Polk County itemizer. (Dallas, Or.) 1879-1927, December 29, 1893, Image 4

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    MiDWINTP.lt I ntlrsa - )
E x p o s i t i o n . — D epart m k n t >
Ip©- Ætï
■ -
Among the paten'.» recently taken ont
by women are ones for a new folding
bath, folding dish, cup and glass holders
for use on shipboard, improveniuuts in
artificial eyes, new method of sounding
whistles and the like m combination
with bellows, and a regulator for slow
combustion fireplaces.
aaaM r
P u b l ic it y
W o m e n 's P a te n t« .
* -
¡V . 0 "
Tbs greatest naval review of modern
times was by Queen Victoria in 1854. at
the beginning of the Crimean war. The
fleet extended in an unbrokeu line for
five miles and comprised 1100 men o f -
war, with twice that number of »tore
and supply ships. The fleet was manned
by 40,000 seamen.
M i
1 1 1
'¿ i ~ à £ r , !
When my little girl w a i on e m onth o ld ,* h e
had a scab form on her face. It kept spread­
ing until she was c o m p le te ly covered from
head t o foot. Then she h ad boils. She had
fo rty on h er head at o n e time, and m ore on
her body. When six m onths o ld she did not
weigh seven pounds, a po u n d and a half less
than at birth. T h e n her skin started to dry
up and got so bad she co u ld not shut her eyes
to sleep, but la id w ith them half open. A b ou t
this tim e, at th e earnest request o f friends, I
started using th e C u t ic u r a R e m e d ie s , and
in one month she was completely cured.
The doctor an d d ru g bills were over one hun­
dred dollars , th e Cuticura bill was not m ore
th a n five dollars. M y ch ild is now tw o years
old, strong, healthy and large as any child o f
her age (s e e p h o t o .) and it is all o w in g to
C u t ic u r a .
Y ou rs with a M other’s Blessing,
335 Greenfield A v en u e, M ilw aukee, W is.
Sold throughout the world. P otts * D*uo and
C hkm . C obp ., sole proprietors, Boston. Mailed free,
“ All about the Blood. Skin, Scalp, and Hair.’*
B a b y B le m le h e e , falling hair, and red, rough
hands prevented and cured by C u ticu ra S o a p ,
It has been computed that in a single
I cubic foot o f the ether which fills all
! space there are locked up 10,000 foot
tons o f energy which has hitherto es­
caped notice. To unlock this boundless
Score and subdue it to the service of man
I b a task that awaits the electrician of
the future.__________________
It is an old belief of native Hawaiians
that the spirits of their warrior chiefs
inhabit after death the bodies of their
favorite horses. There is a fine white
stallion in Honolulu in which, it is pop­
ularly believed, lives the spirit o f Boki.
who led a rebellion in Tahiti years ago.
A vine at Hampton Court, which was
planted in 1768, is believed to be the
largest in the world. Its branches ex-
| tend over a space of 2,300 feet. It usu­
ally bears upward of 2,000 bunches of
grapes annually.
The stock of paid notes for five years
in the Bank of England is about 77,748,-
000 in number, and they fill 13,40
boxes, which, if placed side by sidt
would reach 2* mile*.
Food - -
• are a H in ttm X tlY C on n ccu d ■
5 -p r a c tic a lly
inseparable j
{ T h o u g h the fact it often j
| ign ored , it it n e r e r th e ie tt«
E true that a g o o d co m p le x - j
S ion ia an im postibility with- ;
\ out g o o d digettion. w hich j
. in turn d cpcuua o u g o o d ]
; fo o d .
S T h ere it n o m ore com m on j
* cause o f Indigestion than {
| lard. Let the bright h o m e - j
i keeper use
T h * N .w V egeta b le S h o rte n in g
I and inlistitute fo r lard, and :
’ her ch eek s, with those o fj
I her family, will b e f a r !
! m ore likely to b e “ L ik e a j
i rose in the snow.”
j C o t t o l k n e is clea n , deli
j cate, healthful and popu- j
I lar. Try it for yourself.
• Send three cents in stamps to N.
! K. Kairbank & C o., Chicago, ter £
J handsomeCottolencCook Book, I
! containing six hundred recipes, I
! prepared by nine eminent author- .*
S ltiea on cooking.
o a ly b y
N. K. Fairbank & Co.,
S T . LOUIS and
♦ ------- ---- ■
A H w irlfl o f th e I n f a n t T e a r.
