos Hulmán Townsend & Hart attorneys for estate. the Sylvester Wilson estate. quent lax roll: hat* sold hia farm. D. R. Evans, of Sheridan, is very I N D E P E N D E N C E . Total amount of delinquent roll, The executor of tho Win. Savage es­ A fter many set backs the British poorly again. $20,117.5G; polls, 889 ; 1 per cent de- Rev. Wood, of Corvallis, preached at tate was debited and credited in ac­ F. A. Douty will soon have the im- j Bids Wanted. are at least reaping victories in South cordance with exhibits and the peti­ Calvary last Sunday. Miss Elian Oviatt is teaching schoo inquency collected, $2.77; advertis­ provenants ou his store finished. ing costs collected, $34.76. Total, Africa. They have there about dou­ tion to subject bequests to payment of on Bed Prairie. EALED BID4* WILL BE RECEIVED BY THE Prof. B. L. Murphy is getting along Grandma Johnson, aged 77, died $20,155.09. ble as many troopors as the Boers and indebtedness was granted. undersigned until 12 noon, on Saturday, M*rch nicely with the school here. Monday and was buried Wednesday Amount of county ami stnt> taxes 24.190 ), for SO cords of body red fir wood, first The final account of the Nannie are sure to come out conquerers in growth, nnd of first quality. Also 80 cords of grui) at Buena Vifta. collected. $070.20; polls collected, 30; Bush estate was lor hearing April 7th. Quite a l»t of staves are being stor- i oak, not less than two inehea in di »meter. Wo «1 to credited bv ex-Sheriff Plum­ bo delivered corded in woodshed and on normal the end, though the war is by no Mrs’ L. »Taylor entertained a j W9 amount Nnncy Taylor was made ailministra- ed at Luckittinute station for ship-j mer’s receipts, $11,710.50; polls cred­ school grounds not later’tnan September 1. 1900. ment. number of friends very pleasantly j means over. By Ilnur bravery ami j tor «M the j^ F T a ^ jr estate. Right reserved to reject any or all bids. For par­ ited by same, 158; amount credited ticulars addness J . B. V. BUTLER, skill in withstanding so powerful an » . ,, , f ., Mrs. J . M. Tedrow visited with her Monday evening. Se -reta y of regents. by affidavit, $1,907.99; polls credited y A petition to sell accounts of the mother, Mrs. Helmick, in Albany lust The Misses Josie ami Ethel Lemon, | enemy the Boers have won tho ad- W. P. Shaw estate was granted. week. of Lane county, are visiting their sis - 1 miration of the whole world. ___________ COMMISSIONERS. Citation. * E. Huddle is buying cattle and sheep ter, Mrs. Barnett. I. P. Reese. »Seth Riggs. WISEMAN’S in this vicinity, paying good pi ices T he prospect is that Dawson City The tdeamer Gypsy connects at In­ In the county court of the state of Oregon HARDWARE STO RE.* H ILLS ALLOW ED. therefor. dependence with the steamer Modoc ( will be almost depopulated as soon as for the county of Polk. In the matter of the estate of Jane Richard­ A. J . H irmon, of Bridgeport, w a s three times each week. M ILL S T R E E T , DALLAS. the Yukon river is open for naviga- Anna Sloper, pauper keep. . . .$ 40 00 J L Purvine, supervisor........... 21 50 in this neighborhood one day during son, deceased. —Citation. The social at E. Pent la lid’s Fri- T o J . Q -A . Richardson, Sarah E . Birdsell, lion. About 6,000 men ore ready to Samuel Orr supervisor......... 20 00 last week. Best heating and cook sto­ and Warren Birdsell, her husband, Frank I day n iglit, under the auspices of tlie depart for Cape Nome and many oth- Anna Huntley, pauper keep. . 4f> 05 Richardson. Emma A. Fullerton and R ves in the market. Tools of Charles Herren lms bought four- Baptist Ladies Aid society, was a sec- Fullerton, her husband, and Fred Huntley. er, will follows« toon a* they have J ' l ' K a fd .M la ry ,...................... 50 00 | all kinds. Paints, oils, etc. D r P a tte rs o n , ¡s a la ry 50 00 teen hvad of hogs of Isaac E lliott, cess socially, greeting: J n t ‘ h k ~ n a m e o k t h e S T A T E OF | made the Jun e and July cleanup of |f J Osfield rent paying 4 cents a pound live weight. 