Torturing, disfiguring < am i every species or itchi.ig, b u r n i n g , scaly, crusted, and pim ply skin ami scalp diseases, w ith ary, U nu. and falling hair, relieve*! by a single application, and speedily and econom ically cured by the C u tic u ba R kmb - d iiw , when the best physicians It c h in g S k in for Years My disease (psoriasis) con<- m enced on my head. Spread rap­ idly all over niv body, got under m y nails. Scales would drop all V ty A the tim e, suffering endless, and w ithout relief. I cannot praise t h e C’U TiciitA R em edies t o o _____ H ave m ade my skin as clear from scales as a baby’s. A ll I used was worth. DJLNK18 D O W N IN G , W sU rbury, Vt. Q __ ____ S k in D is e a s e 9 Years Had o ver nine years a dreadful skin disease. First appeared u Haw small red s]>ots on uiy breast w hich kept spreading slowly to my back. T he 8j»ots turned gray, and began itching. Small scales w ould fall off, and it continued n y b all o v e r m y o d y . I trie l all m edicines, con- su ite d d o cto c t rs, c . __ no ____ use. ____I____^_________^____ Then I gave it all up. T rie d the C ü ticü ha R e m e d í » , they cured m e en tirely. My skin now pure and white as that o f a child. JO H N K. PE AR SO N , W hatcom , Wash. Itch e d Scratche d Bled Suffered three years w ith pim ples w hich I had to scratch u n tifl would bleed. A fte r doctorin g three years, tried C u tic u ra R e m ed ies . A fter using tw o sets am entirely cured. A. F . O K A M m . Photographer, M t. H oreb, Wis. L a rg e 8ores on Face M ,A Jj 2/ 9v m free fro m W as greatly troubled with blood poisoning. Large sores appeared on m y face. Hands were in such a con d ition that I could not use them . T ried num erous physicians and rem edies, no benefit, tried C u tic u b a R e m e d ie s , and am now all skin trouble. 8 A M I E L J . KEKI.KR, 232 Fairm ount A ve., Baltimore. 8old throughout the world. Price, C uticuba , 60c.; S o a r , » « . ; R esolvent , $1. P ottbh D a ce a n d C d b m . ( ’oRP., Sole Proprietors, Poston. « 9 - “ How to Gore Skin Dise—es,” fr—. fo s sil o f * Mrs. Ell* Higgluson Is the poetess of Puget sound. Alexandre Dumas recently admitted to an Interviewer that he Is quite devoid of ths mental quality of Imagination. Mrs. Humphry Ward express«, her sp I prsciation ol the Joy» of correspondence thus: "Rating tacks and answering letter, are both alike to aw." Mis* Annie Whitney of Boston has tin hhed busts sf Mrs Stowe, Mina Wlllan) and Miss Lucy Stone and is now at work so a portrait of Mrs. Mary A. Livermore. Albert Sterner, the well known illustra tor, has a pointed beard and resembles the conventional grand opera tenor. He ha* humor that bubble# out unconsciously in ordinary eon tarnation It is perhaps not generally known that Mrs. A D. T Whltnay, the uorelist. is n sister of George Francis Train, and that ter lu her superfluity of Initials stands for her maiden name. Lew Wallace's new novel Is "The Prince of India; or, Why Ooaatantinople Fell." He got his material out of official archive* while minister to Turkey Th# story is a historical romance Laid in the fifteenth ceil tury. The admirers of "The Silence of Dean Maitland” can scaroe'y fancy the writer of the strong, earnest story to be a woman rather than a man. and a sick woman be sides. The story was written by Miss Tut trell, a delicate girl, who was obliged to do meet of ths work upon her couch. Marcus Lenoir, the French artist whose cat pictures have made him famous and rich, Is said to have been so poor only eight years ago that it was only through the en­ trance of a homeless kitten to bis garret that he was one night prevented from de­ stroy lug himself. He painted a picture of It, and from