Ir BABY RUNNING SORE Alum in iu m Fit**. A very radical advance has been made in W o r s t S ig h t E v e r S ee n . L e e « , H a n d * , files by a mixture of a small portion ot A n n « , B o d y O n e S o lid , D e e p , aluminium with the tile steel. No on e as , | yet has been able to explain the cause, but R ii o n lu g S ore . j Tbs A ge of Steel says the fact remains un- ! B e g a n U s i n g C u t lc u r a . In T w o W e e k s I questioned that the aluminium does make I quite a pronounced change in the character G r e a t I m p r o v e m e n t F o ll o w e d of the steel. h y n C o m p le t e C u r e . I ! I H a s come not a little k now ledge as to co o k - “ ery— w hat to do, as w ell! l as what not to do. T h u si usl w e h a w learned to use | IS In the first place, it sender* theeteel softer H is face and ears had great deep cracks In the flesh, and w ere sw ollen so that he did not look lik e a ch ild. H it w ere the worst tores i have e ver teen o f th e kind. W e began using the C T tich / r a R e m e d ie s , and in two weeks we could te e a g rea t im provem ent, and now he is c o m p letely cured. H it skin is smooth and white, an d he tcetns e n tire ly w ell. (Portrait inclosed.) We are t o th an kfu l. I would like to tell everyone w ho has a su fferin g baby about C u t ic u ba Mitt. FRED. BARRETT. Winfield, Ingham County, Mich. CUTICURA WORKS WONDERS C u T ic r R A R e m e d ie s h ave e ffected th e most w o n d e rfu l cures o f to rtu rin g and d isfigu rin g skin an d scalp diseases o f in fan ts and children ever recorded. T h ey a ffo rd instant re lie f, perm it rest and sleep, and p o in t to a speedy cure, when th e best physicians fa il. P aren ts save your c h ild re n years o f needless su fferin g. Cures ' » in ch ild h ood a re perm anent. Bold throughout the world. Price, C trricra a . 80c.; dOAP, 25c.; R b h o l yb m t , $1. P o t t * a D r u b a n d C h b m . C o r e ., Bole Proprietors, Boston. t a r “ H ow to Cure Skin Diseases,” mailed free. BABY'S Skin and Scalp purified and beautified by C i ' t ic u r a S o a p . Absolu tely pure. WOMEN FULL OF PAIN8 F in d in C n tlcu rm A n t i - P a i n P la s ­ t e r in stan t and g ra te fu l re lie f. It is the first and only p ain -k illin g, stren g th en in g p laster. Bulleta made ot preciou» stones are 'a r i' ev in warfare. But dunii me re­ cent fighting on the Kashmir frontier, when the British troops defeated the rebellious Hunzt«», the natives used b u lM a of garnet* encased ill lead. There in more Catarrh in thiasecti n <». ...v toutiiry inun all oilier disease- pul together, and until the hint few years was hu opened to lie ineurahl- . For a great many year« doctor» pn * liminced it a local disease, <*nd prescrib­ ed local remedies, and hy constantly failing to cure with loc *1 treatment pronounced it incurable Science has proven catarrh to he a constitutional disease, and therefore requires consti till inn ?il treatment. Hidl’s Catarrl Care, manufactured hy F. J. Chene' & C o . I'oledo. Ohio, i» the. only consti tutional cure on the market. Ii i?- taken iutern illv in dn»e» from 10 drop* to a teaspoonful. It acts direc lv on tin 0 : o « m | mid mueouH surfaces of tli ayaieni. They offer one hundred dol l.ira for any cum* it fails to cure. Sen«1 for circulars and testimonials. Address F. J. C h e n e y A Co., Toledo, 0.1 Sold by druggista, 76c. The art of gem engraving is a very ancien t one, and it is a carious fact that the toolr used in this work have changed less than | auy others known except perhaps the pot­ ter's wheel. In a lecture delivered at the Metropolitan museum In New York Pro- feasor Rood, in tracing the history of the art from the early Egyptians, through the j Assyrians to the latter Greeks and Romans, stated that the bowstring drill and the disk sa used in very' early times did not differ materially from the tools in use at the pres ent day, while the corundum point wa* generally used for handwork. Foreign born residents constitute 46 per cent of the population of Cleveland, 42.5 of New York. 42 of Han Francisco. 