1 IN 4 00 A number of new comers have lo­ | Oregon, you are hereby cited and required to Tinware: A. L. Fraser, one 2 50 their winter’s work. About forty i J I) Irvine, re n t............... appear in the county court of the state of Or- \ Moit of the farmers are sowing clo­ cate I in our city lately. »Some of them ,iun,ul„ me, tl|,lllk s. on Monday, the 2nd < „ 5 00 ny more. I o’clock in the afternoon of that day, then and f h i n n r i n t l i i l t l l l i o out. 1) J Rilcv, “Upt construction. 84 00 | there to show cause, if any there be, why an j ^ o LU C K IA M U TE. Dave Boydston is the proprietor of B e c k y Jones, ■ ............. ......... f Knox A- Murphy, b e a tin g . . . 8 0 0 (Hi j order should not l>e granted authorizing and : two trucks, having purchased J. Arm­ of lU llsto a 8pa, N. Y ., received tho above directing the administrator to sell all the real ■ ______ _______________________ ' 3 50 G. E Hannan visited in the neigh I t is probable that there will soon! H Milligan, mdse ............... because she would not testify In property of said estate, which is described as i strong’s team and truck. His son, I title . . A . . , I) G Meador, pauper k e « p .... 8 00 horhood lust week. tho celebrated Ilammerslv will case several | follows, to-wit: •5*d*d**5* ho croamenos in operation at both In- ,, „ Vllll l)ri|l|^ /H,arv 1 . 145 77 Frank, ¡« assisting him by driving 'In» years ago, and consequently was confined Thenoith one-half of the donation land 14* In the Ludlow street ja il by tho irate Judge. Nat Holman, of your city, was scon old standby». dependence and Salem and each will J C Fletcher, n ails................... 5 00 claim of Enoch Richardson and Jan e Richard- J She says In a letter recently received: in (his vicinity Monday. I son, his wife, described as Not. No. 1,908, T aim to draw milk from this direction. , teuehera ex ......... 12 00 Two men were arrested here last | designated on the plats and surveys as claim j I was rsleascd from 12 00 L. W. Langhury «ml sons have been week on the charge of making and No doubt all farmors tributary to j ^ I j u C I kms e x ............... No. 54, being part of section 18, in township j .J. r i f l T F D V prison m y health was broken 5 00 doing quit« a hit of slashing this win­ passing counterfeit money. They I f> Mouth, range 4 west, and claim No. 44, l»eii»g t j* I either place can find sale for every M |) Kills, stationery............... down. M y nervous system part of section 13 in township 6 south, range 5 v 15 90 ter. were sent to Portland Monday on the west, according to the official plat of survey T — could not recover from the surplus gallon of milk. Diversified j Eva Hayter, salary................... 50 00 returned to the general land office by the sur­ hum Lacey, Clare Murk and Will afternoon train. strain. For ten year.: life was 87 83 farming where one is continually hsv " " '‘"V veyor general, being bounded and described E W Cooper, paupe. keep . . . 13 (K) Thomalson have been cutting wood a burden. Good physicians I as follows, to-wit: Beginning at the southeast | B E TH E L AND McCOY. ing sometiiing to sell throughout the for Harry Clodfelter. corner of said section 13, anil running thence did me no good. I used Dr. north 40 chains, thence east 40 chains, thence A year ought to he more agreeable and M I L L C R E E K E N T E R T A I N M E N T . Will give strength to the nerves ami re- Farmer» have all sheared their Miles' Nervine and Tonic and Clarence Ireland has been ovei in north 21.49 chains, thence west 58.20 chains. | A store the liver anil kidneys to a healthy float*. eomforling than having to depend on 99 condition, give tone to the stomach end a , thence south 61.49 chains, thence east 18.09 the Tillamook county buying cattle today I am entirely well. The school in di-triet No. 34. in bowels, and