that time his fortune was as anted. ___ _ _ _____ Find fault with the cook if the paatry does not exactly suit you. Nor with your wife either—perhaps she ia not to It may he the lard she is using for shortening. Lard is indigestible yon know. But if yon would always have Cakes, pies, rolls, and bread palatable and perfectly di­ gestible, order the new short­ ening,"C0TT01ENE." for your WIFE SOLD B Y ALL GROCERS. R ufus a A ll S ubstitutes . M ade o n ly by N. K. FAIRBANK & CO., S T . LOUIS and CHICAGO. NEW VORK, B O S T O ft — — — So dense is the water in the deepest parts of the ocean that an ironclad if it were to sink would never reach the bottom. 8hiloh’a Vitalize!* is what you need for dyspepsia, torpid liver, yellow skin or kidney trouble. It is guaranteed t«> give you satisfaction. Price, 76,cents. The combined length of the world’s telegraph lines is 881,000 miles, neces­ sitating the use of 2,260,000 miles of win*. L A D IE S ’ T E A 1« a pleaaant drink, which will be borne by the stom­ ach without nausea or griping. It act« thoroughly on the liver, klilnev* and reproductive organs. A gentle physic, efficient diuretic, and is most useful in want or painful menstruation. It aids digestion and reduces corpulency; clears the complexion, ren dering it fair, and restoring the natural color of the. skin, for it removes the bile, whieh by accumula* tlon, produces tiie sallow, muddy complexion, pecu liar to the constipated state. Sold by all druggists T h in g fo r R u m m er T h e a b u t# Ii a o o r r e o l p ic tu re o f THE ORE­ GONIAN'S NBW BUILDING. loea U d at tha co r n e r o f S ixth and A lder street«. F o r many yea rs THE O REGONIAN has fa it tha need of a new and o on in iod iou s b u ild in g am braolna all tha m odern im provam ante, w ith tha lateat Iraprorad m nohinary f o r turning: o u t a m e­ tro p o lita n p a p e r. I t now h at it, and on e that tha w hole P aoiflo C oa st m ay Justly feel prou d of. mu it is aartainly the finest on tha ooa«L Now that TH E OBEOONIAN la settled in this new h o m e it feels lik e g iv in g lta many frie n d « a baueflt. It m ake« tn le sp ecial offer to those w h o re n e w th e ir «u b eertp tion , o r to these w h o su boorlbe p r io r t o S ep tem b er let, t o send the There are M.000 Russian* in the chief cities o f the United 8tat**~ 4K,U)U o f them in New York. T.HOtl in Philadelphia. A 900 in Button anil ♦.000 in Baltimore They don t go went. W isdom msjr b » « N u p « m l to w stor. •* w«»ec I sstss th« heights and Hath er* in th« daptha. So is wisdom r e OMTsd from on high and by a lowly soul. -Talm ud. ORIGON'AN PUBLISHING CO , POBTLAND. O S WHOM DO YOU LOVET ••Whom do you lovo, my ioveV” she «aid A s I bent m y face above liur. A n d 1 tried to ca lm her and held her hand. A n d Banin in the name «weet voice she said, •’ W hom d o you love, m y lover? **Look in your heart tonight and see If there is a shadow in it, A shade o f thought that is not for ma. And tell me truly if there should be— “ W h o m «lo you love this minute? “ W h o m r circular# and testimonial«. Address, S P A N IS H M E D IC IN E A S t o c k t o n S tre e t -M». ♦ —............... — Cure for CoMa, Form tnd Oreml De biltt) . Small Bik ftrane. flk- per botUr. . CARRIAGE FACTORY. FINE WORK AND GOOD FTS A E. P. ROGERS, Asst. Gen. F. k P. Agt. Portland Oregon R. KOEHLER, Manager. L le m o ry , C o n fu se d T h o u g h t s and all Brain, Nerve or Sexual ■ , ♦ , — | New barns, shelter for farm mar bin- cry and wood shells are going up in all directions. If w»me men would s$^uander less time an«! money at tire saloona they Anasvs*aM*Laxattv*sndK m V * TONIC, i cotikl come nearer paying their debts PROP. N e r v o u s Prostration, Creeping Paralysis, Weakness caused ........ ............ S K I N - b y D e b ilit a t in g Dosses, Excesses or Over-Indulgences, In­ c ip ie n t S o ft e n in g o f th e Brain or Paresis, Dizziness, Doss o f to have refused $3,000 for it. Dt AOTIfISS-« C l'W P C tX iO N WljVI F0ft A fcMt ’ W ilt. NOT KO 1 0 « M » J R E K Repairing Promptly Done. An infallible remedy for N e r v o u s and G e n e r a l D eb ility , T*> af«l Dtjreatton tak«* on e Small Bile Been Aft«- 1 Whin. a A'. |*er ootUr. T tlt IRON WORK TO ORDER “ Espano ” recreates Mental and Nerve Power in L lan and 'W oman. -------- -------------- ------ --------------------I >n fmetPMion «»f Colonel Diiwrson, wh • ■ .. . ■ i Through Ticbe*5 To all Points in tho Eastern State». Canada and Enrope can be Obtained at Lowest Bates from I. N. Wood«, agent Dallas. This wonderful preparation is Purely Vegetable : compounded The first military order issue*.! 1 y I General Or.*nt, tln»e«l Julv 2. 1861, sn»l -n____ - i . a I spi>oint€Hl , Ooloiie! K. T. Ifawson qtmr lia v e y o u L a t a r t n r J liis rorav-ly H g v u n u i« , _ . . . *. teed to curs you. I’ric«\,50cts. Injcctorfroe, 'nn*«»er of tiie Twenty nr«t Illinois,?» _ t from the prescription of the Official Physician to the Court of Spain. O im rtnteeii t o cu r e Bilk»»* A tta ck s and CouaupMtioii, sm all Bile Beau«. P reven t ai»4 c»?re C«»n»ti?«iUon and Sick* HtHtiNi' Small iiik* Ikaiia. Passenger de»»ot, foot of Jefferson strest. AIttl.IK M AIL-DAILY, EXCEPT SUNDAY. Leave W:40 a. m. Portland Arrive 3:W p. n» Arrive 1:27 a. l Hallos Leave 4:3« p. ra. Leave 7:00 a. ra Ai. lie Arrive fi:06 p. m. “ ESPACVSO ” kCATARRH ^REMEDY, ra*«-»____. _________ n A M Portland and Willamette Division, Nar­ row Gauge. — ALL KINDS OF— A G N E E I ’ r o p r ie to r IIL O H ’S, r T iR E s C o n s t i p a t i o ^ r iNDietstiowoiuiNtsi Ar. Lv. Old organs ami pianos taken in part payment for new ones. ¡¡0 " Catalogues mailed free to any address. Call and see me or write be­ fore buying. In (¿ r e c c e . S H I L O H 'S B E L L A D O N N A I’ L A S T E R .1 SK I N Portland McMinnville r a p p lia n c e m a d e in A m e r ic a , n y Bim illa lla-------- — - - Express Daily( Exceot Bnnday. L to C S M . j 7:2i> F M Ar. Dallas Foundry! on receip t • f $1. For further particulars, send 4c. in stam ps fo r sealed Pam phlet No. £ , o r cull at the M anufactory and Headquarters o f theCom pany, occupyin g the entire 2d. 3d and 4th floors, at th o fo l- low r.g addre.-s: M a g n e t i c E l a s t i c T r u e « C o ., N W cor. Kearny & Sacramento St»., San Franciaco. V jr.'n answering .#«/. er: re w ent/lease mention this paper Some interesting results have been ob­ tained from the researches of the Airi'-r- ican School of Arehjeology at the Ha- rieum. or Temple of Hera, situated be­ tween Argos and Mycenae. The excava­ tions, which are being carried on by about 300 workmen under the superin­ tendence of Dr. Charles Waldstein, have revealed the site and foundations of the I ancient temple mentioned by Homer.' which was burned down in the year 423 B. C. A platform of polygonal pave­ ment has been laid bare, above which was found a layer of debris containing fragments of charred wood, melted bronxe and other indications of a coufla- - gration. Numerous specimens of pottery , of so called Myjemean proto-Corinthian i and geometrical patterns have been ob- : tallied. These and the other works of art found are all of the remotest antiq­ uity and form a discovery of considerable importance and value.—London Times. hm «I OREGON . “ Merchant^ Tailor. THE W1LLAMMETTE. is . S G E O . W IL L IA M S, W M ENGLAN I H. P. M C N A R Y . J A. BA K E R d. A. R IC H A R D S O N . r r t c < - # 3 . « I O . * l A , / Y * * » 0 a n d »V A D r . P i e r c e '. C - 'le - I J r b r .t r d L l.