The bending of iron piping and bar»
Clip the last thirty years or more
of any aection without kinking or fiat
tening them ia now claimed to be ac- from the century, and the segment
comphehed by a recently invented ma­ wifi represent the tern of the unbound­
ed popularity of Hostetter’s Stomach
Bitters. The opening of the year 1894
C a ta rr h C a n n o t he C u red
will he signalized hy the appearance af
with locul applications, an they cannot a fresh Almanac of the Bitters, in which
reach the »eat of the disease. Cuturrh the uses, derivation and action of this
is a blood or constitutional disease, world-famous medicine will be lucidly
and in order to cure it you must take set forth. Everybody should read it.
internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure The calendar and astronomical calcu­
is taken internally, and acts directly lations to he found in this brochure
oil the blood and mucous surfaces. are always astonishingly accurate, and
Hall’s Catsrrh Cure is not a quack the statistics, illustrations, humor and
medicine. It was prescribed by one of other reading matter rich in interest
tile bert physicians in this country for and full of profit. The Hostetter Com­
yca*s, and is a regular prescription. It pany, of Pittsburgh, Pa., publish it
is composed ol the best tonics known themselves. They employ more than
combined with the best blood purifiers, sixty hands in the mechauicaf work,
acting directly uj>on the mucous sur­ and more than eleven months of the
face». The perfect combination of the year are consumed in its preparation
two ingredients is what produces such It can be obtained, without cost, of all
wonderful results ia curing catarrh. druggists and country dealers, and is
printed in English. German. French.
Send for testimonials free.
F. J. C h e n k y A Co., Props., Toledo, O. Welsh, Norwegian, Swedish, Holland,
Bohemian and Spanish.
Sold by druggists, price 76c.
R o u n d H o t . A r e M e d iu m
In R ile, b u t t h .
B o n n e t . A r e V e r y S m a ll— lto e e a te M a ­
g e n t a a P o p u la r C o lo r — T h e V a lk y r ie t o
S u p e r r o d e t h e M e r c u r y G a r n itu r e .
The roseate magenta is t?iecolor which
at present is reigning supreme over the
Paris millinery. Mercury wings adorn
nearly all the new hats. Toques are in
the ascendant, the aiuazon hat is one of
the principal shapes for the autnmn.
All the new ornaments seem to be a com-
It is said that blue-eyed cast are al­
Dowu to the present century a part
of (lie marriage ceremony in Hungary ways perfectly deaf and that pure
consisted in the groom giving the bride white ones are olliicted with llie same
a kick to remind her of her subjec­ infirmity.
A n K n ^ in e r r ’ i K ip e r l e n m .
Baltimore, Md., Oct. 14, 1891.
From South, Chicago Daily Columet.
M o u t h L ' h i c a o o , Octotier 7, 1893-—
M b N o k m a n L i u h t y , Des Moines, Ia.
D ear S i b :— Will you please be kind Editor Calumet: I desire to let the
enough to let me know who is your
agent in Baltimore, Md., for the sale of
Krnnse's Headache Capsules? I have
tried to get them at a number of drug
stores but have always failed. I had
several boxes of the capsules sent me
from Washington, and found them to
be I he very l>est remedy I have ever
had for severe tieadaehes.
Very truly yours,
1509 Patterson Ave. M rs . A. L. D avib .
A Gentleman must kiss every lady
he is introduced to in Paragusy. It is
the custom of the country.
Shiloh’s Cure, the great c nigh and
croup cure, is for sale hy all druggists.
Pocket size contains twenty-five doses,
only 25 cents. Children love it.
At Greut Falls, Mont., the mercury
has tieen known to drop 20 degrees in­
side of five minutes.
Shiloh’« Vitalizer is what yon need
for dyspepsia, torpid liver, yellow skip
or kidney trouble. It is guaranteed to
give you satisfaction. Price, 75 cents.
people of this sect ion know the great
benefit I have derived from the use of
Ch imberlain’8 Pain Balm! I am au
engineer, rnd in filling my duties as
sueh, often lieeume overheated, while
the strain on my back from stooping
over my engine is very great, and has
caused me much suffering. These pains
were of sueli freguent recurrence, that
I feared kidney trouble. Physicians
could do nothing for me, and often, af
ter catching cold I would he Iitid up
and lose a day or two's work. About
a year ago I caught a severe cold and
had lo go to bed. The paiu in my back
was terrible and I could get. no relief.
I sent to a drug store fot some kind of
liniment and the druggist said Cham­
berlain's Pain Balm was as good as any­
thing. I bad the I’nin Balm well rub­
bed in across the small of my back,
tin n wet a llannel cloth and hound it
aero»» the seat of pain. In a few hours
relief came, the pain had vanished, and
the next day I went to work and have
not lust a day since. Yours Reap., B.
W . B r a i i i . e y , Engineer.
Pain Balm is
for sale here hy druggists.
Home man who is good on figures
Tlie golden candlesticks used in the says that 10,000,000.000 tubers can be
temple at Jerusalem were supplied raised from a single potato in 10 years.
with olive oil.
Allow me to add ray tribute to the
“ T b s best in the world.” This is efficacy of Ely’s Cream Balm. I was
what W. D. WoodrinK, of Bordly. Ky., s fforing from a severe attack of infiu
says t»l Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. enza and catarrh and was induced to
He spoke from |>er»onal exfwience in try your remedy. The result was mar­
the use of it, himself ami family hav­ velous. I could hardly articulate, and
ing just been cured of bad coughs and in less than twenty four hours the c«
colds by it. For sale by druggists.
tarrhnl sytntotns and my hoarseness
disappeared ami I was able to sing a
William Hucker, a strung mnn of heavy role in Grand Opera with voice
Augusta, Ga , can move a freight car unimpaired. I strongly recommend it
with his teeth.
tu all singers.— YVm. H. Hamilton.
