Polk County itemizer. (Dallas, Or.) 1879-1927, October 20, 1893, Image 4

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«The Question#
Experiments have Seen m ats In Franc* • •
in the forcing o f plant growth by e lto
tricity. An apparatus ia used consisting i
o f a high pole aet in the middle o f the i
field, at the top o f which is a sort o f cop­
per broom with fine branchea. This ia
connected by a tteel w ire with a network
o f steel wires buried at a sufficient depth
below the surface. A t a trial in 1801 the
crop upon a field o f potatoes was nearly I
doubled, or was about 180 pounds on the
wired plat to about 74 pound* on the
plats without wires. In 1002 it was test­
ed upon spinach and other crops with
similar results. W hether it is likely to I
become of practical use or only a scien­
tific tov remain* to be seen.
• * * • * * * # * *
cornino« s e n * .
To know that a single applica­
tion of the Cuticura Remedies will
afford instant relief, permit rest
and sleep, an d point to a speedy
and economical cure of torturing,
disfiguring, itching, burning and
scaly humors, and not to use
them without a moment’s delay
ia to fail in your duty. Cures
made in childhood are speedy,
economical and permanent.
Bold throughout the world. P otter D rug and
C h e r . < ! o r p ., »ole proprietor«, Bouton, gfgr “ All
About the Blood ,Hkiu,dculp and Hair,"mailed free.
49* Facial niemt»he», falling hair and simple
baby raahe« prevented by Cuticura hoaii.
I f tired, aching, nervous moth.
¡| era knew tbe comfort, strength, and
' Vitality In Cuticura Plasters, they
would never be without them. In
every way the purest, sweetest and
best of plasters.
Som e nam>'ii are already being sug­
gested for boih county and state offices
at th e n ext June election. Both ob­
servation and experience have shown
that those who dahble in politics least
are happiest and best off.
Deafness Cannot be Cured
bv Iocs! Application* a* they cannot
reach the diseased portion o f the ear.
T h e re is o n ly one way to cure ealneas,
and that is by constitutional remedies.
Deafness is caused by an inflam ed con ­
dition o f the mucous lin in g o f the Eus­
tachian Tube. W hen this tube is in ­
flam ed you have a rum bling sound or
im perfect hearing, and when it is en
tirely closed, deafness is the result, and
unless the inflam m ation can he taken
ou t and this tube restored to its nor­
m al condition, hearing w ill be destroy­
ed forever ; nine cases out o f ten are
caused by catarrh, which is nothing
b u t an inflam ed condition o f the m uc­
ous sur aces.
W e w ill g ive One Hundred Dollars
for any case o f deafness (caused by ca­
ta rrh ) th at cannot be cured by H a ll’s
C atarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free.
F . J. C h k n k y A C o ., Toledo, O.
J j W Sold by Druggists, 76c.
I t always pays best to
ly to your own business.
attend strict­
R o m Caterpillar«.
The worms that cut rose leaven and
ruii .1 the appearance o f the foliage there­
by may be deetroyed, says Vick, by
crushing them between the thumb aud
finger, or they can be In a great measure
destroyed by dredging the leave« with
white hellebore or m ixing it with water
and sprinkling it on, or b solution of
whale oil soap w ill be almost sure to
rid the plants o f them. Kerosene emul­
sion ia also effectual.
Points A b o u t Fruit.
Melon vines must be well watched and
protected from bugs. Netting or wire
screens are preferred by some gurdeners
to any application of insecticides.
Cse bordeanx mixture for blight on to­
Spraying the fru it trees with bordeaux-
paris green mixture la the remedy for
scab, insects, etc.
The cranberry form * a symmetrical
little tree nnder culture, and with its
bright red fruit is a pleasing ornament
on the lawn or in the shrubbery.
Partial shade is the best condition for
preventing mildew on the gooseberry,
which Is the greatest enemy to its suc­
cessful cultivation.
the hotel drug store next to the Cafe
aud have them send half a dozen boxe»
o f K rau se’s Headache Capsules.
bought some while I was in Pittsburgh
and found it wonderfully effectual. I
d o not know how much they will coat,
an would ask to have them sent 0 . O.
D. care of the Colonade hotel, Phila­
delphia. H o p in g that I will have an
early opportunity to return the favor,
I rem ain,
V ery truly,
B a il e y A v e r y ,
F o r sale by J. D. Belt, sole agent.
fa f
rude only by
i S . K . FA IR B A N K & C O .,X
S T . L O U IS an d
W h en we recollect that the stomach
is the grand laboratory in which food
is transformed in to the secretions which
furnii-h vigor to the system after enter
ing and enriching the I i I isk I; that it is,
in short, the fountain head of strength,
it u essential to keep this im portant
supplying machine in order, and to re
store it to activity when it becomes in ­
active- This Hoatetter’a Stomach Bit­
ters does most effectually, seasonably,
regulating and reinforcing digestion,
prom oting due action of the liver and
isiwels. Strength and quietude o f the
nerves depend in great measure upon
thorough digestion. There is no ner­
vine tonic more h igh ly esteemed by the
medical fraternity than the Bitters.
