W h a t Causes Pim ples ? O o g g ia c o f th . pons or mouths of the w b*- Mono K lu d i with aebutD or oily matter. * h * ping o f Mbom In the contra of the pimple I*celled ablackhM d. grub, or oomedone. H a ta n w ill not allow the dogging of the porae ■ aenee, pale, •welling and radnew, r pan or matter iormj. brash* or la opened, f l a g < m m out and the pot* la once more M **s**fh n ia *n A i ot tbeae puree in the face « , »a y one o f which la liable to become W h a t Cures Pim ples? The only reliable pneenUee and core, when act doe to a oooatituiionai humor, la C u ticu ra Soap. 1» contain* a mild proportion of C U T Ic n t A , th* great Skin Cara, which enables it to .liwolv* the scbeoeoua or otlg matter aa It forma at the mouthe ot the p o n e ,, It attain late* the Muggiah glands and tubes to healthy activity, reduce« Inflammation, »ootbra and heals Irritated and roughened surf acre and reetores the thin to its original purity. This is the secret ot Its wonderful success. F or had complexions, red, rough hen.Is and shapeleea nails, dry, thin and falling hair, scaly and irritated scalps and simple baby blemishes It 1*. wonderful. It la preserving, purifying end beautifying to a degree hitherto unknown among remedies for the skin and oomplexion. Bale greater than the combined sales of all other ekio and complexion soops. Sold throughout the world. P ottkx Dur a a m , c h e m . C o s t ., Sole Pro­ prietors, Boston. W omen full of pains, aches and weaknesses find comfort, strength and renewed vitality In Cuticura Plaster, the first and only paln-kllllng, nerve-strengthening plaster when all else falls. A new «paper has just been started in Lon Ion which is printed on a pos tal card The first number has four illustrations, a comic tragedy, a few jokes and puzzler and some advertis— meats. - There is more Catarrh in thissicli n of the country than all other diseap. e put together, and nntil the last few years was supposed to lie incurable. For a great many years doctors pro­ nounced it a local disease, and prescrib­ ed local remedies, and by constantly failing k. cure with local treatment, pronounced it incurable. 8cience has proven catarrh to he a constitutional disease, and therefore requires consti tutionsl treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney A Co.. Toledo, Ohio, is the only consti ttuional cure on the market It is * ken internally in doses from 10 drops a teaspoonful. I t acls direcily on i .i" blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred dol- 1 >rs for any case it fails to cure. Send for circulars and testimonials. Address, F. J. C h u n k y & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, 7.0c. t P u t u p In rwalalosa India Rabbnra. Probably one of the moet injurous batata o f the- time is the wearing of close shoes of india rubber. When a rubber is needed, a slip robber, which co'-ers only the ball of the foot, is much more wholesome than a higher shoe and give» AlewTt aa much protection. A heavy ««H »M s shoe with a stoat heel, however is the most wholesome foot covering for walking and will be found unpemou to water if frequently oiled. These shoe, should he kept for damp weather. In the oooatry, when the snow is thick upon the ground, arctics mem to be a neces sity, as the snow water is more penetrat ing then any ordinary dampness, bu: they should not be worn a moment Ion ger than nocessary. F e s A w a y th e S k ip p in g R op e. A skipping rope sounds very tripping and childlike and calls np visions of hap py little girls bounding along the high way or down a country lane in a pretty and health giving e.iH else. Bnt it is an other cam of William Tell. There wasu i any apple, and there isn't any health tu them future mothers in these circling ropes, graceful and charming as it all is. Physicians who know say that the inces­ sant jar of the jumping girl is very seri­ ous, though slower in effect than the oc­ casional violent recult from a "jumping'' np to 900. So careful mothers must put away the skipping rope. appetite. And health on both.' i The Kanawha and Michigan will make Point PleaHsni. W. Vs., ths headquarter» of its main division. About tfl.UOO per mile will be expended lu putting down heavier Tails and Improving the track. I f you want lo bee the difference be­ tween good aod |>oor farming, take a tiip through the country and «rloeelj observe the ditf<*r« nee between far. lying aide by aide. A goon fanner it. a no lime for idleness or idlerb around him. No loafer in fit to run a ranch. ; y » Ccttoieue jCottuiene Cottolene Cottoieoe Cottotatt \ To assure both the above ends. ) good, wholesome, palatable food is ' demanded. It is next to impossible to present a sufficient variety of appe­ tizing bill» of fare for our meals with­ out a liberal allowance of pastry and other food in which shortening is required. How to make crisp, healthful, digestible pastry has puzzled the cooks. A difficulty in all good cooking in the past has been lard. Always fickle, never uniform, most unwholesome— lard has always been the bane of the cook and the obstacle to “ good digestion.” One Small B ile Bean every night fora Week arouse Torpul Livers. ttc. per bottle. Decidedly Alabama boasts a woman who win struck by lightening seven years ago bus nev. r s|s)ken since, and whose eye- grow luridly brilliant at the approacl of a thunder storm. --- * ----- --- For eitfht year« I have suffered from catarrh, winch affected my eye» and • ‘¿A,000 In Premiums. hearing ; have employed ninny phy»i Offered by Liggett A Myers Tobacco cian» without rt lief. I am now on my Co. of St. Louis, Mo. The one guess jM.cond Iniitle of E ly’s ( ’ream Halm, and ing nearest the number of people who feel confident of a complete cure.— will attend tile World's Fair gets $0, Mary C. Thom peon, Cerro Gordo, 111. 000, the second $1,000 etc. Ask your Most of the transportation in Havana dealer for particulars o send for cir­ cular. Ten Star tobacco tags entitle Cuba is furnished by little horses hitch* you to a guess. f < 1 lo a vi< toria. There are 3,000 ol those rihis in that city, and hut one Seven hundred tons of butter arriv­ horse care line. ♦ - - ■■■ - . ■ ed in London in one shipment from I urn an old man and have been a Australia two weeks ago. Its total constant sutlerer with catarrh for the value was about $340,000. last ten years. I am entirely cured by Shiloh’s Vitalizer is what you need the use of E ly’s Cream Halm. It it for dyspepsia, torpid liver, yellow skin strange that so simple a remedy will or kidney trouble. It is guaranteed to cure such a atubhorn disease.— Henry give you satisfaction. Price, 70 cents. Hillings, U. 8. Pension A lt ’)’, Washing* ton, 1). C. Australia has just comslcted the first locomotive ever built on the island con A t three of the large [«ondon railway tinent. It was constructed at M el­ stations— Charing Croua, Cannon street bourne, and London Bridge— as many as 32,* ■ APPETITE AND HEALTH:' Grocers sell it all about. RCruat ALL SUBSTITUTES. do only by N. K . F A IR B A N K Jt CO., S T . LO U IS and CHICAGO, NEW YORK. BOSTON. —.... L A D IE S ’ T E A Is a pleasant drink, which w ill ho borne by th « stom­ ach without m u s w o r gripinz. It act« thoroughly ou the liver, kidney» and reproductive organs. A gentle physic, efficient diuretic, and is most useful fu »cant or painful menstruation. I t aid» digestion tnd red wen corpulency; clears the complexion, ren lering it fair, and restoring tho natural color of the »kin, for it rem ove» the bile, which by accumula­ tion, produce» the »allow, muddy complexion, peou liar to the constipated state. Sold by all druggist*. Irvin W. Lari more, physical director of Y . M. C. A., Des Moines, la., says h< can conscientiously recommend Cham berlain’s Pain Halm