Ia’ading Baaso of the C. D. Hess Grand
F or Otrtr Fifty Y ah ™.
An old and wall tried remedy.— Mr*, Winslow’« Oyera Co.
Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty veer« bv
millions of mother« for their chlldreu while teething,
with lM»rfeet mitvtHH. It •■Kith©* the child, softens
the gums, allays ail pain, cures wind colic, ami is the
bowl remedy for IHarrhosa. Is pleasant to the taste.
Sold by druggists in every part of the world. Twen­
ty :Ave cents a bottle. Its value le incalculable, tie
sure and ask for Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Hvrun, and
taks uo other kind.
bination o f steel and jot. The New York
lmi>ortatious consist largely of round
huts o f medium size and extremely small
bonnets. The shapes o f the hats are
varied. There are sailor hats in beaver
and satin, cocked hats, the napoleon hats
ami hats with cleft fronted brims. Many
of the new Bhapes show the hair in front.
Quite new are the lustrous felts with
low crown and medium briin^ also what
are called “ flats” in felt, velVbt or satin.
Later on the mercury trimmings in vogue
during the autumn will be superseded
by what the French term valkyrie ef­
fects. These effects are brought abont
with wings, which, however, are made
into a more flaring garniture than is the
mercury. The winter tainnete are close
and very small. These come in felt, vel­
vet, satin and lace. The so called gold
bonnets are decidedly effective with their
crowns of bullion embroidery.
Jetted net is much employed in milli­
nery. Cut steel and jet together are
very effective. Velvet roses are a fash­
ionable garniture. Silver embroidery is
effective on evening and dress bonnets
of light cqlored velvet. Spangled trim­
mings are again decidedly fashionable, a
novelty this season being large flowers
made of spangles.
In the first illustration is shown a
Btylish hat in olive felt. It Is trimmed
with black riblioii and tw o large black
quills. In marked contrast with its sim­
ple style is the bridesmaid's hat shown
in the eecond cut. The latter is made in
black lace, with crown of plaited bine
ribbon and passementerie. This hat is
trimmed with black velvet euds, osprey
and roses. Velvet roses, by the bye, are
The gnat is provided with a regular
set of lancets ami a cupping glass from
which the air can be wilhkrawn.
People are wishing each other the
compliments of the season and ex­
Over 4.000,000 in this country live changing gifts. Did it . ver occur to
upon wages paid by railroad comp­ you to send an ailing friend a package
of Ayer's Sarsaparilla? If not, do so now
and try this medicine yourself, if you
need u first class blood-purifier.
Lu ch o f K ia r c ia e
Is one of the prime canere of headache
A white pennp of 1857, if in good
in the winter. Persons accustomed to
condition, is worth $1.
the pure fresh air during the pleasant
months are subject to this terrible an­
The question is frequently asked
noyance at this time of the year. A "W hy is Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral so
boon is offered in Krause’s Headache much more effective than other reme­
Capsules, which is guaranteed to cure dies?” The answer is, simply because
A b r id e s m a id ' s h a t .
any k i n d of „ a headache
no matter what it is the most skilful combination of the favorite flower for winter bonnet«.
the Crtuae. Headache caused by over-: anodynes and expectorants known to These roses are large in size and often
indulgence in food or drink late at medical science.
very dark in color. The bonnets hare j
niitht, can be prevented by taking one
- ^ . ------- —
I strings, which are tied in a bow nnder j
capsule before rellrirg and one in the
The world now um-s 1.1,000 kinds o f , the chin.
morning. 25 cla. box. For sale by J. poxlugf stamps.
With the mercury anil ralkvrie effects
D. Belt, Dallas.
j in trimming, wings are in great demand ;
Don't sicken people with
had for garniture.
Two. four and even more !
The great ocean steamer use from breath. Take Sim m on’s Liver Regular are required to produce the flaring val- j
190 to 220 tons of coal per day.
tor to sweeten it.
kyrie effect. A ll kinds o f wings are em- ;
Catarrh l a the
S T A n y pereon receiving » »a m p le cop y ,
h i ^ a p e t will j E m S a w i f a It »D lav l u t i n
.. becom e » regular .ubeenher.
' pioved, bnt there is ail especial fancy {
I ncle Sani has 1,822 railroad corpor for wings of green, black and snowy
white. Genuine parrot's wings are to be
seen on some of the most expensive hats.
Is undoubted’/ a disease of the Mood I ntions.
and as such only a reliable blood puri-1
fier can t-ffi et a perfect and permanent I Take Simmon’« Liver Regulator in
cure. Hood's Hsraa|«irilla is the best y u t b and you will enjoy a green old
blood purifier, aud it has cured many *8'*-
vary severe eases of catarrh Catarrh
« . „ „ x Z U r > .mo T ..
oftentimes lead, to consumption Take . t* * * * h,,“ iU
* °° b',tlol> far
Hood’« 8arsaperil la before it is too
Painting the town red means hcad-
Hood’s Pills do not purge. pa in or ai lle in the morning. Himmon’e Liver
grip», bat act promptly, easily and j Regulator prevents it.
efficiently. 25c.