41 of Chi cago, 40 of Detroit, 35.5 of Boston, 85 of Buffalo, 83 of Milwaukee, 32 of Brooklyn, 80 of Pittsburg, 20 of Philadelphia, 21 of Cincinnati and St. Louis, 14 of New Or leans, 11 of Baltimore, and one-eighth of 1 per cent of Washington.—New York Sun. The Kanawha and Michigan will make Point Pleasant, W. Va., the headquarters of its main division. About 10,000 per mile will be expended in putting down heavier rails and improving the track. Dot and Torn are tbs names o f new Dostofficea in Illinois Decidedly ÜŒ, ¡the most p u re and per­ fect and p o p u lar cook- jingm aterial for all frying and shortening purposes. PROGRESSIVE COOKING : t is the natural outcom e L. (o f the age, and it teaches r„ i us not to use la r d , but rath­ er the new shortening, - ÔÔ ~ i P I lU^J C H IC A G O N E W YO U R, B O » T O n J U- ( I|C o TTOL*Ï»B( q |Ci>TTOL*NH Q C ‘ >TT«)LHNU . Q jOllüOTTULMWR ,CoTTQL*WR ^OTTOLBtflti Shaky. A trembling hand, an uncertain step, fidgetiness, indicated hy restless shift­ ing from one place or posture to anoth­ er, usually menial annoyance at unex­ pected noises, are among the indie» tions of extreme nervousness. The** seem trifling, hut the health of m« and women in ibis condition in “deck' edly shaky,” liable to he overthrow: disastrously hy causes which the vigoi ous might defy. To fortify the nen ous system, general vigor must, throne I the medium of reinforced digestion and a renewal of an impaired p w r < sleeping at night, lie raided to a heal*I • fill standard. A guarantee of this i Host el ter’» Stomach Bitters, which r« establishes digestion, bile secretion an lie habit of body on a permanently r< riibir basis, thus renewing that bodP equilibrium, which is followed bv a ga of strength am! nerve tranquillity. F kidney complaint, rheumatism, ue ralgiu, und as a prev ntive of the fh attack of Hiib^equen' return of malan tipor«h r*, this medicine i* without peer. Thrice daily take a wineglass ful ♦ The screw propeller of the steamshii Umbria ia 24^ f« et in diameter an «’eiuhs 39 tons. Its four blades t mad of manganese bronze and th» metal in them cost over $16,000. The Lydians had ufold coin» at do close of the Ninth Century, B C., and Greece proper at about the do*e of ill« Eighih Century. The Rom on» « o neil A Good T h in g for 8u minor < om plalnit their fim silver in theyear 281 B. and gob! 73 yeufs later. Mr. J. W. Hager, a well known mef chant of Clio, Iredell Co , North Car A Woman* Rained? f»r Inflnminetorj’ liita. cured four « uses of flux with on« Klli«uiiiatlMin. «mail l>ottie «»f Chamberlain's Colic 1 am an old mirti rpi from ¡i.Hainmn Clmlera and Diarrhme Remedy. Thi tory rheumatism. The pust winter ii ,» the most prompt and most success came upon me iiguin, very acut" and ftil remedy in use for dysentery, dinr s. > My joints «willed and hecaim rhipa, «•olic and cholera morbus N< inHumed, sore to touch or almost !• •ther medicine will take its place or d« look at Upon the urg"nt request o* take 25 and .r)0 cent hot agreeable catarrhal smell had all h ft tie* for sale hy all druggists him. He appears as w»‘ll as anyone .......« ♦ ♦ ♦ • -------- It is the beat catarrh remedy in 111 The highest w ives ever »net with in market.— J. C, Olinstead, Areola, 111 the ocean are *nid to he those off the — ------- Cape of Good Hope Under the influ­ A meteorological station has been ence of a northwesterly gal»* thev have «■8'ahli»he«l at Siberia. Palestine .« been known to exceed 40 feet in height place 682 feet below the level of tin Mediterranean sea. Medicine for? Because you are sick and W iH it to gel well, or because you wish to prevent illness. Then reniem h i that Hood’» Sarsaparilla cures all disease» caused by impure blood am) debility of the system. It is not what its proprietors say hut what Hood’s Sarsaparilla does, that tells the story of its merit. Be sure to get Hood's, and only Hood's. Due Small Bit«* Dean every nurht for n •vcck uioubuTurpio Liver*. 