B l J IX B B B A T T H E C A P I T A L C I T Y . A. R. Lyle, an old tinier now in Walter Williams is home from his Tire wife of Wm.Critclilow near Ain Mason, dentist, over the bank, Main Crook county, has been among us. sojourn at Tacoma. j lie died last week. Contris is the only painless toe 111 | street, Dallas. Highest of all in Leavi The Cbautauquans will meet with doctor in town. Independence has tile works and will Krause’s Headache Capsules— War­ ! W. U. Cook, of Independence, is put­ Ft ay ter, dentist, over Wilson’s Dr. D. P. Stouffer next Tuesday evening. soon have a pottery. ranted. For sale by J. D. Belt, sole ting out a fifty acre hop yard. drug store, Dallas. Nearly all Polk county people put agent. Miss Dora Craven celebrated her Bailey Chaney has moved from Per­ As far as possible deal with men of The mite society will meet with Mrs- 16th birthday by a candy pulling par­ their horses aud vehicles under shelter rydale to Lafayette. Ben Hasbrook and wife, who was strict integrity and clean habits. Austin at 2:30 this afternoon. at Keeler’s feed and wagon yard dur­ The wife of Druggist Weatherby ov­ ty. F. M. Smith, near Lewisville, has for ing cold and rough weather, that be­ All postmasters are authorised to re- Daihts k'indiSS^'’ 8und“ y wl,h The commissioners dismissed the pe­ sale fifty-five head of youug stock er at Woods died last week. ing the cheapest and most convenient oeive subscription for this paper. tition for the L. R. Klines road above place. sheep. The Indians predict a very cold win­ Falls City. The drug firm of Smith A Steiner, -eat niilh,™ “ f° f,? er ° ° “ nt.T Frank Odell, of Dayton, has been up ter because acorns are to scarce. Salem, has been dissolved, Lee Steiner land for a few day! Uf> ir° m * Robert Bell has been up from the on a v eil to his cousins Lee and Ha­ Joe. Meyers at the White Corner has T. C. Bell has sold his hop yard this metropolis spending a few days under continuing business for the ladies some stylish jackets, side of Falls City to Gus. Bassett. Kav Thomas a J“ kH U,ro,,lonK' of Spring Valley, ven Smith. the parental roof. B. B. Duncan, Thos. handsome cloaks and elegant patterns Mrs. Anna Blanchard, over at the Hutch. Bevens, of Elk City, was bai­ ___ and J. H, Albert have just !*„“ Holman “ a™ t i T inClUj' Attorney General Chamberlain, of in silk. His gloves and hosiery are sure commercial center, has become the liff during circuit court at Toledo last been eh cted councilmeu in Salem. Albany, was iu attendance at circuit to please and his table linens are ex For sale cheap. 300.000 feet of lum- mother of another girl. week. coart Wednesday. tra nice. His dress goods and trim­ Atviut forty persons are now before Mr. Stone and Mr. Sperry now live O. D. Rider, of Independence, has the’ unHed States court at Walla Wal ' ^ ¡'l a^d“ v a r d ^ l l “ HuiUjr' ' The Vocal attorueys at circuit court mings fur ladies includes everything on the old Jeff Ha ris place, of which 250 stock sheep to let out on the were Daly, Sibley A Eakin, Butler & new and desirable and he handles all la charged with selling liquor to II - I F»rd >n Dellas. At the Commercial hotel you always Postmaster Grant advertises letters T. J. Hayter is the owner. shares. Townsend, Collins A Son and L. C. manner of gents furnishing goods. get something good to eat and a pleas­ diaus. fur C. H. Cramer, Frank Chileote, Buy your wife a pair of his flue blank­ ant room. On the farm of Hon. P. W. Haley Jeff. Davis, of Gooseneck, has con­ Adams. Rev. Phillip Mulkey died at Eugene Frank Fanner, F. A, Morris and Mrs. ets. are several thousand yew trees lurge signed his 8,500 pounds of bops to Great men have < _ this week aged 92 years. He had berni H. Rowe. Prosecuting Attorney McCain makes enough to make fence posts. London. Lawton, the barber, needs no recom­ of electricity, it ia true."] preaching in the Willamette valley for but little noise about hi* work, but is In Kansas recently a brother of J. The best $1 kid glove in the market mendation, except to strangers. He mur of opposition has Buy but few and cheap Christmas nearly forty years. Mrs. J. E. Miller, of Monmouth, is uever caught napping and generally T. Campbell was way laid and robbed, gifts until after your debts are paid. at the Ladies Bazaar and trimmed understands his business' in the tumult of approval. AH 1 visiting her sister, Mrs. Styles, iu East gets there. Karl’s Clover Root, the new blood and then several fingers shot off be­ hats cheap enough for any one’s purse. can investigate the case below. First be just and theu generous. V Portland. purifier, gives freshness and clearness cause lie resisted. Several hundred feet of much needed Agents for popular fashion patterns To the public:— For some time | Christmas is coming and there is Last summer G. W. McBee hauled to the compl-xion and cures constipa­ Dr. W. 8 . Johnson, of Perrydale, has side walk is being built from about the and Kellogg’s superior system of cut­ to coming to Dr. Darrin I bad been al­ J. D. Lee ami J. W. Crider are up 5,000 feet of ti.ing to his place, and as nothing the ladies of a home would center of F ’ir Park to connection with tion. 25c, 50c and $1. ting. most totally deaf, Dr. Darrin cure