Ireland has 2,830,001) acres of hog
Delaware derives ile name from land.
Tbotuas Weat, Lord de le Ware.
pre.rrihe Himmon’s Liver Regula*
Give your pet dugs and cats Sim m on’s 1 h*r, and it deserves sll (lie pr.iise it re-
ilUuor. when sick— it will c u r e , <^'iv«s«.— Dr. D. W. Atkinsuu, Hiloam,
Newfoundland is without reptiles.
The Atlantic ocean 1» crossed yearly by
J.0UU ships.
The first work on geology was written by
Mercotl in 1674.
The Shetland women are tbs finest knit­
ters In tbs world.
It Is an offense to throw waste paper In
the streets of Spokane, Wash.
Five men can («ally bold down a Hon. hut
Bine are reuuirad to hold a tiger.
Don't let baby ait on the floor In cold
Breather. There Is where the must danger­
ous drafts are to be met.
Don't let It alt or lie cl nee to the windows.
—-Worthington's Magaaine,
P r o m o t io n .
[W e e k ly C ircu la r L e t t e r —N o. 6.]
The Exposition rrm»Ry?ment baa re­
newed cause for conjfratulation on each
succeeding day in view of th»* fact the!
the fame of the Midwinter Fair is
spreading so rapidly and so satisfactorily
In the East that th j number o f Eastern
risitors who are to be expected during
the winter -eems sure to succeed their
most sanguine expectations. The news­
papers of the large Eastern cities, and
those of the small towns in that part of
the country as well, seem to have tackled
as kindly to our Exposition prop»3»ition
as those who are near by, and who might
therefore be expected to reap a more di­
rect benefit from it. But among all the
nice things that have been said in the
Eastern papers in this connection none
has proven more valuable a» an adver­
tisement than an editorial utterance in
the latest issue of the Review of Re­
views, one of the most conservative
periodicals in the country. This utter­
ance was as follows:
“ T h e E xposition will help to g iv e definite
fo rm to many a man » vagu e i lan.s for visiting
the P acific Coast, and that perhaps will be its
greateet service to it« oou ntry. K v ery b od v la
the East intend»* som etim e to m ake a trip te
Cal furnia, but the distance is form idable, and
old m en are dyin g every day w ho had m eant
sixi' s lMtf to see the G olden G ate s»ome tim e o r
other, but had never g ot started. The fa c t o f
the M idw inter Fair should tran sform general
intentions into specific plans. Patriotism , if
nothing els« should im pel ev e ry Am erican
w ho can possibly afford it to see fo r him self
the w onders that lie upon the woe tern m argin
of this g loriou s oo u n tr y .''
A cross the bay o f M onterey
The se.i fog, thinly d rifting.
T h e land reveals or shore conceals,
Soft gov lies, like m agic, shifting.
' ’ s a h lu D s b lt S ty les F o r W o m e n , W it h i
\t iiU pt >e«l P r o p h e c y t o th e S te r n e r » e x .
For evening wear the hair is dressed
somewhat higher than it was a little while
ago aud is being much ornamented. Dia­
monds, ffigretM, combe and flowers ar<
worn with often very beautiful and strik
Ing effect.
Waved bandeaux are extremely becom­
ing to women with really good, well cut
features, accentuating and strengthening
these good point». The hair is parted in
Beside the bay o f M onterey
H ow sw eet lo w alk at even.
W h en soften ed dyes fro m sunset skies
Steal up the sapph ire heaven!
A lo n g the reach o f rocky beach
Oh, Joy it U to follow ,
W h ere bloom s the &ea anem one
In every w avew orn hollow .
On giant rock that fron ts the shock
The spray w et grasses glisten.
WThere breaks tim w ave ou c liff and catei
T h e flow ers bend an d listen.
I cou n t the years by all m y tears
And all life ’s storm y w eather.
S ince by the bay o f M onterey
W e w andered, love, together.
fte d
C ro ss
T an sy
P ills 3
Th* Ladies
L o v e A b o v e A ll.
W h e th e r clim bin g life’ s hill by » «ton y path
O r ca lm ly treading tbe vale below.
W ith ch eerfu l con ten t «he w ill m eet her lot
I f a true heart loves her and tells her so.
B lotch es
A * * K V ip R f tC B
T k a t tk 4 M
wrong, and that nature is endeav­
oring to throw o ff the im purities.
N othing i t so henejiciat in assisting
nature as S w ift's S p ecif,■ (S. S. S )
H is a sim ple vegetable compound. Is
harm less to ths most delicate ch ild,yet
i t forces the poison to the su rf ass and
elim inates it from the blood.
I contracted • ter
that unfitted mo for t
few botU n of Swift’
A noble aspiration 1» a drvtl
Th ough unachieved, aud he w ho judge* man
Upun his lofty throue w ill g o c It heed,
A u d all will be rewarded as they plan.
—John K endrick Bangs.
Rlghtseeing at H o n e .