Physicians also stron gly com m end it
for chills and fever, rheumatism, kidney
and bladder trouble, aick headache, and
want of appetite and sleep, T a k e a
W'ncglassful three tim es a day.
Yoi fc’H w i fe and H e r M o th er.
“ It is a pleasure to sell Cham berlain’s
Cough R em edy,” says Stickney A Dent
ler, druggists, Republic, Ohio. “ Be
cause a customer alter once using it, is
alm ost certain to call for it when again
in need o f such a m edicine. W e sell
more of it than o f any other cough
m edicine we handle, and it always
gives satisfaction.”
For coughs, cold»
and croup, it is without an equal. For
sale by druggists.
ton May 28, 1867. Much o f her girlhood
was sj»mt abroad, but lier mother, the
Duchess o f Teck, granddaughter of
George [II and cousin o f Victoria, is said
to huve been careful to keep lier as much
as possible within a circle o f English in­
fluences. As all readers know, she was
to have married the older brother of her
husband, but be died.
A u o t lie r A fr ic a n E x p lo re r .
E. J. Glave, after making tw o African
expeditions with Stanley, came to Am er­
ica. got interested m Alaska and made
tw o expeditions into its remotest wilds.
In one o f these he taugiit his horses to
walk on snowslioes, and thus took them
over the mountains. He then located in
Pu rely vegetable— Hood's Pills— 25c.
----------- -----------------
T h e daily edition o f A. N o ltn e r’s
Portland paper, the Dispatch, is to be
soon discontinued because it does nut
pay since losing the city printing.
D on ’t com m it suicide on account of
your "in cu ra ble” blood disease. T h e
sensible th in g for you to do is to take
A y e r’s Sarsaparilla- If that fails, why,
then— keep on tryin g, and it w ill not
fail. T h e trouble is, people get discour
aged too soon. " T r y , try, try again.”
N ew Y o rk city, bnt soon got restless anil
went o ff to A fric a again, this time with
the special object o f investigating the
slave trade. He knows more than most
white men about the Congo country and
its people, and i f some o f Tippu Tib's
people do not exterminate hitn w ill prob­
ably add a great deal to the world’s
knowledge o f the dark continent.
A n A fr ic a n K in g .
— ■- — ♦
on the wheelman as a curiosity, escaped
from the same museum as the rowing
man, the tennis player or any other hn-
man being who labors with 1 * body and
calls it fun.
None o f these three is likely to think
of the wheelman as one who exerts an in­
fluence fo r good iu matters o f interest to
them. Y e t, if they would consider that
of the 10,000 or more bicycle riders who
assembled in Trenton there was not one
who is not an ardent advocate o f good
roads, they would doubtless perceive that
in these muscular men they themselves
possess invaluable allies. It is not nec­
essary to point out tne desirability of
good roads to the pedestrian, the horse­
back rider or the driver. A good road­
way is literally the foundation o f their
pleasure. But possibly it may not occur
to every one that the farm er’s interest in
good roads is the most serious of all.
W ith him it is not a m atter o f pleasure,
but o f business.
A large part o f the farm er’s work con­
sists o f hauling. His produce must be
taken in wagons to tho railw ay station or
steamboat landing for shipment to tho
great city markets, aud his empty bar­
rels, boxes and crates must be pulled
back over the same road. In the state o f
N ew Jersey, moreover, there is a great
deal o f hauling o f fertilizers. The earth
Itself contains a remarkably fine natural
manure in the shape of marl. The beds
in which this marl is found are private
property and are w idely scattered. The
farmers purchase it by the load and haul
it to their land. It is heavy, and the
hauling o f it soon cuts deep and almost
impassable ruts in poor roaus.
N ow , a good road means a large and
pecuniarily valuable saving to the farm­
er in tim e and expenditure o f power. It
means that he can haul more loads of
produce or o f fertilizer in a day with
less wear and tear of wagon and har­
ness and lesa exhaustion o f his horses.
It means a valuable saving of time,
which can be applied to the local labor
on the laud itself. And it may mean an
hour m ore o f rest to the farmer, who
has quite as much labor as a man can
These are considerations which users
of roads ought to take into account. The
wheelmen are a body o f men whose in­
fluence is o f large importance, and who
ought to be encouraged and supported
in their combined movements for their
own interests, because one o f the great­
est o f those interests is also that o f three
other large and valuable classes.