from Portland among their life lung fast as be has time will drain spouty been before the state board of medical more appreciate than some nice furni­ down town walks. examiners in Portland. with electricity in 10 minutes so I 'tea Because of a washout on the Clacka- friends and associates. Jake says that ture. Find out what they most want land with it. man river near Oregon City Monday lie is not yet weaned Irom old Polk by The Junior Eudeavor concert at the F. B. Norwest will probably be post- The counters aud shelves of Brooks and buy as much of it as you can for hear as well as ever in my life. I have a son in the butcher business iu Port­ Hood’s Sarsaparilla has cured many muster when an office is established at Christian church Sunday evening was A Salisbury are groaning under great to and from California had to come a jug full. their Christmas | iresent. J. M. Camp- land. I reside in Canby, Or. afflicted with rheum\tism, and we urge over the west side road by way of Cor­ extra good. Heaven will not fail to stacks of everything to please the chil­ bell’s successor, Chapman Captain Sweeney, U 8 . A., San Die all who suffer from this disease to give the Grand Roude agency. M bs . W m . D bgschbl . bless those who are helping to lead our dren at Christmas times. Take your everything in that line. vallis. Dr. Field, who has been a prominent 40 , C a l, says: "Shiloh’s Catarrh Rem this medicine a trial. young people in Christian ways. little foiKS over next Saturday and let mflrui O m Ab*vt, Any one deairing to plaut fruit treea edv is the first niedieine I have ever citizen of Sheridan for nea ly twenty During the very high water last week years, died there last week. The statement from my mother is this tail would do well to examine aatn found that would do me any good.” F'rom the Eola hills we learn that them go and see the grand array of • Tt you have no settled place for your two rafts of lumber started from Bun­ pies at the office of J. B. Nunn before Price 50 cents. Mrs. Wm. Calder has la grippe, that nice things brought on specially for blacksmitliing, try Wagnor Bros. They tiue in every particular, and one week P. W. Kirkland is down from Athe­ co’s mill on i’eedee for Salem, but one purchasing elsewhere. Satisfaction Rev. Horner will preach at Popcorn them. They have things appropriate have pleased mauy others and are very after the treatment I heard from her na visiting his old home, the next riv­ It is claimed that 9,000,000 people of thorn soon went to the bottom. that she could hear a whisper across Sunday week, and that it took Frank for all ages and every variety of taste. apt to satisfy you. guaranteed. er town below Buena Vista. saw Oregon’* world fair exhibit and the room. I am satisfien the cure ia Starbuck and bis girl several days to Drop in and take a peep now, even if If the hair has been made to grow a O. P. Mason and B. P. Watson pub that 250.000 books, pamphlets and cir- V permanent and perfect. I can be re­ Mrs. Rebecca Fuller, daughter of S- make the round trip to the Monmouth you are not ready to buy. Ushers of the Portland Sunday Mer­ eula's descriptive of the state were dis­ natural color on bald heads in thous­ As a hardware dealer, M. Morrison, ferred to at my meat market at 323 ands of cases by using Hall Hair Re- P. and Marv Frantz, died in Kings shooting match. cury, have each been sentenced to a tributed there. Valley Noveml r 25tii, aged 42 years. At Strong’s bakery they keep lots of stands very high in this community. Third stree Portland, neW'-r, why will it not in your case. year in jail for publishing a filthy and John A. Mills has just opened tin C. W . D rubchbl . Wanted, to dispose of a special bar things suitable for parties and festive Those who know him best place entire L. M. Taylor will soon finish a very New York Racket store at Independ­ disreputable pa|ier, Will not our correspondents please gain in fruit trees, plants, etc., of all occasions. That will be a good place confidence in him as a business man. satisfactory term at the Liberty school ence and his patrons will save from 10 Dr. Darrin can be consulted free at W s want all the news from every­ kinds Wood, wool, milch cow, chick interview the farmers as to the results house, where they have an intesestiug *•* to 20 per cent on every purchase. Go to get your candies, nuts, fruit and 270J Washington street from 10 to 6 of their feeding wheat to hogs or other where in the county. Whenever you ens and produce taken in exchange. other things for all holiday occasions. Misei, the picture man, has gained daily ; evenings 7 to 8. Chargee at the there for head or foot wear and all sorts animals. Does it pay belter than sell­ debate every Saturday evening. meet the editor or any correspondent, J. L. F utrell . an enviable reputation in his business. rate of $5 a month for medical treat­ ing at 50 cents. Wm. Gwinn, John Lady and Thos. of underclothing. Everybody in town no matter where, give them whatever Hereafter in Colorado women will Mrs. Reed is not exactly giving away By constant effort hie work improves ment ; surgical or special case* expect­ Shortridge went in a row boat from can direct you to the New York Rack­ you have in the way of news. On the first Friday in January at 10 vote at all elect ions and the mass of her millinery, but much of it is being right along and his patrons are more ed. Chronic and private diseases, vari­ Sheridan to McMinnville last week. et store. Portland with a population of 90,- them will invariably favor better o’clock in Brown’s hall Pomona grange They made the distance of fifty miles sold at actual cost and some even be­ than pleased with it. cocele, hydrocele, stricture, orrori of U a lo n T h a a k s f i v l n g B a rrie*. 