H e w h o w anders w idest
L ifts no m ore o f N ature*• jealou s veil
T h an he w ho fro m his d oorw a y sees
T h e m ysteries o f flow ers and trees.
. —
' Whittier.
Don’t forget that baby's lungs need
plenty of pure, freah air, but that they ara
•till delicate and ought not to be exposed
to raw winds or sudden changes.
lb w w r in t f Qualities are unsurpassed, octv.allv
o m la -ù :,c tw o boxes tv. rjiv otter brand
•ffecuAi L yh eai. I T G L f T U I; O K U E IN *
- t o t «AI E FT v r A LEB» OF VF HALLY. iS*
Scientific American
You m ay give her your houses, your lauds, you?
F a llin g Ihe jew el o f lovu to bestow.
S h e'll r a n the poorest w om an ?-he know s
W ho h
rue one to love her and tell* hereo.
A d ow n h t t ; i fe st ream she m ay peacefully glide
O r against the w inds be forced to row ;
W h a tev er tw falis her sh e'll fearlessly face
Beside one w h o loves h er and tells her so.
—H arriet N ew ell Sw an w ick.
I, a Special bramì of BamlW OU, whfcb wa r i„ „ u.
.j.:euni«5piv«l> liirrAgiLH Li*-
iT in A r t 'H F K t T IL L U M IN A T O R .
,T W
/ i T n h i i ì M r i H K T K .t r .
IT 1 » O F U N IFO RM V U A L lT Y .
We jfuarantec it to be thè highsst fommisls sassi
or iLLi'MiNAnsiu oJL. A*k for it,
S T A N D A R D O IL C O M P A N Y .
P ru d en ce.
I w ould not clim b the m ountain high,
A b. uo!
Those dizzy su ps let others try;
Let sw ift and strong both pass me br.
In vales o f cairn humility
Content I’ ll go.
I w ould not »ail the m ighty deep.
Nay, nay!
W h ere tempests w ild the billow s sweep.
A n d ocean 's n io u s tv «
O bscurity’s safe shore . Til keep,
N. r f HT’ l.'-r -trwy.
—V I A -
Express Trains leave Portland Daily»
6:15 P M I San Kranotaco 10:15 A!
“ **
“ * —
San Francisco . 7:00 P
M Portland..
: » * A
The above trains stop at all stations from Portl ui d
to Albany endusive, ah*» Tangent, Mhedd, Huliey
Hiuri.*d>unr. Junction City, Irvine and Eugene an <
all stations from Roseburg to Ashland enclosivs.
!i»mebtirg Mull Daily.
8:80 A M
7:00 A M
F r o g s E a t W a sp s.
Some time ago I discovered accidental­
ly that frogs are voracious eaters of
wasps. I have in my garden a tank for
watering, with an island o f rockwork,
w'hich is a favorite haunt of the frogs.
The wasps ju.st now are carrying on a
raid against my fruit, and when I wish
to gratify at once my revenge and my
frogs I catch a marauder between a post
card and an inverted wine glass, carry
him off to the tank, wet his wings to pre­
vent his flying, and set him on the rock-
work before the frogs.
After a moment’s pause a frog ad­
vances. and in an instant the wasp has
disappeared, draw* into the frog’s mouth
by a single dart of his long tongue. Oc­
casionally the wasp reappears, wholly or
partially, having made it unpleasant for
the frog, but he is almost always swal­
lowed in the end. Usually convulsive
movements may be noticed in the frog’s
throat and body, as though the process
of deglutition wore not quite easy, but
that they like th»i diet is evident from
the fact that a single smallish frog lias
been known to take three wasps, one aft­
er another.
Indeed it is remarkable what very
small frogs, quite infants, will swallow
a wasp with avidity. Tiiis afternoon a
tiny frog swallowed a full grown wasp,
when a big relative went for him quite
savagely, like a big schoolboy thrashing
a small one for presuming to be helped
before him.—R. E. Bartlett in London
W h a iT u oa sh iu great « x o iutilUl.rn.nl yon
Let n oT 'tV thought
« h i. y m u rea l s p p s IL
N or think your ii»> s ur® spent w ithout
I w alk alon g the ch an gin g shore.
On, sad and strange it seem s!
An«l if you hear the billow s roar.
Y ou lieur them b a t in dream s.
F o r you have slept now m an y a day
U pon the shore c f M onterey.
—S a ra h L. Stillw ell in O verland M onthly.
the middle aud waved down each side of
The above paragraph most assuredly the face. The back hair is done in a large
knot. A comb can be added if ornament
echoes Eastern sentiment and goes a Is considered rnjeessary.
great way towards dispelling the idea
The front hair is arranged in small curls
which some Californians still cling to which often come to a point in the middle
that the influx of Eastern visitors will of the forehead. An untidy bang is not
not be large. The railroad people have now tolerated; every little curl must be
long ago recognized this fact and are carefully arranged and kept in place.