The Jersey Road.
It w as years ago. Two armies lay
Encamped at night near the “ king’» highway”
Leading from Princeton to Trenton down.
When W h igs fought fiercely the British Crown.
T w a s a winter thaw—it was raw and damp
To the Yankee council in Trenton camp.
Washington’s veterans shook their hea<ds;
‘‘W e are trapped, it seems, by the cursed ‘rods:’
W e must fight—there’s no other way to do!”
But the general calmly around him drew
The groat, gray cloak that they so well knew.
And lntoAho outer darkness strode
Till he reached the fence by the Jersey road.
That Jersey road! ’Twas a sight to see!
The mire was up to a horso’a knee.
A h the British know, when on yonder steep
In their tents they sank into peaceful sleep
And dreamed of victory won with ease
On the morrow with raw recruits like these.
In front—the enemy, fixed aud fast;
Around—deep roads that could not be passed:
Behind—the Delaware, wild aud black.
Like an angered snake, was In his track.
The patriot army could not go back!
W as W ashington crushed by the awful load?
Nay. He knelt and prayed by the Jersey road.
History tells what happened then;
How right in the view of bis snxious men
The sleet storm ceased and the «tars came
W ith a sharp wind out of the icebound north:
How almost before the prayer was done
The answer came and escupe was won!
How out of reach of the frowning hosts
The handful of patriots moved like ghosts.
Leaving their fire» to burn till day.
The British thinking the rebels lay
In the jaw s of battle, an easy prey.
Nor dreamed the truth that the morning
How heaven had hardened the Jersey road!
I ul I
ts ta ,
•■£ - ,'ad
«S S
»VU u ir DortleTt
taxon in time. SJold by Druggist« on a guar- !
anteo. io r p Lumq ikuk or Ch**st, use
S H IL O H « B E L L A D O N N A P L A S T E R ^ S c . I
l a w you ( ararrh ? This remedy la *unron>
t«Md wo cute you. PricoeûJctA. Injecter ûvn.
*G iù «r
o o t
,U *"r , *8
Q ir V N C S *
T jr c ' w n
OM P L t. k iÛ N
Aa kmeaM* TsrSrtr» «rut 5 ritT T T n -fta
SoM Sy Pntirtrtn,or sect hy tvsil. #r.,90o^
*od |i.ooper peeks«*. Samp*« free.
A Medical Firs Sites A n y Cash.
J. F. Smith * Co. o f No. 258 Oreen-
wich St., New York, the manufactur­
er, o f that favorite cathartic known aa
Smith’a Bile Beans, have adopted a
novel plan. They ask the Individual
buyer* o f Bile Beans to send their full
name and address, with an outside
wrapper from a bottle o f Bile P ea t»
(either size) to their office, anti they
give $5 for the first wrapper received
in each morning’s mail, and $1 for the-
2d, 3d, 4th, 5th and 8th. Every day
|10 In cash is thus sent to their co#
iw pendents. Ask for S M A L L size.
T h e c ity of Dunkirk, France intends
celebrating next year the century o f the
siegt of that city by the Duke o f Y o rk .
A statue o f V ictory, by Lo rim er, w ill he
nnveiled during the feta which is to
laat tiro days.
Buys’afld sells exchange on principal point
United States ;
Makes collections on all points In the Pacific North
Loan money and discounts paper at the usua
Allow interest on time deposits.
Are Safe and Reliable.
Iar perVfllv Marmiti
„ Pu re'y Vepe-
^ table I N ver
to Albany enclusive, aim» Tangent, SheCd, flalsej
iUurisiiurK, Junction City, Irvins and Eugsns a«d
all stations from Kuseburg to Ashland enelusivs.
Koseburg Mail Dailv.
Portland .
8:80 A M I Roseburg.
. . S:fc6 P
Koseburg ..... 7:00 A M | PortInini............1:30 P
D I N I N G C A R S O N O G D K N U O U T fl
fdBBAttaulied to all Through Trala«.
Between Portland and Corvallis.
7:80 A M I.v.
Ar. o:85 P
11:08 A M Lv.
Lv. 2:001’ M
11:15 P M Ar.
Lv. i:B0P M
At Albany and Corvalis connect with train« ef Ore
gon Pacific railroa«!.
Express Daily, ’Excent 8nrday.
4:40 p M Lv.
7:85 P M Ar.
PasseDKer depot, foot of Jefferson «tree!.
D IR E C T O R S ;
P r iv a t e O ffice—Name B u ild in g
1 1061
m ark et Street— Diseases of rneix
stricture, loss of manhood, disease« of the skin
and kidneys quickly cured without the use of mcr-
cur^^Trsstment personally or by letter. Send
Leave 9:40 a. m.