« tr ic « l »-J A ppliances contain th e X # a te a t I m ­ p r o v e m e n t s and »five a current which can be ln> s t a n t l y f e l t by the wearer. Warranted superior, in • v a r y r e s p e c t , * o « l I «,-hers_now m use. T he fo l­ low ing letti s from well-knpwn residents o» t**o- Pacific Coast, w ill speak fo r them selves: A Xairr. R I N E W X R I M r . 1 A . V/ooDBurF, F o r t (J a n b y . ■W ash ., «ays— “ Six m onths have now passed since I procured one o f your $l5-belts, a- d it gives me pleasure and m uch satisfaction t o renew my testim ony o f eleven years ago in regard toth dr efficacy in the relief of ailm ents to w hich I have be--n su b jected.” L A M E B A C K A R H E U M A T IS M C U R E » ! M u. J . W . Pou man , a wall-known shipw right o f T acoma , writes—“ Y ou r No. 3 Galvanic Chain Belt has d on e w hat a whole drug store could n ot do, for it has cured me o f Sciatic Rheum atism and Weak Back, also, which came on through a fall into a ship> s hold som e ten rears i-go. I fol 1 IH feet on my back, aail alth ou gh 1 got. u p as if nothing had happened, and, according to wh: 11 h » doctor said, was not hurt, the back troubled me over since until I tried your belt. For one y ta r now I havefelt as / used to a t no." IM P O R T A N T N O T IC E ! D r. Pierce s Bolts (w ith Suspensory Attachm ents for M en) w :ll be sent f r e e by registered mail, en . . o . f . above p rice, or U. “ O . .D F— *—*K receipt D. . b y y Exjjreas,^ a m i I e * c o m m p p a i r is o n w ith privilege __________ o f exam i' __________ — . *»«»'• William Dinley, while fishing on the DR. JORDAN & CO.’S | Brazos last week, experienced, a great GREAT MUSEUM OF AHATOMY deal of trouble with a large fish. lie k 1 0 6 1 M a r k e t S t., S an F r a n c i s c o I had caught a 9-pound catfish and-put (Between 6th and 7th Sts.) I him back in the water, and liefore start- Go and learn how wonderfully you j ing for home went in his boat for him and .a r c made and how to avoid eickiitss found that another fish had swallowed 'a n d disease. Museum enlarge«! with thousands of new objects. Admis­ him. He tried to pull him out, but he sion 26 cts. was so enormously large he dipped the P r i v a t e O f f i c e —s a m e B u i l d i n g boat in the struggle. The line, which 1 0 3 1 M a r k e t S t r e e t —Diseases of men: stricture, loss of manhood, diseases of the skin was thick with fishhooks, caught Mr. and kidneys quickly cured without the use of mer­ Dinley, and he could not let go. Neither cury. Treatment perjoually or by letter. Send for book. could the fish. Down the river they went, first one on top and then the other. tSFA n y person r eceiv in g a sa m p le c o p y o Poor W illiam was just able to keep up his pap er w ill please con sid er it an in v itation with hfa boat. At last the man got o ' b ecom e a regular subscriber. loose, but the fish and the boat made their way to deep water at Velasco. The fish was supposed to weigh over 300 pounds. The fisherman returned to town to see a doctor. His hands were severely — SALEM, OREGON — cut with the fishhooks and the fish line. Sixteen fishhooks were sticking in him.