To the stronger sex is now vouchsafed by
now making elaborate preparations for
transportation. Strangers are certainly a hairdresser, of words few, but mighty,
whispered prophecy. It is that the signs of
coming to the Pacific Coast this win­ the times point to a revival of another one
ter by thousands, and when they get of the fashions of 1830 or thereabouts—in
here, thanks to the eleventh-hour rail­ short, that the locks of the Beau Brum*
way arrangements, they are going mels of 1894 will form a most intimate ac­
to have an opportunity to visit the quaintance with the curling iron. “ Have
entire Coast, so that San Francisco they not been growing steadily longer?” he
can not justly be said to reap says, “ and what more natural sequence,
even the lion’s share o f the advan­ therefore, than a desire to relieve the mo­
notony of undiversified length? Hence the
tages at hand. This fact is becoming curling iron.” However, even the most ex­
more widely recognized as the date for ceptional hairdresser is liable to err, and it
the opeuing o f the Fair draws near, and may be long before curls, other than na­
there is a general feeling of pride in the ture’s own aggressive and crisp ones, clus­
coming Exposition, and of determina­ ter round manly brows.
tion that it should be everything that
A F a s h io n a b le “ D e ss o n s .”
has been promised for it.
The petticoat is bell shaped, trimmed
An experiment was made on Sunday
laet in the way of charging admission to with festoons of lace and set into a shaped
the Exposition grounds.
The only band. It is made of striped silk. No. 2, the
special attraction offered was a balloon under petticoat, is the same style; has hand
embroidery trimming.
ascension and a parachute jum p from
the airship when it was at the height of
2,000 feet. Otherwise there were only
T h e W o r ld ’ s P a r lia m e n t s .
the building* to see and the workmen
The British parliament compares fa­
pushing them along toward completion,
vorably in size wit h those of other na­
yet nearly 4,000 people paid 25 cents
tions. W ith 670 members in the house
each to gain admission to the grounds,
of commons and over 553 in the upper
and several hundreds have paid the
house, it is far ami away the largest in
same adinissi< b on each succeeding day
the world. France comes nearest with
during the wuek. This is accepted by
584 in the chamber of deputies and 300
the management as unmistakable evi­
in the senate. Spain comes next with
dence of the fact that the drawing pow­
431 in congress and 861 in the cortes.
ers o f the Exposition have not been over­
Then conus the Austrian reichsrath
estimated. When once the Fair is started
witli 353 and 245 in the lower and upper
there will be no doubt about liberal
houses respectively, followed by Ger­
many with 827 in its reichstag and 58 in
It is the intention of the management,
its bimdesrath. The United States has
however, that special features shall be
356 representatives in congress and 88
widely advertised during the entire du­
senators.—Loudon Tit-Bits.
ration of the Exposition, and it is to
R a p h a e l.
that end that days have been set apart
Raphael experienced temptations to
for special observance under favorable
suicide. He himself says: “ 1 tied the
auspices for the entire term. In this
fisherman’s cords which 1 found in the
way more than half the days of the Ex­
boat eight times around her body and
position hare thus been programmed.
No. 8, chemise, in either lawn or long
For the first month the programme is cloth, with lace frill and straps to tie on the mine, tightly as in a winding sheet. I
not an elaborate one, inasmuch as the shoulders. No. 4, knickers to match. No. raised her in my arms, which I had kept
opening days of the Exposition are nat­ 5, a low petticoat bodice, with gathered free in order to precipitate her with me
urally supposed to take care of them­ waist. The armholes ami waist are finished into the waves. * * * A t the mo­
ment I was to leap to be swallowed for­
selves. The California Pioneers, how­ with lace insertion and ribbon bows.
ever with her, I felt her pallid head turn
ever, have their day in January, having
T h e N ew S k ir t s am i T h e ir T r im m in g .
my shoulder like a dead weight
selected the 24th. Stanford university
It is stated in a general way by Harper’s ami the body sink down upon my knees.”
will celebrate on the 20th, and Butte
Bazar that there is a tendency to reduce
county will turn ont her entire popula­ the amplitude of skirts, and furthermore —New York Times.
tion on the 29th. In February there will the best dressmakers do not, at least for
T h e T r u t h O u t.
be a grand musical festival on the 8th; lightweight dresses, employ stiff facings of
Clara—There! I knew it. He has pro­
the Pacific Coast Association of Fire haircloth, buckram or crinoline in skirts.
Chiefs will celebrate on the 9th, North The new stuffs manufactured for winter, posed this evening aud she has accepted.
Dora—They are acting like other peo­
Dakota day the 14th and Idaho the 15th. both in woolens and silks, are of the supple,
The Benevolent Order o f Elks will con­ clinging quality which lends itself so well ple. Merely polite, that’s all.
“ That’s only a blind. Look at her
duct a very interesting observance o f to natural fol»ls that the announcement
made in some quarters seems credible that
the 17th of February as their special we are about to return to double skirts, or yachting cap.”
