COUNTY ITEMIZED ■ inhbd K tbrt F ui day Br A . W A S H D a l l a s , F r i d a y , o c t . so , isa3. THE OFFICIAL COUNTY PAPER. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: *Ki ...................... .....Per year 9100 ............................. Per *ix month* 0 0 ....,.......... Per three muothe Adver ieintf rate. maMe known on applica. Non. Correepondence is solicited. Fine Job Printing done at reasonable prices. T he matter of selling on holding on to ones products for better prices has too sides to it. If the owner is out of debt he may be justifiable in holding on indefinitely for a satisfactory price. But suppose he is in owing others who depend upon means from that source to meet their obligations. Has he any moral right to compel them to wait for what may suit his interests. If ev­ ery man will simply follow the golden rule thousands of debts would be paid much quicker and the business of the country would roll along more smoeth- ly- _________________ T hk French and Russians are now huviqg * regular love feast on French territory. First the Russian navy was heartily received by a grand demon­ stration at Toulon, even the women and children welcoming them like we rend ubout the receptions to Washing­ ton Lafayette in this country. Then the Russian naval officers were taken by train to Paris were 100,000 people assembled at the depot to greet them. The French people went almost wild over them, an in speech making the representatives of each country spoke in warm terms of friendship for the other. A nd yet congress has taken no decid­ ed stand on the gold and silver ques­ tion, but its seems that all bauds ere coming to understand that where there is such a radical difference of opinion in the senate and neither side can force the other to come to a decisive vote, the only possible outcome is either nothing or compromise. The repeal senators being in the majority claim that the others should submit, but the opposition believe they have right and the best interests o f the oountry on their side and that it is their bounden duly to place every possible obstacle in the way of tbe gold bugs. Perhaps the next few days will see the matter ad­ justed one way or another. M onday ’ s water works election was quite spirited, not a little feeling being displayed by impulsive ones, and some of those having considerable property. The result was in favor of the enter­ prise by a majority of 47. Perhaps none would object to seeing the town thus supplied with water, but many are of the opinion that the cost will ov­ erbalance the benefits to be derived. Personally, we should have preferred ■eeing the matter deferred until better times, but the majority have expressed themselves otherwise and we trust time will prove the wisdom of their de­ cision. It will behoove the city au­ thorities to be exceedingly careful that a burdensome debt is not saddled up­ on the city. Jesse Berry is working down in the Ballston country. DEVELOPING TH t TROT. Do R EO P EN S O i D A LLA S, O REO . , •1HHKR ABU PKOFR1BTOR. l A i n f lu i T r o t t e r » I TILE WORKS. P R I M A K Y K U V C A T IO N . A FORTUNE IN HOPS. |to»rd of directors uliall then make, or | gn at help in thin moat important life | M adison 8. 1>. Oct. 10 1893 'cauae to he made, a com put at ion of the work, giving our balnea a right start Frank Butler, of balls City, has been i Hot h in season anil out of season Ha­ T eacher * op 'P olk ' C ounty : MtD> i ra,e P*r ‘*enL DWinMry to raise the If the proper principles are fully in-' and draw thinking and figuring on ' the subject John Leach, Proprietor. luontbs ago 1 premised to write a let* ft mount of tax voted at the school I culcated at this young age. all trouble- j j '' * **<;lutire rush ahead ' and lu re are soino of his conclusions: S - j N ter for the I tkmizkk concerning prim meeting, and notify he county clerk, some social questions would be solved . . g8e!,t f r,)c*r>' trade, their only I Say that twelve acres of clrared hop H U GH ES ary work in the practice bc I ioo I of the >n wr>ti'ig, of suid rate per cent on or forever. There would be no internper- I inducement being goods of extra qual­ land is worth 9720. That would re- again opened tlu-ir wagon and ity remarkably cheap. Oswego normal. Now, when 1 make a before the fiiat day of Feburary in each | ante, no criminals. The child would quire about 38,000 roots, wliieU at blacksmith shop at the old stand ----- ------- -------------------------- 1 ---------- be placed in his proper environment veer. The amount of tlie tax whenever promise I always have a guilty feeling 92.50 would («at $90, and 12,000 poles n a . m a a / 1 Rr-i/H ira