Arrive 3:6f p. m
Arrive 8:27 a. «
Leave 4:38 p. ra.
Leave 7:10». m
Arrive 6:05 p. m.
Through Tic^e-ts
(Between 6th and 7th Sts.)
Go and learn how wonderfully you
are made and how to avoid eickneee
‘and disease. Museum enlarged with
thousands of new objects. Admis­
sion 25 eta.
To nil* Point* in the Eastern Spates
Canada a to 'Europe can be Obtained at
Lowest R ;tes from I. N, Woo s, aceot
Tho agitation begun some tim e ago for
the construction o f country roads that
w ill be passable at all seasons o f the year
is not to be allowed to die out without
having produced any practical results.
It is now bearing fruit in some sections
o f the country where the need o f good
roads has been most severely felt. The
legislature o f Texas, which has recently
adjourned, passed an act for the begin­
ning o f the work o f road construction in
the state which, i f it should prove effec­
tual in its working, w ill doubtless lie
given wider scope at subsequent sessions
of the lawmaking asoembly until its pro­
visions are wide enough to embrace ev­
ery portion o f the-state and furnish good
roads in all directions.
A s yet the la.vv applies only to counties
that contain cities or towns o f consider­
able importance, probably because the
imposition o f a tax sufficient to meet the
expense of the construction would be
more than the sparse population in other
counties could stand. By the act passed
tbe county commissioners o f certain
counties are authorized to issue bonds
for road construction. The amount of
these bonds is to be governed by the as­
sessed valuation o f the property in the
county issuing the paper.
N o larger
amount may be issued than a tax o f 15
mills on the assessed valuation.
bonds may not be redeemable in less than
10 or run more than 40 years, and they
may not be sold at less than their par
Care is taken in the law to provide
safeguards for the proper expenditure of
the money. Money thus raised may not
be expended for an 3 T other purpose than
the construction o f roads and bridges.
These must be built under the supervi­
sion of a competent engineer and after a
proper survey has been made for them.
They are to be built in a substantial and
permanent w ay so that they w ill be pass­
able at all seasons o f the year and in such
a way that they w ill be easily kept in
proper repair. Should the act be ad­
ministered in the spirit in which it has
been passed, it is probable that Texas
w ill soon be ahead of most o f the other
western states in- regard to good country
roads.— Chicago Record.
The F a rm e r’» L)i»advautage.
Roails belong to that unappreciated
class o f bles»i«igs o f which the value and
importance are uot fu lly felt. Bad road*
make it difficult for the fanner to mar­
ket hi* grain, except during a fractional
part of the year, the consequence of
which i* the crow ding down o f prices by
the plethora o f supply. The farm er hav­
ing no choice of times for disposing of
his produce must force it npon the m ar­
ket while price« are lowest.— St. Joseph
j that wee woman quietly rose, gently but
tirmly laid her hands npon the winged
| shoulders o f her obtrusive neighbor and
(tressed her green and ret! ruffles as far
j down as they won Id go. People who
saw the operation gasped at the trans­
The victim w isely accepted
the situation and remained in subjuga­
tion until the "P ro d iga l Daughter" ig­
nominious!)- returned to the fatted calf
I —N ew York itecurder.
H ow Some G ir l« W a lk .
Some girls walk gracefully.
make “ foo d time” over tbe pavement,
bnt their movements are not abrupt uor
| awkward. There is no apparent effort
, in their loo »mot ion. Some girls are now
1 affecting a m an'« stride. The imitation
! is a lndicrons failnre. Other girls are
tryin g an odd kind o f tnrn o f the shoul-
l <^er* that gives to their appearance a top
wobble and a lower swing.—Exchange.
Getting Even.
Artist— Miss Brownie-Brown-Brown,
who is to marry a pnnee, won't let ns
have her photograph for publication.
E d itor-S h e won’t, eh! T ell the fort-
man to nee one o f those ents labeled
‘Before Taking.’*— New York W eekly
Asst. Gen. K. ot 1’. A ft.
Portland Oregon
Repairing Promptly Done.
G ood Country lib a d s F o r Texas.
F. P. KtoP.KS
Its wearing qualities are unsurpassed, actually
outlasting two boxes o f any other brand. Nor
effected by heat, g a r G E T T i l E G E M T I M E ,
Ar. 1:26 A U
Oregonian Railway Division, Portland
anil Yamhill Railway.
G E O .W IL L IA M S ,
H. P .iM C N A R Y ,
J . A . R IC H A R D S O N .
i 1061 Market St., San Francisco
a general ban kin g business and
allow interest on tim e deposits.
Des Moines, Iowa*
F o r sale by J. D. Belt, sole agent.
Oue W o m a n ’» Courage.
Thus (rod with his children in peril deals.