•It’s on hind ride before.”
day. Southern California will turn it­ at least to skirts slightly draped. Braid is
‘Yes. A man can’t kiss a girl under
self loose on the 19th. rWie Young Men’s employed ou substantial woolens, such as
institute will have the 20tli, Santa Cruz serges, cheviots and cloths, set on in spaced one of those peaks.”—New York Weekly.
county the 21st and Washington’s birth­ rows of the wider kinds or in cluster rows
H o w to l l r i l l G lass.
day will probably suffice as the special of narrow widths. Some simple tailor
Glass can be drilled easily with any
gowns have throe or four rows of braid
feature for the rest of the month.
steel hand or machine tool that is kept
In March there will be another grand placed at 30 inches above the lower edge,
about where the folds of the skirt emanate. constantly wet with camphor dissolved
musical festival on the 8th, the Teach­
in turpentine.
ers’ congvess on the 18th, a geographical
G r a n d m o t h e i* » C h a in A g a in I n F a s h io n .
congress on the 16th and a characteris­
The old fashioned chaiu, slender and fine,
tic celebration o f St. Patrick’s day on that our grandmothers wore we are wear­
the 17th. The state of Michigan and the ing now, says a New York exchange; at
state of Nevada hare the 12th and 22d least those of us fortunate enough to have
o f March, respectively, amt Sierra had a grandmother of such elegant taste.
county will celebrate on the 14th. In
M L »;tfU £t;cn
the month of April the university of twice around the neck, so that they display
And ■ WtEVE.NTtVr. lor
a heart shaped locket at the throat anti an­
t s a t i..
California has its day; so also does the other at the waist. The watch is not worn
lU B K U t L .u t m .s .
Order of Chosen Friends and the Knights on these chains, which have been chris­
Aro Svio and Reliable.
and Ladies o f Honor. The Native Sons tened by the unpoetical name of “ dAnglei
P eir ‘ d>1r Harm]. «
of the Golden West also hold forth in but pinne»l on the shoulder, or, the latest
P u rely V>f:e-
t tnble I N. v c -
April, having selected the 20th for their wrinkle, inserted iu the left hand glove, as
day. The Odd Fellows have selected
April 25 and the Grand Army o f the Re­ case.
P R IC E $ 1 .0 0 .
public the 27th.
Sent postpaid on receipt o f
F a s h io n R r e r lt le a .
price. Money refunded if not as \
The programme for May is the most
Brown is a delightful color, and it is nice
Yin de fischona fo,
complete of all so far, beginning on the to know that it is to be the fashion again
Des M oines, Iowa.
1st o f the month with ( 'alifom ia day, this season.
For »ale by J. D. Belt, sole agent.
and including l»etween that and the 91st
Ermine trimmed wraps are found among
a half doten county days, to say nothing the expensive novelties.
o f a gram! San Rafael rose festival on
Watered silk will be the thing for even­
the 7th and German May festival on the ing gowns, aud it is quite the exception to
9th. Knights of Pythias day on the 19th. find a French visiting dress that is not
a day for the Order of Druids on the trimmed with it.
1051 M arket St., San F rancisco
Doucet’s skirts are just as full and wide
16th, Good Templars’ day on the 29th
(Between 6th and 7th Sts.)
and a characteristic Decoration day ob- as those of Felix, aud other people are nar
Oo and learn how wonderfully you
•er vitae* on the 80th.
are made and how to avoid sickness
Bodices are narrow, with short basques
The dosing month of the Fair in­
and disease. Museum enlarged with
thousands of new objects. Admis­
cludes a Foresters’ day on the 9th, arranged rather full about the hips.
sion 25 eta.
A good deal of fur is being used for trim
United Workmen’s day on the 19th and
P r iv a x t t e O f n c e - ^ a m e R n l l d l n g
1 0 5 1 m a r k e t fit r e e f - Diseases of men,
a »lay to lie observed untlcr the auspices mlng cloth gowns. A flatfish kind of stricture,
lorn of manhood, diseases of the skin
of the San Francisco Federation of black fur like Persian lamb will be fash­ and kidneys quickly cured without the use of mer-
• e w ^ T re o tm a ir t personally or by letter. Send
Women on the 2tst. In addition to theso
Drooping shoulders promise to be in
the Italians will celebrate the 2d. Santa
vogue for coats this winter.
When viritin the Mid Winter fair be
Clara college the 6th, Santa ( lara county
sure to aee Jordan’s Museum.
the 14th, Son»>ma county the 15th and
I n C u s ta rd M a k in g .
the BtmkerHill association the 18th. the
Four whole eggs are sufficient for a quart
entire enthusiasm of the Exposition to of milk. At the same time the thickening
reach its climax in a grand closing cele­ depends a great deal on the steady stirring
bration on Sunset day, June 89, 1894.
of the custard while cooking in the bain-
marie, or the double pan.
P im plies
D evils o r A sp iration*
W h i t Ihoi-sh ro a r lot in life seem , poor . o d
BteJde the buy o f M on g r e y .
W h en m orn is on the uumntaina.
What jo y to hear and ku*>w not fear,
The c r y o f seaborn fountains!
Hose Inirg
6:6* P
...t:8o P
D IN IN G C A ltfi ON OG11K X K O U T S
- AND—
A tta c h e d to a ll T h r o u g h T r a in » .
gLOOpex B o ttle >
Ona cenò a dose.