Plumbing of all kinds done by Du­ i t , at $30 50 per acre, would take unless I fulfill it. Therefore, fur the it is collected hv the sheriff or other N e a r C o v e r e d B r id g e . First class tile of all sizes from thr*e The early education of their children tax collector can be drawn from the gan Bros, and tney keep such steam purpose of easing my conscience, and $438. Two plow«, a burrow, an auger j They solicit the prtronage of former with the hope that I may at the same county treasurer and receipted ior by is the most important work of the hu­ engine trimmings as oilers, packing, and hoes could he had for about $24. customers and others. They are get* to eight inches in diameter. lime suggest something that may aid the district clerk whenever he shall te- man family. The axiom of the poet : gauge glasses and sight feed lubrica­ Then he eniim&tes that the planting ting some seasoned stock from Port- you in your work, I write this letter. ceive from the tax collector the county “ As the twig is bent so the treris in- tors. PRICES PER 1,000 FEET: would co*t $9 and the cultivating ; land, but the bulk of it comes from tlie These, and only these, are my excuses treasurer’s receipt for the same. See dined” was certainly intended to be or a total oi $1,347. Eight per cent | east. sections 3, 4, 5, 0, aud 7, pages 1 52 aud applied to the grand forest of humani­ Three inch .................................... .915 tor its existence. I shall long remem­ At the Salem cannery the Oregon interest on land and labor added would [T f O R E G O N Four in ch .......................................... 22 ty. Surely, as Froebel says, “ the seed ber February 1, 1803, as the day on 03, school law of 1893. Fruit and Produce company are buy M a g tb* output tip to $1 158. H im * * ' __ T. O . H u t c h i n s o n , School Supt. corn of the future lies in our children." Five in ch ............................................ 32 which I took the degree of P. P. F., ing all good apples offered or will dry timates the twelve acre hop patch as ! Let us plant only the beat seed, for “ as Six in ch ............................................. 42 which, when interpreted, means Poor now worth $1,200. For tlie second | them ou tbe shares. Take them a DALLAS A TKAIlls CKNTTCN. we sow so s h a l l we reap.” T k a c h k k . Seven inch .......................................... 60 Practice Teacher. I would not have load. year he figure* the cultivation at $101, Eight inch.......................................... 70 Gaynor's newly received boots, shoes you think for an instant that this title The foregoing article comes from a grubbing $24, spraying $♦»(). tying $16, Social brand of Bunim- OU, which we ruanu- is given on account of poor work, for and rubber goods are finding ready Salem teacher and was brought out by poling $18, pole pulling $*¿0, boss $20, | faeture expr#*»ly for FAMILY USB Go t o White A Catterlin, 54 State such is often far from the truth. It sale and giving good satisfaction. Ke FKKFKCT ILLUMINATOR. something we said about the propriety I S t r e e t , and get a package of that appe­ hauling $30, burlap and baling $50, IT IS A IT IS HIGH KIRS: TEST. X j - B . X ’H o a J Z E X i , simply exprt-sres the sincere sympathy member it is thi only exclusive boot wages and wood in drying $100, and IT IS OK UNIFORM QUALITY. of uot sending children to school un­ tizing and health giving food to mix of those in the methods school for and shoe store in town. picking 1,200 boxes $600. He puts in We ifu tmntee it to be the maHWiT roe.lHI.1 QUAD, Stock Inspector for Polk County, der 6 years of age. That writer and with the feed of your cows and horses. a hop house at $450, -prayer $50, haler or n.Li minaiino oil . Ask (or it, members of the practice class It is A D D R E S S M et O V , O R E G O N . It will put them in fine condition. STANDARD OIL COMPANY. the general supposition that of all poor $80, boxes and bugs $10, or a total oost Everybody knows why a Btrictly this one have precisely the same opin­ mortals practice teachers arc the must cash store can discount the prices of ion. We had reference to the ordina­ of about $1,800. But lie figures that miserable. I am obliged to confess one that gives credit. Brown A Hon Have you seen those quaint quintu­ the land is now worth an additional that for the first few weeks I felt inclin­ want to be accommodating, but not to ry mixed school of all grades as found ple photographs at Cherrington’s gal­ $50 per acre and that the 1,200 boxes throughout the country, while hie plea ed to believe this supposition true, but the extent of haviqg their goods scat­ lery. At one sitting