to athletes, gym nasts, bicyclists, foot ball players and the profession in general for bruises, «pruing and dislocations; also for sore ness and stiffness of the muscles. Mr Larimore has used two bottles of Pain Halm and is enthusiastic in his praise of the remedy. When applied before ihe parts become swollen it will effeci a cure in one-half the time usually re­ quired. It also cures rheumatism. Foi sale by all druggists. ------ ------ I f you wish to cither buy or sell any­ thing. a few lines in this peper may save you both time and trouble. The cost will be only 5 cents per line of about six words. H ot WeMther I natirance. For twenty-five cents you can insure yourself ai.d family against any bad results from an attack of bowel com plaint during the summer. Chamber iiin ’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is a certain .cure for these (bi­ ases. It costs but 25 cents. For sale by all druggists. The whis* cv busiiv *ss dors no good but much harm. In all dei mgemctits of the liver cure is cert • if yot» take ¿immoli » Liver Regulator. A SPECIAL OFFER! Thf above 1« a oorrvot picture of THE ORB- OONIAN'S NEW BUILDING, located at the corner of Sixth and Aider »treat». For inanj year» THS OREGONIAN ha» fait the need of a new and commodious building embracing all the modern improvement», with the latest Improved maohlnerr for turning out a me­ tropolitan paper. It now he» It, nnd one that the whole Pnolfie Const may justly feel proud of. ns it Is ««rtnlnly the finest on the oomst. Now that THU ORRGONiAN is settled in this naw home It faals Ilka giving its many friends a benefit. It makes this special offer to those who renew their subscription, or te those » h e subscribe prior te September 1st, to send the U/esHly Oregoijiaij If; OREGONIAN PUBLISHING CO., The o rlv fresh water fish Canary Islands is the eol. tn Accommodating. las effective. Now, all this is changed Miss Cnrhart—Our acquaintance has Ayer’a Sarsaparilla, one of the most been so short that I feel I ought to know powerful alteratives, is agreeable t< more about you before I can consent to | most |ialntes, the Havor being by no become your wife. means medicinal Pelham Parker (stiffly)—Very well. I If the hop prospect continues as can refer yon to any of the girls I have 25cts^ bright as today, old I’olk will have been engaged to.—Club. fiOctAa&Rd J1.00 per BottleT niaur a gold dollar to her credit after A n O p t i c a l I llu s io n . Cue cent a d< tin- fall harvest from our multitude of T ---- h i s ------------— G i œ a t C o u g -wJKHprompi h vines. wpctt all 1 o'''fir* * a. Croup. “ firs fnii fp.U. Cough A number of workmen who were drilling an artesian well at Centerville, lo , tap|ied a subterranean cavity at a depth of nearly 600 feet that was com­ pletely filled with live bats of tin- com ­ mon gray s|iecies and of extraordinary size. G. H. W r io h t . Boston, Mass. For a quarter of a century not a single house was built in Yarnt, a vill­ age in Yorkshire. England, which thus earned for itself the title “ The Only Finished City in Europe.” fi S o to T h r o a t, HotfiMneit, Whoopliitf Cough and A s t h m a . For ------------------ H — . It . ____ ... Conaucnption u u ____ no . rival: h t«rN lln | . Qpj cared thoosxnde, will m i YOU ■ and nd w ill n (Tuna you a taken ia t.me. Sola bjr " DruggistS on a guar- •ntee. For n L a m e Rav ____ it or Chest, uao S H I L O H a B S L L A D ) U N N N A A P L A S T E R ^50. ¡LOffsyVCATARRH ^R E M E D Y , _ you L «e r r p T lh le retoedy is rvianuw tomi to cu*-« you. I Frico» ôOcta* Injector frua. r u m , ” T, IT, W For aad raw p i. S o .. X * . H B I A OB* PrayrMart, U t m : | : H o o t & & CuRES J P b N a T i p a t r o n ; i Lrw anas* 1 AnaxianM * Laxaffre amt N ERV ■ TONIO. ■0 l O Ä ’f ö K M S E A S T and S O U T H ! Laundry and Toilet Soups. — via— T H E »H A S T A R O TT E -O F TH X- S 0 U T E E M PACIFIC