000 has but two daily papers, while things. Such has been the result will elect new officers and after dinner in eight hours. low, the reason being that she is going V* youth, lost manhood, deafness, la grippe Notwithstanding the pattering rain out of business and must part with the four of them are asking a support from wherever they have been given a voice at the same place Dalles grange will The steam laundry at Salem does and catarrh a specialty. The treat­ The Ladies’ Relief society will meet a goodly numlier assembled at the goods. You do not have to take her lots of work for Polk county people be­ ment ot catarrh and bronchitis 93 a choose new officers. Salem with its 1?,000 population. For |-in public matters. in room 3 iu Wilson's block uext Tues­ Christian church and beard an excel­ word or ours for it, but go and judge cause they have been giving such gen­ month. Examination free. a while it will be a starve out game, Not one family in ten in this region The sun rises now at 7 :30 and sets and then one or two will pine away at 4:15. The days are only nine and can now afford to spend money freely day afternoon at 2 o ’clock. Any per­ lent sermon well suited to the occasion for yourself if she is not giving the big­ eral satisfaction. The stages will take son needing assistance will please ap­ and delivered by Rev. J. L. Futrell of gest bargains you ever found. She has over and bring back your clothing. and die. a half hours long while the nights or for anything not needful. Economy ply at that time. the south Methodist church, who also many novelties at the same low rate. 1 he record* show that Polk county Monday’s city election gives Inde­ stretch out to fourteen and a half in all directions should be the rule un­ •** took great interest in the offerings for has 205,867 acre* of land^valued al|I,- Jas. Burns started Monday night to pendence these new efficials: Mayor, hours. In a little while the daya will til times get better. See the handsome display of Christ­ 993.762 or an average of $9 06 per acre. the Portland hospital. Especial men­ the coast to bring out the remains of A. M. Hurley; recorder, O. W. Reed; begin to get longer. See if those new stylo photographs mas things in the show window of The 12,435 acre* of railroad land is rat­ I. H. Ingram, who has beeu living tion is due Miss Adams aud Miss Rey­ his brother, Dave, if possible, but those treasurer, John Richardson; council- being taken at Cherriugton’s gallery Jeweler Morris. Ask the price of hit ed at 91.26 and its 59 miles o f railway nolds for their activity in connection You can get this paper and the New on the B. F. Burch donation for sever­ men, W . W. Percival, Peter Cook, J. York World a year for $2 50 or the al years, has in 150 acres of summer who have been over the roads lately re­ with the work of charity. O. J. Cospei aro nut about as nobhy and unique as silverware. He will take pleasure in averages 92,969 per mile in value. The E. Kirkland, G. G. Strong; marshal, A. I temizer and the Cosmopolitan, which fallow wheat. He is one of the farm­ port them next to impassable, even with a well selected choir, gave some anything your eyes ever beheld. They giving you all desired information, county board of equalization added on horseback. J. Tupper. splendid music and caused many to would be pleased to make some simi­ is about like Harper’s Monthly for on­ ers who seldom fail to get there. 9 112 ,122 to the assessed value of lands. V Thos Wliatford reports catching a wonder why the Dallas singers do not lar ones of you for your friends back The time has arrived to begin think­ ly $3 a year. Now is the time to ar­ Mrs. Shelton has had a crowd at the The 4.618 bereee and moles in the Not only green backwoodsmen, but half bushel of trout floundering about give monthly concerts. With such in America. ing about making Christmas presents. range for your winter reading. Arlington during court, and mauy of county are rated at <31 each, the 5,077 also those who consider themselves too in the Rowclifle hop yard after the vocal and instrumental talent as can cattle at 98.56 the 21,877 sheep and With most persons cosily gifts will be them will patronize her again. Zack Howe and wife will in a few smart to be caught are continually be­ goats at 92 and the 4,832 hogs at 92.16. out of the question. Let us suggest days leave to spend the winter at San ing taken in by sharpers. Do not bite flooding rain of last Wednesday. They b* commanded they would surely meet Barnes, who runs the popular Rack­ *** The gross value of all property is 98,- that a year's subscription to the I tkmi - Bernardino, where her mother, Mrs. at the liberal propositions of straug must have found their way up the a warm welcome. Elder Fisher in et store in the State Insurance block, Brown A Son have more groceries speaking of the Thanksgiving occasion is a mighty clever fellow and narurally slough from the Rickreall. 