they will take five of hops at 20 cents are worth $2,880 or as I knew my work better and entered tered over the country with promises | is for kindergarten education. Every negatives of you, each showing a dif­ a profit of nearly $2,000 over all ex. mor* and more into the spirit of it, I to pay. They would rather sell less word he says about the importance of ferent view and all to go on one card. penses. Going on thus, at the end of lost my over sensitiveness to criticism and know exactly what they are do- P ortland , O rkgon . A. P. A rmstrong , P rincipal . early child training is true as gospel, Nothing would more please youi the fourth year he would have a net and found the work delightful. Those iug. Open all the year. Students may enter at any time. Catalogue free friends elsewhere. profit of about $4,000, and still better but as a matter of fact the average educational principles which in my the next year. His general conclusion A B U S I N E S S EDUCATION PAYS. teacher is not qualified for kindergar­ previous study had seemed vague anil is that it beats gold mining. He says Forget not that in the new Holman Good meals, comfortable beds and indefinite, became clear and logical ten work, nor lias she time for it in hit= figuring is not theoretical, but is block you will find Luun A Brooks. when employed in actual every day homelike treatment at the Arlington connection with her other duties. It Theirs is called the Capital drug store deducted from practical working in work, and the daily intercourse with hotel, S A L E M L I Y E R Y > T A B L E . would be more than well if every child and no other in the state, south of hop yards around Bridgeport. Exper­ such noble women as Miss Walter and ience shows that when established hops Portland, is so attractive. Mrs. McElroy could not but widen and can he grown for 8 cents a pound. In Wagner Bros, charge reasonable could spend the time between its deepen my insight into the true aims prices for blacksmithing and do their fourth and sixtli year under some com­ this coi nection let us suggest that! of education. In the light of my own work so well that a patron once gain­ petent kindergarten teacher, who Judging from the stream of humani­ while hop raising can generally bej past experience I can say that 1 know ed is seldom lost. Have you tried might lay an excellent foundation for ty that files in and out morning, noon I made a very paying business, it will j of nothing of more lasting benefit to a them, and evening Strong’s restaurant must not he wise for everybody fo rush wild­ after life. The fact, however, stares us be the most popular place in town. teacher than a thorough practice ly into it. The muss of farmers would course under competent critics. What in the face that in country and village probably thrive mo t by sticking to a Ê/7* As good a stock of hardware is you did we teach, and how? Well, we schools such things are impossible, and A genuine closing out sale to quit ciiveroified rotation of crops. taught reading, writing, arithmetic, can find in the county is that of Mr. — ■ ■ ♦ • ♦ ~ alter nearly twenty years’ experience the business is now on at Mrs. Reed's A utum n In Dakota. and many other things equally as im­ Morrison next door to the postoffice. portant, but in a manner that doubt­ There you always get superior goods at in the school room we are fully con­ millinery emporium. The goods are Miss Nellie Collins writes to her Mr. Lnmonreux is a thorough horseman, and a reliable man. Your learn there to speak for themselves and you reasonable figures. vinced that, except in a well graded less would have shocked beyond recov­ father, under date of October8th, 1893: can judge of tlieir quality and cheap­ ery a school teacher of half a century city school where a teacher can have ness. AH that she asks of the ladies This is ltv- most beautiful day I have wili be well cared for when left in his charge. Patronize the RED FRONT ago. What is commonly known as The stages from McCoy, Dallas and only the little ones, it were best to ex­ of Polk county is to go and see what seen in Dakota The wind blows, of Stable. Terms Reasonable. the -’concentration plan” is followed Independence take lots of washing to murse,— it would uot be Dakota with- at Oswego, that is the studies are clus­ the Salem steam laundry, where a clude those uuder 6, for the simple rea­ she can and will do for them. Many >nt the wind, but the sun shines, things are going at less than actual son that it is utterly impossible for tered around one particular study up­ score of white men ami women mani­ bright and pleasant. The sky is as on which they all depend more or les-, pulate