25c. per bottle. YELLOWSTONE PARK. Of every 10,0»K* d ath» in the United • States 1,420 are from coiisamption* P ic t u r e s q u e F e a t u r e s o f t h e N a t i o n 's W o n ­ d e r fu l P u b lic G ro u n d s. ♦ They increase apiMMitc, purify tlie whole ¡ Yellowstone park is situated the greater 1 system and act on the 11 ver, Uüe Iíeun nSm alL part in the state of Wyoming and the re- | Horses are »aid to l»e particularly mainder in Montana and partly in Idaho | oessful results, but which brought on an and comprises 3,575 square miles. T L | fond of the skin of the banana. adaptability of this section of the country attack of mercuri 1 r eumati-in that K»*r Over F i f t y Years. to the purpose# of a national park was first made my life oue of agony. After suf- An old and wcll tried r«ni«*ty.—Nr*. Winslow’* brought prominently before the public by r. i eriug four years I gave up all r in edits So «thiiijf Syrup ha* hti«n us*: l for over fifty year* )>v and commenced nsing 8. 8. S. After Million* t>i mother« for tht.ii ehildreu while teetldii/. company of surveyors who visited the re- | with per feet »«. It soothe* the child, soft« ms gion in the year I860. In 1870 and 1871 the j taking several bottles, I was entirely cured and able to resume work. to* ¡¿uins, allays all pain, cure* Mind voile, und is the is the greatest medicine for 1 '»est reine'ty for Diurrium. 1-* pleasant to t!in taste, territory was again explored by scientific •old by dri’.giibt« in every port of the world Twei. expeditions, and the reports of the first vis­ H f-y T -M blood poisoning to-day on ty live eent-s a Isittle. Its valu«- is ineah ulable. B» sure and ask for Mr*. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup, and itors were confirmed. The expedition of the market.” take no other kind 1871 was heuded by Professor Hayden, anil Treatise un Wood a ~ « d n D twaw« mailwl ----------« * s ----------- upon his representations an act was passed tree. Swu-r Srscmo Co.. Atlanta, oa. The first cabin was built on the bite by congress and approved March 1, 1872, by if Salt Luke Citv in 1847. which what is now known as the \rellow- j stone National park was “ reserved and j Belvidere, 111., Dec. 3, 1801. withdrawn from settlement, occupancy or N o r m a n E i g h t y , De» Moines, Iowa. sale and dedicated and set apart as a public i Dear ¡Sir:— Having suffered a great park or pleasure ground for the benefit and ) ■ leal from headache for years ami l>eing j enjoyment of the people.” This great park contains the most strili- j unable to get relief until it would wear A n d a PREVENTIVE lor .«way of itself. I saw Krause’s Head lng of all the mountains, gorges, falls, riv- j t 'K M i U . ---- ! ers and lakes in the wfiole Yellowstone re- ! HtUKUtL .hi I lka. ache ( ’apsides advertised. I tried them i gion. The mountain^ianges rise to the A re S afe and R eliable. and now am never without them, find height of 10,000 to 12,TOO feet and are al fcgT Ft rr ~:1 v H r :: ■ ■ ing it tlie only remedy that will give ways covered with snow. The banks of j . P u r e ly V e g e - i tabic I hi v e - me relief. When I now find a head the Yellowstone river abound with ravines | M b! •die coming on me I take a capsule and canyons, which are carved out o f the I heart of the mountains through the hardest and find the relief instantaneous. P R I C E $ 1 .0 0 . rocks. The most remarkable of theseisthe Respectfullv voura, Sfnt postpaid on receipt of canyon of Tower Creek and Column moun­ price. Money refunded if ni G. H. W r igh t . tain, which is about 10 miles in length and Boston, Mass. is so deep and gloomy that it is called “ The D es M o in es, Io w a . Devil’s Den.” In a garden at Lexington, Fla., there For