Their forty oanuon with muffled wheels
A atory is goin g the rounds o f a little
Over the hard ground safely rolled.
woman who wits st ated behind a gor­
And never a sound their passing told!
geously dressed beauty at a thcrvter in the
When the light of that bitter morning broke.
Amazed Cornwallis from sleep awoke
metropolis whose balloon sleeve« com­
To find the ‘‘foxes'* had made their flight
pletely hid the stage from the victim in
Like phantoms borne on the wings of night.
the rear. She sat on first one foot, then
While the distant guns on the frosty air
the other, bnt in vain : no glimpse o f the
Bade him for rescue at once prepare.
For all his forces were needed there!
play could she get. A fte r a whispered
I And they plied their horses with whip and
| conversation with her husband came the
’ tragedy. W ithout a word o f warning
; (n their headlong hast« o'er the Jersey road!
I Side by side in the dust they lie,
For W h ig and Tory and W a r must die!
The heroes of old would oft declare
1 That opened way was an answered prayer.
Do not you see in the episode
T n ti G-iXAT C o u g h
jn 3 prom;;>tlyieu
The favor of God for the perfect road?
TYiiore* ali
others f UL Cough«, Croup, ^orc
ill Others
Thront, Hoarseneoa, W h oopi tie Cough and
—Good Roads.
F or
Coi.surrp .»oo K baa
can t o rival:
Asthma. . T
o t ConsumpAoo
C A cured thcra-nand*, and Will CUKE TCU lr
IRUKII l L xlil TlfcH
“ T- Yin de Cinchona Co.,
[From Good R oad».]
PRICE $1.00.
I f tho man’s h*a<l w w ? thus kept in a
perpendicular position, he could not so
readily see where to stop aud would be
more apt to stumble: so also with the ox
or horse.
N o one in the saddle would thus tie up
the head o f his horse, and no one would
expect a horse thus tied up to win a
race, nor w ould any one think it an ad­
vantage to p’ tt- chcckreins on oxen.
The “ London Horse Book’’ says: “ The
checkrein is, in ns.irly every case, painful
to the animal a id us dess to the driver, be­
cause it fastens the head in an unnatu­
ral posture, and as the horse's shoulder
and’ head fall to ^e her cannot be o f any
real support iu case o f .tum bling.
“ W hen from some defect in the ani­
mal or other cau.ie the checkrein is
used, it must be slackened, because in
addition to the easier position o f the
neck a greater portion o f w eight can be
thrown into the collar, especially going
up hill, thus saving a great and unnec­
essary expenditure o f muscular power.
“ There is an important difference be­
tween a tight checkrein und a tightened
rein, although not generally understood.
The first is injurious and cannot help
the horse, while the latter is often use­
ful, because the latter is a steady sup­
port to the animal’s head from a distant
and intelligent source— tho driver.”
Mr. Fleming, veterinary surgeon of
the royal engineers, London, says:
“ I think nothing can bo more absurd
than checkreins. They are against rea­
son altogether. They place the animal
in a false position. The horse stands
with a checkrein exactly as a man would
stand with a stick under his arms, be­
hind his back, when told to write. It is
extremely cruel also. I have no doubt
if the public could only realize the fact
that it throws nwny a large portion of
tho horse’» ■ <\. cr altogether and is very
cruel besides this rein would be discon­
tinued. It is not only the heu 1 that suf­
fers, but from his head to his tail, from
his shoulder to his hoof and over his
whole body he suffers more or less.”
T o sum up in a word: The checkrein
lessens the horse’s strength, brings on
disease, keeps him in p iin , freta and in­
jures his mouth an l spoils his temper.
lea n only conclude that the custom of
tying up hordes’ heads with checkreins,
like the custom o f bleeding calves before
they are killed, is a relic of barbarism,
contrary alike to common sense and
scientific opinion, and which has been
permitted to exist si» long because it has
been nobody’s business to call public at­
tention to it.—G. T. Angels in Good
m »
Sent postpaid on receipt of
price. Money refunded if not as v
* ri - * ^
T h f L a d ie s ’
î tei
Uganda is now "u nder British influ­
ence," as tiiey say in A frica , and its
king, M wanga, ia nnder serious obliga­
tions not to hinder civilization or British
interest*. H e is o f a line o f monarch*
The plum curculio must l>e ba filed by
which began in the tim e o f Queen Eliza­
beth and tie a man o f much more ability i jarring or rebelled by smudging.
I have fed at different times carloads
of Shropshire lambs and never failed to
get the very top price in (Chicago. They
always went to eastern cities ns fancy
mutton hunt*. The best results 1 ever
got were from feeding a mixture of
bran, shorts and oilmeai, equal part*.