it in a manner satisfactory to •inv teacher to give both them and the oost. blue as blue as can be, with here and and of which they are the outgrowth. the owners. there a fleecy, white cloud floating older ones proper attention. As a Natural history work has been chosen Dr. Contris in Gray’s block repairs along. There is that invigorating nip poor foundation is often worse than as this basis. Tlie reasons, briefly of frost in the air common to autumn or takes out teeth without pain. Lawton’s razors are keen and bis none, it were better to let the child ------------ » » ♦ » ---■ stated, are these: A man’s success in days. If we only had some woods for hair clippers sharp. It is a pleasure to Public School Not#». life depends principally upon his abil­ alone until proper attention can be be­ Jack Frost to try his hrusli upon, the be shaved by him. The sixth and seventh grades con­ October picture would he complete- I ity to see clearly, to interpret correct­ The largest and best assortment of stowed upon his training. Just ask tain seventy pupils and we need anoth­ ly what he sees, and to express accur­ any good teacher’s experience with a er teacher. Jennie Snyder and Violet don t believe you can realize how much ately and intelligibly his interpreta­ aufunm tints lend to the beauty of Have you ever thought how much tions. As childhood is the period your eastern friends would appreciate child wlidse early teaching has been McNamara have promised to play on October. The climate of Dakota is far when perception is the most ready and good photographs of yourself and defective or wrong. In many cases it their violins at our morning exercises, from pleasant, but it is certainly health­ • he concepts formed most lasting, it is family. Have Miser, the photographer, is found impossible to overcome the which are becoming quite interesting. ful. As a consequence of my good We feel quite sure that ourparents and appetite and perfect health my cheeks pre-emineatly the best time for train­ to take some for you. bail results of poor teaching at the friends would enjoy them and both have rounded out till I look quite rosy. ing to habits of careful and accurate start. tlie teachers and scholars would wel­ observation and expression. For this in the city. No inferior grades kept anil WE DEFY COMPETITION in price. Ladies of Dallas and vicinity be come tlieir visits to our school. We purpose observation lessons are given, SALIC ,11 SI.UNO SHOT- sure to see Mrs. Kimsey, upstairs near need a new dictionery and a new school Natural objects and phenomena are H allik R eynolds . Polk county people will find just af­ house. chosen as tbe objects «f study on ac­ this office, before ordering your fall dressmaking done elsewhere. S tella H e a d l e y . ter crossing the bridge an excellent count of the great advantages they of­ blacksmith who will do their work fer for moral and spiritual as well as O A K DALE. intellectual growth. In general ob­ Are you thinking of getting some cheap as anybo'y. Let him do your servation work tbe children are led to new furniture and carpeting soon. work while you go Up town snd trade. All hands trying to plow between notice the changes of the seasons, tlie Then you should drop in at Chapman’s showers. sunshine, the snow, the rain, the trees, furniture store, see anil price his goods, Of all sizes, shapes and the very best makes. From the ordinary At 109 Court street, the ladies will Charlie Farley has moved to the old the flowers in their season, the migra­ all of which are of late patterns and as find it millinery establishment inferior kitchen stove to the largest and finest range, or from the homestead near here. tion of the birds, etc. Besides this, cheap as you can buy anywhere. At to none in the city. Misses Pinkbam small bed room heater to a splendid parlor stove. careful studies of particular plants, Campbell's old stand. Jim Murphy will camp out until he A Sanford can suit any tast at any birds, insects, etc., arc made, each of finishes his new house. price. course from tlie living object. Grow­ Ed. Siefarth talks of building a cage I. V. Lynch has but few superiors ing out of this is a groat deal of sup­ The Ladies Bazaar in the State In­ and taking his chances to catch a bird plementary reading, free hand draw­ as a blacksmith. surance block is constantly adding new to put in it. ing, numlier work and language. For example, in the study of the wake-rob. Mrs. Gibbons, proprietor of the Com­ and attractive things to adorn women Miss Thompson, Isom and Mamie and children. Ask to see thecr line of Stinit go to Portland this week to take in the children not only learned what mercial