CO. I0S. KUERTOM, PROPRIETOR. Expreris Train» leave Portland Daily LE A V E A R R IV E : Portland 7:00 P il I Han Krancua-o 8:15 A| i Sau Francis, o. .7:00 P M | Portliuid............7:tk> A BANKS. Post-burg Mull Pally. n . At. FI.LIS, C. b LO AD . C'M ahlcr. F ie iid iD t . DALLAS OF CITY D A LLA S . BANK, OREGON, d P u r e 'y V. « tab le I N v c F a iw - W ILL IA M S & E NG LA ND B A I L I N Do . . G . C O .. . OSEGOtv geni-ral banking busint-n« ami allow iuterent on time di-po«its. h m ARRIVE: tf:(A» P M 10.3» A M D IN IN G C A R S ON O G D E N R O U TE V. I Si SI HE DIVISION. Between F-irtlaud aud C'oivalHs. MAIL TRAIN DAILY- LICE FT 8 UNI’AT. 7:30 A M Lv. Portland Ar. 6:;e0 10:58 A M Lv. L'erry Lv. z v i P U!:10 P M A r. Ci rvalUs Lv. 12:56 I* At Albany and Corvalis connect with traiu* of Or jfon PacilK- ruilrood. E xpress D a ily , 4:40 P M Lv. 7:26 P M Ar. E xcep t Sunday. Portland McMinnville Ar. 8:‘2e A li Lv. 6:46 A M D IK E O T O B S i m Portland and Willamette Division, Nir* row Gauge. Passenger depot, foot o f Jefferson street. . A B TTLI8H N E W W A L K IN G COSTUJf*. 1 Albany Portland PU LLM A N B U FFET SLLEPERS, AN D — S fr.C O N D ( 1 A S 8 S L E E P I N G C A IIS A t l a c l i e d t o »11 T h i o u g h T m ln s . Lo in money and di»counts paper ut the i'»ua rate»; A'l. w intorect on tim e deposits. SALEM , I have x fine lot of fru it trees, which I will »ell low for cash. A ll stock *rafte*l with »cion» from tree» hearing irood fm it. Conte aud »ee my stock or write C. M. W H ITE M AN . to me about it. SB. PZEBCE’S GALVANIC •, ______ A IR L IE M A IL - D A IL Y , EXCEPT SUNDAY Arrive S:0f p. in Leave 9:40 a. m. Port I And Leave 4:38 p. in. l'a lla » A rrive t:27 s. m. Leave 7:00 a m| A rrive 6:06 p. in. Ai. lie tt. ED. BIDDLE, D r. P ie r c e » O l e - I Y L fa ^ d P lectn ca1 Appliances ConUin the f.atoafc Im - p r o v a m a n ta and give aourrei t which can be In * s t a n t l y f a i t by the wearer. Warranted superior.-n « v a r y r a s p tet, : o a l! t !i‘*r» now m use. 1 he fol- U w ing letr-- » f- »n v e il k:i wn iraidents o f ths Pacilio Coast, w ill »peak ior themselves: L irr. b c k z w e r i M r . E. A. Vt x>nn •Ff.FoKrO ANnv.W AflH .. sa ys- **8ix month» have n<>v' paseed since l procured one o f your $15-belts. a- 1 it givt-.» :r.e i leasure and much satisfaction to r-n \v irjr testimony o f eleven years ago in regard tot ln-.r efficacy in the relief o f ailments to which I have been subjected.” L A M E B A C K ft R H E U M A T IS M C U R * » ! Mu. J . W . I ’oa 'IAN. a well-known shipwright o f T ac om a , writes—' Your No. 3 Galvanic Chain Belt basdone whs t * wh-dc. drug store could not do, for it lias cured me o f St ¡«tic Rheumatism and weak Baek, also, which enme on thr* uah a in 11 into a ship s I fo lflS fe e 'o n my back. hold some ten J< ned, uD ffsif nothing had happeni and although I t »bo doctor said, said; waa was not hu hurt, the back troubled me t*> r si ties until I tried your belt. For ohp year htm I have /tit as I used to atio. I I S fP O I t T A W T N O T I C E ! D r Ptareft’s Belts (w ith I SuSpeE?"'T Susper??-** auouuiusmn Attachments for Men) w ill be sent fre e t e by registered mail, en receipt o f aoove price, or ' (J. • O . D. by Express, with an d eom c o n pt_ p a riio n with pnvdege o f ssami-Mtion. a nd a a y s lm i l.xr a p p lia n c e m a d e in A m e r ic a , on receipt • i i l . For further particulars, send 4c. ___ ____ call at in stamps f t sealed Pamphlet No. __ » . . J _ ----- n M the Manufactory to d Ifeadnunrteraof theCompanv. occunnnir t lie en ti1-'1 ìli. 3d and 4th tloors, at the fo*- low in* •ddr-MR: SV a-raetie E lsta tic T r u s s Co , N W cor. K ari.v A Sacramento St»., San Francisco, trY " '* ™ e '"s’ " e/~- erf-cementfhatt mention tkis/afer OR. JORDAN & CO.’S GREAT MUSEUM OF ANATOMY 1061 M a r k e t St., San F r a n c is c o (Between 0th and 7th Sts.) O