sale by J. 1). Belt, sole agent. The Grand canyon, which begins where are »aid to l»e 122 different varieties of Tower creek ends, is 20 miles in length, is impassable throughout and is inaccessible H o w t o W i d e n a N a r r o w D r e s s .Skirt. at the water’s edge except at a few points, A putty colored brocade evening dress, For distressing oppresdon and full and its depth is so profound that no sound covered with flowers, has a skirt arranged n *»B in ti e stomach take Simmon’s ever reaches the ear at the bottom. The park contains a great multitude of ho* In a style which will certainly be of assist­ ¿aiver Regulator. ance in suggesting changes in evening springs of sulphur, sulphate of copper,alum, etc. There are at least 50 geysers that throw gowns which are not wide enough. It Central Park, New York, contain* columns o f water to the height of from 50 opens on one side the entire length, and un­ <62 acres; Phienix Park, Dublin, 1,700 t o 200 feet, and the falls of this wonderland der it is inserted a »ingle box plait of pink • «•res; Hyde Park, London, 400 acres: are considered marvelous. The altitude of satin, which reveals itself as the wearer Yellowstone National Park, 2,260,000 the entire park is 6,000 feet or more above moves. The same treatment has been in­ troduced on the other side, but only from the sea level. _______ acres. the foot half way up the dress. RHEUMATISM Nervon-n *->• is f»om dyspepsia. Take -im m on’s Liver Regulator and be cur ,| ------ —-— The oldes artesian well in Europe i-i found at Lillers. France. From its • out' water has flowed uninterrupted­ ly for 746 ye rs. For wakefulness, weakness or lack of energy tuk ¡Simmon's Liver Regula­ tor. ----------- ♦ ----------------- Forty thousand tons of coal are burned daily in London. ! would bo nd of ehills an«l fev immon’b Liver Regulator. If yo er a ke It has be n colder in Virginia year than ;«nv year since lb‘72. to those who renew their subscription, or to those who subscribe prior te September 1st, tliis A adv, wh hair came out with every combing, was induced to g»vr Ayer's Hair Vigor a faithful trial. She aid so, and n ‘t only wa< the loss of hair clic ked, bu a new and vigorous growth soon succeeded that which li»«i gone. A S P E C IA L O F F E R ! T h * abov* t* a oorreot plotura o f THE ORE­ G O N IAN 'S NEW BU ILD IN G , located at th* corner of Sixth and AM ar street*. For many year* THE O R EG O NIAN ha* felt th* need of a new and commodious bulldlua embracing all th* modern improvement*, with the latest Improved maohinerr for turning out a me­ tropolitan paper. It now ha* It. and one that tha whole Pacific Coaatmay Justly feel proud of. a* It !■ certainly the fln« *t on the ooaat. Now thut THE O R EG O NIAN 1* settled to this new home It feel* like etvlng It* many — O N L Y T IIE — PUREST p »0 BEST T h e W o r d Z ero. The word “ zero” is from the Spanish and means nothing. Here is one story about its first use for a thermometer in 1795 by a Prussian merchant named Fahrenheit. From a boy Fahrenheit was a close ob­ server of nature, and when only 10 years old, in the remarkably cold winter of 1709, be experimented by putting snow and salt together and noticed that it produced a degree of cold equal to the coldest day of the year. And that day being the coldest day that the oldest inhabitant could re­ member, Fahrenheit was the more struck with the coincidence of bis little scientific discovery and hastily concluded that he had found the lowest degree of tempera­ ture known in the world, either natural or artificial. He called the degree zero and construct­ ed a thermometer, a rude weather glass, with a scale graduating up from zero to boiling point, which he numbered 212, and | freezing point 32, because, as he thought, : mercury contracted the thirty-second of its j volume on being cooled down from th6 tem­ perature of freezing water to zero and ex­ panded the one hundred