hotel, is a first class cook. D Q rW E CAN FILL YOUIt BILLS fancy articles for ornaments. of botanical interest concerning the in tlie exposition, pleat they could discover, hut they read Faull A Co., hardware dealers, do a Mr. aud Mrs. Robert Farley are now about it, drew it and its different peris, The White Corner store generally occupying their new home in Levens safe and conservative business and are Or La G r ip p e , t h o u g h o c c a ifio n a lly e p i­ sewed it in their industirial work, had heads the procession ill tlie way of get­ constantly gaining friends on all sides. addition to Dallas, d e m ic , is a lw a y s m o r e o r le s s p r e v a le n t. number exercises on it, learned and Their stock la complete and they handle ting everything new and attractive in T h e b e s t r e m e d y fo r th is c o m p la in t appreciated selections from standard The young folks will have a night is A y er’ s C h erry P eetora l. the dry goods line. They have just op­ only the best makes of everything in authors concerning it, and were able cap social in connection with their ¡ “ Last Spring. I was taken clown with their line. They do not compete with ened a complete new line of umbrellas. to reproduce Miss Ewing’s admirable spelling school next Saturday evening. La Grippe. A t tim es I was com pletely pros­ anybody, bnt always sell everything as Ask to see their suede fabric, an imita­ trated. and so difficult was my breathing ttory of the Trinity Flower. As a re tion of kid gloves and their silk taffeta John Robinson has moved to Mrs cheap as a living profit will allow. that m y breast seem ed as if confined in an suit of a similar study of the dandelion OPENS SEPTEMBER 2T l gauntlets at 39 cents. They have new Hailock’s place where the Murphy boys Iron cage. I procured a bottle o f Ayer’s that common wayside weed was trans­ Cherry P ectoral, and no sooner had I began velvet jet borders and new boudons in­ lived and Mr. August is on the Joe Cobb, the wagon maker, always has sertion. formed into an object of great useful­ taking it than relief follow ed. I could not be­ Card place at the roak quarry. lieve that the effect w ould be so rapid and the ness and rare beauty. Every window his hands full o f repairing and making cure so com plete. It Is truly a wonderful med­ WILL FURNISH THE SIC. Fletcher Cook, Dan Siddons, Fount and table was brightened by tbe bright new work, Any one desiring a good Dining at Hellenbrand’s makes one Murphy and E. J. Reynolds went to icine.” —W. H. W i l l i a m s . Crook City, 8. D. A W O R L D O F M E C H A N IC S IN M IN IA T U R E . facial little blossoms brought in by the spring wagon should see him down at feel good all over. the head of our young river in search THE SPECIAL FEATURES WILL ECLIPSE THOSE OF ANY PREVIOUS YEAR. children, and the enthusiasm ran so the covered bridge. of wild meat. They slew two venison high that even the dogs which came as M A D A M E p iR A R D G Y E R ’S P R IS M A T IC F O U N T A IN guards to their little masters wore dan­ Constructed at a coat of 410,000 and throwing a thousand jets of water in all the colois of the rainbow The New York Racket store has a and had a wavup time eating home Nowhere in town can you make $5 will beautify Music Hall delion collars and chains. Do you ask buy more goods or a greater variety of choice lot of shoes just received and grub and spinning improbable yarns rr/^ S 3 r > L A R G E A Q U A R IU M S - .- er-KT-Y^ “ Were the children any better for all them than at Craven Bros. They keep much cheaper than you can get the around their camp fire. Prom pt to act, sure to cure Containing fish of all varieties found in Oregon waters, have been constructed at great expena* this?” Yes, emphatically yes, in many nearly everything used about any same article elsewhere. And the same Tramp» and Train», respects. In the formal work in read­ home. No shoddy goods nor exorbi­ is true of many other lines of goods G— -------THE ART GALLERY------- R o s k h u k g . Or., Oct. 16. — Every ing the sentence method is used for tant prices, and all treated alike. The fact that they continue to receive Will contain a collection of paintings selected from the World’s Fair- Among them Ellsbury’s cele­ freight train from the north brings in brated painting C u s te r 's L a s t F i g h t . To visit this great Exposition and view its wonders in every beginners. If you are not already Whether it be something to eat, to such a generous patronage is evidence department of Art and Science, will be next thing to a visit to the World’s Fair at Chicago. a large number of tramps. Yesterday familiar with this method, it is worthy wear or to make your home more com­ of popularity. REDUCED RATES ON A.LL TRANSPORAATION LINES. the city gave 65 of them a Sunday din­ your careful consideration. 