753,117 and the net taxable property zkk would make some absent friend Godson, and her sister, Mrs. Stancer, ors. than ever before and are selling the feel good for a whole year. Besides our local attorneys there are said the audieuce was a representative treats customers so that they are sure Boydston stock remarkably cheap. 93,461,773. The number o f men sub­ now are. The very damp winters here One firm at Halsey has bought 12,- one including our best element and ject to poll tax is 1.029. The state board of equalization are are not good for the health of Mrs. 000 bushels of apples at from 25 to 35 in attendance at circuit court Judge that no town in the valley has better to come and trade there again and There and now is the place and time again. Iu quality his goods compare to buy the most to eat for the least Strahau, X . N. Steeves and A. Cox, of in session at Salem, our Sam. Uioson Howe. u w ia v u x E . cents a bushel, aud Dr. Sharpies, of Almost every attendeut favorably with the best and his selling Portland, Judge Boise, W. H. Holmes, society. being oue of them. He will do his money. They keep dry goods of all brought either money or something Preaching at all the churches every Eugene, has sent bis crop of 26,000 The la grippe is going the rounds in best to prevent any unjust imposition Sunday morning and evening. Meth­ pounds of dried prunes to the Seattle J. A. Carson and M. W. Hunt, of Sa­ else for an offering. The Portland hos­ figures are away down. sorts. lem, Judge Chenowith, of Corvallis, C. this community. on Polk county, but as he is only one odist and Christian Sunday schools at market. V E. Wolverton, of Albany, F. W. Fen­ pital, the Good Samartan hospital, the of seven cannot govern things in ac­ 9 :45, Presbyterian 12:15, M. E. south Johnson’s clothing emporium is to Jesse Yost, of Sweet Home, ia visit­ Orphans home and the Dallas needy For first class blacksmithing go to County warrants will b» taken at ton, of McMinnville, A. M. Hurley and cordance with his wishes and opinions. 3. Prayer meetings Thursday evening. ones all came iu for a share of the of­ Salem what Portlaud is to Oregon, the that prince of hone slioen, Mr. Lynch. ing relatives here. their face value on subscription to this Geo. A. Smith, of Independence. largest and must important thing of ferings. The occasion would have giv­ Our subscription list is steadily The general public welcome at all patter. We are sorely in need of what Miss Lillie Levens, of Airlie, ia the V the kind. Nearly everybody knows The man who never finds time to crawling up, not many names being three meetings. is due us and earnestly desire that ma­ read, says all exchange, will always be en any stranger a good impression of George and Oscar Johnson and as bus- John J. Wiseman, the variety store guest of Miss Josie Lewis. Dallas and its people. dropped, and many former subscribers Richard McGee, while beastly drunk ny will come in during court week and the tool uud beneath the man who iaess men they rank very high. Theirs man, sells everything remarkably cheap ^ W- ^ Frank Turnrer went to Independ­ coming back after having tried some died in a back room of Bill Anderson’s pay up. S P R IN G V A L L E Y , is the largest and freshest stock and Nowhere else can you get hardware at ence on business Tuesday. does. The habit of reading begets and other paper for a season. If we are saloon in Salem the other night. A so low figures. Try him. they always manage to undersell com­ Joe Murphy and Link Shreve have strengthens the habit- of thinking. The not making the best paper in the coun miserable, penniless wife and six small W. T. Baxter, of Tillamook, is visit­ H. D. Staats was in your city on petitors. There is the place to get ty it is not for lack of earnest effort to children are left. All saloons help to thirteen acres of hops at the southern thinking men control the world, either ing Wm. Pike. U P P E R SALT C R E E K business Wednesday and Thursday. your winter clothing. end of the Asa Shreve farm, The for­ as they think for good or evil. The do so. make widows and orphans and vagal. mer is now landlord there in the house man who never finds time to read is La grippe is in our midst. Not a Mrs. John Burns, who has been at Our teacher says that batching is The grand jury is composed of the bonds of men. Their work is evil and in which his new made bride, nee Etta and always will be a miserable being, very pleasaut visitor. Indepeunence for some time, returned up hill business. Teeth extracted in a painless man­ following persons: L. Ritner, Pat. ouly evil. home the first of the week. is and always will be oppressed. Card, presides. Miss Emma Purviue is visiting Miss ner by Dr. Contris over Gray’s store. School progressing finely under the Haley, J. L. Stockton, Win. F'uqua, Mrs. Geo. H. Williams, tire leading Nora Brooks in Salem. A social dance was given at the resi­ Many who owe subscription to this Judge Burnett seems to be composed watchful eye ot