o and learn how wonderfully you are made and how to avoid sickness kand disease. M 'i«eum enlarged with thousands o f new objects. Admis­ sion 26 eta P r i v a t e O f f i c e —N a m e B u i l d i n g 1 0 5 1 M a r k e t S t r e e t - D is e a s e s of men: stricture, loss o f manhood, diseases o f the skin and kidneys quickly cure«! without the use of mer­ cury. Treatment personally o r bv letter. Send for book. ¡ S ' A n y p erson r e c e iv in g s a m p le c o p y o his p a p e r w ill p lea se c o n s id e r i t an in v ita tio n o f b e c o m e a r e g u la r su b scrib er. T h ro u g h Tic^ctJ To all Points in the Eastern States. IRON WORK TO ORDER- Canada and Europe can be Obtained at Lowest Bates from I. N. Woods, agent Repairing Promptly Done. Dallas. — A L L K IN D S O F — G T n O Fig. 2—Dressy sleeve, including an upper one in either peking silk or plain silk striped with fanoy bands and gathered at the elbow to describe a V, and an under one, long ami close fitting, in guipure work over bright colored silk. LEAVE: •rtlund 5:00 P M Albany .3:80 A M lUUKüL L.ài.i'i IKS. A re S a fe and R eliable, fc ff“ P erfeéìly Harn:I - m a AI lia in Local Hally, Except Snntlay. west; Choice Tries! F é Prices! stepped out o f a picture frame. In a superb costume of the time of Anne of Austria, with perhaps a medici collar, while you may be garbed in a dress with a deep bertha, 1880 mode, and shoes with sandals. Worth appears to give a little preference to the 1880 style, with qualifications. In a number of gowns recently made the sleeve» were all balloon form at the top, and frills or flounces of the material or lace formed capes, pointed at the back and front and passing over the top of the balloon sleeve, forming an epaulet, thus adding conmd-** srably to the width of the wearer’s shoul­ ders. The skirts were close fitting in the front and at the sides, the fullness being quite at the back and the length moderate. The cut shows one of the free modifica­ tions of old styles which furnish some of the most attractive of the new spring cos­ tumes. This costume Is in glace hopsack­ ing with bell skirt, with band of oriental and gold galloon at the knee, zouave jacket with shoulder cape forming a double fold on the bust and full vest. Tho sleeves are of a fancy shot silk in shades of peach and green, and the collar and waistband of the oriental galloon. The bonnet is in fancy straw and gold. The trimmings consist o f an upright bow and ends in peach satin, three tufts of small velvet flowers in shades o f peach and green, and peach satin strings. LK A V E : AHKIVE: Portland 8:80 A M ! Roaeburg , .6:60P Roeebuig le*poonfnl of carbonate of soda aud a half pint of 1 * « her ha*head.—^Troth. uiatL-rials art! used in making all our D ee M o in es, Io w a . — Ptifl# He. A n d a P R E V E N T IV E fo r ------ fK H tl.K Yin de Cinchona Co., the Belvidere, 111., Dec. 3, 1891 N o r m a n L i c h t v , I)es Moines, Iowa. Dear Hir:— Having suffered a creat deal from headache for year» and being unable to get relief until it would wear away of itself. I saw Krause’s Head ache Capsules advertised. I tried them and now am never without them, find­ ing it the only remedy that will give ine relief. When I now find a head ache coming on me 1 take a capsule and find the relief instantaneous. Respectfully yours, Simmon’s Liver Regulator is invalu able in the nursery. It is a gentle laxative, and harmless. ---------- T h e ro. al tr iw n of Roiimania is made of bronze, the metal having once doue service in the shape of cannons. Samples from 62 war t- sted guns, each of which was captured from some eue- my, are included in .he make up of tbie royal insignir. to M r » Unions i ^ in s tru c tio n PFMCE $1 .OO. To prevent fevers, keep the liver ac­ tive an I bowels regular with Sin.men's Liver Regulator. Hood’s Pills may lie had by mail for 20c. of C. 1. Hood A Co , Lowell, Mass. E m a il nsnstrualion P A IN F U L Sent postpaid on receip t o f price. M oney refunded i f not as v Never take your per.