1 did not fortable they can supply it. Fair and • For further information address ! £ . "W ". A I i L E I T ner. This morning wlien the South have much faith in it until I tried it, square dealing is their motto. Superintendent and Secretary. hound overland arrived, they rushed in Score, of men who need new over­ but I now think that wh-n properly and took complete pot,session of one of coats think they cannot afford them, used it has no superior. At the end Ask those who have patronised J. E. but if they will go id Johnson's cloth­ the coaches.. This was too much for of perhaps three months a combination of the phonic, word and sentence meth­ Smith these many years, if he is a ing emporium and find out how cheap Conductor Huff, and he summoned they can get a good one, a majority of Night Watchman Wright, and, with ods Is employed. The phooio drills, good blacksmith. them would st once purchase one and the trainmen, proceeded to put tlieina which by the way are used from the greatly add to both their looks anil off. A lively scrimmage followed, but very first, though not in connection Among the great variety of things with reading, are essentially those us­ offered for sale by J. J. Wiseman on comfort. Nobby winter suits al all the tourists had to getout, one of them ed in the Pollard system. The transi­ Mill street, is a lot of the cheapest kinds for men and boys. They want being badly injured by a hrakeman’s — IF YOU W ILL BUY YOUR— you to drop in and see their goods even lantern coming in contract with his tion from script to print is made about good hardware you ever bought. head, and several Olliers bruised. Later if you are not ready to buy. the end of the fifth month, I have not on the freight carried them all out of now tlie time nor space to give a more O IV B T H K C H IL D K IN A CH A N C E . town. detailed account of the reading. In In spile of all his efforts to keep The palace candy store in the new E ditor I tkmizkk : My attention has number work, a great ileal of time is down expenses D’Arcy blin k on Slate street is a charm­ A shland , Or., Oct. 16.— Another lieen called to a well intended item given to measurements. Lines are ing place. Everything looks so nice batch of 40 or 50 tramps arrived in THE END OF THE YEAR measured, using first oue inch im-asur- from your paper, which to some extent and tin ir confectioneries of all kinds Ashland on a frei ght train from the has always found him in debt. He es, then rules. Lines of a given length conveys a wrong impression. Not to are delicious. north this evenin g. The freight lays has spent several hours figuring up are drawn free hand, areas are found be too lengthy in what we wish to say, in Ashland over night before going up the outlays and finds that his by tablet laying, drawings and paper it must be denied that a child should hooks and stationery account has Teeth taken out or filled without south, and the town is infested with folding. Cubic contents by building receive none of its education before 6 crowds of tramps, each night, though been — OF TH E— with one inch cubes, dry snd liquid years. This niAV he true as applied as hurting by Dr. Contris, tlie dentist. aside from the 'Chinese outrage last DOUBLE WHAT IT OUGHT TO BE. measures taught by rctually measur­ to routine public school text book study Wednesday night no particular depre- but it must tie admitted that the great­ He would ssve himself both mon­ ing water and sawdust, etc. A great Mrs. Fiester, the mi'.linor, is not sell­ datious have bei;n committed. ey anti worry by buying everything deal of free band drawing is used to est part of a child's education ueeda ing out of date shop worn goods at must take place before that age. To of the kind from illustrate examples. In fact it is used M il L C R R R K . cost nor at any other price, nor does in almost every study— in observation produce a perfect plant we all know she pretend to lie closing out, but will PATTON BROS., SALEM. that it requires greatest attention when for still holding Hop growers are lessous, in reading, in number, in lan­ remain right along «nil furnish the la­ They keep anil s f l at lowest rates it is smallest. This with the child, its better prices. guage, and in form study. Prang's dies of Marion and 1’olk counties wiih everything to be found io a system is followed in the regular form most important training, that which choice goisls at. low rates. Lee Butcher is making eonie iniprov- FIRST CLASS BOOK STORE. and drawing work. Before