and eightieth on being heated from the freezing to the boil­ ing point. _ SS. PISSCE’S GALVANIC T h e Ass as M e n t io n e d I n S h a k e a p e a r e . The only ass spoken handsomely of or to 11.U00 Pnis-dane have in Shakespeare’s plays is Bully Bottom in p tha $7''0O a year. that guise, while, on the other hand, the opprobrious applicati«jn of the name meets THE JEVVELER’S ART. us at every turn. “ What an ass art thou!” heartily ejaculates Speed to Launce (“ Two The sword hilt in enamel gold and stones p r^/H answering advertisementpleaso mention this paper. I Gentlemen of Verona,” 2,5). “ Preposterous is used alone a broo * . Tiny pansies of enamel are now joined to ass!” cries Lucentio, seeking todrown Hor- tensio’s music. Even Caliban thus re­ make the popular wreath brooches. DR. 0 DF JORDAN & CO.’S proaches himself ( “ Tempest,” 5, 1): The buckles of perforated silver in French What a thrice double ass gr shapes are destined to popularity. They are Was I to take this drunkard for a god charming. f p V r a k 1 0 5 1 M a r k e t S t., S a n F r a n c is c o And worship this dull find! 0 a L ■ (Between 6th and 7th Sts.) A new flower brooch is a daisy of enamel Antipholus of Ephesus say» blandly to 1 (M0 O \ G ° and learn how wonderfully you and gold surrounded by a tiny wreath of l l w l A . are made and how to avoid sickness Dromio, “ I think thou art an ass,” which forgetmenots. V » I « R ant* disease. Museum enlarged with provokes the retort ( “ Comedy of Errors,” ^ \ a ' thousands of new objects. Admis- A frog vase is a curious and artistic piece. ® ® sion 25 cts. The frog’s head projects and indicates the | 3.1): Marry, so it doth appear. P r i v a t e O f f i c e —s a m e B u i l d i n g beginning of the expanding bowl. By the wrongs I suffer, and the blows I bear, 1051 M a r k e t S t r e e t —Diseases of merv kick, being kicked; und, being at that stricture, loss of manhood, diseases of the skin Sprays of ivy leaves in enamel introduce I should pass. and kidneys quickly cured without the use of mer­ occasional dead leaves in brown among the You would keep from my heels and beware of cury. Treatment personally or by letter. Send green as a step toward naturalism. for book. _________ an ass. Wheelbarrows of silver burnished, with £ & A n y person receivin g a sam ple copy o L a n g u a g e In S e a lin g W a x . broken edges, are, strange to stay, among his paper w ill please c«*nsider it an m v itation An epistle conveying a proposal of mar­ • •t become a regular subscriber the most beautiful receptacles for flowers. A crescent of silver, a Cupid perched on riage must be sealed with white wax, while one eud and heart shaped openings along accepted lovers may use ruby color. Jeal­ its length, forms a new idea for making a ousy is expressed by yellow wax, blue im­ plies constancy and brown melancholy, hook rack. green suggests hope, an«l a paler shade o f Two tea sets seen show the two prevail­ green conveys reproof. A letter of condo­ — S A L E M , O R E G O N .— ing styles. One is Queen Anne, with ebony lence should bear a violet seal in reply to the handles And fluted bodies; the other is pol­ black wax intimating death, and the ordi­ The Best Hotel between Portand and San ished, with a broken raised edge and a tiny nary scarlet hue is still used for business. Francieco.) raised festoon around tue body.