-onal troubles to a newspaper. Their publication would do no good, but m i;li1 make matters worse. Editors should invariably re­ fuse tn publish such things. Chamberlain’■ Coll«*, Cholera end Diarrhoea Remedy. Every family should be provided with a bottle of this remedy during the summer months. It can always he de pended upon and is pleasant and sal. to take. In many cases, by having it at hand, life may be saved before a physician could he summoned or medi cine procured. No other remedy is so reliable or successful. No other so certain to cure bloody flux, dysentery, di.irrh.es and cholera morbus in th cr worst forms. I t is equally valuable f.-r children and adults 20 and 00 cent bottles for sale by all druggists. B fle B e & n s Suppressed Tht Uditi \m T H E — .P U R E S T pi9 B E S T a n d h ave h ad no Red Cross Tansy Pills 18 Months for $ 2.00 “ — O N L Y | The Eduiore (M ich.) Marclvd has a ; good way ol keepitjg tramps away from ; that place» He locks lliWii hi the i-astile drawing room, builds a good j tire and pul* a liberal quantity of pep­ per ou trie stove. Ask your Grocer for It. In m y le g b y u sin g A certain cure for malarial fevers is fou und in Simmon’s Liver Regulator. This being the dull season of the year, THB OREGON IAN believes e bensflt of this kind will be greatly appreciated. Pleaae send lo your suoserlutlon ns soon ns possible. Whes visiting Portland you ars cordially invited to sail end^tako • trip threugk our new SALEM SOAP WORKS. I was cured several years ago of white swelling Much Folk county stock differed last winter for hick of «he1 ter and from S le e v e s F o r D a y a n d E v e n in g G o w n s . having to e t too much dry feed. Now Fig. 1—Short pnffed sleeve, gathered into is the time to pro’.ide against those a frill at the edge and divided into two ir­ wrongs. regular puffings by a band o f jet gimp. To insure a healthy appetite and in­ creased digt stimi lake s Liver Regni iter. —— ----- Those who rhu • dissipations of aR kinds have the must genaiiio happiness and live longest. Midnight dune!! fearing ami drinking cost in « very sense ten times more than the Rectin pleasure they firing. - .... A soft, fair skin is the result of pure blood and a healthy liver, lo secure which Ayer’s Sarsaparilla is the So perior .Medicine. Ladies who rely upon cosmetics lo heaulify their complexions, should make a note of this, hearing in Baron Liebig, the German chemist, mind that they can’t improve upon na says that as much Hour as wiil lie on lure. t h e point of a table knife contains ns much nil'ritive constituents as eight In old times it seemed to lie tlmught p int« of the la st beer made. that a medieine must lie nauseating to S S W I F T ’ fc £ V E C IF !S A Pointer for Bicycle Kideru. P O B T U tM D . O K . Don't You Know Shiloh’s Cure, the great c nigh and That to have |ierfecl health you must croup cure, is for sale by all druggists. Pocket size contains twenty-five doses, have pure blood, and the best way lo have pure blood is to take Hood's only 20 cents. Children love it. Sarsaparilla, the best blood purifier and Twenty-six murders were committek strength builder, i t expels all taint of in EUiert county. Georgia, during the scrolula, salt rheum and all other hum­ last two years without a single convic­ ors, and at the same tim e builds up the whole system and givve nerve strength. tion. D » t M o f L o u is X I I I s o d 1H3U. --------- s s * ---------- The bank panic ib «ubriiding and general confidence being restored in most parts of the country. Sherman’s silver bill is held resjamsible for much of the present fluanri.il trouble, and there seems to be a general desire for its repeal. both Notwithstanding that every year from 5,000 to 6,000 ships go up and down the River Seine, carrying 2,500,- 000 Urns of goods, it is said that there is no map of this important French stream in existence. An ounce of pure gold is worth $20.