, together with an amonnt o f ground ear
I corn equal to these three combined,
mixed well together and fed three time» than his portrait Indicate*. He resisted
a day all they would eat up clean and British influences for many years, t o t
no more, with plenty o f good clover hay, had to yield because o f the fierce reli­
, a tank o f pure water in yard with a gious animosities am- ng h it people, the
good tank heater to keep the water at an Catholic anil Protestant. Mohammedan
even tem’ierature, with good ham and and heathen factions being ready to fight
lot adjoining to run In. also plenty of each other at any time. The Uganda
iple are partially civilized, and Eng-
tock salt in the bam.
i capitalist, look for a Uganda boom.
1 keep them tn this inclosure nntil
finished and am very careful in bringing
The devtberry ia not much cultivated,
them to fall feed, commencing slowly.
The laat month increase the oilmaal. but It fill* the season nicely between
Dip yo o r sheep befbre fe e d in g .-W . R. straw berrie. and raspberries, and the
mode o f cultnre ia .oiuewhat like that o f
W ea rer la Breeder e Gaeerte.
the .traw berry.
R ed
W h y »ull'er from dyspepsia ami head­
ache when S im m on's L iv er R egu lator
w ill cure you.
T h e other day 1(X) bales of hops were
taken from L in co ln to Salem by boat
and the n ext day h steamboat carried
200 bales from t D ove’» landing to the
same place.
— ♦-
I f von are all run down, fagged out,
take Sim m on ’s L iver R egulator and be
K a l.lt!« L a m b . lit lllltioU .
W H Y ? Because he tollowi these
nies: “ Keep the head cool, the feet
warm, and the bowels open ” You
~ can have a clear head and live to be
nsely If yon do the same tMa*.
When Use bowels fail tn move rtur-
tmg the ’day taka on retiring two
Smith’s Sm ttt Bile Beans. Their
, 1 » — |a se wild that you are not
awar* of M. An day yoor mind will
ba alaar and cool. “Not a gripe In a
b a n d of them " Ask fcr smalt «se.
Tabs sa sabstitu
te to
It never failed to «’lire dyspepsia and
liver com pluint. T ak e S im m on ’* L iver
—— ^ m » ------
Corvallis P ré» by tori ana elected : P ré»
idem J. M. Bloss, elder; John Simp-
*on, trust* e ; W . E. Yates, superin ten-
d en t of Sunday school: Professor J. B.
II ruer, assistant sti|>erintendent; M r».
F. M . .Johnson, organist.
: IP
The lady who is now the w ife of Prince I t Is P a in fu l to th e B n r ie , U seless to th e
George Frederick Ernest Albert, oldest
D r iv e r and a R o h e o f U a rb a rism .
surviving »<>u o f the Prince of Wales
I f a inaa i»:is a lu' .vy load to push or
and who w ill be queen o f Great Britain draw, ho lowers his head by bending for-
and Ireland if said prince outlives his I ward and tlu'ows the w eight o f his body
grandmother, is affectionately known aa against, or to propel, tlie load; so does
Prinoeea M ay and was born at Kensing- the ox or horse under similar circum­
stances i f permitted. If the man’s head
were lied to a belt around his to d y so
that he could not bend forw ard, he
would lose the advantage o f his weight
r e ,
*nd could only pull or push w ith his
muscles: so also with the horse or ox.
A stage leaves Salem at 6 every mor­
ning for McCoy and l ’errydalc, return­
ing in the afternoon. M ail stages go
from Dallas and Independence to Sa
lem every m orning and return after
W e desire regular correspondence
Oysters to the exten t o f 123,0U0 sacks
from every neighborhood in the coun­ are t . be *hip|wd front W 'illips hay,
ty n o t ulready represented in these W ashington, to the m idw inter fair in
oolurona, and will furnish paper, en ­ S ju Francisco.
velopes anil stamps. W h o will volun­
teer to tend in the neighborhood news.
I f you wish to secure a certain and
------- .----« « » -------------
speedy result, when using A yer's Sarss-
S h iloh ’s Cure, the great c nigh and parilla, he careful in observing the
eroup cure, is for sale by all druggists. rules of health, or the benefit m ay be
P o c k et size contains twenty-five doses, retarded. A fair and persisteat trial ol
o n ly 26 cents. Children love it.
this medicine never fails, when the tli
rections are followed.
I f you do n ot want to he a bore, be
Lrii-f and pointed in all you say and
A notice |sisted on the door of a sus­
Dong winded or poke easy people pended easlern hank read:
"‘ This
• r e alw ays an n oyin g to others.
hank lias not busted, It owes the peo
pie |3fi,000 aud the people owe it »52,-
S h iloh 's V ita lize r is what you need 000. It is the people who are busted.
for dyspepsia, torpid liver, yellow akin W hen they pay us we w ill pay them .”
o r kidney trouble. It is guaranteed to
g iv e you satisfaction. Price, 76 cents.