—Jewelers’ Invitations to dinner display chocolate Circular. seals, gushing youngladies fasten their con­ F I R S T S ', £ & & $ $ fidences with pink, and gray is the general INTERESTING FACTS. tint for letters to orrlinary acquaintances. In all its Appointments. The church spire originated in the F ew er than neomes of m - V IA — —OK THK— S0UTKERN PACIFIC CO. Ask your Grocer for it. JOS. KUERTON, PROPRIETOR. Kxprea. T ra in , leave Portland Indi) LKAVK: AKKIVK: Portland T i » P M | San FrancUcu M S A| San KrancUro. .7:00 P M | Portland...... O R L G O N IM P U B L IS H IN G C O , POHTLAND. O K HEIRS TO THE WORLD’S THRONES. Austria Hungary—Archduke Karl Lud wig, brother of the emperor. Born 1833. Bavaria—Prince Luitpold, uncle of the king. Born 1H21. Belgium—Prince Philippe, count of Flanders, brother of the king. Bom 188«. Bulgaria—No heir. Denmark—Prinoe Frederick, son of the k in g . B o m 1848. Germany and Prussia—Prinoe Friedrich Wilhelm, son of the emperor-king. Born 1882. Great Britain—Albert Ed want, prince of Wales, son o f the queen. Bom 1841. Greece—Priuce Konstantinos, son of the king. Bora 18fi8. Italy—Vittorio K m A n n H e , prince of Na­ ples, son of the king. Born 1889. Japan—Prince Yoshihito, son of the em­ peror. Born 1877. Montenegro— Prince Danilo Alexander, son of the reiguing prince. Born 1871. Netherlands—No heir. Queen a minor. Persia—Muzafer-ed-din, son of the shah. Bom 1858. Portugal—Prince Luis Felippe, duke of Bragnnza, sou of the king. Born 1887. Roumania—Prince Ferdinand of Hohen- ■ollern-Sigmariugen. nephew of the king. Born 1865. Russia—Grand Duke Nicholas, son of the emperor. Born 1868. Saxony —Prince George, duke of Saxony, brother of the king. Bom 1832. Servian-No heir. King a minor. Siam—Prince Somdetch Chow fa M a I ia V ajimnnis, son of the king. Born 1878. Spain—InfAnta Maria-d e l as-Mercedes, sis­ ter of the king. Bom 1880. Sweden And Norway —Prince Gustaf, duke of Wemfland, son of the king. Bom 1858. M. M. Hi.I IS, C. G C O A l» . C a s h ie r . P r e s id e n t. DALLAS CITY BANK, 8ome parent* let their children look at the procession and then w h ip them becauae they w an t to go to the c ircus Thera are 86,000 Russians in th# ehief eitisa of the United States--48,000 of them In New York. 7,800 in Philadelphia, 4^00 in If soro* people w ould be a little more aad 4.000 in Baltimore. They don’t in white, you have chosen all in gray, you w ill go far away, in black, you will wish yourself Albany l.ix-ul Dully, K » r p t Sunday. . LK A V K : AHR1VK: Portland moo r 5:00 P M i Albany Albany 10:30 A •8:8u A M j Portland OF DALLAS. OREGON, D IN IN G -A .. X . W lA lt h ON O G D E N ROUTE Transact* a general (»ranches; banking Dental < building, marciai «tre w r s r SIJIR DIVISION* Between Fortland and Corvallis. MAIL TRAIN DAILY EXCEPT HIJNDAY. SALEM. business in all Buys und sells exchange on principal point United States ; Makes collections on all (mints in the Pacific North west; Loan money and discounts paper ¡it the rates; Allow interest on tim e deposits. umuu W ILLIAM S & ENGLAND B A N K IN G SA L E M , Do . . . C O „ OREGON . it general banking husmea« an allow interest on time deposit«. D IR E O T O B S j GEO. W IL L IA M S , W M E N G LA N H. P. M C N A R Y . d A. BAKER J. A. R IC H A R D S O N . f l.iO p e r llo t t k ? Oue cent a doe* Tm s G reat C opoh _____ __ wh«*p* a ll o th e rs fa il. C o u g h s , C ro u p , Sere T h r o a t , H oar?en caa. W h o o p ir .fl C o u jh A l l A s th m a . F o r C o n »a m o tio n i t ana n o r iv a l; hits cu red th cosa n L !«, a n d w i l l CURB Y o u t f taken in time. 8nkl by Druggists on a guar­ antee. For s Lame k or Ch^stT use SHILOH'S BELLADONNA PLASTKRJBo. Harey, hi Í atarrh Aro .1 to cun» you. CATARRH REMEDY. it, mncdjr is inmran- E xpress Daily, 4.40 P M Lv. 7:26 P M Ar. M i I a i.OwtorCreo. E x c e o t 8onday. Portland McMiunvills R o o t ,ue<«'1* » , Than are 10.000 Swtn rreldeutn tn th* Yale College. Yale college was founded in 1709 under the trusteeship o f the ten principal nflni»- i ter» of the colony of Connecticut, who each ! contributed a gift of books. It was first es­ tablished at Say brook, but in 1716 was re- I moved to New Haven. Among its early patrons were Governor Yale, after whom it was named, and Bishop Berkeley. Of it* four faculties the medical was organized in 1812, the theological In 1823, the legal in 1824 and the philosophical in 1847. IRON WORK TO ORDER- tt. KOEHLER, R e p a irin g Prom ptly