— The Best Hotel between Portand and San Millican Cor. Galveston News. Francisco.!,on It n.ns no rival}., Asthma. For Consumption it hns rival} has cured thousam!., *n-1 Will cviiB TOTT if taken in time. SeM by Drti -gists on a guar­ antee. For a Dune Hark or C ( t o ‘ i — \ . II i s : SIDE 1,1 UNION. D IB B C IO K 8 ; F is h e r m a n D ln le y ’ a L u c k . A m e r ic a n A r c h a e o lo g ic a l W o r k . l)o a general banking business an allow interest on time deposits. u An American acrobat in Vienna won a qneer wager on Wednesday. He bet a considerable snm with a Vienna stTong man that he could not endnre to have a liter of water fall drop by drop from a height of three feet npon his haud. When 800 drops had fallen, the athlete's face became red, and he looked as if iu pain. At the four hundred and twentieth drop he gave np, saying it was impossi­ ble to tear the pain any longer The -Seta. palm o f his hand was swollen end in­ lOots., o r d ?t.C0 per Pottle? flamed, and in one place the skin had Onecentadose. broken open. Only a small portion of T uts G nr. a t C o r o t f w here r nil. c o e x h o . C r e n ? , S ara ! the liter , of water hail gime to make np drops.—Cor. New York Sun. flHtat, wheopior Cough nini ! the ths 4i0 4'?0 aropa.— 3 ÍÍ0 Y I ROOT SALEM , ANI>— N l'.C O M ) CLANS SL L'K PIN O CARS A t ta c h e d l o s l i T h 'o u c h Train*. 7:*i A SI Lv. Cortland Ar. 5 :« 10:6* A SI L». I'rir\ Lv. M tP I r .ln C S IA r , Curvatli* l.v. li:SSP I At Aih«tiy and Corvalis connect with trains •'! Or ! gon Pacific railroad. C O „ £ at O T H O W I L L I A M S P r ic e * o r K a * to r F lo w e r s In N ew Y o r k . it u r t b y D r o p p in g W a ter. K A R L S B A a 'J i U N G D I N I N G CAM S l»N OGDMN KOl'TJt P U L L M A N B U F F E T SLEEPER*. Between Portland aud Coivailis- MAIL TRAIN DAILY RX 0 EPT SUNDAY. WILLIAMS & ENGLAND P u rely V eg e­ 8 Never since New York first became a city has the flower mania broken out so virulently as this year. The florists say that while no season can vie with Easter in the number of flowers used the floral observance o f the season was more gen­ eral this year than for many past years. Their sales during holy week are said to have reached fobO.OOO. One dealer under the Coleman House is said to have sold $30,000 worth o f flowers in 48 hours. On the day liefore Easter American Beauties sold at $30 a dozen, or $3.50 apiece, and were not abundant at that figure. But at the Thirty-fourth stri-et exchange the highest quotation for them was 60 cents, or $7.20 per dozen. Russian violets were quoted at $5 per 1,000; pinks. $3 per 100; lilies of the val­ ley, $4 per 100; Roman hyacinths, $4 jier 100; acacia hyacinths. 40 cents a spray; genestas, 10 cents a spray. There ought to be money for young ladies in raising flowers to sell at these prices. Tiie mar­ ket is insatiable.—New York Cor. San Francisco Argonaut. OREGON, Transacts a generili banking business in all Branches ; Buys and sell« exfchange on principal point United States ; Makes collections on all points in the Pacific North west ; Loan mone}' and discounts paper at the usua rates; Allow interest on time deposits. Choice Trees! Fair Prices! Simmon’s Liver Regulator never fail« to relieve the worst attack« of indiges lion. Satiritle«: t\!te Ct:stt»m«*r. I ease» A d dress "Our fishing d u b , " rem arked one I Detroit man to another, "ia to h ave a diacuaaioti tonight. and I'd like to I have you hear i t ” " W l a t la t h e q u e s t i o n 1 " "H ow sober must a man lie to catch the tangent string of fish i " - Detroit Free Preas. B<,ston, Mass. A Milwaukee m« put crape on hi« loor on hi« an:.