S. C. Dodson. J. R. Shepard, J. L Purvine, Cass Gib­ religious fanatic, in Portland, has just dence of W. E, Burns Friday evening, son, foreman. C. G Rowell is bailiff completed a fast of forty days and ma­ paper will be in town during circuit of exactly tbs right kind of material Parties are packing their prunes and Palace of Beauties would be an ap­ Mrs. Dodson being somewhat lonely which was enjoyed by all present. of the grand jury, and Curt. Hubbard ny of her followers are now in process court and we do hope they will not for for oue in his position. He is prompt propose shipping to New York in car propriate name for George F. Smith’s has taken a boarder for the winter. •nd Gus. Martin attend to the safe of doing the same thing. Several pa­ gel nor neglect to come in and pay himself and requires reasonable prompt lots. Staats Bros, and Jas. Burns after be­ variety store where you can find hun­ Aunt Katy Savery has been quite ing water bound for several days, re­ something for never before wre we in ness from all others connected with keeping of the petty juries. dreds of things that would make most rents have been arrested for requiring greater need of money. The Lincoluites will have a ribbon poorly for the last week from a hurt the court. While neither harsh nor turned from the mountains Monday acceptable presents for your friends. Around the capital city the bans ing their small children to fast for ma­ she got in a fall. arbitrary, it is well understood that sociable and entertainment during the with a wagon load of game, The Oregon Pacific railroad is to be there must be no trifling with the dig­ holidays. seem to have resumed more active ny days in accordance with her teach­ Mr. Brown, from Kansas, has com­ The people of Lewisville and vicinity sold December 14th. There is to be nity of the court. The evident aim is business for eggs have dropped 5 cents ings. Charlie Hellenbrand sets a choice Coyotes are getting numerous again. pleted his addition to M. C. Brown’s met Monday evening and decided to an eastern bidder and the Southern to measure out strict ar.d equal justice in the market, dressed poultry in plen­ C ambridge , M lss ., June 21, 1890. Sam. Phillips has lost four large sheep table and makes his guests feel pleas­ house and moved therein. have a cave instead of a tree on Chiia- tiful supply and at only fair prices. N orman L ich ty , E sq , Des Moines, Pacific is very apt to put in a stroug to all. ant. recently by them. Hop buying agents are closing their . Iowa— Dear Sir: Enclosed please find bid. It would be far belter for Oregon J. G. Sears has been dish washer and mas eve to be followed by an oyster The grand jury did not return a supper. Further particulars will be John Toner is kept busy with his officers until next fall, having purchas and order for < 1 , for which send me if the eastern people should get it. Hand mirrors, toilet soaps, purses, chief cook at home, his better half hav­ given later. single indictment and found county chopper. He is right at home when ed nearly everything in sight. as many Krause’s Headache Capsules perfumery and all manner of elegant ing beeu away waiting on Aunt Katy Monroe Cain, who was running the affairs generally in good shape, except at the Russel engine throttle. Report of Pleasant View school for as it will pay for. They are very good, Dallas hotel when it burned down that the records ought to be made saf toilet articles may be had at Fry’s drug Savery. The steamer took the laet load of store cheaper than anywhere else in month ending December 7th : Enroll­ but cannot get any in Boston. Youis some years ago where Wilson’s drug er from fire. Both they and the judge Rogers and Frank Ora Savery, Chaa. R T. 8. Coffey at Perrydale 'keeps eg A sa R. S hepherd , ed 18, average attendance 17, neither very truly, Morrison have gone to tlM lie mountain* | hand good eastern slock stock or will wilt i make store now stands, has been visiting his complimented County Clerk Mulkey wheat from the Wheatland warehouse tewn. Go and see if it be not so. 123 Norfolk street. absent nor tardy Gertie and Kate Paul, northwest of W tUamina hunting eats, to order anything you want ia tikes* mother at Crowley. He recently grad­ for the extra good condition in which last Friday just in time to save it. Sold by J. D. Belt, Dallas. Lott Brown, Robert and Dick Miller, uated in medicine at San Francisco. ' lines. Be sure to see bis goods and they found thi gs under his care Our Sunday school contemplates a They do say that the candy palace and beer. Myrtle and Edith East and Clifford learn hi* prioee before buying Both the grand jury and trial jurors Christmas tree. Let every one join in the D’Arcy block is about the most The Willamette was on a regular Harlow Conlee la putting his entire Reminiscences about early times were discharged Wednesday and the Merrill. There was only one case of tear the latter part of last week. By Where. and make it a happy season for the lit­ elegant in the state. Besides the pur­ large wheat field in hops and Mr anywhere in this county will always court was expected to finally adjourn tardiness. G race C hapin , teacher. Saturday noon the river had risen to tle ones. Flanery is going to