Done. ED. BID D LE, - To all Points in the Eastern Statai. ; Canada a d Europe oan be Obtained at I Lowest Bates from I. N. Woods, agent Dalla". DAi t r u f f l e « ov*r DALY, PROF. F IN E W O R K A N D G O O D FTS A SPECIALTY. REOPENING. E. H U G H E S & S N i H hvp again opened their wagon and blacksmith shop at the old stand N ear C overed Bridge. They solicit the prlrouage of former customers and other». They are get- > ing some seasoned stock from I’ort- ' land, but the bulk of it come» from the r; east. 3D _A _:H X «-A .S ., O R E G O N - A ttor W e lvivs the onl, •ou nly Reliable oan. No coiamiai Mill i Wilson'* bio K. P. ROGER». Asst (Jen. F. A P. Agl. Portland Oregon Manager. D ALLAS, J. Attorney a N e ll Han been in pri «■ about thirty ) intrusted to hi* tS, Dalian, Polk N . L . BlTTLKM B U T LI ATT. «¡■Ortice up«t block. OREGON. P IA M O S : O R G A N S Buy from First Hands and save Middle Mens’ large prof- its and Agents’ C ommissions. My stock comprises a full assortment of Old Reliable KIMBALL ORGANS, I buy my pi­ anos and organ« Prompt. l i t a 1. from tlie m.inii- fm-lurpr dikkct , and s a v e Sun Frnncwdo j o b- beia1 large prof­ it* ; and,again, I (•<■11 tocnnomurs DIRECT nivai If or through my ri g- IN8UI . S3 WASHI.NU The Lesi n 1 a r HAI.AHIED «»le«men,Ho that r-iitUHner« save | et t MAKI A 8 P Ohorbrs and Par Dwelling! aai Ceboole Farm g o u t « a n d s m a ll .- » h r « ’ l a r g e proliita. • - Buy from a Reliable Firm and Get Reliable Goods. • - A F I V E Y E A R S ’ written W A R R A N T Y given with every instrument sold. Old organs amt piano« taken in part payment for new ones. Catalogues mailed free to any address. Call and see nio or write be­ fore buying. "V ". M O O R E A. M sCRAKEN, F B. L. P ITTO C K , f , KUtíEKT, I ». e . r o t « I . LOW EN B ERG, Präsident. , P O R T L A N D , O REGON ESPADO” T h is -wonderful preparation Is P u re ly V egetab le : compounded from the prescription of the O fficial P h y sic ia n to the Court of Spain. House, sign “ E sp a n o ” recreates M e n tal an d N e rv e P ow er in M ? u -tnd W o m a n , tag kalsoniing An in fa llib le (liranintHNl to cur* W Unim Attacks end C o o su p tftio u , S m a ll b ile Desna. aa—-- - 4 T --- T b e r o A re in B r it is h -■ — In d ia 10.147 f«»r the m lf «»f opium. Trt sl<1 l»»iat 7»tb*r. 1 a U«- on* Small Bile Dean after » Mill.*. 25c. per i»ottl*. tu b e P r e v e n t in«1 c »»re f f above p price, privilege exami' ¡nation, a n d c o m p a r is o n w i t h ilege o f examinat n c e --------------- m a d e in ---------- A m e r ic a , n y s im ila r a a] p p ilia ___jr li.------ on receipt of d way of keeping tramp» »way iruin that place. H e luck« them iu the 1‘ H h til»* drnwing room, builds a goud fire and put» a literal quantity of p«P* per on the stove. tnuleriulh are used iu making all our Yin de Cinchona Co., The value of a good name was well exemplified the oiln r d a « , when a man asked one of our druggists for a bottle of Sirsaparilla “ Whose?” inquired the clerk “ Whose? whv, Ayer s, of course. Ye don’t suppose I'm going to run any risks with Hannah, do ye?” ♦ — If you are melam h olf or down with the blues you ne«Ml Hi in mon’s Liver Turkey— Mehemmed - Reahad Effendi, brother of the sultan. Bom 1844.—Youth’s Purely vegetable -Hood's Pills— Regulator. Companion. 16 c. The “ Man \i it It the Iron Mask” did not wear a mask of iron. It was«»! OUR FOREIGN BORN QUOTA. Bottles are blowed by machinery at black velvet, secured by steel springs. Vineland, N. J. There are 10,000 Hollander« in the chief eitles of the United State#—more than half of them, 8,500, in Chicago. FIGS AND THISTLES. The coiiH U » returns less than 800 native# Bln 1# it# ow n detective. of Scotland in New Orleans. Boston ha« 4,500, Chicago 9,200 anti New York 11,000. We cannot choon* our duties, but we oan perform them faithfully There are 7,000 Welshmen in the chief Before great victories can