cloaing, effects its character formation, must ! incuts in the way of a wood house. permit me to say that I did not fiud be bad lieforc it is ready for public school. This the most important part Brown A Berry lost their almanac development the dreadful bug bear I last week but all straight now. J. E. K I R K P A T R I C K , M. D. bad fancied it. It, as every other good of its education. It includes the culti thing, lias its proper use and place, ration of the senses, and a proper pre Farmers plowing and seeding and Physician and Surgeon. paration for futurq school work. A but when not followed by thorough chickens tickled over the price of eggs. drill, it falls far short of its Intended bright joyous childhood is the best DALLA8, . . . . OREGON. use If one cannot question definitely foundation for a strong future. If be Wm. Ridgeway's new barn will soon aud logically he Cannot do true detei- is to be a free man with sound judg­ l>e completed and ready for the paint. Office at residence. opnn-nt work. There is this story told ment ho must lie a free child, using W. A. Blair has imrohaaed »chopper of an Oswego boy who had evidently day by day the sense he has, growing ST. PAUL’S ACADEMY. >ind is ready to fix pij* feed for the learned just how his teacher should and strengthening his facilities in the Thin denim t ami comnioùioua build inn ia I farmers. proceed to gain a given point: A right direciion and becoming from the thr--unh*'ut with every appliance of a rtr*t cl»»» e In enti i >t ia! inHitatiofi. fan-l i* eurmund#d by exten- v# y. ung teacher was trying to give a start a reasonable being. Knowing Miss Annie is now some one nronnd». thus makiun it a mo#t itcwratie rvetrdinf development lesson bnt ha I not vet that tlie first growth of habits and day arbout. Thorough and practi al uiatniction \ else anil will move to Salem. We did »ml ca| abilities must and will effect the in th# primary and higher branches of educati >n is af­ learned the art ol questioning. The l oy I not gel his name. forded. Terms niodertte. Music, painting, stenog­ whole career, why not begin at the be­ at length became so disgusted at her raphy and tvp#writing form extra charge» For fui- nert - ula’w apnly to SI8TFRS OF TT1E HOLT bungling work that he exclaimed. ginning and keep this fact in mind. I J. B. Coulee i* Tunning hi* wood ther NAJÉK». St. Paul. Mari m county. Oregon. Why waste the liest of childlifef We ' ■Teacher, I kuow what you want hut i saw and this winter the work will be *11 know that our earliest impressions | that question won't fetch it!” Wish­ I appreciated in sevet al homes. ing you each and every one God speed are the strongest and most lasting,! then why not direct the child in its, The school board in district No 34 w. a. in your work, I remain your friend and earliest years in that which will be the ■ have made arranges vents to put a brick ! fellow teacher, Ngt.LiiCou.lNa. Builder ) most essential to manhood. Y ou r, ” 1 Suffered Several Year# j due from the groum i up in the center How to L ott i Arkool Tax. i item is correct in saying that the With rhanmatttai I took Hood's Sarsaparilla ■ of the building. D allas , O b ., October 10, 1893 school room is no place for a child un- aad tool bettor than I have for yaarv My wito Rube ronlee, of N ewberg, ha* m o e School districts ilesiring to levy a tax 1 der 6, but says they should be kept had a had cm»* of catarrh and was roa on the district should proceed as fol­ ' out as a matter of economy. There is •Idorod Incurabla. Sho took confidence from 1 ed to his father s farm near here, and | Iho benefit I bad received from the use of i we understand that t he old man will low s: The voter* of the district hav­ a vastly greater and more iin|>ortant a newspaper at Lone Oak on Mill ! ing voted a tax at a legally called reason than the saving of dollars. Dur- Hood’s Sarsaparilla I start meeting, the district clerk shall appl * iug those tender years a child needs » t o r taking four b o ttle of l b . txwtv-IM Creek. — Also carts, wagons and a general assortment of— to the county clerk for a certificate of | the wise direction of a mother— more 1 •bo u «nttrety w*lt.“ W H. H a n l k t , Pult ; A. Hlnshaw report« M*ing • sixtp*n t.>e aggregate valuation of assessable than a phvsirial mother—sine who un­ —* *ak____ Rmwt»|t>H«od'». ^ [ y*»r old boy that * u claimed to be i property in his school district, which derstands the intricate neceanctH'* of H o o d ' * P ill* riif* U n r 111«. >kk h»adarba, nine feet high. He mCurss CAR LO A D OF BU CCSES f Nerve Tonic B lo o d From the C o rv a llis C a r r ia g e Facto ry. ^ / ^ ¡ C U L T U R A L . - M /tC * G N E R Y -