put out about 5 est and freshest candies they have nuts, interest a large circle of our readers, Every additional drink taken by any the 27 foot mark at Salem and every­ and will be gladly received from sny yesterday. NEW TO-DAY. Mr. Page, our accommodating post­ oranges and everything else that is acres more. man who likes whiskey adds to the thing on low ground was submerged. source. Either write them out your­ Austin & Conkey will receive in master, has a new safe aud registered nice. Neighbor Constable having become probability of his becoming a drunk­ On this side the river the roads leading self or give us the data from which to time for thn holiday trade a very nice packages can now be kept secure until disgusted because there is so little wa­ it t l e ¿ mart urubbinu machine , hood ard. That appetite grows and becomes to lioth Dallas and Lincoln were under line of boukB, comprising the most pop called for. Verily, he is looking out m n mw for gale Y f f jr c h o p . Worin bat write. The postoffice grocery kept by Har- ter here has just made himaelf 60 gal­ stronger in proportion as it is fed. All water for several hundred yards. D. wm Uk«B70. See or »¿In '«», ^ JA 8. LLOYD, ular novels by tlie best authors and all for Uncle Sam’s interests as well as for ritt A Lawrence must be very popular lons of cider. Newber*. Omgi.u. the confirmed inebriates of today once L. Matheney’s house was surrounded Hundreds of bushels of apples are the standard poets, from which you all of us at home. if we may judge from the constant The grangers are talking of having a thought they could control themselves by water and all approach to the big being shipped from Amity to Port can eelect an appropriate present Rev. Albert Robinson, of Florence, stream of persons going into their good neighborhood dinner on Christ in the use of liquor. The only safe bridge cut oft’. land, and in Polk county hundreds of for every one. Also ladies and gentle ASTURE FOR RENT- 300 ACRES FINE PAR- place of business, It will pay you to lame county, has been employed by ture land one mile north of Buena Vieta. Run- mas. Their goat is getting in fine con course is to refrain from its use and Prof. Armstrong, of the Portland bushels have been allowed to rot on mens’ line slippers, silk handkerchiofa iu f water the year around. For particular* eddress, patronize them. dition and Dick Stately contemplates keep away from saloons. Saving and utilizing and mufflers, and muny other things the Presbyterians, and ha* moved his A. M. SMITH, business college, says that after twenty the ground. fnmily into the manse at Zena. He G ot . 6 Mid Davie streets, Portland, Oregon. soon trying his skill with the grangers Wm. Coraegys, of Perrydale, has been years of school room experience his be­ what one has is one of the elements that will make useful and appropriate will preach here next Sunday at 3 and What is it? Silverware in great variety and just necessary for success. Christmas presents. All will be sold up in eastern Washington and says we lief is that any teacher can to the best the thing for holiday presents is now 00,000 FRUIT TREES, CONSISTING OF PRUNE, at extremely low prices at the* New at McCoy at 11, Salt Creek grange met Saturday with folks have but a smattering of hard advantage offer four prizea for writing. Once again we call your attention to pear, apple, plum and cherry. A iw a On the 29th, Emma, the oldest on exhibition at Bari's jewelry store on a good attendance and hail quite a larfe peach, assortment of n u l l fruits. All warranted Brat times compared with the condition of One to each the best boy and girl writ the outside contents of this paper, pic- York Racket store, daughter of Benjamin Windson, was State street. Prices to suit the times. pleasant and sociable time. The third class, clean, and true to name Sami empiee a. things there. Their harvest was nat­ er and another to the boy and the girl torially and otherwise. We believe An exchange truthfully says: Bless­ J, B. NUNN, Saturday in this month will be grange urally late and then the early rams who have made most improvement at you will there find a far greater variety ed is the hoy who has a father or moth married to John Childers, Rev. Cran Forget not about the photographs election day and all members are re­ spoiled nearly all the wheat. Only a the end of the term. Some («dagogues of interesting reading than in the av­ er or sister or relative to teach him to dall, of Amity, officiating. The bride small per cent of it is fit for market who are always on the lookout for go d erage paper. See if you can unravel stay off the street* of nights, to avoid received a number of fine presents. you promised to send your friends quested to be prompt and on hand at Estray Notice. The happy couple have moved into liack beyond the Rockies and remem­ 10 o'clock. and there is no price for it. A big part suggest ions are very apt to avail them some of the puzzles on the first page the company of hoodlums and toughs, their neat new cottage on a portion of selves of the above. ber that it is high time you were hav­ of the crop is still wet and rotting, There will lie answers to them near to refrain from swearing and all pro­ the old