THM G bf . vt Couon^TTHM prom ptly
w tfill
f’uL Couths, Croup, Sore
T h
b roa
r o a t,
î, H
w n c w i.g
Consumption it uis no riva«
hkC Cur“ 'd ihoueandfl, ft :d Will CURB Y O u l f
! dh T l o . Ï 'Ï b V ^ ™
SL a 'Ä & J ~-5c.
Between Portland and Corvallis.
Portland *
Ar. 0:35 p
Lv. 2 .081» M
I li:lf. a P mi
il ' Ar,
Lv. t:i jp y
At Albauy and Corvalls connect with trains of Ore
] gon Pacific railroad.
Express Daily, ’Except Sunday,
I 4:40 PM Lv.
T i i\ e y ö u u u a r r n ? T h is rem edy U fu a ra n - 17:26 P M Ar.
te o iì t o d i r e y o u . P rice, âO eta. In je cto r true.
Ar. 9:26 A M
Oregonian Railway Division, Portland
and Yamhill Railway.
Passenger depot, foot of Jefferson street.
Leave 0:40 a. in.
Arrive !t:0f p. m
Louve 4:38 p. m.
Arrive 8:27 a. m
Ali lie
Arrive fi:06 p. tn.
Leave 7:00 a. m
Through Tickets
Anagrceable T.u-.ftive and NEBVE TONiO.
Sobl b y D ru ggists o r sene b y mail. 25c., 5 0 ^
an d $1.00 per package. Samples free.
7 /s A
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f o r t he Tee th and B r e a th .H a
GOOD , 0
Journals L
To all Poiuts in the Pastern States
Canada and Europe can be Obtained at
Lowest Rates from I. N. Woods, agent
. Manager.
Asst. Gen. F. k P. Agi.
Portland Oregoa
The Best Hotel between Portand and San
Our Premiums
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Weekly Call!
P R IC E » 1 .2 5 P E R Y E A R ,
Morning Gall!
M erchant^ Tailor.
S P E C IA L T Y .
D A L 1 A S , O H E G O N .
P R I C K ge.O O P E R T E A R .
------ H « -------
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Is a handsome eight-
page paper. It Is issued every
Thursday, and contains all of
the Important news of the
week, gleaned from every quar­
ter of the globe, complete up
to date of publication. It fur­
nishes the latest and most
reliable financial news end
market quotations, and gives
special attention- to horticul­
tural and agricultural news,
and Is tn every respect a first-
class family paper, appealing
to the interest of every member
of the household.
------ v+i------
Repairing Promptly Done.
M . M. E L L IS ,
G. G. CO AI».
P resident.
,H E M O R N I N G C A L L
(S e t k n t u r n . W
eek )
Is s live metropolitan
dally. It Is ths MOST RELIA­
BLE, and Is recognized as
being the LEADING NEWS­
PAPER of the Pacific Coast.
Either of the above papers we
will send postnald as a pre­
mium on receipt of tbe follow.
Ing subscription prices for tbs
Transacts a general banking business in all
Buys and sells exehange on principal point
United States ;
Makes collections on all point« in the Pacific North
w est;
Loan money and disconnt« paper at the
Allow interest on time deposit«.*
D a lia s : O re g o n
$ 6 0 0
A fair »hare of patronage solicited
«nil all o-glcrs promptly tilled.
And This Paper, Per Tear,
.1 .
A R T I N ,
P A IN T E R ,
$ 2 -2 5
A .
House, sign and ornamental, grain­
ing. kalsoming and paper h inging.
D allas ,
O krooh
J - 13. N u n n , iP ro n rie to r.
Full stock o f best quality seasoned lum ber and all
kinds o f dimension tim bers, doors, windows, brackets,
mouldings, latbs, shingles, cedar posts, ornam ental fencing
and stair material. Prices o f doors 2 £ r 6 | x lL $1.75; 2%x
6 jix l}, $3; 2 $ x 6 $ x l f $2; 2 #x6$xl£ , $2.25; shingles, $2.50;
common windows, $1.25 to $2.50. D oor and window frame*
carried in stock. Terms cash, or bankable note in 30 davs.
"A Word to the Wise is Sufficient,”
T erriet circulation o f nay sncntifl - M m tn the
w e Æ . epteadtdlvjM e wrn i■ A. No mteA na!
man sboulU be without I
Theretore, when we assure advertisers that this paper en­
ters at luast nine-tenths o f the hom es in Polk county, and
that its conten*s ate carefully read by all the inmates, what
better mediumjean business men want in which to push the
sale of their goods. They should bear in m ind that, accor­
ding to the experience o f the largest and most successful ad­
vertisers, dull tim es does not warrant a suspension o f their
V ?0S 죣iS iT ì^ i
caveats .
m ark s ,
C O P Y R IG H T S , etc.
For information sad free Hand hook writ* to
ML.NN A OU. » 1 B k o a i - w a Y. M « V ohk
OM m * I aris e for semrin* pst-nt 3 tn America.
• t « 7 noient to*en «ut by iu is krnegbt before
tbe pebltc by s none# rirtn five of eharte tn tbe
id e n tifie
A m e r ic a n