I was troubled with catarrh for seven
years previous tn com m en cin g the use
T h e heavy rains of late have greatly of E ly’s Cream Balm . I t has done for
dialurhed the arrangements anil calcu­ me what other so called cures have fail­
latio n s o f m any farmers.
ed to do— cured me. T h e eflt et o f thi
B.dm seemed magical. Clarence L
A fte r try in g many remedies for ca­ Hurt’, Biddeford, Me.
tarrh d u rin g past twelve years, I tried
E ly ’s Cream Balm with com plete sue
T h e auccessful ones of earth are in
resa. I t is over one year since I stop variably active and atten tive to their
ped using it and have hail no return of business, no m atter what it may lie.
'- • ’nrrh. I recomm end it to all mv
T ake Simmon s L iver
frien d «.-—M ilton T. Palm, Reading, I a.
Y in can eat as nm cliand whatever you
In 1860 the Am erican papers print please without injury.
ed 928,000,000 copies.
Gladstone has
A clear Head
N early always the best way is to go
qu ietly along attending to your own
| business in your way, re g a rd *** o f the
1 criticism s th at com e from m ost *our-
Prejudice and ignorance have given
! ces.
way to Sim m on’s L iver R guiator. I t
has stood the test.
----------------------- -—.
T h e Sheridan Sun says some people
have an idea that they cun get to hea­
ven without lu p p o riin g their local pa
per. bui i hat alter the last day all such
I w ill find themselves in purgatory if not
in the hotter region beyond.
Send three cents In stamps to N .
K. Fairbenk & Co., Chicago, for
ha: idsome Cottolene Cook Book,
containing six hundred recipes,
prepared by nine eminent autho-
rities on cooking.
Cottoleac is *o!d by all grocer».
Rciuse «11 substitutes,
— 1 — ♦ • ♦ ■
t V A n y peruon receiving « sample copy o
P low up the old bed that has Oorne his ;>»*per will please consider it so lav itstioo
tw o crop», as it w ill usually not |*ay to n become a regular subscriber.
keep it, advise« American Gardening
Bet the ground to late cabbage or some j
other crop.
The young bed that hi..»
E A S T and S O U 7 H 1
borne the first crop should have a chor j
- -VIA—
ough cultivation :ud the plow run close I
T H E M i A M A K O I TK
to the rows to narrow them to the re-1
qnired width.
Pull up or hoe out all |
wecids ami keep the ground clean t h e ;
rest o f the neuron.
This applies with t
equal force to the newly set bed. A bed
Express Trains leave Purtlsud Daily
1 can be set late in July from young run- '
tt:l* P M I Son Krsnclsce 10:11 A
ners. Pinch off the end after the first
». A) A M
joint aud allow it to root on a sod or in San Francis«». .7:00 P JJ | Portland......
The abo« e trains stop at sll stations from Portland
j a small pot set level with the surface.
Mr. J. C. Jones, o f Fulton, A rk ,, says o f
“ A b o u t ten years ago I con­
tracted a severe case o f blood
poison. Lead in g physicians prescribed
men, w ill commend itself to all who fa- j mooioiue a fte r medicine, which I took
vor road reform:
without any relief. I also tried m ercu­
The convention o f the N ew Jersey
ria l and potash remedies, with unsuo-
mem b e n o f the League of American
Wheelmen at Trenton had an importance
beyond that o f »port. The person who
is impelled by inclination or compelled
o e«sfu l results, but which brought on an
by aL*:rdlnebe o f meant to exercise his attack o f inerouri 1 r eumatism that
lower limbs in the manner invented by
made m y life one o f agony. A fte r suf-
Adam is prone to regard the bicycle rider erin g fou r years I gave up a ll remedies
is a hybrid, compounded o f pedestrian
and commenced using S. S. S. A fte r
sad horseback rider. H e who takes the takin g several bottles, I we a e n tirely
air behind a horse, whether it be one n ir*’ I and able to r»*»ume work.
is th e greatest m edicine fo r ! M. M. KI I IS,
C. G. CO A D .
with a pedigree and a record or one w ith !
b lood poisoning to-day on
the more prosaic attributes o f a service- j
able hack, is likely to fa ll into the error |
R A N K,
of despising the bicycler for his humble | Treatise on Blood and Skin Disease* mailed D A L L A S
B w ir r S i-tc m o Co.. Atlanta, Ga.
method o f progress or o f disliking him . free.
for having any rights in a public high- ;
way. The farmer undoubtedly looks up- j
I Transact* a general banking business in «11
. ♦ — ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ —
Thff Fountain Henri o f Ntrsnfth.