King farm. Several voters of the Salt Creek a k e n u p b y t h e u n d e r s ig n e d l iv in g in ing them taken. Nowhere can you county met a few evenings since and Spring Valley precinct, Polk When court met Tuesday morning So far we have had no snow or cold the tiottom of next week’s puzzle col­ fane and vulgar language, to steer roan Illy, supposed l " o b e two yean old, with We heard of a young man who came get bete. or cheaper work done than clear of a cigar and cigarette, cards organized a Peoples Party d u b with 10 white ¡e feet and white in face. No other marke or Clerk Mulkey surprised the judge by weather to amount to anything, but umn. brand« risible, my farm about the Brat of and craps, and never drink beer and to see his girl in Spring Valley and it at the Cronise studio near the court members and swear eternal war upon June, having the journal entirely written up, both are sure to come before long and IMPS, M. V. MANN. John Archibald, on the Richmond other intoxienting beverages, and ex­ rained to hard he was compelled to house. both old parties. Money is what Appraised at $10 by W. T. Pearce, justice of the but to do to he and bis deputies labor­ once again we utter a note of warming place, says that he knows by ex|>er horts him to truthfullnes* and all the stay all night, he did not observe the want and we will exchange our pro­ peace this it day of Nov., 1« ed a greater portion of the night. Mr. in behalf of helpless dumb animals. ience that wheat can he made to bring habits of a gentleman. But cursed paper pasted over the stove pipe hole Billy Dugan is a first class actor and ducts or our labor for it, and let our Burnett paid Bro. Mulkey the high You can and should provide to protect a dollar a bushel by feeding it to hogs will be the parent who has children until he heard something drop and on government furnish the money be it of compliment of saying that he had not them against the bitter storms of win making examination found that one no slouch of a pltimmer. When it To Investors in City Bonds. The indications are that wheat will and does not do these things. gold, silver or paper. met with such a case while on the ter. You shou d do it 1 ot only as an limb was suspended in the air, it was comes to furnishing steam engine ex- never again bring as good prices as in tras you should always see Dugan bench and hoped that all county clerks act of mercy, but because they will est EALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RECEIVED AT R E A L ESTATE TRAN SFERS. A telegram from Farmington. Wash­ a good test of his constitution and tern- years psst and that the Oregon system the office of the Auditor and Police Judge of the Bros, about it. would follow the good example set. less and keep in better condition if ef farming must be changed. Diversi ington. dated November 28th, reads as per. of Dallae, Polk county, Orrgou, up to and in« M J Atwood to J M Wallace, 20 kept dry anil warm. Last winter sev­ eluding the let dey of Pebroory, A. U., I MP4, for the Bill Anderson keeps one of the vilest Bed crops and mors of it fed to ani follows : George Belshaw, aged 78, On Thanksgiving day Miss Rose C O U R T W E E K B U S IN E S S M E N T IO N . acres in 17 s, r 3 w ; ................9 375 rale of not to exceed the eum of Fourteen Thoueaud eral hundred nninials in this county drunkard making dens in Salem, but male for market must come more inb died this morning at the residence of Pike was married at her home here to (fl4;n00.00) Dollar* of Bond* of the CMy of Dallas, to Home blsrksmiiha are good and some J B Nesmith to L L McArthur, run for a period not to esoeed twenty years. Said his son, M. W. Belshaw. He crossed Sanford Bell, of McMinnville. The because on Thanksgiving day he dish­ died from neglect. vogue. 15 acres of David Goff d i e ; . 1,000 bonds to draw annual Interest at the rate of six (6) would the plains in 1853, and lived in Ore­ knot was tied by Rev. Robinson, and better, J. E. Smith being among the Bernard Ferguson to Nana C ed out free eggnog to all w h o ----- ,J per cent., intere* payable eeasLannuaJly, principal In the office of the county judge a In warning the public against deal and in tercet payable in gold coin of the UuHed gon until last August when be came thus two more of our Spring Valley latter. com e and partake, many called him a large ease lias been erected extending Harris, 200 acres in 1 6 s, r 6 w ; 4,000 Melee, at Dallae, Oregon The right to rateetaay * * «•--- «1 ing with strangers and foreign agents or all bid* ta hcrebv reeervd. •** jolly, generous, good Jto*k>w^ to the ceiling, in which the twenty of all kinds we did not intend it to in here on a visit. Mr Behhaw’s wheat g rls have been captured and taken T P Bevens to Alieda Tartar, lota By order of the Common Council. one poor wretch did »0 gorge Reliability ought to count considera­ did sectional maps of the county are elude such as may be employed by our took the premium at lbs following away while our bachelor friends look in M onm outh;.......................... A. V. R. SNYDER, worlds fairs Philadelphia, New Ur- on in sadness. Of course we are all ble in the case of all mechanics. In the Sarah J Gilliam to Elmer E Gil­ with