-liter’« wedding dajr. -w ---------- Bowel« ir regular and constipated re «ult in pile«, avoid it by taking Sim* •noil’s Liv< r Regulator, «afty envelope just patented is ho folded a ml panted together that it can j not. pohsibly t»c opened without being i IL/eeKly OreQOtyiai? entirely destroyed ----------- ♦ • 4- ---------- ,4B«? sure you g« t Axer’s” is an inv I pot taut caution to all in search of a thoroughly re fable I local purifier, Ayer’s Harsaparilla being the one on Thle b e in g th e d u ll season o f th e year, THB which there can I»« no manner of doubt.! OREGONIAN b eliev es a b e n efit o f this kind It I uih stood the test of nearly half a I will ___ _______ P lease send lu o u r su b eerlu tion as soon as possible. When century and has long been considered | y visiting P o r tla n d yo u are o ord la lly invited the standard. to oaii and ta k e a tr ip th r o u g h uur new A Flail iJtiM tlna. G. H . W r ig h t . A building an*! loan association fot nvs and girl« is talked of at Mexico, Mo. -----------w • + ----------- No doctor’s bill« presented to th» amilies who use iSimmon’« Liver Reg* lator. A SPECIAL OFFER! OK DALLAS, The Ladies A lad at Palmyra, Wis., lias begun •o collect liis second million of postage tamps. --------♦# ♦. -------- Simmon’s Liver Regulator always ure> ami prevent« indigestion or dy«- ^Kjosia. A C o m p la in t« . C h ic a g o H o ,t * ao.1 H o*t«*ac*. I contracted a severe case of blood poit that unfitted roe for business for four years. A lew Lotties of Swift's Sptribc (S. S. S.) ciuod me. J. C. J o N t i, City Marshal, Fulton, Arkansas, Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free. S wutt t itu c u r ic Co.. Atlanta, (ja. table ! N ever The etiquette o f Chicago hostesses the Fallai coming summer is, it seems, presenting itself to some o f them. Said one the P R I C E $ 1 .0 0 . other day: “ My house is to be filled al- j Sent postpaid on receipt of price. Money refunded if m most from May to November. I have Yin de Cinchona Co., ‘made dates,’ as the theatrical men si y, Dea M oines, Iowa* for weeks ahead, and there are enough more of incidental guests to fill in the few unoccupied weeks. And now 1 pro­ pose to let them understand that it is going to be out o f the question for me to guide them alxmt the fair. As I am able and feel the desire 1 shall go, but to act as perpetual cicerone I cannot,” and certainly, it may be added, no sensible visitor will expect it. A word might be added on the visitor’s side. Don’t, as hostesses, ask of them I have a fine lot of fruit trees, which I will sell low the same qualities of responsive enter­ for cash. All stock grafted with scions from trees bearing good fm it. Come aud see my stock or write tainment that would be expected under to me about it. C. M. WHITEMAN. other circumstances. Days of such com­ plex and absorbing sightseeing as the fair will offer will prove fatiguing to ex­ S B . PIEBCE’S G A L V A N IC haustion to many iiersons, and rest and relief from “ company pitch” will be im ­ perative.—New York Times. Unfailing in effects, nlw«ys reliable, mre mid harmless, is ¡Simmon’* Livei teguiator, Over 2000 schools in Pennsylvania outside of Philmh'lpliia arc already Mr. J. W. Hager, a well known mer­ supptp-d hy the renpeetive Inwards with chant of Clio, Iredell Co., North Caro­ free textbooks. lina, cure«! four «*aseH of flux with one Ayer’« Pill« prom| tly remo.e tlie small bottle of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhea« Remedy. Thi* causes of «ick and nervous headaches. is the most prompt and most success­ These Pills speedily correct irregulari­ ful remedy in use for dysentery, diar­ ties of the stomach, liver and trowel«, rhoea, colic and cholera morbus. No and arc the mildest and most reliable other medicine will take its place or do • -at liar tic in use. No one should In* it« work in this (-Ians of diseases. It is without them. -H— • ^ ...... — * equally valuable for children and American buffalo will soon he the adult*. 25 and 50 c« nt bottles for sale greatest animal curiosity in Ibis conn by all druggists. try, and will command high prices for ................... ........ A chestnut tret*, said to be 2000 years show purposes. old, still flourishes at the foot of Mount I think Ely's Cream Balm ia the best Ktna. It is 213 feet in circumference. remedy for catarrh I ever saw. I never Shiloh's Cure, the great c nigh and look anyiliing that relieved me so croup cure, is for sale by all druggisfs quickly, and l have not felt so well foi Pocket size contains twenty-five doaes, a long time I used to 1« troubled with severe headaches two or three times u only 25 cents. Children love it. week —J. A. Alcorn, Ag’t II. P. K. H The Oerman Empress is said to owe Co , Katun, Colo. a single Berlin store $40,000. Pneumatic tubes arc now filled hy . ^ » ....... T .k * . M o o d C a r . o f I h . C h e o . meant« of multiplied pressure, a ma For summer complaint in children, chine having he«n Contrived for the there is nothing m > good ns Chamber- purpose. ■■■ ■—■ -■ - Inin's Colic, Cholera and Diarrlut-a I have been a great sufferer from dn Remedy. It cures ilypentery.iliarrlur* anil rhtdrr* infantum, and never fads catarrh for m-ny years, and 1 tiie< when need in Unie and the plain print­ , many remedied, hut none did me «« ed directions are followed When re­ | much tienefit a* El\ ’« Cream Balm. It duced with water and sweetened it is I «‘Ofopletelv cured m<*. M .1, I .all v, 31* pleasant to lake IS anti 50 cent bot­ I W«*alw*rd Ave., Boston Higi land , \ Mass. tle* for sale hy all druggista ■ a t . ------ A pair of kid button shoes w-re mud«- fltnian Province, aouth of the Yang c anph te and pack«*«l in a Lynn factory tsc, contain* probably III000,000 people. I' d - other day in 15 minutes and 4' It i* the largest *nlid mass of lieallien- I see«mdN. The previous re«*or«l whs 2-f i m in the world one resident Pro- i ininut s. te missionary. ——— ♦ • ♦ A G ood mahle to g«'t relief until it would wear iwav of itself. I saw Krause's Head iche Capsules advertised. I tried then, and now am never without them, find iug it the only remedy that will give ne r«*lief. When 1 now find a head tche coming on me I take a capsule md find the relief instantaneous. Respectfully vours, An American flag made entirely of acorns is a curiosity exhibited by a Baltimore man. Decidedly S h a k y . Some of the Cematock mine« are to A trembling band, an uncertain step, deep that no mem « have yet been de­ vised to overcome the axcesnive heat. fidgetiness, indicated by restless shill­ ing from one place or poBture to anoth­ There is more Catarrh in thisB+c'i n er, usually mental annoyance at unex- of ihe country than all other disean- reeled noises, are among Ihe indica put togetlier, and until the last few tions of extreme nervousness. The-e years wan supposed to be incurabl<. seem triHfng, but the besltli of men For a great many years doctors pro­ and women in ibis condition is “ decid nounced it a local disease, **nd prescrib­ edly shaky,” liable to lie overthrown ed local remedies, and by constantly disastrously by causes which the vigor failing to cure with local treatment, ous might defy. To fortify the nerv pronounce«! it incurable. Hcience hss oils system,general vigor must, through proven catarrh to be a constitutional the medium of reinforced digestion, disease, and therefore requires consti­ and a renewal of an impiired power o' tutional treatment. Hall’s Catarrh sleeping at night, he raised to a health­ Cure, manufacture«! by F. J. Cheney ful standard. A guarantee of this ii - a„o. — ----------------------- world, and yet ilie tirsi mining sto k A W o m a n * H om n dy fo r I n fla m m a to r y exchange in Ihe nation has only jnsi lt lie u in a t l» m , been organized. I am an old sufferer from in Hamm a ♦ ■ - — Summer Wf-akm il torv rheumatism. The past winter it came up«»n me again, very acute and And that tired feeling. 