I was very severly taken with dysen­
tery ; I took a dose of Cham berlain’s
Colic. C holera and Diarrhoea Remedy
afte r each operationoft.be bowels, more
than natural, for atou t th irty six hours
and checked the com plaint. It took
about all of a small bottle to cure me.
w h ile two or three doses m ight cure an
ordinary case. I found it would give
M any who have tine tom ato vines
m e im m ediate refief from all pain in
th e bowels. T . M. B la c k w o o d , Frien d ­ and an abundance o f fruit on them
ship, G rant Par., Da. F o r sale by com plain that they do not rip< n.
W h at do Yon T a b .
Schools frequently visited by parents M edicine for? Because yon are sick
and directors are apt to give better re­ and want to get well, or hecouse you
wish to prevent illness. Then rem em ­
sults than without those visits. Y o u r
ber that H oim I’ s Sarsaparilla cures all
presence is the best possitds proof of
diseases caused by im pure blood and
y o u r interest in the school.
debility of the system. It is not what
its proprietors say but what H o o d ’»
Syracuse, N. Y., Feb. 23,1891,
M v D k a r M u . F it h a m . Pittsburgh Pa Sarsaparilla docs, th at tells the story
I w ant to ack a great favor of you. I ef its m erit. Be sure and get H ood's
w an t you to please send a boy down to aed on ly Hood's.
î ;:
—the new scientifically
prepared shortening — is
made from pore beef suet,
end highly refined vegeta-
ble oil. Lard is made, in
the majority o f cases, in
the packinghouse, and
not as of old, from the pure
leaf of the hog. Which ia
likely to be the most
healthful ? Decide for
yourself, It must be
■ .
F or O ver Fifty V esri.
An oh 1 ami well tried remedy.—M»s. Winslow’s
•Soothing Hyrup lias toon used tor over »ifry year» by
million# of mot bent for their ddldron while teBtiiimf.
öAis. it
It «cotiiaa
soothe# tho
«tien perfect
penetri sii
su -, eòa.
the child,
cima, «often« rht> sliouKl ilo Supported Iu T h e ir tiu-
I the gain», «U m »j# a JI pain, cures wind
* ii.d colic, «ml
ami U tin
dvAVurs Tor Uetter lligh w u ys.
mua u
I , ___
l»»l ranisav
r,-u..-.tj rnr
lor man
I. nUi.unt
pU aw il r.. ti„ cut«,
OOld r»y driiKRiits in every jmrt of the Wwrld Tweu
The fullowing editorial utterance of
t.v flv* cents a bottle, lu v«Juc 1» U sor L- r I r L i «. rtt the N ew Y o rk Times, in allusion to the
j sure au«i usk tor x n
recent convention o f N ew Jersey wheel­
1 take 2 uu other
^ kind
Merchant^ Tailor.
ir im * € U B 8
In all its Appointments.
■A_ X- W
S P E C IA L T Y .
D A L L A S ,
O R E G O N .—
The Best Hotel between Portand and Saa
iia iT E E
3 P ro s 5 r i# ta r
O R E G O N -
P E R F E C T S ^
B R iL L IA K T ^ h
t h e old reliable -
Every Instrument Warranted for Five Years.
"V .
305 W A S H IN G T O N S T R E E T ,
M O O H E ,
P A R K !
The new addition to Dallas, lies four blocks southwest of
the court house, commanding a view of the whole town and
surrounding country. Shade trees are set out along all th«
streets, which are graded and 80 feet wide. Size of lots—
80x144, with allleys through the blocxs.
These lots are sold on the installment plan—$10 cash,
balance on three, six, nine and twelve months’ time without
interest. This is by long odds the prettiest and best addi­
tion to Dallas.
Wm. P. WRIGHT, Agent.
J* 13. N u n n , IP ro u rie to r.
Full stock of best quality seasoned lumber and all
kinds of dimension timliors. Doors, windows, braeet«
mouldings, laths, shingles, cedar posts, ornamental fencing
and stair material. Prices of doors, 2Jxt»4xl4, $1 75- 2ix
tq x l}. $3; iq x tq x l*. $2: 2 lx 6 fx lL $2.25; shingles. $2.50;
common windows, $1.25 to $2.50. Door and window frames
carried in stoex. Terms cash, or bankable note in 30 davs.
1 Word to the Wise is Suflicient/*
Theretore, when we assure advertisers that this paper en­
ters at least nine-tenths of the homes in Polk county, and
that its contents aie carefully read by all the inmates, what
l*etter nieduumjcan business men want in which to push the
sale of their goods. They should bear in mind that, accor­
ding to the experience of the largest and most succMgful ad­
vertisers, dull times does not warrant a suspension of their
x= r±