- 009 movements for signal and point 4; therefore, a ton of pure gold, which levers Jiave to be made every 24 hours, imtains 24,000 ounces, is worth $195,- quite apart from the telegraphic opera­ tio n . Anything and F very thing Between th« F i f t y Year*. An old and well triad rem edy.— Mr*. W inslow’» Southing S; rup lout oeen u*ed for over fifty y ear» by millions of mother» for theif children while teething, with perfect »Hcceti». It soothe» the child, softeur the gum*, allay» all pain, cures wii.d colic, ami is th. best remedy for Diarrhea. 1» pleasant to the taste • old by druggist* j„ every part of the world. Twet. ty flve cent-» ;i )x>ttl**. it » value is incalculable, h urc an to the rear. comes now into popular favor as the new shorten­ ing— better than even the best o f lard with none o f lard’s objectionable quali­ ties. A n d by >f S y m p t o m s o f re tu rn o f th e dis­ don a modem tailor made costume for her W e desire a greater amount of cor morning walk, a Ib>uis X V caaaque and ease. M a n y p ro m in e n t p h ysician s a tten d ed m e and a ll fa ile d , b u t S. 8 . S. d id th e w ork. res pond cnee from all parte :. ble. For instance, she may wear a morn­ Haul, first cia»«, for |45. ing gown or peignoir in the watteau style, i Cottolene Cottoienc Cottolene CotUrlen« Coitolene Cottolene Hew to Keep «rallies. To keep jellies from molding cover with pulverised sugar to a depth of a quarter of aa inch and they wlU keep for years. watcfi-Htuiped b o ttle * , a u g a i ootiU«.. S m a ll Lille iieaua. *6c. per bottle. “ How good digestion wait on M O O R E , 305 W A S H IN G T O N S T R E E T , PO R TLA N D , OREGON uSk-m, « -T^vTk “ E S P A D O 33 This wonderful preparation is Purely Vegetable»: compounded from the prescription of the Official Physician to the Court of Spain. “ Espano ” recreates Mental and Nerve Power in M a n and "W om an. ' r~ i An infallible remedy for Nervous and General Debility, Nervous Prostration, Creeping Paralysis, "Weakness caused by Debilitating Losses, Excesses or Over-Indulgences, In­ cipient Softening o f the Brain or Paresis, Dizziness, Loss of Memory, Confused Thoughts and all Brain, Nerve or Sexual Weaknesses. It has no equal in restoring the Stomach and Brain to its normal condition following the abuse of Alooholic Beverages, -i f ' - Ì or indulgence in the Opium, Morphine or Chloral habit. 1Ï Î m i SPANISH DRAIN AND NERVE REVIVER Have yon »based the laws of nature and injured your nervous system ? Are y . 1 d- "-ir. lcnt and melancholy with confused ideas and gloomy thoughts 7 E * p / i ¡ ¡ Q " w,li positively cure you. It contains no mineral poisons and is remarkable for awakening organic action throughout the system and an improvement in every tissue. It produces better muscles, hones, nerves, hair, nails, sk n, Moot and gives vigorous life to tts* unfortunate who ha* exhausted his powers. Prepared in tablet form and packed in boxes convenient to carry In the pocket. Each box contains 90 doses or enough to laet one month and is worth many times its weight in gold. The price $1.00 per box or 6 boxes for $0.00 If ordered at on* tim* and a guarantee will be given that any cose men­ tioned above that it does not cure, tbe money will be refunded. As to our flnancisl standing we refer to any hank in thia city. Sent charges prepaid to any address in United State* or Canada. Put np In plain wrapper with no mark to distinguish what it ia Hand for circulars and testimonial*. Address, SPANISH MEDICINE OO., 1. S to ck to n S treet SAN FRANCISCO, CAL.. U. S. A. An abl* Brain and Nerv* Specialist estn at any time b* confidentially nonsuited entirely fr** o f ohorge, personally or by mail, at th* abovn address.