1»»* of app« * severe. My join»« swi lled and became tit«* ami nervous prostration are driven intl.imed, ««»re to touch or ¡»lmost to iw»iy bv Hood’s Sarsaparilla, lik<* mist look at Upon the urg nt request <>f before the morning sun. To realize th“ my mother iu law, I trie«! Clntinber* I a! tie lit of this gnat medicine, give it a Iain’s Pain Bapn to reduce the swclliiiu trial and you will join the army of en and ease the pain, and to my agreeable thiisiustic admirers of Hood’s Harsapa surprise it did both I have used three rilla. fifty rent bottles am! believe it to be Sure, efficient, ea<»y— Hood’s Pills the finest thing for rheumatism, pains and swellings extant I). E Carr, They should Iw; in everv traveler’s grip 1235 Harrison Bt , Kansas City, Mo. • od every family medicine cheat. 25« • a box. For sale by all druggists .......................♦ J Bend three cent«i;i utamps toN. K. Fairbank A CJo.. Chicago, for hand- some OottOlOM Cook ltook. contain­ ing h I x hand red recipe«, prepared by nine eiuinent authorltleflon cook In«. Th# Kanawha and Michigan will make Point Pleasant, W. Va, the headquarter« of lta main division. A bout *5,W) per mile will be expended lu putting down heavier rails and improving the track. B e p tils . That D/ammoth f ^ ’n l discovered on the banks of Montezuma creek in Colorado is not a myth. Tho work of excavation is now going on under the direction, of an agent of Yale college, which lias se­ cured the remains. The reptile (for so it j ia classed), judging from its vertehr*, j ribs, etc., must have l>een at least 100 feet long. The ribs measure 18 inches j in width. The bones are imbedded in a They increase appetite, p u r ify the w h ole hillside of coarse sandstone and distrib­ system aud act on the liver, Rib-1ieuuaSmalt. uted over a space o f 600 feet. Some of A piece of cloth over a century old them have been taken out weighing a is in the po8*e.««ion «>» Mrs. Myra Glea­ few pounds and other« hundreds of pounds. Professor O. C. Marsh o f Yale son of Vicksburg, Mia. write« as follows; ---------- ------------------- F o r O v e r F i f t y Y ea rs. “ If anywhere near as large a« repre­ An ol«I and well-tried remedy —Mrs. Winslow’s sented, the animal iu probably a dinosaur j .Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for thoir children while te*tl>ing. from the juras«ic, perhaps similar to the with perfect su< com . Jt soothes the child, gotten, one I named atlantosaurus. which was dis gunifl, allays all pain, cures vtit.d colic, »mi i» tbe found near Morrison in your state. »«»t remedy for Oiarrhctu. Is pleasant to the taete Other specimen» nearly allied have been old by druggists in every |«art of the world Twen y-flvo cents a itottle. Its value is incalculable. He found near Canon City in the aamo for­ ture ami .wk for Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup, ami mation. Other very large reptiles have | take no other kind ---------- ♦ • ♦ ------------ been found in the «-retaceous, especially ; Two hogs stolen from a fanner near 1 in Colorado and Wyoming, but none ia : Fairhury, III., were found in l»e«l at ilu known from the carboniferous. I have i home of the thief myself never been in the immediate re- j gion where this new fossil ia ftaid to have j Belvidcre, III., I>ec. 3, 1891. been found, but the jura.«sic is well de- | N orman L iohty , Dei» Moinea, Iowa. veloped east and north of there, mak ig | Dear Sir:— Having suffered a ureat it probable that it may exist in the lo­ leal from headache for yearn and being cality nam#d.”—Colorado Sun. Ü C O ., SAN FOANOSCO, GAL.. U. S. A. An able Brain and Nerve Specialist enn at any tie« bo confidentially consulted entirely free o f charge, personally or far mall, at the ad drees.