poisonous alcohol that he became ” ,,n „ *' on rollers so th tt each one can Auditor ard Puttee Judge of the City of belles. home business men. It is to lie pre Dallas, Oregon, Nov. « , IMS. lean*, Paris and Chicago. He had al­ stupefied in both body and mind and bung sorry for such men as Wilmot Cooper, matter of making or repairing wagons liam, 15 acres in t 8 s, t 6 w ; . . drawn down and inspected at pleas- sumed that t one of our busiuess men. 1 chucked into a back room where 1 Be dn so several medals and seventeen diplo­ C. M. Purvine, Jim and Ben. Harris, you can always depend on what O. Thomas Ganfield to Arthur Oan- h T d i.iL "w e r e y what was that to Bill . Never before were the county rcc would be so indiscreet as to employ mas from state fairs and other exposi­ who are too timid for the oecasion and H. Cobb says or does. ficld, lots in Dallas; .............. a nHjtrann even if he did in so good a shape for assessment tricky agents. But again we say make Anderson, even if he did leave a wife ords A Taylor to J A Taylor, 10 acres and never before was there so complete no bargains with the slick tongued tions. The remains will be token to soon our girls will all be gone. V ---------- - ♦ • * ----------- Eugene, Oregon. »nd s i children, one of them * *^7- mn assessment as there will be when stranger who comes along and offers in t 9 s, r 6 w ; ........................ Hughes, the boot maker, has a small BU E N A V IS T A . without a dollar in the world. All the sheriff gets through assessing the you big inducements to bite at his pro­ stock of shoes which he is closing out H Hirschberg to Will Madison, Report of Bethel school for month loons are drunkard making institu­ many pieces of unassessed property The high wster has not done m uch lot in Independence;.............. positions. ending October 27th : Number enroll­ below cost. tion* without a single redeeming feat­ recently unearthed. j A A 1-ee to J M Wallace, 20 acres ed, 45; neither absent nor tardy, Myr­ damage. In the McBee settlement, two miles in t 7 s, r 3 w ; .......................... ure. Elmer Hall arrived home from Wood southwest of town, there will soon he tle Gardner, Carrie Domes, Mary Wie­ Always buy where you can get the I Enoch Richardson to W E Wann ! about 100 acres of hops. On George ner. Bell and Mattie Wilcox, Ruby tnd burn Monday. best goods on the best terms. When 72 acre* in t 6 s, r 5 w ;.......... Awarded Highest Honors W orld’ s Fair. 1 McBee’» place his son, Leonard, and Jessie Reese, Elva, Frank, Iain , Sadie Miss Mary Hhivei piano came from you have occasion to purchase any T A Ganfield to H G Campbell, L, Btewsrt will have 20 acres, re- and Lixxie Richardson, Clay Fraxer, Salem Saturday. kind of hardware remember that the ^ interest in 150 scree in t 9 a, Misa Clara Hall, of Monmouth, visit­ old eatabliahed firm of Faull A Co. can | quiring 20,000 poles, which they sre Jean Page and Frol Wann. Report r 5 w ; .......................................... now cutting at the rate of 500 per day of the higher room for the month end ed relatives oere Monday and Tuesday. come aa near meeting your want* aa H G Campbell to H W Clifford, | John and Gari MeBee have leased for ing November 24th : Enrolled, 37 ; any other in the Willamette valley Prof. Storm* and Mias Herbert spent 100 acre* in l 9 a, r 6 w ; ........ five years the Luce hop yard of six neither aiwant nor tardy. Myrtle Gard­ Thanksgiving at their homes in Cor­ and upon aa favorabla terms. They G W Johnson to L H Lossy,lota seres and will add fourteen acres next ner. Mary Wiener. Elva Richardson, vallis. do not handle cheap grades of goods, in Weal Salem ;........................ spring. On Dr. Farley’s farm his Jessie Reese, Fred Wann, Myrtle Poet G W Johnson to Mina Bood, lot The music class under the manage­ but tbeir prices are low enough. brothers, Charley and Henry, will cul­ and Edwin Pigg. Report of lower ment of Prof. Ginn ia doing well and in West Salem ;........................ ••• tivate twenty scree, and the -three room for month ending November 24th : the students seem to be learning rapid­ Guard against taking cold and ( f i ­ Elisha Htarhuek to F E Starbuck Haynes brothers will have seventeen neither absent nortarrly, Roy and An- 94 acres in t 7 a, r 4 w ; . . . . ling sick by keeping your feet dry and ncres on the land of George and Marv j ">* Moore, B e r t h * Reese, Sadie, Frank ly- warm. J. C. Gaynor deals axcliisively Geo Meifarth to T C Bell, 19acre* - 'and Lynn Richardson, Came Domes Prof, and Mrs, Long acre went to Sa­ Hagood and Valeria Dennis ten acres in t 8 s, r 6 w ;.......................... lem Monday and did net get home un­ in boots and shoes and oan fill your M. D. Hubbard and Jaa. Ayers will and Bertha Gardner. avery need. A complete stock of rub­ Emma Stevsns to Mary Wiadeor Miss E. E mmett , teacher. til Saturday on account of the high each pot out twelve acres, the latter on The only Fare Cream e f Tartar Powder.—No Ammonia, No A lasi. 40 acres in t 6 a, r 4 w ; ........... ber good#. Mas. J. C. T auoaet , principal. water. | the land of Jaa. Douglaa. local and general L P 5 T £ D»PRICE'S owder Used i s M illion« o f Home«— 40 Yean the Standard. w » gÿï M SI I 5 *