be enjoyed American cities—3,500 in Pittsburg, 1,000 j in Chicago, 1,300 in Cleveland ami 1,000 in great battles must be fought New York and Philadelphia. More people are killed hy falling down There are (though the number has emseri H a irs than from the top# of high cliffs Increasing) 28,000 Chinese Inhabitants in the Th# man w ho does right only because h* ehief cities of the United States 24,000 of has to w ould rather w ork for th# devil at them in San Francisco and 2,000 in New the same price York. careful about where they step, those w h o follow them w ou ld n ’t stum ble no much M r J. C . J ino-'.of Fulton, Ark., saysof “About teu years a*fo I cou- traded a severe oase of blood poison. Leading physicians proscribed medicine after medicine, which I took without any relief. I also tried mercu­ rial and potash remedies, with unsuo- Red ansirua'.ion PA IN FU L Cross Msnstruw'.ion Tansy Pills th* Ladies I which is far cleaner, and i “ I m ore digestible than any ‘ r lard can be. j E T h e success o f Cotto- le n eh asca lled out worth' ■ ■ less imitations u n d e r 3 ; sim ilar names. L o o k out t | for these! A s k your 35 i G ro cer fo r C o t t o l e n e , a u d b e su re th a ty o u g e tit. Mudo only by 33 N. K. F A IR B A N K A C O .. It S T . L O U IS and SALEM SOAP WORKS. MERCURIAL In Norway person« %vh«» have not bee i a« i a **«i are not «flowed to v««»e at any ele «• n. I - OUT of T he »FRYING PAN My efcttd began So be »ore when two montfce when the file Is cut, so that the teeth an old — Eczema on Ills face and bead. It rapidly , much cleaner and more evenly cut than spread over all bit body. Every one w ho saw with the rapiliu* file, and on the other hand him said he was the worst tight they e v e r taw. H e had to he w ound in ! when the file is hardened it gives a tough linen cloths ever t o many ness and hardness unknown before, so that timet a day, and then he would t t ic k faat to hit ; the result is a file that will do more work and with leas clogging up t ban the ordinary j clothet. I could n ot d rett him alone f o r u ioutht. H it file. It has beeu thoroughly tested and hat* j little ie g t, ham it, a m i anus given great satisfaction. were ju tt one to lid deep running to re. H e was to re all over, but the deen ett ones H o w the Ancient* Engraved Gem*. were on h it arm s, le g t, and fa ce. P m up in nest wrttcb-shHiH'C bottles, 3tira Outfit«,, » noli Hat! lieua*. 25c. per bottle. frjrSriDLW.* k ¿ T ottolkws || o ¡J i 9 {‘COT ¿PUMiq jCoTTQlSHa pTTTUtOlta | 1 and Brain Beverages, o r indulgen ce in the O piu m , M o rp h in e o r C h lo ra l habit. t :: e oheat S panish brain and nerve reviver I lav« you alraeod th« laws of nature and injured your nervous gystem ? A re yon i>-.oondont anil melancholy with confu*elo,xl am! gives vigorous life to th« unfortunate who has exhausted his powers. Prepared in tablet form and packed in boxes convenient to carry in the pocket. Each box contains 90 doses or enough to lost one month and is worth many times it« weight in gold. The price >1.00 per box or 6 boxes for >5.00 if ortlered at one time and a guarantee will be given that any case men­ tioned alwve that it dooe not cure, the money will be refunded. As to our financial standing we refer to any bonk in this city. Sent charges prepaid to any address in United State« or Canada. Put up in plain wrapper with no mark to distinguish what it is. Send lor eimalar* sod taetunoaiola. Addrean, SPANISH MEDICINE 1 S t o c k to n D * a lr r iu drugi itianery, toiiet gars, toLacc.» riicinal purp« Hptions comp* ~lt nppoait« in PEft — THE BARTEI CO., S tr w t SAN FT! Al!CSS CO, CAL.. U. S. A. A n a b le B ra in a n d K e rr» S p e c ia lis t c a n a t a n y t t m a b e e o n fld m U a ilv c o n s u lt e d e n t ir e ly fre e o f c h a rg e , p e r e o .t a lly o r b y n a il, a t t h e a b o v e a d c ir c a a . D o a l in d r u g s w in d o w s , c a n tio n t.