promote & good appitita chains to place of beginning, containing 170.50 X the uncertain prices of wheat and charge of Mrs. Kate Marinai), gave a for a couple of weeks. Mr. Reese ia in Dallas attemlinf; healthy digestion; will relieve constipa- acres, the amount of land herein described l»e- | DR. M I L E S * •g. tion, purify the blood and make a heal- hops after harvest. Ours is to be n vety successful entertainm ent an past it is not to he wondered at that Recitation— Nellie Conti. A choice lot of general Recitation — Herbert Miclielbook. Rev. Eason ha« returned from liis> Miss Bert Landis, of Portland is those people have resentful feelings merchandise suited to Best all Purpose Fowl. Recitation— Squire .finikin's Ser­ meeting in Marion county. visiting her sister »Mr«. C. L. Hawley. and doubt the sincerity of our pro­ the country around. Ma­ mon— Vnna Quirk. Mrs Shafer ia still with her daugh­ Mv birds are bred for EGQ Mr. Lnuphere and family will move y \ '/ k v C v r r r A mises. A commission of wise and Titbit an— Bashful Young Man. ny articles will he sold to Portland. He i« itudying for tlie j ter, Mrs. Holdiidge, who has been Ree i I ti timi— May O v i a 11 . productions as well as prize discreet men will be sent there to at or below cost to close quite sick. ministry. R, citation— Rose Quirk. A few cockerels! study the best interests of the inliab F en cin g fo r all purpowc* a t Low­ winners. them out. All standard Recitation— Willie Ridgeway. Scott Campbell, of Monmouth, was e s t p rices. WALTER nO RLEY. Mrs. Cock is taking treatment from . itrtn's and to devise ways and means left at $1.50 up; pullets $1.25 Recitation— Emma Ridgeway. .*•9 State street, Salem. goods at lowest prices, a magnetic healer u:*d has great faith her« Sunday. His buxine«» we can- for their betterment. Gradually they Tableau— George and Martha Wash that she wdl noon he in better health. up; eggs $2 a setting. and for all kinds of farm will come lo like American ways and ) produce we will pay the Song— Little l'leaders—Three girls D. O. Woodworth, Albany. A 1» Chute was not «uccc 9 *Jiil at in a fewr years will he more hannr and Mary Murrison has gone to Corval I lis on a visit. COLA. THE IRON CLAD WAGNER BROS. N S “ Oissûm ate WILSON'S DANDELION R e s to ra tive Nervine Rickreall Store... yn-VTX/YTXfcs lives. Recitation— Dale Ridgeway. Rati i t a f i . i r t — M l i t n i n 1* i d m u v i v* employment. Song—Pol umhin the Gem of The not vet sailed from Seattle for Alaska, a« their steamer did not arrive on the Ocean. Recitation— Willie and Minnie Rid- 1 st an they expected. (iAIAKItn be cicau.m est. Elj*. ('tram Balm rlean*ea. soothes and beai« thè diseaeed nu- ntwa®«. away a Coni tu tlis head Tableau— Rock of Ages. will l»e held at tlie normal chapel next qukk’y. Recitation— Mi.*« Stewart. Fri lay. A banquet i« to follow in Ih t rream ft.l.n lt plseed tato thè M « h , spreads Recitation—-Katie Ridgeway. levelling after tlie exercises. over thè membruti« «ad is slworbed. fU ’ie fls lm- Recitation—-I/Ciina Blair. medis e and s rare foiknra. Il 1« »<* irying-does Miss W hite, who contracted brain «ot produce meeaNtt I-arg* Si*«, 50 eents a t Drug- Tableau—Under Two Flag«. fever by over study and who ha« been listi or by rntil ; Trtal W*e. 1« ee*re by »al!. Song— We’ll Stand by the Flag. 1 L Y BltO HIEKS, Warren Street, New York A Drama—Sunshine Through the i so near death, has so far recovered that her father ha« started liome »o Cloud«. FARMERS’ FEED SHED SOUTH OF ACADEM Y b l o c ;: DALLAS W. E. Shaw a Son Proprietors. *+ Stall room for double or single teams, 10 cents, Saddle l\prses, 5 cents. Sexierate neat anti warm waiting rooms for ladies ami gentlemen. (Jive us a trial. Feed for sale. liighest market price. Eastman Kodaks Cameras - and Photo Suppliee PFENNIG'S JEWELRY STORE Next door to 1*. O., Dallas. Watch anti clock repairing always carefully and strictlv attended to. P ET ER COOK. FERRYS